Second Chances | By : MLL Category: Naruto AU/AR > General Views: 1208 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
“I hate you! I don’t need you anymore in my life or do you think that you can compare yourself to Neji?” Naruto’s shouts began to get nasty in his desperation. “He’s everything that you’re not.” Somehow, Naruto did not feel like he was the one speaking anymore. It was like he was out of his body watching another person shout at Sasuke . . . hurt him with lies. It was the angry part of him, the one who had been torn by Sasuke’s disappearance, the one who wanted to make Sasuke suffer like how he had suffered. “He’s kind, handsome, thoughtful . . . rich,” Naruto continued with a jagged smirk and it was with that single four letter word that sent Sasuke stumbling a step back as a grieved expression flew across his now emotion-filled eyes and Naruto instantly felt nauseous.
Did he . . . just say those hurtful words . . .?
The lump behind his throat grew and all of a sudden, Naruto could not find the strength to fight Sasuke anymore. His heart ached and his eyes felt puffy from trying to hold back the tears. He was beginning to see through a hazy lens and it scared him. He didn’t want to show Sasuke that he was his weakness.
“I see . . .” Sasuke finally spoke after he had regained his balance and he finally looked Naruto straight in the eye for the first time that day. A tear slowly trickled down his ashen features. “That was how you saw me all along, wasn’t it, Naruto?” His voice held resentment and it shook strongly. “I should’ve known you rich people would never change.” His fists clenched tightly to his sides and he gave both of them furious looks. “I was quite stupid, wasn’t I?” Giving a bitter laugh that reminded Naruto too much of the younger brooding Sasuke, Naruto’s heart broke.
In an instant, Naruto saw his face transform from that of being miserable to one of no expression. “I know now to leave where I was never wanted,” Sasuke said stiffly and within another beat of Naruto’s loudly pounding heart, Sasuke turned away with a proud gait and left with as much dignity as he could muster. And it was then that Naruto wanted to scream and cry at the world.
He was losing him . . . really losing him . . .
Naruto’s face turned stricken as Sasuke turned to give him one last, long look that Naruto could not decipher quick enough and without any warning, his tears streamed down as the proud back of Sasuke disappeared forever.
Forever . . .
“Naruto!” He could hear Neji calling him desperately, but it sounded far away. Naruto’s head and eyelids felt heavy as if a big chain held him down in place. Why was Neji yelling so loud? Couldn’t he see that Naruto was tired? That he wanted to just close his eyes and forget the obsidian-eyed man? Forget those hurtful fabrications that had escaped through his lips? Forget that he still . . . loved Sasuke and not Neji? “Naruto! Are you okay?” Neji’s voice floated slowly down to him and Naruto felt another tear roll down his cheek as an illicit thought hit him:
“I . . . I want it to be Sasuke comforting me . . . not Neji . . .”
Naruto blinked his eyes at the sensation of wet drops on his intertwined hands with Sasuke’s and lifted one hand to feel his cheeks. Feeling hollow, Naruto wiped at them mechanically. He didn’t remember when he had cried so much. Giving an empty grin, he looked at Sasuke. For once, he had finally cried in front of Sasuke, but Sasuke wasn’t awake to see it. How satirical was that?
“Dr. Uzumaki?”
Lost in thought, Naruto did not notice the head nurse enter the room until she was behind him with a hand on his shoulder to comfort him softly. Naruto jerked his head in surprise to her and gave a small, sheepish smile.
“Yes, Ms. Tenten?”
Scurrying to check the accuracy of Sasuke’s machines, she turned back in mid-progress and stopped with a small, sad smile. “What am I doing? You’d never let his machines go wrong. Sorry to question your authority, sir.” Nodding tiredly, he tried to smile at her.
“What was it that you wanted to ask me?” His head hurt, his whole body ached and he was starting to find it hard to concentrate on her figure.
“Oh,” her eyes brightened. “Dr. Hyuuga wanted to speak to you about something urgent.”
At those words, Naruto felt his energy flow back into his body and he jumped up. Forgetting that his hands were still holding Sasuke’s, he gently released his hold on them. “Will you watch . . .?”
“No problem, Dr. Uzumaki. Don’t worry and take your time. I’m with him now.”
Flashing her a grateful smile and the dark-haired man another worried look, he nodded his thanks to her before sprinting to the familiar office that he had always visited. One right, two lefts, another right and another left before he reached Neji’s office. By the time he reached the large impending door that was the last barrier to Neji, anxiety suddenly flooded him and he took a minute to rest his racing, scared heart.
This was the moment that would pave the ways of their lives.
Gathering strength, Naruto breathed deeply and gave the metal door a sound knock.
“Come in,” a voice replied from within and Naruto blanched. What would Neji say? Naruto turned the knob slowly and entered softly; paying careful attention to close the door gently and tread lightly on the carpet. For the first time, he felt uncomfortable in this room and instead of sitting in his usual seat, he decided to sit across from the desk that held many files of patients.
“Neji, it’s me, Naruto.”
Neji stepped out from his storage room and paused in mid-step when he saw Naruto. Seeing the sadness that lurked in Neji’s eyes, Naruto swallowed thickly before averting his eyes to the manila folders that lay neatly stacked on top of each other. Once Neji came and sat down, silence ensued for a couple of minutes before Naruto finally broke the stillness.
“Neji . . .” Naruto paused as he turned to examine his hands. After a while, Naruto seemed to gain a determination and he looked unwaveringly at Neji. “About the thing . . . will you do it?”
“I . . .” Neji looked like he was having an internal struggle. “I . . . don’t know,” his whisper came out softly, but it filled the entire room with the intensity and tension behind it.
“Please Neji,” Naruto insisted. “You’re the only one I trust enough and the only one close enough. If not for him, do it for me . . .”
Neji closed his eyes with frustration for a moment before opening them. “That’s the thing,” he said with a hint of anger. “If I help him, you’ll leave me for him. I know I’m selfish, but I love you, Naruto and I won’t willingly help you to be with Sasuke. He doesn’t deserve you!” Neji finished vehemently; his pale eyes shooting angry sparks. “You said you loved me and that you would never go back to loving Sasuke. So what changed, huh? Is he the reason why you won’t sleep with me? Won’t live with me?” Neji’s voice turned ugly and spiteful as he looked angrily at Naruto. “When I asked you if you still loved him, you said you didn’t! I have loved you so much, have given you so much—what have I done wrong, Naruto! TELL ME! I’ll fix it! For you, I’ll fix it. Tell me what I can do to make you love me and then I’ll be happy to do Sasuke’s surgery!” Neji breathed loudly as he finished shouting at Naruto and his hands loosened from where they had reached across the table to grasp Naruto’s white lab coat tightly. “Just tell me what I did wrong and I’ll fix it,” Neji finished in a soft, pain-filled whisper. “Just give me another chance, Naruto.”
“I . . .” Naruto found himself blinking back tears. Neji didn’t deserve this, not him, not anyone who had given so much love and devotion. Neji had loved him faithfully for two full years and this was how Naruto repaid him back. Feeling the tears slip quickly down the corner of his eyes, Naruto tried to stop them, but they fell despite his efforts to stall them. “I . . . I’m really sorry, Neji. You’ve been good to me and this is all you get. I’m sorry, Neji. I truly hate myself for putting you through all this.” The tears were running down now and Naruto once again felt like he was the lowest type of garbage on the planet. “I’m not asking you to understand this, but I can’t help it, I love him—loved him before I met you, still loved him when I met you and continue to love him to this day. No matter what I tell myself, my heart still belongs to him no matter what happens. If you won’t help him . . .” Naruto paused as he felt despair closing his throat in, “I won’t hate you. I’ll just bring him to the closest city that houses a surgeon doctor in your specialty. I . . .” Naruto got up rapidly and with a formal bow towards Neji, Naruto knew with clarity that it was over between them. They had both stated their thoughts and their position and now that it was over, Naruto felt devastated, but lighter in weight. “I . . . thank you for everything.” Naruto finished and turned away to leave the room that was starting to suffocate him.
“Wait Naruto—” Neji’s tortured voice halted him as he stepped through the metal door once more. “I’ll help him,” Neji’s soft whisper floated to Naruto. “For you, I’ll help him.”
“Calm down, Dr. Uzumaki. Have something to bite or at least get an hour nap. It’ll clear your mind more. Being a doctor yourself, do I even have to throw your own advice back at you?” A plump nurse in her mid-forties attempted at humor, but seeing him continue to pace anxiously, the nurse sighed before getting up to where he was pacing outside the surgery room.
She walked up to him and put a hand to guide him to a seat where she firmly pushed him down to sit. “Please sit, Dr. Uzumaki, I’m sure Dr. Hyuuga is doing his best in there. I mean, he is the best surgeon in this country.”
“I know,” Naruto said with a distracted look. “But I don’t understand why I can’t be in there myself.”
The nurse sighed before sitting herself down next to him. Almost as if reciting something that she had memorized from countless uses, she turned him to look at her. “Like we have told you earlier many times, you do not specialize in the surgery field nor would you be of any help anyways. You obviously care for this patient a lot and this will ruin you professionalism and your concentration. It’s best that you stay outside like a family would. Although . . . it seems like you are the only family here,” the nurse observed as she looked around the surgery waiting room. “Does he not have any family left?” She turned to him.
That reminder struck Naruto like a lightening. “No, he doesn’t. I—I’m the only he has left.” And yet, I turned him away when he needed me the most . . .
That fact stabbed Naruto countless times and he felt like crying. How Sasuke must hate him, Naruto bent down in worry.
“I’m sure he’s going—”
The sound of double doors banging open and a cart being wheeled out stopped the nurse’s next words and they both jumped up. The cart rolled out of the room and behind it came a tired, but content looking Neji still decked in his blue surgery outfit. “He’s going to be okay, Naruto,” Neji said softly to Naruto and Naruto felt his knees buckle as he heard the news.
“Dr. Uzumaki!” He could hear Neji’s and the nurse’s voices call him as he fell onto his knees.
Oh thank God,” Naruto whispered with happiness before he allowed the nurse to help him back to Sasuke’s recovery room. As soon as they had Sasuke settled back into the room, Naruto occupied the seat next to a once-again still figure and once again, took the pale, limp hands into his own tanned ones and held tightly as if his life depended on it.
“He should wake up in a couple of hours from his coma,” Neji had said to him before giving him a look and leaving. “I’ll come check him every now and then.”
Now, in the silence of the room, the excitement and anxiety that had kept him going earlier was slowly seeping away and Naruto began to feel the lack of sleep catching up with him now that Neji had told him that Sasuke was out of the woods.
Neji . . .
Naruto should go thank him . . . but he was too tired right now . . . maybe he’d take the nurse’s advice and take an hour nap before rejoining the world of the living . . .
It was a beautiful day.
Too beautiful of a day to be stuck inside the hospital, Naruto mused as he threw on his white lab coat and hurried towards the main station to check with the nurses on any updates for incoming patients.
“Is it going to be busy today, Hinata?” Naruto grinned boyishly at her. Seeing him, a blush stained her cheeks before shaking her head.
“No, Dr. Uzumaki. Only one person has been notified to come in. The police said they found him unconscious this morning on the sidewalk of north downtown. Witnesses said he was coughing and suddenly, he started to choke blood. People ran to him when he began to fumble through his jacket, but it seems like he had run out of medicine for quite a while and was on his way to buy more when he got his attack. It’s a shame,” her pale eyes bent down in sadness and Naruto walked over to pat her gently.
“Don’t fret too much over it, Hinata. You’ll just give yourself unnecessary stress. Working in this field requires you to accept this kind of stuff.”
“Thanks, Dr. Uzumaki—”
“And what did I say about calling me Dr. Uzumaki?” Naruto said sternly to her. His glinting eyes hinted her of his teasing nature, but she blushed.
“Sorry Dr. Uz—I mean Naruto!” The blush deepened and Naruto could only laugh.
“Remember, Hinata.” Waving, Naruto left the station and went to go prepare room for the incoming patient. It didn’t take more than five minutes before the sirens of the ambulance came rolling in and Naruto went out to greet them.
“Make way, make way,” one of the officers yelled to bystanders as some stopped to observe the event with interest.
“Dr. Uzumaki is coming,” Naruto shouted as he ran through the path that immediately paved for him as his voice swept through the crowd. “Let’s see the patient.” From a short distance, Naruto saw them lift the stretcher to the ground and Naruto rushed over to the paramedics. “What are the stats?”
“He’s in a coma right now, is breathing irregularly, has . . .”
Whatever the red-headed paramedic said next became lost to Naruto as he stared at the man on the stretcher. The man that he had last saw two weeks ago . . .
“Sasuke . . .” An unbelieving moan escaped his parted lips as he stared at the sight before him. A pale Sasuke lay in a precarious position and his skin held an unhealthy pallor to it. His black hair had always contrasted with his pale skin greatly, but today, it was made the most obvious. “Sasuke . . .”
“You know him, Dr. Uzumaki?”
“Know him?” Naruto’s voice was shaky; unstable—almost to the point of hysteria. Know him? “That’s funny you should ask—” Because I love him.
“This man,” the paramedic shook his head sadly. “I’ve told him to take better care of himself the many times that I’ve seen him in the ER, but he never listens, foolish man. And now he’s here—”
“You’ve seen him before?!” Naruto absentmindedly gripped the red headed paramedic’s arm tightly. “Where? Here? When?”
“Easy doctor,” the paramedic said as he gave him an intense look. “I used to work at the Sand Hospital in Sand City as a paramedic and he was always a regular patient there.” Giving the clip board a quick look, the paramedic looked once more at Naruto. “Apparently, with the same disease that he had over in Sand City too.”
Naruto felt his heart stop.
“Sasuke!” Naruto bolted up from where he had fallen asleep and feeling disorientated, Naruto wiped his bleary eyes to reassure himself that Sasuke was not in any immediate danger like the day he came into the ER room.
Seeing Sasuke on the bed albeit still and unmoving calmed Naruto’s panic and feeling more refreshed, Naruto let his dreams of that awful day come rushing back. In his whole career of being an Emergency Room doctor, Naruto had always prided himself in being able to handle anything, but that day broke the record when Naruto blacked out in front of the paramedics. Wiping his eyes one more time, Naruto tilted his head to glance at the clock that ticked silently across from his sitting position and saw that more than eight hours had passed since Sasuke’s surgery.
Eight hours . . .
Naruto quickly looked at Sasuke in eagerness, but he was disappointed. Breathing softly in and out, Sasuke still slept, but this time—this time, Naruto reminded himself, Sasuke was only in a coma for a short term—not a long term. “Wake up, dammit Sasuke,” Naruto murmured quietly in the small room that had been saved for Sasuke. His eyes glared fiercely at the sleeping Sasuke. “Damn you, I said wake up. You . . . just want to torture me, don’t you?” He tried to look angry at the motionless dark-haired figure on the bed, but he found it hard to maintain his front when all he wanted to do was the opposite.
“Wake up, Sasuke, wake up.” Naruto’s voice trembled in the process of commanding the unmoving man and when his eyes began to sting, Naruto felt his walls begin to crumble as the man continued to sleep. “Wake up, Uchiha!” He whispered sternly in hopes it would reach the unheeding man next to him. “Just wake up and I’ll . . .” A tear trickled down Naruto cheeks silently as his stern look changed to one of anguish.
“And I’ll finally listen to you . . .”
“Naruto,” Naruto snapped his head towards Sasuke in delusional hope, but the man still slept contently. That must mean . . . “Behind you.” Naruto turned his head to see an exhausted Neji come through the entry and walk towards the bed where Sasuke lay. “How is he?” His question was quiet—almost hesitant to ask.
“He hasn’t awakened yet, Neji.” Naruto’s voice spoke of anxiety and an unnamed fear as he wiped his eyes hurriedly. Neji hurried to comfort the blond.
“He will wake up soon, Naruto. Don’t . . . Don’t worry.” Neji said in an attempt to reassure him before checking the machines and then leaving to only stop at the door once more. “When he wakes up just press the red button for the nurses to come, okay? I’ll be sure to be here until he wakes up.”
“Thanks Neji,” Naruto’s softly uttered appreciation sent tears reeling into Neji’s pale eyes and nodding gruffly, Neji left without another word for fear of betraying himself.
Naruto was wrong about earlier.
Neji understood perfectly about Naruto. He understood too perfectly. For, wasn’t he in the same situation as Naruto? He loved Naruto with all his heart, his soul and yet, he could not have stopped loving Naruto if he tried. Naruto was right . . . you could not choose who to love . . . and you could not choose who to love you . . .
And Naruto’s heart had not chosen him.
Naruto had only been sitting next to Sasuke’s prone body for a couple of minutes after Neji left when the machines started to beep loudly. Loudly beeping—reminding him of countless nightmares that he had of Sasuke in the hospital and Naruto cringed. Before Naruto could do anything, a sudden flurry of nurses all decked in white came rushing in to surround the hospital bed and monitor the machines loudly. The then-silent room had suddenly become chaotic and feeling like a stranger in his own hospital, Naruto allowed himself to be unconsciously pushed out of the circle that had ringed around the dark-haired man.
Naruto reluctantly let go of his grip on Sasuke’s limp one as a nurse came to block his view of the still man, but was surprised to feel the sudden, desperate tightening on his left hand when he tried to release his grip.
“D-Don’t” The voice carried hoarsely through the loud, frenzied room to Naruto and Naruto felt like the world had stopped for a moment as he stared at the man whose obsidian eyes began to flutter lightly.
In his surprise, his hold loosened and with another entrance of another nurse, Naruto was grudgingly pushed back to the window to watch the nurses take care of Sasuke. There was suddenly another outbreak of motion and struggling could be heard as the nurses began to protest.
“Where am I?” An angry, low voice said as he struggled to sit up against their protesting arms.
“Mr. Uchiha,” a short, brunette nurse said calmingly. “You are in a hospital due to your disease. Do you remember?”
“The Sand Hospital?” The low voice suddenly sounded small and almost vulnerable as he questioned the nurses and Naruto felt his heart ache for the forlorn man. Unconsciously his feet began to walk towards the bed of its own will and Naruto could not stop it.
Left, right, left, right.
The man continued without their answer. “Just let me out now. I’ve told you to stop taking me in because I don’t have the money to pay your hospital. Your hospital keeps badgering me about my bills and I keep telling you to stop treating me.”
The nurses’ eyes widened slightly at his coldness. “But you . . . will die if you’re not treated,” a blonde nurse said hesitantly to the dark-haired man and his indifferent answer angered Naruto greatly—made him want to hit some sense into Sasuke.
Didn’t he know that Naruto cared? That he would die if Sasuke no longer lived?
“Be careful not to injure yourself further, Mr. Uchiha. You just came out of surgery. Your disease is gone for sure, but it’s good to be cautious,” a tall nurse chided the dark-haired man. There was an angry objection and as the nurses tried to calm him, things became frantic as some nurses ran to go get sedations and Dr. Hyuuga.
“Didn’t your hospital tell me that you wouldn’t do surgery until you knew I was financially secured?” The dark-haired man was livid as he glared fiercely at the nurses.
Angry at Sasuke, at his predicament, at himself—Naruto barged into the circle with vivid blue eyes flashing. “It’s the Konoha Hospital, you bastard.”
“N-Naruto,” Sasuke’s eyes were disbelieving and almost exultant to a point before it transformed into clouded vehemence. “What are you doing here? Looking for another chance to rub salt into my dilemma?” His eyes landed on Naruto’s white lab coat and his name tag and they suddenly lost their fire as he let his struggling body fall limp to the bed. “Well . . . go ahead Dr. Uzumaki,” his mouth twisted in mockery, but he had no more energy to fight, “I . . . I’m giving you a free shot. Just get it over with and leave me alone.”
“Don’t you dare talk to Dr. Uzumaki like that, Mr. Uchiha,” a voice rang coldly across the room, emphasizing the titles of superiority and faces turned to the voice.
“Dr. Hyuuga!” Nurses shouted in relief as they saw his intent to calm the situation down. Neji acknowledged them with a nod before striding angrily over to the bed-ridden man whose expression was clearing more and more with each passing second—recognition and reality hitting him all at once.
“You guys . . .” Sasuke whispered, “You guys planned this, didn’t you guys?” His tone lowered more and instead of seeing anger like he expected, Sasuke’s eyes were becoming more and more withdrawn from them. “I can’t believe this . . .” His voice sounded heartbroken—once more vulnerable again. “How does it feel to see me weak and defenseless?” His voice was cutting and Neji’s nostrils flared in frustration.
“Damn it, Uchiha! Don’t talk to Naruto like that. If you won’t respect him, at least respect the fact that he paid for your surgery and your stay! Without him, I wouldn’t have done your surgery, you know!”
Those sentences sent Sasuke reeling up as the information hit him like a ton of bricks and suddenly, his hands shot up to grab Naruto’s white lab coat. “DAMN YOU, UZUMAKI!” Sasuke’s eyes stormed angrily as he hissed furiously through clenched teeth to the blond man who did not resist him. “You always want to rub your riches in my face, don’t you? Always want me to acknowledge that I am in debt to you? You have always wanted me to remember the differences in our social statuses, haven’t you?” His eyes were grieved. “Well, congratulations. You’ve succeeded—you and Neji.” With that, his hands went limp and he once more fell against the bed to close his eyes in defeat. “You’ve won, now leave me be. I’ll leave as soon as tomorrow. One more day of debt won’t add too much to what I already owe you.” His face looked crushed and his body weak and Naruto couldn’t handle it anymore.
“Damn YOU, Sasuke!” Reaching over to where Sasuke lay, Naruto paid no heed to the ushering of the nurses out of the room with Neji as he grabbed Sasuke’s hospital gown roughly, but careful enough not to hurt him. His eyes were shooting sparks of angry blue fire at the obsidian ones. “Damn you, Sasuke! Damn you,” Naruto’s voice lowered to an upsetting pitch as he glared at the quiet man. “Why didn’t you trust me? Why didn’t you tell me that you had that disease? Why did you leave me? Why, Why, WHY?” With each shake of Sasuke and no response, Naruto fell to his knees and ignored the tears that slipped smoothly down his cheeks. “Why, Sasuke.” Naruto felt on the verge of collapse. He felt like a dead body trying to move through dark, heavy water that threatened to choke him any second. He needed answers soon.
“Why does it matter?” The dark-haired man answered stiffly.
“I—I love you, you bastard!” Naruto said before throwing his arms around the lying man. Sasuke resisted Naruto with an angry push, but Naruto was stubborn and began to kiss Sasuke’s pale face—his aristocratic features—his beautiful dark eyes, his smooth cheeks, his soft lips, the eyelids that always fluttered when his lips lightly pecked feather kisses on them. Naruto began to inhale the wonderful scent that only Sasuke had, began to run his hands through the raven locks and Sasuke shuddered with a groan before surrendering to the warm touch of Naruto.
“I hate you,” Sasuke said with gritted teeth as he tried to suppress a moan. “I hate you, but my body betrays me,” he said and it was like déjà vu to Naruto as they began to kiss each other heatedly—arms entwined each other and bodies arched to be closer as lips pressed roughly against the other.
All thoughts of where they were, of who could see them, of what might happen evaporated and all Naruto could see was the dark-haired man in front of him whose heavy-lidded eyes, disarrayed black hair and thoroughly kissed lips made him crazy. “Sasuke,” Naruto whispered huskily before bending down to kiss the bare chest that had been revealed in their scurry.
“Tell me why you left, Sasuke,” Naruto hungrily kissed down his front in wet hot trails. “Why did you leave me alone, Sasuke?” Naruto lifted his head and there was a susceptible look in the cerulean eyes as he awaited Sasuke’s answer.
Sasuke looked carefully at him before he finally answered in a halting voice, “I . . . didn’t want you hurt. I was dying, couldn’t make enough money to pay for the treatment and so I left. I wanted you to remember me as the real me and not the pitiful, sick one.” Sasuke turned his face away, but Naruto turned the chin to face him once more.
“I don’t care about that! I could have helped you with the costs.”
“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you!” Sasuke’s eyes flashed indignantly at him. “I don’t want your money. I never did, never will—”
“When will you get it that I want to use my money on you, you moron,” Naruto lifted his mouth from the Uchiha’s lightly panting ones. “You are what makes me happy and without you, I don’t care about my money. I would rather throw it all away then not have you,” Naruto’s husky voice breathed softly on Sasuke’s chest and he shivered from the intensity in those passion-filled blue eyes. His throat suddenly feeling dry, Sasuke looked bewilderingly at him.
“You . . . would? Throw it all away for . . . me?”
Naruto let out a small chuckle at his expression before it darkened to desire. “Not just my money, but my life,” Naruto whispered with a small kiss to the pale neck before giving the long, slender neck a hungry suckle.
The Uchiha’s breath hitched and with a groan, his arms came to cup the firm ass of the blond and pull him closer. “I would too,” he breathed rapidly as the blond’s mouth hit a sensitive junction. “Oh God, Naruto,” he let out a hiss of pleasure, “I—I love you so much—so much,” he panted softly before closing his eyes in pleasure and arching slightly. “Kiss harder,” he gasped as Naruto’s tongue brushed his nipple. When Naruto obeyed, his hands clamped roughly on Naruto’s ass and brusquely rubbed it. “Mine,” Sasuke growled possessively as he stared deeply into Naruto’s cerulean ones. “You are mine only, not Neji’s.”
“N-Not Neji’s,” Naruto panted in Sasuke’s ear, “yours only, you possessive bastard. But only if you promise to stay with me.” Naruto looked intently at Sasuke for his answer—his eyes now looked fearful as Sasuke bent his head down.
Finally the dark-haired man looked up. “What about my debt to you?”
“I want to pay for you, Sasuke! It makes me happy, damn it!”
“I want to repay you—to have nothing between us,” his voice was unyielding and Naruto sighed with frustration before a smirk slowly graced his lips and he bent down to kiss Sasuke’s bare shoulder.
“Then you can spend the rest of your life repaying me with this,” Naruto gave a slow sensual grind against Sasuke’s lower half and with a gasped moan, Sasuke arched. “Because you are mine, and I won’t let you go another time.” Gripping the Uchiha’s shoulders in a possessive hold, Naruto bent down to lick the softly parted lips of the dark-haired man seductively. “Mine and mine only, Sasuke, you can’t get away from me anymore.”
With the small, pleased smirk that curved the dark-haired man’s luscious lips, Naruto accepted that as a sign of approval and continued on. “Mine only.”
O_o Whoa, I don’t know what to think about this story. Kinda angsty and kinda romantic . . . I think (I hope). I wanted to work with the concepts of rich and poor and how Sasuke and Naruto would act in them. Well, I hope you enjoyed this LONG oneshot. I hope it was worth it though! It kind of just came to me and I wrote this whole thing in one sitting, so excuse any grammatical mistakes and whatnot, but if you do see any major ones, point them out and I’ll fix it. Any comments? I welcome them!
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