If You Can't Say Anything Nice | By : Sasunarufan13 Category: Naruto > General Views: 1089 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor make profit of it. Kishimoto owns it. |
Author's note: I've felt rather shitty this week, which is why this update is so damn late. I'm working on the other projects, but this was all that my brain was willing to give me this week. And because I felt shitty, someone had to suffer and naturally that someone is Sakura. No, once more, I do not take constructive criticism about that. I don't like her, period. So yes, first Not for Sakura fans oneshot this year, guys; can't let the tradition die out.
Warnings: Sakura's and Sasuke's pov; Alternate universe; established slash; mentioned bullying; mentioned injuries; time skips; Not for Sakura fans; bitchy Sakura
I hope you enjoy this weird thing I came up with!
If You Can't Say Anything Nice
"So is it true that Sasuke-kun's going to bring his new partner?" Ino asked curiously when Sakura approached their table.
Almost everyone had gathered already for their weekly lunch meeting. They always held it on a Friday, because that day was coincidentally the only day they all were free to share lunch together. Ino was seated next to Karin; her long blonde hair tied into a simple braid today. The apron she wore when working with her flowers was stuffed haphazardly into a plastic bag. Karin's planner was sticking half out of her handbag and she looked a bit tired; something her makeup couldn't really hide. Probably one too many teacher meetings this week again.
Suigetsu was still wearing a tank top even though they were well into winter already, but cold never had seemed to bother him. He had one foot resting on his seat as usually, completely disregarding the fact that he wasn't supposed to do that – as usual. The staff by now had given up on reprimanding him about it. Jugo was abroad for the week for his work, but Shikamaru was present, his head propped up on his balled fist, looking ready to fall asleep any time soon.
The only one missing now was Sasuke – and apparently his partner? What the hell?
"Sasuke-kun's got a partner?" Sakura asked stumped, dropping down heavily in the chair next to Shikamaru. How come this was the first time she heard about this? Especially when apparently Sasuke was ready to introduce them? "When did he meet her? How come we haven't heard of this before?"
"Him," Karin corrected, stretching out her arms momentarily. Three long, thin scratches ran down the side of her left arm; seemed like her cat had been in one of his nasty moods again. "They've been seeing each other for a while now, I think. Maybe Sasuke-kun just wanted to take it easy, who knows?" She shrugged. "I mean, we're meeting him today, so it seems like it's really official between the two of them."
"Hm." Sakura pursed her lips slightly, accepting the glass of white whine Ino had ordered for her with a quick smile.
She wasn't going to lie: it kind of – no, it really pissed her off that someone had managed to snatch Sasuke for themselves. Their entire friend group had grown up with each other and Sakura had been nursing a crush on Sasuke for several years by now. It was cliché, she knew, falling for one of her best friends, but she couldn't help it! Sasuke was just so handsome and kind and so smart, it was hard not to fall in love with him.
But while the rest of them had had boyfriends and girlfriends throughout the years, Sasuke had remained rather aloof about the subject, never getting together with anyone. As such, she wasn't even certain what exactly his sexuality was, though when one evening they had been discussing the theme – they had been in the middle of exams, delirious with fatigue and trying to cram too much in their heads with not enough time – Sasuke had mentioned offhandedly that he really couldn't care less about his partner's sex. Ino and Sakura had assumed this meant he was bi or pan or hell, maybe even ace, considering he never seemed to show any kind of interest.
Sakura would know. She'd been trying subtly throughout the years to gain his attention in a completely different way, but no dice so far.
But now apparently someone had mentioned to capture Sasuke's interest and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. Pissed, for sure, but well, if it was indeed a guy – that somehow felt less threatening? It was idiotic, really, but she thought it would have pissed her off even further if this partner had been a woman, because if so, what did that woman have that she didn't? But the partner being a man – she could handle that. Because it meant that there wasn't anything specifically wrong with her that would make Sasuke choose someone else over her.
"Oh, looks like they're here," Suigetsu remarked all of a sudden and started to smirk. "Man, guy really went for the whole polar opposite part, huh?"
Curiosity piqued, Sakura turned her head, raising an eyebrow at the couple approaching their table. Sasuke was still wearing his suit, of course, because he probably had meetings after lunch still. His black hair was still impeccably styled, even if the pinched look around his eyes suggested that it had been quite the annoying morning for him again. Whether employees had annoyed him or his brother was hard to tell; both were equally likely. The guy walking next to him, however, was his complete opposite and Sakura could understand why Suigetsu was so amused.
The guy's blond hair and blue eyes clashed starkly with Sasuke's black hair and eyes. The man was a bit tanner as well, as if he spent a lot of time outdoors and unlike Sasuke's suit, he was just wearing ripped jeans, an orange shirt of all things and a puffy black orange jacket. A long blue scarf was wrapped around his neck, partly covering the lower half of his face, and as they came closer, the man started unwrapping it, revealing quite obvious scars etched on his cheeks.
He was … okay looking, she guessed, even with the weird scars, but she couldn't immediately see what had captured Sasuke's interest. Ino's blonde colour looked a lot prettier in her opinion than this man's colour. He was also almost half a head shorter than Sasuke; Sakura would even wager a guess that she was a bit taller still.
"Sorry for being late," Sasuke said when they sat down. "Traffic was damn horrendous."
"That's because you decided that you were better off not listening to my advice," the blond man remarked amused. "We would have been quicker if you'd just followed my directions."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll keep that in mind," Sasuke grunted and waved at them. "Everyone, this is Uzumaki Naruto, my partner. Naruto, the guy next to me is Hozuki Suigetsu, he's Nara Shikamaru," he nodded at Karin next, "Uzumaki Karin, Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura."
"Nice to meet you all," Uzumaki nodded and looked at Karin. "Hm, you think we could be family? I haven't met other Uzumaki so far, bar my mum's family."
Karin blinked and studied him carefully. "Could be," she offered eventually. "But I wouldn't know how exactly we would be related."
"Hm, guess I should ask one of my uncles," he said thoughtfully. "He's into this whole gene – gene – what's that thing called again?"
"Genealogy?" Shikamaru offered.
Uzumaki snapped his fingers at him and grinned. "Yes, that's the one! Thanks, couldn't come up with the word at the moment."
Yes, because it was such a difficult word to remember. "Your uncle is into genealogy?" Sakura asked politely. Nobody she knew busied themselves with it, because it was such a time consuming project, especially if your family had at one point been close to royal.
"Yeah, he got interested in it a few years ago," Uzumaki replied and shrugged lightly. "It's interesting to see how far back he's been able to go so far, but honestly, I wouldn't have the patience to keep researching." He laughed a bit self-deprecatingly.
No, he definitely did not look like someone who had the patience for it; especially because she could occasionally feel him wiggling his foot back and forth. What was he, a kid?
"So how did you two meet?" Ino asked interestedly. "At Sasuke-kun's work?"
Sasuke handed the menu over to Uzumaki while he threw his head back and barked out a laugh. "Oh god, no! Definitely not at his work, man, I don't fit in that environment," he grinned, making Sasuke roll his eyes. "Nah, we actually met at one of my jobs, the animal shelter. He had found a box of abandoned kittens at the side of the road and our shelter was the closest one."
"Aw, you brought a box of kittens to the shelter? That's so cute," Karin cooed, smirking. "You never told us that, Sasuke-kun."
"Because I knew you would act this ridiculous," Sasuke scoffed. "Yes, I brought them to the shelter. What else was I supposed to do? I'm not that heartless that I would leave them behind."
"Yet you wouldn't let me crash on your couch a month ago," Suigetsu huffed.
"That's because you're you," Sasuke said remorselessly, dodging Suigetsu's punch.
"So what? You kept in contact then?" Shikamaru questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Hm, not exactly," Uzumaki said and perused the menu quickly. "Wait, do they have ramen here?"
Sasuke sighed, shook his head, but flipped the page. "Here, look at this page."
"Ah, that's the good stuff!" Uzumaki said cheerfully and still looking at the menu, he continued, "We actually kept bumping into each other after that all over town somehow and we ended up talking. Well, I talked, he grunted, which I took as affirmation that he was listening. I invited him back to the shelter so he could see how the kittens were doing."
"You could take something else besides ramen," Sasuke suggested.
"Now why would I do that when ramen is the best food in the world?" Uzumaki retorted flippantly and tapped his finger on one of the dishes. "This one looks good."
Sasuke snorted. "You think that of everything that contains ramen. Your tastebuds are fucked."
"That's because ramen is food straight from the heavens and my tastebuds aren't fucked, bastard," Uzumaki said hotly, pouting. "I don't need to hear that kind of shit from you when you consider tomatoes to be your favourite food!"
"So who asked who out?" Ino interrupted what might have become an actual full blown out argument, Sakura wasn't sure.
Who on earth argued about ramen of all things, though? That was such a weird and childish thing to argue about.
"Oh." Uzumaki blinked and this time he was blushing faintly. "Well, Sasuke did, but erm, I kind of didn't realise at first that it wasn't a date?"
"I know Sasuke has zero social skills," Suigetsu smirked, "but how did he manage to fuck up asking you out so badly that you didn't even realise it was a date? That takes some skill, honestly."
"Fuck off, Suigetsu." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "He didn't realise it, because the idiot is oblivious."
"Okay, hold up, one, I'm not an idiot and two, I'm not oblivious!" Uzumaki protested, but paused when a server came to take their orders. Once the server was gone, Uzumaki went on, "I just figured you weren't serious, all right? You literally looked like a fucking model in your damn tailored suit and I was wearing trousers a cat had puked on earlier that day and you chose that moment to ask me if I wanted to have dinner with you."
"That's kind of sweet, though," Ino interjected, smiling. "I mean, that really showed Sasuke-kun likes you because he could have waited until you were a bit more – presentable," she chuckled.
Uzumaki wrinkled his nose. "I wish he had waited a bit, though, because dog face still nearly chokes in his laughter every time he brings up how the bastard and I started dating."
Nicknames, seriously? Sakura could only sit there in disbelief, wondering whether this guy's mental age got stuck in his teens. Who even referred to their boyfriend as 'bastard'? That was so disrespectful!
They were all digging in their food when Shikamaru asked, "Uzumaki-san, you mentioned the shelter being one of your jobs; what's your other job?"
"You can call me Naruto, I don't mind," Uzumaki smiled. "I work parttime at the shelter, parttime at the local dojo, working with the kids there."
"You've got a sports degree then?" Sakura assumed, though from what she could see he didn't look that particularly fit. Not that he was actually fat, but he didn't exactly have the same physique as Sasuke either, who went to the gym weekly.
"Oh no, I don't." Uzumaki shook his head. "I actually wanted to become a vet, but I quit midway when I realised that being a vet doesn't mean you can always save every animal." He grimaced, taking a sip from his soda. "Respect for all vets, but I knew I wouldn't be able to put an animal down, so I ended up quitting that degree before I finished it."
"You didn't realise sooner that you might have to put animals down as a vet?" Sakura asked sceptically.
Ino threw her a quick look, but really? Only a child would think that being a vet meant only helping animals instead of having to do the difficult thing sometimes. Who got in their twenties and didn't realise sooner that being a vet also required having to put down animals at times? That went beyond being naïve!
"I mean, of course I realised that," Uzumaki said and pursed his lips. "And I told myself for a long time that I would be able to do that, but then I started thinking about it and nope, couldn't do it. Figured it would be stupid to finish a degree I wasn't going to put to use anyways, so I quit."
"So which degree did you pick after that then?" Although clearly whatever degree he had ended up doing afterwards, he wasn't making use of that one either considering his jobs were at a shelter and a dojo respectively.
"I didn't pick another one," he answered laconically. "Nothing else really interested me, but I saw an ad looking for help at the local shelter, so I applied there, because I still love animals. The position at the dojo opened up a few months later, so I took that one on as well."
"Don't you need some sort of degree to work at a dojo?" Suigetsu asked, cocking his head.
"Nah, I mean, I guess a business degree could work if you want to open your own," Uzumaki said. "But I'm not the owner. I've been training at that dojo since I was a teenager, so I'm an instructor for the kids now. I like it, it's fun working with them."
"Why not go fulltime for the dojo then?" Karin asked, riffling through her bowl for a piece of chicken.
"Mah, I like variation." Uzumaki shrugged. "I ended up at the dojo as a kid, because I basically had nowhere else to go outside of school, but while the kids are amazing, sometimes I just like the simplicity of working with animals more." He chuckled.
"Why did you only have the dojo to go to when you were a kid?" Sakura asked confused.
"Sakura," Sasuke said warningly for seemingly no reason whatsoever, which did nothing but confuse her even further.
What was wrong with her question?
"It's fine, Sasuke," Uzumaki smiled and waved his hand before rubbing the back of his neck. "After I got into an accident when I was young – which is where I got these scars from actually – the other kids were … let's just say, somewhat less accepting of my new appearance." He chuckled ruefully. "Apparently not all scars are considered cool. I ended up being kind of shut out, I suppose you could say, and with nowhere else to go, I ended up at the dojo eventually. There it didn't matter that I'm scarred and I just continued to go back."
It didn't escape Sakura's notice that Sasuke grasped Uzumaki's hand and her stomach turned somewhat at the sight of it.
"Bullying sucks balls, man," Suigetsu said sympathetically.
Uzumaki snorted, smiling crookedly. "Yeah, that it really does."
Sasuke and Uzumaki ended up leaving first with Sasuke offering to drop off Uzumaki first at his animal shelter job. The fact that Sasuke was such a gentleman – though she had suspected that already – only made it sting even more that someone else had managed to snatch him up before she could.
"So, what do we think of Sasuke-kun's new beau?" Ino smirked, slipping her phone into her bag.
"I like him," Suigetsu declared, grinning, and smacked his hands on the table. "Honestly, I'm wondering how Sasuke managed to convince this guy to date him, because he seems like a lot more fun!"
"You only say that because he was talking about pranks," Sakura scoffed, rolling her eyes. She really didn't understand the obsession of some guys with pulling pranks; so damn juvenile. At least Sasuke never had pulled idiotic pranks.
"I like him too," Karin smiled. "He seems good for Sasuke-kun. I don't think I've seen Sasuke-kun this relaxed before even though he still had to go back to the office."
"Yeah, they're good together," Ino agreed, smiling. "Honestly, Naruto-kun's a cutie; Sasuke-kun obviously has good taste."
Sakura decided to just nod, even though she thought Ino was being way too nice. Uzumaki wasn't ugly, but to say he was a cutie? No, sorry, she definitely could not see it. Given how different they were, though, she was willing to bet they wouldn't last long. She gave Uzumaki another month at best before Sasuke would realise that they didn't fit. Someone who worked two parttime jobs and didn't even have an actual degree would never be able to measure up to someone with two Master degrees and a CEO position at their family cooperation.
Somehow Uzumaki didn't get dumped at the end of the next month, which honestly baffled Sakura. Uzumaki regularly accompanied Sasuke to their lunch meetings and outings and frankly, she still couldn't figure out what exactly Sasuke saw in the guy. He was loud, had an obnoxious laugh, didn't know anything about Sasuke's job given all the questions he had to keep asking just to be able to follow somewhat whenever Sasuke talked about his work. And even then he still looked lost, which was just embarrassing, because who was unable to understand even the simplest economical talk?
If he had been on the same level in the looks department, fine, then she would have been able to somewhat understand why they were still together, but he definitely wasn't on the same level as Sasuke. There were his obvious scars – from a car accident apparently – of course, but also several smaller acne scars covered his face, which were obvious when the lightning hit his face in a particular way. While not fat, he was somewhat pudgy around the stomach area, which was a stark contrast to the washboard stomach Sasuke had been sporting for years now. How could he even have any sort of fat on his body if he was an instructor at the dojo?
Then again, given the amount of ramen that guy basically inhaled, it was no wonder he couldn't stay fit. It was actually surprising that he wasn't any fatter yet, because Uzumaki could eat. He could probably eat Chouji under the table and that guy wasn't exactly the slimmest either.
So to sum it up: not exactly bright, degreeless, scarred, not fit, obnoxious, too loud … What did Sasuke see in this guy? She didn't understand it! There was literally nothing about Uzumaki that should be able to attract Sasuke's attention, let alone for this long, but somehow Uzumaki was still with Sasuke.
The worst thing was that everyone else adored Uzumaki for some reason too, which only confused her further. He was just an obnoxious, loud guy; even worse than Suigetsu! So then why did everyone like him and what did Sasuke see in him? What was she missing?
Surely they couldn't last that long together anymore? Any day now, Sasuke would realise he could do much better than Uzumaki, she was sure. Maybe he was good in bed or so – though she definitely did not want to think about that – but even good sex couldn't make up for a lack of intelligence and less than handsome looks.
She gave them a few more months at best.
A year and a half after introducing Uzumaki to the group, Sasuke announced their engagement with a beaming Uzumaki standing next to him, showing off the pretty silver ring with the blue gemstone. Ino and Karin started screeching in excitement immediately, almost clambering over each other to get to Uzumaki first to admire the ring, while the rest of their friends congratulated them with claps on the backs and hugs around the necks.
Sakura could only stand there in shock, because how the hell could this be happening? How on earth had Uzumaki convinced Sasuke to get engaged? They couldn't be more different even almost two years later! Uzumaki was still working his parttime jobs, still wasn't making any sort of move to get a decent degree, and he definitely hadn't improved in the looks department either. So how? How was this possible?
She needed to talk to Sasuke. The others might not care that much about his future happiness, but Sakura did and she knew this marriage would end up in failure eventually. The whole opposite attracts thing worked as long as people weren't married, but the second they got hitched and they realised just how different the other person really was? Yeah, things were bound to turn ugly and she didn't want Sasuke to go through all that. Someone needed to make him see sense and clearly that person had to be her, because neither his family nor their other friends were willing to have this difficult conversation with him. She loved him, however, and she knew it would be better to have him be hurting in the short run rather than the long run.
"Hey, Sasuke-kun, can I talk to you for a sec?" she asked, linking her hands behind her back.
Sasuke turned to look at her, blinked, but nodded. "Sure, I'll be right back," he told Uzumaki, kissing him, ignoring Uzumaki's equally obnoxious friend Inuzuka catcalling.
He followed her out of his apartment to the corridor, which ironically was the only place where they could hold a private conversation at the moment, when the apartment itself was jampacked with their friends.
"So, what do you want to talk about?" Sasuke asked curiously, leaning back against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He was wearing a black sweater and dark jeans at the moment, looking casually relaxed and incredibly handsome as always.
"Well, I was just wondering," she started tentatively, nibbling on her lower lip. "Are you sure you want to marry him?"
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I be? I'm the one who asked him to marry me."
"It's just that – you're rather different, don't you think?" she pressed on, a bit more insistent now. "You don't think that will clash eventually?"
"We've been together for two years now," he said dryly. "I know we're different in some aspects, but we've got enough in common to make it work between us. Otherwise we wouldn't still be together."
"Still, though, he is rather different compared to you," she went on, trying to hint at all their differences without being crude about it. But come on, was Sasuke being purposely stubborn? He had to know they wouldn't work out in the end!
"And that's one of the things what I like about him. I don't need a copy of myself," he shot back and his frown deepened; his hands leaving his pockets to cross his arms. "What's this about all of a sudden? Why are you asking me this now?"
"Look, I just don't think you two really fit together, okay?" she said exasperatedly and threw her hands up. "I thought the others would say something, but they haven't, so I guess it's up to me to tell you the truth."
"The truth about what?" he asked flatly.
Any other moment she would back off, recognising that dangerous undertone in his voice, but this time she pushed through, because damn it, she wasn't going to let him ruin his life!
"That Uzumaki isn't exactly the best fit for you!" she stated and pursed her lips. "He's got no degree; he's still working those parttime jobs without making any move whatsoever to actually get a decent degree; he could have taken care of those acne scars with special treatment, but he still hasn't and at the rate he's eating, he's going to end up even fatter than Chouji in a few years! You really want to marry someone who can't even keep up with what you're telling about your work? A guy who thinks that five bowls of ramen make a decent lunch or dinner? I could ignore the whole unhealthy eating habits, I suppose, if he was smarter, but he isn't exactly the brightest bulb either and – "
"Shut up."
Two works, spoken, not even shouted or snapped, but they had the power to quieten Sakura immediately, had her gaping at Sasuke in shock. Sasuke, whose eyes were radiating so much fury, that she unwillingly took a couple of steps back, nervous for what he was about to say or do.
"Sasuke-kun, I just wanted - "
"No, I don't want to hear it," he said coldly. "I never knew you to be this damn shallow, Sakura. So what if he doesn't have a degree? He's happy with what he does now! He loves his work at the shelter and the dojo, why the hell does he need to change that? To meet your fucked up requirements? For what? He's not your fiancé, he's mine! You only see him some of the time, yet you think you can judge his eating habits? You think you can judge his looks? I don't fucking care about his scars, to me he's the most beautiful person I've ever met. I love him; that's why I want to marry him. We fit, even when you don't think so. You think I would dump him, just because of the bullshit you're spouting now? What, you thought if I dumped him, you'd finally have a chance?"
He sneered when she gaped at him. "You call him stupid, yet you think I haven't noticed all your flirting attempts in the past years? I thought me ignoring your flirting was answer enough, but apparently you're not the brightest bulb either," he mocked her. "Just in case it still hasn't got through your thick skull: I'm never going to love you. I will never want you. Is that clear enough now? I love Naruto and I'm going to marry him. And at this point I don't care if you show up at our wedding or not. Frankly, I'd rather you didn't if this is how you think of Naruto."
The door slamming shut in her face was nothing to the ice cold ball dropping in her stomach as she realised how badly she'd fucked up. She should have brought the news in another way, fuck.
"Where's Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked curiously, looking around Sasuke.
"She's not feeling well, so she left," Sasuke smoothly lied and brought his arms around his fiancé. "So, anything important that I missed?"
"Karin and Ino are currently fighting who's going to be the maid of honour," Naruto said cheerfully, jerking his head at the two women in question who were fiercely arguing with each other why each of them would be the better maid of honour.
The rest of their friends were either joking around or watching the ongoing argument with barely hidden glee; Suigetsu even going so far as to stir the pot even more by remarking why Karin definitely would be the best choice.
"Dude, her last name is literally the same as Naruto's! It's destiny, I tell you!"
"Shut up, Suigetsu, what do you even know about a maid of honour?" Ino snapped back heatedly. Some strands of her ponytail were already becoming loose and she pushed them impatiently behind her ears, glaring at the white haired man.
"They're fun in the sack," was Suigetsu's witty reply, winking at her.
That earnt him two magazines in the face simultaneously and roaring laughter from the rest of their friends.
"Aren't we supposed to be the ones who choose something like that?" Sasuke mused aloud, leaning back against the table to watch the ongoing chaos unfolding in front of them.
Naruto shrugged, snuggling deeper into his side. "Man, I'm not getting between those two, are you insane? I like to live to see my wedding, thanks."
Sasuke snorted quietly and brushed his nose in Naruto's neck before he tilted his face towards him to kiss him. "I love you," he murmured.
The blinding smile he got in return doused the last lingering flames of fury still brewing inside of him. "I love you too," Naruto said giddily and kissed him again, grasping his sweater with both hands. "You think they would notice it if we disappear to the bedroom?"
Sasuke simply chuckled and shook his head, kissing him again.
If Sakura had any shred of decency left, she would only show up again with a genuine apology, but given how stupid she had turned out to be, he wasn't holding his breath for that. He couldn't find it in him to really care about that, though. If she had really believed he would dump Naruto, the best thing that had ever happened to him, for her, then that was solely on her. She had called Naruto stupid when she herself had believed she had actually had a chance with him. Apparently ignoring all her lame flirting attempts throughout the years hadn't been an obvious answer enough. Really, who was actually the stupid one if she hadn't realised that he had been ignoring her attempts on purpose throughout all these years? How could he have not been any more obvious?
Whatever, it didn't matter to him anymore. She had decided to be a bitch, she would have to lie in the bed she'd made for herself.
He had a wedding to plan now – and a whole life to plan out with Naruto.
The End
AN2: I hope to have more updates ready in the upcoming week; I'm sorry it's taking me so long, guys. Next week I've got two exams, so we'll see how much progress I can make with my projects. I hope this one in the meantime isn't that bad!
Please leave your thoughts behind in a review; should you spot any mistakes, please point them out to me.
I hope to see you all back in my future stories! Please stay safe and take care of yourselves!
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