Dragon Kind | By : Xiophelia Category: Naruto AU/AR > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 1449 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I do not make any money from it. |
The day was dark, the black clouds looming overhead as if they were giving a grave omen. Inevitable rain had yet to fall from the heavens, just biding its time for the most opportune moment it seemed. The air was thick and heavy with electricity waiting to cackle and crack through the sky. The floating mountains were in the middle of the clouds, the darkness blanketing the rough terrain as castles and homes broke up the beautiful landscape. Most of the homes were large, open aired and having no doors to let the wind flow throw them. They were made of marble that didn’t glint in the sun but shone a beautiful color in the sun’s rays.
Today was a solemn day, a day that would haunt those involved for the rest of their existence. The sounds of two babies crying pierced the air as they were ripped from their respective fathers. A court was now in session and the children were taken out of the expansive room. The two parents in question stood side by side, one dwarfing the other in size. Standing close to each for as much comfort as they could gather from the other in this moment of time. They were mates, destined to be together by their Gods. They had not been aware that this day would come, they had taken every precaution of protecting their couplings as much as possible. It went against both their instincts to stand there and allow the babes to be taken. But the taller one needed to lash out and punish those who dared to take his prodigy from him. Clawed hands twitched for the opportunity to rip into the flesh of the women who had dared touch his children. He was their father and it was his duty to protect his family. But he knew better than to act out and give the council another reason to strip him of everything he owned and leave him unable to provide for his family. So instead of lashing out, he twined his hand with his mates, a larger set dwarfing the delicate human hand one held. Physical contact only aided their problem so much since they knew their children were being taken care of by strangers. Minato’s hand tightened around Shikaku’s as the Elders entered the room, their robes trailing the floor as their scales glittered in the torch light. Their long, pointed ears were pierced and held many fine jewels that gleamed in the fire. The chamber was silent as they stood before their long table, parchment with details of their transgression. It was forbidden for a dragon to mate with a human and produce children. The law was strict and allowed no room for argument, even if the human turned out to be your mate. It was a harsh law created by their ancestors to keep bloodlines pure. The fact that it was still held up today only sickened Shikaku. The silence was tense as it filled the room, the scraping of paper against the desk breaking it occasionally as the Elders looked over the case. Shikaku wanted to break the silence, demand that his children be given back to him so he could carry on with his life. But he knew even one word of defiance would ruin any chance he had of coming out of this with his family intact. Minato’s warm hand in his only served to keep him grounded and remind him what was at stake. “You have mated with a human, Shikaku, a capital offense in our society,” Elder Homura rasped, the old voice filtering through the air. It was sneering, as if Shikaku were tainted now that he was tied to a human. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Shikaku took a deep and calming breath, he couldn’t afford to mess this up and lose his family. They were precious to him and he would not have them ripped from him. When he was finally able to answer, his voice was deep, never wavering as he said his piece. “Minato is my mate, this is not the result of witchcraft of humans, I assure you.” He said, hand slipping from the smaller one as he stepped forward to prove his case. “The fact that he birthed me twins should be a sign, you know full well non-destined cannot produce heirs.” “That may be the case, but you went against our laws and have produced children that are Halflings. We cannot stand for this, Shikaku.” Homura countered, knowing he had the upper hand already. The fate of the Nara twins had already been decided and the sentence would be carried out. “And what would you have us do? Be childless and not have heirs to my clan? It should not matter that they have human blood since dragon blood dominates it,” Shikaku spoke loud and clear. It was proven that while Halflings were smaller, they were not as weak as previously thought. He hoped this argument would lessen whatever punishment was heading his way. “That is exactly your punishment. As we speak, your children are being taken away to a location not even we know of. Shikaku, you are to have a vasectomy effective immediately. You may stay with your human mate, but you will never have children again,” Homura decreed, his tone heavy as he watched Shikaku’s features begin to shift. Rage boiled within the dragon, his claws lengthening as his wings ripped from his back from their sac and burst through his shirt. His teeth elongated as he pushed his mate behind him, protecting him from what he saw as a threat. A loud and menacing roar left his mouth as he attempted to attack the council. His dragon would not have his children separated from him at all as several guards surrounded him and Minato. Growling, he grabbed his mate and pulled him into his arms, the scent of Minato comforting him as he looked for an exit. He would find his children, no matter what it took. He was not fast enough as a large metal net was thrown over him before he could take of. Roaring in rage Shikaku fought violently against his bonds. He would have his children, he would have his family. It didn’t matter what it took, he would find them. Those were his last thoughts before a dart embedded in his neck and caused him to pass out, protecting Minato with his wings as he hit the floor with a loud and cracking thud. ~*~ Minato stared listlessly out of the large window he was perched on, the wind flowing through and ruffling his hair slightly. Three days ago he had lost his babies, never to see them again, never to hold them in his arms either. It had been devastating losing them so shortly after birthing them. A month was too short with them. He only hoped that they had kept their names wherever they were and that they would be safe and treated decently. Minato was aware of how Halflings were treated and he couldn’t bare the thought of his own children being mistreated. The air around around shifted as a large body slid in behind him and wrapped large arms around his middle. Taking the comfort, Minato leaned back into Shikaku, the scent of pines surrounding him and alerting him that it was his mate. His head rested just below his mate’s chin, his wild blond hair tickling the other’s chin. A large hand cupped over his where it was resting against his stomach. “We’ll find them, Minato,” Shikaku promised in his rough tone, kissing the top of Minato’s head. He already had scouts out searching for his sons, scouring every inch of the floating mountains and its neighbors. He had made a vowel the twins would be back in their arms before the years rolled by. The council had forbidden them from searching for them, but Shikaku had ways of getting what he wanted. He could legally adopt his children back into his home and there was nothing the old bastards could do about it. “But what if we don’t, Shikaku?” Minato whispered, turning his body so that he was straddling his mate’s lap. He was so much smaller than the dragon that he was dwarfed at times. Large hands cupped his face tenderly as Shikaku’s wings fanned out and enveloped them into their own little world. “I promise you, love, we will find Shikamaru and Naruto. I will bring them home to us no matter the cost,” Shikaku said against Minato’s lips, it was a barely there kiss, one full of love and tenderness. “I want them to pay, Shikaku,” Minato whispered darkly, resting his head against his mates. “I want them to feel the pain I feel, I want their souls damaged like mine.” “I know you do, my love.” Shikaku answered, his long fingers trailing through the blond hair. He didn’t know how he could make the council pay for their rash and foolish decision. His other hand trailed over the mating mark, making Minato shiver and calming his angry mate. He knew Minato needed reassurance that he was still wanted. Not giving Minato time to reply, Shikaku dove down and took his mate’s sweet lips in a deep kiss. His tongue swept past the plump lips and plundered his mouth in a slow, languid kiss. His large, clawed hand cupped the back of Minato’s head as he tilted it back and moved his kisses down the slender neck, nipping the sun kissed flesh as he went. A large hand curled around the back of Minato’s head gently. Despite his strength, Shikaku was was always tender with his mate, the human being his own lover and deserving of such courtesies. He was the only one to ever see Shikaku so gentle, no other being had that privilege and never would. Unless they happened to find their sons and then they too, would witness this side to the great dragon. When he pulled away from those delectable lips, Shikaku knew Minato was aroused, he could feel it through their bond and smell it on the air. He would make his love feel wanted tonight, take away as much of the pain as he could with what they had. He wouldn’t allow his love to suffer like this with his soul tearing itself apart. Minato may not have been a dragon, but he was mated to one. Through that bond, the human felt the suffering of having his cubs ripped from him as though he were a full blooded dragon. “Shikaku...” Minato breathed, pressing his body closer to his lover’s, seeking out the warmth that emitted from the dragon. He never tired of how hot Shikaku’s skin was against his own, loving the way it felt when they rubbed against one another. Large wings created a cocoon around them as Shikaku’s fingers drifted down Minato’s back. The feathery touch left his skin prickling as they drifted lower and lower. The sharp claws drug against Minato’s skin, leaving thin red lines on the tan skin. He had forgotten what it was like to be alone with his mate like this, no little ones to interrupt them. But Shikaku would not have changed a thing, he ignored the fact he was upset and continued to trail his fingers down Minato’s skin. “Minato,” Shikaku rasped, attaching his lips to his mate’s and plundering the warm cavern. The human never failed to arouse him, no matter what he was doing. He removed a hand and placed his fingers at his lover’s mouth, silently commanding Minato to suck. He wasn’t disappointed when they were taken into the warm, wet mouth, a tongue sliding around the digits, wetting them. When they were wet enough to meet Shikaku’s satisfaction, he withdrew them and trailed them down to his lover’s hidden entrance. He wasted no time in plunging a finger in, the muscle resisting at first until Shikaku was able to loosen it. He drifted one finger in and out, stretching it out before adding another and scissoring his fingers to make room for his cock. They massaged the passage, opening it up for his cock before he withdrew them. He lined his cock up with the stretched hole, pushing it forward until he was seated to the hilt. Minato was warm and tight around him, sucking him into his body. It was coming home to Shikaku to be buried in his lover, to be surrounded by the delicious heat he missed so much. They needed this, to be joined in such a way so their souls could begin to heal. Minato rolled his hips, giving Shikaku permission to move in him as they lost themselves in one another. Pleasured moan filled the air as the wings stayed around their bodies, creating their own little world as they took what they needed from each other. Delicate human hands clutched at strong shoulders as Minato moved up and down, his head thrown back as Shikaku’s mouth attached to his neck, teeth grazing his heated skin. He loved the feel of Shikaku, of having the dragon dominate him in their bed. Minato knew he would never be hurt, that his lover would always be gentle. It hurt knowing they couldn’t rut like true dragons since he was only human, but he would take what he could get. Minato’s back arched when Shikaku brushed against his prostate. His fingers tightened on the dark, scarred skin as Minato moaned, the action was repeated multiple times, drawing them both closer to the edge. They fell over the crevasse together, Shikaku filling Minato as they desperately clung to one another. They held each other, Minato resting his head on Shikaku’s shoulder. Strong arms held him up as they sat on the window sill. Strength was drawn from each other, even though their hearts hurt from their loss. The large wings unfolded and Minato was lifted into strong arms, the soft cock slipping from his body. He was carried to their bed, a large mahogany four poster bed with drapes surrounding it. The small human body was placed gently on the bed, Shikaku joining him, laying on his back and pulling Minato closer to him. He breathed his mate’s scent deeply, the smell of cinnamon and earth entering his nostrils. The blond hair trailed over his chest, tickling the skin it laid on. He still had Minato, his lover was still with him. He might not have his children and one day he would get them back, but he couldn’t help the happiness he felt that the council hadn’t taken Minato away. “I love you,” he rumbled, his voice thick with emotion and need, nuzzling the blond head. “I love you too,” Minato answered, hand tightening around Shikaku’s middle before he fell to sleep. Ten Years Later The day was bright, the sun shining down into the marketplace through tarps. The rays hit the dirt, warming it as bare feet padded through it. Two children were running, each one holding an apple as though it were precious. They hadn’t eaten in a few days and this had been their last chance to find food. Intricate planning had helped them acquire their bounty, waiting until the most opportune moment to snatch what they needed. Orphans on the street didn’t eat well, Halfling orphans ate even worse. As soon as they were spotted, merchants kept an ever watchful eye on their goods, knowing it would be swiped eventually. But the two Halfings who had just stolen food were experts, having done this song and dance since they were little. They were used to be chased by the authorities and the insults that were shouted at them. Shikamaru and Naruto knew they were different, that they weren’t like the other dragons. They were treated differently and when compared to other children, they were smaller in size. Their scales weren’t as large either, small in size, but they glittered in the sun just as though they were full dragon. They weren’t stupid and knew exactly what they were, half dragon. It was a well known fact that they wouldn’t be treated well, even though there was a force fighting for their equality. It was a long process and they would never likely see any progress in their lifetime. They were young yet, but living on the streets had wisened them to how people actually were, especially those who thought themselves above others. They treated Halflings as though they were dirt and would not allow them to rise above their station. Shikamaru always protected Naruto, keeping his twin somewhat ignorant of what they were and how it affected them. Naruto was innocent and Shikamaru would keep his brother that way. They had been together since they were babes, the connection they shared had not been normal and Shikamaru had been able to come to the conclusion of what they were to one another. The orphanage they had lived in when they were smaller had kicked them out after they turned five. Living on the streets had grown them up quickly, Shikamaru more so than Naruto. The boy had a sharp mind and used it to his advantage. Naruto wasn’t stupid himself, just a bit more naïve than his brother, preferring to try and see the good in people. The Halflings found the alleyway they always ducked into in order to lose their predators. It wouldn’t be good for them if they were caught, knowing the authorities didn’t care how old you were when they dished out punishments. It was obvious age would give you no leniency when it came to crime and paying your dues. There had been many children executed for stealing if they were caught, the number adding up everyday. Their government was out of control and one dragon could only do so much without back up. The idea of treating Halflings like scum and even executing upon birth, a new law that had been introduced only ten years ago, was too much. Some citizens were calling for a revolution while others called the law justice. The prejudice against Halflings was heavy and could not be thwarted. No matter what the older Halflings tried to accomplish, there was always a black cloud hanging over their efforts. There was always something that seemed to go wrong when they tried to prove that they weren’t weak and dumb as full bred dragons thought them to be. The hole Shikamaru and Naruto used to hide in was unguarded and the two small Halflings slid in, Naruto first and then his brother after him so he could play lookout. The armored dragons stalked right past their hiding hole, going deeper into the city looking for children they would never find now. But they would wait awhile longer, knowing that if they left too soon, they would be caught. It was a rough they grew up in and they knew that their lives would never get easier. The hardships were just beginning for the twins, as they grew they were easier to spot. Soon their childhood would be over and they wouldn’t be able to hide in small holes like this anymore. Shikamaru was already planning ahead, coming up with a plan to help them blend in easier. He refused to allow anything to happen to Naruto, knowing that his brother was important, himself as well. It was a feeling that Shikamaru had always carried with himself, ever since he could remember he knew there was something they needed to do. After a few minutes the guards were gone, their armor couldn’t be heard clanking out in the open and so the Halfling twins left the small nook only to collide with a large body. Both boys blinked up and saw a redheaded dragon, his scales a fiery orange that shifted in color under the sun’s light. He was decorated heavily with piercings, the metal lining his pointed ears and face. But since the metal was gold, the twins knew this dragon wasn’t a noble, but a thief. The clear blue eyes blinked before thin lips pulled into a smile. “Halflings! I never expected to see somethin’ like you deep in the city,” the dragon boomed, kneeling to examine the twins. “What’re bunch o’ rugrats like you doin’ here?” Naruto hid behind Shikamaru, eyes peering over his brother’s shoulder after they had stood up. The food was still safe in Naruto’s hand, tightly clutched in small fingers as Shikamaru regarded the dragon. It wasn’t unheard of that Halfling children were sold in the black market if the price was right. In fact, a majority of the children, full-blooded dragon or not, ended up there more often than not. It was a scary world the twins lived in, but they knew the rules and played by them as best they could. “We live here,” Shikamaru stated, crossing his arms and glaring the dragon straight in the eyes. His stance was defensive in case Naruto needed to escape. He would hate leaving his brother alone, but he would protect him at all costs. “Well, this isn’t the place for child’en. I may be a thief, but at least I know how you should be treated. C’mon, I’ll give ya a good place to stay and in return you’ll work for me when you’re older,” the dragon offered, holding his clawed hand out for Shikamaru. He was open and honest, never lying about what he was even though it was obvious from his body decorations. Shikamaru looked behind him to Naruto who had a pondering expression on his face. If the other Halfling was considering the offer, then this dragon could be trusted. Naruto didn’t trust easily, he had a gift for feeling out those who were deceptive and those who were not. If he was seriously accepting the offer, then this would be their best chance at survival. It didn’t matter if they would be labeled as thieves, having a safe place to stay instead of finding a hole in the wall or a ditch was a good offer. “We’ll do it,” Naruto responded, stepping out from behind his brother, the food still gripped tightly in his hand. His blue eyes were determined as they met the strange dragon’s eyes. Shikamaru had no doubt they would fit in when the thief bursted out with a booming laughter. “Very well, follow me,” he said, standing and walking out of the alley and straight into the market. His large wings were folded against his back as the children followed. The twins sealed their fate as they followed the large dragon. His stride was arrogant and no one sought to stop him as he strode through the market. There were those who stared and others who would start to approach him but stop. His scale color was as legendary as his fire red hair. Kurama was not a dragon who was trifled with easily. The twins had found a great protector and both knew it. This dragon would provide them with everything they needed to grow strong and give them the means to learn skills that would benefit them in the future. This was the best move in Shikamaru’s young mind and was better than his original as he grabbed Naruto’s hand. They would survive and grow up to be strong, he knew this to be true.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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