Stop Following Me DAMMIT!!! | By : KoibitoFemme Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 1265 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Kurai Kisu: HAHAHA I can’t believe it I am actually doing a happy SASUNARU I FINALLY HAVE ARRIVED!!!! Well not really. No worries for anyone who is actually reading I Choose You I am still working on it. Had to redo 4 pages and still writing. I though ‘Hey maybe I can get a chapter in before I go to Japan!’ Um….no. So now school has started again and I find myself HATING Korea and wanting to go BACK to Tokyo. I was lonely as hell for the most part but it was nice. Some guy even gave me the watch off his wrist, after he tried to give me a full body massage (THE MAN TOOK MY SHOE AND SOCK OFF!!!) not to mention slobbed me down. Yea I have to remember when alcohol and me get together somebody is getting KISSED. But sadly I didn’t see MC Micro. I want to cry . A LOT of bishonen actually. Some quite scary like the guy at customs. I think he had a cold cause he had a mask on but THOSE EYES!!! I wanted to cry and call for my mom. Looked like he could suck your SOUL out of you. But anyways I was just taking my hair down and reading after I beta’d two chapters for one of my authoresses and was thinking of this funny side story in the mange Jungle King I read last night. I couldn’t stop thinking that sooo could be Sasuke and Naruto. So I thought , I think a lot by the way. ‘HEY! I’m a lazy teme those damn girls are sucking all the creativity out of me. Why don’t I just BORROW this manga and replace the characters.’ So I said “YEA YOU’RE RIGHT!!!” (Honestly if my mom knew I was answering myself I would be in a straight jacket like she threatened before when I was THREE so SSSSHHH). Anyways DISCLAIMER TIME.
Warning: Just in case some of you don't like to read Author Notes and it seems some don't. I did NOT write this damn plot I just took the ENTIRE side manga, CHAPTER 4 of JUNGLE KING and slapped Sasuke and Naruto into the main roles. The only thing I AM responsible for it my smart ass side comments and descriptions. Most who read my stories know I AM LAZY AND DO NOT LIKE TO OVER DESCRIBE THINGS!!! So if you FEEEEL the need to review which I encourage please keep in mind that if you don't like the story you can always hit the X button or the GO BACK button but telling me when this is a ONE SHOT and once again NOT MY PLOT does not really do anything but dampen my spirits. Doesn't change the story and it doesn't make me run to you trying to appease you. If you will notice at the bottom not once did I say give me constructive criticism because, for the last time people THIS IS NOT MY PLOT IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE STORY TAKE IT UP WITH THE ORIGINAL CREATOR. Not trying to bite your heads off folks but I AM SICK AT THE MOMENT AND JUST WANTED TO SHARE WHAT I THOUGHT WAS FUNNY!! Do I seem stressed??? Now since I didn't think I needed to do this but I see I do I will have to follow a few authors lead. *WARNING* If you don't like it don't read it.
Stop Following Me DAMMIT!!!
Naruto’s POV
My name’s Uzumaki Naruto. I was born 1 minute after Uchiha Sasuke. And ever since then the teme has been number one at everything. In school there was nothing I did that he didn’t beat me in. If I entered a race, he was there to cross the finishing line ONE second before me. If I tried out for a play, the bastard got the leading role. I, of course, got a supporting role right next to his. If I got a high grade on an exam, guess what, yea, the fucker got ONE point higher. I didn’t even KNOW there was a higher score than 100!!!
It got so annoying that I finally started to avoid him. AND EVEN THEN THE DAMN TEME FOUND A WAY TO BEAT ME!!! He just started popping up in the weirdest places! Like when I went to take the trash out one night, I pull the lid up and HE’S IN THE FUCKING BARREL!!! I JUST COULDN’T GET AWAY FROM THIS GUY!!!!
Ahhh now that I’m in the real world with a real job FAR from him I can relax…right?
Normal POV
Naruto walked out the elevator onto his floor. As soon as he was about to take a breath a large pale hand appeared in his face.
“I’ll be working here starting today as the section manager.” Naruto was frozen in place, his entire body rigid.
‘SHIT! He’s here at my company now!!!’
“I didn’t hear anything about this!” He shrieked as the gaggle of girls behind him cooed and blushed at the raven.
Without further ado, Naruto rushed into his boss’s office the stoic Uchiha close behind. He slammed his hands on the desk of the lazy brunette. Brown, droopy eyes slowly looked up at him with disinterest.
“Chief, what is this why is HE, MY supervisor?!”
“I’ll be in charge of guiding Uzumaki.” The teme piped in as if the blond hadn’t just hysterically demanded an answer for his presence. “As well as the female employees..”
“MANAGER UCHIHA!!!” A loud unanimous swoon echoed from the entire female populace. Naruto could feel that ever present vein in his temple pulsating.
Slowly, decrepitly the tanned male turned around his face reminiscent of a zombie, “What…” To add to that vein his left eye twitched as he watched the raven and a pink haired employee chatter almost intimately. Well at least she was, the pale man’s expression never changed, not once.
Naruto took a step back pointing accusingly at the man’s back. “WHAT DO YOU WANT BY COMING TO MY COMPANY?!”
“It’s not right?” Sasuke asked, glancing nonchalantly over his shoulder.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? OF COURSE IT’S A BAD DECISION!!!” Naruto was livid his blond hair stuck up on his head like the raised fur of a pissed off cat.
“Be quiet Naruto!” The pink haired girl scowled.
“That’s right. What’s so good about you Naruto.” An equally annoyed blond female added. The blond could only bow his head as a gloomy aura washed over him.
‘Yesterday I was still the most popular guy.’ He sulked.
Later that Day:
Naruto sighed as he sat in the public bath. He was still brooding over the day’s events.
“Everyone was taken in by him. He’s a cunning and pestering pervert!” All the while Naruto sulked he never noticed the strange bubbling water close to him. That is until-
Sasuke burst out the water shaking his magnificent ebony hair this way and that.
‘HE’S HERE!!!’
Sasuke looked down at the horror stricken expression on the blond’s face and just smirked, “Aren’t you getting a bit careless?”
The younger man gritted his teeth, he could feel his heart beating loudly and just knew that he was blushing. How could he not when his blue eyes were focused on the large however, limp organ between those pale thighs.
‘He’s huge…I lost?!’
Naruto was left speechless as the pale, well-endowed man climbed out the pool humming.
The Next Day:
Naruto grumbled to himself as he faced the doors in the subway train. His face was haggard, obvious sign of sleep deprivation.
‘Damn…I was up all night thinking about THAT part of him….I wonder how big it gets when it gets hard--WAIT A MINUTE! Why do I care so much about him?’
“This is love.” A deep voice resonated from behind him.
Blue eyes got huge and blond hair stood up in all angles as the tan male jumped back in shock. “WHAT? WHAT? WHEN?” ‘Mind reading?!?”
“I will always know what you’ll be doing next.”
“WHY DO YOU KEEP HARRASSING ME?!? You were hiding in the box vault in elementary. Then you appeared in the dinosaur suit in middle school. You also hid under the table in the drinking house. I REMEMBER EVERY ONE OF THEM!”
“That’s because you have been avoiding me.” And just like that the raven pulled out his impressive hard member and pressed it against the firm rump of the blond. Naruto was shocked, to say the least.
“Be quiet dobe or someone else might here you.” The Uchiha thrust his cock against the other’s firm ass with a smug smirk on his face.
“Are you crazy? You’re poking me…Stop it!” Sasuke just ignored the protest, reaching around the blond’s head and running his fingers over his jaw line. This led to a very pretty shade of red appearing on the harassed man’s face.
“Is this your sensitive area?”
“Ah…lower…No! Stop it!” Once again the blond was ignored as his body was forced into the closed doors with a hard thrust of the raven’s solid body. Naruto could do nothing but whimper as he felt the twitching organ slide over his, thankfully, protected cheeks.
“I get so excited whenever you give me that troubled look dobe.”
‘What did he just say?!’ “Nnn….ah” Uzumaki was trying his damnest to stay quiet as his tormentor continued to semi-dry hump him. ‘Was he harassing me because he saw my troubled face? You gotta be kidding me.’
A Few Hours Later:
Naruto was making his way to the elevator so he could go on a break. His mind was still trying to wrap around what he heard the raven tell him.
‘I think this is mental harassment. No…a pervert…!!” There he was again boring into the slender body of the blond with his intense ebony eyes. Naruto wanted to turn around and walk back to his cubicle but that would make him seem like a coward. So reluctantly he got on the elevator making sure not even spare a glance at the creepy pale man behind him. He let his head drop as he continued his inner conversation. ‘He only likes me when there are so many women surrounding him? On top of that the teme likes making fun of me?!’ Even with him so deep in thought, the blond could still hear the conversations going on behind him.
“Where are you going for lunch?” One girl asked.
“Anywhere is fine with me.” Responded the Uchiha. The elevator door opened and Uzumaki walked out still conversing internally.
‘I’m the only one who sees him as a rival. Does he have some sorta feelings towards me?’ He walked in the opposite direction of the small group of girls and Sasuke.
About 15 minutes later, found Naruto sitting at a bench nibbling on a hamburger. But no sooner than his teeth sank into the bread, did he feel another person’s presence. With weary eyes, he looked up to see none other than the Uchiha with a similar hamburger in possession. The two sat there in silence for only a moment.
“Aren’t you having lunch with those girls?”
“I’m only paying the bill.”
“An elite manager is really different.”
“What is it?”
“Nothing.” The blond responded trying to get through his lunch as fast as possible. He could feel the raven’s gaze on him. Side glancing he could see the older man turning towards him.
“Naruto. I have something to say.”
“Hold it! I don’t want to hear it. Tell me during the meeting…Manager Uchiha.” And with that he got up leaving the silent, pale man on the bench. ‘I’ve decided…Goodbye Uchiha. Sorry but I’m a changed man. I won’t let you have your way anymore.’
In the Locker Room:
“The problem is how to gain all the female employees support.” Naruto sighed. “Is there any girl that I like.” He mused to himself as he opened his locker without looking.
“You don’t like any girls.” The blond snapped his head towards the inside of his locker. Low and behold, Uchiha was standing inside, a rather stalker-like look on his face.”
“UCHIHA!!! MMMM!” The younger male screamed as he stumbled backwards with a large pale hand over his mouth. Sasuke had an unreadable expression on his face. He flung the Uzumaki back into another set of lockers knocking the wind out the man. Groggily, the tanned male tried to sit up. “Ouch…what?” The raven was on him before he could get anything else out.
Outside various women passed the men’s locker. All they could hear was yelling from within.
“Let me go! Let me go you teme!!”
Inside Naruto was being tied to a pole with black silk, his body bent over with is ass at a very inviting angle.
“Be good, you’re an adult already.” The stoic man taunted, grabbing the hem of the smaller male’s work slacks.
“Damn…Let me go teme!” As always his protests were ignored as he felt his pants and boxers yanked off his ass. When he felt the body behind him move away he chanced a look back and instantly regretted it. His rival, that bastard, was taking his pants off. A hungry glint in his otherwise stone face. Naruto panicked and began to squirm. But the body came back, and as a hand rested on his lower back the other male thrust heartlessly into his tight hole. The blond flung his hand over his mouth trying hard to keep from screaming. “Ugh…it hurts.” He managed to croak.
Strong arms wrapped around his waist and over his mouth. Two fingers forced their way into his wet cavern as the other hand secured itself around his surprisingly hard shaft.
“URGH..NNN! NARUTO!!!….URGH!!” The raven grunted thrusting harsh and fast into the unwilling body.
‘How could you do it here?!” A blond head flung back. The raven had slid a thumb over his oozing slit. ‘What if someone comes in here??’ “Not so rough!” The blue eyed man’s only response from his request was the pleasured grunts of the asshole assaulting HIS asshole. (Sorry couldn’t resist.) ‘The sound would be heard…If someone sees us.’
“I’m all the way in…”
‘So hot…I’m burning’
“You’re dripping your pre-cum all over dobe…You must have felt it in you.”
‘You’re so rough.”
Annoyed with the lack of response from his lover, Sasuke leaned forward and doubled the strength of his thrusts.
“Answer me Naruto!”
“AH!” ‘Damn we could be heard’
Outside more women had gathered in front of the door way. The sounds inside were getting louder and more urgent.
“What’s going on in there?”
“Some work going on in there…”
“I don’t know.”
Back inside, Sasuke leaned completely over the blond his panting mouth close to the tan ear. Tears of pain and pleasure escaped the blue orbs.
‘So…You have feelings for me.’ His thought process was cut short when he felt the raven change positions. The Uchiha bent his knees so he could aim upwards into that tight passage. Naruto screamed his lungs out into the hand clasped over his mouth. Sasuke had managed to position himself so he was in a clear pathway to the other’s sensitive center. And with a hard, deep thrust, that huge member abused the nerves rightly so. Uzumaki was sure he was going to pass out if this kept going. That wouldn’t do well for him. Finding him naked on the floor of the men’s locker room was not something he needed to happen.
After several more minutes, the hand around Naruto’s cock began to stroke faster and get in sync with the thrust rod. The blond clenched his eyes tightly, he could feel himself about to erupt. And just cause it was him, the blue eyed man knew Sasuke would be right behind him when it happened.
True to his beliefs, Naruto couldn’t hold on any longer from the two overwhelming sensations, front and back. With a muffled scream he came, and about a minute later….A warm wave of thickness invaded his depths, leaking somewhat down his round cheeks. The two slowly slide to the floor, both heaving fast and hard.
Sasuke recovered first, “Naruto, are you all right?” He reached down at the same time pulling out the man. Gently, he shook the other’s shoulder. “Hey.” The blond didn’t say anything but slowly began to move.
“Urgh..” Sasuke watched him intently. With slow movements, Uzumaki turned his head, his eyes were opened slightly before he managed to say in a quiet voice. “I’m not your toy.”
“Naruto.” The raven reached over and undid the knot binding the younger male to the pole. Naruto sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes free of the tears.
“What is the reason? Why do you keep harassing me?” When the pale man didn’t answer but just stared, rage quickly bubbled up in the tan male. He spun around glaring angrily at him. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! YOU ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING I DON’T!!! Looks, popularity, women everything!” The dark haired man looked on confused by this outburst. What was his blond getting at.
“Naruto…You….” Said blond dipped his head down allowing his hair to conceal his emotions.
“I always feel I’m useless whenever I see you.” That got the older male’s attention. His black eyes widened and his body stiffened.
“No. I didn’t mean to…”
He couldn’t take it anymore. All those years of torment had taken their toll. Naruto spun around and ran out the door. “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES!!” Yea, he had made his escape and would have gotten far if it hadn’t been for two important details. One there was a group of concerned (nosey) women in front of the door and two he was so upset that he forgot to put his pants or even his boxers back one. The man had ran out into a group of prude women with nothing but his top on.
“NARUTO YOU BASTARD!!” Screamed one indignant lady.
Another decked him right on his cheek with so much force that his head whipped back. While he was still stunned by the hit, he didn’t notice another came out with what looked to be a large pair of tongs. WITH SPIKED ON THE INSIDE.
She got him right in his midsection. Naruto fell to the floor crawling towards his cubicle where he kept a change of clothes. He usually went to the spa after work.
“You pervert!”
“Go away!” The women were tyrannical with such an indecent display before there oh so pure eyes.
However, still inside the locker room, Sasuke stood there in shock. Slowly he lowered his head, his face actually showed emotion. Complete and utter, heartbreak. He had never intended to make the dobe feel like that. If anything he was always succeeding so that he could look favorable in his eyes. Guess that backfired….
2 Weeks Later:
“Manager Uchiha didn’t turn up this week either..” A pink haired woman gossiped.
“He doesn’t seem to be at home either.” Her blond slightly psychotic friend retorted.
“He didn’t apply for leave from the company…I’m worried.”
‘Uchiha disappeared. His whereabouts remain a mystery.’ Naruto leaned against his desk for only a moment. When he got up to go to the locker room, he began to laugh insanely to himself. Actually he LOOKED insane. There were dark patches under his eyes and his hair seemed even less unkempt then it usually looked.
“Ah, so relaxing! I feel so good…” I don’t have to worry about his harassment anymore.’ Internally or externally, Naruto tried hard to convince himself that he didn’t care about the missing raven. Then it happened, realization hit him causing him to stop mid step. He DID miss him. Quickly he rushed about the office. He slammed into the storage room.
“WHERE DID YOU GO?!” No sign of him. The blond moved on.
He ran into the men’s restroom and shouted into a toilet bowl, “WHY AREN’T YOU HERE TO CHASE ME?!?” The man was losing it.
With still no sign of the raven in there he moved onto his desk, ripping out a drawer. “AREN’T YOU THE UCHIHA THAT LIKES TO HARASS ME??” Still no pale man. It was a wonder why the blue eyed male wasn’t chartered off by men dressed in white. But still he kept on searching.
Naruto found himself on the roof of the building still screaming for Sasuke. “DON’T JUST DISAPPEAR TEME!!! FIGHT WITH ME FACE TO FACE!!!”
“I’m over here!” Naruto looked up and there he was hanging on a ladder from a helicopter.
‘How the-’ “UCHIHA!! You’re still alive!” Sasuke stared down at the other male a look of hurt still deeply embedded in his eyes. But Naruto had called to him so he had to respond. The pale man let go of the ladder and plummeted down to the roof, landing in a safe crouching position. Just like a movie star….bastard.
“You’ve been seeing me as an enemy.” Naruto paused for a minute. He was still flabbergasted by that little show he just perform but quickly caught the murmured words.
“Huh? What did you say?”
“Regardless of how many times I have taken your body…your heart would never belong to me.” Sadly, the raven lowered his head. “I’ve lost…” Naruto stared at the crestfallen expression on his, at one time rival. It made his heart beat hard.
‘Uchiha. You…’ As usual the other man gave him no time to think because as soon as he looked up that damn Uchiha had a foot on the railing on the edge of the roof. He looked like he was about to JUMP!
Sasuke looked over his shoulder and lifted an arm in salute, while the other hand steadied his body. “Goodbye Naruto. I think you won’t see me ever again.” The blond’s eyes grew wide and he started to panic.
“Wait…WAIT!!” As if on its own, the younger man’s body propelled itself to the departing male’s back. “Come and chase me! Come and stop me!” No sooner then the words fall from his mouth then his face was turned a bright red and black eyes widened as they looked back at the smaller man.
‘I said it.’ “I feel really quite good when you chase me.” Inside his mind he imagined himself running away in a flowery atmosphere while behind him an ominous looking Sasuke had a hand outstretched to catch him. ‘Wah! Come and get me!’ He shook his head to get the girly image out his head. Naruto blinked for a moment noticing that the raven hadn’t said anything. With his arms wrapped around the taller man, he pulled him closer, hugging him. “I can’t live without you! Please don’t leave me!”
Sasuke was stunned but elated. This is what he always wanted to hear the dobe say. The Uchiha turned around, arms wrapping around the slender waist at the same time he felt arms wrap around his neck. Naruto had tears at the corners of his eyes. He looked so desperate. Yet another pleasant surprise for the raven.
“Use all your strength to come and get me!”
“Dobe!…Do you mean it?” The two men pulled each other closer, embracing.
The next thing the blond knew, he was laying on his side with his arms tied once again to a railing, Sasuke behind him and two thick fingers plunging in and out of his sensitive pucker. The damn raven was so eager he just pushed the younger man’s underwear out of the way and went to town.
“Nn!” Naruto was overwhelmed. This felt 10x better than the last time. His panting and moans could easily be swallowed up by the wind. (1) Sasuke grew tired of not being able to fully see is love’s face so without hesitation, flipped the blond onto his back and quickly attacked a pert nipple. He removed his fingers and moved closer, in between the younger male’s legs. His hard on was twitching with longing. Teasingly, he rubbed it against the quivering entrance.
“Haa AH!” ‘I don’t have to act tough anymore!’ It was a revelation in itself. He felt relieved. No longer did he have to compete he could just let Sasuke run the show. He would just enjoy the ride, literally.
After thoroughly lavishing both hard nubs, Sasuke leaned up pressing his cock against the still pulsating rosebud. He reached down grabbing one tan leg and placing it over his shoulder while the other was resting on the crook of his elbow of the other arm. Then without warning he thrust all the way in setting a pace that was not only hard and fast but really deep. Naruto thought it would tear him apart but he was in heaven. It felt so good.
‘I really love you.’ “Sas…Sasuke! So good…”
“Naruto…” Sasuke continued to slam into the pliant body, loving how he was hugged so tightly within the moist, hot passage. Grunts, pants, huffs of air, and skin slapping upon skin were the serenade in the air that day.
‘I’ve always wanted to have this kind of relationship with you…’ The raven lowered himself onto the smaller, tan body. Hard, strong strokes, jostled the blond shifting him forward ever so lightly. Naruto didn’t care. He couldn’t get enough. “Feels so good…”
“Me too, Naruto.”
‘I wasn’t honest…’ Sasuke reached up untying the bonds and pulled the younger man up, still deeply embedded inside him. Somehow, he managed to get them to a wall and with the blond facing said wall the raven placed one hand on top of the golden tresses while the other gripped the ignored shaft. Uchiha wasted no time as he began thrusting and stroking in a powerful and determined fashion. ‘For this’ Naruto had one hand on the wall holding himself up and keeping his face from being smashed into the bricks from the electrifying abuse to his body. The other hand found its way to the strong pale thigh pressed against his own. He sensually rubbed the smooth skin, completely lost in euphoria. The tip of Sasuke’s cock was attentively massaging his core and he honestly, didn’t think the raven could make he feel much more. His whole body was alert. Sweat glistened over both their exposed skin. If the building they worked in wasn’t so tall the perverts in the apartment complex next door, would have had a grand ol’ time themselves.
“Haa..Haa!” Naruto listened to his lover pant and grunt as he continues to assault his tight path. The thrust were becoming stronger, if possible. The blond had to move his hand and place it next to the other on the wall. No longer able to concentrate on anything but that hot feeling in the pit of his belly, the younger male chose to focus on the floor as his muscles contracted and relaxed around the thick flesh inside him.
“Cum…I’m cuming…” He whimpered.
“Together…’ The older man murmured, at the same time his essence erupted out like a geyser.
“Nnn!” Naruto moaned as he felt the familiar sensation of hot, warm seed filling up his inside to the point of overflowing. ‘I really want to be with you.’ He breathed heavily as wave after wave of please enveloped him. It felt so good he almost collapsed but the strong, reassuring arm wrapped lovingly around his midsection kept him from doing so. Warm air puffed against the back of his neck, letting him know that his lover was just as content as him.
Sasuke moved lazily, shifting them about until he could gently lay the blond onto the ground and lay upon him. His larger hands slowly running over his body in a sensual massage. Dark eyes stared into light ones.
‘We have to always be together in the future…right Sasuke?’
“I love you, Naruto.”
“Nn…Me too.”
“Wah?” A blond eyebrow twitched irritably. Naruto couldn’t figure it out. Even if they were couple, the damn raven still managed to pop up in the most strangest places. There he was staring at the Uchiha, who had somehow made a comfy little palette and was reading, what looked to be a good book. IN HIS CABINET!!! ‘Sasuke had been in my cupboard for quite some time before I found out.‘ Naruto looked exasperated. He just had to ask the next question although he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
“When did you start to stay…” He gave up, he couldn’t finish the question out of fear of the answer. Sasuke just smirked.
By the time everything had settled, Naruto found himself on his futon and right next to him was Sasuke. He blushed heavily, leaning over to kiss the raven on the cheek. Even though he was asleep, the older male rolled onto his side grabbing Naruto and pulling him against his chest. If the blond was blushing heavily before there were no words for what he was doing now. ‘But we’re happy.’ With that thought blue eyes closed not seeing the content smile on the handsome pale face in front of him.
(1) Don’t ask me cause I have no idea what happened to that helicopter just following the manga.
Kurai Kisu: Well there you have it. Once again if it was good, I didn’t write it. If it was bad, AGAIN, I didn’t write it. I just slapped the story into complete word form and replaced the characters with Sasuke and Naruto. Only thing I am responsible for were the smart ass descriptions of things. Well I finally did it and I am so proud of myself. I wrote a SASUNARU with a happy ending. I have to go back to one of my one-shots and continue it for Solitaire1 I haven’t forgotten. I hope ShikaChou sees this. I always feel happy when I get a review from ShikaChou. Makes me feel like I have a fan. Like I said I hope you all liked it and I will be updating my other story. Don’t quote me cause I teach over 300 hundred girls who hardly understand a thing I say and I am sure to be growing more white hairs. I really wish I could get someone to send me some red hair dye my hair is turning back black and I don’t want anyone calling Sasuke. My beta has been trying. Oh and by the way if you see an error….I’M SORRY I AM TOO LAZY TO BETA THIS TODAY AND I HAVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS ROCK HARD BED FOR A FEW HOURS SO MY BUTT HURTS AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!!! Well Ja!
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