Sin | By : kiyasama Category: Naruto AU/AR > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 1573 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Sin (Tsumi) Main Pairing: Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto Sub Pairings: Expect the unexpected Genres: Drama, Angst, Historical, Romance Rating: Mature Author’s Notes: Thanks to reading a lot of samurai-based manga and WWII-based novels in the past few months (don’t ask), the muses got a-roaring again, and I’ve decided to sink my teeth back into Naruto fan fiction. Now, unlike pure samurai stories, I have taken plenty of liberties with this one. Just like Kishimoto’s Naruto world seems to be a blend of the old and new, so will this story. There will be modern devices here and there, but many throw-backs to the Tokugawa/Edo era as well. I do not know if supernatural elements will appear yet (as in special fighting skills etc. etc.), but if that does happen, it happens. With that said, I would really appreciate people not sending me snippy comments about how this doesn’t fit into that. Even though I’m blending two eras, I am still doing my research to keep things as authentic as possible. Secondly, this story is dark and will have scenes that might be unpleasant or too graphic for most readers. I make no apologies for that, because back in the day torture and abuse was rampant and not fun either. I do, however, make apologies for any typos you might notice. I tend to write fast, and do my best to edit afterwards, but I might miss one or two things here and there. Thirdly, the ‘voice’ of the characters might appear to be older than they are, and that is because it was envisioned with the main characters writing out their tales when they are…well…much older. So if you read it, and notice that Naruto sounds like he just stepped out of college, just imagine him as some older guy sitting in his office, writing out his memoir. I’d like to think he’s much smarter by then. Don’t you? And last but not least, to anyone who even considers ripping off this story and posting it as theirs, please do NOT even contemplate doing that. It really upsets me to see this happening more and more, and I honestly now dread posting my work on this site. So please, if you enjoy the story, direct others to it, but do not pass it off as your own! And to those who do read it, your comments/feedback are always welcome and very much appreciated. Enjoy! :D
Chapter 01: Porcelain Skin Our life in this world To what shall I compare it? It’s like an echo Resounding through the mountains And off into the empty sky - Monk Ryokan It was impossible to miss her. She easily stood out amongst the other grimy occupants of the congested, claustrophobic, and heaving bus; her porcelain skin like a beacon for those who cared to notice. It was an anomaly in the grand scheme of things; though she did her best to blend in with the rest of us dressed in yukatas or Sunday Bests’ that had seen better days. I would almost laugh at her attempt to look like ‘one-of-us’, but I was too busy admiring her very presence to show my uncouth manners. Besides, I wanted to make a good impression despite my - “Move it, kid,” came the gruff retort as I was shoved unceremoniously to the side; nearly falling on my ass to the mud-slicked floor in the process. There was barely enough room to breathe and yet this gigantic moron had almost tried to kill me with just a jab from his meaty elbow. It didn’t help that he stunk of raw fish and stale cabbage, and as he oozed himself between two skinny men - who seemed to shrink aside in fear (or maybe the stench) - I sighed and rose to my feet; now eager to find a seat lest I be made to stand for the lengthy journey. Unfortunately, the only empty seat was two rows ahead of the subject of my admiration, but at least it was on the opposite side of the bus, so if I was careful, I could sneak a few glances here and there without attracting too much attention. Clutching the brown paper bag tightly against my chest, which contained a pitiful number of personal belongings I was allowed to bring, I squeezed next to a passenger who was already snoring in the midst of the din surrounding us. Unbelievable. Dressed in a gray yukata, he looked like he was in his twenties, though with the struggles of this day and age, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually a teenager like me. His shaved head seemed to gleam beneath the pale sunlight that filtered through the dusty windows, and subconsciously, I ran my fingers through my blond tresses; wondering if there would come a day when I’d have to shave it all off too. It had grown a little longer in the past few months during my stay at Tosho-gu, forcing me to keep it in a loose ponytail. I would have preferred to have it back to its familiar short length, but who had the time or money to go to a barber these days? Suddenly feeling morose at the sight of the drool accumulating in my new companion’s mouth, I sighed and tried to make myself comfortable, but it was practically impossible. The seat was of hard wood; the kind that dug into your buttocks and made it hurt with every movement. There was no arm rest, and I dared not set my bag down as the likelihood of it disappearing within seconds was high. My traveling companions were not exactly the most innocent of people after all, and though the sun was yet to reach its zenith, it was still blistering hot in these tight confines. Sweat drenched our flesh and soaked our clothes; the dark, patchy stains beneath armpits, backs, and chests ugly reminders of our pitiful situations. “Move it! Move it! Come on! We ain’t got all day!” came the impatient wail from one of the conductors outside as three more passengers were shoved into the already pregnant bus. Grumbles and mumbles began in the back, and it didn’t take long for someone to mutter out loud about the dismal conditions. “We ain’t animals,” came the complaint. “We ain’t even got room to jerk off.” Amidst the bleak situation, this statement did get some of us laughing, but I immediately blushed in embarrassment as I realized that such a crude joke might not be appreciated by our lone female traveler. I dared to steal a peek; thankful that the newcomers were moving toward the back so as not to obstruct my view. I wasn’t sure of what to expect; that perhaps she would be frowning in distaste or pouting in disapproval. However – and much to my reluctant admiration - she didn’t seem fazed at all. If anything, her attention was focused outside the window; an expression of indifference (or boredom) etched on those pale features. She must have witnessed plenty of such crude behavior, I deduced; now wondering if she had grown up in those homes where yakuza often paid visits on a daily basis. Or perhaps she was the daughter of a yakuza. It would make sense then if she was ‘one-of-us’; though it was a rarity that such people were actually brought to justice. Yakuza were known to pay off the watchdogs (police) and could get away with cold-blooded murder even with witnesses all over the place. “Everyone in?!” a conductor yelled, but his grating voice could have been miles away for all I cared. “All right! Bus Number 2308…GO!” There was the piercing sound of a whistle being blown as the doors closed and my journey to a new life officially began. However, I was still preoccupied with thoughts of the girl and a life story I was readily creating for her. You must have lived such a rough life, I thought sadly; allowing my fantasies to take flight as the bus gave a loud groan – as if finally tired of being forced to remain in one position for so long – then a jarring jerk that sent most of us nearly hitting our heads or crashing our bodies against each other, before finally cranking its way out of the parking lot. The commotion had finally awakened my companion, who blinked several times as if unsure of where he was. His beady dark eyes eventually cleared and after throwing me a cursory glance, he effectively dismissed me as non-threatening and snuggled closer to the window in an effort to get more comfortable. In less than a minute, he was snoring again! I had to admire his ability to block out everything else, though my ass was now beginning to hurt even worse than before. I already wanted to stretch my legs, but there was no where it could go. The space between seats was way too limited. “Settle down, you worthless pieces of shit!” came the sudden loud bark which was promptly followed by the near deafening clank of an unsheathed sword struck against the steel barricade at the front of the bus. Whether it was the sound of his voice – which bore a striking resemblance to thunder – or his size, which was intimidating in itself; our watchdog for the journey was a living, breathing monster. The familiar uniform – the black kamishimo, striped hakama, and adorned crest (in the shape of a fan) – almost always sent a sliver of fear down the spines of many. As a little kid, I had always wanted to be a member of the elite watchdog force; to be able to walk down the streets in my costume with my swords and handguns fighting for the peace and stability of our towns and cities. I could still remember the many hours I’d spend just stalking Officer Dosu, who actually didn’t seem to mind that he had an overzealous fan like me. In fact, he had called me over while enjoying a break with a fellow officer at a local noodle shop. At first I wasn’t sure if he was actually calling me, considering I had been hiding behind several large barrels outside the shop, but when he specifically pointed at me with his wakizashi, I knew the jig was up. I figured if I was going to get punished, I might as well take it like a man. Besides, I would only brag about it to my friends later on. It wasn’t everyday any of us could show our scars from getting a beating from a watchdog. It was like a badge of honor! “What’s your name, boy?” Officer Dosu had asked as I stood before him with what I hoped was determination on my face. There was no need to show fear, but damn if his katana didn’t look long and shiny. I wanted to touch it so bad, it hurt. I stood at attention and opened my mouth to belt out “Uzumaki Naruto!” at the top of my lungs; much too loudly I guess because a few of the other patrons gawked at me, some with displeasure, others with amusement. Dosu was of the latter, for he burst into loud laughter and slapped his thigh, while his companion chuckled and shook his head. “He’s a brash one, isn’t he?” Dosu remarked and grinned. The motion made the rugged scar on the left side of his face twist even more cruelly. I wondered what had happened to cause such a wound in the first place. A sword fight gone wrong? Though he was still alive, wasn’t he? He pointed to his wakizashi. “Do you know what this is, Uzumaki Naruto?” “It’s a sword, sir,” I replied with an eagerness I no longer tried to hide. “The sword given to elite officers.” “That’s right. It is a sword for the elite.” He paused as if considering something, and then with a light shrug, he withdrew the katana from his obi and held it out to me. “Would you like to hold it, Naruto?” “Dosu,” his companion warned in a low voice, though he continued to sip on his sake. “He’s just a kid,” Dosu reasoned with a playful wink at me. “Besides, I think Uzumaki Naruto here wants to become an elite like us someday, don’t you?” “Do I!” I squealed breathlessly; unable to believe I was actually allowed to hold something so powerful in my hands. The scabbard alone was exquisite, and even ‘til this day, I can still remember how its intricate gold design had shone beneath the sun in all its glory. However, as I tried to lift it and to swing like I had seen some ronin do in the past, I found myself stumbling and falling flat on my face! My embarrassment was complete when the officers burst into laughter and even a few of the patrons snickered and seemed to mock me. Sure I was just a seven-year-old snotty-nosed orphan that roamed the streets; it still didn’t give them the right to make fun of me. Feeling my eyes burn with tears, I grit my teeth and staggered to my feet; using the sword as leverage. It was much heavier than I thought, but I was determined to at least swing it once. I tried again, and the result was no different. I barked my shin, scraped my knee and wound up with a bloody nose, but I wasn’t going to give up. No way. Not while I had this opportunity. By this time, they had stopped laughing and some were beginning to look at me with pity, but I didn’t care. Sweat poured down my face in rivulets and stung my eyes. My arms were tired; unused muscles protesting with each motion. I had lost count of how many times I had tried to swing the damn thing, and just as my knees trembled in my final effort to save face, I felt the larger hand clasp mine gently but firmly. “It is not your time, Uzumaki Naruto.” I looked up and into the pity-filled expression on the officer’s visage; the bitter bile of defeat filling my tongue. Gently, he took the sword away from me, but first wiping the sweat and drops of blood I had imprinted on it with a silk cloth. I envied how effortlessly he seemed to lift it before attaching it back to his hakama. “Perhaps in a few more years, hmm?” He reached out to ruffle my hair. “Keep working hard at it. You show signs of promise.” My ass, I thought bitterly before doing the unthinkable. I spat at his feet. That alone would have gotten me beaten black and blue, if I had been caught, but I was just too fast for them. They finally gave up the chase after about an hour of me running through back alleys and secret hideaways; one of the many advantages of being another faceless orphan in this city. All the same, I think I cried myself to sleep that night and yet swore to train on my own so that someday I could show Officer Dosu and his stupid friend that I could become one of them. I knew it was a lofty goal for someone like me, but I was never one to back down from such grandiose delusions. I had latched on to that dream for most of my life. So much for that now. “Jesus…” I groaned as my companion’s foot dug painfully into my ribs. The idiot had raised his legs onto a seat that was hardly wide enough for one person! Talk about being inconsiderate. Tempted to push him hard, my plan was thwarted when a shadow fell over me. I looked up and into the watchdog’s towering features; wondering what I had done now to deserve such special attention. In fact, it seemed like everyone else in the bus was now staring at us in anticipation. What the hell happened while I was lost in my thoughts? Did I miss some important announcement? “You!” came the angry command laced with spittle. Huh?
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