Admitting The Truth | By : AvangalineHazel Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 1825 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not and will never own Naruto. I also dont make any money from writing this |
Yay another chapter, tried to get this one out as fast as possible. Oh and Jen as for your comment about wanting to see more Shika & Sasuke there may or may not be some of that in this chapter >.>
“So how is Kiba today,” Tsunade questioned Sakura as they walked down the halls of the hospital together, “how many people has he yelled at this morning?”
Sakura didn’t realise she started frowning when the Hokage mentioned the dog ninja’s name. After yesterday and what he had done to Naruto she wanted nothing more than to forget he even existed. She would have to have a talk with the nurse at the front desk for not warning her teammate about the situation that was clearly marked in his file.
“No I haven’t, and I don’t plan to until he apologizes to what he did to Naruto yesterday, as well as the rest of the staff assigned to him,” Tsunade raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow urging Sakura’s to continue even though she felt her anger rising slightly, “Kiba yelled at Naruto to get out and slashed him across the chest when he didn’t. There was quite a bit of blood and if it weren’t for Naruto’s miraculous recovering abilities it could have been a lot worse.”
The pink hair konoichi dared not raise her eyes to look at her teacher to gauge her reaction, knowing that it would most definitely be murderous, instead she posed a question to the Hokage that had been bothering her since she had seen the state of Naruto’s upper body while healing his wounds, “I was wondering My Lady, have you sent Naruto on any missions without the rest of us, or has he been doing any new kind of training that you are aware of?’
Sakura’s strange question stopped the bloody thoughts that had been swirling through her mind,” no I haven’t sent him on any missions on his own or with any other teams and as for training Naruto does what he wants when he wants unless he’s with Kakashi or Jiraiya. Why do you ask?”
Sakura bit her lip as the Hokage stopped moving down the hall and turned curious honey coloured eyes to her demanding an explanation.
Sakura took in a large breath before sighing deeply, “There were wounds all over his upper body, bruises and scratches, some only days old while others looked as if they had been there for many weeks and were almost gone. I wanted to ask him about it but he was so shaken that I left it alone and decided it was best to ask you if you knew anything first.”
Tsunade was about to reply when a loud shout was heard and the two women sighed. They knew what hall and even what room the noise had come from. Someone else was clearly trying to visit Kiba.
“Lady Tsunade why hasn’t Kiba’s next of kin been informed?” questioned Sakura as she tightened her head band, “ Surly Tsume would be able to knock some sense into her own son, better than we can at least,” Sakura knew she was complaining and that her voice had risen an octave making it sound as if she was whining but she didn’t care. Kiba was causing an unnecessary ruckus and it was beginning to have a negative effect on the entire floor of the hospital.
“He requested she not be informed but I expect her here soon regardless. Once she sees Shino walking around she’ll know the team has returned and will sniff him out,” Tsunade sighed and continued walking and Sakura followed close behind like she knew she would, “I know you’re annoyed with Kiba but try and see this from Kiba’s view for a second. Those tattoos on his cheeks are more than just a decoration of his clan. They are what and who he is, a fundamental part of his identity and now they are soiled. Try and imagine what that is doing to him, what it’s doing to his mindse5t. The boy has lost all sense of self-worth and he won’t even let Akamaru see him who, let’s face it, is like an extra limb. When he first became conscious he told the dog to go home and find another master, one that was worthy of having him,” Tsunade felt another sigh coming on but suppressed it by directing her attention to the patient file in her hands.
“But still Akamaru didn’t leave, he stayed until Kiba threatened to rip out his IV drip and leave himself. Akamaru is still here though; he’s just walking around the outside of the hospital and sitting bellow Kiba’s window at night waiting. It seems to me that everyone sees Kiba just the way he was before, as an exceptional shinobi, except for Kiba who clearly sees himself as something or someone else now, one that isn’t worthy of the company of others which is why he’s getting so angry and pushing everyone away.”
The pair stopped at the nurses’ station on that floor and Tsunade signed a few papers with a flourish of her wrist, “I know it’s hard to understand and it’s not just you that’s having trouble. Not everyone has a family symbol that they cling to as part of their identities and in some cases that can be a good thing, particularly when it becomes just another tool that your enemies can use to hurt and torture you.”
Sakura listened quietly to Tsunade’s explanation and as she thought about it she began to realise that Kiba was acting just like a victim of torture though this was more psychological than physical regardless of the fact that the tattoo was destroyed leaving clear physical damage as well. It was not the mark that meant something but it was the things that it stood for, the things that had been ingrained into Kiba from his childhood, that mattered and that was what the Inuzuka felt he had lost.
Though most of us see it was only that tattoo and Kiba’s face that was defiled he sees it as his entire clan and everything they stand for as a unit, Sakura thought as she to singed dome of her own paperwork, Lady Tsunade is right, I can’t possible imagine what that must feel like, what kind of emotions that must create in a person.
Sakura looked up from her paperwork and thoughts when she heard the door leading to the stairwell open and then slam shut quite forcefully, the echoes of confident footfalls slowly coming closer to the station until they revealed a middle aged woman who bore a striking resemblance to Kiba with a large blue grey wolf sporting an eye patch following at her heals.
“I take it you saw Shino then, or at least smelt a fresh trail from him somewhere in the village,” said a disinterested Tsunade as Tsume came to stand in her personal space, waves of hostility rolling off her.
“Why wasn’t I told?” The leader of the Inuzuka clan all but growled at the Hokage, “Why wasn’t I informed that my pup was injured.”
Tsunade sighed and rubbed her eyes. Most people where intimidated by Tsume and her somewhat overpowering and foreboding presence but she was not one of them, in fact the woman’s character often gave her a headache, regardless of the face that she was a great ninja and the best tracker in the whole of Konoha and possible even the five great nation.
“You’ll have to ask your son that Tsume, he’s the one who asked that you not be informed but since you’re here there’s not really much I can do about it,” Tsunade handed the dog ninja a piece of paper, “Details of his wounds as well as a brief outline of the mission report. You might want to have a look over it before you go in and see him. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get back to the Hokage Tower.”
As Tsunade left Tsume turned her head in the direction of the hall that held her sons room and sniffed slightly before wrinkling her nose at the scent. The mix of smells caused by the various emotions in the area had first assaulted her nostrils when she had entered the floor but she hadn’t been able to place the mix of smells with words because they were to jumbled together, a cacophony of different scents lingering in the air, however now that she had read the mission report and was closer to the area where the smell was originating from she could only think of one word to describe everything she had smelt. Broken.
Her heart clenched at the smell. She may be one tough shinobi but she loved her children like any mother did and what she was smelling told her that her youngest, her baby was in dire need of some kind of help that she didn’t know if she would be able to provide or not.
“Try not to worry so much,” Said Sakura to the worried ninja, “if anyone can help Kiba through this it’s most definitely the members of his clan that mean the most to him. I may not understand what he’s going through but I do know that he’s not going to get any better by himself,” she offered a smile that she hoped was reassuring and then continued on her way to finish up her shift at the hospital as she was eager to get to training and to question Naruto about the marks on his body that not even the villages leader, head medical ninja and most importantly woman who was like a mother to Naruto, could explain.
Sasuke’s home was decorated surprisingly warmly much to the Nara’s surprise with the majority of the furnishings being made up of a deep honey coloured wood that was clearly antique with the couch and other chairs in the home padded in a soft off white cloth that Shikamaru found himself sinking into and yawning despite his best efforts.
The large windows allowed in plenty of light from the outside and ventilated the house well but there was no feeling of being watched or vulnerable as the garden surrounding the home prevented the world from getting in but the wraparound deck and the sliding doors done in the same honey coloured wood still allowed a seamless transition into nature.
What Shikamaru did expect though was the neurotic cleanliness of the house. Every surface in the largely stainless steel kitchen was spotless and polished to a point where you could see your own reflection and there were no dishes in the sink or even in the dish washer. The floor that alternated between a dark brown almost black stained wood and plush white carpet were also perfectly cared for.
He suspected even though he had never seen it that just like every other shinobi Sasuke’s bedroom would be a mess of scrolls, weapons and other ninja equipment. He felt a lazy grin tugging at the corners of his moth as he pictured it.
However all smiles and thoughts of the warm home faded when Shikamaru moved his gaze back to the reason he was here that was sitting perched on a windowsill staring outside at nothing in particular.
“So are you pissed at me for losing my cool,” Shikamaru asked the silent Uchiha as he straightened up a bit, “I know you were counting on me to be the rational one in this situation, that it’s the reason you came to be in the first place but I just-”
“It’s alright Shikamaru,” said Sasuke still staring outside, “I trust that you did what you thought was best and that’s all I need,” the Uchiha tilled his head slightly as he rethought his words, “no that’s not true, I do need you for something else. You’re the only one I can trust with this task.”
Shikamaru simply nodded. He knew Sasuke wouldn’t ask much of him and that when the Uchiha said he was the only one he could trust with the task that he wasn’t simply exaggerating for effect. That was the way their friendship worked, no bullshit or skipping around the real issue. It was straight up and raw, they always went to each other first when they needed something important done and they never put any pressure on the other.
It was strange to think that though they had this close relationship now that they had barely known one another and most certainly handed liked each other two years ago. It still amazed Sasuke how much that mission had changed his views on everyone. Back in those days he had thought the Nara to be lazy and useless, a complete waste of time regardless of is intelligence but when he learnt that it was Shikamaru who had led the mission and he saw the aftermath of everyone’s battles he came to respect the Nara’s resolve through difficult situations.
He had been more than grateful that the brunette with the pineapple ponytail had risked so much for someone he didn’t know but when he had expressed his thanks Shikamaru and just shrugged and waved it off declaring that Sasuke was a member of the village and a fellow shinobi and he had simply done what needed to be done.
That was when Sasuke realised that thought the Nara was lazy he was incredibly practical and when the situation called for it more driven and daring than many of the shinobi he knew. With those new factors in light their friendship had begun until they could be found often playing shogi deep into the night or discussing battle tactics while watching clouds.
“I gave a letter of request to the Hokage this morning. I plan on joining ANBU black ops as soon as possible,” Sasuke explained quickly as he jumped of the window still and stood facing the Nara, “What I need you to do for me is make sure Naruto does not find out and when I am gone, look after him.”
The news made Shikamaru’s eyes widen and he stood as well, “you’re talking as if you’re going to die Sasuke, you’ll still be able to see Naruto now and again right?”
The Uchiha shook his head and his raven bangs fell into his eyes, “when I talked to Tsunade she said that in order to do this the person that I am now will have to die. The only people I will be allowed to know will be other members of ANBU. As one of the only surviving members of the Uchiha clan my identity is to well known to simply join like everyone else is not an option for me. However the captain of the ANBU came up with a solution and that solution is faking my death.”
“If you’re doing this just to escape the fact that you were rejected by Naruto then you should reconsider or at least talk to him about it,” Shikamaru tried to reason with the raven and put images of a dead Sasuke out of his mind which ne found oddly distressing, “ANBU is dangerous Sasuke, you really could die.”
“Everyone dies Shikamaru, what difference does it make whether it’s now or when I’m in ANBU and I can’t talk to Naruto, he doesn’t want anything to do with me. Why do you think I sent you yesterday instead of going myself? Naruto will be better off without me in his life now Shikamaru. The team won’t be affected, Sai will be my permanent replacement so his ninja life won’t be put on hold at all and he’ll have you there to be his best friend. I’ve even contacted Gaara to let him know just in case,” Sasuke was fairly sure his argument would convince Shikamaru, he’d thought of every angle so the Nara genius wouldn’t be able to contradict him on any point, “can you do this for me Shikamaru, it’s the last thing I’ll ever ask you for as a friend but it is something you will have to do for the rest of your life.”
The Nara plopped down on the couch again as the gravity of what his friend was asking him to help him do began to sink in. Could he lie to Naruto for the rest of his life and be an instrument of distraction for the blonde to help Sasuke?
Sasuke felt a rare smile grace his lips as he watch his friend settle deeper into the couch, almost being swallowed by the soft white padding and make a familiar sign with his hands. The fact that he was thinking about it was a good sign, at least it hadn’t been a straight out no like he had been expecting. Naruto meant a lot to them both and Sasuke knew how much he was asking Shikamaru to do for him, how much effort he was asking him to put in.
Deciding to watch the world go by rather than his motionless friend who now had his eyes closed lost in thoughts and a thousand different scenarios the raven returned to his favourite position at the window to get some rest before training started in the late afternoon.
At the thought of training he immediately became tired. Not only would he have to deal with the awkwardness of being close to Naruto but he would also have to deal with Kakashi as well who no doubt would have questions that Sasuke would have to fend off until they could talk somewhere privately.
Really he should get up now and seek out the silver haired jonin before training but his eyes were just too heavy, the last few days that were really more of an emotional roller-coaster than anything else beginning to take their toll on his mind and body.
So instead of getting up and doing what he should have, the Uchiha settled his back against the edge of the window and closed his eyes and tried to push his thought into the far corner of his mind, hoping that sleep would come and with it a reprieve from the chaos that his normally organised life had recently become.
A/N: Voila another chapter. Funny thing that you guys should look at if you don’t already know about it. In the Naruto episode where you first meet Sasuke in the classroom and all the fan girls are in the background with love heart eyes there is one that looks suspiciously like Shikamaru >.>
Also can you please clear something up for me? Is it ANBU or AMBU?
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