Sinful Tales of Konoha | By : Retsinnal Category: Naruto > General Views: 133220 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I don't profit on this story in any way. This is fiction and should not be treated as, or confused with reality. |
Chapter 26 – The Beauty And The Beast
Jiraiya and Sakura
The first morning back after their little holiday trip to the Yamanaka's, their were some who had a greater morning than others. Haruno Sakura weren't among those, as she had what she considered to be the worst morning of her life. She was still very upset and sad, due to being rejected by Jiraiya yesterday. In fact, she was so upset that morning, that she refused to leave her room and go to school. Instead, she locked herself into her bedroom, crying and yelling at her worried and confused parents. Her parents, Kizashi and Mebuki, had no idea what had caused her to get this upset. But sometime around lunch time, Sakura spilled the beans, after Kizashi had demanded that she told them what had gotten her so upset.
“It's that stupid jerks fault!” Sakura choked out “Jiraiya-sama doesn't think that I'm good enough for him!”.
“Sweetheart, Jiraiya-sama is already training Naruto. He is also very busy man, who runs a spy network, which helps protect the village from our enemies. Jiraiya-sama is also a very notable author, whose work your mother enjoys reading a lot” Kizashi said with a chuckle, which was short lasted due to Mebuki elbowing him “Hey!” she said with a tic mark on her forehead, thinking that their daughter didn't need to know that she was a fan of Jiraiya's smutty novels. Kizashi had obviously gotten the wrong idea, as he thought that Jiraiya had rejected her wish to become his student, or something along those lines.
“He is not busy at all, he is just a lousy pervert!” Sakura yelled, causing Kizashi to sweat drop “That Lord of the Perverts won't accept my love, that's the problem, shannaro!” she added with a loud cry, as tears spilled out of her eyes.
“WHAT!?” Kizashi yelled out in shock, while Mebuki sighed “Oh boy..” she thought, and couldn't hold back a giggle. Sakura wouldn't be the first young woman who has fallen for an older man, which she can understand and relate to a lot more than her husband could, who most likely would be horrified with the prospect of his “little princess” being in love with that notorious old super pervert.
“What are you talking about?” Kizashi asked with a frown, not liking the sound of that at all. Just like Mebuki had suspected, Kizashi hated even the thought of his beautiful daughter being in love with an old pervert like Jiraiya. Kizashi thought that someone like Naruto, would be a much better fit for her. It just so happened that most fathers to daughters around Naruto's age, agree that he is the best man to “court” their daughters.
“Has Jiraiya-sama done anything to you?” Kizashi asked in an angry tone.
“No, you idiot!” Sakura yelled out in frustration “That's the problem! He doesn't want me!”.
Mebuki couldn't help but giggle in amusement, but at least tried to hide that fact by putting her hand in front of her mouth. She figured that Sakura just had a little crush on Jiraiya, but didn't think it was anything more serious than that. She would get over her childish crush, within time, Mebuki figured.
Kizashi wasn't amused by this at all, though. He was deeply disturbed by the thought of his daughter having a crush on that self proclaimed super pervert, who just so happens to be a very good friends of his as well.
“What exactly happened?” Kizashi asked through gritted teeth, as he stared at Sakura's bedroom door, which she refused to open.
“I spilled out my heart to him and told him what I felt about him, and he said we couldn't be together because he is older than you!” Sakura yelled “Chaa! It's your fault dad for not being old enough!”.
Mebuki couldn't hold back a laugh when she heard that, as she let out a laugh at Kizashi's expense and slammed his hand against his arm.
“Sakura..” Kizashi started, with a twitching eyebrow, only for Sakura to cut him off with another yell “Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to anyone today!”.
Kizashi sighed, which had the ever so amused Mebuki pat him on the back. They were about to leave, when Sakura let them in on something in regards to another member of the sannin.
“I won't be able to meet Tsunade-sama today either, even though she offered to give me a chance to prove if I'm worthy to become her apprentice..” Sakura said, while sniffling.
“Are you serious!?” Mebuki yelled “If Tsunade-sama offered to train you, then you must show up! When are you meeting her!?” she asked in a very stern tone.
“I was supposed to meet her after school” Sakura answered with an angry huff.
“You mean you will be meeting her after school. I will let you skip school today, but I won't let you stand up Tsunade-sama like that. She is not kind to tardiness and slackers. I will drag you out to meet her myself, if you don't go there yourself!” Mebuki said in an angry and stern tone, which didn't really leave much room for argument.
“I would like to see you try, you old hag!” Sakura yelled back, but kinda immediately regretted her choice of wrods.
“What did you just say!?” Mebeku asked while glaring daggers at Sakura's closed door.
“That's enough, Sakura. Apologize to your mother!” Kizashi said in an unusually angry tone.
Sakura pouted “Sorry mom, you're not the one I'm mad at. It's that stupid super jerk and his stupid reasons for not letting me be his girlfriend!”.
“Apology accepted” Mebuki said, while still frowning at the door “But if you call me that again, my sweet daughter, then you will have to get a thicker and sturdier door to keep you safe from my fists of righteous fury!” she added in a dangerous tone, causing Sakura to gulp “I'm r-really sorry, mom!” she pleaded.
Eventually Mebuki and Kizashi gave up, as they headed downstairs to their living room, pondering about how they could Sakura out of her bedroom. They both agreed that they wouldn't allow her to miss her appointment with Tsunade, that's for sure. They just couldn't let her waste such an opportunity to be trained by that woman, who has really only taken on one student in the past. They would much rather see her be trained by Tsunade, rather than by the notorious super pervert, as well. Especially now that they know about her crush on her.
Even though Kizashi was not very thrilled with that fact, he was very thankful to Jiraiya for having rejected her, instead of taking advantage of the situation. Kizashi knows full well that many other men in this village, wouldn't do the same. Even though Jiraiya is a super pervert, he is still one of the few people in this village who has some sort of moral standards. Kizashi is just happy that Sakura didn't fall for some degenerate older jounin, who wouldn't hesitate for a second to take advantage of her. The ninja God knows, the village isn't lacking such men, that's for sure.
Since Kizashi trusts and respects Jiraiya, he thought the best way to fix this problem, was for him to head over to Jiraiya's place, to hear his version of events, and ask him if he could come over and talk to Sakura. He hoped that once they have been able to talk things out, Sakura's mood might improve enough for her to meet Tsunade later. With those thoughts, Kizashi headed over to Jiraiya's little house, expecting to have a conversation which would be very uncomfortable for both of them.
The man in question, had woken up about an hour before Kizashi arrived at his house. Not only was he nursing a bad case of a hang over, due to drinking himself to sleep last night, he also felt horrible about what happened yesterday. He felt like a complete douche for rejecting Sakura like that, and making her cry. Especially since if he were to be honest with himself, then he knows that he wants the same thing she does. Jiraiya honestly felt regret about that as well, as he was starting wonder why he even cared about that age difference thing anymore. Even though she is decades younger than him, she is still an adult just like he is. She will graduate in about a month, so there wouldn't be any problem for the two of them to be together then. But more importantly, would it be so bad if the super pervert were allowed to be happy with someone who he loves and call his woman? Those were Jiraiya's thoughts, when he heard someone knocking on the front door.
When Jiraiya opened it, he saw Kizashi standing outside on his porch, which had Jiraiya's eyebrows starting to twitch in annoyance. Kizashi was the last person he wanted to see now, especially after having those thoughts about Sakura.
“Kizashi” Jiraiya greeted casually, but internally he was kinda panicking, thinking that Kizashi was here to fight him or something. Jiraiya was ready to throw a punch if need be.
“Jiraiya-sama” Kizashi said with a respectful bow “I'm here because Sakura-chan told me about what happened yesterday.”.
Jiraiya breathed out in relief, when he realized that Kizashi now knew the truth, and still was calm enough to have a grown up conversation with him, rather than wanting to kick his ass. Jiraiya wasn't sure if he would be as calm, if he was in Kizashi's shoes.
“Look Kizashi..” Jiraiya started, when Kizashi cut him off “I just want you to know, that I'm not upset with you, Jiraiya-sama. Instead I'm thankful to you, for being the grown up here, and not taking advantage of my beautiful daughter who has that silly crush on you.”.
“Hehehe.. Yeah, don't worry about it” Jiraiya said awkwardly. Hopefully Sakura didn't tell him what happened between them the days before he rejected her, such as the kissing and ass grabbing.
Kizashi frowned, not being a big fan of having this conversation with Jiraiya at all “While I am thankful for what you did, your rejection have upset Sakura-chan so much that she refused to go to school today. She also told us about her plans to meet up with Tsunade-sama later, for a chance to train with her. Unless something happens, she will blow that off that as well, since she is refusing to leave her bedroom” he said with a sigh “I was hoping that maybe you could come over and talk to her, as she won't to listen to anything that I or her mother has to say.”.
Jiraiya nursed his forehead “You know that girl of yours and her friends aren't right in the head, right?”.
“Uhm?” Kizashi responded in confusion.
“I told them to fuck off from day one. If I had known that Sakura is your daughter, I would have begged you to keep her away from me a lot sooner. I just realized that she was your daughter yesterday, after she confessed to me.. I didn't ask for this, I didn't want any part in this mess, and I certainly didn't want her and her annoying friends loitering around in my front yard!” Jiraiya said in an angry tone, causing Kizashi to sweat a little bit in fear, wondering if he should start running, in order to escape Jiraiya's wrath, as he sounded legitimately pissed.
Jiraiya then groaned “But that daughter of yours slowly grew on me. I'm a fan of women with a bit of an attitude, and she reminds me a lot of a young little miss Kushina, especially when it comes to how stubborn they both are.” he said with a smile.
“She got that from her mother” Kizashi said with a sweat drop.
“I didn't intend on anything like what happened yesterday happening though, I only helped her out by giving her some tips while she trained at my place, thinking that I could be something of a mentor to her, like I had been for Kushina in the past” Jiraiya explained, and he was telling the truth for the most part, except for the small fact that he had kinda been attracted to her since day one. But considering who Jiraiya is, maybe that goes without saying anyways.
“I know, Jiraiya-sama, and I don't blame you for any of this. Sakura had even tried to tell us about her training with you, but we didn't believe her, since it seemed so strange for you to randomly take on another student, when you are already training Naruto.” Kizashi said.
“I had no say in the matter..” Jiraiya said with a sigh, causing Kizashi to laugh.
“I'm just glad this happened with you, and not someone else, since I trust you, Jiraiya-sama” Kizashi said, which had Jiraiya grimace. He didn't like hearing that, especially since he knew exactly how he was going to get Sakura in a better mood. He feared Kizashi wouldn't like that though.
“Yeah, well, should we head over and talk to the little miss? Since I was the one who recommended her to Tsunade-hime, I won't allow her not to show up on the very first day of their training.” Jiraiya said, which had Kizashi nod “I appreciate this, Jiraiya-sama.”.
“Eugh!” Jiraiya exclaimed carelessly, while waving him off, before the two of them headed back to the Haruno residence.
When they arrived, they were met by a worried Mebuki, whose expression changed into one of surprise, once she saw Jiraiya. Even though Kizashi had told her that he was going to get him, she was still a bit surprised to have this legendary ninja in her home. She could also see why her daughter had fallen for that giant of a man, as he was very much all man. After greeting Mebuki, who was very polite and friendly to Jiraiya, Jiraiya followed the two worried parents upstairs. Kizashi then knocked on Sakura's bedroom door.
“What do you want now!? Can't you just leave me alone already!” Sakura yelled.
“Someone is here to see you” Kizashi said.
“I don't care, leave me alone!”.
“That's no way to talk to your parents, brat” Jiraiya said with a chuckle.
Sakura gasped, which they all heard “Jiraiya-sama!?” she asked, but before he could respond to that, she yelled “What do you want? You jerk!”.
Jiraiya sighed, but he didn't mind the insult. He felt like a total jerk anyway.
“I just want to talk.” Jiraiya said.
“Please hear him out, Sakura-chan!” Mebuki pleaded.
They didn't get an answer for about ten seconds, which made them think that Sakura wasn't going to give him a chance to talk with her. Then they heard her unlock her bedroom door, before stating clearly “Only Jiraiya-sama is allowed inside.”.
“Yes, we will wait downstairs. Good luck, Jiraiya-sama” Kizashi said with a nod, letting him know that he was counting on him to help them with the situation. Jiraiya gave him a quick thumbs up, before Sakura opened the door slightly, allowing him to slip in. She was only wearing her dark green shorts, and a red tank top, which looked really good on her, Jiraiya thought. After Sakura closed the door behind her, she frowned at Jiraiya and asked “What do you want, you super jerk!?”.
Jiraiya cleared his throat, then smiled at her “Come here” he said in a low tone.
“Hmm?” Sakura hummed as she made his way over to him. She was then wrapped in a tight hug and getting kissed passionately by Jiraiya, who had wasted no time to get his tongue inside her mouth. Sakura's eyes widened in surprise at first, before she eventually responded to the kiss. Jiraiya's action had taken her by complete surprise, due what happened yesterday, but she wasn't complaining about it now. Suddenly this day had gotten a whole lot better for her.
After a few seconds, he ended the kiss and let go of her. He stared at her with a confident smile, then whispered to a stunned and shocked looking Sakura “We can talk about us later. Now you need to focus on your first day of training with Tsunade-hime. You and your annoying friends pissing me off is one thing, but you don't want to do the same to her. If you don't show up, she will never give you a second chance. So Sakura-chan” he paused for a second “Put on that red battle dress and get your sexy ass out there, then show Tsunade-hime what you are made of.”.
Jiraiya looked at her, as she just nodded at him, while blushing furiously. “Feeling better now?” he asked.
“B-baka” she said, looking away, causing Jiraiya to caress her cheek. She was feeling a lot better. In fact, she couldn't be happier with this turn of events.
“Now hear me out. We have to come up with some kind of reason for why I was able to cheer you up so easily, which doesn't include me kissing you. I have an idea how we can convince your parents. You tell them that I have somehow helped you score a date with that knucklehead, Naruto. Since you girls are so crazy about that brat, and because I know him so well, that should be a believable reason for your improved mood. What do you think about that?” Jiraiya asked.
“Okay” Sakura said, smiling for the first time that day “Could you actually score me a date with him, though?” she asked with heart for eyes.
“Hey now..” Jiraiya said with a sweat drop “We haven't even been together for a minute, and you're already thinking about other guys..”.
“I was just kidding” Sakura said with a giggle. She then stared at him with a more serious expression “Together?” she asked shyly.
Jiraiya nodded “We will talk about that after you have trained with Tsunade-hime. If you are still able to walk after training with her, then come see me at my house. If you are too tired, then come see me tomorrow instead. I won't be running away this time” he said, before walking towards her bedroom door.
“Now cheer up a little bit, and act like you just scored a date with the brat of brats. Make this believable” Jiraiya said as he opened the door, then laughed heartily as he walked out of her bedroom.
“Chaa! Take that Ino-pig, I'm going on a date with Naruto-kun!!” Sakura shouted in glee, grinning from ear to ear, while a smirking Jiraiya headed downstairs. Her parents had obviously heard her, as they had been downstairs, patiently waiting to hear anything from Jiraiya or Sakura. When they heard what she yelled, Kizashi couldn't help but laugh, thinking that Jiraiya had come up with the best way to cheer her up. Mebuki was also smiling, but deep down she was also a little bit jealous. Why couldn't she get a date with the handsome Naruto-kun as well?
“I believe my job is done here. Have a nice day, Kizashi and Mebuki!” Jiraiya said with a hearty laugh, as he was about to take his leave.
“Thanks a lot, Jiraiya-sama!” Mebuki said before he left.
“Drinks are on me next time, Jiraiya-sama” Kizashi added, which had Jiraiya respond “Ohoho! Don't worry about that, just cook up some new jokes to tell us. They are always a hit, Kizashi!”.
“Will do!” Kizashi said with a laugh of his own, as both he and Mebuki watched the super pervert leave their home, heading back to the pervert's den. When Sakura came downstairs, cheerfully telling them about her having been promised a date with Konoha's most wanted man, Naruto, Sakura's parents couldn't help but think that Jiraiya had solved this situation in the best possible way, and were very grateful to him. If they had known that Jiraiya had kissed her, and was in reality cheering Sakura up by giving her what she initially wanted, they may have thought otherwise.
When Jiraiya headed back, he was thinking that it was time for him to stop lying to himself. He could care less what anyone else thought about him and Sakura dating. If they had a problem with that, they could take it up with his fists. But everything wasn't set in stone yet, he didn't consider them to be actually dating yet. There was still one big detail left to talk with Sakura about, which is something in regards to his current lifestyle. He fears that Sakura might change her mind when he brings that up. And if that doesn't happen, the giant thing that Jiraiya has in between his legs, might scare her away instead.
A few hours later, Sakura had been able to meet up with Tsunade, without having to show up outside the school gates, and could avoid being asked by nosy classmates about why she had not been in school. She had found Tsunade sitting on a bench, about 100 meters away from the school gate. Sakura thought she was there waiting to meet her, as she couldn't know the actual reason why Tsunade was actually there, as she was waiting for Udon's classes to end, so that she could give him his second blowjob of the day. She had hoped to do that before she met up with Sakura, but since Sakura found her first, the two of them headed towards the Senju clan compound together.There is a lot of empty space at the now almost abandoned Senju clan compound, which they can use as a training grounds. Having missed out on her afternoon cum fiesta, Tsunade was already a bit irritated from the get go, but her mood once they actually started, and she got to see what Sakura was capable of.
Tsunade and Sakura spent six hours out there training, and they were both so focused on their training that they had kinda forgotten about Jiraiya and Udon for a while. Tsunade was very happy that Jiraiya had sent Sakura her way. She was very interested in continuing to train this young kunoichi, and couldn't ask for a better student. Tsunade had initially thought that Jiraiya had only dumped Sakura with her, as a way to get rid of an annoying brat. But now it seemed that may not have been the only reason. Sakura was like a rough diamond, who Tsunade was very willing to shape into the shiniest diamond in all of Konoha. Jiraiya had always had a knack for finding students with a lot of potential, who is often meant for greatness, such as Minato and Kushina. It wouldn't surprise her at all if he had genuinly thought that Sakura was a good fit to be trained by Tsunade. For all his faults, he had an eye for such things.
While Sakura's overall chakra reserves aren't that impressive, her chakra control is already great. Her fighting style needs a lot work, but at least she fights in a kinda brutish way, which wasn't all that different from her own fighting style. If she could teach Sakura to get better at channeling chakra into her arms and legs, to greatly improve the power of her punches and kicks, then she had no doubts that Sakura could become a mini Tsunade in the future. Her great chakra control would help her a lot if she wishes to become a medical ninja as well. From that day on, Sakura had become Tsunade's prized student, who Tsunade had big hopes for.
At 9 in the evening, both of them were suddenly reminded by their growling stomachs, that it was time to eat. Tsunade reckons that Udon has already eaten dinner with his family, so he should be alone in his room by now, where she can then suck out a dinner for herself. That was what she planned on doing, after telling Sakura that she would train her every day from now on, starting at 4 in the morning, and ending it whenever Sakura's school day started, which was usually around 8.
On weekends she wanted Sakura to come over at around 10 in the morning, which would allow her to get more sleep. The amount of time they would train on weekends would wary, depending on Tsunade's plans with Udon, which she obviously didn't tell Sakura about. Sometimes they would end their training in the afternoon, and sometimes they would continue into the evening. Tsunade wants to train her for a few hours every day, so that she can teach her as much as possible in the little time that's left before she graduates.
The reason for them training so early on weekdays, is that Tsunade doesn't want their training to interfere with her work at the hospital, or her blowjob dates with Udon. Sakura didn't have a problem with any of this, especially not the early training on weekdays. That early training would allow for her to continue to train at Jiraiya's house, every day after school. Although, after what happened earlier today, she hoped they would be doing a lot more than just training at his house, in the future.
When Sakura returned home to eat dinner, she told her parents the news. They seemed even more happy about her training with Tsunade than she did, as they were both overjoyed with the fact their daughter would be trained by the most respected member of the legendary sannin. While Sakura was also very happy to train with Tsunade, she had something else on her mind while she ate dinner with her parents. That was what happened between her and Jiraiya earlier, and her curiosity over what would happen later, when she heads over to his house. Because that's what she did, after eating dinner and taking a shower. She was dressed in her usual attire, which she had several of, meaning that she was wearing another pair of the same clothes, than those that she trained in earlier. Her heartbeat raised when she neared Jiraiya's home, walking down the same path of Naruto's backyard, like so many times before.
Sakura couldn't remember a time when she felt more nervous than when she walked the last bit towards Jiraiya's home. She had butterflies in her stomach and her heartbeat was pounding fast. She was happy about what had happened earlier, and if it didn't happen, she would have most likely still been sulking in her room. Even so, she couldn't help but get nervous, because things was about to get real, at last. Before now, she had thought that her crush had been a one sided crush, and never really thought that she and Jiraiya would be together in any setting, other than in her dreams. But now that could finally change, unless something goes horribly wrong, or if Jiraiya runs away again. Once she reached Jiraiya's house, she took a deep breath in an attempt to compose herself, then knocked on his front door.
Meanwhile, Jiraiya had been sitting on the couch in his living room, just waiting for her to arrive. He had been eating dinner earlier with the Uzumaki family and Konohamaru, but returned home about fifteen minutes ago. Jiraiya was thinking about how he should bring up something that might as well disgust Sakura so much that she will most likely change her mind about wanting to be with him. He was also thinking about how he should greet her, especially since they already kissed earlier today. Jiraiya also didn't consider them to be dating yet, since he wanted to bring up that thing first, and make sure she was okay with that, so he thought it might be best to avoid kissing, until they have had a chance to talk.
When he heard that knocking on his front door, his heartbeat started to raise as well, as he headed towards the door to open it. Once he opened it he wasn't surprised to see a blushing and nervous looking Sakura stare back at him. He was more surprised with his own lack of composure, as he wasn't really used to this situation. The truth is, he has never had a girlfriend before, and he has never even gone on a serious date with anyone either. Jiraiya's goal had always been to win Tsunade's heart, and that had still been the case, up until today.
Tsunade had made it very clear countless of times throughout the years, that she has no interest in ever being in a romantic relationship with him, as she wanted them to be nothing more than friends, who sometimes are friends with some benefits. And if it weren't for that giant thing between his legs, he probably wouldn't have been enjoying those benefits for all those years. After all, Tsuande always keeps telling him how his giant cock, is the only good quality about him.
His evenings with the ladies of the night weren't exactly romantic either. While some of them didn't mind having Jiraiya as a regular customer, especially those who were obsessed with large cocks, and there were quite a few of those working as prostitutes, Jiraiya knew full well that none of them were having sex with him because they like him or anything like that. All they wanted was his money, or his giant cock. The more he thought about that, he couldn't help but think that they weren't so much different from Tsunade, those times when she had gambled all her money away, and Jiraiya had to come bail her out. In the end, they just wanted the same things from him.
With Sakura it's very different, as she is obviously not after those things. But more importantly, she has confessed to him, and seems to be very genuine about her feelings. That puts Jiraiya in a situation that he just isn't very used to, so when he stared at the nervous Sakura, standing outside his door, he didn't really know what to do. All he knew was that he wanted to treat her as if she was a princess, as that is the least he could for the person who he hopes would become his woman. In the past, that person was Tsunade, hence the reason why she calls him “Tsunade-hime” or “Princess Tsunade”. But after tonight, that person could be Sakura.
Jiraiya cleared his throat “Uhm... Would you like to come in?”.
Sakura stared up at him with what Jiraiya thought was the cutest frown he had ever seen “Kiss me first, b-baka!” she spurted out.
While it was very tempting to just give her a tight hug and kiss her passionately, Jiraiya thought it was best to not do anything like that, until he has had a chance to talk to her about that “thing”.
“Why don't we talk first, Sakura-chan?” Jiraiya asked with a smile, which kinda caught Sakura off guard, as she had kinda expected him to call her an annoying brat, along with telling her to fuck off.
“Okay” Sakura said with a sweet smile of her own, as she stepped inside, before the two of them moved into Jiraiya's living room. Once seated on Jiraiya's couch, sitting about a meter apart from one another, Sakura asked “What is it that you want to talk about so much? I hope you haven't changed your mind” she said as she stared at him with a slight blush.
“No” Jiraiya said with a chuckle “If I had changed my mind, then I would be half way to the Sand Country by now.”.
Sakura couldn't help but sweat drop when she heard that “So you were running away from me all along..” she said in a rather accusing, yet lighthearted tone.
“Sometimes..” Jiraiya admitted with a laugh, before he gained a more serious expression “My many trips out of the village is a big part of what I want to talk to you about..” he started. Sakura then just listened as Jiraiya went on to tell her about his lifestyle, which he described as him being a very free man, who could leave the village whenever he wants. But his description of him as a free man also involved his freedom to sleep with whoever he wants, and his many visits to various brothels around the world. That wasn't what Sakura had expected to hear, and she certainly didn't think that this was a good way to start out their relationship. She couldn't help but wonder why he was telling her this, but Jiraiya was about to get to that.
“It's too late for me to change. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, as they say” Jiraiya said with a chuckle.
“You being a pervert is old news, Jiraiya-sama” Sakura said shaking her head “I already know all of this, why is it so important for you to remind me of it?”.
Jiraiya sighed “Because like I said, I don't think I can change my ways, nor do I want to change my ways. I like my freedom, and I like banging hookers while out on the road. In fact, it's one of my greatest joys in life” he ended with a perverse laugh “Ohoho!”.
Sakura nursed her forehead in disbelief, wondering why she had to fall in love with such a degenerate pervert.
“Are those whores more important to you than I am?” She asked with a pout.
“Of course not” Jiraiya said, gently rubbing her cheek “I am telling you this because I care about you, and I want to be honest with you from the start.” he said, which had Sakura blush again.
“The problem is that I probably won't change my ways, and I don't want to cheat on you and break your heart” Jiraiya said, then took a deep breath “So, the only way I can see this relationship working, is if you agree to have an open relationship with me”.
Sakura stared at Jiraiya with an open mouth, her eyes blinking, while he protected his face with his arms, expecting an incoming flurry of punches.
“Baka!” Sakura yelled “How many times do I have to tell you!? Of course I'm open to a relationship! I was the one confessing to you, remember?!”.
Jiraiya lowered his arms, and stared at her with a raised eyebrow, realizing that she had not understood what he meant.
“No, I mean an open relationship, as in we are allowed to have sex with other people..” Jiraiya explained, then covered his face again.
“Sex” Sakura said in a low tone, her face turning redder than before, as she didn't think sex would be brought up tonight. She then pointed at Jiraiya, and yelled out in an accusing manner “Are you already thinking about that, you pervert!”.
“Of course, sex and everything involving naked beautiful women is always on my mind, you dumb ass!” Jiraiya yelled back at her.
Sakura just gritted her teeth, as she glared at him, while Jiraiya had somewhat calmed down after letting out that outburst.
“I'm not going to ask you to have sex with me any time soon..” he said with a twitching eyebrow “I want you to focus on the other thing I brought up. The open relationship thing..”.
Sakura stared at him with a deadpan expression “No fucking way!” she said firmly.
“I thought you would say that, but maybe you will change your mind after you have heard me out” Jiraiya said with a smirk.
“Hah, good luck with that..” Sakura said rolling her eyes.
“You know that sleeping around thing doesn't just apply to myself.” Jiraiya said which had Sakura turn her face away with a huff “I don't want anyone else.” she replied.
“Now we both know that's not true, is it, Sakura-chan?” Jiraiya said with a knowing smile, while pointing towards a framed photograph of him and the three members of the Uzumaki family.
Sakura gasped in realization, while Jiraiya laughed heartily “If you agree to having an open relationship with me, you could bang that brat whenever you feel like it. I will even do my best to help you get him in bed. Naruto is a very simple man, and with the right bribe or the right motivation, he is up for most things.” Jiraiya paused for a second, staring at Sakura, who stared back at him with pure disbelief written all over her face “And he is a bigger pervert than I am!” he continued, before standing up raising his arms and roaring out “If you shake that booty in front of him, then even he won't be able to turn down the girl with the sexiest ass in all of the Elemental Nations!”
Sakura's eyebrows twitched in anger, as she was struggling not to launch herself at him, to punch his face in for his perverted antics. Instead she buried her face in her hands, and sighed “I have already tried that..” she said in a dejected tone “Everyone has..”.
“Just trust me on this, I know how popular and strong guys like Naruto are. He is definitely going to be playing the field a bit, and I think he may have already started playing the field..” Jiraiya said with a proud smile.
“What?” Sakura asked in an angry tone “Playing the field with whom!?” she demanded.
Jiraiya shrugged “That's besides the point, my point is that you could be a part of the field that he is playing on. And if the prospect of having sex with Naruto is not enough to convince you to try an open relationship, then what if I helped you seduce the other brat you like.”.
“What other guy?” Sakura asked narrowing her eyes “I admit I have a thing for Naruto-kun, but he won't even look in my direction. I gave up on him when I fell for you..” Sakura said, blushing at the end “And there is no other guy..” she added.
“There isn't?” Jiraiya asked while smirking “So you letting Konohamaru get away with spanking and grabbing your ass every day, couldn't possibly be because you actually enjoy it, or because you have a soft spot for him or something like that?”.
“I don't!” Sakura yelled out, while blushing a deep red “I don't think that annoying little shit is a cute at all, shannaro!”.
“I didn't say anything about cute” Jiraiya said with a hearty laugh, which had Sakura grit her teeth, as she glared at him, her face still completely red.
“I don't blame you for liking them, after all, they are my prized students” Jiraiya said with a shit eating grin “If you will give this open relationship a try, and if you want to do the nasty with either one of them, then I will help you make that a reality.”.
Sakura blew out some air, before asking “Don't tell me you get off on the thought of seeing me with others.”.
Jiraiya stared at her with a very serious expression, then stated “I think you underestimate how little it takes for me to 'get off'” he said, then laughed heartily, while Sakura just glared at him. Jiraiya then cleared his throat “No, I'm not a fucking cuck.” he said shaking his head.
“I'm not talking about fucking them in front of me, I'm saying if you want to ride one of those damn brats while I'm out chasing whores, then that's completely fine with me!” he said with a stupid grin, giving her two thumbs up.
“Oh God... You're such a pervert..” Sakura said letting out a moan of disbelief, while nursing her forehead “You are serious about this, aren't you?”.
“Of course” Jiraiya said with a sagely nod “There is another reason why I brought this up. Since I'm a very free man, as I have told you, and you may or may not be attracted to those two..” he started, which had Sakura cross her arms in front of her chest and pout. She did that because, while she doesn't mind admitting to being infatuated with Naruto, deep down she knows that Jiraiya is right about Konohamaru as well.
That fact would be obvious to anyone, if they knew how many times Sakura had pretended to let her guard down, allowing him to sneak up on her. She will always pretend to be angry afterwards, and chase him around the school. Most of those times she could have probably caught him as well, but she always let him get away. It wasn't like that at first, as she did get very irritated by his perverted harassment during the first two months or so, but that changed as soon as she got to know him a little bit, and started thinking that he is rather cute.
“Okay” Sakura said, her face redder than a tomato, as she stared away from Jiraiya in embarrassment.
“Okay?” Jiraiya asked with wide eyes.
Sakura turned to stare at him, biting her lip “I said I'm okay with an open relationship” she clarified in a rather meek tone, with steam coming out of the top of her head, and she looked like she was going to pass out from embarrassment. Just the thought of being intimate with Naruto alone, was enough to get her excited, but she kinda liked the idea of pulling some “pranks” of her own, on Konohamaru as well. After all, there is nothing sweeter than revenge.
Jiraiya gawked at her in complete surprise, as he had not expected that response. Then Sakura's whole demeanor changed, as her embarrassment turned into fury. She clenched her first and glared at Jiraiya “Except your days of chasing whores is over, shannaro!” she said in a dangerous tone.
Jiraiya gulped, before nodding his head eagerly “Gotcha..”
“Good” Sakura said with a sweet smile “You will have to find some more, let's say, finer and cleaner ladies, than that in the future.”.
“That won't be a problem” Jiraiya said as he scooted closer to Sakura, resting his arm on the backrest of the couch, behind her “I kinda already have the second finest lady in the world, as a three decade long sex friend.”.
“Three decades, second finest lady?” Sakura thought, wondering who it could be. The only person she could think of who is old enough to have been his lover for that long, and being pretty enough for Jiraiya to call her the second finest lady in the world, would be Sakura's new ninja teacher, Tsunade. But if Tsunade is the second finest lady, then who is the finest?
“I'm talking about Tsunade-hime. Unless you want to see me dead, then you can't tell her that I told you about us being sex friends. I would like it if you didn't talk to her or anyone else about our relationship for a while either. Let's see if this actually works out first, okay?” Jiraiya said as he stared at her with warmness.
Sakura nodded “That's fine with me, especially since we are trying this perverted open relationship thing..” she said with a blush “If Tsunade-sama is the second finest lady, then who is the finest?”.
Jiraiya raised an eyebrow “Do you really have to ask?” he asked in a husky tone.
Sakura continued to blush, as she stuttered out “Y-you can be r-really smooth sometimes, do you know that, Jiraiya-sama?”.
Jiraiya smirked, before he got up, standing in front of the couch and Sakura. Then without saying anything or giving her any kind of warning, he pulled down his pants, to reveal his rock hard cock. Another smooth move, no doubt.
Sakura gasped in disbelief, but she couldn't keep her eyes away from it, as she stared at it with an open mouth. The only times she had seen a penis before, would be in the school books of the biology or sex-ed classes in the ninja academy. But those only showed very average sized penises, which were also very often drawn as a simple sketch, and those were often not erect either. Compared to them, Jiraiya's looked like it belonged to a giant, rather than a human. In fact, Sakura was pretty sure that it was both longer and thicker than her forearms. (1).
“I'm sorry for doing this so suddenly, but it had to be done” Jiraiya said in a serious tone “I want you to know what you are getting yourself into. As you can see, I'm only working with large and sturdy tools here, Sakura-hime.”.
Jiraiya's words got Sakura back to reality, as she stared to the side, blushing “Couldn't you just have told me about it?”.
“No, you wouldn't have believed me if I didn't show you.” Jiraiya said as he pulled up his pants again, covering up the giant monster that he carries between his legs. Sakura realized he was probably right about that, as she didn't think that dicks could be anywhere near that big.
“Now that you have seen it, and heard about my selfish wish to have an open relationship, are you still sure that you actually want this?” Jiraiya asked.
“How many times do I have to say it, Jiraiya-sama” Sakura said with a cute smile, which disappeared when she came a realization “Wait! Did you show me that thing as a lame attempt to change my mind about you?”.
Jiraiya scratched the back of his head, laughing sheepishly “I just thought I would give you one last chance to call this off.”.
“You do everything in perverted ways, don't you, Jiraiya-sama?” Sakura asked as she stood up as well, staring up at him with a cute smile.
“That's why I'm a super pervert, remember?” Jiraiya said with a confident tone.
Sakura didn't respond to that, as she hugged him tightly instead, pressing her body against his. She felt his hard on being pressed against her waist, and Jiraiya was very well aware of the fact that she felt it. Sakura stared up at him with the same cute smile and said “Let me tell you this again, Jiraiya-sama. I'm in love with you, shannaro!” she said in a giddy tone, before closing her eyes, sticking her tongue out in a cute and teasing manner.
“Just call me Jiraiya from now on, Sakura-hime” Jiraiya said as he hugged her back, then started kissing her passionately, the same way he has always wanted to kiss her. His rather large tongue explored her mouth, as Sakura responded to the kiss, trying to meet the aggressive big tongue of her perverted new boyfriend, with her own. Jiraiya broke of the kiss after a while, then placed his thumb under her chin, staring at her intently “We should call it a night now, otherwise I don't know if I can control myself and not take things too far.”.
Sakura nodded as she leaned up to kiss him, pressing herself tighter against him. After a few more seconds of tongue battling, Jiraiya asked “Didn't you hear me?”.
“I heard you loud and clear, Jiraiya” Sakura said with a lusty expression, before reaching for the zipper of her red battle dress, dragging it downwards. Once she had gotten her zipper down to her chest, Jiraiya grabbed her hand gently and held it in place “Not tonight, Sakura-hime. I don't want us to rush that, especially not after everything we discussed tonight. Why don't you take some time to ponder about if this is truly what you want? Having an open relationship with an old pervert like me, may not be how a beautiful princess like you, pictured how your life would be.”.
“I don't need to think about it” Sakura said shaking her head, but she was smiling “But I guess you are right, we shouldn't rush into that..” she added with a massive blush. Just moments ago, she was thinking that she was finally going to have Jiraiya ravish her, as she had been dreaming about for quite a while now.
Jiraiya let go of her as he scratched the back of her head, staring at her with an awkward smile “I guess we are a couple of perverts from now on..”.
Sakura pouted and turned her head away “Is that a problem?” she asked rather angrily.
“I wouldn't have it any other way” Jiraiya said with a hearty laugh, before going in for another make out session. They kept it up for another five minutes, before Sakura headed home. She headed home as the new girlfriend of the mighty and gallant Jiraiya. Jiraiya in turn spent a few hours cursing at his own stupidity, for not just taking her into his bedroom, and fucking her like it's his last day alive. Otherwise, he was overjoyed with how things had worked out, and he didn't have any problem with their new relationship anymore. In fact, he had probably never been happier in his life. That was a feeling that Sakura shared, as she drooled on her way home, thinking about that giant monster Jiraiya has been hiding from her. She wouldn't mind taming that monster some day.
1: If you want to know about how Jiraiya compares to other notable characters in the story, when it comes to penis size, then check out the Dick-o-Meter:
Authors Note: This chapter was originally going to be a lot longer. I already have several other scenes written for the other characters, which plays out on that same Monday. There is a few things that I still have written, such as a lemon with one of the couples. Since the chapter would have most likely turned out to be over 20,000 words if I added everything in one chapter, I decided to split up the chapter into two instead. I don't know about you guys, but I think that the giant 20.000 word chapters are a little bit too long, and quite annoying to read in one sitting.
Another reason why I split it up, is because that allowed this chapter to only focus on Jiraiya and Sakura for once. After the last chapter, you probably didn't see this change of events happening so soon, but the way they got together happened the way I had planned it ever since I started writing “A Different Take on Konoha” a few years ago. Jiraiya was always meant to change his mind a day after, and then they would become a couple, with the open relationship twist.
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