Desert Lion | By : Trollmia Category: Naruto AU/AR > General Views: 1162 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
[Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto - nor do I make any profit
from writing this.... easy as pie..]
Long wait - but not forgotten - I'll promise you that.
This will be both a tease and a really giddy one... Just don't ask me
where it all came from *points to the leather-clad muse behind my back* It was
not me - promise - really it wasn't me!!!
~ * ~ 4 ~ * ~
Gaara came home from the
summer camp a couple of weeks later. But the will to actually do something was
lost to him. Temari was at lost on how she could help him out. All he wanted was
to go and visit Hinata. It was all he talked about when he talked. He had her
address and wanted to go there the moment he came home from camp. But Temari
forbid him to go there, telling him that he would make things worse by doing so.
But Gaara refused to listen to his sister even though he had a nagging feeling
that she was right. But he wanted to see Hinata, he needed to see Hinata. He
needed her so badly that he was ready to kill someone if they tried to stop him.
“Gaara, are you really
sure? Because I’m fairly certain that her father wouldn’t let her see you. What
if he throws you out or call the police?” asked Temari, her heart aching for her
“It will not happen. He
will never know that I’m there in the first place,” said Gaara as he packed his
bag with some extra clothes. Hinata lived in another town a few hours drive
away. “I’ve talked to Hinata, she will meet me in town. But Temari-neechan, you
must understand, I need to see her. She is the one for me. If I can not have
her, then there will be nobody else for me.”
Temari smiled softly and
she hugged her brother. “Just be careful ok, I don’t want you to get into
trouble.” She couldn’t tell her younger brother who to love and not. Not even he
could rule over his own heart. And she knew that Gaara loved this girl. He had
never paid any attention to girls in the past and now this blind girl had him
conquer Mount Everest if that was needed.
“I will be careful
Temari-neechan, don’t worry.”
She nodded and hugged him
more tightly before letting him go. She saw him stuff his bag into his car. He
gave her one last look, reassuring her that it would be alright.
‘I pray to every god out there that you will succeed in your
mission, my little baby brother.’
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Hinata got a call from
Gaara when he was about to enter the town where she lived. She gave him
directions to a certain place, a café she liked to visit from time to time and
then she got Sasuke to drive her there. He was happy for her; she would be able
to meet the person that she loved so dearly. She had talked about him a lot and
Sasuke almost felt as if he knew him.
Hinata could feel her
heart race inside her chest as she stepped out of the car and walked the
familiar steps over to the little café. And the moment she stepped inside she
was caught in a pair of arms she knew from before.
“Gaara…” she whispered
his name as melted into his embrace.
“Hinata… I’ve missed your
voice,” he answered as his face was pushed into her neck, his arms tightened
around her small form. “I’ve missed you so much….”
Hinata put her hands on
his head and made him look into her face and then she closed the space between
them. Their lips met in a heated kiss that once she heard Sasuke’s voice mumble
something about being in a public place.
Gaara’s blue green eyes
wandered over to the black haired boy that was in Hinata’s company had he
growled darkly but pulled away a bit from the young woman he loved so much.
“Sabaku-san, don’t worry,
I’m no threat, but you do draw attention to your self if you’ll continue to
change smooches with Hinata-chan,” said Sasuke and smirked a bit.
“Who are you?” asked
Gaara and looked the black eyed boy over.
“Gaara, this is Uchiha,
Sasuke, this is the man my father have chosen for me. But he loves another
person and we have come to an understanding. We’ll play along for now, but
later…. We’ll run away. I will not marry Sasuke-san and Sasuke don’t want a
woman like me, he wants someone else,” said Hinata as her hand sought Sasuke’s
and held it tightly in an understanding hold.
Gaara could feel his
heart turn black just hearing that the man he was looking at was the man that
his beloved little lily’s father had chosen to be a good husband. He looked him
over but then there was something in the young man’s eyes that told him that
there was nothing to fear from him and he relaxed a bit.
“Uchiha, Sasuke… You and
I have gone through kindergarten together… right?” asked Gaara as he went to the
table he had chosen earlier as his. He still had a tight grip on Hinata’s hand
and he pulled her gently down to sit next to him and then he put his arm around
her shoulders.
A waitress came up and
took their orders and as Sasuke waited for her to scribble their wishes down, he
was thinking about the answer he would give the rather obsessive, red-haired
youth in front of him.
“Yes, we did tend to
kindergarten together. You still fancy making monsters out of sand, Sabaku-san?”
asked Sasuke wand smiled softly as he saw the other boy’s face heat up in a
“Sasuke-san, don’t tease
him..” scolded Hinata lightly.
“No, I don’t make
monsters anymore, I’m busy being one my self,” said Gaara glared at the raven
haired youth that supposedly was going to marry his lily.
“You are not a monster!!”
said Hinata and grabbed Gaara’s hand that was placed on her shoulder. “Never say
that again!”
Sasuke let out a chuckle
when he saw the surprised face on Gaara. Didn’t the red-head know that Hinata
could be rather forceful from time to time?
a voice hollered over the café and Sasuke could feel his soul freeze over as he
turned his head towards the, oh, so familiar voice. ‘Naruto…!’ Sasuke
could feel a shiver race down his spine as he saw the blonde youth come closer
to where they were seated. ‘Does he have to look so god damn….. cute??’
Sasuke’s mind practically snarled out the last word. It was not a word that
existed in his vocabulary, but since the day he accepted his feelings, the
oddest words kept feeding his never ending fantasies about this hyper active
“Naruto, you don’t have
to wake up the dead,” said Sasuke, his voice cold as the ice in the Antarctica,
and he moved a bit so his friend could sit down. Just the idea of Naruto sitting
so close to him made his hair stand on end and he willed his body down a bit so
he could talk in that ever so cold voice.
‘Naruto, so this is
the person that holds Sasuke’s heart then…’
thought Hinata as she took in the new presence. It was the same person from the
camp and she smiled towards him. He greeted both her and Gaara before engaging
in another argument with Sasuke. Hinata could feel the emotions flow between
them and she whispered to Sasuke that she and Gaara would take a walk so Sasuke
could spend some time alone with Naruto.
Gaara was more than happy
to oblige to the little walk that Hinata asked of him. Sasuke looked at them a
bit grimly as if he wanted to tell them – Don’t leave me here alone, I’ll get
arrested for molesting this boy!! – But both Hinata and Gaara just smiled
merciless at them and then left. For Gaara this meant that he could be alone
with his girl and he would make the very most and very best of it.. The moment
they got outside he pulled her into an alley and pushed her up against the wall
and attacked her mouth. His lips crushed against hers as he felt her arms go
around his waist.
“Hinata, I’ve missed you
so much,” he said harshly and buried his face against her neck, filling his
lungs with her scent and essence. There existed no words for how much he had
missed being close to this petite young woman. She was the only that mattered to
him now. Temari and Kankurou could go on without him even though he would
forever be grateful for their support and love. But Hinata, she was his soul, he
couldn’t live without her. The emotions threatened to tear out his heart and he
tried to count to ten in order to calm down a bit.
“I’ve missed you too
Gaara, you have been on my mind the second I left camp. Our little talks have
not been enough…” she answered and she put her palms against his cheeks and
their eyes met. She wished she could see him now, but that was never going to
happen. But she let her fingers be her eyes instead and she brushed her finger
tips over his features.
“Hinata…. Promise me that
you’ll run away before your father force you to marry Sasuke. I can’t stand
knowing that another will touch you like I am touching you now.”
Hinata smiled widely and
rubbed her nose a bit clumsy against Gaara’s. “You don’t have to worry. Sasuke
loves Naruto beyond anything else. They might act as if they hate each other,
but Sasuke would never marry me. You saw them, you saw Sasuke. I might be blind,
but Sasuke have a way of showing every emotion within his choice of words. He’s
very easy to read if you ask me. We have come to an understanding. The night
before our marriage we’ll run away. He’ll most probably end up with Naruto and
I’ll get you.”
“You father might not
have a daughter in the morning either,” mumbled Gaara and sighed as his little
blind woman began to touch his face with her fingers and rubbed her nose against
his. Her gentle voice caused him to shiver and it didn’t matter anymore. Nothing
mattered anymore, he would take her away, he would find someone that could bond
them together forever.
“Gaara, what are you
talking about?” asked Hinata as she put a firmer grip on his face with her
“I’m taking you away
today. I will not let you go back. You will come with me,” said Gaara and
tightened the grip around her smaller form.
“Gaara, I c-can’t go with
“I don’t care Hinata,
you’ll come with me tonight.
“B-but… But….”
“Yeah, your butt will be
with me too,” said the red haired youth as he picked up the blind girl bridal
style and carried her to his car.
Hinata didn’t know how to
react as she was carried away and put inside a car. She turned her unseeing eyes
towards Gaara as he sat down next to her. “This is wrong,” she said and she
could hear him grunt a positive sound in return. Yes, it was wrong, but he
wanted her to be with him so he no longer cared.
“I don’t care Hinata. The
only thing that matters to me now is that you are with me. That’s the only thing
that counts….”
“And then what, Gaara…?
He will not let me go. I’m the heir to his company. He had said to them that it
does not matter that I’m blind as long has he have faith in me,” said Hinata as
her hand searched for his to grab hold of it. “If you take me away he will turn
the world up side down and inside and out to find me. And he will stop at
nothing to punish you. Please, Gaara… believe in me, believe that Sasuke will
take me away the day before my birthday….”
Gaara fisted the hand
that was not caught by her gentle grasp and he could feel his nails dig into his
palm, almost drawing blood in the process. He couldn’t wait that long. He wanted
to be with her now, now and for the rest of his damned life. But he knew that
his white eyed goddess was right. Her father would probably hunt him down like
the filthy vermin he was.
“Hinata…” his voice harsh
and ragged from restraining his emotions.
“Trust me… please. That
is all I will ever ask of you Gaara. Trust.”
Gaara nodded absently
before his head turned to look at her. He saw tears in her beautiful eyes and
his free hand came up and cupped her cheek and he brushed away a few wet drops
from her face. “Hinata, you are my most precious person. If I lost you I would
loose myself. If anything would happen to you that took you away from me I
would… “ the words choked his throat and he leaned forward, letting their
forehead touch each others.
“I feel the same way,
Gaara. You have given me so much more. So much more that I have no words to
describe it,” said Hinata as her free hand was placed over his and she leaned
into his palm, enjoying their closeness.
“Do you want to go back
or do you want to stay with me a bit longer?” asked Gaara after a few moments of
agonizing silence.
“I don’t think Sasuke
have had enough time yet, let’s just take a walk and talk or what ever we want
to do,” murmured Hinata and felt her face heat up due to her suggestive words.
“A walk it is my
beautiful pearl maiden,” whispered Gaara and released the hold he had on Hinata
and stepped out of the car and walked around to help her out again. He saw her
curious face and he knew he was blushing too at the moment.
“Pearl maiden?” she asked
as she heard him lock the car and his arm went around her waist and they began
to walk down the street.
“Your eyes, your
personality, your aura, it all reminds me of a shiny grey-pink pearl with the
hints of blue. A very rare kind that set’s your heart on fire by just existing.
And you Hinata, you have ignited a flame with your very existence. And I know
that I’m the only person in the whole world that have such a rare jewel within
my grasp.”
Hinata stopped dead in
her tracks and her hands searched to grab his and he gave them to her. Tears
flowed over their barriers and wetted her cheeks. She had been told many things
in her life, but Gaara’s words went right into her heart and she didn’t know how
to answer them, she didn’t know how to react.
“G-Gaara…” she whispered
his name as her hands wandered up his arms until she grasped the collar of his
shirt and pulled his head down and searched for his mouth to kiss. The emotions
that flowed through her body at the moment couldn’t care less about what people
would think of her if they saw her. All she cared about was Gaara and how much
he wanted her. The words he had chosen told her that she would always be the
only one for her. She only wished that she could mold the language into what she
wanted to tell him. But she couldn’t, instead she choose to be more physical.
Gaara almost growled in
pure excitement as Hinata attacked his mouth. He could feel the flares of
passion that erupted in their kiss and he just followed the flow. But he noticed
the both curious and rather disgusted looks they got as they kissed and he
couldn’t help the growl that emanated from his throat and he pulled away most
“Come, my pearly one,
I’ll show you how I really feel about you in a more private place,” he whispered
as his lips ghosted over her right ear. And then he rather forcefully dragged
her with him away from all the curious eyes that was watching them.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Sasuke was sure his heart
was about to jump out of his mouth as he watched Naruto smile at him a bit
curious. He swallowed a couple of times before trying to make some form of
conversation with the radiant blonde.
“Hey, Sasuke… are you
The question threw the
icy, raven haired youth off course and he looked at Naruto as the shining smile
faded away.
“What are you talking
about…., dobe?” asked Sasuke, using the old nickname he had on Naruto.
“We live far apart now
Sasuke, but sometimes the words can spread like wild fire to every corner of the
earth. You’re engaged to Hinata… are you going to marry her?” asked Naruto as he
waved around the straw in his newly served milkshake.
“Would it matter to you
if I did?” came the quick reply from Sasuke as his stomach turned into knots,
but his eyes never wavered away from Naruto’s sky-blue ones.
“Fuck, Sasuke – of course
it would. You’re barely 18; would you really get your self tied down this early?
You have the whole life in front of you!!!” yelled Naruto over the café.
“Baka, keep it down will
“Sasuke, are you serious?
Do you love Hinata?”
“No, I don’t love Hinata,
not in that way. She’s a good friend but that’s all.”
Sasuke could see a blond
eyebrow shoot up a bit and he smirked. ‘So the dobe expected another answer
than that?’ he thought in secrecy as he watched the facial play on his love.
“Ehh, so why marry her?”
“Because it’s convenient
according to our fathers, they think it would create a better bond between two
houses of power,” said Sasuke truthfully.
“So are you?” asked
Naruto as he leaned over the table and eyed the black haired boy that had been
his friend for so long.
“What am I?” came the
short retaliation from the Uchiha.
“Are you going to marry
“What?!! But you just
“Naruto… our fathers
think they can control us, but seriously, do you think I can marry a woman that
loves another? Do you think I can marry a woman that I have no feelings for
other than brotherly ones? If you think I can – then you really are an idiot!!”
“So… Hinata-chan and
“Yeah… “ came Sasuke’s
chilly reply.
“And you… do you have
someone… you know… ehh… special?”
“Yes, that I have.”
“Someone I know?” Naruto
was smiling widely but Sasuke could see the falseness behind that smile and that
gave the Uchiha confidence.
“Yes, you know him
very well,” answered Sasuke.
“Ohh, is she cute..??
…. Silence….
Then two blue eyes
widened in surprise and Sasuke almost drowned in them. Naruto had just realized
what Sasuke said and that shocked the hyper youth beyond words.
“Y-you… Y-you l-like
b-boys?” stuttered the blonde youngster.
“B-but… “
“It doesn’t matter,
Naruto. Hinata and I are really good friends and she knows where my love lay.
The day before her eighteenth birthday I’ll take her away, dump her with Gaara
and then make sure that nobody comes after her, I’ll protect that little girl
with my life if I have too. She’s the most kindest of beings in this world,
“She saw right through me
before I had realized everything myself. I have given her my word and I will
stick to it, even if it takes my life….” Sasuke laughed a bit and then looked at
Naruto again. “I beginning to sound like the guy I love…”
‘Hey, you’ll have to
get this, dobe!!’
‘That sounds like my
saying…’ thought Naruto as
he watched the black eyed boy in front of him. The soft blush that covered the
otherwise so pale cheeks confused him. ‘Why saying
something like that when he probably knows that I’m the… only….one… that… ‘
Sasuke could play chess
with the two blue eyes that almost popped out of a blonde head. ‘So he
realized what I’m been trying to tell him?’ thought the brunette and smirked
a tad nervously.
And then came an endless
stutter of words combined with blushes and harsh growls that Sasuke didn’t even
want to begin to translate into ordinary language.
“Dobe, come, let’s take a
walk?” asked Sasuke.
“I’ll pay, don’t worry.
Come along now, Na-ru-to.”
And he kept his word –
Sasuke paid for their dishes, both his, Hinata’s Gaara’s and Naruto’s. Money was
not the issue here.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
[It’s now we’re all
listening to: The Lion Sleeps tonight]
Hinata began to feel a
tad uncomfortable when she heard the snarls, the growls and screams of animals.
Her hand grabbed hold of Gaara’s fingers and his upper arm. Actually, she was
almost able to cut off the blood to his lower limbs with her grip.
“Relax, Hinata, I just
took you too the zoo-garden,” said Gaara as his other arm went around her
“The zoo? There’s a zoo
in this town?” asked Hinata, her voice changed from suspicious to surprised.
“Obviously, listen to the
sounds. You know what I wish for right now – other than the fact that I want to
take you far away where nobody can find you, not even your almighty father…”
Hinata shook her head and
turned her face towards Gaara’s face.
“I wish I had the key to
all these cages so I could release these animals. I want them to run free around
our country side.”
“Are they animals
indigenous to our country?” came Hinata’s soft voice.
“Yes, they are. There are
mountain lions, rattle snakes, hedgehogs, wild horses, wolfs, buffaloes,
bobcats, squirrels, even skunks. Every animal you can find in our wild life is
here… I think….,” said Gaara as he looked at the map over the garden.
“Bobcats, I like bobcats…
They have barely any tails…,” chuckled Hinata as she pictured a rather large cat
with a cut off tail. She had heard descriptions of this wild cat before and she
liked it.
“I like the racoons. They
are very resourceful animals,” said Gaara as he guided them both over to the
place where the racoons where held. He looked at the masked animals and he could
find a connection with them almost immediately. Yes, he liked racoons.
Hinata picked up on the
emotions that flowed between the young man she loved so dearly and the animals
behind the bars and she smiled sadly. The racoons were often targeted as animals
to keep as pets. They held their true identity behind a mask. Gaara kept his
true nature behind a mask as well. Yes, she could clearly see the connection her
loved one had with this particular animal. She hunched down and made a small
noise with her tongue against her palate.
Gaara’s eyes widened a
bit as three racoons came up to the bars of the cage and began to rub their
“faces” against the intruding hand. He heard Hinata talk softly to them and
Gaara could see the stars in their eyes. ‘She talks to them… she really talks
to them and they understand???’ His mind reeled at this as he watched the
petite female handle the small masked critters.
A soft laugh ended it all
and Hinata rose to her feet and turned her unseeing eyes towards Gaara. “I agree
with you Gaara, these animals should be free. They want to be free, no matter
how good the food here is.”
Gaara could only comment
with the first thing that came to his mind at the moment. “Ehhh?”
“Perhaps one day we all
may be able to live in perfect harmony, but as it is today - a garden like this
will make sure that they all can continue on living to show our children what
kind of animals we have. And this counts for most of our zoo-gardens. They all
will keep DNA in stored for the future….”
Hinata’s voice died out
and Gaara could see the sadness in her eyes and Gaara knew that he had to take
her away. But he got one last message from the racoons in the cage – a message
he would make sure to carry on. ‘Take care of that
female – she’s a real keeper!!’
‘I will – and if
there’s a possibility for you to carry on the words to your friends outside the
cage – tell them that I’ve chosen her. Let the mountain lions know, let the
snakes know, let every creature you know, let them know about that this damned
vessel of the dry lands have chosen a mate. Treat her with respect and I’ll
grant you and your friends and family a refuge on my family’s estate in the
south of Texas. You know my scent…you’ll find the place. Carry it on, and once
I’ve arrived there with my family…. Protect us as we will protect you….’
Gaara had no idea on why
the words formed inside his head but he could see that they were heard by the
animals that were in his immediate surrounding.
“Gaara?” Hinata’s voice
broke through his daze and he turned his aqua green eyes to the little woman
that stood next to him and he shook off the trance he recently found himself in.
“Come, I’ll take you back
to the café,” he said shortly and took hold of Hinata’s elbow. But somehow he
knew that he had to move his sister and brother down south to an enormous farm.
Empty of cattle and such, but lands that stretched as long the eye could see.
‘I’ll need to speak with Temari about these visions… ‘ thought Gaara as he led
his precious pearl back to the café where he first met her this day.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
A tad short I guess...
But hey... I don't get to choose here...
She does - *points to the woman in leather behind me*
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