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Reviews for Fox Flora

By : sainmoth14
  • From wolfkin59 on October 26, 2012
    Kinky.... I'm not much of a Gai fan, but I can definitely go for Naruto topping Kakashi, Asuma and Genma. ;)
    And creating jutsu for perverted purposes? Is that the influence of Anko and Kyuubi I see...? ;D Heheheh....
    Certainly a unique take, very creative! And, of course, perverted and kinky, both of which I'm a fan of. ;)
    Looking forward to reading more!
    May the words just flow,
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  • From ANON - she-who-waits-in-darkness on July 10, 2012
    Holy shit that is sooooo hot! I how you continue I have never seen this approach to this anime.
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  • From Darkserpentcat on June 22, 2012
    Does Naruto always have to top because though I really enjoy your stories most of them put the guys I would put on bottom on top, but I am not complaining as it is your fic and if I didn't like I wouldn't read it. I was just hoping that Naruto might switch positions because there aren't many Asuma/Naruto fics and I love that pairing with Asuma topping but hey it is up to you and I am not trying to sound whiny . Other then that I basically have to agree with the other author that the sex is moving too fast but a lot of people just write fics for the sex and from the looks of your other fics that's what you do. Also I am having trouble reviewing so if you get multiple reviews on this story from me sorry about that
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  • From ANON - Shatter the Sky Comes Quietly on June 19, 2012
    The second chapter moves too fast into the sex. They should have fought more. Could any of them have used one-handed seals? What about Gai opening the Gates? Asuma has wind, could he not have covered his hands in it and cut himself free? Kakashi has his Sharingan and lightning. Some ninja fire off jutsu without seals, why couldn't they?
    You've made the men about as helpless as bunch of Japanese schoolgirls in a tentacle anime. They are elite Jounin, they should act like it. If I've got something messing around my ass, I'm going to jerk and clench my cheeks; anything to slow down what's attacking me.
    And why Gai? I think Yamato would have been much better. Or maybe he gets picked up later. If Naruto has all these plant abilities, Yamato would make an ideal mate. Hope you keep going, I'd like to see where this goes.
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