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Reviews for Sexy no Omake

By : bucketmouse
  • From Skullycandy12 on January 17, 2009
    Great sotry
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  • From Vague on February 28, 2008
    Hey there, I was reading your story and found that you have amazing talent as an author. This is why I am taking some time to invite you over to my website Laefe E-Publishing. I’m looking for young talented authors who have it in them to make creative original works.

    I know that you will automatically think that this might be a scam so to help ease your worries you can either check out my own profile on this site so you can see that I am the real deal, or you can add me to Windows Live Messenger that you can ask me any questions that may come to your mind.

    Laefe is a new online epublishing and you are among the first group of authors invited over to the site. I hope that you will consider it. You can find Laefe at My name is Emilia Baptiste, you can call me Emi when we talk on msn @ All the information you will need will be on the website and anything that is not clear you can ask me.

    All I ask is that you give Laefe a look and see if it might be where you would like to further progress in your quest to writing your ultimate story. Thank you for your time and I do hope to hear from you soon.

    Emi Baptiste
    Admin of and Laefe Epublishing.

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  • From stephra26 on February 24, 2007
    I have to say...this is probably one of the best, most erotic stories I've read in a really long time. I noticed a few grammatical errors but those weren't enough to distract me from the actual story. A definite plus. I wasn't too sure about this pairing at first but I've been converted.
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  • From ANON - L.F. on January 06, 2007
    That can't be the end and if its not where'e the rest of it! You can't leave us hanging on something this good.
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  • From ANON - J.D.O on August 10, 2006
    ya'll guys rock! I love Gai/Kaka!
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  • From ANON - Jojo on August 10, 2006
    I don't think your cruel, so I know Gai hasn't been killed of, but please update soon! I've been reading this every chance I can for about a week, and I'm a little to caught up. Please don't die, Gai-sensei!!!!!!!waaaa
    -sorry- He's one of my favorite characters--I wrote two fanfictions myself about him, so please be gentle. Much love--bye!
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  • From ANON - crazyforkakashi on July 05, 2006
    This is my first Gai-kakashi . I think I am in love with the pair . Please dont leave it like so many other authors do .
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  • From ANON - Taito on February 02, 2006
    O___O; Why once or twice a month DDX ? Will the chapters be longer or more detailed, stuff like that, or just the same?Since you wont be posting a new chaper any time soon, would you mind e-mailing me at ? Tai-
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  • From ANON - Ithilgwath on February 01, 2006
    i admire Kakashi's restraint. i woulda killed the jerk.

    I am sad about the less updates, but I am happy that it still is coming! dankshoen! I love this story so much!
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  • From ANON - jingko on January 31, 2006
    so from your note, gai moght not be dead??? yai!!!!
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  • From ANON - NerNer on January 31, 2006
    the story has been great, and even though there would be less updates, I am stil looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanx for the great reading experience!
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  • From ANON - LadyJ on January 31, 2006
    ..wah :(

    I'm glad to hear theres more coming, and that you're not going to leave it on a sad note!
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  • From ANON - DevilLived on January 31, 2006
    So many questions. Is Gai still alive? What will happen with the prince?

    Great story so far, I'm glad it's not over yet. Even if you can't update as much, it doesn't matter. It's amazing that you actually used to udpate every day!

    Can't wait till you do again!
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  • From ANON - Sacral on January 31, 2006
    WHYYYYY!!!!! Why can't you update so often anymore?! I really started to like your story after I got over the part where there were mostly only lemons(I still have a nosebleed from these, just you know!) Just now, when I get the feeling more and more people take a liking to your story (even if I still want to strangle Yukino *DIIIIIIIEEEEE, BITCH!*), you only want to update with such large gaps inbetween? Alone a week without a new chapter from you was pure tortur to me!! Please try to update sooner, I beg you!
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  • From ANON - Taito on January 31, 2006
    TT___TT This chapter was so damn sad. Gai /can't/ be dead . It's just not possible, that must be the body of some enemy nin he killed, and they put some jutsu on him to make him forget shit.... maybe... please TT__TT??!!
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