Sinful Tales of Konoha | By : Retsinnal Category: Naruto > General Views: 133220 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I don't profit on this story in any way. This is fiction and should not be treated as, or confused with reality. |
Chapter 20 – Yamanaka's Summer Home (Part 1)
Moegi and her mom were the last ones to arrive at Kushina and Minato's house, where everyone met up before they would eventually head out to the country side. They arrived at exactly 4 PM. At this point, Konohamaru had already had enough time to go home and grab his stuff and return back here, before Moegi arrived. The surprising things Moegi has seen this week, has left her with some mixed emotions. What she saw Tsunade and Udon doing was both surprising, shocking and quite unbelievable. She would describe it that way mainly because Udon is probably the last person she would ever pair up with Tsunade in any kind of sexual or romantic fashion.
What she felt when she saw Naruto and Anko together, was completely different. That wasn't surprising or unlikely at all, it was quite the opposite in fact, as it was almost expected to happen. But that didn't mean that Moegi was a fan of it happening, since she is in love with Naruto and wants him for herself. The emotions she felt when seeing them would be jealousy and sadness. That was nothing compared to the big shock from her voyeur adventures this week, was the Tsunade and Udon oral show they had put on for her. She had spied on them a few times more after the first time, as it seems like Tsunade's visits to Udon's room, have become a regular thing during mornings and evenings. If those two have a relationship like that, then who else is hiding equally surprising secrets from her and the others?
If there is anyone else hiding any secrets, then she is going to find out about it, by catching them in the act. They can have their fun keeping their secrets, but she is going to have her own fun, by watching them going at it. Moegi wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she is actually something of a female version of Jiraiya. She loves spying on people, especially when they are about to get it on. She is a closeted super pervert and Konoha's number one voyeur, Kamatsuri Moegi. That's why she has made a lot of preparations for this trip, in order to make sure that she can spy on people without them finding out. Some of the things she has packed, includes camouflaged clothes, two pairs of binoculars, food bars and drinks to last her for days. Even if she probably wouldn't have to camp out for that long, it never hurts to be prepared.
Other than Tsunade and Udon, as well as Naruto and Anko fooling around, Moegi doesn't think that she is going to see something equally shocking or scandalous. It's already hard for anyone to beat Tsunade and Udon, when it comes to being the most shocking or surprising. But there are other couples there who she wouldn't mind spying on when they get comfortable in their beds in the evenings. If she were to see Minato and Kushina have sex, that would most likely be the highlight of their trip for her. Either that or Naruto and Anko hooking up, which would be equally as hot, even though Moegi is still jealous of Anko. Naruto's sexiness and handsomeness, along with Moegi's perverted nature and love for voyeurism, makes up for that. Then there is also Kurenai and Asuma, Shikaku and Yoshino and lastly, Inoichi and Butao. All of them are very attractive people, and Moegi wouldn't mind watching any of them go at it.
When it comes to what Konohamaru told her earlier this week, about him and Kushina, she doesn't think there is anything to do that at all. Even though she has seen Tsunade and Udon together, she just couldn't see Kushina and Konohamaru doing something like that. It just didn't make sense. But she will at least keep her eyes open, and see if there is something actually going on for real between them, or if it is all what she and Konohamaru talked about, as in it all being one big prank. In summary, Moegi has gotten over the shock of seeing Tsunade being showered by Udon's gallon sized loads, and is now very excited to get going on this trip.
Two other people who looked very excited and happy, are Kushina and Butao. All of Kushina's friends, especially Tsunade, has seen how she seems to be glowing in excitement. She seems to be in a very good mood and is all smiles and laugh. Butao is happy because of how many people that showed up. She wanted many to come with them, but didn't expect them to gather this many friends. She couldn't wait to get going as well.
Tsunade and Udon had already agreed not to talk to each other while they travel to and back from the Yamanaka's summer home. Instead they would meet up in secret after they had arrived at the place. Even so, Udon like always couldn't help but blatantly stare at her chest, even with all the others around. Tsunade as always, pretended not to notice, while giving Udon encouraging smiles in secret, when the others weren't paying attention.
While they had also talked about seeing each other in secret during the trip, they had not yet made any actual plans to do so. Tsunade wished to see how they would live, before they make those plans. It might not be possible, if she is sharing a room with too many people, or if they are always surrounded by other people.
Tsunade otherwise shared Butao and Kushina's excitement, as she was really looking forward to this weekend to have some fun with Udon, and to enjoy a drink or two with Jiraiya and whoever else would be up for a drink. There were really only two people that looked like they wished they were somewhere else. One of them was Naruto, who looked very disinterested and bored. That wasn't very surprising to most people, since they thought that the "training maniac" was probably upset because he couldn't spend the whole weekend training this time. In reality Naruto was upset because he had tried to talk with both Kurenai and Anko after school, with both of them giving him the cold shoulder. He figured their talk had gone bad, and that he was now going to lose the two of them.
The other one that appeared a bit annoyed, was Jiraiya. He had a tic mark on his forehead, and his left eyebrow was twitching, as he stared at one of the young academy students in horror. A young kunoichi, with pink hair, who Tsunade only recognizes as one of Naruto's and Ino's friends. Tsunade couldn't help but chuckle at what she saw. It was pretty obvious to her that Jiraiya wanted no part in that teacher and student situation, and the girl must have been the one that forced it to happen. She must be quite stubborn and committed, if she had managed to convince her former teammate to train her. Tsunade thought she was interesting and someone she might want to introduce herself to.
Tsunade had also been thinking a lot about her and Udon's relationship, this past week. The more she thought about it, the more she realized just how great they were together. He made her happy, and he offered her everything she wanted from a guy, and then some more. No one else could give her what he could. That being his insane loads of “tasty cum”.
The problem with their relationship is the same problem Tsunade has had for the past twenty years. She is afraid of loving someone again, after what happened to Nawaki. She doesn't want to lose Udon the same way. It's her biggest fear, and it is the reason that she left the village for so long. While being on the road, spending most of her days drinking and gambling, she didn't have the time or opportunity to get that close to someone again. The only person she had with her during those years, were her former fake boyfriends niece, Shizune. While she has let Shizune into her life, with her having become something of a younger sister to her, she hasn't let really let anyone else into her life. Naruto may be the only exception, as he is something of an annoying younger brother to her. That's how Tsunade sees their relationship anyway, even if Naruto constantly calls her granny.
Another problem is that even though she has this rejuvenated young body, in reality she isn't getting any younger. If she ever wants to have a family of her own, now would be the time to do it. And that is her dream, to have a family of her own. She wants to have a large family, with many children. Those children would be the future of her clan, the almost wiped out and forgotten about clan, the Senju clan. Together with the Uchiha clan, the two clans are the founding clans of the village that they call home, Konoha. It would be a shame, both for her personally, and for the village, if her clan died out with her. Tsunade wants nothing more than to make her dreams of having a family, come true. At the same time, she can not bear to go through the same thing that happened in the past, again. If she allowed herself to fall in love with Udon for real, then lose him like she lost Nawaki, she is not sure what she would do.
On the flip side, the times that they live in now are different from what it was back then. There hasn't been any large scale wars for the past decade and a half. The previous wars was the cause of both Nawaki and Dan's death. Since they are currently enjoying somewhat peaceful days, that's another reason why now was the time to finally tie the knot and start the family with someone. Somewhat peaceful because even thought there isn't any wars currently going on, the life outside of the safety of the village walls, can still be brutal. Even so, there wouldn't be any better time than now, since she knew that it was only a matter of time before the warmongering leaders of the hidden villages, starts another war. Now she just needs to find out if Udon wants the same. Does he want to start a family with an old lady like herself?
As for Jiraiya, Tsunade had been right about Sakura being the cause of Jiraiya's annoyed expression, but she didn't know the full reason for it. Jiraiya had received a message from Minato yesterday, via toad messenger, letting him know about this trip. Jiraiya wouldn't turn down a chance to see women like Tsunade, Kushina, Butao, Yoshino and Shizune at the beach, so the super pervert obviously dropped everything he was doing, and made his way back to Konoha.
What he had forgotten was the fact that Inoichi and Butao has a brat, who goes by the name of “Ino”, and she happens to be best friend, with the brat who is the reason that Jiraiya fled the village in the first place. In his perverted state of mind, thinking about Tsunade's sexy bikini covered body, he had overlooked that simple fact. Of course Ino would invite her best friend to come with them as well. Even so, dealing with Sakura and talking it out with her, is a price he is willing to pay, if that means that he will be able to see all those sexy women in bikinis at the beach.
Minato noticed Jiraiya's annoyed expression, and it amused him greatly. He couldn't wait to get going as well, as he keeps getting these flirty and down right naughty looks from his secret girlfriend. He has a feeling that something is going to happen between them tonight, and it's going to be something that both of them have wanted ever since they first started their affair. In other words, Minato is ready to take their relationship to the next level, by having sex with her.
The Inuzuka siblings, Hana and Kiba, are also present. Kiba is very excited to get out of the village for a while to have some fun with Naruto and his other friends. Hana on the other hand, is a bit nervous about something she needs to talk with Kiba about. She thinks it's time to let Kiba know who the other guy that she is interested in is.
As for Konohamaru, he has mixed emotions of excitement and pure horror. He was excited about the prospect of maybe making out with Kushina again, but also terrified that maybe Minato or Naruto would find out about that. If he gets the chance, he would like to talk with Kushina about that, and about how they are going to be a couple, even though she is already married.
After meeting up at the Uzumaki's backyard, the large group eventually started traveling to the Yamanaka's summer home. They headed to the east coast of the Fire Country, where the property that the Yamanaka's own, is located. It took them four hours to get there, meaning that it was already evening when they arrived. As they neared their destination, they walked through a pretty big village which was located near one of the large sandy beaches, near the sea. The Yamanaka's property is located twenty minutes away by foot from that village. The summer home itself, is located in a pretty secluded spot out in the woods.
When they arrived, the people who were here for the first time took in the sight of the place, which mainly consisted the many cottages which they would stay in. There is about twenty small cottages in total. Even if everyone got a cottage of their own to sleep in, they wouldn't be able to occupy all of them. That meant that there would be some empty cottages, which meant that there were places for people to secretly hook up. The fact that the property were surrounded by a large forest, and they had about a twenty minute walk to get to the largest beach in the world, didn't lessen their chances to find places to be alone either.
Since they had gotten here pretty late, around 8 in the evening, they wouldn't have time to do much tonight, like going to the beach or hiking or something. Instead everyone agreed to have a little barbecue. While all the women and girls, prepared the food, Inoichi asked Minato, Asuma and Shikaku to help him lock up all the cottages and the main building.
In the meantime, Naruto and some of the other younger guys started a camp fire at a place that looked like it had been used as a campfire before. It even had large wooden logs around it, for people to sit on.
About half an hour later, everyone was back outside, sitting around the camp fire, waiting for the meat to cook. Tsunade sat on the edge of a wooden log, next to Shizune on her left and to her right there was another log, where it just so happened that Udon were sitting on the edge, next to Moegi and Yui. The looks that Tsunade gave Udon when the others weren't paying attention, made him blush. He knew that the two of them would have a titty and cum party later tonight.
If they had paid attention, they would have noticed that Kushina was sneakily giving Konohamaru similar looks, although he didn't expect any titty or cum parties. Ino and Minato continued with their own flirty looks, while the others conversed. A frowning Naruto, who was still being ignored by his “babes”, was currently making fun of Jiraiya.
“What's your excuse for missing out on training last week, Ero-sennin? Can't keep up anymore?” he asked.
“I had very good reasons” Jiraiya said bonking Naruto on top of his head, causing Minato to laugh “And stop talking about training, we are here on a holiday. You are not allowed to train for even a minute during this weekend, you lousy brat!”.
“I'll train whenever the fuck I want” Naruto said as he turned his head to the side and pouted.
“Jeez, you're fun today..” Jiraiya said in a sarcastic tone, shaking his head.
Earlier, before everyone sat down around the camp fire, all of them had picked a cottage in which they would stay in during the two nights that they are here. There weren't any big surprises with the sleeping arrangements, as most of them made sense. Inoichi would be sharing one with his wife Butao, Ino will share with Sakura, Minato with Kushina, Tsunade with Shizune, Shikaku with Yoshino and Shikamaru, Yui with Moegi and Udon, Anko with Kurenai, Hana with Kiba, Konohamaru with Jiraiya, and lastly Naruto and Asuma won't share a cottage with anyone, as they are opting to sleep alone in their own cottages.
The only odd thing about these sleeping arrangements, were the Inuzuka siblings sharing a cottage, and Kurenai not sharing one with Asuma. Most people thought that was weird, because the two of them has been a couple for about three years. This seemed like a perfect opportunity for them to have some romantic evenings together, inside one of those cottages. Inoichi thought he could give Asuma a helping hand, by bringing up what most people seemed to wonder about.
"Asuma-san, are you sure you don't want to invite your girlfriend to sleep with you tonight?" Inoichi asked.
With a noticeable blush, Asuma answered "Oh no, we couldn't possibly. We aren't at that stage in our relationship yet"
All of the adults, some of the soon to be genins and even Konohamaru, stared at Asuma in complete disbelief. Udon weren't really paying attention, as he was more interested in staring at Tsunade's cleavage. He is going to finally motorboat her breasts tonight, he thought with a perverted grin. Naruto's eyebrows couldn't help but start twitching, since even though he already knew about their fake relationship, he didn't like another man talking about Kurenai as if she is with them.
"Oh, I thought you had been together for over three years?" Inoichi asked with a raised eyebrow.
Kurenai spoke up, facing Inoichi with quite the angry frown “That's correct, is there a problem with me bunking with my best friend?” she said. She didn't want these insects to meddle in her business.
"No no, you do whatever you want. I was just wondering" Inoichi said, looking slightly unnerved by how scary Kurenai appeared for a second there. Inoichi was far from the only one who noticed how scary Kurenai appeared for a second there. Even Tsunade wondered were that dark glare came from. Usually Kurenai is very polite and friendly. Anko couldn't help but chuckle, due to Kurenai slipping up, by letting them see a little of her true self.
"Kurenai is a little bit shy and we are taking it slow. We haven't even shared our first kiss yet, as we are waiting for the right moment" Asuma said with a warm smile, with this cheeks getting rosy "It's true love in its purest form" he added.
Suddenly Minato began coughing as if he had gotten something stuck in his throat. His cough seemed to be contagious, since Anko started coughing as well. Both of them were trying to hide laughs, due to how fucking sad and pathetic that sounded, since they know the truth.
"Are you okay, Minato?" Kushina asked in a concerned tone, while Naruto began laughing loudly and uncontrollably, looking as if he was gonna fall over. That earned him an angry glare directed at him, courtesy of Asuma.
"Do you find that funny, Naruto-kun? That I'm blessed with such a sweet and pure woman?" Asuma questioned in an angry tone.
Minato's coughing changed into full blown laughter as he and Anko joined Naruto in laughing out loud at Asuma. Minato and Anko did feel bad for him, but it was just impossible to keep back their laugh after hearing that. Especially that “sweet and pure” comment. Other than Naruto and Kurenai, no one else understood what they were laughing about, even if some did find Asuma's statements about their relationship a bit sad and lame. Moegi and Tsunade had a feeling that the ones laughing knew something they didn't though. Why would it be so funny otherwise?
"Sorry about that Asuma-san, Naruto's laugh is contagious I think" Minato said as he tried to calm Asuma down, but for the most part he just wanted to change the subject. He got his wish, as they moved on to a new subject after that, allowing Asuma to calm down and enjoy his food.
They spent the next hour barbecuing the meat, eating, chatting and playing various outdoor games. They all had a very nice evening. Now it had started getting late, as it was already getting dark outside. After eating their meal, Moegi noticed that a lot of people were walking off to speak in private, before returning to their cottages. She caught Kushina and Konohamaru whispering to the side of the camp fire, while Kurenai and Anko were laughing, heading off to some cottage. Minato and Ino were also whispering to each other about something. Moegi had no idea what they were talking about, but she thought now was a good time for her to find a spot with a good view of the whole summer home.
Moegi then hurried back to the cottage where she, her mom and Udon would be staying at, to change into her camouflaged clothes, consisting of a small t-shirt which exposed her midriff, along with a short skirt. She also got her binoculars, her trusty "UwU Binoculars 2000!". She then searched for a spot where she would have a good overview of the whole place, where she could see all the cottages. She found it, on top of a large mountain about two hundred meters away from the cottages. From here, she could see clearly see everyone that was outside, and she could also see into most windows of the cottages, using her binoculars.
The first thing she saw, was Shizune and Shikamaru walking off together somewhere, and they were being trailed by Yoshino, who was not far behind them.
Shikamaru and Shizune
After they had eaten dinner with everyone, Shizune approached Shikamaru while the others were busy chatting up others. She, along with pretty much every girl in the ninja academy, had heard rumors of Shikamaru having suddenly started to ask several girls out for dates. This week, he had tried his luck with some of the girls in the class below his, but so far he was out of luck. Until now, since if he wants to date a girl so much, then Shizune will gladly be his date. Shizune finds Shikamaru to be very attractive, and since he is a younger man, she is just his type as well.
But Shikamaru's intellect and maturity is the main reason why she has an interest in him. She has no intentions of giving Shikamaru her memory loss drug, and she isn't going to rush them into having sex either. With Shikamaru she wants something more permanent, a real relationship who no one would be able to say anything bad about once he graduates. It would also serve as a good cover for what she is doing with the male academy students during the evenings and nights in the school infirmary, because she has no intentions of ever stopping doing that.
This week she has been with five different young men after school. Just like with Arata, she had gotten them to the infirmary with them thinking that she was just going to check to see that they weren't sick. Sometime before or during checking up on them, she would have them consume the memory loss pill, either by mixing it into their food during lunch, or by offering them a glass of water, which had the pill mixed into it. Once she was sure that the pill had started taking it's effect, she had stripped out of her clothes, and seduced all five of them with minimal effort. She had now had sex with six different students in the academy, but none of them remembers anything of it.
If she and Shikamaru hits it off, and they ever start having sex, she wants him to remember everything. He is also smart enough to know why it would be wise to keep their relationship a secret, at least until he graduates. But for the most part, she is just very attracted to him.
As for Shikamaru, he gladly he accepted when Shizune asked if he wanted to go for a walk with her after dinner. Mainly because he thought it might score him another reward from his mom later, once he tells her about it. He figured Shizune had something school related to talk about or something boring like that, and didn't really see it as a date. But at the same time, he wouldn't mind if this was actually a date. He would be lying if he didn't admit that Shizune is one hell of a hot school nurse. In fact, he would take her any day over any of the girls he had asked so far. He had not exactly been going for the top girls of the school, to say the least.
After walking out of the Yamanaka's property, heading down a dirt trail in the middle of the forest, Shizune spoke “I overheard some girls saying that you have been on the search for a girlfriend lately.”.
“Troublesome..” Shikamaru said scratching the back of his head “It's a bit complicated, but what they said is true for the most part..”.
“I see” Shizune said with a kind smile. The two of them then walked for about a minute without saying anything, which was mainly because Shizune knew that Yoshino was trailing them. She actually wants Yoshino to hear what she is about to say next, but didn't want any of the others to overhear her. If she and Shikamaru are going to date each other, then his mom has to be okay with it, otherwise it will never amount to anything. That's why she figured it was worth to take a chance now, and if Shikamaru rejects her, or if Yoshino intervenes, then it was never meant to be anyway.
She turned around and faced Shikamaru with her usual kind and innocent smile “Are you still looking for a girlfriend?”.
“Uhh..” Shikamaru responded while scratching the back of his head awkwardly “Yeah, I kinda have no choice.”.
“Hm?” Shizune hummed in amusement “No choice? What does that mean?”.
“Like I said, it's complicated” Shikamaru said with a shrug, having no intentions of telling Shizune that his mom was pretty much forcing him to ask out girls.
“Well..” Shizune said as her kind smile turned more playful “How would you like to go out with your new school nurse?”.
“I beg your pardon?” Shikamaru asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No?” Shizune asked “Not interested in older girls?”.
“No, that's not it” Shikamaru said staring at her wide eyed “Are you serious? You, the beautiful student of Tsunade-sama, want to go out on a date with my lazy ass?”.
Shizune blushed “You think I'm beautiful?” she asked in a cute tone.
“Troublesome..” Shikamaru muttered as he stared away from her with a slight blush “Yes, you are a very beautiful woman, Shizune-sensei.”.
“Thanks” Shizune said as she put her hand on Shikamaru's cheek, gently making him stare at her “I wouldn't be asking you out, if I didn't find you attractive either..”.
Shikamaru gawked at her in surprise, as he never expected a hot older babe like Shizune, would ever say something like that to him.
“W-would you like to go out on a date with me sometime then?” Shikamaru asked.
“I would love to” Shizune said with her kind smile, as she removed her hand from Shikamaru's cheek “How about we sneak away from the others to visit one of the nearby villages tomorrow?”.
Shikamaru gulped, then nodded “Sure.. That sounds great..”.
With Moegi The Voyeur
Moegi saw Yoshino return to the Yamanaka's property first, rushing into the cottage where she would be staying in together with her husband and son. A few minutes later, Shikamaru and Shizune also returned, waving good bye to each other, before going to their respective cottages as well. During the time Shikamaru and Shizune had been gone, Moegi had seen some other things going on. Her mother is still out and is currently drinking and chatting with Inoichi, Butao and Shikaku at the campfire. She had seen Kurenai and Anko enter a cottage which is located next to the one that Asuma was currently getting ready for bed in. Moegi was pretty sure the cottage they entered was Naruto's, as she had seen him drop off some of his things in there earlier.
Naruto himself was still outside, as he was standing outside Jiraiya's and Konohamaru's cottage, talking to his father, Jiraiya and Tsunade.
Naruto, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Minato
Earlier after dinner, Tsunade and Udon had gotten a chance to make secret plans to see each other later.
But before that, Tsunade had promised Jiraiya to have a few drinks with him in his cottage, and catch up a little bit. Tsunade knew that Jiraiya was probably hoping for their few drinks to turn into a long night of drinking and having sex, but that was not something Tsunade was interested in at all. Instead, she was going to spend some time with him, talking and drinking, before meeting up with Udon, in one of the cottages that no one is using. Udon was going to find one for them, while she talks to Jiraiya.
Tsunade then headed over to Jiraiya's cottage, which he shared with Konohamaru, whom sadly wouldn't join them, as Tsunade wouldn't have minded having some eye candy in there with them. He was in a hurry to get out of the cottage, most likely to prepare a prank on someone. She just hoped she and Jiraiya wouldn't become one of his targets. Currently she and Jiraiya are standing outside the door of his cottage, along with Namikaze Minato and someone Tsunade really hoped would join them, Naruto.
"Are you gonna join us, brat?" Tsunade asked, with an amused smile.
"Of course not, I'm just here to see if you old folks are up for a spar" Naruto said with a confident grin. He was mainly looking for anything fun to do this evening, now that Kurenai and Anko were ignoring him. Beating up one of these three old farts in a spar, was something that Naruto considered to be fun.
"Old!?" Tsunade said in a dangerous tone with a tic mark forming on her forehead.
Jiraiya swatted him away, as if he was an insect "Get lost brat, we're on a holiday. We're not gonna spar this weekend!".
Minato nodded "Jiraiya-sensei is right, enjoy yourself for once, Naruto".
"Gheh!" Naruto said with a pout, before turning to leave "Lazy old farts!" with those thoughts, Naruto headed back to his own cottage, thinking that he could at least break his record of the amounts of push ups he can do in one evening.
"What did you say!?" Tsunade barked at him, with the intent of going after him. She didn't get far as a sweat dropping Jiraiya held her back, while a sweating and worried Minato stared at his son in disbelief. He was most likely wondering why Naruto always had to piss of Tsunade whenever he saw her.
Tsunade sighed as she calmed down "Let me go, Jiraiya" as they watched Naruto enter his own cottage. Jiraiya did as he was told, before turning to Minato.
"What do you say, Minato? Want to join us for a few drinks?" Jiraiya asked politely, but Tsunade knew he wanted to be alone with her. Tsunade actually hoped to be alone with him as well, as the two of them have barely talked since she returned to the village. Even if she didn't intend to fuck him this time, she still enjoyed the company of her old teammate.
Minato chuckled "No, I won't let the two of you drink me under the table this time." he said, which caused both Jiraiya and Tsunade to laugh heartily.
Minato then sighed "Besides, since Kushina is going out for a walk, I need to keep an eye on Naruto. She will give me quite an earful if I don't" he said, looking for any excuse to get out of here, so that he could go find Ino.
Jiraiya shook his head "Just leave the brat alone, let him have some fun for a change".
Tsunade nodded "Let him live a little, you and Kushina-chan are already way too overprotective of him. At least let him enjoy his weekend".
"Overprotective?" Minato asked with a raised eyebrow "We have pretty much let him do whatever he wants for the past few months. He is almost living out at his little training field, and comes home late every night, if he comes home at all.".
"As it should be, the brat will graduate soon and need to learn to stand on his on own two feet" Tsunade said with a sigh.
"Mhm.." Minato said in a bored tone "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if we got out the way more often.." he said staring at her with a deadpan expression.
Tsunade frowned at him, and asked "What are you insinuating, brat?!" in a loud tone.
Jiraiya appeared dumbfounded, staring at Minato in disbelief, as if he silently asked him "Are you insane!?".
Minato started sweating a bit, as he immediately regretted what he said "I think you misunderstood, Tsunade-sama.." he said, gulping, while Tsunade continued to glare at him a dangerous expression.
Jiraiya and Minato stared at her with terrified expressions, probably thinking that Tsunade was going to carve up her arm sleeves and start attacking the hokage. Imagine that, an angry Tsunade chasing after Namikaze Minato. It would be a sight no one would forget. It wouldn't have been the first time that has happened though, as Minato is quite the little smart mouth, and has always been that. Minato is who Naruto gets his smart mouth from. Before he became the hokage, he used to piss Tsunade off pretty regularly. It was also before he became hokage, that Tsunade liked him more, because he used to be a lot cuter back then.
Tsunade surprised them both, as she started laughing "Don't look so scared, Minato, I'm just messing with you. I know I'm not the only old hag who would like you and Kushina to get out of the way, so that we can seduce your son, without the two of you interfering.".
She didn't know why she said that, but the few cups of sake she had already consumed earlier while they ate, might have had something to do with it.
Jiraiya and Minato stared at her with dropped jaws "She admitted it!" they thought in disbelief.
"Oh come on, don't look so surprised, every girl wants him. And believe it or not, I happen to be a girl. A girl that he calls Granny, and is most likely the last person on earth that he would ever think of that way. So relax, and stop overacting to me stating the obvious" Tsunade said, chuckling.
Minato sweat dropped "Honestly, I can't argue against that. It's just that I kinda hoped that at least you would be different".
"Pff" Jiraiya snorted "I told you, there isn't a single woman who has met him, who doesn't fall in love with him. If I were him, I would have formed a huge harem of beautiful ladies already! Yet, that stupid brat doesn't seem to think that he is popular at all, he is too oblivious for his own good.".
"Him being a little clueless when it comes to girls is probably the only reason I am not a grandpa by now. I thank the ninja Gods every day for his obliviousness" Minato said, sighing. He knew that if Naruto wasn't so oblivious, he could actually do what Jiraiya jokingly suggested. After seeing him with Kurenai, he was even more sure of that.
Tsunade nodded "I have to agree with Minato on this. Due to him being oblivious and not knowing how popular he is with all the girls, I still have the chance to be the one to pop his cherry".
"Tsunade-hime" Jiraiya said in disbelief, shaking his head at what Tsunade just said "That's enough from you, you're not gonna pop anyone's cherry on my watch.." he then put his arm around her and had her turn around.
"Have fun looking after the brat, I'm gonna take this lovely young maiden inside now so we can enjoy a drink or two in private" Jiraiya told Minato with an akward laugh.
"Okay, have a nice evening you two" Minato said with a chuckle.
"Thanks, enjoy your evening as well Minato, and don't worry about Naruto all the time" Tsunade said as she and Jiraiya finally entered his cottage, to get some more drinks. Meanwhile Minato made his way to another cottage, a certain cottage that Ino is sharing with her best friend, Sakura.
With Moegi The Voyeur
After Moegi saw Tsunade and Jiraiya enter Jiraiya's cottage, she was trying to find any sign of Konohamaru or Kushina, without any luck. She then focused her attention on Naruto's cottage, where she could now see the silhouettes of three people, through a drape covered window. And they weren't doing any push ups, by the look of things. Instead it looked like those silhouettes, which she could easily tell was Kurenai, Anko and Naruto, were in the early stages of a threesome. Even though she could only see their silhouettes, she could clearly see that Naruto was standing up, with Kurenai kissing him, while Anko is down on her knees, in front of Naruto. She didn't need to be as smart as Nara to figure out what she is doing down there.
Naruto, Kurenai and Anko
When Naruto got back to his cottage, he noticed that someone had covered the windows with some kind of drape. No lights were on, or anything else that would suggest that someone was inside. He was pretty sure that he never covered any of the windows with any drapes earlier though. Maybe it was just Konohamaru preparing to pull a prank on him. That would explain why he left in such a hurry earlier. Naruto wasn't scared to face anything that Konohamaru could pull off, so he entered the cottage without any worries. As soon as he closed the door, someone turned on the lights and Naruto was treated with the sight of a very naked Mitarashi Anko laying on top of the big bed. To his side stood Kurenai, who had been the one to turn on the lights, equally naked, staring at him with a naughty smile.
“What took you so long?” Anko asked, before getting off the bed, then crawled towards Naruto, while staring at him with a horny expression.
“Whaa?” Naruto uttered with wide eyes “Does this mean that?” he asked, wondering if they had actually agreed to both date him at the same time.
Kurenai nodded as she walked over to him. She placed her hand inside his pants and rubbed his dick “You are a lucky man, Naruto-kun”.
Naruto kept his eyes on Anko's naked body, as she crawled over towards him while smiling. “Then both of you are my girlfriends now, dattebayo?” Naruto asked in an excited tone.
Kurenai who had began giving Naruto's neck a few soft smooches, said “Yes, both of us belong to you now, we are your queens”
“Damn right you are” Naruto said with a confident smirk, placing his right hand on her ass, squeezing her butt cheek.
“Yeah” Kurenai said biting her lip, before whispering into Naruto's ear “That's what makes you a lucky man, Naruto-kun. But it makes us even luckier, since we would both do anything to have you!” she said before giving Naruto a heated french kiss, throwing her arms around him.
Anko pulled down Naruto's pants, which broke off their kiss, as they focused their attention on her. She licked her lips as she stared at Naruto's very large package, which Kurenai was still gently rubbing.
“As promised, I get to give you your first blowjob” Anko said, as Kurenai fished out Naruto's dick from his underwear. This wouldn't be Naruto's first blowjob that he has received, since Tayuya gave him one at his visit to the Tanzaki Quarters, but these two didn't need to know that. Anko gasped when she saw it stand tall in front of her, it was a lot bigger than she thought it was. She had known for quite a while that Naruto is big, since it was impossible not to notice that during the many times she has been sitting in his lap, rubbing up against him. But she didn't expect him to be of this size, as it looked almost unrealistically big.
“It's huge” she mouthed to Kurenai with a surprised expression. Kurenai just giggled in response, but couldn't fault Anko for having that reaction to seeing it. She had also been surprised the first time. Now she just wants to see how well Anko can handle that big log of a cock, to see if she would match up to her. Kurenai then gave Naruto a quick kiss, before whispering into his ear “You aren't even a genin yet, but soon you will get to take the virginity of another female jounin. How does that make you feel?”-
“Feels pretty damn good, if I'm perfectly honest, dattebayo!” Naruto said with a laugh, as he grabbed the base of his dick with one hand, then directing it towards Anko's mouth. He rested his other hand on top of Anko's head “I'm really horny, Anko-chan, and since you want to suck my dick so much, why don't you help me out here?”.
Anko gulped “Yes, here I go!” she said before opening her mouth wide, swallowing the tip of Naruto's dick, which was already big enough o fill up her mouth. She managed to a few centimeters of his shaft inside as well, but she still struggled to get even a fourth of his size inside her mouth. While Anko sucked and licked on Naruto's cock, Naruto had moved his hands over to Kurenai. He had one arm around her, pressing her into him, while the other hand was in between her legs, with two fingers going in and out of her very wet pussy.
“Mmhm! That feels great, Naruto-kun!!” Kurenai moaned in delight, enjoying her first finger fuck. Naruto isn't going to hold back tonight, as he is going to everything perverted he has ever fantasized about doing with the two of them. From now on, they are his women, and he is going to fuck them every single day that he has the chance to do so. Naruto retracted the arm he had around Kurenai, and moved it back on top of Anko's head, as he guided her as her head bopped back and forth on his length. We was trying to help her to get more and more of his dick down her throat.
He continued to do that, while he heard Kurenai moan in delight while arching her back “I'm cumming!” Kurenai screamed. Naruto stopped fingering her in favor of putting his now free arm around her, in order to make sure that she wouldn't fall over. She looked really out of it, and stayed like that for a few seconds. Once she came back to it, she got down on her knees and joined Anko on the floor.
At first she kissed and suckled along the base of Naruto's penis, where Anko couldn't reach. Kurenai had a lot of space to work with, since Anko was still not even close to take even half of Naruto's length inside her mouth.
“Are you cumming soon?” Kurenai asked while staring up at Naruto.
Naruto shook his head “No, but I am enjoying this very much, dattebayo!” he said with a huge grin. Kurenai should know better, he thought. It usually takes them at least two hours of non stop sex before he gets even close to coming.
Kurenai on the other hand, thought Anko was doing something wrong and that her dick sucking technique wasn't good enough. She couldn't let her man have to settle with a mediocre blowjob. She would have to take matters into her own hands, or her own mouth rather. She turned to Anko, who really seemed into it, as she happily sucked away “Let me try it for a while, Anko-chan. You can suck his balls in the meantime.”.
Anko pulled her head back, releasing Naruto's dick from her mouth “Okay, move over” she said as she and Kurenai swapped places. Now that she had been the first one to give Naruto a blowjob, or so she believes, there was no reason for her not to let Kurenai try it as well. Naruto released a moan of pleasure when Anko began licking and sucking on his balls and ball sack. While she did so, Kurenai was staring at the tip of Naruto's dick, while she gently pulled his foreskin back and forth. She thought that if it is humanly possible to swallow that whole cock, then it would happen right now. She then took the tip inside her mouth, and as much more that she could without choking herself by it going down her throat. It wasn't even close to half of his length, which meant that Anko had taken quite a bit of it down her throat earlier.
She wouldn't allow herself to be worse than Anko. After all these years of wanting to be with Naruto, she didn't want to disappoint him by not even being able to suck him off properly. She also had to set high standards for Anko and the other plebian women to follow. Kurenai pulled her head back, taking his dick out of her mouth for a second, before she took a deep breath, as if to ready herself. She then pushed Naruto's whole dick down her throat as she deep throated him, releasing gagging sounds as she did so. Her forehead pressed against his stomach, while she stayed like that for a while, with his whole cock swallowed, as if to prove a point. After a few seconds she slowly pulled back and repeated the process.
Naruto was moaning in pleasure “Oh, fuck yeah Kurenai-chan! That feels great!” he cheered on.
Meanwhile Anko stopped what she was doing in favor of staring wide eyed in surprise, awe and a little bit of horror as well. Just how crazy is Kurenai? She wondered.
Kurenai released Naruto's cock from her mouth for a moment, in order to show Anko a smug victory smile. Anko frowned in response as she lightly pushed Kurenai to the side, taking her place in front of Naruto again. She wasn't going to lose to Kurenai either. She mimicked Kurenai by taking a deep breath then attempting to take the whole thing down her throat as well. While she managed to take more of Naruto's length this time than she did earlier, she was only able to get barely half of it inside her mouth. She tried again and again and again as Kurenai sat next to her, laughing mockingly at Anko's failed attempts. Naruto didn't know that they were in some kind of competition with each other, all he knew was that he liked having his dick sucked.
“Want some help?” Kurenai asked with an amused smile.
“Shut up, I have all night to learn this” Anko said with a chuckle.
Kurenai shook her head “No you are done for tonight” she then nodded up towards Naruto “Look at him” she added, as Naruto leered at them with a horny expression. Kurenai leaned into Anko and whispered “Our horny stud is going to fuck you now, and once he makes you cum, he is going to fuck us both, all night long!”.
“Are you ready, Naruto-kun?” Kurenai asked as she got up on her feet, helping Anko up as well.
“Never been more ready for anything in my life, dattebayo!” Naruto said with a huge grin, as he got in the middle of them, putting his arms around their lower backs, as the three of them made their way towards the large bed of the cottage.
While making their way over to the bed, Anko was no longer feeling nervous or embarrassed about this. The more she thought about it, this is what she has wanted for so long. She was finally going to lose her virginity to Naruto, who she has loved for such a long time. Even if Kurenai is here with them, she isn't going to let that prevent this from becoming the night of her life. Anko crawled into bed as Naruto created three shadow clones which would be taking care of Kurenai while the original Naruto focuses on Anko. He wasn't going to leave Kurenai hanging, as his clones would take good care of her while he takes Anko's virginity.
Naruto got on top of Anko, who was laying on her back, as they were preparing to do it in the missionary position. He grabbed her breasts, squeezing his fingers deep into the soft big globes, while at the same time kissing her aggressively “You're so sexy, Anko-chan” he spoke between kisses.
“Oh God!” Anko moaned “This is really happening!” she said in a very excited tone.
Meanwhile, the clones tried to get Kurenai over to the smaller bed so that they could get started as well. Kurenai told them to dispel, because she wanted to watch Anko and Naruto for a while a while, in order to see how well Anko does in “pleasing their man”. She really wants to see Anko's expression as she gets pounded by that monster that Naruto calls a dick.
Kurenai's wish was about to happen as Naruto spread Anko's legs and slowly guided his dick towards her opening. With one quick thrust, he penetrated her by pressing his whole length inside of her. Anko screamed both in pain and delight, as she kinda liked the pain. Naruto didn't slow down after the first thrust, even though she was so damn tight, as he continued to slam all the way into her, fucking her hard and fast, while Anko hugged her arms around him, screaming out moans. Naruto was more aggressive with Anko than he had been with Kurenai during their first time. The reason for that is the many years of teasing he had to endure, and he has wanted to fuck her like this for so long.
Anko loved it from the first second and she moaned and screamed non stop “Yes, yes fuck me Naruto-kun!”
“Oh don't worry, I'm gonna fuck you all night, babe!” Naruto answered with a huge grin as he flipped her over, grabbed her waist and began fucking her doggy style.
Anko dug her fingers in the mattress they were on top, while she almost drooled in delight of the intense pleasure she felt as Naruto fucked her harder than he had ever fucked Kurenai. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh filled the small cottage, as Naruto pounded away, even using some chakra to speed up his movements. Kurenai noticed that and her jealousy kicked in.
“Create those clones again, I want that as well, Naruto-kun!” she demanded, before walking over to the large bed, getting on all fours next to Anko.
“Roger that” Naruto said with a grin, before creating three new clones, who each had a hole to fill. One clone got behind Kurenai, and started slamming into her, following the original Naruto's movements. The other two let Anko and Kurenai suck them off, which soon turned into something resembling them getting “spit roasted”.
Naruto and his clones then took turns fucking Anko and Kurenai for the rest of the night. Kurenai and Anko's moans could be heard until 7 in the morning, although no one else was up that late to hear them. But a certain voyeur could hear them during the duration that she stayed out spying on people. So could Sarutobi Asuma, who had closed all his windows, and tried to block out the sounds by covering his head with a pillow. He had no idea who was going at it, and he could never think that his oh so “pure” and “innocent” Kurenai and her best friend, was in the cottage next to his, getting plowed by Uzumaki Naruto. (1).
With Moegi
Moegi didn't only focus her attention on Naruto and his lovers, but she did keep going back to them when she didn't have anything else to focus on. If that damn window drape wasn't blocking her view, she would have probably given them her full attention. But soon after Naruto, Kurenai and Anko started getting it on, Moegi did finally get a good show, with a great view of it through one of the open windows of a cottage. It just wasn't the show she had expected, as she saw Namikaze Minato enter Ino and Sakura's cottage. She then saw the two of them make out. Sakura wasn't with them, as Moegi could see her pacing back and fourth outside of Jiraiya's cottage.
Ino and Minato
Ino and Minato had also agreed to meet up later this evening. Since Ino knew that Sakura was going out somewhere, Ino had invited Minato to come over to her and Sakura's cottage. Before Minato talked with Jiraiya and the others earlier, he and Kushina had gone back in their own cottage. Minato found out that Kushina was also heading out for a while, as they both lied to each other about where they were going. Kushina said she was going for a walk with Shizune, while Minato said he had to talk ninja business with Jiraiya.
When Minato arrived at Ino's cottage, he found her waiting for him, wearing an orange t-shirt and a pair of tight white pants. (2).
Although that orange t-shirt didn't stay on for long after Ino had let Minato inside the cottage. Ino immediately pulled it over head, then threw it to the side, as she stood topless while grinning at Minato “Forehead girl should be out for a while, so we should make the most out of it”
Minato agreed as he cupped one of her breasts in his left hand “What do you have in mind?” he asked in a flirty tone.
Ino rubbed Minato between his legs in response, feeling up his length. She stared into his eyes with a sexy smile “Well.. It's just the two of us here and a bed that's looking awfully comfy”
Minato grinned even wider “You want me to carry you over to that bed and lick your wet pussy, don't you, you naughty girl!”
Ino shook her head.
“Are you gonna get down on your knees and suck my dick again, hm?” Minato asked with a grin.
Ino shook her head again, before she tiptoed in order to whisper into Minato's ear “I want to fuck, Minato-kun!” she pulled her head back and stared at him with a naughty smile, giggling.
Minato appeared slightly surprised when he heard that. Kushina and Ino couldn't be more opposite when it came to sex or the way they talked. Kushina is so conservative about it that she is almost boring. She kinda makes up for that by being so beautiful and having that killer body though. Ino on the other hand, was surprisingly slutty. Especially since she is supposed to be the inexperienced virgin. Minato didn't mind it though, this was a fun change of pace. He actually prefers her to be like this, since that would probably mean that she would be open to try out most things.
The two french kissed for a moment, until Minato asked “Are you sure?”
Ino smiled “Of course I'm sure, I've been sure about this for years. I didn't fall in love with you yesterday, you know?”.
Minato smiled confidently at her, before giving her a quick kiss ”Neither did I.” he said pulling down his pants “I have wanted to fuck you for so long, Ino-chan..” he confessed.
“Oh!” Ino moaned in excitement, as the horny Hokage sat down in front of her, then pulled down Ino's tight pants and her panties in a long and slow swoop. He stared up at Ino who smiled down at him, a slight blush adoring her cheeks.
Minato then carried her over to the bed, laying her down on her back. He then crawled on top of her, spreading her legs. He guided his dick to the opening of her warm and wet virgin pussy. “Don't tease, fuck me already!” Ino yelled out in a horny and hopeful tone. Minato did as he was asked, as he penetrated her slowly, gently easing her into it. Ino bit her lip, whining quietly due to the pain of being penetrated for the first time.
“I'll start out slow to ease the pain, you should start to feel better soon hopefully” Minato said as he moved his hips, thrusting in and out of her gently. He kissed her and caressed her stomach and breasts gently as he kept slowly fucking her in the missionary position.
The only sound Ino was making was quiet pants as she stared into Minato's eyes “It's okay you can move faster, Minato-kun!”
Minato nodded. He then kissed her again as he started moving much faster. The cottage was filled with noise of flesh hitting flesh for a few seconds. Ino had begun feeling pleasure and had started moaning quietly instead of panting. “Faster!” she begged in a loud tone “Faster, fuck me faster!” she pleaded as she was really getting into it. Unfortunately for her, after just a few minutes, Minato pulled out, then came on her stomach.
They stared at each other while panting for a while, then Ino said “So that was sex?” with a cute smile.
Minato smiled as well, while he shook his head “No, that was warm up. Give me a minute and I'll show you what sex is really like”.
In Minato's defense, that was the first time he has had sex in three years, and now he is having sex with someone he has been lusting for, for about the same amount of time. Unlike Naruto who can keep going for hours without cumming even once, Minato doesn't have any unrealistic super powers like that when it comes to sex. Except for one thing, one thing that he has already used on Ino when fingering her, but is now going to use while having sex with her instead. That would be the Hiraishin, his ability to speed up his movements.
“Hmm?” Ino responded cutely as she grabbed Minato's dick and began jerking it slowly “This guy sure didn't last long this time”
Minato chuckled “That's your fault for having such a wet, warm and tight pussy.”.
Ino grinned in a naughty way “How long have you wanted this tight young pussy?” she asked in a teasing way.
Minato felt himself get hard again “Longer than you think” he said with an eye-wink, then he guided his dick inside her opening once again. They begun fucking each other again in the missionary position, one of the few position Minato was accustomed to due to Kushina's rules. He started moving slowly just like last time, except this time, Ino begged for him to go faster from the start.
Ino sat up, in order to wrap her legs and arms around him, which allowed to Minato to grab her by her waist, and fuck into her as fast and hard as he could manage. Ino gave him long fiery kisses as her lover kept fucking her at that pace.
“Oh, yes!” Ino moaned “Yes, yes yes! Faster! Fuck me faster!” she screamed in delight. She had enjoyed multiple small orgasms already. While she may not have passed out like she had done due to one of Minato's aggressive fingerings, she still thought that she had never felt this much pleasure before.
“Okay” Minato said, sounding almost a bit robotic “Lay down again”
They resumed the missionary position, but Minato didn't move.
“Minato-kun?” Ino asked with a pout.
Minato didn't say anything as he entered her once again, he then pressed his body against hers, then Ino saw nothing but flickering blurs of yellow shadows of the man she loved. He was using the Flying Thunder God technique to fuck her at an inhuman speed. Ino felt like she was gonna get fucked through the bed, and felt quite a bit of pain on her thighs and stomach, due to his body slamming into hers at that speed, yet she loved it. She loved every single second of it. And she wanted him to fuck her harder and faster, and she never wanted it to end. Minato fucked her like that for about thirty minutes, during which time Ino lost count on how many times she came. The main reason for that was that she once again ended up unconscious due to a series of aggressive orgasms.
Minato would have kept going if it wasn't for him to be close to cumming as well. He didn't wear a condom and he didn't really think that now was a good time to risk getting Ino pregnant. He seriously doubted that she had applied a pregnancy seal on herself earlier. Due to to that he pulled out and came over her stomach and breasts again. Minato took a moment to see the state he had left Ino in. She was covered in his cum, her body appeared as if it was convulsing, yet she had a stupid happy looking expression on her face.
Minato laid down next to her, waiting for her to regain her consciousness so that they could start round 3. He just stared at her beautiful resting face for about minute until she came to.
“Wow Minato-kun, that was amazing!” Ino spoke joyfully.
Minato grinned. He wasn't sure if she would like it or not since he had never tried it on Kushina before, fearing what her reaction to it would be.
“Ready for more?” Minato asked.
Ino nodded eagerly in response. Minato then snapped his head towards a window next to the front door.
“Your friend is coming” Minato said, as he got out of the bed in a hurry, and grabbed his pants.
“Shit, already?” Ino said in a disappointed tone.
“I have to go, thanks for a wonderful evening. See you tomorrow, Ino-chan” Minato said kissing her one more time before taking his clothes and disappearing using his signature technique. When Sakura entered the cottage, the first thing she did was to hold her nose due to the stench.
“God Ino-pig, what the hell did you do in here?”
Ino who had covered her naked body with the beds cover, just stuck out her tongue in response “Shut up forehead girl, I'm trying to sleep.”.
She didn't end up going to sleep that early, as she and Sakura stayed up and talked about all kinds of things that interested them, except for Minato and Jiraiya. Ino just wished she and Minato could have been alone a little longer. Now that they have had a sex, she can't think of anything she wants to do more than that. Tomorrow, she is going to make sure that he fucks her every chance they get.
Back with Moegi
Moegi watched most of Ino and Minato's little show, and she greatly enjoyed it. She had to admit that Minato had suddenly become a lot more attractive to her, after that display. She didn't mind the thought of being the one who was under him, getting Hiraishin fucked into pure pleasureable bliss. There were other things happening during the time that they had been at it. For example, Sakura had been inside Jiraiya's cottage for a short while, before she returned to her own cottage. She entered the Jiraiya's cottage the same time as Tsunade left it.
Jiraiya and Sakura
After talking to Minato and Naruto, Tsunade and Jiraiya entered Jiraiya and Konoamaru's cottage together, in order to enjoy a few drinks and catch up. The inside of the cottage consisted of one rather spacey room. Within that room was one couch, one large bed and one smaller bed. If you had to go the bathroom, take a shower or something like that, you would have to go to the main building to do that.
Tsunade and Jiraiya sat down on the couch, with Jiraiya serving the sake. He stared at her, shaking her head as he did so "Did you really have to say all that, Tsunade-hime?" he asked, referring to what Tsunade said about Naruto earlier to Minato.
Tsunade rolled her eyes at that "Who cares Jiraiya? It's not like I'm actually gonna do something to the brat anyway.".
"I know, besides you are probably too late anyway" Jiraiya said with a laugh.
"How so?" Tsunade asked with raised eyebrows.
Jiraiya smirked "I think the brat may already have a girlfriend. I have heard that he is out all night very often lately, and he tells Kushina and Minato that he has been sleeping at my place. He then gave me shit last week, because I had apparently not “covered" for him properly” he ended with a chuckle.
Tsunade pouted, crossing her arms above her large chest "I wonder who the lucky girl is..".
Jiraiya shrugged "Beats me, as far as I am concerned, it could be anyone" Jiraiya then stared at her with a serious expression "And by anyone, I do mean anyone.".
Tsunade nodded, while chuckling, before she took a sip from her sake cup "Anko?" she asked.
Jiraiya blew out air, before saying "That would be the least surprising" before the two of them laughed heartily. Jiraiya and Tsunade then changed the subject as they reminisced about old times. For about thirty minutes, they had a very pleasant conversation that both enjoyed, as they had close to laughter at all times. But it was starting to get late now, and Tsunade wants to see her boyfriend before she goes to bed. She was also looking forward to another meal, as she didn't eat that much during the barbecue earlier.
Tsunade got up and stretched her arms above her head “It's getting late Jiraiya, I'm gonna call it a night. Thanks for the drinks.”.
“Why don't you sleep here? I can tuck you in really good, if you know what I mean” Jiraiya said while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He was basically asking her if she wanted to have sex. Tsunade rolled her eyes at him, she knew he was going to say something along those lines.
“I'm not that drunk, good night Jiraiya” she said shaking her head, as Jiraiya hung his head. She then headed towards the door. When she opened the door, she was met by a pretty young girl with pink hair standing in front of her. It was the girl that Jiraiya was supposedly training. While this wasn't their first meeting, they had never really talked to each other before, since Tsunade pretty much only socializes with Udon, Jiraiya, Shizune and the Uzumaki/Namikaze family. What is she doing here, this late in the evening though? Tsunade wondered.
A slightly confused Tsunade, stared at Sakura with a confused expression, while the girl stared back at her, looking like she was a bit upset over something. Sakura had been pacing around Jiraiya's cottage, trying to muster up the courage to go talk to him. She knew that Jiraiya and Tsunade were alone in there, and she couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of her.
Before Tsunade could say anything, Jiraiya stood up and spoke loudly “Oh, it's Sakura, good timing!”
“Hm?” Tsunade hummed as she glanced at Jiraiya.
“I wanted you to meet Tsunade-hime before she left” Jiraiya continued as he joined them at the door. He had not planned on introducing her to Tsunade, but it made for a good excuse as to why she is visiting during these hours. If everything goes according to plan, he might even get out of training Sakura as well.
“Meet me? I have seen her around before. You are Ino and Naruto's friend right?” Tsunade asked, as Sakura nodded in response. Her expression had changed as she was now looking a little bit star struck instead, being in the company of the female sannin. She had just realized that she was talking to the most respectable sannin, the legendary medic ninja, Tsunade Senju. She is someone who pretty much every female academy student looks up to. Tsunade wasn't surprised by her look of awe, since she is used to the younger generations of kunoichi looking up to her.
“Yes, I'm a big fan of yours, Tsunade-sama!” Sakura said, offering to shake the female sannin's hand. Tsunade shook her hand, smiling at the pinkette, thinking that at least a some of the younger generation had some manners, unlike Naruto and Konohamaru.
“That's great Sakura, because I have been meaning to ask Tsunade-hime to take over your training” Jiraiya said, which surprised both Sakura and Tsunade. This was how he was going to get out of training Sakura. He would just dump her with Tsunade instead.
“What? This is the first time I hear anything about that” Tsunade said, staring at Jiraiya with narrowed eyes. Jiraiya started sweating a bit, then he pleaded “Please consider it, Tsunade-hime. I think she would really excel using your fighting style, and her chakra control is really good for someone her age. She could be a splendid medical ninja as well!”.
Jiraiya meant what he said, as he really thought that Sakura was more fit to be trained by Tsunade, and become a medic ninja. He couldn't really picture her fighting using his style, or his techniques. Not to mention that she would run out of chakra rather fast, after using some of them.
Tsunade thought it was interesting that Jiraiya would go so far to ask her to take a student. It seemed like he really meant it. Sakura wasn't all that happy about it though, since she had a feeling Jiraiya just wants to get rid of her. But she also thought it would be an honor to train under Tsunade's guidance. She can always just keep “bothering” Jiraiya after she is done training. She has no intentions of giving up on him so easily.
Tsunade hummed, as she glanced at Sakura again “Kushina mentioned that you have been training a girl. This must be her”.
Jiraiya nodded “Yes, unfortunately I don't think she is suited for my fighting style at all. I think she would do really well under your guidance, though”.
Sakura looked at Tsunade with an awkward smile, staying out of the conversation, while Tsunade thought on it for a while. Tsunade had been meaning to cut down some of her hours at the hospital. Taking on a student could be one way to pass time when she isn't fooling around with Udon. She decided to give her a chance, to at least test her to see if she got what is needed to be her student.
“I will see what you are capable of once we get back to Konoha. Let's meet up on Monday after school, then I'll see what you got and decide whether you are worthy to be my student. Is that something you would want, uhm, Sakura-san was it?”
Sakura nodded eagerly “Thanks Tsunade-sama, it would be a great honor to be your student!”
“Good, I'll meet you at the gates of the ninja academy then. Now I gotta get some sleep, good night both of you” Tsunade said as she stepped out of the cottage, while Sakura stepped aside and held the door open for her. While she walked off, she heard Sakura say “Jiraiya-sama, I have a question regarding my training” before the Sakura closed the door behind her, and she was now all alone with the man who keeps running away with her. She isn't going to let him get away this time though.
“Oh, what's that?” Jiraiya asked as he sat down on the bed couch again, grabbing his sake cup.
With a pout, Sakura sat down next to him “I guess it doesn't matter anymore since you don't want to train me.”.
Jiraiya patted her on top of the head gently “That's for your own good, I really do think Tsunade-hime can train you much better than I ever could.”.
“I'm grateful for that but I still want to see you.. “ Sakura said as her pout disappeared, her eyes lit up a bit as she grinned “I suppose we could always go on a real date then, instead of just training all the time!”.
Jiraiya chuckled nervously as he removed his hand from her head “You say some funny things sometimes.” he said in an awkward tone.
“Bah!” Sakura stuck her face closer to Jiraiya's as she glared at him, in a rather cute way “Kiss me, Jiraiya-sama” she demanded.
“What?” a very uncomfortable looking Jiraiya responded, as he scooted away from her a little.
“I said, kiss me!” Sakura repeated as she leaned closer towards him, puckering her lips.
“I don't think that's a very good idea, I've had quite a bit to drink and.. “ Jiraiya was speaking with his eyes closed, and didn't notice when Sakura interrupted him by placing her lips on top of his. He did feel it though, and it did shut him up. He did nothing to stop her, as she gave him quite a few pecks on the lips. But he also didn't kiss her back.
Annoyed that Jiraiya wasn't kissing her back, she sat down in his lap, facing him as she rested her legs astride of him. “Don't be shy, Jiraiya-sama. Kiss me already!” Sakura said, smiling while at the same time sticking out her tongue at the older man, teasingly.
“Okay, one kiss” Jiraiya said with a twitching eybrow, hoping that would make her happy and that she would leave him alone afterwards. He thought that if she wants a kiss that much, then they might as well do it right. That was what Jiraiya thought as he pressed his lips against Sakura's waiting lips. He placed his arms around her gently as he his lips parted slightly to allow him to suck lightly on Sakura's lip. During their short kiss, which ended soon after that, Sakura had also embraced Jiraiya, putting her arms around him. After the kiss, they still embraced while Jiraiya rubbed her back.
“Satisfied now?” Jiraiya asked with a chuckle.
Sakura shook her head, blushing slightly “One more” she said, before she gave him another peck, which turned into twenty more pecks that Jiraiya returned. At the same time he had lowered his hands to grab Sakura's ass with both hands, really digging his fingers into her perfect ass. Jiraiya had been wanting to feel up her perfect little butt ever since she started training with him. He never thought he would actually do it though, and now that he is drunk, he didn't really care so much about that anymore. Jiraiya's fingers continued to dig into her butt cheeks as he fondled her aggressively, as they continued to give each other quick pecks.
“Mmhm” Sakura moaned “Do you like my ass that much, Jiraiya-sama?” she asked in a teasing tone. She had noticed how Jiraiya had stared at it before, and she didn't really mind that he did it.
“You are playing a dangerous game, girl” Jiraiya said with a hearty laugh. He was getting hornier by the second, and was starting to wonder how it would feel to “clap those cheeks”. In other words, he was thinking about what it would be like to fuck her from behind.
Between kisses, Sakura grinned “You're the one playing games, I know you want me” she moaned the last part as Jiraiya kept fondling her ass. Suddenly Jiraiya seemed to sober up a bit, due to a combination of Sakura's flirty tone and his own thoughts. He realized where this was going. He had to stop this now before they go even further, since he knows he will regret it tomorrow. He lifted the girl off of him and said “That's enough for tonight, Sakura-chan.”.
Sakura giggled as she smiled cutely at him “Okay, Jiraiya-sama.”.
Sakura herself had not expected them to make out like this or for Jiraiya to feel her up like that tonight. She would have been happy if she had just gotten a single kiss from her crush, just like last time. Sakura was happy with how it turned out, but at the same time she was very nervous about where this could lead. She has not had sex before and sex was not something that she was in a hurry to experience. She knew that Jiraiya must have had tons of experience when it comes to sex, especially since he is well known as being Konoha's and probably the worlds biggest pervert.
That's why she had to be a little bit careful with him going forward, in a way that their relationship can progress while not going to fast. At the same time, she couldn't help but think that teasing Jiraiya was amazingly fun. She loved seeing how he lusted for her, even if he liked to pretend to not be interested in her that way. Even if Jiraiya was drunk. she somewhat got confirmation that Jiraiya was interested in her tonight, even if he usually seemed disinterested towards her, or annoyed with her. Then if Jiraiya were unable to control himself, due to her womanly charms which are so much more impressive than “Ino-pig's”, then she would just have to let him ravish her. That is what she has been fantasizing about for almost all of these months that she has trained at his place, and it is those fantasizes that has made her fall in love with him in the first place.
When Sakura was about to leave the cottage, Konohamaru returned to the cottage after having a bit of a romantic evening with a certain someone himself. Seeing Sakura here, Konohamaru couldn't help but give her tight ass a little love tap, by slapping it lightly. Even though he had Kushina now, he couldn't help himself. He loved to tease and prank Sakura, and took any chance he got.
“Pervert!!” Sakura screeched at him, as she rushed towards the door “Thanks for the chakra manipulation advice, Jiraiya-sama. I will practice that next time” Sakura said, coming up with a believable excuse for why she was here, before taking her leave. She figured that may help Jiraiya from having to answer questions on why Sakura was visiting him alone late in the evening in his cottage. Little did she know, Konohamaru couldn't care less about why she was here or not, since all that was on his mind was what happened between him and Kushina earlier today, but also this evening. He couldn't be happier with how things had turned out.
“You do that, good night” Jiraiya said in a tired slur, before he turned to Konohamaru “Where have you been, you damn brat?” he asked in an almost angry tone. If Konohamaru had returned earlier, none of this would have happened. By Jiraiya's drunken logic, it's all his fault that this happened.
Konohamaru flipped him off “Why do you care, old perv? I was just out for a walk with Udon and Moegi” he said, before he walked over to the smaller bed “Good night, Ero-sennin.”.
“Good night, brat..” Jiraiya slurred out, before he turned off the lights.
Back with Moegi
Moegi had seen Kushina and Konohamaru return around the same time that Minato left Ino's cottage, and Sakura left Jiraiya's cottage. They didn't return together though, and she had no clue what they had been up to, or where they had been. She also didn't get a good view into Jiraiya's cottage, and had no idea what he and Sakura had been up to after Tsunade left. Knowing that Jiraiya is teaching her, she didn't think anything strange was going on though. The less could be said about Shikamaru and Yoshino, who are probably the last people Moegi would expect to see doing what they are doing. They are currently making out on the large bed of their cottage, while she Shikaku is still out drinking and chatting with Inoichi, Butao and Yui.
Shikamaru and Yoshino
After spying on Shikamaru and Shizune earlier, Yoshino had returned to their cottage, and was now sitting down on the large bed. She sat there thinking for a while about her feelings, although she already knew what they meant and what she wanted from Shikamaru. Shikamaru came to the cottage about five minutes later, telling her exactly what happened between him and Shizune, and that they would be going on a date tomorrow.
Yoshino already knew this, but appreciated that Shikamaru was honest with her. She is proud that he has managed to score a date with a beautiful woman like her, but she is also feeling a bit jealous. She is starting to think that instead of being just one of Shikamaru's extra women, as a part of his harem, she could become his main woman instead. That way she can teach him all kinds of things and help him with everything she wants him to achieve.
“I see, I'm happy for you. She is very pretty” Yoshino said with a chuckle.
Shikamaru sat down next to her and nodded “Yeah, but I'm only doing this because you told me though.”.
“Oh?” Yoshino responded with an amused smile “Is that because you want to make me happy, or is it because you want another reward?” she asked in a playful tone.
“Both” Shikamaru said looking away from her with a slight blush.
“Oh, Shikamaru” Yoshino said as she sat down in his lap again, resting her legs astride of him “Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, Shizune-sensei might be pretty, but you are prettier than anyone I know” Shikamaru said as his blush intensified “Your rewards are the only reason I'm asking those girls out..”.
“Then I'm going to give you what you want” Yoshino said with a sexy smile, before she leaned into him, then french kissed him, as a wide eyed Shikamaru stared into her closed eyes in surprise. He then started kissing her back, while hugging his arms around her. Once they broke of the kiss, he was all smiles.
His smile disappeared when Yoshino said “I'm afraid you won't get a reward from me this time”
“Oh, that sucks.. Troublesome” Shikamaru responded in a dejected tone.
“Instead you will get a lecture on kissing” Yoshino said placing her hand on his chin, forcing him to stare at her. Yoshino bit her lip as she asked “Would you like that?”
Shikamaru had never looked at his mom like this before and she had never been this flirty and seducing either. His mom was making him incredibly horny lately and for the past week he found himself wanting nothing more than another reward from her. He answered her by pressing his lips against hers.
“I'll take that as a yes” Yoshino said as she smashed her lips against his, forcing her tongue inside his mouth as she hugged him tightly. They spent an hour kissing while Yoshino taught him what girls liked, when he was being to aggressive or too soft. They did everything from pecks, tongue kissing, french kissing, open mouth tongue licking and they took turns kissing each others necks. They kept this up, until they fell asleep next to each other on the large bed. At that point, there was no sign of Yoshino's husband and Shikamaru's father, as he was still out drinking with Inoichi and the others. Or so they thought.
1: This might not be the most exciting lemon scene, but considering how many lemons there will be during this “arc”, I hope you guys could give me a break on this one. This whole trip is basically going to be one big fuck fest, for some of the characters. Also, there is going to be so many chances for lemons with these three, or two out of the three. You will definitely get proper lemons with Naruto, Kurenai and Anko during this story. After all, Kurenai hasn't even gotten to the most evil part of her wicked plan yet.
2: This is an outfit Ino has worn in the Naruto anime, you can see it here:
Authors Note: I'm going to focus on the characters at the Yamanaka's summer home for the next few chapters. Once their trip is over, I'm going to write a chapter that focuses on Hinata and other characters that are still back in Konoha, during the same weekend.
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