Sinful Tales of Konoha | By : Retsinnal Category: Naruto > General Views: 133220 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I don't profit on this story in any way. This is fiction and should not be treated as, or confused with reality. |
Chapter 48 – Kushina's New Outfit
Weekend Summary
Time did not stop for the other Konoha villagers during that Friday and Saturday. Hinata would spend her Saturday enduring that same hellish and disgusting training with Ibiki, before meeting up with Kõ in secret. During that secret meeting, she gave Kõ a better explanation of how she wants her spy network to function, and what kind of work she expects him to do for her in the future. Basically, she wants him to be her eyes within the Hyuuga clan, but also the whole village of Konoha, later on. Kõ agreed to it once again, and scored himself another blowjob from his beautiful new boss.
No one in the Hyuuga clan had really noticed that Zugaikotsu, Nasu and Kusatta were missing. If anything, most people were just pleased to not have them out loitering around in the streets, bothering and insulting people. It would take a while before anyone even noticed that they were gone..
Shikamaru happened to have a very nice weekend. He and Shizune had left the village on a little trip to a nearby village, which was that same village which the Uzumaki and Namikaze cheaters has visited recently with their new lovers. But that is a story for another day. (1).
The less could be said about Tsunade, who had a horrible weekend, where she felt lonely and missed her new boyfriend to no end. She was also starting to run out on Udon's cum, which she had stored in gallon sized bottles in her basement fridge. There is only a few of them left now, and that is a big problem for her, since Udon's cum is her main source of food intake nowadays. Other than being worried about a shortage of semen, she is also expectantly awaiting Udon's return.
During the time that he has been away, Tsunade has had a lot of time to think about their relationship, and her feelings for him. She has come to terms with a few things now, which is that she has now convinced herself that it is time to let go of the past, and allow herself to love some again. That is because she is now very comfortable and aware of the fact that she is in love with Udon. There is only one thing she wants to do with him when he gets back, and she hopes that thing happens sooner rather than later.
Tsunade having so much free time is not something that has gone unnoticed for a certain Haruno Sakura. While she appreciates Tsunade's help with her training, she has not been able to spend as much time with Jiraiya as she would have liked. They are pretty much only getting together for a few hours in the evening to have sex nowadays, since Sakura can't stay over at his place every night, because her parents would start asking questions if she did. On the bright side, training is going great, and Sakura has never been more ready to become a genin. She is now very confident that she is the strongest in her friends group, having left Hinata and Ino in the dust. That is without her knowing about all the training Hinata has done recently though.
Team Kushina - Sunday
Udon woke up around 8 PM the next morning. He felt slightly panicked, thinking that he and Moegi was going to be late for breakfast, if he did not hurry to wake her up so that they could get out of their tent and join their teacher and teammate, who he is expecting to be outside already. After he had gotten himself outside, and dragged out a very tired Moegi with him, he was a bit confused to see that Kushina and Konohamaru were not out yet. Usually they will be out there waiting for team, teasing them for taking so long to get up.
Kushina and Konohamaru are awake however. They have have in fact yet to go to sleep. They are still going at it, and have been fucking almost non stop since they started last night. Kushina were on top of Konohamaru, riding him cowgirl style, when they heard the zipper of the other tent get pulled down, meaning that their teammates had woken up. That did not make them stop initially, instead Kushina just started moving her hips faster and made sure that Konohamaru got to empty another load inside of her before they finished things up.
Once they were done, Kushina hurried up and put on that skimpy training outfit she has been wearing during the training trip, consisting of her usual white blouse, and her skin tight green biker shorts. She left a clone with Konohamaru, before she headed up to meet up with her other two students.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep going, Kushi-chan" Konohamaru said in a tired tone, panting.
"I know, baby" Kushina's clone said, having taken the original's Kushina's place, laying next to Konohamaru gently stroking his cock "I will tell Moegi-chan and Udon-kun that you are not feeling well. I will let you rest up for a few hours before I come wake you up.".
"Thanks, I really need to rest a little" Konohamaru said with a chuckle, while he placed his hand on her butt "Although, I wouldn't mind bending you over and fucking you one more time, kore!".
"Why do you think I left a clone here?" Kushina asked with a mischievous smile, before she hurried up to get into the doggy style position, on all fours. She spanked her ass and said "Fuck me, baby!".
"Ossu!" Konohamaru responded, before ramming his cock inside of her yet again.
Meanwhile, the real Kushina had told Udon and Moegi to join her for some morning road work, before they eat breakfast. She wanted to get them away from their tent, knowing that her clone and Konohamaru are going to go wild in there, and may get the tent rocking and shaking. She let them know that Konohamaru was feeling ill, and would be joining them later after getting some rest. Udon couldn't help but laugh when he heard that, thinking that Konohamaru had been drinking too much last night. He had done that mistake on the trip to the Yamanaka's summer home, where he drank a bunch of sake when he was having a great time with his lover, Tsunade.
Moegi had a feeling she knew exactly why Konohamaru needed some rest, considering she had seen some of the reason why he is likely tired today. While she was happy for them, and think that they are such a lovely couple, she also can't help but hope that this isn't going to become a regular thing. It would harm their training and their progress of becoming stronger ninjas, if Kushina and Konohamaru are going to stay up fucking every single night, and therefore not have any energy to train. She wasn't all that worried about that though, since this is the first time that has happened. She is sure they have been going at it every other night as well, but it seems they at least stopped at some point those times, and made sure to get a few hours of sleep.
Just like Udon had feared yesterday, Kushina was done going easy on them and was putting them through hellish training again. She pushed them hard, and motivated them by telling them that this was a great chance for them to catch up to Konohamaru a little bit, who is currently the one who is in the best shape, and is the most well versed when it comes to the regular ninja techniques. That seemed to work as motivation, because both Udon and Moegi gave it their all, and trained their asses off until lunch time. That was when Kushina woke up Konohamaru, after he had gotten around 4 hours of rest. She then cooked them a tasty lunch, before asking Moegi to take charge of training for a while, because she was going to head into one of the villages on an errand. That errand was to go and pick up her clothes from Chidori's clothes store.
Once she arrived at the store, she found a smiling Chidori waving her over from behind the cashiers desk.
“Over here, Kushina-san!” Chidori called out to her, then turned to ask some of her employees to go and fetch Kushina's large order.
“Nice to see you again, Chidori-chan, and thanks for last night” Kushina greeted once she stood in front of the cashiers desk.
“Likewise, I hope you had fun even though our small village doesn't have much to offer and there are some dirt bags who doesn't know how to behave” Chidori said with a chuckle, referring to the first guy who had tried to make a move on Kushina last guy.
Kushina waved her off “There are assholes like that everywhere, I'm used to it. And I had a great time last night, dattebane!” she said with a big smile.
“I bet you did” Chidori said with a knowing smile “Did you not ask your handsome boyfriend to come with you? There are going to be a lot for you to carry you know.”.
Kushina shook her head “No, I'm letting him take it easy today, we had a long night, if you know what I mean” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Hehehe..” Chidori laughed awkwardly, not knowing whether she should be happy for them or be jealous.
“Even so, there are going to be a lot of bags..” Chidori said, and what she said proved to be true when her two employees came back to the cashiers desk, carrying more than ten shopping bags each, full of the many clothes and outfits that Kushina had ordered.
“We ninjas are quite resourceful people, and we like to make things easier for ourselves. Here let me show you what I mean” Kushina said, grabbing a few scrolls from her pockets. She then sealed all the bags with the clothes in them, into the scrolls. That obviously made it a whole lot easier to carry.
“Wow, was that a ninja technique?” Chidori's employee asked in awe.
Kushina nodded “That was a simple sealing technique.”.
“I see what you mean now” Chidori said with a chuckle “I almost forgot that you guys were ninja. You don't really look like it.”.
“Looks can be deceiving, and being deceiving is a big part of being a ninja” Kushina said and eye winked.
“I guess that's true” Chidori chuckled “You guys were from Konoha, right?”.
“Yeah, the greatest ninja village in the world!” Kushina said with a proud smile.
“You know, I have been thinking about expanding my business, and I thought, what better way to do than opening up a store in the biggest ninja village in the area?” Chidori said with a smile.
“Are you saying that you want to open a store in Konoha?” Kushina asked with wide eyes.
Chidori nodded “I want to do that sometime in the future, I just need to get in contact with the right people who can help me rent out a place for the store.”.
“That's great!” Kushina said in joy, thinking that it would be lovely to have Chidori and her store in Konoha, since she is by far her favorite dressmaker “You know, I could probably help you with that.”.
“I would really appreciate that, Kushina-san. It seems that there is a long waiting list for business to acquire a place in your village.” Chidori said.
Kushina leaned over the counter and whispered “If you want my help, then I need you keep something secret for me.”.
“A secret?” Chidori whispered back.
Kushina nodded “That secret will become obvious once you get to Konoha.” she said with a giggle, before leaning back, standing up straight.
She spoke in her regular tone again “You should visit Konoha soon and ask to speak with the Hokage. When you speak to him, tell him that you are a friend of mine.”.
“You know the hokage?” Chidori asked, while her employees gasped in surprise. The hokage is the most famous and most powerful person in the country after all. The Lords (daimyos) of the fire country may be wealthier than him, but when it comes to actual power, no one is more powerful than Namikaze Minato.
Kushina laughed “I'm afraid so. He is a great guy, so don't be nervous about talking with him.”.
Chidori nodded slowly, wondering just who Kushina really are “I might do that soon then. I will plan a trip to Konoha this summer.”.
“Great! I hope we see each other again in Konoha then!” Kushina said with a big smile, waving her scrolls at them “Thanks again for this. I know it must have been a hassle with that large custom order.”.
Chidori shook her head “No, me and my employees should be thanking you. We have never received a tip that large before.”.
“That's the least I could do. Take care!” Kushina said, before taking her leave.
“Take care, Kushina-san!”.
Kushina returned to the training camp after that, leaving the scrolls with all of her clothes in her and Konohamaru's tent. She joined her students for training again after that, and they would train together like usual for the rest of the day. After they were done training, and had eaten their supper, Kushina had a surprise for all of her students, which she wanted to give them before she lets them return to their tents for some much needed rest. She had gone to her tent to unseal one of the scrolls, which contained a few bags of clothes. She then changed her clothes, putting on a completely new outfit.
Her new outfit consists of a dark green, the same kind of dark green as her regular green housewife dress, kimono styled battle dress. Her battle dress is short, only reaching down to her upper thighs. The green battle dress also has white stripes located down in the middle of the dress. She wears a blue obi around her midriff, which keeps the battle dress in place. It is colored in the same blue as Konohamaru's blue scarf, and that is not a coincidence. She has also bought a new mesh fishnet armor, which covers a little bit more of her thighs then her dress does, along with covering up more of her now very visible cleavage. This outfit is a very skimpy outfit compared to what Kushina usually wears in public, and especially compared to her former ninja outfits. (2).
This is what Kushina plans on wearing for a while when training with her team, or going out missions with them. It is basically her new ninja outfit. Although, she has also bought several more ninja outfits, and might change up her look a little bit from time to time. You would think she would intend to wear her fishnet armor for when she is training or going out on missions, but that is not the case. Instead, she only bought it to wear when she is walking around in the village, or is at home with Naruto and Minato. It's only purpose is to make her outfit a little bit less skimpy. When she is training or going out on missions, she won't be wearing it all, since she wants to show off her body for Konohamaru to enjoy. (3).
Kushina grabbed a bag filled with clothes, before returning to the camp fire, which her three students sat around, wondering what was going on. When they saw her, all three of them had their jaws drop, and Udon's nose started to leak blood again. You couldn't really blame him though, because she had never shown that much cleavage before, unless they were at the beach. She is also not wearing the fishnet armor, meaning that the outfit is as skimpy as it is intended to be.
“Hehehe, I got myself a new outfit, dattebane!” Kushina said with a smile and did a peace sign.
“You look great, Kushina-sensei!” Moegi complimented, while Udon looked like he was struggling really hard not to stare too much.
Konohamaru just grinned at his lover and gave her a thumbs up, which was the best compliment Kushina could have received. He couldn't wait to untie that blue obi and have his way with his beautiful girlfriend.
“I got all of you some clothes as well. It is a little reward from me, due to all the hard work you have put in during this training trip” Kushina said, before grabbing some clothes out of the bag. She then handed out the clothes to all three of them, and the first thing they all noticed, were that there new outfits all came with a dark green headband, which also matches Kushina's battle dress and her old housewife dress.
They returned to their tents to change, and when they were done, they were all smiling at Kushina, loving the gift they had gotten.
Konohamaru's outfit consists of a dark green jacket, with a white stripe located at the center along the zipper of the jacket. His outfit also consists of a pair of brown pants. Moegi's outfit consists of a purple vest, which she wears above a pink t-shirt, as well as a beige colored skirt. Udon's outfit consists of a black jacket, along with light blue pants. They are all also wearing their new green headbands, which are all lacking the standard forehead protector, which they have yet earn. (4).
“Thank you so much, Kushina-sensei!” Moegi said, throwing herself at the older beauty, giving her a hug.
Kushina hugged her back “Aww, thanks, Moegi-chan!” she exclaimed.
“This outfit is awesome, kore!” Konohamaru said, striking a fight pose.
Udon nodded “I agree, thanks a lot, Kushina-sensei!” he said, drooling a little bit while trying to follow the movement of Kushina's breasts as they jiggled and bounced. She is currently not wearing her fishnet armor, which means that she shows a lot more skin than she would otherwise. It is also the first thing that Udon noticed.
“You might be curious about the green headbands” Kushina said after Moegi had let go of her. Her students nodded at her.
“I want you to wear them while we are training, so that you get used to wearing headbands. Once you have graduated, I want you all to put on the standard blue headbands that you are given instead. You will not be allowed to wear these green headbands again until you have made the rank of jounin.” Kushina explained, which had Udon and Moegi stare at her with an open mouth, wondering if they could ever get that strong. Konohamaru just smirked confidently, thinking that becoming a jounin would be a piece of cake.
“Even if you may not be confident in your abilities now, or if you are little bit overconfident” she said nodding towards Konohamaru, which had him pout, while Moegi and Udon snickered at his expense “I have no doubt that all three of you will earn the rank of jounin. All of you are so talented, and I couldn't be more proud to be your teacher, dattebane!” Kushina said with a toothy grin.
“Aww, you're the best teacher we could ever ask for, right everyone!?” Moegi said.
“Yeah, you're the best, Kushina-sensei!” Udon said, feeling a bit touched by Kushina's words. He didn't think that she had that much confidence even in him.
“You are not too bad for an old hag!” Konohamaru said with a teasing laugh.
Kushina sighed “You never learn, do you?” she asked in a dangerous tone.
“Good night, Moegi-chan and Udon-kun. I hope you liked your gifts” Kushina said with a sweet smile, before she set off, chasing after Konohamaru.
“I love it, good night, sensei!” Moegi said with a grin, while Udon nodded with a smile of his own.
Kushina ended up not chasing Konohamaru very far, since he ran into their tent, with her following. She giggled and grabbed his ear gently “I know that you are just acting, but just know that I will pull your ear hard the next time you call me an old hag again.”.
“Hehehe, you know I'm just messing around” Konohamaru said with a giggle of his own, while Kushina let go of his ear. She sat down in his lap instead, and hugged her arms around him, just cuddling up to him.
“You look great in that, Kushi-chan” Konohamaru said, placing his arms around her to hold her.
“Thank you, I think you look very handsome in your new clothes as well” Kushina responded, smiling up at him.
“I couldn't help but notice that our clothes are matching, kore!” Konohamaru said with a goofy grin, while putting his arms around her.
“Uh-huh, that's what I wanted. Did you see the symbols?” Kushina asked with a mischievous smile.
“Oh yeah, I was gonna ask you about that” Konohamaru said, undoing the knot of his headband, and taking it off.
“I put it on backwards to hide it” he said, showing it to Kushina. The Sarutobi clan symbol and the Uzumaki clan symbol, joined together by a heart, had been sewed onto the headband in black colored thread. It is the same symbol they are both wearing on their heart shaped necklaces.
“I saw this on the inside of my jacket and pants as well” Konohamaru said with a grin.
Kushina giggled “That was why my order took so long. I asked Chidori-chan to sew the symbol that represents our love for each other, onto all my clothes, and your new outfit.” she said, before reaching for the blue obi that held together her battle dress. She showed the inside of her dress, revealing the same symbols being sewn onto it everywhere. That also resulted in her exposing her upper body, leaving her titties defenseless to Konohamaru's roaming hands.
“Hehehe, did you really put that on all your clothes?” Konohamaru asked, while juggling her tits in his hands.
Kushina smirked “Yeah, even on my panties, dattebane!”.
“Do you really love me that much?” Konohamaru asked.
Kushina blushed a little bit, nodding at him “I am so crazy in love with you, Kon-kun. I am yours and I want you to know that in every possible way, dattebane!” she spoke joyously.
“I love you even more, Kushi-chan!” Konohamaru exclaimed, before grabbing her by the waist, gently turning her over. He got on top of her, while Kushina spread her legs.
“Make love to me, baby!” Kushina squealed in delight.
“Yeah, I'm gonna fuck you all night again, kore!” Konohamaru said with a giggle, before he and Kushina, once again, joined together for a long night of love making
While Konohamaru and Kushina were fucking like rabbits, just a few meters away from them in another tent, Moegi and Udon had struck up a rather interesting conversation.
Moegi had just handed Udon a napkin, which he used to wipe away his nosebleed with. She also gave him a whack on top of his head, not liking how he acts whenever he sees Kushina wearing anything revealing at all.
“Ow, I can't help it!” Udon whined, while holding his nose.
“How can you even bleed this much? Are you okay?” she asked in disbelief.
“I'm fine, this is normal for me” Udon said, while reaching into his pocket to grab a napkin “Tsunade-chan has explained why. I have some strange condition which makes my body produce a ridiculous amount of bodily fluids.”.
“Such as your gallon sized loads?” Moegi asked with a giggle.
Udon sighed “Yeah, but also more annoying stuff, such as snot, pee and poop. That's the reason why I used to have to take so many bathroom breaks in class, and always used to have a runny nose.”.
“Hmm..” Moegi hummed in thought “Come to think of it, you haven't been going to the bathroom as much lately, at least up until this training trip anyway.”.
“No, and my nose hasn't been runny either. And that's all thanks to Tsunade-chan. Her helping me release some fluids every day has helped keep the other fluids being produced at more normal levels.” Udon said, causing Moegi to sweat drop.
“You mean by sucking you dry every day? And have you blow your loads all over her?” she asked.
“Yes, it's the best medicine I have ever had!” Udon said with a goofy grin.
“I bet it is..” Moegi said with her eyebrows twitching “It doesn't seem to help much when she isn't around though. Your nose has been runny the last few days, and your bathroom breaks are increasing as well:”.
Udon nodded “Yes, I need to release some of my fluids every day for it to work. It also doesn't help me much when Kushina-sensei is looking sexy like she has been today wearing that outfit and that bikini which she wore yesterday morning. I think seeing sexy big breasted women makes my balls produce semen faster or something..”.
Moegi laughed at what she heard “You are like a cow! All you need is to get milked regularly!”.
“It's not funny!” Udon barked at her “It's starting to get uncomfortable..” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“You mean down there?” Moegi asked, nodding downwards.
“Yeah, but let's talk about something else already. This is embarrassing” Udon said.
“Why don't you just take care of business downstairs yourself?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” Udon asked.
Moegi stared at him in disbelief “I'm talking about masturbating! Spanking the monkey, beating the meat, or my all time favorite, why don't you just fap!?”.
“That's..” Udon started, his eyebrows twitching at the way Moegi was talking “How do you even know that many different ways to say jerk off!?” he asked in disbelief, shaking his head. He then sighed and crossed his arms in front of his chest “Besides, that's a complete waste of a good load. I'm saving it for Tsunade-chan, I'm gonna shoot it all over her when I get back!”.
“You're such an idiot. If it's bothering you so much, then just go jerk off behind some bushes somewhere. I won't tell anyone.” Moegi said with a sigh.
“I refuse! I don't like jerking off anyway, and I want Tsunade-chan or at least a woman to help me with it” Udon said stubbornly, keeping his arms crossed.
“Well, I sure as hell aren't helping you!” Moegi snapped at him.
“Eww! I'm not asking you to!” Udon snapped back at her loudly.
Moegi glared at him “Good.”.
“With your lack of tits, it's laughable that you would even suggest that I would ask for your help” Udon said in a snarky tone, while shaking his head.
“You're one to talk, it's a miracle that your nerdy ugly mug has landed a beautiful legendary woman like Tsunade-sama.” Moegi countered angrily.
“Hey!” Udon snapped at her with a hurtful expression.
“You started it!” Moegi spoke in a teasing tone, sticking out her tongue at him.
“You are right, I'm sorry” Udon said with a chuckle.
“Say Udon-chan..” Moegi started, which Udon respond “Yeah?”.
“You still haven't told me everything about you and Tsunade-sama, and there are a few things I would like share with you as well.”
“Hmm” Udon hummed “I don't know what more there is to say about us. It's still all like a wonderful dream for me, because I never thought I would have that beautiful woman as my girlfriend, and do all that naughty stuff with her.”.
Moegi giggled “Yeah, I don't think anyone saw that coming.”.
“Right, it's all so surreal..” Udon said.
“I don't know.. Considering what I have seen these past few months, you and Tsunade-sama getting together isn't all that shocking” Moegi said, scratching the back of her head.
“What could be more of a shocker than that?” Udon asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, you know how Kiba and Hana got together during that trip to Ino's summer home?” Moegi asked.
Udon nodded “Yeah, it's a bit weird that Kiba-san is fucking his sister. I have to admit that.”.
Moegi sighed “That's nothing compared to the rest I have seen..”.
“Well, what is it then? What is all these weird things you have seen?” Udon asked curiously.
“For starters, I think Shikamaru-kun is dating our school nurse, Shizune-san.” Moegi said, which had Udon stare at her in confusion “Shikamaru-san? With the sexy school nurse? I don't see how that's possible..”.
“Right, it's a miracle that he would even ask a girl out in the first place, considering how lazy and unmotivated he usually is. But to actually score a date with a popular beauty like her, that is really something.” Moegi said.
Udon nodded “I guess, but it's still nothing compared to me and Tsunade-chan being together. If I told the guys at school that, they would probably laugh in my face and call me a liar.”.
“I wasn't done yet. I also think that Shikamaru-kun is involved with another woman” Moegi said.
“Two of them? Him?” Udon asked in disbelief.
Moegi nodded “And the second one is his own mother. I saw them kiss, as in really making out, when we were at Ino's summer home.”.
“Yoshino-san?” Udon asked, picturing her in a bikini on the beach, which he had seen one of the days during that trip. Her breasts are no joke, even if they can't compare to Tsunade's, or even Kushina and Kurenai.
“Yeah, I think he has gotten further with her than he has with Shizune. Shikamaru-kun is becoming quite the playboy it seems.”.
Udon breathed out hard “Phuh, I guess that is a bit surprising. What else have you seen?” he asked.
“I think I saw the start of an affair between two married people” Moegi started, which had Udon think about who had gone with them who were married.
“It's Yamanaka Butao and Nara Shikaku. They were having sex behind some bushes while you and the others were swimming and playing around in the water.” Moegi said.
“What? That's crazy! Inoichi-san and Yoshino-san were right there!” Udon said in disbelief.
Moegi nodded “They only got away with it because of that large beach. It was quite the distance between the start of the beach and shoreline, if you remember.”.
“Yeah, easily two hundred meters” Udon said with a chuckle “Just like the beach we were at yesterday.”.
“It's the same beach, it covers the whole eastern coast here in the Fire Country.” Moegi explained.
Udon nodded “Right, so what else have you seen?”.
“Well, I saw Naruto-kun with Kurenai-sensei and Anko-nee before anyone else knew about them. I also heard he might take more lovers.” Moegi said with hearts for eyes “And I hope to be one of them!”.
“That's never going to happen” Udon said shaking his head “And boss getting two sexy jounin babes as his girlfriends is not a big shocker at all. That is to be expected of a great man like him!”.
“Still, it's freaking Kurenai-sensei and Anko-nee! Do you know how popular they are in the village, not to mention that Kurenai-sensei is supposed to date Asuma already?” she asked in a desperate tone.
“Well she is boss's girl now. Settle down..” Udon said in a bored tone, which had Moegi sweat drop at him, thinking he was trying to act cool.
“Don't give me that, cow boy!” Moegi said glaring at him “You can't act all cool like that when you need to get milked daily!”.
Udon snorted at her “If that's all, then I'm going to bed.” he said, turning away from her.
“There is more, but I can't talk about it yet..” Moegi said with a pout “I will tell you some day, unless you find out on your own. I don't think they will be able to hide it much longer.” she said, grabbing her sleeping bag to get ready for bed as well.
“Find out what?” Udon asked after having yawned.
“Nothing, good night.”.
“Good night, Moegi..” Udon responded in a tired tone, before the two of them drifted off to sleep.
That Sunday morning, after returning from Kurenai's place, Naruto took a little nap out in his parents giant backyard. He then trained a little bit with Jiraiya, as the two of them did actual ninja training for once on a Sunday, until late in the evening. At that time, he headed back to his home for the first time since leaving Friday night. When he entered the living room through the balcony door in the back of the house, he found his father and Ino on the couch again. This time they were fully dressed however, and they were sitting on the couch with a little bit of distance between each other.
Naruto couldn't help but frown when he saw Minato, since he couldn't help but still be a little bit pissed off at him.
“Welcome home, Naruto..” Minato said with an awkward smile.
“Yeah..” Naruto said in a bored tone “Is there any dinner?”.
Ino nodded, smiling at Naruto nervously “I put in the fridge for you, Naruto-kun”.
“Thanks” Naruto said, before he walked passed them, entering the kitchen. Before Naruto could take the food out of the fridge to heat it up, he heard his father tell Ino “Would you mind going upstairs for a while, Ino-chan? I would like to have a talk with Naruto alone.”.
Ino nodded at him “I don't mind, I do want to talk to him later as well though.”.
Naruto nursed his forehead, hearing Ino run up the stairs, as well as hearing his father's footsteps, when he came walking towards the kitchen.
“Can we talk, Naruto?” Minato asked from the open door way.
Naruto sighed “Yeah, but what is there left to talk about? I already said I would keep your secret safe.”.
Minato chuckled “I would be very grateful to you if you kept that promise.” he then started walking towards the kitchen table “There is something else I would like to talk with you about. Something that I think you will want to hear.”.
“Speak then” Naruto commanded, while shaking his head, joining his father at the table, bringing his food with him.
“Did your mom and I ever tell you why we bought this huge property?” Minato asked.
Naruto nodded “Something about our backyard becoming the future Uzumaki clan compound.”.
“Yes, believe it or not, your mother and I put a lot of thought into the future of the Uzumaki clan, and we didn't just buy this large property on a whim or as a way to show off our wealth. Both of us always wanted to have a big family, and we used to joke around about having at least five children as a minimum. We wanted you and any of your possible future siblings to be the future of the Uzumaki clan, and we bought this large property to ensure that all of you would always have a place to call home.” Minato explained.
“Okay, where are you going with this?” Naruto asked, in between chewing on the surprisingly tasty food that Ino had cooked for them.
“I'm getting to the point” Minato said with a chuckle “What I am trying to say is, we didn't buy this whole property just for fun, there were a lot of thought put into it. Our clan may be small today, but our wish is that the Uzumaki clan will grow to be one of the largest clans in Konoha some day. And that all starts with you, who will most likely be the future leader of the Uzumaki clan, and you will also be the first one to get your own house within our clan compound.”.
“My own house?” Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow, sounding a little bit excited by that prospect.
Minato nodded “I would have it built next to ours, so that we would remain close by as neighbors, and you can always come back to our home and sleep here whenever you feel like it as well. I don't know when I will start having that house built, but I think it would be a nice little gift for you the day you win the chuunin exams and earn yourself the chuunin rank.” he ended with a proud smile.
“Hehehe, put me in the next chuunin exams then, I will make sure to win it!” Naruto said with a grin.
“I know you will” Minato said, smiling at Naruto as the proud father he is “You can also ask your girlfriend, or girlfriends, to move in with you in that house. Then you won't have to deal with me and your mother walking in on you or anything like that.”.
“Yeah, I already thought about that” Naruto said with a grin. He then scratched the back of his head “But what about mom? About me asking her for you know..”.
“I was hoping you would seduce her before that. She is expected to return in just a few days now, you know..” Minato said, scratching the back of his head in the same way Naruto had done earlier. It doesn't take a genius to figure out where Naruto got that habit from.
“About that..” Naruto said with his eyebrow twitching “I have no problem keeping your secret safe, but I can't make any promises about me banging mom any time soon. I will need some time to prepare myself for what could be a very embarrassing conversation with her. I still don't believe you weirdos, when it comes to her being into me..”.
“You have nothing to worry about” Minato said waving him off “I know your mother better than anyone else, and it is as clear as day that she is very much into you in a way that a mother shouldn't be.”.
“Even so!” Naruto said, slamming his hands into the table lightly “I will need some time to prepare myself mentally!”.
Minato chuckled “I guess as long as you keep your word not to tell her about me and Ino-chan, and as long as you and I are on good terms, then there is no rush for you to get Kushina in bed with you. I think that is the only way to save me and your mom's marriage, and it is definitely the only way I will ever be comfortable telling her about me and Ino-chan.”.
Naruto face palmed “I will have it done before the end of the summer. Can we just please stop talking about this now, dattebayo!?”.
“Yes, I think that's all I wanted to talk to you about tonight.” Minato said, while he stood up from his chair “Thanks Naruto, I owe you big for all of these favors.”.
“Yeah, you do.” Naruto said, staring at Minato with a frown, while the latter had his back to him, walking towards the kitchen door “And don't you worry, I will cash in on those favors soon enough.”.
“Hehehe..” Minato laughed awkwardly “I know you will, I have been counting on that..”.
Naruto then finished his meal in silence. When he was just about to get up to take his dishes over to the kitchen sink, he was joined by Ino, who sat down at the kitchen table. Naruto sat down again, staring at Ino with a bored expression, while she had her head lowered, looking nervous.
“Is something wrong, Ino-chan?” Naruto asked.
“Umm, no.. I just..” Ino spoke in a uncharacteristically nervous stutter “I just wanted to apologize to you again, and make sure that we are still friends.”.
“Pheh!” Naruto exclaimed, waiving her off “We're cool, Ino-chan. I was never really angry at ya in the first place.” he said, which had Ino look up at him with a big smile on her face.
“Dad is the one that I was pissed off at. I always thought that he was better than the other cheating scumbags in this village, and I always looked up to him and held him in high regards. I guess I am just a little bit hurt by what I saw, and very disappointed..” Naruto said with a sigh, before shrugging “But I don't really give a fuck about it anymore, and I am honestly in no position to judge anyone else either. I am a scumbag myself, that much is obvious, especially after this weekend..” he said, referring to how he went along with Kurenai and Yugao's wishes to have a threesome, which resulted in Yugao cheating on her fiancee, Hayate. Not to mention that his whole relationship with Kurenai has technically been an affair that has been going on behind Asuma's back, even if Kurenai says that her and Asuma's relationship has never been real in the first place.
“What happened this weekend? I thought you were with Kurenai-san and someone else?” Ino asked, pouting when she remembered that she had been rejected when she asked Naruto if she could join them.
“Yeah, and just like Kurenai-chan, that someone else also has a boyfriend. I'm basically helping them both cheat” Naruto said nursing his forehead “And I will probably help more sexy ladies cheat in the future as well, because I don't give a fuck anymore. I will never go out of my way to seduce someone who is taken, but if they come to me and make it clear that they want me, then I will give them what they want.” Naruto said with a toothy grin.
Ino giggled “That's not your fault, Naruto-kun. You can't be responsible for what they do, it's their decision whether they stay loyal or not in the end.” she then paused for a second, biting her lip “H-how was your weekend with Kurenai-san and the other lady?” she asked, her cheeks turning a bit red.
“You said something about you being some freaky sex addict the other day right?” Naruto asked, which had Ino laugh weakly and nodding “Y-yeah, I can't deny that..” she said.
“You would have loved it then, because I fucked them both pretty much non stop for two days, dattebayo!” Naruto said with a laugh.
“Lucky bastards” Ino said with a pout “I'm glad at least someone got laid this weekend though..”.
“Huh?” Naruto asked, tilting his head in confusion “I thought you and dad would be banging since I gave you the house for yourself.”.
Ino shook her head “No, we both felt too damn ashamed and awkward about it all, and didn't want to risk you walking in on us again.”.
Naruto frowned “That fucking pussy!” he yelled, which had Ino stare at him with an open mouth.
“That's the problem right there!” Naruto slammed his hand into the table “That's why mom doesn't let him do it, he is just too much of a pussy!”.
“Uhh, what are you talking about, Naruto-kun?” Ino asked with a sweat drop.
“I'm saying that he can't treat his women right.” Naruto said, standing up “He has had mom for all those years, and now he had a whole weekend with you as well, and he still fucked it up.”.
Naruto walked around the table, and offered Ino a hand to help her up from her chair “Come, Ino-chan. I will show you what it is like to be with a real man!”.
“Y-you mean?” Ino asked, her cheeks turning redder than Kushina's hair. Naruto's answer was to put his arms around her waist and lift her up. He nodded at her “Yeah, Kurenai-chan is probably sore after this weekend anyway. I am going to fuck you all night, and I am going to make sure that dad hears us!” Naruto said with a loud evil laugh “This is what you all wanted, right!?”.
Ino stared at Naruto in pure disbelief for a while. But as soon as Naruto had carried her up the stairs, she started nodding her head in excitement “Yeah! This is what we want, Naruto-kun!” she exclaimed in joy.
Naruto brought Ino with him to his room, and just when he closed the door behind him, Minato came out of his own bedroom.
“What's all the ruckus about?” he asked in an angry tone. He didn't get an answer, instead he heard Ino let out a loud yell.
Minato rushed towards Naruto's door, then placed his ear against it to listen in.
“It's huge, Naruto-kun!” Minato heard Ino say. That was due to her having gotten Naruto's cock placed right in front of her eyes, after she had gotten down on her knees.
“Suck it, Ino-chan.” Naruto said with a laugh.
Ino giggled “Oh, hell yeah!” she exclaimed “I have waited so long for this day!” she added joyously.
Realizing what was going on in there, Minato headed back to his bedroom, with his eyebrows twitching in annoyance. He tried to get some sleep, but that would prove to be impossible, because only a few minutes after he laid down in his bed, he started hearing Ino moaning and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh.
“Oh my god! You are so big!” Ino screamed in delight, as she was standing on all fours in Naruto's bed, who took her from behind “Fuck me, Naruto-kun, fuck me hard!”.
“Do you like that, you fucking slut!?” Naruto asked with a laugh.
“Oh yeah, I'm your slut!”.
“I didn't hear you! Speak louder!” Naruto ordered with an evil laugh, spanking her butt lightly, which Minato heard as well.
“I'm your slut, Naruto-kun! Fuck me more, Naruto-kun!” Ino state, her tongue escaping her mouth and she couldn't help but drool. This was heaven for Ino, and the only thing that could make this better, would be if Minato would be standing in front of her, using her mouth to satisfy himself.
“That little shit..” Minato growled in anger, a vein popping on his forehead. His anger was not due to what they were doing, since he knew it was only a matter of time for this to happen after that talk they had on Friday. No, he is angry because he knows that Naruto had placed seals in his room , which are the completely opposite to the noise suppressing seals. These seals ups the volume and enhances the sound instead of suppressing it, which means that Naruto had gone out of his way to make sure that Minato would hear them.
“I guess I'm sleeping in the office tonight..” Minato said with a sigh, grabbing his pillow before taking off using the hiraishin technique.
1: I am going to write a chapter which focuses on Shikamaru and his relationship with Shizune & Yoshino, sometime in the future. It will start from this weekend and will tell his story up to the point of where the rest are. I am doing this because I want to speed up the pace of the story, and I am struggling to write about Shikamaru's story line a bit. His chapter will be similar to the early chapter which focused on Tenten and Team Gai, and it will mostly just be him and his lovers in focus.
2: You can get a visual of Kushina's outfit here (Slight NSFW warning):
3: I like to draw Kushina, and I welcome anything that gives me an excuse to draw her. In this case it is that I will have her wear more than one ninja outfit through out the story. I am also not fully satisfied with the outfit that I have given her, but it will have to do as a first outfit for the first few months of their team's existence.
4: Moegi, Udon and Konohamaru's outfits are all based on what they wear during Naruto Shippuuden. The only difference is that they are using temporary green headbands, and Konohamaru's jacket is dark green and white, instead of light green and black, since it matches Kushina's battle dress.
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