Toys | By : Talonias Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 8552 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, and make no profit from this work. Obviouslty credit goes to the original author. |
Hinata woke up in the darkness with a small groan of pain. Her head was pounding, and her muscles ached with the after affects of exertion. She didn't know where she was, but for the moment that didn't quite register to the Leaf nin. Instead, she focused on getting her head back together just like she had been taught at the Academy so long ago. It only took a second or so for the Hyuga to bring her senses back into line, and once she did she was ready to take stock of the situation.
Except, she couldn't. Even as she routed Chakra through her eyes to activate her bloodline, Hinata found that the Byakugan refused to kick in. She remained in the world of solid walls and shadows. Hinata blanched, wondering for a moment if she had lost her eyes; a bit silly considering but she was still coming too, and not quite in the proper frame of mind. Once she had confirmed that she could indeed still see, the Hyuga peered into the darkness that surrounded her. Just where was she?It was a small room, there were no windows or doors. Indeed, it looked like she had been sealed in, for there was no obvious means of escape. She wasn't shackled or chained, so at least that was something but if what happened to her bloodline affected her jutsu as well, she wasn't confident she could easily escape.A pang of worry wormed its way into her heart, but she suppressed it ruthlessly. The silly girl she had been long ago would have been afraid, but she was different now. She was older, she'd fought in the war against Madara and his undead army. She was no longer afraid that her skills were not up to any challenge!
So, how had she gotten here? The girl sat down, and wracked her memories. Thoughts of escape teased her, but until she knew why she was here, she couldn't be sure she wouldn't be walking into a trap.Okay, so she had been out on the patrol, after a battle against the Zetsu. Partnered with Sakura and Tenten, they'd been talking. Taking the chance to relax and unwind during a relatively low risk assignment. Sakura had been talking about how strong Naruto had become, and how sure she was that he'd bring Sasuke back and then...Hinata shook her head. That was where it got fuzzy. There had been an attack, she remembered she had smelled flames. Then, there was a flash of light, and she had seen a...thing. That elegant description being the best she could remember now. It had been unusual. Then, she'd blacked out, and she was here.All right, so that hadn't been as helpful as she might have hoped. The room was too small to include Tenten or Sakura, so they were probably being held separately. All she had to do was to break out and free them and then-“It's not going to be that easy, you know.”
The voice shocked her. She spun around, falling into a combat stance, and willing the Chakra of her body to flow. But it didn't. She froze. Her face must have paled, for the man in the far corner chuckled.“Who are you?” Hinata asked. “What Villiage do you come from?”“Ah, now isn't that the question?” He walked forwards, into the light. But his face was impossible to see. Hinata trierd to focus on it, and if she did, she could make out features. An eye, a grinning mouth, hair. But when she lost that focus, it slipped away again. It was like some kind of genjutsu that had affected her senses; and if that was true--She leapt to the attack, Chakra or no, she was not about to give up without a battle. Even without her abilities, the Gentle Fist style could still be powerful if she was careful. However, even as she moved, pushing her weight down into her legs, time seemed to slow down around her. As her fist extended, the man easily swayed aside, and then, things returned to normal. Over-balanced now, she tumbled into the corner.“Now, now, now.” The man said. “That's not going to work. There was a time for fighting, and it was earlier. You're caught in my trap now. My most powerful Genjutsu. No matter how much you struggle, you can do no harm to me here because the real me isn't here at all.” That smile drove her crazy, and her heart beating widely, Hinata tried to break the spell of the justu.“That won't work either. My Genjutsu has disconnect your thinking mind from your body, so even if you're trying to send the signal ''flare chakra'' your body won't receive it. And without that ability, you can't break out.”“Someone will come for me!” Hinata said. “Naruto, or someone else! I'll resist you until then.” Her heart was beating fast, but she was determined, her will was strong. She'd been trained for this, and if it really was all an illusion, then nothing she did here could hurt her, right?“You're right, in a way.” The man had to admit, walking towards her again. With no way to defend herself, Hinata gave ground. “Eventually, someone will find your body, and snap you out of it. But time isn't the same on both sides of this spell, you know that right? What takes hours out there.” He grinned. “Could take years in here.”“You're bluffing.” Hinata declared. “Your jutsu isn't that powerful, you'd have to be an Uchiha to be able to do that, and you're not one of them.”“Probably.” He reminded her with a flashing smile that she still could not quite make out across his face. “Maybe I'm your good friend Sasuke, finally come to get my revenge? Maybe I am Itachi, and rumours of my death were greatly exaggerated? Or maybe I'm a survivor? A missing nin from before the slaughter? Someone who just happened upon an eye? So many options, my little pet.”Hinata felt her back impact the hard stone wall, and scowled at him. “Don't call me that. I'm not your pet.”“You will be.” He said. “To cut to the chase, the point of this little game is this: See, I captured all three of you in my spell but I don't have time to torment you all on my own. This Genjutus is limited in that I need to focus on one at a time. Though, I can keep the others asleep, there's no fun in only that. I also want to make their torment...memorable. No torture or anything. I wouldn't want to ruin such perfect little bodies, even if it wouldn't last once they woke up. No, I want to tease them in a different way. And for that, I need information. You have said information, so I'm going to offer to cut you a deal. You get to be my tool, my pet. Oh, sure it doesn't sound so glamorous, but trust me it's a better position than I am offering them. Think about it, just submit to me, and I'll let you help with the others.”Hinata was actually taken back, and found herself speechless at the man's casual affront to her pride as a ninja. “Betray my comrades? No Leaf Ninja would ever do that!” She snarled. “I don't know who you think you're messing with, but I'm not going to help you.”“Really now?” The man said, walking forwards slowly. Hinata would have tried to back away, but felt her back bump into the solid wall again. “Oh, I don't expect you to accept straight away.” The man spoke again. “In fact, I figured that you would need a little encouraging first.”He snapped his fingers. Instantly, the scene changed. He vanished from sight, and the small room was now lit by widely spaced torches. They cast a flickering light over the walls. Hinata braced herself for what was coming next, did he really intend to make her his pet? As though she'd ever give in to the likes of him! But he didn't reappear. The Hyuga began to reluctantly relax, thinking that perhaps he had retreated for now...Then she felt it.It started as a tingling down there. It took her a moment to even notice it, and when she did, she couldn't help but flush. Though she knew that he would probably have something nasty planned, she hadn't really expected him to mess with her most intimate area. Just what was he planning? It wasn't painful, it wasn't even annoying. It was just there. It was a light tingling sensation, like something soft being brushed against her smoothed skin. She suppressed a shiver ruthlessly, determined not to give him the pleasure, but the sensation started to build. Every hair on her body stood in end, and she scowled. Still refusing to break.It grew stronger. Now, it felt like someone was gently stroking her down there. She could almost feel the phantom fingers trailing across her pink skin. Her blush deepened, and she felt a heat begin to build inside.It's a trick. She told herself. I am still wearing my clothes, it's a Genjutsu to make me fall into his trap. I'm not going to.Knowing that didn't help much though. The heat spread, and where it went, it seemed to up the sensitivity of her skin. She flinched as she felt her leg rub against the fabric of her trousers. Feeling the surge of heat it generated. Her breasts started to prickle, weakly but growing stronger. As though being messaged by invisible hands. Hinata gave a soft cry, stumbling to the far wall, and throwing herself down with her back to it.Every breath brought a new surge of arousal, her breasts rubbing against her bra. Each twitch of her lower body made her flinch as her skin made contact with her soft panties. Soon, she was unable to move at all, breathing slowly, trying to avoid the feeling, but it was still growing. Her blush had deepened now, knowing that the man was watching her become aroused like this. Unable to do anything but sit and endure it. She told herself it was a trick, an illusion, but it didn't help.The feeling grew. Her breaths came in short, sharp gasps. Even the smallest movement brought her unwanted desire. Her trousers were soaking, and yet, she still felt it build. Hinata had never felt like this before. Though she had of course felt lust, this went far beyond that. Every inch of her sensitive skin was burning with desire, her pussy ached like it never had before, and the fact that the feeling was forced did not help the girl defeat it. All she wanted to do No, she wouldn't! She wouldn't give in! Even if...even if every breath she took, she was rubbing against the fabric. Feeling it trail across her skin. Little bolts of electric travelling from her breasts and pussy, all the way to her brain. Each breath was a struggle, and she just wanted it to be over, but-“No!” She snarled. She wouldn't do what he wanted! It was obvious he wanted to see her degrade herself, to give into her lust. But she wouldn't! She was a Hyuga, an Heiress. She wouldn't give him the pleasure of it!Her hands opened and closed in helpless frustration. She felt the aching void that wanted to be filled, she needed to clear her head, she needed a break, but every damn breath!Think, Hinata. She told herself. You can't let him do this to you, he has to ah, h-he has to have some weakness!Oh, but it was so hard to think. Each breath was a jolting bolt of lust, her body quivered, demanded her attention. She was breathing so heavily, trying to resist, but she was seeing red, and it was becoming harder and harder.Hinata curled up into a ball, lying on the floor. Her whole body felt feverish and hot, her fingers ached to trace the delicate skin of her lower mound, she tried not to imagine the divine sensation, the lingering feeling of silky smoothness as her skin traced her lower lips. She tried not to think of what it would feel like to pry those lips apart, like she had so many times before, to feel the lust and need build in her body. To slip a finger inside, to feel the jerking electrical touch of her own nervous hands.She tried not to imagine how good it would feel to spread herself, folding back her mound and exposing herself to the world, feeling the touch of the air, and then... to begin to play with herself. Caressing and touching, the feel of her fingers, slippery with her own juices as she began to pump then in and out. The joy building, the lust mounting, feeling it build up and up to a climax, and then...Hinata couldn't suppress a moan of lust, though she tried. She flushed in embarrassment, and tried to force her mind away from such thoughts, but the state of her body would not allow it. She felt him watching her always, the sensation was quite familiar with one of her bloodline, and yet...She didn't want to. She didn't want to. It was a trick, an illusion forcing her to feel this way. Forcing her to be so lustful.But her pussy ached the same, and her limbs shook from the effort of suppressing them. She wanted to touch herself, she wanted to touch herself so badly. She needed this, her whole body was burning up, false or not. It was getting harder and harder to think clearly,“Just give in.” Said the voice of the man. “ I can make this so much harder for you. Be my pet, and it'll be all over.”“N-never.” She gasped. “I'll never be a pet!”“All right then.” The man said. “Let's kick it up a notch.”The feeling intensified by a thousand-fold. Hinata just had time for one quick ''Eep'' before she felt it hit her like a wave. A deluge of lust and animal desire which washed away all her thoughts but one.“Aha.” She gasped, her body stiffening. “Ha-ah.”It was more intense than anything she had ever felt. Her breasts burned with lust, the feeling of her bra rubbing against them magnified so many times. “Ha-ah.”She tried to resist, she really did, but it was no use. As the feeling continued to mount, and grow yet more extreme.She stumbled to her feet, her legs trembling as she grabbed hold of the jacket and pulled with all her might. The fabric ripped and tore, shards of clothing tumbled to the ground, but it wasn't enough. Her bra was next, ripped off and thrown to the ground. Her breasts swayed in the cold air, the nipples pink and erect, the flesh gleaming with sweat.Her mouth was dry, some part of her mind was screaming at her. She didn't want to do this, she didn't want him to see this!It didn't matter. She practically tore her trousers away, and stood blinking in the cool wind with just her cotton panties. Hinata quailed, but only for a moment. The feeling redoubled, and she was back to it with a vengeance. She pulled her panties off, and threw them away. Then she went to work on her pussy, throwing herself down at the far wall, she spread her toned legs wide. Her womanhood gleamed, visible to all, but she didn't care. She reached for it, began to stroke and rub. The very touch of skin on skin, was almost enough for her. Almost. She began to pump her fingers in and out, bucking with the motion, moaning as the pleasure built, and build, and built.
She wasn't finished. Why wasn't she finished? She let out a shrill yell of frustration, and looked around for something, anything. But there was nothing, only her hands and that wasn't enough and the feeling was still building.
She reached up with one hand, and kneaded her breast. Not the soft, sensual touch of her self-play before, this was raw, animal need. Her hands were rough, grabbing and twisting, toying with the nipple, she clasped and rubbed, desperate for release. At the same time, her other hand continued to work on her pussy. Fingering herself desperately, thrusting her fingers inside herself roughly. Each time, she exploded with a tiny burst of pleasure, and each time, she bucked with it, moaning to herself. She was lost to the sensation, gone was the demure, gentle Hyuga heiress. All that mattered to her was the feeling.But...She still wasn't finished! Her climax rose higher and higher, her body screaming in lust, her moans grew louder, and she was desperately finger-fucking herself, but it didn't help. No matter how hard she played with her own breasts, squeezing and rubbing them until they were. No matter how powerful the thrusts she made with her other hand, she couldn't get herself off.
She let out a yell of frustration, and to her surprise, it was answered.“That's quite the show you're putting on for me, little Hyuga. I didn't know just how dirty you were when I picked you first. Guess I was lucky, huh?”She looked up, the feeling was so strong now it was like her whole body was buzzing, her clit and her nipples the most of all. Each motion she made sent ripples of burning desire through her, she worked her tongue, trying to remember how to speak.
“I-I can't-”“I know.” The man's voice was amused and mocking, cold. “All that work, and you can't climax. You can't feel that sweet, sweet release. You're just going to keep building and building for as long as I have you in my power, and trust me, that's going to be a long time as far as you're concerned.”A cold sweat had broken out across the Hyuga girl. Was this to be her fate? For the desire to build and build like a volcano, and have no release? To stew in her own lusts?
“Nooo.” She half-moaned, as another wave hit her. She fell to the ground, rolling as she desperately played with her pussy. “Please have mercy...”“Mercy?” The man said. “Does that mean you have reconsidered my most generous offer to be my pet?”She shook her head, tears in her eyes. Part of her begged her not to do it, conjured images of a blond-haired boy, and what she had hoped one day to share with him. But the feeling was too much, the building lust just too great. She had no choice, she lowered her face, eyes downcast to hide the tears.“Yes.”“Very well then, prove it.”Instantly, he was in the room with her again. This time, as naked as she was. Hinata looked up, her raging hormones noted his powerful body, his toned muscles. His face was still hidden, but she lowered her eyes to his...His penis.It was a shameful secret of the Hyuga clan that they often peered through the clothes of their allies. Not because they were deviants, but rather, because their natural bloodline simply did not differentiate between skin, stone, clothe or anything else. Even she wasn't focused – especially then – Hinata tended to catch glimpses of the male anatomy of her friends. This man's penis was not as large as some of the others she had seen, but right now, it seemed exactly what she needed.He gestured, and the floor in front of him changed. A stone cock rising from the ground, and forming itself before her very eyes. She didn't need to be told what to do. Blushing scarlet with shame, Hinata staggered over to the monument. With shaking hands, she opened her lower lips, and before she could have second thoughts, impaled herself on the dildo.The feeling that rushed through her was the sweetest she had ever felt. Feeling the hard, cold rod inside her pussy, she gaped and moaned, driving herself down onto it with a frenzy, desperate for release from the curse.It was amazing. She rose again, and forced her body down. Writhing in pleasure and moaning as she did so. A small part of her couldn't believe what was happening, she was pleasuring herself like a common whore, for someone who she didn't know, what would the others say if they saw her now? But that part was swallowed, swallowed by the all consuming need. She fucked herself, for how long she couldn't stay. She was lost in the feeling, rising and falling, moaning, her hands working at her breasts, and her juices dripping to the floor below her.“Ah-ha.” She gasped, the cold rode riding up inside her. Shuddering with delight and shame. Through it all, the man watched approvingly. Enjoying her debasement of herself for him.Finally at happened. The feeling that had been building up and up inside her through the whole ordeal exploded outwards. She gaped as she felt it, her vision actually blurred. Her body went numb as the pleasure overtook her, she realised she was screaming, feeling it surge through her veins. Shudders ran through her, and then it was gone.Hinata hung limply, the dildo still inside her, her chest heaved with effort. The floor below her was absolutely soaked. Finally, the need was fading.“So that's it then.” The man said. “You are now my pet, you follow my orders, and obey my commands. If you don't, I can do this again, but worse. Do you understand? What you just felt was only grade two, it can go up to six. If it went much higher than three, I think you'd probably be driven mad though, so let's try to avoid that.”Wordlessly, she nodded. Just pleased to finally have a release.“Now, tomorrow, I want you to tell me everything you know about your two friends.” The man said. “I wish to break them as I have done to you, but before that...” His voice trailed, that cold edge creeping back in.Hinata looked up, suddenly worried.“I think a little more two couldn't hurt.”At his word, she felt it again. The same feeling, starting all over. She tried to stand up, to plead, to beg him to stop. But a stone chain had wrapped about her legs. More emerged from the darkness, securing themselves all about her. She just had time to look at him as she was pulled into the shadows, writhing in shameful pleasure.“See you tomorrow, Hinata.” The man laughed.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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