Sinful Tales of Konoha | By : Retsinnal Category: Naruto > General Views: 133220 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I don't profit on this story in any way. This is fiction and should not be treated as, or confused with reality. |
Chapter 12 - Sleepover
The following day, which was a Saturday, Naruto was up early as always. While eating breakfast with his parents, he was thinking about what had happened during their visit to the Tanzaki Quarters. Him hooking up with Tayuya meant that he had without a doubt cheated on his girlfriend. Now he is wondering what the right thing to do is. The way he has been raised, made him want to man up and go tell Kurenai exactly what happened, then deal with the consequences of that. It isn't like him to lie and go behind other people's backs, and he has never been a good liar anyhow. Usually people that knows him well, can easily tell whenever he is not being truthful.
On the other hand, when it comes to the cheating part, Kurenai is already doing that to Asuma, in a much more twisted, evil and even planned way. Because of that, he feels like he can justify himself living with just this one lie, as long as he makes sure that it doesn't happen again. He doesn't think it's going to be hard to keep that promise, since he most likely won't run into anyone as beautiful and interesting as Tayuya again, any time soon. But another part of him just wants to tell her, since he doesn't like to be a lying snake who people can't trust.
Another thing that was on Naruto's mind, had to with what Tayuya told him when she found out about him being from Konoha. Even though Naruto didn't think that his father was involved in that in any way, such as giving the order for it to happen, he still wants to hear it from the man himself, in order to confirm it. When Minato left for work, Naruto asked if he could walk with him to his office, in order to have a talk with him.
“Sure, as long as you keep your legs moving. I don't want to be late” Minato said with a chuckle, as the two of them left their house, before walking down the long street they live on, heading towards the center of the village.
“I met this gorgeous girl at Tanzaki Quarters, who I happened to hang out with a little..” he started when Minato interrupted “That's my boy!” he said with a proud smile.
Naruto laughed “Yeah, you would have been very proud of me. You should have seen her dad, she was really pretty, dattebayo!”.
Minato chuckled, while shaking his head “Good for you son, but as you already know, I have the prettiest woman already. No one can compare to your mom.”.
Naruto sweat dropped “I don't know about that..” he said, while thinking that Tayuya, if anyone, would certainly be someone who you could compare to with his mom. That's because Tayuya both looked like her and acted like her. That fact made Naruto a little bit uncomfortable, the more he thought about it.
“The reason I brought her up, is because after she found out that I am from Konoha, she kinda snapped at me and told me to get away from her. She then told me the reason why she no longer wanted anything to do with me. According to her, a group of Konoha shinobi broke into their home several years ago. They then killed her father, then raped her mother, and even threatened to do the same to her and her sister. Someone then came to save them, killing those Konoha shinobi as a result. I don't know what happened afterwards, as she didn't tell me all the details.” Naruto explained in a serious tone “All of this happened when she was ten, and since she appeared to be close to my age, maybe a year or two older even, that means that you were definitely the hokage during that time” Naruto said, as he ended his re-telling of Tayuya's horrible past experience.
Minato let out long drawn sigh, due to being so sick of hearing stories like this all the time. The fact that things like this is still happening, even though the war has long since ended, makes him sick to his stomach.
“And now you are wondering if I gave the order for those mystery Konoha shinobi to do that to her and her parents?” Minato asked.
Naruto shook his head “No, I know you wouldn't do that. I'm just wondering if you know anything about it, seeing as you are our great Lord hokage, the protector of Konoha, the mighty yellow flash and all that other crap..” Naruto said, with maybe a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“I'm afraid not. For starters, I have no idea when or where this happened. It might help if you tell me where they lived, that way I could perhaps remember if I sent a group of shinobi on a mission to that area around that time...” Minato said with a frown.
“She never told me that” Naruto said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
“Look son, I feel sorry for your girlfriend, but this is the reality of the world that we live in. You and your friends who have grown up in Konoha has been shielded from this all your life. Konoha is not a perfect place either, but it's much safer and better here than any other place you can find outside of our village walls. It's because of how dangerous and rotten this world is, that both me and the Third always keep telling you about our visions to change this world for the better. It's why we put our hopes in you, you who have the strength and skills that I could only dream of when I was your age. If I had your skills back when I was your age, then I could have probably prevented the third great ninja war from even breaking out in the first place. That would have saved thousands of lives, that is for damn sure” Minato said with a dejected sigh, while Naruto just listened.
“While both me and the third have told you a little about how the strong abuse the weak, especially during war times, we have shielded you from hearing about the worst of it. I could tell you horror stories, which would keep you up at night, one of which is about one of my own students. Her name was Nohara Rin, and she was the kindest and most gentle girl that I have ever met. Your mom also loved her, having something of a big sister relationship with her. In all honesty, she was also my favorite, even if I shouldn't be playing favorites with my students. What happened to her was something that I will never forget, and it's also something that I will never forgive” Minato said, with his expression hardening at the end.
“Rin..” Naruto said with a thoughtful expression “That's the girl with brown hair, who is in your old team pictures back home?”
Minato nodded “She was a teammate of Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Obito. Obito also died during the third great ninja war, and he also passed in a horrible and painful way. But that was nothing compared to what Rin had to suffer, before she eventually killed herself.”.
“What happened to her?” Naruto asked, looking a bit uncomfortable because he wasn't used to seeing his father this way. It made him remember that his father is not just a goofy and kind “ossan”, he is also a terrifying ninja, a war hero, and someone who is praised as the strongest hokage ever.
Minato stared at his son with a serious expression “I really hoped I could avoid ever telling this story to another person again, because it makes me sick of my stomach every time I think of it, and I can barely control my rage” Minato said, clenching his fist hard. Naruto could feel the chakra of his father flaring, as his father, the Hokage tried to control his rage.
“Do you still want to hear it?” Minato asked.
“I'm not sure” Naruto said, with a nervous gulp. If what happened to her made his father this angry, then it must have been something really bad.
“No, you have to hear this, since you will be a ninja in less than two months. You must know the reality of this world, so that you know why it is important to change it” Minato said with the same serious tone “Just don't let your mother know that I told you, she would kill me for real if she finds out”.
“I won't tell mom” Naruto promised, as they entered Minato's office. There Minato was able to tell him the full story of what happened to Nohara Rin, without anyone being able to listen in on it. (1).
After spending twenty minutes in his fathers office, listening to the most disturbing and sad story he had heard in his life so far, Naruto headed out to train. He was going to his usual training spot to train as usual. He didn't even consider going to Kurenai's place to fool around with her, as that was the last thing on his mind after hearing that. This story that Minato had just told him, made Naruto realize one thing. He would have to get used to killing other men. If these were the kind of people that he would fight against, then he had no other choice but to kill them. There were no saving those men, in Naruto's opinion. He had to rid them from this world.
Unknowingly to Naruto, he was seen leaving Minato's office by none other than Yamanaka Ino, who was going to give Minato an early morning surprise visit. Unfortunately for her, Minato kindly asked her to come visit another time, as he was not in the mood to fool around either, after telling Naruto that story. But Ino did get some valuable information just by seeing Naruto. If he is back, that means that Jiraiya is also back. That in turn means that she and her friends can invade Jiraiya's house and have their sleepover at his place, as they had originally planned, before he left on that short trip to find Tsunade. On that note, Ino gathered her two best friends, before the three of them went out shopping.
Unlike the Uzumaki family, Tsunade did not wake up early in the morning, as she opted to sleep into the late hours of the morning instead. She and Shizune had moved into her old house in the now abandoned Senju clan compound. Once she had gotten up, she found Shizune in their kitchen, having prepared breakfast for them. Tsunade couldn't help but smile when she saw that, as she realized Shizune must have woken up early and then gone out to shop groceries, while at the same time cleaning up and dusting off the house, before Tsunade had got up. Tsunade couldn't have picked a nicer girl to become her apprentice if she tried. She is always looking out for her like this.
The two of them would then enjoy a nice breakfast together in what is now their kitchen. During their breakfast, they talked a little bit about what their plans are for the future, now that they have returned to Konoha. Tsunade was a bit surprised to hear that Shizune's first choice of things she wants to do, is to become the ninja academy's school nurse. Honestly, Tsunade wouldn't have minded getting that position either, since that would allow her to play doctor with Naruto, or any other sexy young stud in the academy. But she also knew that she was far too overqualified to just become a school nurse. The same could be said for Shizune, and the reason why Tsunade thought it was a bit surprising that Shizune just wanted to be a school nurse, was because she thought Shizune would have higher ambitions than that.
Shizune has become a very skilled kunoichi, who is easily around jounin level. Her medical skills are only second to Tsunade herself, meaning that she could ask for pretty much any position at the Konoha hospital. So finding out that she just wants to be the school nurse, was actually a bit surprising to her. Had she known Shizune's real reason for wanting to become the school nurse, which is more in line with Tsunade's thoughts of “playing doctor” with some younger men, then maybe it would have made more sense to Tsunade. But she doesn't know about Shizune's secret attraction to younger men. Instead she thinks Shizune only wants that position out of the goodness of her heart, so that she can make sure that the next generation of ninja are in good health.
While Shizune certainly intends on making sure to do her job properly, by making sure that every academy student is healthy, she also has some very selfish reasons as to why she wants that position. Shizune is still a virgin, which is something she really wants to change. All she thinks about lately is having sex with younger men, who is at the academy or genin age. In recent months, she has secretly worked on a new drug that is almost completed. The drug is intended to remove the memory of the one that consumes it for the next ten hours. She intends to give this drug to a future potential lover, so that she can have sex with him whenever she feels like it, without him remembering it. That way he won't be spreading any rumors about them, or brag about it.
The drug is not fully finalized yet, as she first needs to give it a proper test. She is going to do so by using it on herself, as she doesn't want to risk hurting anyone else with any possible harmful side effects. Being the school nurse, she would be able to ask the male students to come to her office for a check up, pretty much whenever she wants to. And while Shizune is certainly no different from all other girls, when it comes to being attracted to Naruto, she is also very attracted to most younger men. She wouldn't be using her drug on Naruto, that would be too risky to begin with, and too much competition. And she would much rather have a permanent and real relationship with him instead, where there is no need for that memory loss drug.
The same goes for any other young man who she could start gaining a likeness for, or a love interest in. This drug would be used on anyone that doesn't fall into that category, and since she fantasizes about making every male student in the academy her secret lovers, that other category is rather large. What she wants is a serious relationship with a younger stud, who she really likes, while secretly having many young lovers consisting of academy students, who won't even remember it ever happening.
The reason she wants to keep this a secret should be obvious, as most would say that her intentions are a bit cruel and selfish, and maybe even a bit fucked up. She just wants to have fun and make up for lost time, without having to deal with all the gossiping, rumors and drama. Now, all of this is something that Tsunade could never even imagine that Shizune would be thinking about. In fact, no one would think this of her, the sweet, kind and quiet Shizune. That's only going to help her with her plans to make this a reality, because that is what she intends to do, if she becomes the school nurse.
While Shizune had made up her mind about what she wants to do in Konoha, the same could not be said for Tsunade. She honestly don't know what she wants to do, but figures Minato would want her to become the boss or head doctor of Konoha's hospital, or something boring like that. Being stuck in Konoha all the time, and being charge of a bunch of, what Tsunade considers to be talentless doctors, doesn't sound that appealing to her. Especially not considering that she knows that Naruto will graduate in two months, and start going out on missions. Joining him and his team on a future mission, where the two of them might end up sharing a tent at nights, sounds a lot more fun than rotting away in an office at the hospital. She would at least hear Minato out, and see what he had in mind for her, though.
With those thoughts, Tsunade headed to the hokage tower, after she and Shizune had finished their breakfast. When she arrived at Minato's office, she found the hokage still frowning, even though it's been a couple of hours since he told Naruto about how Rin passed away.
"Frowning like that is not a good look for you, brat" Tsunade said with a chuckle.
"Tsunade-sama" Minato said with a respectful bow.
"Heh" Tsunade said with a smirk "Damn, look at you. You really aged badly. You used to be a lot cuter back in the day".
She said that even though Minato didn't look much different now than he did back when he first became the hokage.
Minato sweat dropped, while thinking Jiraiya may have told him the truth the other day, when it comes to Tsunade "Uhh, sorry I guess. I can't say the same about you though, you are as beautiful as ever, Tsunade-sama".
Tsunade crossed her arms below her huge chest, pouting "You don't have to flatter me, I know that I look like an old hag nowadays".
"Uhm.." Minato responded nervously, scratching the back of his head. Honestly, he couldn't see any difference, as it appeared as if she had not aged at all. The only difference from back then, is a slight change in her hair cut, as she used to have more of a wild ponytail back then, instead of the twin tail thing she has going on now. The fact that Tsunade has not aged much, had to do with her being part Uzumaki, having inherited her grandmother, Uzumaki Mito's genes. (2).
"At least, that's what your son keeps telling me. Calling me Granny, old drunk, old hag and other rude things like that" Tsunade said shaking her head "I'm gonna kill him some day".
"I think those are just pet names, since he thinks of you as family, just like Jiraiya-sensei.." Minato tried, while he started sweating nervously, similarly to what he did when talking to Kurenai the other day. He has never been good with dealing with scary women.
"We are family, he has just confused which family member I am to him. I am not his damn granny, I am his young and lovely big sister!" Tsunade yelled with a twitch in her eyebrow "Make sure you tell him that!".
Minato sighed "It doesn't matter if I tell him that or not, he is not going to care about what I have to say anyway. I think he finds it to be funny to mess with you, knowing how dangerous you can really be if you got serious. He is always looking for a chance to test himself against the strongest".
"Speaking of the strongest" Tsunade said as she grabbed a chair, before sitting down in front of Minato's desk "I need to remind your wife about who is actually the strongest kunoichi in Konoha. I was not humored by the rumors I kept hearing during the last war, about her having surpassed me.".
Minato started sweating again "Please don't start a fight with Kushina in the village.." he said, fearing for the safety of Konoha's population.
Tsunade chuckled "I'm just kidding, Minato-kun. I just love teasing that short tempered little brat. You know that she is the last family I got left in this life, I would never fight her seriously".
Minato nodded "Me and the rest of Konoha thanks you both for that.."
"Tch" Tsunade scoffed "I was obviously joking, since when did you become such a stuck up old wimp?".
Minato scratched the back of his head sheepishly "This office has that effect on people..".
"I would say.." Tsunade said, shaking her head in disapproval, causing Minato to sweat drop again. He got the feeling that Tsunade wasn't very impressed with him anymore.
"What can I help you with, Tsunade-sama?" Minato asked, as he thought it was high time to get to t he point of her visit.
"No, the question is, how can I help you and the village? What plans do you have for me now that I have returned?" Tsunade asked in turn.
“There is no one more qualified than you to be in charge of our hospital and the medic ninja squad. If you want to become the head doctor at the hospital, then the position is yours” Minato said with a warm smile.
“So that I can rot away in an office like you have since the last war ended?” Tsunade asked with a raised eyebrow.
“It's the highest paid position, as well as being a position that gives you the most authority and responsibility, outside of being the hokage or jounin commander. I thought I would at least offer you the position, but if you aren't interested, then we can find something else for you to do..” Minato said scratching the back of his head in confusion. He really thought that was a fair offer.
“Tell you what, I will accept that offer, if you allow me to work a little more freely than what your former head doctors has done..” Tsunade started before going into detail on what she wanted.
For starters, she wants to be able to choose when she works, so that she can limit the amount of hours she spends at the hospital. If she is not at the hospital, and there is an emergency that requires her help, then she will obviously drop anything she is doing and get to the hospital to help out. Another thing she wants, is the ability to join any team on their mission, if she thought the team required her help. This was mainly just an excuse for Tsunade to join some of Naruto's missions, or any else she might gain an interest in. Her last demand was that she would be allowed to take a look at the medical ninja education curriculum, and improve it in any way she saw fit.
Minato had no problem with any of her demands. She is a sannin just like Jiraiya, and they both like their freedom to do pretty much anything they want, and come and go as they wish. He was a little bit surprised that she was interested in going on missions though.
“That sounds reasonable. I didn't think you would be interested in going on missions at your age though..” Minato said, before his eyes widened, due to realizing what he had just said “At your very young and tender age, that is..” he said with a terrified expression.
Tsunade glared at him “I heard what you said. You might not hear this very often, but you are no spring chicken either! You look like any ugly old man nowadays.” she said with a huff.
“Jokes on you, I hear that almost daily from Naruto..” Minato said in a depressed manner.
“Either way, I will never forget that little comment about my age. Make sure you don't talk to me that way again the future” Tsunade said as she punched her clenched fist into the open palm of her other hand, in a threatening manner.
Minato sweat dropped, thinking “Is she threatening me?” before he responded “Ehm.. Let's get back to the subject, shall we?”.
“You said you were fine with my demands, so we don't really have anything left to discuss do we?” Tsunade said with a bored expression.
“I guess not. You can start on Monday, I will let the hospital personnel know about the changes and your arrival” Minato said.
Tsunade nodded, before she turned around and was about to leave. Then she remembered that she did have two more things she wanted to talk about. She sat down on the chair again, crossing her leg over the other, while crossing her arms below her chest again. Minato couldn't help but sweat drop, due to her returning, as he had hoped he would get that scary woman out of his office. But at least this conversation had helped him stopped thinking about the memories of what happened to Rin, as he was back to his normal self.
“On second thought, there are a few things I would like to talk to you about. Shizune told me this morning that she wants to become the school nurse at the ninja academy.” Tsunade said once she had sat down again.
“Really?” Minato said with a wide grin “That's great, our current school nurse can't wait to retire. She is only working at her old age, because no one else wants the position”.
“Good, I assume Shizune can start right away as well then?” Tsunade asked.
Minato nodded “I will tell Mrs Tsuyi the good news today, she will be so overjoyed to hear that she can now finally retire. Send Shizune here tomorrow and I'll talk to her about the job!” Minato said as he was genuinely happy for Mrs Tsuyi, who is honestly way too old to still be working.
“I will” Tsunade said with a warm smile of her own, happy that it worked out great for everyone involved. Shizune will probably be very happy to hear the news as well, even if Tsunade still can't see why she would want that job so much.
“Speaking of the academy, with Shizune's help, I want do a complete health check on every student in the academy. That way I can create more descriptive and up to date medical journals for each student, which will help all doctors tend to their medical needs in the future” Tsunade said with a rather playful smirk. She was really looking forward to this, since she intended to do a full body check up on each student. Shizune would help by doing the check ups on the female students, while Tsunade gets the fun part of doing the check ups on the all the guys. This would allow her to find out if there is any student that has, lets call it, bigger potential than others.
“Sure, you don't need my permission for that. You will be in charge of everything involving medicine and all that jazz..” Minato said with a sigh.
“Good, I will organize those health checks as soon as possible then” Tsunade said, before she once again got up and started heading towards the door “Now I'm gonna go see Kushina-chan, sitting here talking to you makes me feel old.” she said with a teasing laugh as she left.
Minato muttered to himself “Right back at ya, old hag..” as she closed the door behind her.
In the early afternoon, Hinata returned to her home after having spent a few hours shopping with Ino and Sakura. They had bought snacks, rented movies and bought some outfits that Ino was very adamant about them buying, so that they could show them off to Jiraiya, in order to tease him and what not. Sakura wasn't the biggest fan of that last part, but Hinata was secretly looking forward to it. She thought this was a great chance for her to start teasing Jiraiya the way that Ino does. It would make it much easier and less embarrassing if they all teased him like that together at the same time. That way the spotlight wouldn't be on just her, and it would seem less likely that she actually wanted to do things like that, as they would all be doing it as a group.
Hinata had told her friends that she would be coming over to Jiraiya's house a little bit later than than they had originally planned. That's because she was told last night that Hiruzen would be coming over for dinner tonight, and she had to be there at the dinner with the rest of her family. Hiashi did allow her to enjoy her sleepover with her friends afterwards, not knowing that they were planning on sleeping over at “the pervert's den”.
When Hinata got home, she decided to get a few hours of training in before the dinner. After what happened with Nagi, she has become very motivated to train harder than she did before, in order to become stronger. She never wants to feel so defenseless and weak ever again. Hinata was joined by Hanabi, who after seeing Hinata train, got motivated to train as well, not wanting to get outdone by her big sister. As the two sisters trained for a few hours inside that dojo, neither of them knew that Kõ was nearby, watching over them. He is always nearby whenever Hinata is somewhere within the Hyuuga clan compound, unless she is at her home, or Hiashi is watching over her already.
Hinata has yet to have a run it with Hiroshi or any of the other men on the list that her grandfather, Neji, had given her. But she and her sister did get a very short and strange visit in their dojo that afternoon. It was her aunt, her mom's sister, Hinako, who entered the dojo. Hinako is a rather pretty young lady, although nowhere near as pretty as Hitomi had been, as it was very obvious that Hitomi was the good looking sister.
Hinako has dark blue, long hair, similar to that of Hinata and Hitomi. She isn't as well endowed as her older sister were either, as Hitomi's breasts is somewhere along the lines of B or small C's in cup size. At least she is in good shape and has a decently shaped butt, which makes for a rather appealing womanly figure. Hinata was actually a bit surprised to see her, since she rarely visits them nowdays. That was something she always wondered about, since she used to visit them more often back when her mother was still alive. Hinata always thought Hinako and her mother got along well. Back then she also seemed to care a lot more about her and Hanabi, while nowadays, it feels almost as if she is a stranger to them.
“Hinata-chan, may I talk to you for a while?” Hinako asked, calling her over to the same bench that Hiashi and Kõ had sat on the other day, when Hiashi had asked Kõ to look after Hinata.
“Y-yes” Hinata said meekly, walking over to her. Hinako motioned for her to sit down next to her, which Hinata did.
“I heard what happened to you, what that disgusting old bum tried to do to you “ Hinako said looking at Hinata with a disgusted expression “Nagi deserved what he got, I'm glad that Lord Third killed him. But I'm happy to see that disgusting encounter may have motivated you to train harder”.
Hinata nodded “I d-don't want to let any d-disugsting old man try something like that e-ever again”
“That's the spirit, Hinata-chan!” Hinako said, smiling widely at her.
“You know, if you ever need any help with your training, then my father might be able to help you. He is a lot stronger than he appears to be and he is a great teacher. I'm sure he would love to help train his beautiful granddaughter” Hinako said, with a warm smile.
Hinata was silent for a while. She had way too many thoughts circulating in her mind after hearing her say that. Was her mother's own sister in on it? Or was she actually sincerely worried about her and thought that training with that man, would help her? She didn't know who she could trust from this clan anymore, all she knew was that there was no way in hell she was going to train with Hiroshi. She wouldn't take that risk, after hearing her other grandfather's story.
“I.. I'll t-think about it” Hinata stuttered, thinking that answer was the fastest way to get Hinako to leave.
“You do that” Hinako said with that warm smile as she stood up “I hope you will consider it. My father trained me and your mother, and we turned out pretty okay, didn't we?”.
Hinata nodded nervously in response.
“That's all I wanted to talk to you about, I'm not gonna interrupt your training any further. Keep giving it your all, Hinata-chan!”
“T-thanks, I will try my b-best” Hinata stuttered in response, as she watched her aunt leave. Hinata then joined Hanabi on the dojo floor, as they got back to training. She just couldn't get that conversation out of her mind. If Neji had never told her about what happened to her mother, she would have probably been overjoyed that someone like Hiroshi would offer to train her. But now, when her aunt, the aunt who she has barely spoken to since her mother died, was the one that suggested it, it almost made her suspect that Hinako was in on it. Just the thought of that made Hinata shiver in disgust.
Her training was put to a halt at 5 PM, due to her father telling her to come to the house. Just like last time when Hiruzen was going to come over for dinner, Hiashi had asked her to take a shower and put on a new outfit that their maid, Natsu, had prepared for her. This time she was to wear a rather skimpy purple dress. But at least it was less revealing than the skirt and tiny shirt she wore on that day, the day that she wished she would forget about. (3).
Hinata and her sister then had to sit in the kitchen, waiting together with their father for Hiruzen to arrive. They weren't allowed to go out while they waited, due to what happened last time.
Just before Hiruzen arrived, Hanabi stared at Hinata in confusion “Why are you wearing such a fancy dress, big sis?”
“B-Because f-father told me t-to wear it” Hinata said, blushing slightly as she stared into the kitchen table.
“Father?” Hanabi asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Hm?” Hiashi said, having been staring out the window, seeing if Hiruzen was on his way “What did you say, Hanabi?” he added, pretending as if he had not been listening in on their conversation. He just wanted to avoid the subject, since he didn't want Hanabi to know about his plans to offer Hinata up for marriage to Hiruzen.
Hanabi sighed “It's nothing, forget it” she said, before she glanced at Hinata, who looked so damn shy as her face was flushed red. Hanabi didn't know why she was dressed up like that, but she didn't have a good feeling about it. If it was something normal, then she would have been allowed to wear something similar. But the strangest part about all of this is, why is she wearing that when old man Hiruzen is coming over for dinner? If the former hokage is their guest, wouldn't it be a lot more appropriate for her sister to wear a more traditional kimono, just like she had been told to wear?
Those were Hanabi's thoughts as Hiashi stood up, saying “There he is. Hinata, go greet our guest at the door”.
“Yes, father” Hinata said, getting up before slowly making her way to the door, while Hanabi and Hiashi stayed in the kitchen. After Hiruzen knocked on the door, Hinata opened it. Hiruzen, who wore his usual casual clothes, which was his old hokage robe without the hat, smiled at Hinata “Hey there, little Hyuuga princess”.
“Good evening, Lord Third” Hinata said respectfully, while giving a quick bow.
“Are you going to a party later or something?” Hiruzen said with a laugh, which had Hinata blush and stare at the ground “I'm just kidding, you look very pretty, Hinata-chan!”
“T-thanks” Hinata stuttered.
“Where is Hiashi? Is he above greeting me on his own?” Hiruzen said jokingly.
“I'm in the kitchen, you old ape” Hiashi said chuckling.
Hinata nodded “Dinner is ready, father and Hanabi-chan are waiting”.
“Okay..” Hiruzen said closing the door behind, before the two of them joined the other two in the kitchen.
“Hiashi” Hiruzen greeted with a nod, giving a nod in return from Hiashi “Hiruzen”.
Hiruzen then smiled as he saw Hanabi. This girl is someone Hiruzen is a bit interested in. She is a tomboy with a mean, feisty and mischievous personality, just like all his favorite kunoichi babes, such as Kushina, Tsunade and Anko. She has the same type of personality as the women who usually always reject him. Hanabi being a bit of a tomboy and a troublemaker, often got into fights with Hiruzen's grandson, Konohamaru, who has a similar personality. The two of them don't go well together.
“Miss firecracker” Hiruzen said, nodding towards Hanabi, as he couldn't help but to rile her up a little bit.
“Old man!” Hanabi spoke through gritted teeth, as she hated when people made fun of her name. (4).
“Hanabi!” Hiashi scolded as Hiruzen laughed “Let it be Hiashi, everyone calls me old man. Your daughters might as well..”.
Hiashi sighed “You are the former hokage, you shouldn't let people demean you like that”.
“Meh, I don't care” Hiruzen responded with a shrug “Let's eat!”
Hiashi nodded “Natsu-san, would you please serve us the food.”
After that the four of them ate, while Hiruzen and Hanabi was pretty much the only ones that conversed. Hinata was mostly silent, because she was still a little bit shy about what she was wearing. But she didn't mind the company one bit. How could she, after what he did for her that day?
Hiashi was also mostly silent, other than asking Hiruzen some standards questions, such as how Konohamaru is doing. He was lost in his own thoughts, thinking about if he was doing the right thing. The more he thought about it, the more he convinced himself that this was for the best. Hinata wouldn't have to worry about anything if Hiruzen accepted the marriage proposal. She would be safe at the Sarutobi clan, and she would be set for life, financially. She would also have the opportunity to have a ninja career if she so wished, since it isn't very likely that Hiruzen wants any more children.
Hiruzen was having a blast, joking and teasing Hanabi the whole dinner, with her firing back with insults and her own jokes. Hiruzen was even more convinced now that she is the type of girl that he likes the most. Once she graduates in a little over a year, Hiruzen might have another girl who he can invite to have sex with him. Even though he is pretty certain that she will most likely say no, like most of the beautiful girls with her fun, feisty personality does. That doesn't mean that Hiruzen will stop though, as the chase can be just as fun.
It was a rather short dinner, as Hiruzen left the Hyuuga clan leaders home an hour after arriving. He would have stayed longer if he had not made plans with Mikoto already. Usually he and Mikoto doesn't make plans to meet up, instead they would just pop into the others house, to have sex, whenever they wanted. Since Mikoto had made plans with him, Hiruzen knew she either wanted a very long sex session, wanting him all for herself, or she had something very kinky in mind, such as a visit to the Inuzuka kennels.
When Hiruzen got back to his house, he found Konohamaru in the kitchen, sitting at the kitchen table.
“Where the fuck is my dinner, you useless old man!” he yelled at him.
“Be quiet, I told you I was gonna have dinner at Hiashi's. You were the one that didn't want to come” Hiruzen said, sitting down at the kitchen table as well.
“Screw you, old man! Make me dinner already!” Konohamaru said, flipping him off.
Hiruzen's eyebrows twitched “You stupid little brat..” he began “Since you are home for once, I might as well ask you where you have been? You have been skipping training and your dance lessons. Miss Choo Choo is not happy with you at all!”
Miss Choo Choo is Konohamaru's dancing teacher, or his dancing master, as Hiruzen likes to call her. She is an old lady in her fifties, who is very overweight. She used to look a lot better when she was in her twenties, which was when Hiruzen got to know her, as she is one of his former lovers.
“I was out playing ninja at big bro's house and I have been training with my friends. I don't need your stupid training or stupid dancing lessons!” Konohamaru barked back at him. He and the other members of the Konohamaru corps had played ninja with Kushina again today.
Hiruzen frowned “I told you those dancing lessons are important. You will thank me one day, when you finally get yourself a girlfriend. Girls loves to dance and they love guys who knows how to dance!”.
“I told you I don't care! Big bro doesn't dance, and he makes fun of me when he hears about my lessons! And I don't need your help to get girls, I'll have you know I have girls running after me every day in school, kore!” Konohamaru said with a proud smirk.
Hiruzen's eyebrows twitched again “You wouldn't be talking about that pink haired girl are you? The one who you keep harassing, even though I keep telling you to stop doing that?”.
“Sometimes it's her, sometimes it's other girls” Konohamaru said with a shrug “What can I say, Sakura-chan is obsessed with me, always chasing after me and screaming my name”.
Hiruzen face palmed “You imbecile! She is trying to kick your ass because you are grabbing her behind and other things! I didn't raise you to become a disgusting pervert!”.
Konohamaru frowned as he stared at Hiruzen in disappointment “It's what big bro Naruto taught me to do. You don't know shit, old man!”.
“That's where you are wrong, Konohamaru. I know more about girls than you could ever imagine” Hiruzen said with a grin. Konohamaru got up after hearing that, looking disgusted, before walking out of the kitchen “Whatever you old perv, I'm gonna get ramen at Ichiraku's”.
“You do that. I have company coming over later, don't bother us” Hiruzen said, only getting the front door being slammed shut as an answer. Hiruzen shook his head, wondering where he went wrong with Konohamaru. It was good that he was walking in Naruto's footsteps, looking up to him and almost idolizing him, since Naruto is someone who Hiruzen believes is going to be the next hokage. He believes that Naruto is going to be the hokage that will finally bring peace to this war ridden, disgusting and rotten world. With that said, Konohamaru didn't have to pick up on all of Naruto's bad habits, while skipping out on the good ones, such as Naruto's work ethic and training regime.
Hiruzen sighed again as he thought about his dumb grandson. He had great hopes for him, thinking that he would be the one to finally succeed him as the Sarutobi clan leader. But at the same time, he can't help but wonder where he went wrong with him. His mood got better once he heard a knock coming from his front door. He grinned, knowing it had to be Mikoto. He opened the door and was met by said woman. She wore a skimpy dark blue shirt and a tiny top, showing much cleavage and her midriff was exposed. She had her arms crossed below her chest, frowning.
“Hi Mikoto-chan, something wrong?” Hiruzen asked, as he stared at her sexy body.
“I ran into your grandson..” Mikoto said sighing “He pinched my butt and said I had a nice ass..”.
Hiruzen grabbed the little hair that was left on his head, and pulled at it “BRAT!!” he yelled in despair. He then let out a long drawn sigh, as Mikoto giggled at his antics “Don't get mad, I took it as compliment. I'm just pretending to be upset”.
“Either way, It's not my fault, Naruto is the one that has been a bad influence on him. Go ask him why Konohamaru is doing things like that” Hiruzen said, shaking his head.
“Naruto-kun, hmm?” Mikoto said licking her lips “Maybe I should..”.
Hiruzen nursed his forehead, the other brat was just as annoying as his grandson. He was just reminded that his lover, Mikoto, had a thing for Naruto, just like every other girl in the village.
“Oh, cheer up” Mikoto said with a giggle, then she patted him on the chest. Mikoto then stepped inside, closing the door behind her, before pressing her body against his “Don't be jealous, you are the one whose cock I'm gonna spend the whole night sucking and riding on, not Naruto-kun's”.
Hiruzen chuckled as he placed his hands on her ass, digging his fingers into her flesh, getting a really good feel “Is that what you had planned for us tonight, Mikoto-chan?”.
Mikoto nodded, biting her lip “You are all mine tonight, Hiruzen!” she said before smashing her lips against his. The two of them then entered Hiruzen's bedroom, then made love on his bed, until early morning hours.
Sleepover at Jiraiya's
When Jiraiya woke up today, he had actually forgotten all about Sakura, Ino and Hinata's “threat” to have a sleepover at his place. It wasn't until he ate lunch, that he realized that his house felt a bit lonely and empty without Sakura around. Usually she is over at his place on Saturdays to train, just like most weekdays. Thinking about her, was what made him remember the sleepover, and the fact that the sleepover had been one of the main reasons why he headed out to find Tsunade in the first place.
Judging by what Tsunade told him yesterday when he asked her if she wanted to come home with him, for a fun night of sex, which resulted in a harsh rejection, Jiraiya didn't think she was in a hurry to resume their sex friend activities. That almost made Jiraiya feel like that trip had been a complete waste of time, since he wanted to get her back, mainly so that they could resume their fun nights of rough and wild sex. He figured that could help to keep Sakura and the others away from his house, since they probably wouldn't want to interfere between him and Tsunade. Then there is also the fact that Tsunade is a rather scary person, once you get to know her. If they found out that Jiraiya has that kind of relationship with Tsunade, then maybe that would be enough of a reason to get at least Ino to stop teasing him all the time. Just that alone would be a win that Jiraiya would be happy with.
But alas, here we are. Things rarely go the way that Jiraiya wants them to go anyway. That's pretty much the story of his life. Since Tsunade wasn't going to come over to help him scare away those pesky brats, Jiraiya thought he could do the next best thing. That was to go spend his day on a rooftop close to some of the roofless bathhouses in Konoha, where he could peek on naked or half naked women taking baths. That way he wouldn't be home, which might work to fool those three, by making them believe that he had left the village once again. If not, well, at least he would spend the day doing what he enjoys, and he would most likely be able to avoid having any part in their sleepover. With those thoughts, Jiraiya grabbed his notebooks, some snacks and a few bottles of sake, before heading out to find a nice roof top, where he would have a nice view of some of Konoha's finer fruits.
Jiraiya would end up spending most of the day on top of that roof top. But due to a lack of activity and customers at the bathhouses, Jiraiya spent most of that time napping, sunbathing or scribbling down smutty notes in his notebooks. It had been a nice and relaxing day for the super pervert, without any brats as far as the eyes could see. He returned to his home at nine o clock in the evening, in the hopes of finding his home empty of people. That turned out to not be the case, as Jiraiya heard laughter and giggles, leaking out through and open window of his living room.
“Did those stupid brats break into my home!?” Jiraiya thought in anger, before he marched towards his front door.
Two hours before Jiraiya got back home, Sakura and Ino had arrived at his house. It didn't take long for them to realize that Jiraiya wasn't home, since he would usually be standing at the front door, yelling at them to leave his property, or stand inside the house, holding up a sign that read something along the lines of “this is a brat free zone”. That plus the fact that he didn't answer the door when they knocked, was what made them think that he wasn't home.
“Didn't you say that Jiraiya-sama and the others returned last night?” Sakura asked. Both she and Ino are wearing their usual outfits, but they are both carrying shopping bags with the outfits they had bought earlier today. They intended to change into them once they were inside, as they didn't really want to be seen wearing those clothes, when heading to Jiraiya's place.
Ino nodded “I ran into Hokage-sama this morning, he told me that Naruto-kun and Kushina-sama came back home last night” she said, leaving out the fact that she hadn't exactly just “ran into him”, as she had visited Minato's office in hopes of making out with him again.
“Maybe he left the village again?” Sakura asked with a sigh.
Ino shook her head “I don't think so, not so soon after he just came back” Ino then smiled in a mischievous way “I think he is trying to trick us into believing that he isn't home, so that we can't have our sleepover!”.
Sakura hummed “Maybe, I wouldn't put it pass him to do something like that. But what are we going to do now? We can't have a sleepover here if Jiraiya-sama isn't home to let us into the house”.
“I'm not so sure about that” Ino said with that same mischievous grin. She and Naruto happens to know where Jiraiya keeps an extra key, which goes to the front door lock. It's hidden underneath a small toad statue, located next to Jiraiya's porch. But she also knows that it's very likely that they won't even need to use that, because Jiraiya isn't exactly the most careful ninja that has ever existed. He often leaves his front door unlocked or some of his windows open, even when he is asleep or when is not at home.
“Follow me” Ino said, which had Sakura nod, before the two of them walked around to the back of the house. There they found an open window, leading to Jiraiya's living room.
“See!” Ino said, still grinning “We can get in through there!”.
“No, Ino-pig!” Sakura said with a frown “We can't break into his house. He's gonna get angry for real this time!”.
“Ero-sennin doesn't get angry that easily, especially not at cute girls like us” Ino said before she started climbing through the window “Now stop being such a goody two shoes girl all the time, and get in here!” Ino said as she landed on her feet, inside the living room.
Sakura gritted her teeth, not liking to be called that just because she isn't a teasing degenerate like Ino “Fine, but I'm gonna tell him this was your idea, stupid Ino-pig!”.
“He will probably blame me either way, forehead girl!” Ino countered, as Sakura joined her inside the living room.
“What now?” Sakura asked as the two of them took looked around the living room. They have both already been here in the past, so they were familiar with the place. It was just that being here, without Jiraiya around, and the fact that they had pretty much broken into his house, made them feel a little bit nervous and excited at the same time.
The living room itself wasn't anything special. It consisted of a large green four seat couch, along with two matching green armchairs at each side of the couch. Both the couch and the armchairs is facing a large television at the other end of the room. There was also a coffee table in front of the couch. Other than that, the living room only consisted of old photographs of Jiraiya and his former teammates, photographs of the Uzumaki family and Jiraiya, and similar photographs. It's decorated in a very simple way, even though all the furniture and the TV, is of the expensive kind.
Ino, who has seen Jiraiya's bedroom before, because that's usually where she and Naruto would attack him when they pranked him when they were younger, knows that his bedroom is the complete opposite, when it comes to how it is decorated. It's full of paintings of the erotic kind, it has a dancing pole in the middle of the room. The bed is huge and luxurious, and looks like it's something that a king would sleep in.
“Let's change into those outfits, in case Ero-sennin decides to come back home” Ino said with a laugh “He's gonna get a nosebleed for sure, I just know it!”.
Sakura scratched the back of her head awkwardly, she knew which outfit Ino meant, but she wasn't so sure about it. She had agreed to it earlier, mainly because Hinata for some reason thought it sounded fun as well, and she didn't want to be any worse than them. She is after all the one who is gunning for him, so she isn't going to let her friends outdo her.
Half an hour later, at which point they were already wearing their new outfits, they heard a knock coming from the front door. Expecting it to be Jiraiya, they both rushed to the door, ready to surprise him with the outfits that they are wearing. Instead, it turned out to be Hinata, who was able to join them now that the dinner with Hiruzen and her family was over. She also changed her outfit as soon as she got there, as the three of them waited for Jiraiya to arrive.
That brings us back to Jiraiya's arrival at 9 PM. He could hear them watching a movie inside, while conversing, laughing and giggling. They seemed to have made themselves very comfortable in his home, while he was out, Jiraiya thought bitterly. A little bit too comfortable for his liking, he thought. He got the urge to rush over to the Sarutobi clan to grab Konohamaru, then bring him back home in order to unleash the perverted Kono-kraken upon them all.
But first, he made his way over to the living room window, so that he could see what was actually going on inside his home. As soon as he peeked inside through the window, his angry frown, turned into his signature perverted smile instead, as he started leering at them. All three of them were wearing sexy bunny girl outfits, consisting of a tiny top, a black pantyhose and the rabbit ear hats that goes with them. Ino's top was in a dark purple color, while Hinata's was a light purple, and lastly Sakura's top was in a red color.
“Maybe I could watch a movie or two with them, it wouldn't hurt anyone” Jiraiya thought with silent perverted giggles. Jiraiya then threw a small smoke bomb into his living room, before teleporting himself into the center of the smoke that the smoke bomb had caused. Jiraiya ended his grand entrance by performing a little dance, before taking a pose “Don't fret, young maidens, the mighty Jiraiya-sama has arrived!”.
As the smoke cleared out of the living room, the three friends was staring at Jiraiya, who still stood there doing a stupid looking pose, with the least impressed expressions that you could imagine. Ino then jumped out of the couch, raising her fist “Damn it, Ero-sennin. You ruined our surprise!”.
“You did surprise me, I didn't think you guys would be stupid enough to break into my home” Jiraiya said with a frown “I bet it was your idea, Ino-chan!”.
“See, told you” Ino said, glancing at Sakura who couldn't help but chuckle.
“No, baka Ero-sennin, we were going to surprise you with our sexy bunny outfits!” Ino said in a scolding tone, with her hands on her hips.
“I can see that” Jiraiya said with a perverted grin. He started wiggling his fingers in a perverse manner, as he continued “The only reason I haven't thrown you out yet, is because of what you are wearing, Ohohoh!” he ended with another perverted laugh.
“Tch!” Ino responded, before glancing at her friends “Let's take the poses anyway, I'm sure it's going to work!”.
“I'm not sure about this, Ino-pig. Can't we just watch a movie?” Sakura said, while Hinata had already gotten up as she stood next to Ino, looking mighty nervous.
“What's going to work?” Jiraiya asked, which Ino ignored.
“Stop being such a pussy, forehead girl. Look Hinata-chan is already ready to pose with me!” Ino said.
“Fine, I'll do it if we can change outfits after this..” Sakura said as she got up and stood next to Ino on her other side.
“Yeah, that's fine” Ino said, before the three of them focused on Jiraiya. They stared at him for a few seconds, as Jiraiya raised an eyebrow in confusion “So? What are you gonna show me?”.
“Close your eyes for a few seconds” Sakura said with a mischievous grin. Now that they were actually gonna go through with it, she was getting into it more.
“Okay, but if you pull a prank on me or something like that, then I'll throw you all out before you even realize it” Jiraiya said as he closed his eyes, but wasn't able to keep his eyebrows from twitching in annoyance. After three seconds had passed, Jiraiya asked “Can I open my eyes now?”.
“Yes, go ahead” Ino answered. Then as soon as Jiraiya opened his eyes, the three girls said in chorus “Welcome back, Jiraiya-sensei~!” in a singsong like tone.
All three of them had struck suggestive poses, with Hinata sitting down on her knees, pressing her breasts together to emphasize the size of her rather large bust. Ino had one of her hands on her hip, while ther other was fondling one of her breasts through the fabric of her top, while she eye winked at Jiraiya and licked her lip in a very flirty and suggestive manner. Then Sakura, who Jiraiya was staring wide eyed at, as she was to him, the main event of their little show, had turned around and bent over in a way that raised her tight perfect ass in the air. She had one of her hands on her ass, while doing a peace sign with the other hand next to her face. Lastly, she was smiling with closed eyes, while sticking out her tongue at him, teasingly.
“God damn..” Jiraiya thought as he looked at them with wide eyes. His hands moved on their own, as he held up both of his thumbs in approval of what he saw. Even if Sakura was the main event, the preliminaries that consisted of Ino and Hinata, were also very much worth watching. All three of them looked amazing. The three girls stopped posing, as they stood next to each other. Ino tapped her foot on the floor, while Sakura and Hinata looked a bit nervous and uncomfortable, crossing their arms in front of their chests to cover themselves up a bit. Jiraiya was still holding up his thumbs, while leering at them this time.
“Ohohoh, you all pass, and you all win the grand prize!” Jiraiya yelled with a perverted laugh.
“What prize!? You were supposed to get a nosebleed you damn pervert!” Ino said with a huff.
“Hah!” Jiraiya retorted with a snarky laugh “As if a mere bunny girl costume is going to cause that. You don't know how much nudity I see in a day”.
“Can we change now?” Sakura asked, mostly because she saw how uncomfortable Hinata appeared. The truth is that Hinata was very happy with herself now that she had actually been able to join on that little suggestive posing show. But she was still a bit uncomfortable about wearing this rather revealing outfit, in front of Jiraiya like this.
“Yeah, let's go” Ino said as she took the lead, as the three of them headed out of the living room towards the hall way. They were going to enter Jiraiya's bathroom to change into another outfit, behind the safety of a locked door. Before they left the living room, Jiraiya said “You're still no match for me, Ino-chan!” with another perverted laugh.
“This is not over, Ero-sennin!” Ino responded, before sticking out her tongue in a teasing manner. Sakura followed suit, sticking out her tongue at him as well in a more playful manner, before the two of them left the living room. Hinata then stopped walking “Uhm.. Ero-sennin-sama” she let out, as she started fidgeting with her thumbs.
“Hm?” Jiraiya responded with a raised eyebrow.
“I.. I..” Hinata said as her faced turned completely red “Me too!” she yelled, with steam coming out of her ears. She then stuck out her tongue at him as well, before rushing out of the living room “Eeeep!” she squealed as she ran towards her friends in the bathroom.
“Oh boy..” Jiraiya thought as he nursed his temple “If they come out of there wearing anything but normal clothes, then I'll let them sleep in a giant toad's stomach tonight..”.
Jiraiya kinda got his wish, as when they returned, they had put on somewhat normal clothes. He would liked it if there clothes were a bit less revealing, but at least it wasn't anything as lewd as a bunny girl outfit. All three of them wore matching T-shirts, which were several sizes to small for them, along with matching short shorts. What surprised Jiraiya even more than their choice of a more regular outfit, is that they didn't annoy him or tease him any more that evening. Instead, they were able to watch two movies and enjoy a rather pleasant evening together, before all going to bed. The three girls ended up sleeping on Jiraiya's couch and on futons in Jiraiya's living room, while he obviously slept in his own bed.
The reason they didn't tease him anymore, was solely because of Sakura. She had agreed to surprise Jiraiya that way when he came back, by striking those poses when they were supposed to welcome him back home, if Ino agreed to not mess with Jiraiya after that. She told Ino and Hinata that it would be in their best interest to not piss him off to much, since he might let them stay over at his place again in that case. Also, Sakura was honestly getting sick of Ino teasing Jiraiya this way all the time. It was starting to become more like flirting, rather than teasing. She wants Jiraiya all to herself, so she isn't going to let Ino do as she wants anymore. She also wants Jiraiya to stop running away from the village all the time, which she mostly blames Ino for.
Naruto had gotten a good work out as he had trained for four hours after he left Minato's office earlier. Now he had just returned to his backyard to get some more training done, after he had enjoyed a very tasty lunch cooked by his mom. When he got back to his usual training spot, he found himself with some company, in the form of one Mitarashi Anko. She was sitting on the same rock that Kurenai usually sits on. The purple haired woman was eating dango from a stick as she waved at Naruto with her free hand.
She got up, then met Naruto as she walked towards him with a sway in her hips and her trench coat open, giving Naruto a nice view of her upper body which was only covered by a transparent mesh body armor. Her tits were almost in full view, but at least she covered her nipples with skin colored bandages. How she could walk around like that without getting embarrassed, was something Naruto didn't get. Although, he didn't know that she kept that trench coat closed if he wasn't around.
“Hey handsome, did you eat lunch?” Anko said, grinning at him. She stopped in front of him and leaned down, pressing her tits together, knowing full well that is where Naruto was staring.
“Hey Anko-nee. Yeah I ate with mom” Naruto said, staring directly at the twins.
Anko smirked at she stared at him for a while “If you like my tits so much, why don't you play with them a little?”.
Naruto blushed “Anko-nee..” he whined, as he looked away from her. Not wanting to deal with her teasing.
Anko laughed “Don't worry, they will be all yours once you graduate. But until then, my eyes are up here, Naruto-kun” she ended, pointing a finger at her eyes.
Naruto frowned. Just how many times is he going to let her get away with this constant teasing. “She can't keep getting away with it!” Naruto thought.
He wore a mischievous grin as he raised both of his arms, reaching forward to grab her juicy round tits. His fingers slipped through her metal mesh armor and dug into the flesh of her juicy melons. She had told him he could play with them, so he gladly took her up on that offer.
“Oh!” Anko exclaimed with a wide grin, which was not the response Naruto had expected. He was expecting her to glare daggers at him, while reaching for her kunai pouch.
“Nice tits, Anko-nee!” Naruto said with a perverted grin.
“Fufufu!” Anko laughed, putting her arms around Naruto's shoulder, then he pressed his head into her chest “I told you they are all yours, Naruto-kun. Play with them all you want, baby!”.
Naruto giggled perversely. He was pretty damn happy right now. Last night he had banged one of the two women he was in love with, now he had his head stuck in between the tits of the other one, who he is also in love with. Was this the springtime of youth that Maito Gai always yelled about, had his time finally come?
Naruto's fun time was interrupted as they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat “Ehem...”.
“Hey Kurenai-chan” Anko said, without releasing Naruto from her hold.
“Crap..” Naruto thought as he started sweating a bit. Why does she always show up whenever Anko is teasing him like this? Her timing couldn't be worse, especially this time, since he was really enjoying being where he was, doing what he did. He is pretty damn sure he was going to get an earful from Kurenai later.
“Would you mind releasing Naruto-kun from your hold, you old witch?” Kurenai said through gritted teeth.
“Old witch!?” Anko yelled in an angry tone as she let go of Naruto, in favor of turning towards Kurenai with her hands on her hips “Why do you care? Naruto-kun is mine! And you already have Asuma-san!”.
Kurenai frowned “That doesn't matter, I am only making sure you don't do something you shouldn't. I wouldn't be against telling Kushina-sama if you cross the line with him”.
“Oh?” Anko said in a bored tone “Go ahead and tell her, she doesn't scare me”.
As Anko and Kurenai glared daggers at each other, Naruto sneakily started walking away. Once he was far enough away from them that they couldn't catch up to him easily, he sprinted away, not wanting to be there in case the two of them would start a cat fight over him. He needed to get back to training anyway, so he might as well start running. He couldn't help but wonder why Kurenai was so mad about it. She must know by now that Anko is always teasing him like that, and that Anko is not serious about what she says. At least that's what Naruto beliefs.
When they noticed that Naruto had ran away, Anko said “Look, now you let him escape!”.
“Good, let him train” Kurenai said with a chuckle.
Anko pouted cutely “You didn't have to call me old witch, you are so mean, Kurenai-chan!” she whined.
Kurenai laughed as she patted Anko on her shoulder “Then stop acting like one”.
The two of them laughed as they made up, before joining Naruto in his training. Since Anko was with them the whole day, Kurenai and Naruto were not able to have some naughty alone time. Although, around 8, when Naruto was heading home to eat dinner with his parents. He and Kurenai was able to make plans to see each other at her apartment later.
About an hour later, after Naruto had eaten dinner with his family, taken a shower and changed into a new set of blue clothes with the red Uzumaki swirl on them, Naruto had arrived outside of Kurenai's apartment. He didn't have to wait more than a second for the door to open, after he had knocked on it. Once Kurenai opened the door for him, Naruto was met with the sight of a half naked Kurenai, only wearing a dark blue lingerie set.
The lingerie set consisted of a blue bra, which was almost transparent, as Naruto could clearly see her nipples through the fabric. It also consisted a blue garter belt, with the words “Uzumaki” written at the center, along with blue stockings. Lastly, she also wore a pair of dark blue panties, which had the Uzumaki swirl symbol on it. All her clothes were in the same dark blue color that Naruto usually wears. Kurenai had gotten this lingerie set made for her at a clothing store, during the time that she was out on one of those long lasting missions. She wanted this lingerie set to scream “I am Naruto's woman”, which it kind of did.
“Wow..” Naruto said as he stared at her with an open mouth “Is this babe really my girlfriend?” Naruto thought, as that fact had not completely sunk in yet. He liked the colors as well, and thought the Uzumaki prints on her clothes was a nice touch.
“You like?” Kurenai asked with a wide smile.
“Yeah” Naruto said as he hurried to get inside and close the door behind him. The last thing he wanted was for a by passer to see his girl like this. Kurenai then put his arms around him, which Naruto responded to as they joined a for a hug. That hug then turned into a long and passionate french kiss. When they broke apart from the kiss, Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly “Sorry about earlier with Anko-nee..”.
“That's not your fault, I know how she is. I just don't like seeing it, especially when it's Anko-chan” Kurenai said shaking her head “But let's not talk about that now, my bed is waiting for us. Let's make love again, my beloved Naruto-kun!” she said in a joyous tone, as she grabbed his and started leading him down the hall way towards her bedroom.
“Wait..” Naruto said a bit hesitantly, as he freed his hand from hers.
“Is something wrong?” Kurenai asked in a worried tone.
Naruto hung his head, while frowning “I need to tell you something that happened yesterday when I was still at the Tanzaki Quarters town with the others”.
Kurenai crossed her arms below her chest, before responding “I see.. It must be something serious if you are acting this way..”.
“You could say that” Naruto said with a sigh, before spilling the beans “I cheated on you with a girl I met there. I had sex with her” Naruto admitted, before closing his eyes due to seeing Kurenai's open palm coming towards his face, for a hard slap. When her hand connected with his his face, it didn't hurt at all. She had stopped the slap in favor of gently placing her hand against her cheek, before rubbing her hand gently against it. Naruto opened his eyes wide in confusion, before asking “Aren't you mad?”.
“Naruto-kun, you must have gotten the wrong idea about me and the way that I look at things” Kurenai said with a warm smile “Was the girl you laid with someone I know?”.
Naruto shook his head, even though Kurenai was still rubbing his cheek with her hand “No, that was my first time meeting her as well. She was a really nice and beautiful girl, I got lost in the moment with her and ended up having sex with her..” Naruto said in a dejected tone, as he stared at Kurenai to see how she would react. To his surprise, Kurenai just chuckled, as she removed her hand from his cheek “I see. I would expect nothing less of a man of your status”.
“Huh?” Naruto responded, tilting his head in confusion.
“Like I said, you don't understand the way I look at the world. To me, you and I are above everyone else. We are above them, and we are better than them. In fact, I think it's fair to say that you and I belong to a different species of our own. I regard most of the human population as nothing more than mere insects, who exist with the sole purpose to either serve us, amuse us or in the worst case, annoy us. There are a few people who I see as being above the others, being something of higher status than that of insect. I would include your parents and Anko-chan in that group” Kurenai said with a wide grin, while Naruto was staring at her with the expression of a gold fish, not believing what he was hearing.
“So you see, my beloved. I am not angry, because I don't consider you sleeping with a mere insect, to be cheating. In fact, I think you should conquer and fuck as many insect women as you are able. That is the only thing they are good for anyway. Since they would serve you by giving you the pleasure that you desire, they would also serve me, because anything that makes you happy, also makes me happy. As long as it is made very clear that only I am your lover, your girlfriend, your queen and your future wife, who is far above the others in status, you can take as many women as you want, like a king who is above everyone else” Kurenai said with an evil smiirk.
She then closed the distance between them as she lifted his chin with her thumb “It's different with Anko-chan, because she is closer to being my equal. That's why I don't like seeing her flirt with you. The same goes for that little blond skank!" she said, referring to Ino, which Naruto understood.
"When it comes to the rest of them, you can take as many of those insects as you want, and turn them into your concubines” Kurenai gave him a fast french kiss, before she stared intently into his eyes, adding “I would want nothing less for the greatest man this world has ever seen. Is that acceptable to you, my beloved?”.
“Uhm” Naruto said awkwardly “So, you're not angry then, dattebayo?”.
Kurenai shook her head “No, like I said, I could care less about which insect you fuck or don't fuck. As long as you keep them out of my house and our future home, then you can do as you see fit”.
“Great..” Naruto said with a twitching eyebrow. Yeah, Kurenai might not be completely sane. But what the hell, he could live with that, if that meant he could have that magnificent and sexy body all for himself whenever he wanted.
“Still wanna have sex?” Naruto said after a while. The answer he got was Kurenai jumping at him, hugging her arms and legs around him, before ordering him to take them to her bedroom. Naruto then decided to discipline his rather unusual girlfriend, by fucking her non stop for over ten hours, to the ire of all of Kurenai's neighbors.
1: I am not including the story since it has already been told in chapter 2 of this story.
2: Unlike in canon where Tsunade is using something similar to a transformation technique to look younger, she doesn't need that in this story. Her slow aging isn't completely natural though, as she has come up with a potion or a drug, which slows down her aging even more.
3: A reference of Hinata's purple dress:
4: Hanabi translates to “Fireworks”. Due to Hanabi's tomboyish and explosive personality, along with the similarity of her names meaning in English, firecracker is a nickname that many uses when teasing her.
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