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Reviews for Demons Have the Most Fun: A Cautionary Tale

By : DevilnBlue
  • From ANON - bob on March 13, 2010
    It's a bit mad i was thinkin about this story a while bk and the nt day chapter 3 :)
    Im a bit of a lazy reviewer in other words i can't be arsed sometimes.
    Iruka realy pisses me of in this cos he seems a bit self righteous, the fact that he hates kuuubi even tho he's been "named" and dosent remember he still blames him for minato's death tho does he have any proof that it was him?.
    Also that he sent sasuke home knowin what was happenin to him and how it feels like to be parted from your demon with a bond makes me want naruto bring him down a peg or two.
    I'll look out for chapter 4
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  • From ANON - Nami on March 13, 2010
    Poor.....Uchihas XD;. I think right now I feel the sorriest for mummy and Itachi no matter how mollycoddling he is(And Kisame, whom I love, of coarse). I'd be all torn up and pissed off too ;_;. Especially since they kind of seemed to be getting jerked around by... everyone XD (though, Iruka forgetting to tell them important things from being sick was kind of funny. I don't mind it happening to them, I just hope they get some consolation for the stress eventually. Just get a good hit in).

    I do like the fic, yet it's somehow stressful XD. I love seme Naruto, and possessive Naruto, and yet at the same time want someone to kick him in the balls so hard he'll be able to taste them XD. It's a weird feeling. And it was strange the biting scene. It was almost non con, or I read it as such.... non con biting... XD or something, just borderline. Ps..... I mentioned I love Kisame right? And Itachi? And the combination of the two?
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  • From meowkuu2 on March 13, 2010
    How much do I love this story...enough for me to final register after YEARS of reading and re-reading absolutely great fanfics by awesome writers! ^__^ I love your set up and how you've managed to work in some of the characteristics of Kishimoto's people into this AU world. I am wondering how you're going to show minato/kyuu pairing (if it exists?) and if you're going to add in some of the more fiendish personalities of the "Naruto" universe? Will Itachi's love for sasuke work for or against them (i.e. sauske and itachi) throughout the story? What type of person will sasuke develop into as the story progresses do to naruto/itachi or hell even the influence or dear i say neji? I look forward to reading more and hopefully seeing some of my questions answers as you continue the story ^_^.
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 12, 2010
    This story reminds me a little of Lady Valtaya's story The Summoner, the premise is the same....Sasuke is a demon summoner who summons the demon Kyuubi in a cave. Except in her story Sasuke is much older and he has another summons available to him as well. I had seen your story a few times and I had not been intrigued by the title, but then I saw the number of reviews you were getting and I said I bet that is a gem under a weird title.....and I was right....I like both this and Lady V's story they are different enough that even though they share the same idea they are completely different. I'm glad I stopped by to take a peek because now I am hooked....can't wait for more.
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  • From Ihadadream on March 12, 2010
    great story! please continue!
    i love the idea of the demon's proposal!
    though to his mother's and his brother's eyes sasuke is too young,
    more like a prisonner of naruto's power than a willing mate...
    i wonder what sasuke will say once he wakes up to find naruto all bruised and bleeding....
    Naruto really seems betrayed and bitter about his previous masters...
    what happened between minato and kyubi?
    it sure looked like the other way around, at least to iruka.
    after all, kyubi was found with minato's blood on his hands. I wonder what really happened...
    naruto's powers are incredible, i hope we will see him and sasuke fight together other demons!
    please continue!
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  • From ANON - jellybean on March 11, 2010
    Yay! An update!

    I'm really liking this whole mark/bond's really sweet even if in a rather morbid way as Sasuke watches Naruto get tortured. I love how emotional Sasuke gets XD

    Aw, and Itachi being all jealous and big-brotherly made me smile.

    And yes, I'd still like to believe that Naruto is innocent...not in a pure, rainbows-and-butterflies way but that he isn't just some cruel, inhumane monster, even if he may have some sadistic tendences XD (Which are acutaly quite sexy :P)

    I look forward to reading more, as always!
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  • From LoadedSmile on March 11, 2010
    Totally love it. I can't get enough, did you know that this story is the only reason why I check AFF everyday? Just to see if you've updated?.....Yeah....creepy right? Hahahah
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  • From ANON - Charm and Strange on March 10, 2010
    Waaa! This is one of the best stories on AFF now!!! It's actually the ONLY reason I still come to this site! So please, please update! There has been a lot of stories about demons in the world of Naruto fanfiction, but this one is *by far* the most original.

    Okay. Question time. What the heck is the family tree here? Iruka is Minato's brother, and is Naruto still Minato's son, because then Kyuubi would somehow be Iruka's...nephew...??? Or something? Because Naruto and Kyuubi are somehow connected...GAH. *is confused*

    And I want to know what happened to Kyuubi and Sasuke when Anko and Ibiki were going all sadist on him! I kept reading to figure out what happened to them, and then the chapter cut off, and I didn't get to read it...
    (by the way, sorry if this is really incoherent. I ended up writing half of it in another language and then having to translate it back into English... =_=;;; )
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  • From ANON - leader2 on March 09, 2010
    WE havin too much fun on this thing. lol!
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  • From ANON - other guy on March 09, 2010
    we decided to update seperately. Ummm i think ur story is ok. im more of a sasuke fanatic so him being all
    clingy doesn't suit well with me. but by all means don't change it or my homies are gonna be pissed lol
    update real quick!

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  • From ANON - ChueyBaby on March 09, 2010
    Update soon I'm looking forward to reading more of your well written story.
    You should see me and all meh buddies crowded around the computer reading this
    so we should count as five reviews.... or would you prefer us doing it seperately??
    WEll then can't wait till the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Aoi on March 09, 2010
    omg you have ta update
    like reaaaallll ssooon
    Im leaving to pakistan in three days!
    Ugh i dnt think ima have n e
    internet there so please help a
    young man out! lol
    update soon plz
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  • From ANON - dontavia on March 09, 2010
    This is a well thought out story... I often like to see a uke sasuke and a dominating naruto because I can never get use to a loud mouthed, bold, and rash naruto being a uke rather than a seme. Good work and I hope to see some great character development with naruto.... I just hope you don't change his ruthlessness along the way turning him into a crazy careful loving weakling... Nevermind that lol. Right now your story is the only one I look forward to reading on this site.... Its just so many stories lack substance to it. Oh and your title doesn't really fit the story you should make it grab the readers attention. The summary could use work as well. Im sure with your writing skills you can create something a little more appealing drawing more readers and reviews in. Ciao and goodluck with your amazingly interesting story.
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  • From smint45 on March 09, 2010
    This is an absoloutly fantastc story!!!! I really love it and I can't wait for more!!!! I absoloutly like this Naruto although is kind of OC but non the less he is hot!!!! And His possesivness of Sasuke is also great!!!! And Sasuke is such a sweet heart also kind of OC but I really like thse to hw ou discribe them!!!! And I hope tht they all will come to terms with Naruto!!!! I somehow have the feeling That Kyuubi didn't kill Minato!!!! That ay t be my desire to have Kuubi as the good guy who didn't anything wrong and was acused of anothers deed but I sincirely hope we will get to know at somepoint of the story what really happend back then!!!! I totally adore this story!!!! I hope to hear from you soon and I hope They will reunite Sasuke and Naruto in the next chappie so that Sasuke wakes up and can convince his brother and mother that Naruto isn't the bad guy for the moment!!!! See you!!!!
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  • From ANON - Cavalleria on March 09, 2010
    So I just read the first 3 chapters! Very excited to see what's next. Poor Sasuke...all he wants is his sexy Naruto!!
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