Sinful Tales of Konoha | By : Retsinnal Category: Naruto > General Views: 133220 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I don't profit on this story in any way. This is fiction and should not be treated as, or confused with reality. |
Chapter 34 – Hinata's Long Day
Ino, Sakura and Jiraiya
Earlier that Saturday, after Minato had returned home to spend the evening celebrating their wedding anniversary, Ino had headed over to Sakura and her parents apartment. She did with in hopes of finding her best friend there, but instead of finding Sakura, she found out something rather surprising about her, from Sakura's mother. Apparently Sakura was out training with the legendary female member of the sannin, Tsunade. Ino had to see that for herself, as she couldn't believe that someone as great and respected as Tsunade is, would waste her time training such a flat chested waste of space that is Sakura. Therefore she ventured over to the Senju clan compound, after saying good bye to Mebuki.
On her way over there she couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of Sakura. Not only has she been training with Jiraiya for the greater part of this past year, now she is apparently also training with a second member of the legendary sannin as well. And this sannin, unlike Jiraiya, is someone who almost every single kunoichi looks up to.
Locating Tsunade and Sakura wasn't hard at all, considering that the Senju clan compound was completely empty of people, aside from those two. Ino could also hear Tsunade, who were yelling orders constantly at Sakura, which helped Ino find them in Tsunade's backyard, which funnily enough is located pretty close to Naruto's favorite training spot in his parents backyard. Only a small fence separates Tsunade's backyard with the Uzumaki's giant property.
When Ino got close enough to them to actually hear what Tsunade was yelling at Sakura, and seeing what Sakura was currently doing, Ino's jealousy of her friend suddenly disappeared. Now Instead she felt pity for her best friend, who was currently doing one handed push ups while carrying Tsunade, who is sitting on her back.
"Don't slow down already, you still have a hundred push ups to go!" Tsunade yelled.
"Yes, Tsunade-shishou!" Sakura cried out comically, before doing another push up. She was drenched in sweet and it looked to Ino as if they had been training hard all day.
Tsunade got off Sakura when she noticed that they had a visitor. She walked up to Ino and asked "What are you doing on my property?" in a rather dangerous tone.
"Sorry!" Ino said holding up her hands as a sign of surrender, showing that she came in peace "I just came over since forehead girl's mom said she was here!".
"Forehead girl?" Tsunade asked in confusion while glancing back at Sakura, who in turn was now glaring daggers at Ino, while she continued with her one handed push ups "What do you want, Ino-pig! Can't you see that I'm busy right now!?" she questioned angrily.
"Ino-pig?" Tsunade asked the same way, before a light bulb lit above her head "Right, you are Inoichi's daughter, aren't you?" she said, having just remembered that she did spend almost a whole weekend at the Yamanaka's summer home with Ino and the others recently.
Ino nodded, while glaring back at Sakura due to that Ino-pig comment.
"Aren't you staying at Kushina's home?" Tsunade asked, once again remembering that Kushina may have mentioned something about the Yamanaka's daughter staying with them.
"Uhm, yes" Ino said as she composed herself, smiling at the legendary kunoichi who stood in front of her, in favor of glaring daggers at her rival and best friend "She and Hokage-sama are celebrating their anniversary tonight. I figured the least I could do is to get out of their way for one night, and that's why I'm here to talk to Sakura.".
"You are not sleeping at my place, we don't have enough space to fit you, you fat pig!" Sakura yelled, as she laid on her stomach, trying to sneakily take a quick break while Tsunade wasn't paying attention. That proved to be a bad decision, as Tsunade had thrown one of her shoes at Sakura, hitting her on her forehead.
"Ow!" Sakura whined while Tsunade yelled out angrily "Don't slack off just because your friend is here!".
"Yes, mam!" Sakura said, crying out fake anime tears as she did another push up.
"Hehehe, serves you right!" Ino said with an evil grin, enjoying seeing Sakura get treated the way she deserves.
"It's very thoughtful of you to get out of their way tonight. I still have a few hours of torture.." Tsunade paused and then corrected herself "I mean training with Sakura-chan left. If you are going to wait for us to finish, then you might as well join us.".
Ino nodded confidently "I'll take you up on that offer, Tsunade-sama!" she said.
"Good, then get down next to your friend and give me five hundred push ups!" Tsunade ordered.
"Five hundred!?" Ino asked in disbelief.
"Oho? Are you going to lose to your friend?" Tsunade asked with a mischievous smile "She does at least five hundred every single day, one handed..".
"Hell no, I'm not losing to that bitch! If you can do five hundred, then I'll do at least one thousand!" Ino exclaimed confidently, before Tsunade yelled "Then get started, and stop slacking off!".
"Hai.." Ino said while shivering. She got down next to Sakura and started doing some push ups of her own, although she used both of her hands to start with, since she had not really done any one handed push ups before.
"Scary, isn't she?" Sakura whispered.
"Yeah, I can see why Kushina-sama calls her a gorilla" Ino whispered back, which had both her and Sakura giggle. Then they both started shivering in fear, as they realized Tsunade was now standing in front of the, bending down and staring at them with a rather dangerous smile "You think that's funny, do you?" she asked, cracking her knuckles.
"No, Tsunade-sama!" Both Sakura and Ino said simultaneously "Sorry, Tsunade-sama!" they both added.
"Just because of that, I will extend our training by one more hour today, and I will not allow any slacking off!" Tsunade yelled out angrily.
"Yes, Tsunade-sama!" Ino and Sakura said while saluting her, even though they were both crying out anime tears now, both regretting joking our laughing about that gorilla comment earlier.
Tsunade didn't mind extending their training tonight, since she wasn't planning on visiting Udon this evening. She knew he would most likely be exhausted after having just returned from his short training trip with his new team. She figured it would be best to let him rest today, so that she can give him a morning visit tomorrow instead, and collect all the tasty semen he has stored up for her during this weekend.
When they were done training later that evening, Tsunade sent them off after telling Ino that she was welcomed to train with them again whenever she wants. She thought it wouldn't hurt if Ino started taking her training more seriously and pushing herself more. That was a conclusion she had reached after watching her train tonight, and needless to say, Tsunade was not impressed by her performance. Both Sakura and Ino nodded and smiled at Tsunade's invitation to Ino, even though neither of them wanted her to join them again. In Sakura's case, she preferred to train without having to bicker with Ino every other minute. Ino on the other hand thought that Tsunade was a crazy teacher, who were pushing them way too much. It was like training with Naruto all over again, except without the eye candy she can enjoy, as in Naruto himself, which makes up for the hellish training.
Since Sakura arrived home an hour later than she usually would, her parents and a certain guest had already eaten their dinner. That became very apparent when Sakura and her best friend entered the kitchen and found Sakura's parents drinking sake together with Jiraiya.
“Jiraiya?” Sakura asked with an open mouth of surprise, which was why she forgot to use the sama suffix, which she usually still use when other people are around.
“What are you doing here, Ero-sennin?” Ino said in a rather accusing manner.
“Be quiet you harlots!” Jiraiya barked at them, before pointing towards Kizashi and Mebuki “The lovely lady here and her husband invited me to dinner.”.
Kizashi nodded “It's the least we could do as a thanks for how much he has helped you with your training, along with introducing you to Tsunade-sama.”.
“That's right, and don't you dare acting rude towards our guest” Mebuki said in a stern tone “Now sit down, I will heat up some food for you both.”.
“I will be nice” Ino said with a giggle, before sitting down on one of the empty chairs across from where Mebuki sat before she got up. Sakura sat down next to Ino, sitting across from her father, while Jiraiya sat on the short side of the table, between the for of them. He had Kizashi and Ino sitting the closest to him.
“Can Ino-pig sleep here tonight?” Sakura asked her father.
“Ask your mom” Kizashi said before pouring himself another cup of sake, then turning away from them in order to continue his conversation with Jiraiya.
“Yes she can” Mebuki called out from the kitchen counter “But I thought she was staying with Naruto-kun and his family? If I were her age and not married, then I would do anything to get a chance to sleep under the same roof as that handsome stud!” she said with a cat like grin, while returning to the table with two plates filled with food.
“Hokage-sama and his wife is having some anniversary or what was it, Ino-chan?” Sakura asked.
Ino nodded “It's their wedding anniversary today, and both me and Naruto-kun are staying elsewhere tonight to let them have the house all for themselves.”.
“I see” Mebuki said with a kind smile while serving Ino and Sakura a plate of food each, before sitting back down in her own chair.
Jiraiya sat with his arms crossed chuckling “Naruto probably just used their anniversary as an excuse to sleep over at the place of one of Konoha's beauties.”.
Ino and Sakura glared at Jiraiya, while Kizashi nodded thinking that made sense considering how popular he is. Mebuki sighed and said “He probably did that, didn't he?” sounding a little bit jealous.
“I don't know for sure, but rumor has it Naruto has been out late a lot lately, and some of us thinks he might be spending all of that time with a girl” Jiraiya said with a proud smile.
“Couldn't he just be training?” Sakura asked.
“No, he is right” Ino spoke through gritted teeth “He even had someone over last night..”.
“What!? Who was it!?” Sakura and Mebuki asked at the same time, causing both Jiraiya and Kizashi to sweat drop at the fact that their lovers were so obsessed with Naruto and who he is dating.
“That's the problem, I wasn't able to find out who he was with” Ino said, not wanting to expand on that further due to what she herself was up while Naruto was spending his time with that mystery woman “All I know is that Naruto-kun is definitely not a virgin.”:
“Oh..” Mebuki sighed in defeat, realizing that she had lost the chance to take his virginity herself. Sakura just nursed her forehead, being a little bit irritated, but for the most part she was just curious about finding out who the girl he was with is.
“That's my boy!” Jiraiya said raising his arm and punching air “I knew that little bastard had it in him!” he added with a perverse laugh. That eased up the mood of the girls, who laughed at Jiraiya's antics. The conversation topic changed to something less infuriating after that, which mostly focused on Sakura and Ino's training at Jiraiya's place for the past year. Jiraiya told them how lousy kunoichi they were before he met them, and how annoying they were, and still are. Then he continued with a lot of both funny and embarrassing stories, which had Sakura's parents laugh, while Sakura and Ino blushed and glared furiously at Jiraiya. He left out the part where Ino would always tease him, and anything involving him and Sakura's relationship though.
They ended up sitting there for a few hours having a rather pleasant time. The later it got, the more bottles of sake had been emptied by the parents and Jiraiya. Around 11 PM, they moved over to the couch where they could sit more comfortably. When Kizashi heard Jiraiya yawn as soon as he sat down, he said “Since Ino-chan always stays in Sakura's room, why don't you stay here tonight? We have a guest room you can sleep in.”.
What Kizashi said gained the attention of all the girls present, including Mebuki. Sakura wanted to have Jiraiya sleep over for obvious reasons, while Ino thought it may give her an opportunity to tease Jiraiya without Hinata taking things too far. Mebuki on the other hand was just thinking that it would be awesome to have one of the legendary sannin as a guest under their roof.
Jiraiya stared at Kizashi with a smile “I have had a great time here tonight so far and I wouldn't mind staying up talking a little while longer. I will gladly take you up on that offer.” Jiraiya said. Normally he wouldn't be all to keen on sleeping in someone guestroom, mainly because he has a very large and comfortable bed back home, which is a bed that costs more than what most ninja makes in a year. Now he had a good reason to say yes, which happens to be the very same obvious reason Sakura had for wanting Jiraiya to stay over. That would be the opportunity for Sakura to join him in the guestroom later, after the others have fallen asleep.
Sakura and Ino only stayed with the others at the couch for a few minutes, telling the others they would rather be alone in Sakura's room, than spending time with the old drunks. After those two had left, Jiraiya and the married couple stayed up another hour just drinking, chatting and listening to Kizashi's dad jokes. Jiraiya had a great time with Sakura's parents and he really enjoys their company. Around midnight they decided to call it a night. Mebuki then showed Jiraiya to the guestroom, which happened to be located on the first floor, while Sakura and her parents bedrooms are located on the second floor of the apartment. Jiraiya sat down on the bed of the guestroom, while Mebuki stood at the door smiling at him “I will leave you to get some sleep now, just let me know if you need anything” she paused as she smiled at him what Jiraiya thought was a rather flirty manner “Anything at all, then come find me.”.
“Will do” Jiraiya said giving her a thumbs up.
“Good night, Jiraiya-sama” Mebuki said closing the door “Good night, Mebuki..”.
Once Mebuki had closed the door, Jiraiya wondered if Mebuki was coming on to him. As a matter of fact, he felt she had been very flirty and overly friendly all evening. Jiraiya shrugged away those thoughts, thinking that was just the alcohol doing it's thing. But just the thought of her, or someone married like her, coming on to him, was enough for him to get the inspiration he needed to start scribbling down in his notebook, which he always carries with him.
While the pervert scribbled away in the guest room, Sakura and Ino were pretending to sleep in Sakura's bedroom. Even though Sakura was honestly very tired after having trained all day with Tsunade today, she thought it would be well worth it to stay up a few more hours, so that she and Jiraiya can have sex. She has a day off tomorrow anyway, so it won't hurt if she sleeps in a little. Her plan is to pretend to sleep for another hour, just to make sure that her parents and Ino are actually asleep, before she sneaks downstairs to the guestroom.
Only twenty minutes later, Sakura thought Ino might be ruining her plans to see her boyfriend. That was because she both saw and heard Ino sneak out of her bedroom, after having taken a peek out of the hallway, most likely checking if the coast was clear. Then to Sakura's dismay, Ino started sneakily tip toe her way downstairs. After gently opening the door to the guestroom, she found the room with the lights on, and Jiraiya sitting on top of the bed with his clothes still on, his notebook and a pen in hand, with big smile on his face. A smile that disappeared as soon as he saw who had come to give him a night visit, as he had hoped it would have been Sakura instead.
“Get out of here brat!” Jiraiya barked at her.
“Why?” Ino said stepping inside and closing the door behind her “Don't you want to spend some time with me, Ero-sennin?” she said in a teasing manner, smiling cutely at him.
“Why would I ever waste my precious time on a brat like you?” Jiraiya asked with a huff.
“Hmm” Ino hummed as she walked up to the bed. She sat down next to him and placed her left hand on his thigh, gently rubbing it “Maybe I can give you a reason to waste your so called precious time on me?” she said with an eye wink.
“What are you doing?” Jiraiya asked, grabbing her arm gently so that he could remove her hand from his thigh “You shouldn't be acting like this. You do know I will tell your father everything you put me through once he gets back, right?”.
Ino giggled as she placed her hand on his thigh again, but this time she placed it on his inner thigh instead. She started rubbing him gently, then asked in an innocent tone “Anything?” while biting her lip.
Jiraiya let his imagination run loose, as he imagined all the kinds of things that “anything” could imply, while giggling perverse manner. That was the reaction Ino wanted. She leaned in closer to him and whispered “Will you tell him even if we do some things we shouldn't, Ero-sennin?” in a teasing tone. She leaned away from him and giggled, but then she let out a yelp, after Jiraiya had lifted her up from the bed. He came back to his senses after that whisper, realizing that he had to get Ino out of here before he lets his perverted nature take charge.
He held her at the waist with a firm grip, keeping her in place, while staring down at her. He looked so serious, and was grabbing her with such a strong grip, that Ino actually felt a bit scared at how he was acting.
“That's enough Ino-chan. Your teasing ends tonight. You shouldn't be teasing a man like me, who can easily overpower you have you whenever I want. If you don't believe me, then try to get away from me” Jiraiya said.
“Let go!” Ino said smacking him with an open palm on his left bicep “I will leave already, okay?”.
“Good” Jiraiya said letting go of her, before sitting down on the bed again “And stop bothering me from now on, or I won't be as kind the next time. Let that be a warning, Ino-chan.”.
Ino just snorted as she walked to the door. While she had her back to him, she gave her ass a quick and hard spank, which was easy to do since she was wearing tights “Whatever, Ero-sennin!” Ino said sticking out her tongue at him, before running out of the guestroom. While she returned to Sakura's bedroom, she was thinking “What is wrong with him tonight? He has never reacted like that before, like such a beast. I have to be careful teasing him from now on, or he might actually try something for real..”.
Sakura was happy to see that Ino had returned to her room so soon. That meant that she probably didn't have to wait all that long now before Ino finally falls asleep, so that Sakura can get head downstairs and get her pussy stretched out by the big old carp. Twenty minutes after In returned, Sakura couldn't wait even a second more. She didn't know if Ino was asleep or not, and frankly she did not care. She made her way downstairs to see Jiraiya, tip toeing down in a sneaky manner just like Ino had done earlier. When she opened the door, the lights were still on and her boyfriend was sitting on the bed with a blanket covering him.
“Finally!” Jiraiya exclaimed, before tossing away the blanket, revealing that he was completely naked underneath it.
“That's my line, Jiraiya!” Sakura said after having closed the door. She ran up to Jiraiya and threw herself at him, meeting him for a hug and kiss. Jiraiya kept her in his arms, carrying her, while pulling down the shorts and panties she had on, before guiding his cock into her.
“Here I go, Sakura-hime!” Jiraiya said in a husky tone.
“Yes, fuck me, Jiraiya dearest!” Sakura exclaimed in delight, while Jiraiya entered her with the old carp. She spent about two hours having sex with Jiraiya, who did most of the work due to how tired she was, before returning to her own bedroom. The others had not heard a thing, and that was all thanks to a certain sound suppression seal, which Jiraiya had placed several of inside that guestroom.
It's still Saturday, and Hinata and Hiruzen had continued to train the same way this past week. Their training still consisted mostly of them having sex in various ways, along with some more traditional ninja training such as sparring and weapon handling. Hinata did not spend the night at Hiruzen's house yesterday, even though Konohamaru wasn't at home yesterday, and it would have been a good opportunity for them to get some “extra training” in. The reason why she had not spent the night at Hiruzen's yesterday, was because her father had invited two Hyuuga elders over for dinner that night. Due to that, Hiashi didn't allow Hinata to have a sleepover with her friends yesterday, which is the usual lie she tells her father, when she is spending the night at Hiruzen's.
That dinner with the two Hyuuga elders guests yesterday had been rather torturous for Hinata. That was because one of them, who Hinata had always thought had been a close family friend to her and her family, but had recently learned that he is among her family's worst enemies, had been invited to the dinner. The name of that man is Hyuuga Hanbaga, who is a Hyuuga elder who doesn't really look much like any other Hyuuga. For starters he has short gray hair, whereas most of Hyuuga men tend to have long straight hair. He is also severely overweight, and has a large potato nose, which is also an unusual trait for a Hyuuga man.
The reason why Hinata considers this man to be among her family's worst enemies, is because his name is on the list of people that her now deceased grandfather, Neji, gave her before he passed away. That list is a list of men who had tried to allegedly rape Hinata's mother, according to Neji's version of events. While Hinata has not been able to prove Neji's story wrong or right yet, she feels like she has no reason not to believe her grandfather's version of events. Especially after what has happened to her in recent weeks, starting with Nagi's attempt to sexually assault her, and then the way that her other grandfather Hiroshi and a few other men acted at Neji's funeral, smiling while the others were morning and saying their final good bye of their previous long standing clan leader
Nothing happened at the dinner yesterday, other than Hinata feeling very uncomfortable seeing her father and the two other Hyuuga elders present, act so normal and friendly with Hanbaga. Hanbaga in turn, who has been a frequent guest to Hiashi's home in the past, also acted just like he always would. He comes off as a friendly and a bit goofy old man, who likes to crack jokes to lighten the mood of everyone in the room. He is also someone who is always agreeing with Hiashi on pretty much anything, like a proper yes-man. Hinata now believes that is just his way to deceive Hiashi, while in reality he is most likely using these dinners to keep himself and the others among those who are against her father being the clan leader of their clan, updated on how much Hiashi knows and what his next move is.
Hinata has no reason to mistrust the other elder who had been present at the dinner yesterday. His name is Hyuuga Ken, and he is someone who used to be something of a right hand man to Hyuuga Neji, during his long reign as the clan leader. He is also the one who Hiashi trusts the most out of all the elders in the clan, and he has always seen Ken as family, being something of an uncle to him. Hinata has absolutely no reason to think that this person would be anything but loyal to her father.
Hanbaga's mere presence yesterday was enough for Hinata to feel uncomfortable, but now that she was paying more attention to things, especially him and how he acted during the dinner, she couldn't help but notice that he was often resting his eyes on her. He wasn't down right leering at her, like some old pervert, but he was definitely checking her out and it seemed like he liked what he saw. Considering what Hinata now knows about him, with him being among the group that had attacked her mother, Hinata couldn't be feel more disgusted with how he was looking at her. She toyed with the idea of getting one of her axes, so that she could implant it into his skull, an ending his disgusting life right then. But she knew that wouldn't work. She was still no match for a Hyuuga elder in a fair fight, and that includes Hanbaga who is obese and have been retired for a long time.
The only way she would have a chance to take him out, would be by rather unconventional methods. And it just so happens that Hinata is training in an unconventional way, with the purpose of taking out disgusting men like him. That would be the art of seduction and assassination. Since Hinata would most likely need at least a few more years of training with Hiruzen before she could match up to Hanbaga in a normal ninja fight, she believes that the only way she can take him out now or in the near future, would be to seduce him. If she can seduce him, which she has no doubt that she could considering the looks he had given her last night, then she can take him out when he lets his guard down.
In order to get him to let his guard down, Hinata knew that the highest chance of him doing so whole be if she shared a bed with him. In other words, if she had sex with this disgusting obese old man. Just the thought of having sex with him was enough to make Hinata want to throw up though. But at the same time, she already knows that men like Hanbaga are the kinds of disgusting creatures who she would eventually have to seduce regularly. She would even have to seduce far more disgusting men, who have done unforgivable things to other humans, such as those from Hiruzen's horror stories of atrocities committed by such men in the past. By seducing Hanbaga and hopefully being successful in assassinating him, Hinata would get something more out of it, which would be worth a lot more than a mission paycheck. That would be revenge. She would get revenge for her mother, who she loved so much.
That evening, after the dinner when both Hanbaga and Ken had already left their house, Hinata took some time to sit alone in her bedroom. She was talking herself into going through with a plan that would allow her to get revenge for her mother. She told herself that it doesn't matter what happens to her body, or what disgusting creatures she lets enjoy her body, doesn't matter either. The only thing that matters is the end result, with the goal being a successful mission, or in the case with Hanbaga and the others on that list, a successful plan to get her sweet revenge for her mother. If she needs to fuck the devil himself to get that successful mission, or her revenge, then that is something that she is prepared to do.
She is now fully committed to being a seductress and is willing to do anything to become the kunoichi who Hiruzen wants her to be. But before she lets a disgusting creature like Hanbaga have his way with her, she would like to get something for her own enjoyment first. That would be to let a certain member of the legendary sannin have his way with her first. That would be Jiraiya, who Hinata intends on seducing before she even thinks of seducing Hanbaga or any other disgusting vile men like him. That way Hinata would at least get to fuck someone who she is in love with and lusts for, before she lets herself be used by the most disgusting men out there. Those were the thoughts of a very angry, yet determined and motivated Hinata, before she fell asleep last night.
The following morning, Hinata had no problem lying to her father, telling him that she would be sleeping at Sakura's place tonight. In reality she was going to stay over at Hiruzen's house again, and enjoy some more extra training with him in his bedroom. Speaking of extra training, both she and Hanabi had been told to come over to Hiruzen's house today for just that, extra training. It's considered extra training, because Hanabi and Hinata would otherwise have their weekends off, even though Hinata has already done a lot of weekend training with Hiruzen at the start of their time training together.
Hinata and Hanabi started out training with Hiruzen that morning, until late in the afternoon. Since Hanabi was with them, it goes without saying that they did not do any seduction training during those hours. Instead Hanabi and Hinata got to spar against each other, as well as against Hiruzen. During those spars it became very clear that both Hinata and Hanabi had improved a lot since they started training with Hiruzen and Mikoto, with Hinata having improved the most. Hanabi was happy for Hinata, having noticed how much Hinata had improved in such a short time. Hanabi also started looking forward to training with Hiruzen more herself, so that she could improve even more as well.
Mikoto arrived around 3 PM, which was about an hour before Konohamaru returned from his training trip. When Mikoto arrived, the four of them starting training separately as usual. Hinata and Hiruzen entered the dojo, where their seduction training for the day begun. Hiruzen asked Hinata to give him a blowjob as soon as they had gotten inside the dojo, and Hinata happily obliged. Hanabi in the meantime had to endure another lesson in the kitchen, where Mikoto continued to help Hanabi learn how to cook. That explains why Mikoto and Hanabi were in Hiruzen's kitchen at the time when Konohamaru and Kushina returned an hour later, and said their good byes outside the front door of the house.
Later that evening, around 9 PM, the four of them had finished eating a rather pleasant meal that Hanabi had mostly cooked for them. Even if Mikoto had told her everything she needed to while cooking up that meal, it was still Hanabi who had done the cooking. Since she didn't even know how to cook rice when Mikoto first start teaching her how to cook, you can say that Hanabi has made quite the progress as a cook, in just a few weeks.
Around that same time as they finished their meal, they saw a grinning Konohamaru run out of the house, without even saying hi to anyone or telling Hiruzen where he would go. That was when he left to go visit Kushina, who had invited him to crash her and Minato's anniversary dinner. Hanabi would leave soon after Konohamaru did, since she was done training for the day. The only thing she had left to before leaving, was to clean the table and do the dishes. While Hanabi cleaned the dishes, Hinata pretended like she would go ahead and leave first. She told Hanabi the same story she had told her father this morning, being that she was going to have a sleepover at Sakura's place tonight. In reality, she went straight back to the dojo and started undressing, waiting for Hiruzen to join her.
About ten minutes later, Hanabi had finished up in the kitchen before heading home, which allowed for both Hiruzen and Mikoto joined Hinata in the dojo.
“Oh my, someone is in a hurry to get started” Mikoto said when she saw the naked Hinata sitting on her knees on the dojo floor. Seeing that Hiruzen wasn't alone, Hinata covered up her breasts with her arms and couldn't help but blush a little in embarrassment. She wasn't blushing anywhere near as much as she usually would at anything that could be embarrassing though.
Hiruzen chuckled “You should follow her lead since you will need to be naked as well for the next part of her training.”.
“Right..” Mikoto said with a giggle, before she pulled her T-shirt over her head, revealing her very sizable bra covered breasts.
She threw her T-shirt to the side, then asked “And what is your role tonight? Are you just going to watch?”.
Hiruzen nodded, smiling as he watched Mikoto reveal her twins. It was a sight he could never get tired of, since Mikoto does have some of the finest titties in all of Konoha.
“I will let the two of you get comfortable before I join in” Hiruzen said with a laugh.
Mikoto shook her head “So you will be joining in then?” she asked, pulling down her pants.
Before Hiruzen had a chance to answer that question, Hinata spoke up “Uhm, what is this about? Why is Mikoto-sensei with us, Sarutobi-sensei?”.
“Before I tell you that I want you to stop covering up that sexy body of yours, and get up and stand in front of me and Mikoto-chan” Hiruzen said.
Hinata still blushed slightly, but did as Hiruzen asked of her, as she casually walked over to them while letting her breasts jiggle freely. She stopped in front of the, resting her hands on her hips, waiting for Hiruzen's explanation.
“She is here to help us train” Hiruzen said with a grin, glancing at Mikoto who was now almost naked, only wearing a pair of black string panties to cover up her most private parts. Mikoto was seizing Hinata up, by the looks of things. She thought that Hinata was already pretty damn close to catching up to her when it came to breast size, and had a feeling she might outgrow her in the near future even. The thought of that kinda pissed her off a little bit, which had her frown a as she stared at Hinata's chest.
“Mikoto-chan here is going to help you learn how to please other women. In other words, tonight you are going to have sex with someone that isn't me me for the first time, as well as having your first lesbian experience.” Hiruzen explained with a perverse expression.
“O-okay” Hinata stuttered, turning a little redder.
“Now, why don't the two of you start with a kiss?” Hiruzen said, letting out an exited perverse laugh.
“Uhm..” Hinata stared at Mikoto, looking mighty nervous and a bit uncomfortable. Mikoto is a very beautiful woman, that is something that Hinata has no problem admitting. The problem is that beautiful women like her, who have the looks of a gorgeous model, is far from what Hinata is into. She isn't into other women at all. What she wants is big and powerful older men, with muscly bodies like the ones that Jiraiya and Minato rocks. Mikoto's perfect hourglass figure, her large double D size breasts, her tight round ass and her pretty face, did nothing to excite Hinata though.
Mikoto sighed “Hinata-chan, I understand if you might be a little bit hesitant to be with another woman. I'm new to this as well, and I'm feeling just as uncomfortable about this as you are. Just think of me and my body as a prop that you are using in order to learn what you need from this training session.”.
Hinata nodded slowly “O-okay” she stuttered as Mikoto walked up to her.
“Let's give him what he wants, or he will never shut up” Mikoto said with a giggle, putting her arms around Hinata gently. Hinata nodded, staring up at Mikoto, before the two of them met for a long french kiss.
Hiruzen watched the two beauties before him make out, grinning from ear to ear, while raising one arm in victory. This sight before him, of Hinata and Mikoto making out in the nude, was a sight that would make any man jealous of him. And this was just the start, he was going to make Hinata try everything on Mikoto tonight, before having his way with both of them.
After watching his lover and his prized student make out for a while, Hiruzen sat down and got comfortable on the dojo floor. He started smoking his pipe, while instructing them from time to time “Hinata-chan, go ahead give Mikoto-chan's breasts some attention. I want to see you and caress and squeeze them gently, before you lick and suck on them. Mikoto-chan help her out by telling her what you want.”.
Mikoto laid down on her back and motioned for Hinata to follow her, as in getting on top of her “Don't be shy, Hinata-chan. I'm just a prop, remember?” she said with a chuckle.
Hinata nodded “O-okay, Mikoto-sensei” she said before slowly laying down on top of Mikoto, facing her as her hands found Mikoto's big soft globes.
“Squeeze them like you mean it!” Mikoto said with a laugh.
“Y-yes!” Hinata said with a determined expression, before using more strength to allow her fingers to dig in further into the soft flesh of the older woman's tits. She was happy she got the chance to do this with Mikoto at the very least, since she is a very attractive and classy lady. If Hiruzen would have brought her an old broad, who is as old as him, then Hinata might have tried to run away, however.
Hinata started kissing and licking the breasts, before eventually letting her lips envelope her nipples, suckling away on them like a baby. Hiruzen sat there giggling like a proper old pervert, while throwing in victory signs from time to time, while he observed the sexy show that the girls performed for him. After a while, Hiruzen asked Hinata to move on to fingering Mikoto. That was something she has had quite a bit of practice of lately, on herself that is, especially those days after her and Hiruzen's first time when they didn't have sex. Thanks to that, her technique was good enough to at least make Mikoto cum.
Then about five minutes after Hinata had moved on to the main event, being her licking Mikoto out, both Hiruzen and Mikoto sensed someone outside, coming straight towards the dojo. Mikoto glanced at Hiruzen, holding back a moan as Hinata's eager tongue was sloppily going in and out of her pussy. Hiruzen knew that she was silently asking him if they should stop, so he answered her by shaking his head. He then created a shadow clone, which teleported away in an instant. The clone had teleported itself to the roof of the dojo, where it was now spying on the person who was approaching the dojo. When the clone saw who it was, he couldn't help but sweat drop, because it was just one of Konohamaru's friends, Kamatsuri Moegi.
The reason he had that reaction is because he knows about Moegi's reputation of being a gossip, who relays information of all kinds of spicy things to the queen of gossip, Ayame. Hiruzen had just not taken that seriously before, since he didn't think that sweet little Moegi would actually be out spying on people in her free time. But as he let her approach the door, and watched her take a peek inside, Hiruzen now knew that he was wrong about her, and she deserved her reputation as a gossip and something of a voyeur.
Moegi had walked in just in time to see Mikoto getting close to reaching climax again, thanks to Hinata's fingers and her very active and eager tongue.
“Yes, yes! That's it Hinata-chan!” Mikoto moaned in delight.
The real Hiruzen laughed heartily “Get your tongue in there more, that slut wants her whole pussy eaten out.”.
Hinata took a quick pause from her activity in order to give Hiruzen a quick response “Yes, Sarutobi-sensei!” she said with a determined expression, before going back to licking the juices out of Mikoto's warm cunt.
“Whoa..” Moegi mouthed in disbelief, wondering what the hell is going on in there. This is not a threesome she had expected to see tonight, to say the least. Knowing who she was spying on, with one being a former hokage, another being a very well respected jounin from the Uchiha clan, and the last being a member of the Hyuuga clan with their all seeing eyes, Moegi thought it was best to get the hell out of there before she gets caught. As we all know already, she has already been caught by Hiruzen and his clone though. Hiruzen's clone ended up following Moegi all the way back to her home. He wanted to make sure that she didn't run straight to the Ichiraku ramen shop and start tattling away about what she had seen.
Hiruzen wanted to see what she would do now that she has learned of their secret, because she thought it might not be the worst thing if Hinata had a friend around her age who she could talk to about her seduction occupation. Also seeing how she likes to spy on people, and is quite good at doing so, Hiruzen figured that having a future little spy, who can help Hinata and give her information all kinds of things that could be useful in her future occupation as a seductress. That is, if Moegi is wise enough to keep her mouth shut about what she has seen, and doesn't tell Ayame before Hiruzen gets a chance to talk to her, which he plans on doing tomorrow. Hiruzen dispelled his clone, which relayed it's memories back to the original.
The original was happy with the news of those memories, and he could enjoy the sexy show Hinata and Mikoto put on for him without having to worry about Moegi tattling on them. The show that he enjoyed lasted until midnight, mainly because Hiruzen couldn't stand just watching after that. Hinata had made Mikoto scream, squirm and squirt all night, only using her mouth and fingers. He will let Hinata continue to do that, while he gets comfortable behind Hinata and hopefully makes her scream in delight as well. As such, the trio then started a real threesome, where Hiruzen took turns fucking his dark haired beauties. When Mikoto had her turn, Hinata was not given a break or anything like that. Instead, she was told to pleasure herself, which as always was a part of her training. After all, pleasuring herself could also be a good way to seduce someone, if the target is into watching that.
Around 5 AM, both Hiruzen and Mikoto wanted to take a break and get some grub, while Hinata could easily go for another ten hours if needed. A few hours before that, the trio had moved into Hiruzen's house, so that they could get more comfortable on his large bed. Hiruzen asked his two lovers to have breakfast with him before they head back home. Hinata had only put on her panties and one of Hiruzen's large T-shirts, while Mikoto wore an old, yet very cute lingerie, which she had left at Hiruzen's house many years ago. It was Mikoto, clad in her lingerie, who cooked up a very tasty breakfast for all of them, which was a meal that had everything from bacon, pancakes, fruit, fruit juice, coffee and much more. They wanted to give themselves what they thought was a well earned treat, after all that hard work tonight.
For around ten minutes, the three of them pigged out and enjoyed their very tasty breakfast. After that, Hiruzen was about to get frisky again, as he had positioned behind Hinata, who in turn was leaning up against the kitchen table.
“Fuck me already!!” Hinata begged, which had Hiruzen grin and nod “I will, my sweet Hyuuga princess.”.
Mikoto chuckled and shook her head at their antics “You're like a couple of animals..” she said, thinking they never got enough. She was also impressed by Hiruzen and his stamina at his old age. Usually he would be complaining and joking about heart attacks whenever just the two of them stay up this late having sex. But then again, it's not every day that Hiruzen gets to enjoy a threesome with her and Hinata. That probably has something to do with his regained stamina and youthful energy.
Just as Hiruzen were about to pull down Hinata's panties, the three of them heard the front door open, before quickly being slammed shut.
“I hope that fucking old bum is asleep, so that I don't have to see him..” They heard someone say from the hall way, and they all knew who it was. Hiruzen let go of Hinata's T-shirt and panties, before casually sitting down on a chair at the table again. Hinata just sat down on the table, looking at the hall way with a nervous expression, while trying to act innocent.
“Is that Konohamaru-kun!?” She thought in panic “What will he think if he sees me like this?”.
Mikoto on the other hand had gotten up and made her way to the middle of the kitchen floor. She wanted Konohamaru to get a better view of her, as she stood there with her arms resting below her chest. She was wearing panties and a bra, so she wouldn't be flashing him anything anyway, so she figured it wouldn't hurt to give Konohamaru a glimpse of her fine feminine figure. Mikoto was then very disappointed when Konohamaru did finally walk past the kitchen. He had just glanced in at them, snorting out a noise of disgust, before lazily greeting them “Hey..” he said, before heading straight towards his room.
It wasn't that he was disgusted by Mikoto or Hinata or something like that, it was Hiruzen's presence that made him want nothing to do with what is happening in the kitchen. That is because of what he learned after Hana's birthday party, when he saw Hiruzen and Hinata fucking like rabbits in the dojo. He figured it was just best to stay out of their way, and hopefully that will mean that they will stay out of his way, so that he can continue to have nightly adventures with his new lover, Kushina, whose house he had just returned from.
After Konohamaru had closed the door to his bedroom, Hinata said “What should we do, Sarutobi-sensei? He saw me!”.
Hiruzen laughed loudly, before stating in an equally loud tone “Don't worry, Konohamaru already knows everything!”.
“Everything?” Hinata asked in a nervous tone.
“Yes, everything” Hiruzen repeated, before walking over to her and lifting her off the table. He gave her ass a gentle squeeze and said “He has promised to keep our secret safe, and I trust him to keep that promise. Even if he is a bit of an airhead sometimes, he is very serious about the promises he makes.”.
“O-okay” Hinata said smiling at Hiruzen cutely.
“What now?” Mikoto asked “We can't continue with him here, can we?”.
Hiruzen shook his head “No, I think now is a good as time as any to call it a day. If we keep going, I'm already at my limit anyway, and if we keep going you might give me a heart attack.” he said jokingly, which had Mikoto sweat drop, thinking “And there came the heart attack joke.”.
“Uhm, Sarutobi-sensei?” Hinata asked gently, looking a bit sad, which Hiruzen knew was because they couldn't continue.
“Yes, Hinata-chan?”.
“Uhm, why did Konohamaru-kun come at this time? Where has he been all night?” she asked, being a little bit worried about Konohamaru, hoping he had not been out all night being up to no good.
“He has probably been out doing stupid things with Naruto. The less we know about it, the better. If we start meddling with them and their pranks, then we will just become their targets instead” Hiruzen said in a very sage like manner.
Hinata nodded her head in a fast manner “Okay, thanks for the warning, Sarutobi-sensei” she said, thinking it was best to leave them alone, since she didn't want to be a target of any of Naruto's and Konohamaru's most brutal pranks. The pranks at school, which mostly involves feeling up girls, or raising their skirts, was very welcome though.
“Good, now it's time for you beautiful girls to get dressed and head home. We will continue with your usual training on Monday, Hinata-chan, then I might get something new planned for this up coming weekend.”.
Hinata saluted him “Yes, thanks for your hard work tonight, Sarutobi-sensei!”.
“Any time..” Hiruzen said with a chuckle, which had Mikoto shake her head and sigh, thinking that Hiruzen and Hinata had a very special and strange teacher and student relationship.
After Hinata had gotten dressed in her usual clothes, she started heading back home. The village was still mostly empty of people, since it was still early enough that most people were still in bed. That was the case at her clan's compound as well, except for a few people who she could hear being a bit noisy somewhere close to the entrance of the compound. Once she entered the compound, she was able to see the people who were being noisy. It was three men who were standing with their back to her, facing a tree. They were talking and laughing, and all three of them had sake bottles in their hands, with a few empty sake bottles having been tossed on the ground next to them.
Since they had their back to her, Hinata couldn't tell if she knew any of them, but since they were out drinking at this hour, like a bunch of drunks, she had a feeling they weren't people who she and her family are close with. She started walking a little bit faster, thinking it would be a good idea to get away from them, before they spot her. The last thing she wants right now is to be bothered by ugly drunk Hyuuga men.
Just as Hinata thought she had gotten far enough away from them to where she was safe, suddenly she felt something press up behind her, and felt and saw a cloth covered hand which smelled weird cover up her mouth and nose. Then she lost consciousness. The man had coated an unknown substance or chemical, which was strong enough to cause Hinata to pass out as soon as her nostrils got a whiff of it.
The culprit was one of the drunks who she had just walked passed. That trio of drunks were not just some guys out drinking for the fun of it. They were on a mission, a mission which involved them waiting for Hinata to return to the clan compound. These three, along with a group of certain other men, have been paying attention to her lately, and noticed that she sometimes gets home a lot later than she did a few weeks back. Knowing that, they thought it would be a perfect opportunity for them to get her when she returns late at night or early in the morning, when almost everyone is asleep.
As for why they did this? Well, that became very apparent after they had dragged Hinata away from the main road of the compound, until they found themselves in a more secluded area, which was hidden away by trees, bushes and the walls of a storage shed. There the three unknown men started taking off Hinata's clothes, before taking turns to get on top of Hinata, so that they could sexually assault her while she was still unconscious.
Normally they wouldn't even get a chance to get this far if they tried something like this with Hinata, because she usually have a few people who are looking out for her. The first would be her grandmother, Hanabi, who is often scanning the Hyuuga clan using her all seeing eyes, the same way her late husband always used to do. The second is Hyuuga Ko, who Hiashi has asked to make sure Hinata is safe whenever she is within the Hyuuga clan compound. That is not needed outside the clan compound, because if anything happened in the rest of the village, any potential attackers would have to deal with the wrath of Namikaze Minato and his subordinates. Both Ko and Hanabi are currently asleep, and they had no reason to think that anything was going to happen to Hinata, since Hiashi had told them that she was staying over at a friend's place tonight.
There is a third person who usually make sure that Hinata gets home safely in the evening. That would be Sarutobi Hiruzen, who after the Nagi accident, felt that it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on her when she heads home, using his crystal ball to look after her. (1).
Hiruzen didn't check up on her with his crystal ball this morning, because he was exhausted and went to bed as soon as Hinata and Mikoto had left. He also didn't think anything would happen this early in the morning. The only people who are usually awake now are training maniacs like Maito Gai anyway.
About an hour after Hinata was attacked, she was slowly waking up, regaining consciousness. At that point the three rapists had already started walking away from her, after pulling up her pants and zipping up her jacket again. Her T-shirt and panties were tossed to the side though, both having been ripped apart. Hinata couldn't see that when she came to back to it, since her vision was somewhat blurry. She just stared at their backs as they walked away from her, laughing as they did so. She still couldn't recognize any of them, but she did see something that she took note of. One of the men, the very same man who had caused her to lose her consciousness with that surprise attack, had a tattoo on his upper right arm consisting of a dark skull. She glared at their backs as they walked away from her.
“Told you it would be worth it! Damn, her puppies were almost just as fine as her mom's!” That very same man exclaimed loudly. Hearing that caused Hinata to glare at the man even more, while wondering if he was someone who was a part of the group who had attacked his mom five years ago. If that is the case, she now has two reasons to kill him.
“Yeah, it was totally worth staying up all night waiting for her!” One of the other men said with a disgusting laugh of his own.
The third man joined in, asking “She wasn't a virgin though, who do you think she is fucking?”.
“Beats me, but knowing how shy she is, I doubt she has a boyfriend. Maybe one of our friends got to her first?” The tattooed leader figure asked in return.
“If that is the case, then they will have to share with us from now on!”
“Yeah, we have to do this again sometime! I can't believe we actually fucked the cutest girl in the Hyuuga clan!”.
The tattooed man nodded “We will lay low for a while, then get her again when she least expects it!” he said, to the cheers of his companions. They they laughed loudly as they walked away far enough so that Hinata couldn't hear them.
At this point Hinata had figured out what had happened to her, not only because of their conversation, but also because she felt her thighs being all sore and she could feel their disgusting jizz still leaking out of her pussy. She also had a very bad taste in her mouth, which she figured may have something to do with them as well. She thought they may have kissed her in her unconsciousness state or maybe even forced their disgusting dicks into her mouth. Just the the thought of either of the two made her feel angrier than ever. Even at the realization that she had been sexually assaulted, Hinata didn't get sad and feel hopeless. Had this happened a few weeks back, before the Nagi incident, then she would have been devastated and she would have probably felt even dirtier than after the Nagi incident. It would have taken her forever to move on, and she would have been complete wreck for months to come, without a doubt.
Now though, all she felt was anger. Anger at the fact that she wasn't the one in control, and that she had let them do this to her. She couldn't care less about something like “saving her innocence” or “feeling dirty”. Hinata already knew that she would have to sleep with some of the most vile swine out there some day anyway. Hiruzen's training and his constant reminder of the disgusting men she will have to deal with in the future, is what has helped her deal with her current predicament.
After waiting for a while, to make sure that her attackers were no longer around, Hinata got up and walked home. She took a shower before going to bed to get some sleep, without telling anyone what had happened. The only one who saw her before she went to sleep, was their maid, Natsu, who asked her why she was home so early, and if she had a good time at the sleepover at Sakura's place. With a sweet smile Hinata assured her that they had a great time, but had been up all night, so Hinata returned early so that she could sleep in her own bed.
When she got to her bed after her shower, she glared at the ceiling of her room with a murderous expression. Her wish to fool around with Jiraiya before she lets herself be used by vile disgusting men, had been completely ruined now. While she still wants to do that, that is no longer the priority of things to do. No, her and her mother's revenge is now her number one priority. And she must start getting that sweet revenge a lot sooner than she had first planned. To get her revenge, she will start with finding out the identity of that tattooed man who had raped her tonight. Once she knows who he is, she can come up with a plan to take him out. They may have started this war, but Hinata will make sure that she is the one who ends it. Those thoughts put a smile on Hinata's face, as she drifted off to sleep, picturing herself throwing one of her axes into the actual skull of the skull tattooed man.
1: Hiruzen is known for having a crystal ball which he uses to check up on people with, or observe certain events happening in the village. As far as I know, he is the only person in the Naruto universe who has owns a crystal ball like that.
Authors Note: That's the end of chapter 34. I originally wanted to cover Shikamaru and Shizune's date, and at least the very least the following Sunday as well, but thought the chapter is already long enough as it is. I will write a summary of what happened during Shikamaru and Shizune's date in the next chapter instead. I also hope that releasing this chapter a little bit earlier than I expected, will allow for me to release the next chapter a bit faster than usual. I already know somewhat what I want to write about, while the Kushina and Konohamaru story line still has a bunch of old scenes and events from the old “Sarutobi and Uzumaki” story that I can use.
Also considering the ending of this chapter, with what happened with Hinata, I thought this was a good place to end the chapter. I'm honestly a bit worried about what the response will be to that, even though I have warned that something like that will happen. Especially in the Hinata story line where this is just the start of the bad and messed up things that will come Hinata's and other characters way.
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