Sinful Tales of Konoha | By : Retsinnal Category: Naruto > General Views: 133220 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I don't profit on this story in any way. This is fiction and should not be treated as, or confused with reality. |
Chapter 17 - Hinata's Training
Sunday Morning
After eating a rather early breakfast alone with his wife, due to Naruto having been out all night, again, Minato found himself back at his dreaded office. The first thing he was met by on his desk, was a small messenger toad waiting for him, carrying a letter. After giving the toad a little treat, before letting it return to the toad world, Minato read the letter. The letter was short and straight to the point, as Jiraiya was letting him know that he had left the village again, and would be gone for at least a few days. With a sigh, Minato threw the letter in the bin next to his desk, muttering “Again? Who are you running away from this time, sensei?”.
Minato then heard a knock on his front door “Come in” he said. Then the person who was often Jiraiya's usual reason for running away from the village, entered. It was none other than Minato's new beautiful young girlfriend, Yamanaka Ino. But it couldn't be her fault this time, since she's been with him most of the days of this week. Minato forgot about his thoughts, when Ino walked around his desk, smiling at him with a naughty and flirty smile.
“Good morning, boyfriend!” she said before sitting down in his lap, putting her arms around his neck.
“Good morning, beautiful. Thanks for last night” Minato said with a warm smile.
“No, I should be the one thanking you” Ino said as she licked her lips “How has your morning been?”.
“It's been great, but it's even greater now that you are here” Minato responded, as he leaned in for a quick french kiss.
“Want to make it an even better morning?” Ino asked with a playful smile.
“What did you have in mind?” Minato asked while grinning. Ino then slid down from the chair, as she sat down on the floor in front of the chair instead. She rubbed Minato's cock from the outside of his blue pants “How does a morning blowjob sound, stud?”.
Minato pulled down his pants below his thighs, as he said “That sounds like a wonderful way to spend my morning!” with a wide grin.
Ino started jerking his length, and gave the tip of his dick a quick peck. She then stared up at him, while she continued to jerk him off “Get used to this, Minato-kun. I'm gonna come here every morning from now on to make sure that our hard working hokage gets a good start to his day!” she announced, before taking the tip of his dick inside her mouth.
“You serve your hokage well, Ino-chan!” Minato said with a grin. He then stood up, putting his hands behind her head, before thrusting into her mouth “I can't think of a better way to start my day than fucking your sexy mouth!”.
“Mmhm!” Ino responded with saliva spilling out of her mouth as Minato continued to face fuck her.
While Minato was aggressively fucking Ino's mouth in his office, his son had just finished fucking his own girlfriend, as he had been enjoying a morning quicky with Kurenai. They had done it in a standing doggy style position, against her kitchen counter. He had spent the night at her place again, as he had gone directly to Kurenai's apartment, after helping Kiba find Hana yesterday. Now he was on his way to the Sarutobi clan compound, where he would wake up Konohamaru and bring him over to Jiraiya's place for their Sunday training with said pervert. When he got to Hiruzen's and Konohamaru's house, he made a quick stop at their mailbox, taking care of one of his morning need. He then proceeded to take a piss in it. After taking a leak, he then knocked on the front door, which was almost slammed open as soon as he knocked.
“Good morning, boss!” Konohamaru greeted him with a wide grin.
“Morning..” Naruto said with a twitch in his eyebrow “Why are you so hyper this early? Usually I have to drag you out bed..”.
Konohamaru scratched the back of his head “I don't know, I just woke up early today for some reason.”.
That reason happened to be a very nice wet dream that he had, which involved him and Naruto's mom, dancing and kissing, before playing naked together in Konohamaru's bed. As you can imagine, Konohamaru wasn't going to tell Naruto any specific details about that dream any time soon.
“Where is the old perv?” Naruto asked.
Konohamaru shrugged “He's probably asleep. Why, wanna fuck him up?” he asked.
Naruto nodded “Let's go!”.
“Yosh!” Konohamaru said with a grin, as the two of them marched towards Hiruzens bedroom.
“You know instead of pissing in our mailbox, you could've just pissed on him in his sleep, kore!” Konohamaru said, as he thought that was the kind of prank that his grandfather deserved to endure.
“That's going way too far for a prank” Naruto said shaking his head in disappointment “Let's just put him on fire or something..”.
“Sweet! Maybe we can burn off the little hair he has left on his bald head, kore!” Konohamaru said with a grin.
A few moments later, Naruto and Konohamaru fled the Sarutobi clan compound, while a very angry Sarutobi Hiruzen chased after them. While they had not managed to burn any of the little hair that he has left, they had woken him up by doing exactly what they had talked about. First, Naruto summoned a toad which had brought oil with it. Then, Konohamaru poured all of that oil on top of Hiruzen as he slept, while Naruto performed a simple fire technique. Naruto then performed a more powerful water technique to put the fire out, before grabbing Konohamaru so that they could get out of there. With the help of the Hiraishin, they were able to safely get away from Hiruzen, as they are now close to Jiraiya's house.
When they got to Jiraiya's house, they were both a bit surprised to see Sakura there, sitting on the porch in front of Jiraiya's front door.
“Sakura-chan?” Konohamaru asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Be quiet, I'm here to talk to Naruto-kun” Sakura said as she met them halfway. She stopped in front of them, while glaring at Konohamaru who was wiggling his fingers while grinning at her “Get that sexy ass over here, kore!”.
Sakura clenched her fist threateningly, while Naruto asked “What's up?”.
Sakura forgot about Konohamaru in favor of smiling at Naruto “Umm.. I kinda made Jiraiya-sensei run away again. Since I know that you and that little pig” she glanced at Konohamaru for effect “Always trains with him on Sundays, I wanted to let you know that he isn't here..”.
“Meh” Naruto responded with a shrug “That probably has nothing to do with you, Ero-sennin always finds a reason to get out of the village for a while. We can probably find him in the nearest whorehouse outside the village walls.”.
That had Sakura frown in disgust, at the mere implications. She also knew for a fact that she was the reason that Jiraiya had left this time, but she couldn't tell Naruto about that. Just imagining Naruto and Konohamaru finding out that she is in love with Jiraiya, made her shiver. They would tease her to no end about it.
“Who are you calling pig?” Konohamaru asked with an angry frown “You're the one with the ripe bacon, kore!” he added as he gave her ass a friendly tap.
“I'm gonna fucking murder you, you little!” Sakura started as she raised her fist in preparation to strike the perverted Sarutobi.
“Say, Sakura-chan..” Naruto said, which had Sakura halt her punch “Yes?” she asked as her angry glare turned into a sweet smile.
“What are your plans for today?” Naruto asked with a mischievous grin, as he walked over and grabbed Konohamaru by his scarf.
“I don't know, probably just training alone. Why?” Sakura asked.
Naruto lifted Konohamaru, as he had gripped his scarf, then holding him up in front of Sakura “Wanna train with us today? I'll let you spar against this little shit at the end of the day. You can take out all your built up anger on him then, dattebayo!” he said with a loud and evil laugh.
“Let me down, I'll mess you up, boss!” Konohamaru screamed as he wailed with his arms and legs.
“Sounds fun!” Sakura with an evil grin of her own.
“Great” Naruto said as he let Konohamaru down “No touching until the spar, do you hear, Kon?” he asked with a serious expression.
“Yeah but.. Are you really gonna let some girl train with us on our holy day of Sunday?” Konohamaru asked with a raised eyebrow “Ero-sennin wouldn't approve..”.
“Ero-sennin is not here is he?” Naruto asked with a chuckle “Besides, I'd rather look at her ass, than his ass, while we train. Don't you agree?”.
Even though it was Naruto who said it, Sakura couldn't help but get a little bit irritated at that comment, as her eyebrow started to twitch in irritation.
“Oh!” Konohamaru uttered as he stared up at Naruto in awe “You truly are a gentleman and a scholar, boss!”.
“Why yes indeed!” Naruto said, tipping an imaginary fedora, before the two of started walking off, leaving Sakura to stare at them with a dropped jaw “Are they for real!?” she thought in disbelief.
“Okay, let's start with a light warm up, dattebayo!” Naruto announced “Follow my lead!!” he said as they started running.
“YOSH!” Konohamaru yelled as he tried his best to keep up with Naruto, before glancing at Sakura with a smug grin “You don't know what you're getting yourself into, miss tight pants!”.
“Shut up you little pervert!” Sakura said with a confident grin “I have been training with Jiraiya-sensei for almost a year, I think I'll be able to keep up with you guys just fine, shannaro!”.
“Oh, is that so?” Naruto asked with a wide grin, which had Konohamaru turn blue “No, please boss.. Please don't..” he pleaded in pure horror.
Naruto just started cackling in an evil way, as a confused Sakura stared at Konohamaru who was the one she could keep up with easier, since Naruto was running ahead of them “What's going on?”.
“Just be quiet and run, or you're gonna get us both killed!” Konohamaru whispered, which had Sakura even more confused.
Within just fifteen minutes, when Naruto had already managed to run an additional lap, rounding Sakura and Konohamaru, while laughing at them and insulting them, Sakura started to get an idea of what Konohamaru had meant. That became even more obvious to her three hours into the training, as she and Konohamaru was taking a break, laying down on their backs while trying to catch their breaths. Naruto in the mean time was walking around them with his arms crossed, staring at them with a look of disappointment and disgust.
“Weren't you going to keep up with me, Sakura-chan?” Naruto asked shaking his head “And you, Kon, you should give up on being a ninja altogether. You are an utter disappointment and I feel ashamed of being your big brother”.
“Fuck you, boss” Konohamaru said with a frown, which he soon directed at Sakura “See what you did!?”.
“How is this my fault!?” Sakura barked back at him.
“You taunted him! Don't tell him you can keep up, you have tell him to go easy on us!!” Konohamaru yelled back at her.
“How was I supposed to know that he trains like some super human!?”
“He is Naruto-nii, that should be obvious, kore!” Konohamaru yelled as they continued to glare at each other. Neither of them knew that Kushina was approaching them, carrying packaged lunches for all three of them that she had cooked. She had seen them training together earlier and thought they would enjoy a nice home made lunch. Naruto on the other hand did know that Kushina was coming towards them, so he was on his best behavior.
“Enough of that, Kon. Get up on your feet and help Sakura-chan get up as well. We're gonna eat lunch” Naruto said with a chuckle.
“Kay” Konohamaru responded as he jumped up on his feet, before offering Sakura a hand to help her get up as well. She gladly accepted the help, but found herself regretting that as soon as she was up on her feet. That was due to a sharp pain on her buttcheeks, courtesy of Konohamaru giving her ass a series of hard spanks.
Spank spank spank.
“How do you like that, Sakura-chan!?” Konohamaru asked with a giggle “I can spank this ass all day, kore!”.
“You little..” Sakura said in a dangerous tone, while Naruto nursed his forehead “You dumb fuck..”.
While Sakura spoke about how she was going to kill Konohamaru, he turned to Naruto with a confused expression “Why?” he asked. Then he saw the answer for himself, as a very angry Kushina stood next to Naruto, with her hair raised to take the form of nine tails. There is no scarier sight than that for those that know that woman.
Konohamau froze and turned blue, while squeaking out “Crap..”.
“I'm gonna smash your head in, you little perv!” Sakura said with a raised fist.
“Sakura-san, right?” Kushina asked, making her presence known.
Sakura stared at her with a surprised expression, forgetting all about her anger, in favor of bowing politely “Yes, Kushina-sama”.
Kushina held up the lunches as she said “Why don't you and Naruto go somewhere safe and eat these lunches I prepared for the three of you, while I discipline this shameless pervert!”.
Sakura nodded furiously, as even she was starting to get a little bit scared due to how angry Kushina appeared. She joined up with Naruto, who grabbed the lunches before walking away casually “How many times have I told you to pay attention to your surroundings? You are a complete failure as a pervert” he said in an overly serious tone, as if he had said something great and memorable.
Konohamaru didn't get a chance to respond to that, before he had Kushina's legs wrapped around his neck, which she used to choke him out. Konohamaru struggled a bit, but he didn't complain, since if there was any way he wanted to go out, then this would be it.
It didn't go nearly that far, as Kushina released her hold of him and helped him up to his feet, as soon as Sakura and Naruto had created some distance between them. Kushina stared at Sakura's back with a jealous frown, while a terrified Konohamaru looked at Kushina in horror.
“Please don't kill me, Kushina-chan!” Konohamaru begged, knowing that Kushina didn't take too kindly to perverts.
Kushina ignored that, she didn't even care about Konohamaru acting like a pervert, to her the only problem was that he did it to Sakura, instead of her.
“She is pretty isn't she?” Kushina asked, nodding in Sakura's direction.
“Huh?” Konohamaru responded in confusion “You mean Sakura-chan?”.
Kushina nodded “Do you like her?” she asked with a jealous frown.
Konohamaru shook his head “No.. I mean... Yes... Well not like that. I think she is fun to mess with and she has a nice ass, that's about it, kore!”
Kushina crossed her arms above her chest and pouted in jealousy “I see, I guess it's not fun to prank the old hag anymore”
“What?” Konohamaru asked with his eyes blinking on confusion.
“Nothing, go eat your lunch before I punish you the way I promised” Kushina said with a scoff.
“Okay..” Konohamaru said in an unsure tone, as he glanced at Kushina suspiciously. He wasn't going to let his guard down again and be the victim of another surprise attack. When Konohamaru started walking off, Kushina asked “Date still on tomorrow?”.
Konohamaru showed her a toothy grin and gave her a thumbs up “Of course, Kushina-chan!” he said, before running off to catch up to Naruto and Sakura. They then ate their lunch, before continuing to train until evening.
Naruto and Kurenai
Later that same day, after Naruto had eaten dinner with his parents as usual, he made what has become something usual, as he made a visit to Kurenai's apartment. It didn't take long for the two of them to enter her bedroom, and get out of their clothes.
“Kurenai-chan, you're so beautiful” Naruto said as he grabbed her ass with one hand, while the other was playing with one of Kurenai's tits. Kurenai in the meantime was rubbing Naruto's hard cock, while just arching her head back and moaning due to Naruto's touch “Oh, Naruto-kun, fuck me already!” she responded with a loud moan.
“What's the rush? We have all night” Naruto said with a grin, before carrying Kurenai over to her bed.
“Aren't you going home later?” Kurenai asked while biting her lip.
“Not tonight, sometimes it should be fine if I don't stay at home. I'll just tell mom that I slept at Konohamaru's place or something” Naruto said as he climbed on top of his woman, who was already laying on her back in her bed. Kurenai hugged her legs around Naruto's waist, as he slammed into her with a hard and quick thrust.
“Let's not waste any time then, no breaks tonight, my love!” Kurenai screamed out in ecstasy.
“Sounds good to me, babe!” Naruto said with a loud laugh as he continued to thrust into the beautiful red eyed beauty.
“Oh yeah, that's it!” Kurenai moaned between kisses, as they did it the missionary position “Pound me with that huge cock, Naruto-kun!”.
“Hehehe, let's see how many times I can make you cum this time, before I cover your face with my first load!” Naruto said with a cocky grin. Naruto then grabbed a hold Kurenai's legs, by putting his hands under her knees, then liftem them above his shoulder. He then grabbed a new hold of Kurenai's waist, and started slamming into her harder, in a sitting position.
“Mmhm! That's not fair, it takes almost two hours for you to even get close to cumming!” Kurenai said between moans as Naruto continued to slam into her with all of his might “Oh fuck, you are not human, you are better than a human. You're making me cum already!!” Kurenai screamed in delight, as she sat up straight in order to meet Naruto for a long and passionate french kiss. As they kissed, Naruto continued to bounce her up and down in his knees, as he wouldn't allow any slowing down. He wanted to break the record of how many times he can make Kurenai cum before he cums for the first time of the evening, while at the same time breaking the record of how fast he can cum himself.
After having Kurenai bounce in his lap for a few minutes, Naruto gently flipped Kurenai over, making her lay down on her stomach, before laying down on top of her, slamming into her even harder, from behind. Naruto almost jumped on top of the gorgeous jounin woman, as every thrust made her bed emit this loud creaking sound, almost sounding as if it was going to break with every trhrust.
“Harder, Naruto-kun!” Kurenai yelled out in delight.
“Yes, mam!” Naruto said with a salute, before grinning mischievously. He then focused, in order to gather chakra into every chakra point of his body, in order to use the Hiraishin to speed up his movement even more. A minute later, Naruto was continuing to slamming into Kurenai, from behind, as they laid on top of her large matrass, which was laying on top of Kurenai's now broken bed.
“Ahhhn! Oh yeah! Break the fucking floor next, stud!” Kurenai yelled out with her tongue out “Fuck me through the floor, Naruto-kun!”:
“Hahaha, I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth, Kurenai-san! You're so much fun, do you know that!?” Naruto yelled out with a cheerful grin. He then slowed down a bit, as he realized fucking Kurenai through the floor, into the apartment below, which belonged to one Hatake Kakashi, may not be the wisest thing to do, when you want to keep your relationship a secret.
“Doggy style?” Kurenai asked, as they both came to the same conclusion once Naruto had slowed down.
“Yep, get on all fours!”.
“As you wish, my beloved” Kurenai said with a giggle, before the two of them continued on top of the mattress.
A few hours later
After dinner, Minato had returned to his office in order to take care of some pesky paperwork. Or at least, that is what he told Kushina. In reality, he had been spending the last three hours receiving blowjobs from Ino his office, while also giving her a series of orgasms, using his own mouth and his magic fingers. They had even tried out the sixty nine position, which allowed them to use their mouths at the same time. They did so while laying on top of Minato's desk.
When Minato returned home, it was starting to get close to midnight. He was met by what seemed to be his wife in a rather sour mood, waiting for him in their living room, as she sat on the couch, with her arms crossed below her chest. She was in a sour mood because both Naruto and Minato were out late, and she had not spent near enough time that she would have liked, with Konohamaru today.
“Done with the paperwork?” Kushina asked with an angry frown.
Minato nodded, while he started sweating a bit. He was worried that Kushina had somehow discovered his and Ino's secret, and that was the reason for her sour mood. But then again, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that his secret was still safe. He figured, if Kushina were to find out about that, he would already been punched through every wall of their house. Minato sat down next to his wife, who continued to frown. Since he and Ino had taken a shower at the hokage tower, before returning home, he wasn't worried about smelling like pussy next to his wife.
“Naruto is out late again” Kushina said shaking her head “This have been going on for over a week now, with him staying out late or not coming home at all some nights. Do you know where he is?” Kushina asked.
Minato shook his head, as he rested one of his arms around Kushina's shoulders “I'm afraid not, honey. Do you want me to look for him?”.
Kushina smiled as she nodded “Please do, and if you find him with a woman..” she paused as her expression changed into an evil grin “Then bring them both to me!”.
With a chuckle, Minato stood up and saluted his wife “Thy bidding shall be done, madam!”:
Kushina sighed “Just find him, Minato..”.
Minato cleared his throat nervously “Right, I'll be right back!” he said, before disappearing in a flash of yellow.
While Minato didn't know Naruto's exact location before heading out to search for him, he knew that Naruto was at least somewhere in the village. It also didn't take Minato long to locate Naruto's exact location either. Both of those reasons has to do with Minato's ability to sense chakra sources, which is something a certain Yamanaka Inoichi has helped him improve a lot. Naruto, even without the Kyuubi's chakra, has a gigantic chakra source. His chakra source really stands out compared to the others, and he is really easy to locate, unless he is for some reason concealing his chakra. That wasn't the case tonight, as Minato found Naruto's chakra source located at a certain apartment block. Minato recognized this apartment block as the home of several of his prominent jounin ninja. Kakashi, Gai, Anko, Kurenai and Yugao, to name a few. (1).
Minato stood on a street, where he could see the apartment complex clearly. Even though Kurenai's apartment was one of the apartments on the highest floors, almost fifty meters above Minato, Minato had no trouble spotting Naruto. He could see their dark silhouettes through Kurenai's bedroom window, which was covered by a white window drape. There was no way Minato didn't recognize who was standing behind Kurenai, thrusting into her and spanking her butt. He could even picture Naruto's dumb smile as he did so. And Minato, along with most of Kurenai's neighbors, could hear Kurenai's moans and screams of delight.
“Heh” Minato said with a smirk as he stared up at the window “Atta boy!”.
With those thoughts, Minato made his way back home, while trying to come up with a belieavable white lie to tell his wife. When he returned, Kushina was still sitting on the couch, frowning away.
“Did you find him?” Kushina asked.
Minato nodded as he sat down next to her again “Don't worry, he is sleeping at a friends place tonight” Minato said.
“What friend?” she asked in a suspicious tone. If Naruto was just sleeping at a friends place, then why didn't he simply just name said friend.
“Ehehe” Minato laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head “He is in good hands, trust me on that, Kushina..”.
“What friend?” Kushina repeated, narrowing her eyes at Minato.
“Konohamaru-kun.. He's staying over at Konohamaru's and Hiruzen's place tonight” Minato said as he started sweating again due to get nervous.
“I don't believe you, you have that look on your face” Kushina said shaking her head.
“What look?” Minato asked.
“That look you always get when you know that you are doing something that will piss me off. You look like a terrified little kitten, dattebane!” Kushina said with a giggle.
Minato nursed his forehead as he sighed “Oh well, I tried covering for you Naruto..” he thought. He then stared at Kushina with a serious expression “Naruto is making coitus with a lady friend. It is of utmost importance that we don't interfere.”.
“Utmost importance?” Kushina asked through gritted teeth, as she stood up, and hovered above Minato as she stood in front of the couch. He hair raised above her, as she clenched her right hand into a fist “You will be making coitus with my foot up your ass, if you don't tell me what slut is defiling my son, dattebane!”.
“That would be the most action I've gotten in three years” Minato said shaking his head.
“You think now is a good time for another argument!?” Kushina yelled in anger.
“No” Minato said with a sigh “But please calm down. Naruto is not a little kid anymore, and you can't keep him away from girls forever. We both know how popular Naruto is with the girls, and it's only a miracle that I haven't discovered him in bed with a girl before tonight..”
As Minato spoke, Kushina calmed down as she came to the realization that Minato was right about this. Naruto and whatever lady friend he was with, wasn't doing anything wrong. It is her over-protectiveness of him, along with her taboo fantasizes of him, that is wrong.
“I know, it's just..” Kushina said with a pout, causing Minato to pat her on top of the head “I know what you mean, Kushina. I'm not the biggest fan of how fast our little boy has grown up either, but it's time for us to accept that he has grown up, and let him live his life as the young man he has become.”.
Kushina nodded, even though she was still pouting. She knows that Minato is right, and she won't unleash the red death upon Konoha tonight, in order to find whatever slut it is that has bewitched her son either. Still, she isn't exalted about finding out that Naruto was now sexually active, sleeping with some unknown woman or girl.
“I get it, Minato. But who he is the girl he is with?” Kushina asked.
“Uhh” Minato said scratching the back of his head, looking deep in thought “What was her name again? That brown haired girl..”.
“Half the village have brown hair” Kushina said with a sweat drop “That's not helping much..”.
“Yes, that's the point” Minato thought while responding “I don't remember her name, but I do know she is a kind and good person, who we don't have to worry about.”.
Another lie, Minato thought, as he suspected that Kurenai was far from good and kind. He is going to have a talk with her tomorrow, the first thing he does.
Still pouting, Kushina got up from the couch “I'm gonna go to bed. You need to have the talk with Naruto when he comes back.”.
“What talk?” Minato asked with a raised eyebrow.
“About sex, the bird and bees” Kushina said with a grin “That's your job, not mine!” she added with a laugh, as she reached the stairs in the hall way. “Good night, Minato..” she told her husband whose eyebrows was now twitching in annoyance.
“Good night, honey..” Minato responded, while thinking about how he was going to punish Naruto and Kurenai for this mess. By covering for them, he had almost gotten into an argument with his wife. That could have ruined everything, including his own secrets, as who knows what he would spill out in a heated argument. Minato decided that he would have a word with the two of them tomorrow.
The Next Day
“Oh, that feels amazing, Ino-chan!” Minato said as Ino's head bopped back and forth, between his legs. It was still early in the morning, about half an hour before school starts, as Ino was visiting him again in order to make sure he has a lovely morning.
“Mmhm” Ino responded, as she had a hard time speaking any words due to her having her mouth and throat stuffed with Minato's dick.
A few minutes later, they were done after Minato had covered most of Ino's face with his cum.
With a grin, Minato asked “Want a paper towel?”.
Ino shook her head “Nah, I'm good” she said, while scooping up some of the cum with her hands, before licking it all up.
“I would offer to use my mouth on you as well, but I have a meeting with a jounin in less than twenty minutes. It's probably best that my office doesn't smell like pussy during that meeting, even though it is a lovely fragrance” Minato said with a warm smile.
“That's okay, I only come visit you in the mornings to suck you off anyway. I want to help you relieve some stress, before you have to endure a long day in this boring old office” Ino said with a giggle, as she continued to clean her face by scooping up cum, then licking it all up.
“That's why you are my favorite kunoichi, Ino-chan” Minato said with a chuckle.
“Anything for you, Hokage-sama” Ino said with a sexy smile, biting her lip.
Twenty minutes later, Ino was long gone as she had headed to the ninja academy, while a new kunoichi had entered Minato's office. This one was not here for any funny business though, as Kurenai Yuuhi, stood in front of his desk.
“You asked to speak with me, Hokage-sama?” Kurenai asked with a raised eyebrow.
Minato nodded “I have a mission for you.”.
“A mission?” Kurenai asked while frowning “You said I wouldn't be taking on any more long term missions before graduation.”.
Minato shook his head “This isn't a long term mission. It will only take a few days to complete, I reckon you and the two chuunins you will be working with, will be back before Friday.”.
“I see..” Kurenai said, still frowning as she wasn't the least bit happy with having to leave the village again so soon, even if it's for a short mission “Who will I be working with?” she asked.
“You may enter now” Minato spoke loud enough for anyone standing in the hallway outside the office to hear. A few seconds later, two chuunin girls entered the office. Both of them had long brown hair, one of which had said hair tied into a ponytail. They are Akane and Maho, Udon's older sisters. When Kurenai saw them, her eyebrows started twitching in anger and annoyance, and three whole tic marks formed on her forehead. She was not happy with who Minato had chosen as her teammates at all.
“Akane-san and Maho-san will be your teammates” Minato said with a smug smile, as he held up a paper “Here are the mission details”.
Kurenai snatched the paper out of Minato's hand, then gave him this angry glare, which silently asked “What the fuck did I do to deserve this?”.
She knew this wasn't an important mission. She also knew she wasn't needed for this mission at all. This was some form of sick and cruel way for Minato to punish her. But why? What had she done to deserve this? Unless, Minato has somehow learned about her and Naruto? Those were the thoughts occupying Kurenai's mind, as she and the two slut sisters, left the office. Just as she was about to close the door behind her, she heard Minato say “We will talk about Naruto when you have returned”.
That evening, after eating dinner with his wife and son, which was a rather strange experience in itself, due to how Kushina acted, Minato followed Naruto out to the backyard, in order to talk with him about what he had discovered last night. As for why the dinner was strange, was due to Kushina being all smiles and looking as if she was in her own little word. Minato figured that she was just acting that way to make Naruto think that she had no idea what he had really been up last night. In reality, she was not just appearing to be lost in her own world, as that was exactly what she was. During the whole dinner, the only thing on her mind, was what she would do with Konohamaru later on their date, and what she would wear on said date, in order to impress him.
After the father and son duo left the house and entered the backyard, Naruto asked “You wanna challenge the great me to a spar?” with a cheeky grin.
“Not exactly” Minato said without expanding any further on that, before they had walked far enough from the house, that Kushina couldn't hear them. Little did he know, that as soon as they had left the kitchen, Kushina had rushed upstairs in order to test out outfits. Once they had created a safe distance away from the house, Minato said “I want to talk to you about what you did with Kurenai-san last night.”.
“Huh?” Naruto said with a confused expression “The fuck are you talking about, old man?”.
“Careful brat, or I will take you up on that sparring offer” Minato said shaking his head “I went looking for you last night, and found you being, let's call it, occupied, together with Kurenai.”.
“Ah” Naruto said with a nod “Great work, detective!” he added in a sarcastic tone.
“Keep it up smart ass, this great detective is the only reason why your mother doesn't know who you were with last night. I covered for you as much as I could, all she knows is that you were with some girl..” Minato said with a frown “You not being able to keep your baseball bat inside your pants, almost caused me and your mom to have a fight last night, you know!”.
Naruto patted Minato on the back “Sorry about that, dad. That must have been scary-ttebayo..”.
Minato nodded “Her hair even transformed into the nine tails form. I thought I was going to die there for a second..”.
“Okay I get it, you made a great sacrifice to keep my secret safe. Now what do you want to talk about?” Naruto asked with a bored expression.
“It's just..” Minato started as he realized this conversation was probably going to be more awkward for him, than it would for Naruto.
“I don't really care that you are hooking up with a lady friend, I am actually glad for your sake. What I don't understand is, why that woman?” Minato asked with a scrunched nose “Couldn't you pick someone less..” he started when Naruto cut him off “Crazy?” he asked.
Minato snapped his head towards Naruto with a surprised expression “I was going to say scary, but yeah, crazy works also.”.
“Scary?” Naruto asked with a chuckle “Kurenai-chan is not scary at all, she is just a little bit crazy is all. Anko-chan is also a bit crazy, I guess sexy and crazy is my type, dattebayo!”.
Minato sighed “Anko-chan is just acting, she is a purehearted girl. Kurenai-san on the other hand..” he said with his whole body shivering “I don't know what it is about her, but something about her really scares the living shit out of me.”.
“Yeah dad, that just means you're not man enough to handle her, unlike me” Naruto said with a chuckle “We are a perfect match, I'm not going to stop seeing her no matter what you tell me!”.
“Not man enough?” Minato asked with a raised eyebrow “I was man enough to marry your mom though, how about that?”.
Naruto pouted in defeat “It's not a competition, okay?”.
Minato sighed “Either way, I'm not here to tell you to stop seeing her or anything like that. In fact, I'm quite proud of you for having snagged such a beauty for yourself. The only problem I have with you dating her is, is she really only your girl? As far as I know, she is dating Sarutobi Asuma..”.
“Yeah, that's where the crazy starts” Naruto said scratching the back of his head “How do I explain this..” he added with a long sigh “I guess the short story is that she only started dating Asuma in order to make mom and Anko-chan think she wasn't interested in me. According to Kurenai-chan, that's only a fake relationship, and they haven't even kissed or hugged, during the three years that they have been together. It was a fake relationship from the get go, which is all apart of her evil plan to get me for herself..” Naruto said with a sweat drop, while Minato gawked at him, looking like a gold fish.
“Like I said, she is a little crazy” Naruto said after clearing his throat.
“A little?” Minato squeked out in a terrified tone “Why couldn't you get anyone else!? You could pick literally anyone you want!” he asked.
“Anyone?” Naruto asked in a confused tone “What are you talking about?” Naruto added, which had Minato sigh in disbelief. Naruto's obliviousness was starting to get ridiculous at this point.
“Besides, if you had seen Kurenai-chan naked, you wouldn't be asking such stupid questions. The woman is a Goddess, a one of a kind beauty. I can deal with a little bit crazy, if that means I can call that woman mine!”.
Minato hummed, as he thought about what Naruto had said, as he remembered some scenes of the past, seeing Kushina beat the living shit out of some of her former bullies, then another scene of her slaughtering her enemies with her sword on the battlefield. He realized that Naruto was not that different from him, when it came to the type of girls he likes. To be fair to Kushina, she is nowhere near as crazy as Naruto makes Kurenai sound, but she is scary and a one of a kind beauty as well. Only real men, like him and his son, can handle women like that, Minato thought with a proud smile adoring his face, as he put a hand on Naruto's shoulder.
“I understand son, I believe in you and I trust that you will make the best decisions for yourself. Just remember, you and your future children are the future of this village and our clan. If they have your worth ethic, and are as scary as their future mom, then it's only a matter of time before the Uzumaki clan is known as Konoha's strongest” Minato said with a chuckle.
“Keep dreaming dad, I'm not gonna have any children before I am able to kick your ass with ease. I want to become the strongest ninja this rotten world has ever seen, dattebayo!” Naruto said with a cheeky grin.
“Yeah” Minato said as he stared up into the cloudy skies “I believe in you, Naruto..”.
“Is that all?” Naruto asked in a bored tone.
“Yes, I just wanted to talk about your relationship with Kurenai-san.”.
“Okay, want to spar now?” Naruto asked.
Minato smirked “You know what, take a fighting pose, you little punk. I don't like your attitude lately, you need to be disciplined!”.
“Bring it on, old man!” Naruto said with a wide grin, as he struck a fighting pose as he had been asked.
Konohamaru and Kushina
After dinner, Kushina had rushed upstairs into her second room, the one where she secretly practices her dancing routines, does her make up, and where her closet is located. She spent almost an hour in there, trying out different outfits and doing her make up. She ended up picking the least revealing outfit she had worn on these dates with Konohamaru, so far. Even so, it was still an outfit that made her look incredibly sexy. She had put on a pair of skinny blue jeans, a small white top, and black high healed boots. The white top had the words “Good girls likes bad boys” written on it. (2).
Kushina had tried on more revealing outfits, including some very skimpy dresses that had her tits almost spill out of said dresses, but ended up picking this outfit in the end. She thought that it might look a bit weird if she kept beeing seen wearing those kind of outfits, together with Konohamaru, almost every single evening. Also, this was a good enough outfit for a Monday evening date, in her opinion. She did look incredibly good in it, either way.
Naruto and Minato were still out in the backyard sparring, when Kushina safely left the house, without being seen. After walking down the street, towards the Sarutobi clan compound, she found a grinning Konohamaru, waiting for her.
“Hey, how long have you waited for me?” Kushina asked as she bent down, in order to give Konohamaru a hug.
“Just a minute, you usually come by at nine, kore!” Konohamaru answered, as he hugged her back.
“That's good” Kushina said with a giggle “I was afraid you had been standing here all day..”.
“I have better things to do than stand here all day, kore!” Konohamaru said with a chuckle.
After a quick hug, the two of them headed into the village, walking hand in hand. Konohamaru couldn't help but think that she once again looked incredibly sexy, wearing clothes that was unusual for her to wear. She really looked beautiful in anything, and made any outfit fit her to perfection. Why is this perfect woman wasting her time going on these supposed dates with him though. Why isn't she spending her evening with her husband, the very popular and handsome fourth hokage, who is also known as the strongest man alive? Those were some of Konohamaru's thoughts as they walked down a street of Konoha.
After a few minutes of just walking, Konohamaru asked “What are we doing tonight, Kushina-chan?”.
“I don't know” Kushina said with a sweet smile “What do you want to do with me tonight, Kon-kun?” she asked in a rather playful tone, which had Konohamaru's heartbeat raise, and caused him to gulp.
“M-movies?” he stuttered out, thinking that was probably the most appropriate answer to that question right now, seeing as his mind was starting to think of a lot of other inappropriate things that he could suggest they do. If he did that, she would probably kill him though.
“Sounds fun, but we are watching a romantic comedy this time, tebane!” Kushina said with a giggle.
“Meh, whatever..” Konohamaru said with a shrug, trying to act calm.
After that, they watched a movie at the largest cinema in Konoha, where they spent about two hours. During the whole movie, Kushina leaned her head against him lovingly. She didn't even have to tell Konohamaru to put his hand around her this time, like she had to when they had their picnic on top of the hokage monument, as he did so almost as soon as they had sat down. It just came naturally to Konohamaru now, since he saw it as an order, and just did what he was told.
After the movie, the two of them were walking hand in hand again within the streets of Konoha. Once again, Konohamaru asked where they were going next, but didn't get a clear answer this time. Kushina just told him to walk with her for a while. She brought him to what was now an empty training grounds, as only training maniac such as Naruto and Maito Gai, would be out training during these hours. On that training field, Kushina let go of Konohamaru's hand, then created some distance between them, before facing him.
“I want to see how strong you really are. So are you up for a little spar, Konohamaru-kun?” Kushina asked with a cocky grin.
Konohamaru gulped, as he realized his time has come. He was going to get his ass kicked now, as some kind of grand finale of this prank that Kushina has pulled on him, by making him believe that they were dating or something like that. But even so, he is no wimp, and won't turn down a challenge.
“Okay, but don't blame me if you get your ass kicked, Kushina-chan!” Konohamaru said with a cocky smirk of his own.
“Let's go, ttebane!” Kushina announced, before jumping in with a double jump kick straight to Konohamaru's head, sending him flying. Konohamaru managed to get up, but that was just the start of all the beating he had to endure during their spar. And that's even though Kushina was trying really hard to hold back. She wasn't mad at him or anything like that, she was honestly just trying to get an idea of how strong Konohamaru currently is. She wants to know that because she is seriously considering making Konohamaru her apprentice. If she started training him, they would have all the excuses they need to be together alone, pretty much whenever they want, without anyone batting an eye at them.
In order to put even less suspicion on them, Kushina thought it would be even better if she became something of a teacher to Udon and Moegi as well. Maybe even their jounin teacher in the future. Even better if Minato would allow them to graduate early, after their training had been supervised by her for a few months, as that would mean that they would be adults by law, and could do whatever they want. As has been explained before, in the world of ninjas, the laws are bit different. As a civilian, you become an adult legally when you are 18 years of age. As a ninja, you become an adult when you graduate, and become a genin. So it doesn't matter if the student in the ninja academy is 18 years old, or 48 years old, as long as you haven't graduated, you aren't considered an adult yet.
Why is that important? Well, no on can say anything whenever Konohamaru and Kushina being together becomes known to the public. Because, at this point, there is nothing that Kushina wants more than to be together with him. She is thinking about him every single day, and she can't stand to be away from him. She has fallen for him badly. She remembered when Mito told her to find a man who she could call her soulmate. At first, Kushina thought that man was Minato, which was why she married him. But now, she knows that her real soulmate is actually Konohamaru. Minato is her best friend, a life partner and someone who she also loves. But what she feels for Konohamaru is something different, it's almost a love that has made her addicted to him, and obsessed with him. She can't get enough of him.
After being downed by one of Kushina's rather light kicks, for what had to be the twentieth time that evening, Kushina helped Konohamaru up on his feet again. Konohamaru expected her to come for more, as he struck a fighting pose again. Instead of a beating, all he got was her hand ruffling the hair that stuck out of his gray hat.
“Let's end the spar now shall we? Let's call it a draw” Kushina said with a giggle.
Konohamaru pouted “No, I lost. I don't need a pity draw, kore!”.
“Still..” Kushina said as she moved her hand from her hair, down to his cheek, in order to gently caress him “You still have a long way to go if you want to become as strong as you always say you want to be. But I want you to reach your goals, and I want to help you reach them as well”.
“Help me?” Konohamaru asked, blushing slightly due to Kushina's touch.
Kushina retreacted her hand from him, then nodded “Yes, but before that..” she said as she stared intently into Konohamaru's eyes. She then thought what she wanted to say, but wasn't ready to tell him yet “Before I earn the right to become your teacher, I want to win your heart and make you look at me, and think of me, the same way that I think of you, Konohamaru-kun”.
Instead of saying that, Kushina said “I think that's as good of a way to end a date as any, thanks for a great time tonight again, Konohamaru-kun!”.
“Yeah, th..” Konohamaru started, only to see a puff of smoke in front of him, where Kushina used to stand. Kushina had disappeared, in order to hide her intense blush. Looking like a question mark, Konohamaru then headed home. When he got back home, he found his grandfather sitting on the porch, outside their home, smoking his pipe. Konohamaru expected him to annoy him with questions of “Where have you been? Why have you been out so late” and so on. Instead he just smiled at him and said “Had fun tonight, Konohamaru?”.
“Yeah!” Konohamaru said with a cheeky grin.
“Looks like you got your ass kicked” Hiruzen said with a boisterous laugh.
“I have just been sparring!” Konohamaru said with a frown, before entering the front door “Good night, Gramps!”.
“Yes, it's certainly a good night..” Hiruzen said, then laughed again, making Konohamaru wonder if he was smoking something other than tobacco.
Tsunade and Udon
Earlier that Monday, after Udon's school day had ended, he returned back home. He had not seen or heard anything from Tsunade and her gigantic melons, since last Thursday, when he got to enjoy a strip tease and a blow job, from her. That evening had been like something coming straight out of one of his most perverse dreams. But he came back to reality the day after, when was woken up by his father in the most awkward and embarrassing moment of his life so far.
When Udon woke up the next morning, he experienced the most awkward moment of his life, so far. His father, who is in his fifties and is a very nerdy and serious fellow, came into his room to wake him up. He saw Udon laying on his back completely naked, snoring away.
“Udon, it's time to wake up” His father, said while grabbing him by his shoulder to shake him to wake him up.
“Soon” Udon said as he turned to lay down on the side of his stomach instead. He was having a wonderful dream that reminded him of last night. He wanted to get back to that dream.
“Udon!” His father said in a loud tone, which was unusual for him, as he rarely raised his voice.
That got Udon's eyes to snap open, as he was suddenly wide awake and he realized that he was sleeping above the covers, fully naked. He naturally went under the covers, to cover himself, when he saw that his father had seen him in that state.
“Udon..” His father said in what sounded like a disappointed tone “I didn't tell your mother that last time, that I could smell alcohol on your breath. Now I find you sleeping naked, with some strange pink marks on your privates..” Udon's father said, sounding more and more uncomfortable the more he talked. He was referring to the residue pink lipstick, which had smeared onto Udon's dick after Tsunade blew him yesterday.
“What have you been up to when you are out so late?” His father asked before Udon could even get a word in.
Now Udon is a pretty smart guy and a quick thinker, but he couldn't come up with anything to explain the pink spots on his dick to his father. The smell of alcohol on his breath, was easy to explain though. All he had to say was that Konohamaru made him do it. Then he realized that he only really had one option. That was to use Konohamaru as the scapegoat as always. He couldn't very well tell his father the truth, that it was Tsunade's lipstick, or any other girl for that matter.
“Oh this? It's just a stupid prank Konohamaru did on me yesterday. I was completely pink from head to toe yesterday, I guess I didn't manage to clean all of it up” Udon said scratching the back for his head awkwardly.
His father sighed “That doesn't explain why you are naked though”.
Udon laughed awkwardly “I guess I fell asleep after the shower..”.
“I see” his father said before turning around, walking towards the door “Don't make it a habit to come home late. I will ground you the next time I can smell alcohol on you, or if you are naked again when I wake you up” his father said shaking his head as he left Udon's room.
Udon breathed out in relief when his father left, glad that he seemed to buy the story and didn't question him any further. The one thing he got from this awkward conversation with his father, was that he had to be more careful in the future.
End Flashback
Even if that was a very awkward experience, Udon could live with that if it means that he and Tsunad would continue doing what they had been doing. But that hasn't happened either, and he has no idea why. Today is the day that he is going to change that though, as he is going to head over to her home, to ask her if she wants to hang out again. Knowing that she works in the hospital as the head doctor, he knew that it was likely she would be working longer hours than what he spent in school. At 7 PM, he decided to head over to the Senju clan compound.
Walking to the Senju clan compound took him about five minutes, as the compound is located very close to his home. Once outside the front door of the house, Udon took a deep breath, before knocking on the door.
His heartbeat rose as he waited and waited for what felt like five minutes, but was closer to five seconds. Then the door opened to reveal Tsunade in her usual outfit. Tsunade stared at him with an unreadable expression and said “Hi”.
“H-hey Tsunade-chan” Udon said, gulping “I was wondering if maybe you want to spend some time with me?”.
Tsunade smirked as she thought “Finally, took you long enough!”.
She then looked outside, making sure that Shizune or anyone else wasn't around, before putting her hand on Udon's shoulder to push him inside. She closed the door behind her, before staring at Udon with a sexy smirk.
“Tsunade-chan?” Udon asked wondering if that was a yes or no. He got his answer a second later, as Tsunade almost tackled him, as she threw herself at him, causing her to fall on top of him as he fell on his back. She then shoved her tongue inside his mouth, kissing him. Udon returned the kiss after a second of surprise, as the two of them made out. Tsunade then stood up and offered a hand to help him up on his feet as well.
The reason Tsunade has not visit Udon again after that Thursday, was because Tsunade was busy in the hospital most of those days, but also because she had a different opinion on who should be the one to take initiative to hang out. Since she wants Udon to become more confident in himself and take more initiative, she decided to wait until he comes to her, instead of the other way around. It's about time he starts acting like a man, in her opinion.
Tsunade is also having thoughts about how to proceed with this relationship. Thursday evening, she was overjoyed when Udon showered her with insane amounts of cum, allowing her to drink as much as she wanted and then some more. Her reason for approaching Udon was to find out if her theory about that had been correct, and also to have a little fun with him since she is very horny after not having sex for a few years. The problem is that she realized yesterday that she wouldn't be able to let go of Udon, and that scared her. She was scared because she might fall for Udon for real, and then lose him the same way she lost Nawaki. Nothing terrified her more than that thought.
For now she isn't going to do anything to put an end to it, but she is unsure if she wants to take things further. They don't have to be in a serious relationship, since just fooling around with him works for her as well. What Tsunade is sure about, is that Udon has to be the one to take some initiative for once, otherwise he will not get to see or play with her titties, which she knows he wants. Now that he has taken that initiative, she couldn't be happier. Now she could finally get to do what she enjoys most, along with consuming her favorite meal. That would be sucking cock and drinking semen.
“What took you so long to come see me, brat?” Tsunade asked with a wide grin. She still held his hand, as she lead him towards her living room.
Udon smiled sheepishly “I thought you would be busy and wasn't sure if you wanted me to come bother you. I figured you would be the one to come get me when you wanted to hang out..”.
Tsunade sighed “You are the man in our relationship are you not? You need to start acting like it. You have to be more confident in yourself Udon-kun. I'm already your girlfriend and you don't have to ask anyone permission to see me.” she said with a loving smile as they sat down on her couch.
“O-okay” Udon stuttered due to the way Tsunade stared at him.
“Want a drink?” Tsunade asked.
Udon nodded after a bit of hesitation, as he remembered his conversation with his father. He kinda hoped Tsunade would offer him a non alcoholic drink this time, since he didn't want his breath to smell of alcohol again, when he gets back home. He's running out of believable excuses to tell his father already.
Tsunade then headed to the kitchen, with an extra sway in her hips, as Udon grinned, checking out her back. She really had it all, it's not only her tits that are perfect, even though Udon prefers to focus on those. Tsunade returned soon after, with a couple of small sake bottles in her hands. That had Udon sweat drop for a second, before accepting the sake bottle when Tsunade handed it to him. Knowing how how much Tsunade likes to drink, he wasn't surprised by her choice of refreshments.
Udon didn't even get a chance to taste his sake before Tsunade had emptied her own bottle, chugging it. She then sat down in Udon's lap, straddling him as she hugged her legs around his waist. The two of them stared into each other's eyes, Tsunade with a sexy and confident smile, while Udon's had a more nervous expression, blushing slightly due to how close they were.
“Wanna make out?” Tsunade asked in a flirty tone. Udon nodded nervously as an answer. Tsunade then proceeded to shove her tongue inside his mouth again, exploring every corner of his mouth.
She paused their make out session, just to say “Put your hands on me, you can grab my ass and tits as much as you want” with a naughty smirk. Udon grinned before one of his hands found it's place on of her large breasts. Even though they were still wearing clothes right now, her tits felt so amazing and soft. He put his other hand on her ass, squeezing it tightly with her fingers, as their make out session resumed. That started a long make out session between the two, with their tongues dancing around inside their mouths. Udon kept feeling her up, while Tsunade were rocking her hips, grinding her ass and thighs against his groin.
After making out for about thirty minutes, Tsunade got off of him, in favor of sitting down on her knees, in front of the couch. She tugged at his pants and said “May I suck your dick, Udon-kun?”
Udon nodded eagerly, before helping her getting his pants down to his knees. Tsunade gave the tip of his already hard dick, a kiss. She then said “If you can avoid passing out this time, then you'll have more time to play with my tits later” giving him an eye wink, before taking his whole dick inside her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his dick as her head bopped up and down into his lap. Udon moaned silently, closing his eyes as he just enjoyed the wonderful feeling of Tsunade's warm mouth and tongue working his cock.
Due to how skilled and aggressively she blew him, it didn't take long for Udon to come this time either.
“I'm cumming, Tsunade-chan” Udon exclaimed, putting his hands on her head, pressing her into his lap. Tsunade just moaned in delight “Mmhm!!!” as she felt the first huge wave of cum entering her mouth.
She swallowed as much as she could, but it was still too much for her to swallow. She got the second wave of cum on her face, covering it whole, before she told herself to get back down there, and swallow it all. She took him inside her mouth again and managed to swallow the third huge wave of Udon's massive cum squirts. She kept that up, taking three more waves, before she had enough. Udon continued to cum for another thirty seconds after that, showering Tsunade with his cum, covering her face and her clothes in it. Once he was done, he had his eyes closed, as he had passed out, once again.
“Crap..” Tsunade said looking at the state of her clothes and the floor next to to the couch, not to mention the couch itself. Udon's cum had landed everywhere, including on his own clothes.
“We made a mess, I hope Shizune isn't coming home anytime soon” she thought with a chuckle “I need to clean up this mess just in case she does come home” she muttered, biting her lip. Tsunade then proceeded to strip Udon out of his clothes, while he was still out of it. She did the same with her own clothes, as she stripped naked as well. She then gathered both their clothes and brought them to her bathroom, where she put them into the washer. She was going to put them in the dryer later as well, so that Udon had clothes to wear when he eventually heads home.
Tsunade he went back to the living room and lifted up Udon, carrying him with one hand, high up, so that she could eagerly suck out the last drops of cum from her favorite lollipop. She brought him to her bedroom, while sucking him like that. It was easy for Tsunade to carry a man like that, due to her monstrous strength. Her punches can destroy mountains, and her finger flicks can send grown men flying.
Tsunade put him down on her bed, and let him rest there until he was ready to come back to the world of the living. In the meantime, Tsunade put on an apron, which was the only piece of clothing that she wore, while she cleaned up the mess in the living room.
Fifteen minutes later, Udon woke up to the sight of Tsunade's head between his legs, bopping up and down, as she eagerly sucked on his new hard on. The familiar feeling of the warmness of her mouth, overwhelmed him, as he started moaning again “That feels so good, Tsunade-chan. You are really good at that!”
Tsunade let Udon's dick escape her mouth, as she faced him with a wide smile “You're finally awake!” she then chuckled, due to what Udon had just said “Thanks, they don't call me the legendary sucker for nothing!”
“Who calls you that?” Udon asked with a raised eyebrow, and Tsunade could hear a hint of jealousy in the tone of his voice as well.
Tsunade giggled “Hehehe, do you think I'm some kind of slut giving out free blowjobs to anyone? Don't worry, you are actually one of just three people that I have ever done things like this with in my whole life.”
Udon smiled, liking that answer. He didn't think it was necessary to ask which two, since honestly it was none of his business.
Tsunade decided to explain further anyway, while slowly jerking his hard on “That nickname is something I earned, because I suck at gambling, I am always losing no matter what who or what I bet on. Therefore I'm the legendary sucker” she chuckled “But you may have heard my dear old teammate, Jiraiya, refer to me as that as well. He has another reason to call me that, as he is one of the few to have experienced one of my blowjobs. Jiraiya and I have been fuck buddies since we were in our twenties. He enjoys calling me by that nickname due to the double meaning of it”.
“I see..” Udon said nervously “Are you and Jiraiya-sama still..” he started when Tsunade interrupted her “We haven't had sex in years, and I don't see us doing it again either now that I have you. Unless he somehow gets a pretty girlfriend who you can play with at the same time” she ended with an eye wink, referring to their previous conversation about them becoming swingers.
Udon grinned, happy to hear that, as he rested his arms behind his head, while Tsunade took his dick inside her mouth again “I wonder what Jiraiya-sama would do if he saw us like this” he said with a giggle.
“Mhm..” Tsunade responded, letting his dick out of her mouth. She smiled at him sweetly and said “He would probably strangle you to death on the spot” she then eye winked at him again “Tehe!” she said cutely, before resuming what she was doing.
“Eh!?” Udon exclaimed in fear “Are you serious!?”
He didn't get an answer from Tsunade as she just giggled, while she continued to give him one of her heavenly blowjobs. Tsunade was really curious to find out what would happen when he cums the second time on the same day. Would his loads be as big, and would he pass out the same way? She got the answer five minutes later, as the waves of cum transcended towards her. She wouldn't be able to swallow any more this time, because had had eaten her fill earlier. She really thought she would be able to live on an Udon cum diet. Not only is it healthy, but she also loves the taste of cum in general. Especially Udon's cum. His cum is just as tasty as Nawaki's cum.
That is what she had prepared this time, as she had placed several large empty plastic bottles, that used to contain a gallon of milk. She let the first wave land on her face, before she grabbed one of those bottles and had him cum the rest inside that. His load filled almost the whole gallon sized bottle, and Tsunade was sure that his load was not smaller this second time around. She now also had secured a nice breakfast for herself tomorrow. Now she just needs to get lunch as well.
Another happy surprise was that Udon did not pass out this time, as he laid there, staring at what was happening with an open mouth. He was honestly wondering if he was seeing things. This was the first time he stayed awake long enough to see just how much semen he actually released when he came. That along with a very jolly Tsunade, with cum all over her face, gathering the rest of his cum into one of those huge gallon sized milk cartons, was not something you saw every day.
“Thanks for the meal!” Tsunade said, leering at Udon with a sexy smile “Who would have thought a perverted brat like you could produce this much tasty cum!?”
“I'm happy to be of help, Tsunade-chan” Udon said grinning back at her “C-can I play with your tits now!? Please!!”
Tsunade licked her lips sensually “Of course, you can play with them as much as you want today. But I'm not done sucking your cock yet, I want to find out just how many times you can cum in one evening before you can no longer produce that amount of cum. It's my duty both as your doctor and your cum loving girlfriend, to find out” she said, as she took off her apron.
Shen crawled onto the bed, getting on top of Udon. Tsunade and Udon then spent the rest of the evening in her bed, where Udon was allowed to play with her tits for hours, while Tsunade lost count on how many blowjobs she had given him. She got the answer that she wanted though, and that was the same answer she got the last time. Her boyfriend is a freak of nature whose loads doesn't lessen, even after releasing those gigantic loads more than four times in the same evening. She had enough cum now in those milk cartons, that she could live on it for a few days. She would be storing them in her basement fridge, since she doesn't want Shizune to drink from them by mistake, thinking it's regular milk or something.
The only problem was that Udon looked like a shriveled mushroom or a sick old man, after he came the fourth time. He seemed completely exhausted and almost dehydrated. Tsunade gave him a nutrient rich special energy bar, that she had made herself, and a sports drink, which seemed to restore him to normal. Her new boyfriend had a bit of a stamina problem, she figured. They would have to fix that.
Hinata's First Day of Training
That same Monday, after school, Hinata and Hanabi headed over to Hiruzen's house, located in the Sarutobi clan compound. Hinata was very eager to get the training started, and she was very happy that the training would take place somewhere that wasn't within her own clan's compound. Her sister is also very eager to start training. She is very happy about this chance to be trained by a former hokage.
Once they arrived at Hiruzen's house, which the former hokage shared with his grandson, they knocked on the front door. Once the door opened, they were both a little bit surprised to see that Hiruzen was not alone. He had Uchiha Mikoto standing next to him, as the two of them seemingly answered the door together.
“Hey Hinata-chan” Hiruzen said with a warm smile before turning to Hanabi “And miss firecracker.
“Tch” was the only greeting he got out of Hanabi due to the nickname he used for her, which she did not like.
“Good day Lord Third. Our father told us that you are going to train us from now on” Hinata spoke in a very respectful tone.
“That's right, the two of you are out of luck. This retired old man is going to be your teacher from now on” Hiruzen said with a chuckle “Oh and Hinata-chan, what did I tell you about calling me that?”
“Sorry, old man” Hinata said with a slight smile.
“That's better!” Hiruzen said with a hearty laugh.
“Mikoto-san, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?” Hanabi asked. Mikoto and Hanabi know each other well, due to Hanabi being best friends with Mikoto's youngest daughter, Satsuki. Hanabi wasn't expecting to see her best friends mom here, and knows nothing about Mikoto's relationship with Hiruzen. She doesn't even know that they are friends. That's why it's a bit surprising for her to see her here.
“I don't mind you asking. I'm here because I'm going to help Hiruzen train the two of you, starting with you, Hanabi-chan” Mikoto said with a grin.
Hanabi pouted “I thought I was gonna train with the former hokage..” which got a laugh out of Hiruzen “Hahaha, so the firecracker has come to get training from this 'stupid old man', is that right?
Hanabi gritted her teeth “I'm only here because my father told me I had to be here!”.
“Sure, sure!” Hiruzen said teasingly “It's not like you were overjoyed at the chance to be trained by a legendary ninja like myself”.
“You damn old..” Hanabi started when Mikoto cleared her throat “That's enough bickering for today..” she said shaking her head, before asking “Hanabi-chan and Hinata-chan, have your father told you about your new training schedule?”
“No, he just told us to be here on Monday after school” Hanabi answered. She did most of the talking since she was a lot more talkative and less shy, than her older sister.
“Hiruzen?” Mikoto said, glancing at him.
“Right.. Starting today, the two of you will train under my and Mikoto-chan's guidance. You will train with us every week day after school, until 10 PM in the evening. You have the weekends off for now, but that could be changed in the future, depending on if we and your father think it would be worthwhile to add more hours of training time. There is also a chance that we could go on training trips over the weekends. Today we will take it easy and the two of you will most likely get to home a little earlier than ten o'clock. Tomorrow we are going to follow the schedule, and the two of you are going to eat your dinner here with us” Hiruzen explained.
“Whatever, when are we starting?” Hanabi asked, in a kind of bratty manner.
“Hanabi” Hinata said in a worried tone. Hiruzen just chuckled, loving Hanabi's antics, while Mikoto sighed “We can start right away, In fact, you can come with me right now. Satsuki-chan is waiting for us, as she will be joining us from time to time”.
“Uh, okay” Hanabi said as Mikoto stepped out of the door and motioned for Hanabi to follow her. Hanabi and Mikoto then headed out of the property, as Hanabi glanced back at Hinata, wondering why they were being separated.
“Why are we training somewhere else?” Hanabi asked Mikoto once they entered the street outside of the house, which was the one connecting the sarutobi clan compound with the village, as well as the Uzumaki/Namikaze house at the end of the street.
“I don't want to insult your sister, but she requires the most work. Hiruzen is going to focus solely on Hinata-chan's training for a while, since she is graduating soon.” Mikoto explained.
Hanabi nodded “Okay, but he will train me sometimes, won't he?” she asked in a hopeful tone.
“Of course. In fact, we hope that both your and Hinata's training goes well, so that we can continue to train you in the future. For now, you father has only allowed us to train you until Hinata-chan graduates. We hope that we can train both you and Hinata-chan at least until you graduate in a little over a year, at the very minimum” Mikoto explained.
Hanabi grinned confidently “I guess both me and sis will have to work our hardest then, to convince my father to let us train longer with you and that goofy old man!”.
Mikoto nodded, while trying not to smirk “That's the right attitude, Hanabi-chan”.
Meanwhile, Hiruzen had asked Hinata to follow him to a building located to the side of his house. Once they entered it, Hinata's eyes was met by a very large and open room, with close to zero furniture inside. It was a very familiar type of room, as she had spent a lot of time in a similar building in recent weeks. That's because this building is Hiruzen's dojo, his training facility that he has used almost like a training grounds, for decades. Other than having the usual dojo floor, the large main room also has a black board in the back. It's a large black board, the same kind that Hinata sees almost every day in the classrooms at school. Hiruzen walked straight up to that black board, then asked Hinata to sit down.
Hinata did as he asked, as she sat down on the dojo floor, while Hiruzen stood in front of the black board.
“Hinata-chan, before I tell you more about how I am going to train you, I would like to learn a little bit more about you, if you don't mind talking a little bit about yourself. I want to know how your life has been since your mother passed away, and I want to know how you are feeling in general. Make sure to tell me everything, especially if anyone has treated you badly, or tried anything similar to what that waste of space, Nagi, did. I want you tell me everything, even if it's about someone that you care about. I know that your father hasn't been treating you very kindly, for example” Hiruzen said in a kind tone, as he smiled at her grandfatherly.
He wants to know her full story before he even brings up the whole seductress thing. He's also still very unsure about going through with this, and is looking for any excuse not to.
“Um.. Everything is f-fine, o-old man” Hinata said, lowering her head depressingly.
“Oh?” Hiruzen responded with a raised eyebrow “If everything is fine, do you want me to call it off? I can ask your father to train you instead.” Hiruzen said, staring at her with a frown, since he knew that she was lying.
“No!” Hinata yelled, looking as if she was close to tears. She then added in a lower tone “P-Please, don't do that”.
Hiruzen nursed his forehead and sighed, then said “See, you would rather train with this retired old man, instead of your own father. No one else could teach you the Hyuuga fighting style better than he could. Yet, now that you have the chance to choose, you beg me not to ask him to train you. Hinata-chan, you will have to tell me the truth first. First you will have to be honest with me, If you can do that, then I will decide whether I will train you at all”.
Hinata stared at the ground, still close to tears. She then choked out “My life changed completely after mother died..”
Hinata then went on to tell Hiruzen pretty much everything she had to suffer. Everything from her fathers demeaning and insulting words to her, and his favoritism of Hanabi, to Nagi and and all the threats and harassment he had directed towards her, during the past year. Other than Nagi and her father, there were a lot of Hyuuga clan members who seemed to think it was okay to belittle her and insult her, because that was what Hiashi did. Hinata did not bring up what Hiashi did the other night. She also didn't bring up what her grandfather, Neji, had told her before he passed away. Hiruzen listened to her whole story without interrupting a single time. The more she spoke, the less she stuttered. There was a very noticeable hint of hatred and detest in her voice, as she told her story.
Hinata ended her story with “Even so, I still love my clan and my family. Even my father. I want to become stronger so that I can change the clan for the better, myself. I want the Hyuuga clan to be a respected and honorable clan. It's a dream that I share with my late mother”.
Hiruzen nodded slowly, smiling at Hinata's words, because she didn't stutter a single time when she spoke of her dream “Well said, Hinata-chan”.
Hinata blushed at the compliment and offered the former hokage a faint smile. Hiruzen then sat down on the dojo floor as well, sitting about two meters in front of her. He had a rather serious expression as he said “Thanks for telling me all of that, now I am even more convinced that training you was the right choice”.
“W-will you train me then?” Hinata said, with a little stutter returning.
Hiruzen nodded slowly again, bring his pipe to his mouth “I will. But first, I'm going to tell you some stories about some girls and women, who all probably wished they had your life. These stories that I'm going to tell you, are about some of Konoha's former kunoichi, who were all defeated or captured by our enemies..” Hiruzen started, as Hinata gulped nervously.
Hiruzen started by telling her what he knew about Nohara Rin's story, because it was the least disturbing out of all the stories he would tell her. After two hours of telling these disgusting stories, Hinata felt like she was about to throw up. At that point, Hiruzen had not even started telling the worst story that he knew of. That would be the story of how he found Uchiha Temari, and what happened to her, her daughter, and the other women imprisoned by a daimyo of the wind country, who is now long since dead. It wasn't a story that Hiruzen was going to tell Hinata tonight, since the two of them would most likely be throwing up at the end of it. That's how disgusting the story is. But if Hinata were to become his student, then she would hear the story some day, when she is more ready, and has learned more about the true nature of this rotten world. Instead of telling that story, he told another story which was also disgusting, and much worse than the Nohara Rin story. At the end of it, Hinata couldn't help but cry, as she felt bad for all of these girls, who had to endure all of those atrocities.
“You probably wonder why I spent three hours telling you about some of the most horrible crimes that humans has ever committed” Hiruzen said as he stood up., once the story telling was done.
Hinata wiped her tears, before nodding.
“It's because I don't want that to happen to any Konoha girl ever again, or any girl from any village, for that matter” Hiruzen said as he turned around to face the black board.
He grabbed a white cray on, as he spoke “That's why I want to train you to become a kunoichi who specializes in taking out scum like that. The type of kunoichi that I'm talking about, will also be able to take out very powerful men, who they could never defeat in a straight up battle. Both scum like those previously mentioned, or more honorable men who are enemies to Konoha. This type of kunoichi would be effective against most men, and even some women” Hiruzen explained, as he began writing on the black board, but hesitated. He was gonna write the type of kunoichi as the title of a little presentation that he would hold. The title itself, would probably disgust and scare Hinata, and he wouldn't be surprised if she barged out of here, after seeing it.
“W-would even I be able to do that?” Hinata stuttered out her question “C-could I defeat someone much stronger than m-me?”.
Hinata sounded nervous when she asked her questions, but she was actually very hopeful. This training might be exactly what she needed, so that she can get revenge on Hiroshi and all those other men who dared to lay their hands on his mother. Those weren't people that she could hope to defeat in a straight up battle, with her current strength.
Hiruzen still had his back to her, as he said “You could, however, you can decide if you even want to train in the arts that I'm talking about, after I have told you what it is”.
“Okay” Hinata said as Hiruzen started writing on the blackboard. He wrote “Seductress” centered in the top of the board, in large letters.
Hiruzen took a step to the side, allowing Hinata to see what he had written on the board. When she read it, she gasped.
“Not what you expected?” Hiruzen asked with a chuckle.
Hinata shook her head nervously. This was far from what she had expected. She didn't even know what to say right now, as she just let the former hokage go on.
“I know that this is probably not what you imagined, and it's definitely not the type of specialization that someone of your status, being the daughter of a clan head of a powerful and rich clan, would normally ever consider. But let me explain first, what I mean when I say seductress.” Hiruzen said while Hinata just listened, while feeling a little bit nervous and uncomfortable. Hiruzen then started what could be considered a presentation, of what he pictured the perfect kunoichi to be.
What he was talking about, was a seductress who excelled in her arts and was skilled in most other ninja arts as well. A kunoichi who would be a great asset to the Konoha village and any team she would be a part of. The seductress would be an expert in a lot more things than just seducing men, or whoever the target is. She would be able to hold her own in a more traditional ninja battle, as she would still be trained in a more traditional sense as well. But there are some key skill sets, that a seductress would have to excel at. Hiruzen wrote them down on the black board, as important points, as he held his presentation.
Starting with scouting and information gathering, which was important to prepare for the whole seduction mission to begin with. Where does the target live? How many guards, if any, does the target have? Where is your mission objective, if there is any, located? If things go wrong, where are your possible escape routes? All of the previously mentioned questions is important for any ninja to find out, when taking on any missions involving infiltration or spying. But for a seductress, it is even more important, as they would need to gather even more information about their target. What kind of person is the target?. What type of women does the target like? What is the targets kinks and fetishes? How should I go about seducing the target, or is seducing the target even required at all to complete the mission?
Hinata had a bit of an advantage when it came to scouting and information gathering, in comparison to most other kunoichi. That is thanks to her eye powers, the doujutsu of her clan, the byakugan. Thanks to her byakugan eyes, she can scout out areas from a far distance, without risking getting caught. Her clans doujutsu and fighting style, is going to help her in a lot more areas as well.
The next important point that he wrote down, was 'assassination'. This is another area, where her clans abilities will be a big help. With a combination of her clans doujutsu and their fighting style, the “gentle fist” or “juuken”, the hyuuga are able to see a persons chakra points and attack them with precise chakra attacks.
(Authors Note: a quick explanation of the gentle fist, taken from the Naruto wiki fandom page:
“The gentle fist is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyuuga clan. It inflicts internal damage through attacking the body's chakra pathway system, subsequently injuring organs which are closely intertwined with the area of the network which has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their own chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name "gentle" fist.”)
Being a user of the gentle fist, a hyuuga like Hinata would be able to assassinate their target, who they have seduced, pretty much whenever they want, while getting close and personal with their target. All she has to do, is put her hand on the targets chest, then use the gentle fist to attack the chakra point of the targets heart. It would mean instant death, if she is successful. She could target other organs as well in a similar manner. Then she also has the option of using hidden weapons, such as a thin needle (a senbon), a small knife or even poisons. Hiruzen's job was making sure that she was well trained and ready to use all possible methods. Even if the gentle fist would be the best choice, in most cases.
A seductress wouldn't necessary have to seduce the target every time, in order to assassinate him or her. What is important is the willingness and abilities to be able to do it. Hiruzen isn't talking about training some kunoichi who just whores herself out to everyone. He is talking about what he pictures to be the most effective and dangerous kunoichi, which has never really existed before. That's why this kind of a seductress, would always be a good addition to any team and village. She would never be extra weight, as in being useless, in any situation. She would be just as capable as any other high skilled ninja in a battle, but willing to do the dirty work that others won't. Both assassination and seduction orders could be considered dirty work, since getting orders to do missions like that, isn't exactly going to make most kunoichi jump and scream in joy.
The next point was something Hiruzen had already started getting a little bit into. That was “orders”. The willingness to take on any order, for the sake of a missions success and to protect the village, her teammates or civilian people. It doesn't matter if the order is to seduce a handsome prince looking son of a daimyo, or if it's the most vile, disgusting and stinky mountain bandit, with rotten teeth. It was important for a seductress to be willing to take on all of these missions, since no one else would. And all scum needs to be killed, without discrimination.
The next point that Hiruzen wrote down was “acting”. A seductress must be able to play the role of any type of woman. After scouting and gathering information about the target, the seductress should know what type of role she needs to act out.
An extreme example could be, if the target is a wealthy and crooked businessman, who owns and buys sex slaves, then the seductress could let herself be captured by slavers and be sold to that businessman. Normally she wouldn't have to go that far, since she could most often than not just seduce the target or targets, with some usual flirting. But in some cases, going to such extremes, to make sure that she can infiltrate the targets homes, could be the only way to get close to the target.
Less extreme examples, could be that the seductress is just taking on some personality traits that the targets likes in a girl. A spoiled and bratty rich girl, a short tempered tomboy, a loose and slutty village girl, a classy and prude married woman, for the targets into stealing other men's women, or why not a shy future kunoichi with low self esteem. Hinata certainly wouldn't have any problem acting out the last example.
Hiruzen next and last important point, was 'sex'. A seductress shouldn't have any restraints, as she should be willing to do pretty much anything, to ensure the mission is successful. That means that the seductress must be ready and willing to partake in any sexual act. Hiruzen has already told her some examples of the type of different men, that she should be willing to sleep with, even if they are smelly bandits with rotten teeth. Even if the target wants the seductress to fuck a horse, for his amusement, and that's the only way to make sure the mission is successful, then the seductress should fuck that horse and do so with a smile on her face.
Hiruzen then once again told Hinata that it was very important for a seductress to always be an asset for her team and village. She should be a great ninja in every sense, and should never be dead weight to any team. Unlike those two slutty sisters, who have somehow made chuunin recently.
“A-Akane-san a-and Maho-san?” Hinata asked nervously. Honestly, she is feeling terrified and nervous, as she was trying to shrink herself and hide by disappearing into her tan jacket.
Hiruzen's whole presentation, which had taken nearly two hours, had made her really nervous and uneasy. Hinata isn't stupid, she knows that Hiruzen didn't spend two hours talking about this as some kind of educational presentation. She believes that he is going to force her to train as a seductress. That's pretty shocking to her, as she never thought that he, of all people, would suggest something like this to her. But what terrified her the most, was her own thoughts. By becoming a seductress, would it let her get payback on Hiroshi and those other men, for what they tried to do to her mom five years ago? Could she prove everyone that had belittled her and made fun of her wrong, by becoming this perfect kunoichi that Hiruzen spoke of?
Hiruzen's eyebrows twitched “So you've heard of them?” he said with sweat drop. Akane and Maho are two sisters, who are two years apart in age. They are both older sisters to one of Konohamaru's best friends, Udon. They are known to be very slutty, as they sleep around with a lot of powerful men in Konoha. One of those men is none other than Hiruzen's old friend, Homura. Hiruzen thinks that he may have played a part in the decision to get them promoted to chuunin.
Neither of them deserve that rank, as both are very weak. They are honestly weak even for genin standards, as some of the stronger academy students, can easily defeat both of them. They are both dead weights to any team, and it's only a matter of time until they end up getting themselves captured or killed by enemy ninja. The only reason they are still active, is because they have so much support from some higher ups in the village, who they sleep with. They are also very popular among jounin and chuunin men, to have as teammates, since those sisters are very willing to sleep with all of their teammates on any mission.
“A seductress would be nothing like them, they are just sluts who are using their bodies to climb the ranks. They will get themselves killed in the future. Once again, a seductress is someone that their teammates should always be able to rely upon. It's also important that as few people as possible know about the details of what the seductress is actually doing on her missions. There is no point to it, if the whole world knows that the kunoichi in question, specializes in seduction. No enemies are going to let themselves be seduced by someone like that. No, it's better if the seductress keeps their dirty work secret. And it's also important that the seductress is someone who others would never expect to perform such acts.” Hiruzen paused as he nursed his forehead and sighed. He was now going to get into the parts that was going to be harder to talk about.
“Take you for example, not a single person in Konoha would suspect you of being a seductress. Hinata-chan, you have probably figured it out by now, the reason that I have told you all of this, is because I'm offering you to train you in the arts of a kunoichi seductress” Hiruzen said, as he revealed the whole reason for this five hour session of horror stories and presentations.
What Hiruzen said, didn't come as a surprise to Hinata, but when he actually said it, she couldn't help but gasp in disbelief. Hiruzen had expected a response along the lines of that or even worse.
“I know what you are thinking. 'Go to hell you perverted old man', or something like that?” Hiruzen said with a chuckle, getting no response from Hinata as she seemed to disappear more and more into her jacket.
“N-no” she stuttered.
“No?” Hiruzen asked in a surprised tone.
“P-please go on, old man” Hinata stuttered. Hiruzen stared at her with a raised eyebrow, or rather the top of her head, which was the only part of her head that wasn't covered by her jacket.
“Don't tell me you are actually considering this?” Hiruzen asked, staring at her with wide eyes.
“Um.. I.. I'm..” Hinata stuttered as her whole body turned red. She then started muttering something incoherent that Hiruzen couldn't decipher.
“What was that? I can't hear you, Hinata-chan” Hiruzen said staring down at the girl who was hiding herself inside her large and baggy jacket.
Hinata's very red face then emerged from her jacket, before she stuttered out “I said, how would you train a seductress like that?”.
Hiruzen couldn't believe his ears. She couldn't be considering actually doing this? He wondered, as he stared at her with an open mouth. He figured once he tells her about the training part, she will have a change of heart, for sure.
“First, I would have sex with you for weeks, to teach you everything that I learned throughout many decades of having hundreds, or maybe even thousands, of different lovers. I don't want to brag or anything, but every single one of my lovers, have complimented me and spread rumors about how good I am in bed. That means that it won't be the most terrible experience ever, even if it means having sex with this old man.” Hiruzen started, now he wasn't saying “the seductress or her” as he made it very clear that it was Hinata that he was talking about.
“After that, you would have to have sex with a lot of different men as a part of your training, to ensure that you are willing to sleep with all kinds of men during your future missions, if needed. Short men, fat men, tall men, handsome men, ugly men, old men, young men or even non human males” Hiruzen said as he stared at Hinata with a serious expression. Hinata's head was once again disappearing into her jacket, as Hiruzen pretty much staring at the furry hood of her jacket, where her eyes had been earlier.
“N-non human?” Hinata stuttered.
Hiruzen nodded “If it's needed” he said shaking his head. He still couldn't believe he had actually gone through with this. It was even more unbelievable that Hinata had not ran away yet, screaming for help and yelling insults at the old pervert, for even suggesting it.
“At the same time, as you are undergoing your sex training, I will also train you in all other areas that I went over earlier. I will also train you the same way I trained my three former students, who went on to become known as the legendary three, the sannin. That's because I want you to always be someone that can be relied upon, even if the mission has nothing to do with seduction or assassination. You should be a force to be reckoned with” Hiruzen said with a sigh. He wasn't excited about this at all, since he knew it was never going to happen. Especially now that he had told her what the training was all about.
“Now that I have told you about this, there is one last important thing that you need to know.. “ Hiruzen said smoking his pipe, then blew out a large puff of smoke “I'm not going to force you to do anything of what I have mentioned. It is up to you to decide if you want to do this or not. But if you for some reason do decide to try this, then you will also be able to call it off whenever you want, if you change your mind. The other option is that we forget that we ever had this conversation, and I'll do my best to train you in a more traditional sense. I'm sure I can help you become a decent enough ninja without such training.” While Hiruzen spoke, Hinata had once again emerged from her jacket.
She was staring at Hiruzen with a shy smile, as she had realized that she had been wrong about him. She thought he was going to force her, like everyone else seemingly wanted to do lately. It seemed to her, that he was just as uncomfortable talking about this, like she was having to listen to it.
Hiruzen then sighed again “I know that you probably don't want to do anything of what I have talked about, but can you at least think on it for a while? I honestly don't think there is anyone in Konoha who would be a better option for me to train to become a seductress.”.
“W-why?” Hinata asked nervously “Why me?”.
“Because you are who you are. You are the shy, yet beautiful, princess of one of Konoha's most powerful clans. You are pretty much a princess of your clan, and your beauty matches that status, as you look very much like a young princess. You would be the last person that anyone would suspect to do the things that a seductress does. You would also be able to seduce most men without much effort, because you are so beautiful. Beauties like you are rare, Hinata-chan.” Hiruzen said with a warm smile.
Hinata didn't say anything, but she had a faint blush adoring her cheeks, due to Hiruzen's compliment.
“You can go home early today. We don't have to ever mention this conversation again, unless you decide to give it a try. Tomorrow you can even train with Mikoto-chan if you would prefer..” Hiruzen started saying, when Hinata interrupted him mid sentence “N-no”.
“Hmm?” Hiruzen responded with a raised eyebrow.
Hinata stood up, then walked up to Hiruzen, staring into his eyes “I said no, old man” she said without a single stutter.
Hiruzen nodded, as he stared at her with a confused expression “Okay, I'll never mention it again then.”.
“Um.. N-no, you don't get it” Hinata said, with her stutter returning and her cheeks becoming redder.
“Then tell me clearly, what are you trying to say Hinata-chan?” Hiruzen asked with a warm smile.
Hinata nodded, as she gained a determined expression “Do you really think that someone like me would be able to do all that? I'm not talking about the indecent stuff, I think anyone could do that, I mean all the other things, that require so much preparation and skill” Hinata asked, without much stuttering.
“C-could someone l-like me, w-whose o-own father has said that she h-has no t-talent for being a n-ninja, do all that?” Hinata added, before Hiruzen had the chance to say anything. She continued on, not giving him a chance to reply.
“Someone who is the punchline to every joke told by her fellow clan members?” Hinata said, with tears falling from her eyes “Someone who couldn't even defend herself against and old man who tried to force himself on her..?”
She hung her head and cried as Hiruzen patted her on the head. He wanted to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay, but didn't think that was appropriate after everything he had told her. He figures that he is probably the last person she wants a hug from right now.
“You can't blame yourself for all of that, especially the last thing you said. Nagi may have been a disgusting piece of shit, but he was still a rather powerful ninja at some point. Otherwise he would have never made the rank of jounin, nor would he have been given the position as a Hyuuga elder. You haven't even graduated yet, and as far as I can tell, you have as much potential to become a force to be reckoned with, as any other student in the ninja academy.” Hiruzen then shook his head as a teary eyed Hinata stared up at him “No, you have higher potential. I don't think any kunoichi that is alive, or have existed in the past, could match up to what you could become, if I trained you in the way that I described”.
Hiruzen wasn't feeling as hesitant and regretful anymore, he was just speaking what he really felt. He meant every word he said, as he truly believed that Hinata had what it took to become this “perfect kunoichi”, who specializes in seduction.
A crying Hinata stared up at Hiruzen and yelled “Then please train me, old man!”
Hiruzen stared at her in shock, with his eyes shooting out of his eye sockets “Eh!?” he yelled comically.
Hinata had made up her mind before Hiruzen told her about the training part of it all. She wasn't going to remain the loser of her clan. Hinata also didn't want to give people any more reasons to look down on her anymore. She wasn't going to remain as a defenseless and powerless victim, and not be able to do anything against those horrible men, who most likely attacked her mother. Hinata is now convinced that the story that her grandfather, Neji, told her, was all true. She had no reason not believe him anymore, after the way they had acted at Neji's funeral. Smirking and grinning at the funeral of their highly respected former clan leader. She wasn't one hundred percent sure about it, but she was going to find out the truth. And she was going to get ready for them, if they ever decide to come after her as well, like Nagi did.
After his comedic outburst, Hiruzen collected himself as he stared at Hinata and spoke in a serious tone “Train you how, Hinata-chan?”.
Hinata blushed as she turned her face away, staring to the side “I'll d-do it. I'll l-let you train me to become a s-seductress”
Hiruzen was about to have another comedic outburst, but held it in, has he continued to stare at her with a serious expression “You know what that means, right? You and I are going to have sex. Are you really prepared for this?” he asked.
Hinata faced him again, staring up at him “Before you came over to our house to have dinner with us on Friday, My f-father had already ordered me to have sex with you. I wasn't very h-happy about it then, and I w-wasn't ready for it. But I was prepared to do it anyway, since my father ordered it. Now I have made up m-my mind. I'm not doing it for someone else, I'm doing it for my own sake instead. That is, if you truly believe that I have what it takes to become a kunoichi, who is as skilled as you have described”.
Hinata then turned her head away again, blushing furiously, due to being so embarrassed about the whole situation.
Hiruzen didn't say anything as he turned around, facing away from her. He then started walking towards a door at the back of the dojo “Follow me, little Hyuuga princess” Hiruzen said.
“Okay, old man” Hinata said in a determined and confident tone. She followed Hiruzen to that door, which Hiruzen then opened. Behind that door, was a room with two large beds in it. Between the two beds there was a small shelf, that had four items on it. Three of them made Hianta gasp. She had never seen one of those items in real life before, but she knew what it was. Because laying on that shelf, was three large dildos, in three different colors. The other item was a bottle of tube, which was something Hinata had no clue what it was for. These four items weren't items that Hiruzen had placed here in preparation for his night with Hinata. The three dildos are Mikoto's toys, which has been here for over a decade.
The bottle of lube belongs to Hiruzen, though. It never hurts to have one ready, in case one of his lovers want to take it up the ass, for example. Hearing Hinata gasp at just seeing the sex toys, had Hiruzen smirk. He had only brought her to this room to call her bluff. Now that they are actually in a bedroom, with not only one, but two beds, waiting for them, she may not be as willing to go through with this. At least, that is what he hopes, since he is not so sure about this either.
“Don't worry, we won't be using Mikoto-chans toys tonight. We might have use for the lube though” he ended with a laugh.
“M-Mikoto-san?” Hinata stuttered.
Hiruzen nodded “She has been my lover for almost two decades now. I will tell you all about that some other time” Hiruzen said as he placed his arm around Hinata's lower back. That startled her as she almost jumped and let out a cute “Eeep!” sound.
Hiruzen removed his hand from Hinata, while staring at her with a sweat drop “I thought you said you were ready for this?”.
“I a-am” Hinata stuttered “I'm j-just a little b-bit nervous”.
“Okay, let's try this again..” Hiruzen said with a sigh as he put his arm around her back again. This time she did not jump or squeak out weird sounds. Instead Hiruzen led her over to the large bed in the back of the room. That bed is completely new, as Hiruzen bought it yesterday. The mattress, sheets, cover, quilt and pillows are all new as well. The other bed, closer to the door, is very old. It's a bed that he has used a lot in the past, such as when he snuck out to his dojo to have sex with some of his lovers, hiding from his unknowing wife. The sheets in that bed is anything but new, as they are most likely stinky and covered in cum stains. The reason he had not changed the sheets, is because he wants it be dirty and smelly. Hinata has to get used to sleep and have sex on such dirty beds as well, since bandits and other lowlifes are usually not the most hygienic creatures.
Once they reached the bed, Hiruzen let go of Hinata as he started taking off his red and white robe. Hinata glanced at him nervously, before following his lead. She pulled down the zipper of her tan jacket, starting by taking that off. After Hiruzen had removed his robe, he was only wearing a pair of black pants and a black shirt. Those are part of his usual battle outfit, along with some armor pieces and a helmet, which he was not wearing this time. Hiruzen then sat down on the bed and stared at Hinata with a twitch in his eyebrow. Hinata had a similar outfit, now that she had removed her jacket. She wore dark blue pants, which was a lot baggier than the kinds that kunoichi usually wear, along with a dark purple T-shirt.
The reason for Hiruzen's twitching eyebrows, was because Hinata couldn't even look at him, as she stood there, looking scared, nervous and uncomfortable. There was also another detail that he couldn't help but take note off. Her chest seemed a lot smaller, than the times he had seen when she wore her sexy and cute outfits during all those dinners.
“Did your tits shrink?” Hiruzen asked with a chuckle.
Hinata blushed, thinking Hiruzen was very brash for using that word instead of chest or breasts. “N-no, I'm using bandages as bindings” she said, before her shaking hands pulled her T-shirt over her head. Apart from the bandages around her chest, her upper body was now completely exposed.
Hiruzen was surprised by Hinata's actions, thinking she would look for reasons to avoid undressing any further. He followed her lead, as he removed his shirt as well. Hiruzen is in good shape, for someone of his age, as he still rocks a six pack. His very hairy chest, full of gray old man hair, wasn't as appealing though.
Hiruzen glanced at Hinata again, thinking she would be grossed out. That didn't appear to be the case, as Hinata was staring at his chest, while biting her lip. She couldn't help but think that he had kind of a hot body, for someone so old.
“Is she checking me out?” Hiruzen thought in disbelief. Hinata then continued to undress, by pulling her pants down. Once the pants were off, she only had a pair of dark blue panties and those bandages, covering her privates.
Hiruzen was at a loss of words, not believing his own eyes. Maybe she was a lot more ready for this than he had previously assumed. She was even starting to remind her a little bit of Hitomi, not just in looks, but by the way she acts as well. He figured he would have to test her for real, to make sure that she was actually willing to do this. Before Hinata could remove the bandages, that she was already reaching for, Hiruzen stood up, then put both of his arms around her. He pressed her into him, as he stared down at her, into her eyes.
“Have you ever kissed someone before?” Hiruzen asked.
Hinata shook her head, looking as nervous as ever “N-no”.
“I'm gonna steal your first kiss then. Are you really okay with that?” Hiruzen asked, as he leaned down, to stare into her eyes with his face close to hers.
Hinata nodded, then closer her eyes as she stood on her tip toes. She puckered her lips, waiting for Hiruzen to kiss her. It wasn't that she wanted her first kiss to be with Hiruzen, as she would much rather give that to her beloved Naruto-kun, but she had already made up her mind that she would go through with Hiruzen's training. She would do anything and let anything happen to her body, as long as that means that she can become as powerful and dangerous as Hiruzen had described. She didn't want anyone to be able to make fun of her, or look down on her, ever again.
With wide eyes, Hiruzen stared at Hinata, once again wondering what was going through her mind. Her then hugged her tightly, before leaning down to press his lips against hers. After a second of their lips touching, Hiruzen stuck his tongue inside her mouth, and at the same time, he lowered his hands and started caressing and groping her round and soft, perfect little butt. Hinata responded to the kiss, as she met Hiruzen's tongue with her own. But she kept her eyes closed, and couldn't prevent a few tear drops from escaping her eyes.
After a very long and wet first kiss, where Hiruzen used a lot more tongue than he usually would, Hiruzen pulled back and stared at Hinata. She opened her eyes and stared up at him, with a very flushed face. Hiruzen then pointed his index finger in front of her chest, then cut her bandages apart with a little bit of wind chakra. That exposed Hinata's breasts as he now had a clear view of them, in their full size. Hiruzen was staring, with a perverted grin, at what had to be the biggest breasts he had ever seen on a girl of her age. They weren't as big as some of the older busty beauties belonging to this village, but compared to the other academy students, she is in a league of her own. He wouldn't be surprised if they would someday be as big as Hitomi's, Kushina's, Kurenai's, Anko's or hell, maybe even as big as Tsunade's, if they kept growing like this. The more he looked at her, the more it almost seemed like he had gone back in time, and was courting Hitomi again.
Hiruzen then leaned down and started kissing and licking her breasts. That caused Hinata to let out that strange sound again “Eeep!”, which Hiruzen ignored this time. He started caressing and playing with the free tit while he sucked and kissed the other. Hinata couldn't help but let out quiet moans, and she got more and more flushed by every second that passed. But she would be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy it. After sucking on, and playing with her tits, for a few good minutes, Hiruzen stood up straight again and stared at her.
Not only was she completely red faced, and looking like she was holding back tears, she was also shaking.
“You are shaking, Hinata-chan.” Hiruzen said as he turned around, then leaned down to pick up his shirt.
“Go home. You are not ready for..” he said when he felt Hinata hug him from behind “N-no old man, I am r-ready, I'm j-just very n-nervous”.
Hiruzen turned around to face her, as he rested one of his hands under her chin. “Are you 100% sure? Your first kiss is one thing, but your virginity is something else entirely. It's not something you can get back later on. Don't you have someone you are in love with? Someone you would rather share your first time with?” Hiruzen asked in a worried and kind tone.
“I d-do have s-someone like t-that, b-but he is v-very popular with all o-of the girls in s-school. I d-don't even know if he is aware that I e-exist” Hinata said staring at the ground.
“You wouldn't be talking about a loudmouth brat, with spiky blond hair and whisker marks on his cheeks, would you?” Hiruzen asked, while sweat dropping.
Hinata stared up at him wide eyed “Y-yes, Naruto-kun. H-how did you know?”.
Hiruzen snorted before he sat down on the bed, pouting and crossing his arms in front of his chest “Because all girls are in love with him. I can't even spend a nice evening with any of my lovers, without them mentioning how they are going to try to seduce Naruto, or tell me about their previous failures of trying to do so. I don't think there is any human in this village, with a slit between their legs, that isn't attracted to that stupid brat”.
Hiruzen frowned at him “N-naruto-kun is not s-stupid!” she barked at him cutely. That got a laugh out of Hiruzen, as he replied while smiling warmly“I know that better than you. Naruto is like a grandson to me. Both he and Konohamaru are my pride and joys, they are very important to me”
Hinata smiled hearing that, as she got more and more comfortable due to their chat, even though she is currently standing in front of him topless. Hiruzen then added “That's the same reason why I can call that stupid brat whatever I want. You don't want to know the kind of pranks that little brat, and his stupid little monkey of a minion, has pulled on me and his parents, throughout the years!”.
The little monkey minion who Hiruzen mentioned, is none other than his actual grandson, Konohamaru.
Hinata couldn't help but giggle due to Hiruzen's funny expression and his outburst. She knew very well about Naruto and Konohamaru's pranks, as everyone in the academy had been the victim of one of them. Especially girls, they are the ones that are targeted the most. Then reality struck her, as she realized she was standing less than a meter away from Hiruzen, with only her panties on. She blushed again, as she covered her chest with one of her arms, while looking away from Hiruzen.
“Um.. Like I said earlier, I-I am prepared to do this, old man” Hinata stuttered out.
“Okay” Hiruzen said as he stood up, then placed his hands on her waist “I won't ask you again tonight, so this is your last chance to put a stop to this”.
Hinata nodded “I'm not c-changing my mind”.
Hiruzen grinned widely, then he guided Hinata towards the bed. “Sit down” Hiruzen said.
Hinata sat down, gulping nervously, as Hiruzen pulled down his pants and underwear. He revealed an erect penis, which was very average in size, compared to most other men. He had been hard ever since they had entered this room, as he truly did want to go all the way with her. He just wanted to make sure that she was completely sure about going through with it herself. Now he was done hesitating, as he gently pushed Hinata down on the bed.
She ended up laying on her back as Hiruzen got up on the bed to join her, before het pulled down her panties. He then sat down in between her legs, as her legs rested to the side of him, guiding his cock to her entrance. He then pushed all the way inside of her, right from the get go. Hinata screamed out, due to the pain that was caused due that hard and quick first thrust. The pain lessened as Hiruzen started moving his dick in and out of her, slowly and gently, while kissing her neck and massaging her tits. Hiruzen knew exactly what he needed to do, to make sure that she felt more pleasure than pain. Hinata is not the first virgin who he has slept with, after all.
About a minute in to, Hinata started moaning in pleasure. That surprised both her and Hiruzen. Her because, she was surprised by how much pleasure she was feeling right now, as she was getting close to having her first orgasm. In Hiruzen's case, he was surprised because he was pretty sure that if she got into it this fast, then he might have a little nymphomaniac Hyuuga princess on his hands. Although, that shouldn't surprise him that much, considering that it's almost the norm for kunoichi women to be nymphomaniacs. Her mom and Mikoto are two examples of that. Speaking of her mom, what Hinata asked for next, is something her mom had asked Hiruzen so many times in the past.
“F-faster! Fuck me faster!” Hinata yelled, with her tongue out of her mouth, drooling slightly.
Hiruzen grinned, as he put his hands on her thighs and lifted her legs on top of his shoulder, before speeding up as he started slamming into her harder and faster. Hinata moaned in delight “Oh God!! your dick feels so good, old man!!”
For the next two hours, Hiruzen fucked her hard and fast in the missionary position without any major breaks. The only breaks they had, was when Hiruzen came inside of her, which was when they took a breather. When Hiruzen got hard again, they resumed their fun as he got on top of her again. Hinata was screaming and moaning in delight, the whole night. She was definitely not regretting her decision to go through with this, by the time they were done for tonight.
A few minutes after 10 PM, they had both gotten dressed. Hiruzen was leading Hinata out of the dojo, as she was about to leave. Once they reached the street, outside of his house, Hinata turned to him and said “D-do we really have t-to stop so early?”.
Hiruzen couldn't help but burst out into laughter. He then shook his head before giving her ass a quick spank “We will continue where we left off tomorrow. Do me a favor and put on that sexy golden lingerie you showed me in your room the other day. Wear it all day in school, under your clothes” Hiruzen said with a grin.
“O-okay, old man” Hinata said with a warm and loving smile. She was still stuttering, but her stutter had definitely lessened compared to earlier. She then just stared at up at him, while biting her lip, looking almost like she was begging him to take her back inside to continue where they left off.
“On second thought..” Hiruzen said with a perverted grin, before looking down the street in both directions. He then grabbed Hinata's hand and walked back to his garden with her. He lead her to the side of his house, where the walls covered them from being seen by anyone walking down the street. He had Hinata leaning against the wall of his house, while he quickly pulled down her pants and panties to her knees. He then proceeded to take her from behind out there, in a standing position, while Hinata covered her mouth with one of her hands, to quiet down her moans.
Hinata had never had so much fun while training before, she thought as she drooled, with her tongue out of her mouth, while Hiruzen continuously pumped into her. Hiruzen had not exaggerated when he said that he was good in bed, as Hinata enjoyed every single second of it, apart from maybe that first hard thrust into her. She liked it so much that she was thinking that she had found her calling, something she enjoyed, and something she was going to become the best at. She was now convinced, that she was going to become the best seductress this world has ever seen. And she was gonna enjoy every single part of it.
“F-faster old man, f-faster!” Hinata begged, as a grinning Hiruzen gladly complied to her request, pressing her into the wall of his house, as he fucked her in a standing doggy style position, for another thirty minutes. He then gave Hinata a long and passionate french kiss, before she would finally return home, ending the first day of training with her new sensei.
After she had left, Hiruzen had forgotten all about any kind of regrets or doubts of turning Hinata into a seductress. Mikoto had been right about her, she was the perfect student. And Hiruzen was going to have a lot of fun training her.
When Konohamaru returned from his date with Kushina, about an hour later, the reason for Hiruzen's giddy and strange mood, was not because he was smoking something other than tobacco. It was because he had just fucked Hyuuga Hinata, and he was going to be able to do so for the rest of his life.
1: In this map that I drew of Konoha (which I really need to re-do at some point), you can see the location of this apartment block:
2: A reference of Kushina's outfit:
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