Negima: Kage Mage | By : Pokemaster12 Category: Naruto Crossovers > General Views: 7574 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Negima, nor any characters aside from possible OC's. I also do not make any profit from this story. |
Chapter 8: Revenge of the Chibi
Naruto felt an odd sense of contentment as he continued to lie in the bed, his mind half asleep. He didn't know why but there was an odd warmth on top of him that seemed to emanate from the pillow he was holding. He frowned a bit since he did not remember grabbing onto any pillows, but soon chalked it off to grabbing it in his sleep. He tightened his hold around the oddly shaped pillow, his mind only briefly noting that it was not shaped like a pillow, nor did it feel like a pillow. Whatever. He thought with a sleepy sigh as he snuggled with his pillow. Until it moaned. Startled awake by the sound of a low, feminine moan on top of him Naruto creaked an eye open. The first thing he saw was the ceiling at the top half of his perception and a mop of red covering the bottom half. Soon enough he noted that it was hair. His eyes traveled further down and found a face that was too beautiful and perfect to be considered human. His eyes began to widen as they traveled even further down to see the body attached to the face and he awoke with a jolt as he realized who was on top of him. It was Akane. A very very naked Akane. Finding himself in this surprising situation, Naruto did the first thing he could think of. He screamed. "WH-WHAT THE HELL!"
A now fully dressed Akane looked at Naruto in amusement. "I don't see why you're complaining I thought you would like the wake up call." Naruto blushed a bit. "It had nothing to do with the way I woke up." Akane giggled as she looked down at the school clothes Kaede let her borrow. They were a little strained around her chest but would do for now. "Aww, I'm sorry I startled you Naru-kun. I was only trying to make you feel good." Naruto blushed and shuddered at the seductiveness of Akane's words. Asuna had often wondered why he was so perverted. What neither she nor anyone else really knew was that it was because of Akane, who had taught him all he knew, including the art of seduction. It was something that only Naruto knew, but Akane was a pervert even larger then he was. "Um… excuse me." Both Naruto and Akane turned to a look at a confused and oddly flustered Kaede. "You two still haven't told me who this is… and what she was doing naked in your bed, de-gozaru." "Er… right, sorry." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, uh, technically you already know each other…" Kaede raised an eyebrow. "This is Akane." Naruto said seeing her confused look. Both of Kaede's eyes opened in surprise as she looked from Naruto to a grinning Akane. "You mean… the fox?" she asked. Naruto nodded. "Yep, only Akane's not actually a fox." "I think I can guess that from seeing her." Kaede replied, regaining some of her wit. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, both you and Negi-bozu are mages." Naruto looked surprised. "How did you know we were mages?" he asked. "I was training Negi-bozu up in the mountains this weekend." Kaede shrugged. "I saw him summon a staff and fly off." Naruto face palmed. "Negi never was good at hiding things. I swear with amount of trouble he gets into I'm honestly surprised others haven't found out." Naruto looked over at Kaede. "How did you know I was a mage?" "Well, your brother is a mage so it made sense for you to be one." Kaede replied. "Also I heard you and Akane-san talking last night…" Odd, I didn't sense her. Naruto thought with a small frown. Of course I wasn't really trying but I can normally sense these things. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Well I guess that makes sense." He sighed. "Being a ninja, your better at reading in between the lines then most." "Of course." Kaede said with a smirk. "You should know that Naruto-chan." "Now that we've finished playing twenty questions, can we eat? I'm starving." Akane said as she eyed the food that was set on the table. "Sure." Naruto replied. "We need to hurry up anyways. You and I need to go to the headmaster to see about setting you up as a student here." "I suppose if I'm going to stay with you, I'll have to." Akane said with a sigh. "Oh well." she continued cheerfully as she began piling on food. "At least the food is good!" Kaede watched in slight amusement as Akane began stuffing food in her mouth. "And I thought Naruto-chan at a lot…"
"I see…" Konoeman said as he scratched his bald head, staring at a distinctly uncomfortable Naruto, and a grinning Akane. The latter latched onto the former. "So Akane is actually a demon… lord?" Naruto nodded. "Who was sealed inside of you at birth and taught you about magic, but somehow escaped and is now you're…" "Life mate." Akane supplied with a grin, her grin widening when she noticed Naruto's increasing blush. "As will all girls who become Naru-kun's wife." "… I see." He looked at the pair again. "And I suppose you will want her to be a student in your class Naruto-kun?" "If it's not too much trouble old man." Naruto said, shuffling his feet a bit. While he knew Akane would eventually be able to shift to her human form, he had not expected it so soon. This was gonna make things awkward… "I can do that. After all, you have helped me quite a bit in the past." Konoeman said as he looked at the pair. "However, I expect both of you to keep from being too… intimate in front of your classmates. Also, you will have to-" "Inform Kono-chan." Naruto interrupted. "Yeah I know. Don't worry, I already said I was going to tell her about this anyways." "Very well then." The old headmaster nodded. "I also assume she will be staying with you and Nagase-kun?" "Of course!" Chirped Akane. "After all, I need my plushy to sleep at night!" In emphasis she grabbed onto Naruto, whose face had turned even redder. For whatever reason she could always make him feel like someone had dunked in face in lava… in a good way.
Naruto a opened the door to class 3-A, holding it open for Akane to come in. "Class I would like all of you to meet a new student who will be joining us!" He called out to the girls, getting them to settle down and look at the new comer in curiosity. Some wondered who she was, others wondered how she was so beautiful, and others still narrowed their eyes as they sensed demonic energy coming from her. "This is Akane and she will be joining us for the foreseeable future." He continued as Akane gave everyone a cheerful wave. "I hope you all make her feel welcome." "KYA! NICE TO MEET YOU AKANE!" most of the class yelled out. Naruto turned to Akane. "Why don't you go take a seat next to Kono-chan." Akane grinned. "Sure thing Naru-kun." She said as she made her way over towards Konoka who gave the red head a bright smile. "Before we begin, have any of you seen Negi?" asked Naruto, wondering where is little brother was and if he had gotten into some kind of trouble. "He was here Naruto-sensei." Ayaka said as she stood up. "However I believe he went to Evangeline-san's cottage to deliver a note." "He said something about a challenge this morning!" Konoka put in helpfully. Naruto blinked a bit before a sigh escaped him. Great, knowing Negi he went over there to give Evangeline some kind of challenge to keep from skipping class. Well… he should be alright for now. Evangeline is human at the moment so her powers should be drastically weakened. "Then I suppose we'll just have to start class without him." Naruto said. However being reminded of Evangeline, Naruto remembered something else of importance. "Oh! And Aya-chan, I want you to stay after class for a moment so I can talk to you." Ayaka looked at him in surprise, blinking for a few seconds before she responded. "Um… sure Naruto-sensei." The other girls began to whisper, wondering what their sensei could want with Akaya. "Good." Naruto said with a smile. "Now please turn to page 286..."
Later that day Naruto and Akane met up with Negi who was coming back from Evangeline's house. "Oi! Negi!" Naruto yelled as he saw the boy coming from the forest. Negi looked up and saw Naruto next to a red haired girl waving at him. "Nii-san!" he said as he ran up to him. "What's this I hear about you issuing a challenge to Chibi-chan?" Naruto asked, giving him a look all older brothers give their little brothers at some point in time. "Well… yes I did." Negi said sheepishly. "But I decided to keep it for now since she was sick." "Sick?" Naruto said in surprise. He didn't think vampires could get sick. Then again right now she is human… "So what happened?" he asked. "W-Well…" Negi began to explain what had happened at Evangeline's house. Including the part about him taking care of her and seeing her dream about Nagi. "What did you say!" Naruto shouted, startling both Akane and Negi. "Um… that I saw her dream of my father…?" Negi said. "No not that!" Naruto said. "You said something about Cha-chan being in a made outfit! I can't believe I missed that!" Naruto's shoulders slumped and he began to cry anime tears. "That's so not fair! I want to see Cha-chan in a maid outfit too!" Negi sweat dropped at his brother not even seeming to care about what he had found in Evangeline's dream. "Don't be angry Naru-kun." Akane said as she leaned against him. Squishing Naruto's arm between her breasts. "You know if you want, I can where a sexy maid outfit for you…" Naruto's mind instantly went down the gutter as he imagined Akane in a maid outfit, serving him ramen among other… things. He grabbed onto his nose to keep himself from passing out, making Akane giggle and Negi to look confused. "Hey Nii-san… who is this?" Negi asked, having never seen her before, though her presence was familiar. Naruto sighed, this was going to take some explaining…
The next day Naruto, Negi and Akane came to class at the same time. "Stand!" Nodoka said as the two teachers entered the room. The class stood up as Akane went over to her seat next to Konoka. "Bow! Sit!" "Ah. Thank you!" Negi said as Naruto moved to his seat near the front of the classroom. The blond smiled as Sayo floated over to him. "Class is about to begin!" Naruto ignored the class as he pulled out a new book for him and Sayo to read. It was one of the few items he kept from his other world. The book was called 'The Legend of the Gutsy Ninja.' a story about a ninja named Naruto who went on to create peace, though the book was unfinished. Naruto was knocked out of his reading when he heard Negi shout. "Waaaaaa! Evangeline-san!" Naruto looked up to see Negi waving his arms frantically as he looked at Evangeline with a shocked expression. "W… what do you want? I can't challenge you to a duel right now! I'm always available after class but…" Naruto along with most of the girls in class sweat dropped. The girls were left wondering if something was wrong between the two, while Naruto once again sighed at how Negi seemed incapable of keeping a secret. He's lucky most of these girls don't seem to think about how odd the things he sometimes says are, or how odd the things that happen around him are. If they did Negi would have revealed his status as a mage several hundred times over by now. 'He is quite terrible at keeping secrets isn't he?' Came Akane's amused voice over their link. 'Terrible doesn't even begin to cut it.' Naruto replied. 'Honestly for a genius mage he really is quite dense and naïve at times.' 'Kind of like a certain blond gaki I met a few years back.' Akane said with a mental giggle. Naruto sighed at the reference, knowing 'who' she was talking about. Looking up Naruto turned his attention to Evangeline to see what she would say. "You took care of me yesterday." She mumbled as if that said everything. "I thought I might come to class." "Eh…" Negi said in surprise, though he also seemed happy. "Is that so?" Before Negi or Evangeline could say anything, Naruto decided to speak up. "That's so nice of you Chibi-chan." He grinned at Evangeline as she turned red and glared at him. "I never figured you would come to class just because he played doctor with you." "WHAT!" Evangeline and a few other girls in class shouted (Cough Ayaka Cough). Evangeline glaring daggers at Naruto, with Ayaka glaring daggers at Evangeline for having played doctor with HER Negi-sensei when she hadn't. The rest of the girls were left wondering about when Naruto gave Evangeline her nickname. "Now, now Chibi-chan, no need to get excited." Naruto said with a grin. "I was just commenting on how nice it was of you to come to class because of that." "Call me Chibi-chan again! I dare you!" Evangeline said through gritted teeth. "Now don't get angry Chibi-chan." Naruto said. "Think of it as a term of-" "RAAH!" Evangeline had leapt from her desk and tackled Naruto to the floor where she tried to strangle him. "You stupid, idiotic, foolish- I'm gonna kill you!" Naruto laughed even as Evangeline tried to choke the life out of him. "Gak! You know you've got a strong grip for a loli! ACK!" "Y-Y-YOU STUPID IDIOT! YOU'RE JUST LIKE HIM!" Evangeline shouted. "YOU ARE DEAD! YOU HEAR ME! DEAD!" Almost half the class after that was spent with Negi and the girls trying to pry Evangeline off of Naruto. Meanwhile Akane continued sitting at her desk, a bowl of popcorn appearing out of nowhere. Now this is entertainment…
"… Well…?" asked Evangeline as she watched Chachamaru hack into the school mainframe. It was after class and as soon as school had ended, she and her loyal servant had broken into the computer lab. "It is as we expected." Chachamaru replied after downloading the data they were looking for. "The Thousand Masters curse is in the form of a barrier upheld by another master. In order to encompass the entire campus, this barrier consumes massive amounts of magic energy." "Hmm… and to think I had no idea for over a decade." Evangeline mumbled, bringing a hand to her chin in thought. "But for a mage to rely on electricity hmm… he's a pretty high tech person, isn't he?" "I am also a high tech person…" Chachamaru said. "Well, that's that." Evangeline said as she and Chachamaru stood up and left the lab. "Now we can finally execute our ultimate plan right?" "That is correct master." Chachamaru replied. "Alright then." Evangeline said, a grin forming on her face. "It'll all go as planned tonight! Hehe, when I think about the shocked look on that boys face…" Grinning the small blond vampire jumped up onto a higher part of the roof, laughing maniacally. She stopped for a moment and looked back at her servant. "Something you want to say Chachamaru?" Chachamaru looked somewhat startled. "No… um… that is… I'm very sorry master!" The gynoid apologized. "Negi-sensei has already made a provisional contract with a partner." "What!" Evangeline said in shock. "Why didn't you tell me about this! Who's his partner!" Chachamaru felt an odd heat as she remembered she had forgotten to tell Evangeline because she had been spending time with Naruto and it had for some reason slipped her mind because she had been thinking of him. "… The partner is Asuna Kagurazaka. I… don't know why I didn't report this master. I'm sorry." "Hmm. Well whatever!" Evangeline said. "It doesn't matter if he has a partner or not! The only people we need to worry about now is the blond idiot and that red head he's with." "You Naruto-sensei and Akane-san?" Chachamaru asked, feeling the warmth coming back to her at the mention of her blond teacher. Evangeline nodded. "I did some research on him. I suppose it's fitting, given how much he acts like him, but the idiot has been called 'the reincarnation of the Thousand Master'." The vampire frowned. "If he is as strong as I think, we may even need some help dealing with him, or at least, some help distracting him while we go after Negi." "You are thinking of asking Chao for assistance?" Chachamaru asked in realization. Evangeline nodded. "She should have something that should at least keep that idiot occupied for a while. Hopefully it will give me enough time to enact my plan." "And what about Akane-san?" Chachamaru asked. "It's obvious that this Akane is the fox that had been with Naruto since they got here." Evangeline said. "She's clearly a demon, and a decently powerful one if her growing Yokai reserves are any indication, possibly even a very powerful, though we will not know until her powers stop growing. If she joins in the fight, our chances for completing our goal will not be very good…" she paused. "However, I sense that, like me she does not have her full powers back, so the chances of her helping Negi and the idiot are slim." Nodding to herself Evangeline grinned as she began to walk off. "We have five hours before the operation starts. Let's go Chachamaru!" Evangeline jumped into the air, only to smack her foot against an extrusion on the building. "Ah, master…" Chachamaru said as Evangeline fell face first on the ground. "Ow ow ow!" Evangeline complained as she sat up and rubbed her nose. "Ah… master, your nose is bleeding." Chachamaru said, trying to calm down her master. "Uguu! Humans can't even fly, this is so inconvenient!" Evangeline complained. "Grrr! This is all the Springfield families fault. Just wait! After tonight's plan, I won't have to wait for the full moon to get rid of Negi and that idiot! Tonight I'm going to drain his blood and lift the curse!" Evangeline stood up as she continued her rant. "The queen of the night who bears the "Gospel of Darkness" is going to roam the town tonight!" "Master, your nose is still bleeding…"
Asuna stared at the red head who was with her, Naruto and Negi. "So you're telling me this is the same Akane as the fox who was always with the idiot?" she asked, feeling the need to clarify. "Yep!" Naruto said as they walked around the campus. He looked over at the orangette. "You seem surprised." Asuna sighed. "Somehow I feel I shouldn't be… after all, nothing with you two is ever normal." "Normal is soo overrated." Akane commented as she took the time to enjoy her ability to be in her human form. "If everything and everyone was normal this world would be a really boring place!" "I'm so glad Evangeline-san came to class!" Negi said, changing the subject as even he was still trying to get used to the knowledge that Akane was now in her human form again. "It's all thanks to Naruto-nii. Nagase-san, Chamo-kun and of course, Asuna-san!" "Oh hoh!" Naruto said. "That's right, Kae-chan said something about you training with her in the mountains last weekend. Hmmm… I'm going to need to do some training with her this weekend as well." Since he had gone on his two 'dates' last weekend, he felt it was only right that he spent some time with Kaede and Akane this weekend, especially Akane since she had not been in her human form outside of his mind for a long time, since before she had been sealed into him in fact. "Huh!" Asuna asked as she looked at Negi. "What did I do?" "Well did give him a contract." Naruto said, smirking as he looked at her. "Even if it was a half assed one." "Grrr! Quiet you!" Asuna growled, an angry blush on her face. She looked back at Negi and sighed. "Well, whatever. I guess that means I won't have to hang out with you anymore because of that stupid contract thing right?" "Y… yes… sorry about asking you to do that Asuna-san…" Negi said. Naruto frowned as he heard the depression in his little brother's voice. He knew that Negi really liked Asuna, she was kind of like Negi's sister now figure now, almost as much as Nekane was. Speaking of Nekane, I really should see about maybe visiting her… 'Well you can contact her with your pactio you know.'Akane said. Naruto rolled his eyes. 'I know that… but talking through a pactio isn't the same as actually spending time with someone in person. 'True.' Akane said with a mental shrug. 'But there is not much else you can do at the moment.' Their conversation stopped when the group saw a bunch of girls crowding around a stand that said 'Blackout Sale'. "What's going on?" Wondered Negi as he watched the girls crowding around the stand. Four of the girls at the stand turned around and saw them. "Ah… Negi-sensei, Naruto-sensei." Greeted Haruna. "Don't you know sensei? There's going to be a complete blackout from 8 to 12." "Ah! Really?" asked Negi, surprised since he did not remember hearing about this. Naruto tuned out the conversation when he spotted Konoka behind and to the left of Nodoka. "Hey Kono-chan!" Naruto greeted with a smile as he and Akane walked up to the girl. "Getting ready for the blackout I'm guessing?" Konoka gave Naruto a large smile. "Hello Naruto-kun! Yeah I am, we have this blackout twice a year, so I got used to doing this since Asuna always forgets!" Naruto chuckled. "She would forget wouldn't she? You know blackouts can be pretty scary…" Naruto leaned down so that their faces were so close their noses were almost touching. "Would you like me to come over and keep you company?" Konoka blushed. "W-well… that would be nice… but I don't think Asuna would let you…" That's true." Naruto sighed. "She would probably try to beat the crap out of me and then she would kick me out…" "And if Naru-kun came I would have to come as well." Akane added, a smirk adorning her beautiful face. "After all, this will be the first time I get my plushy outside of the mindscape." She said, only loud enough for Naruto's enhanced hearing to pick up. 'You're such a vixen.' Naruto said through their link, a blush adorning his features. 'So, I don't hear you complaining.' Akane shot back. "Yes well. Who could complain abou-' "Ah! Hello Akane-san!" Konoka said, interrupting the pairs mental conversation as she just noticed the red head who was slightly behind Naruto. "Hello Konoka-chan." Akane said with an almost motherly smile, she really did like this girl. She was the first one on my list… The three continued to talk until Shizuna came up to them. "Negi-sensei, Naruto-sensei, we will be leaving the dorms to you." She said as she smiled at them. Naruto and Negi looked at each other before nodding. "Ah, yes/ Sure thing." The two replied at the same time. Naruto looked down at his little brother. "I'll take the south side of the dorms if you want to go north Negi… that way we can cover more ground." "Alright Nii-san!" Negi said. He looked over at Asuna and Konoka. "Well then, I'm going to go have a look around!" "Ok!" Konoka said, waving to the two brothers. "Give it your best!" Asuna replied, turning around to leave. Akane looked at Naruto and gave him a smile. "I'll see you when you get done… don't wait too long Naru-kun, now that I have my body back, I'm going to want my plushy." Having finally gotten used to Akane's teasing in her real human form, Naruto smirked. "Would you like me to make a Kage Bushin?" "No." Akane said. "That's alright, besides it's not the real you, so it wouldn't be the same." I can't have Naruto around while I talk to Kaede about her growing relationship with Naruto…Akane smirked. That, and I don't want to ruin the surprise we'll have for him when he gets home. "Well alright then." Naruto said. "I'll see you later tonight." He tossed a wave over his shoulder before leaving.
Night time soon fell on Mahora Academy. Akane sighed a bit as she set up the candles at the dinner table, while Kaede cooked some food using her new fledgling skills in sealing to create a hot plate. Man this sucks. Akane complained a bit to herself. I just get my human body back, and Naru-kun has to go out on patrol… Maybe I should have taken his offer of making a Kage Bushin for me. She grumbled a bit before looking over at Kaede as she brought the food. Well, at least I can get this out of the way… For a few minutes the two ate in relative silence. Kaede because she wasn't quite sure what to say, she had been living with Akane for a while now, but was still kind of getting used to the fact that she had at one point been a fox. And Akane because she was thinking about the best way to approach the subject she had in mind. In the end she decided to just be straight forward about it. "So Kaede-chan." Akane began, getting the kunoichi to look up from her food. "Tell me, what do you think of Naru-kun?" Kaede blinked for a moment, before blushing as she saw Akane's… lecherous grin?
"The sky doesn't look so good does it?" asked Konoka as she and Asuna looked out of their window. "Your right!" Asuna said, it did look pretty… ominous, she guess was the right word. She soon lost interest in looking at the sky however, and decided to go to bed. "I'm going to sleep now Konoka." she told her brunette roommate as she climbed into her bed. She smiled a bit as she lied down.There's no Negi in my bed tonight… "Un. Good night Asuna." Konoka said, still looking out the window.
The sound of typing filled the room as Chachamaru continued working on the computer. "The electricity to the barrier has stopped… hacking back-up system… successfully completed." She continued to type on the keyboard at speeds that humans would never be able to hope to compete with. "Conditions are optimal! Your power should be returning master!" Standing outside on top of a tall clock tower, Evangeline gazed out across the academy she had been trapped in for a decade. A fanged smirk came to her face. Tonight was the night she finally freed herself from this prison. Holding out her hand several magical strings shimmered into existence. "And now to begin…"
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