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Reviews for Whispering Storm

By : KitaKitsune18
  • From ItaNarulover on April 08, 2009
    Is this an ItaNaru pairing?
    Okay, perhaps a little stupid way to start a review, but as you might tell I'm a total fan of that pairing.
    And either way, I think that this was a great first chapter. But it left me quite confused, at first I thought that the person first being described was Kisame because of the blue hand, but you had written that this fic would be about Naruto and his journey, so I came to the conclusion that the person must be him, perhaps he's just that sick and frozen?
    And the baby? I wonder who's baby that could be one of the Uchihas since it had pale skin and dark eyes....
    And the person Naruto ran into, had the Sharingan, so it must either be Sasuke, Itachi or Madara....
    Ugh, you've got me all excited and I'm really anticipating the continuation.
    Keep up with the good work and good luck with the writing.
    Take care. Hugs =^_^=

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  • From butterflies1974 on April 06, 2009
    OOOOOhhhhhhh! Chapter One is goood. Okay, I can't wait to read more of this story. Thank you for a great start to this new story you have guaranteed that I will look often for a update.
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