Leader | By : mannahpierce Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 2189 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This story has some of Masashi Kishimoto's characters from Naruto in a universe of my own devising. I do not own Naruto. I do not make any money from these writings. |
Thank you to my beta and muse, Small Fox. This story grew from a plot idea he gave me.
Also thanks to satterb, eunmook, Tammy, Anon (sadie237), Aflyingmonkey and melissen for reviewing after chapter 82 was posted. Readers’ feedback, support and comments mean a great deal to me. Feedback keeps me writing. Reading a review can made my day.We may be going back to Saturday only postings because of pressure of work. I think, for now, you should look at any Wednesday update as a bonus but not expect one.
There was a Wednesday posting this week. Have you read chapter 82?Leader
Part 9: Family 83: PromiseHaru had been working on Shi-chan’s list of procedures. It was still boring but he was now much better at it, even when he was working on it on his own, like this morning.
Shi-chan was busy checking out the connections Haru and Sai had found. Haru wondered if he would stop looking once the two divs were up. It didn’t seem very likely; he was still obsessed with working out what Orochimaru had been offering. Haru missed the old Shi-chan, the one who had always found time for trees and stories. He checked his chronometer. It was time for his midmeal. He was always hungry these days; Iruka-sensei said it was because of the growth spurt. Ran was eating at the children’s table. He was feeding Aiko, whose aim seemed to be to get the puree anywhere other than in her mouth. The adult’s chair at the other side was empty. Haru looked about; none of the people who would usually take it were about. He sighed, took a deep breath and went for it; Ran might appreciate it. It earned him an approving comment from Kiba-san at the head of the table, which was an unanticipated bonus. Tsuneo and Nagato smiled at him, Sumiko scowled and the other children ignored him. Aiko didn’t. She squealed her delight, windmilled her arms and then managed to land a blow on the rim of her bowl. It wasn’t a proper baby bowl. Haru watched as it was flipped up and over, spreading the bright orange contents in an arc across Ran on its way to clatter onto the floor. The boys laughed and the girls, other than Naomi, sniggered. “You go and clean up, Ran-kun,” Kiba-san suggested. “Haru-kun, maybe you could take over?” “Me?” Haru queried. “You,” Kiba-san confirmed. Haru dug a proper baby bowl out of the back of one of the cupboards. It was heavy and wider at the base than the rim. He then went and got some more of the orange puree from the jar on the side. He dipped the end of his smallest finger in and tasted it. It was bland but nice; he didn’t understand why Aiko didn’t want to eat it. Once he had a fresh baby spoon he was fully armed and ready for action. He settled into the chair Ran had been occupying and looked at the orange-splattered baby in front of him. She made a gesture, pointing at her mouth with her fingers. “That’s the baby sign language sign for eat,” Takara informed him. “Baby sign language?” “Rin-san thinks she wants to talk but her mouth can’t make the words yet,” Sumiko explained. “So we’re using sign language for now.” Aiko’s gesture was becoming more urgent. Haru responded by scooping up a small amount of puree and guiding the spoon into her mouth. “You need to tip it up,” Teruko told him helpfully. He did so and the puree slid off of the spoon. Most of it ended up in the right place. He then withdrew and waited for her to make the gesture again. After a few minutes Ran reappeared wearing a fresh top and sat down where Haru had been sitting. “That appears to be working,” he observed. “What?” Haru asked, patiently waiting for Aiko to signal that she wanted more. “Letting her decide. It is that or she likes you.” Haru wasn’t sure if he was comfortable with the idea of Aiko liking him; he was sure Rin-san wouldn’t be. By the time Aiko was fed, Dan-san had appeared. He scooped Aiko out of her chair and took her off to be washed and cuddled. Haru watched them leave. Seeing them together was good in a way he did not really understand. “You need to eat something,” Ran reminded him. “Why don’t you move to the other table?” Haru had forgotten how hungry he was. “You go with him, Ran-kun,” Kiba-san suggested. “Now that Aiko-chan has gone, we will cope very well.” He slowly munched his way through what Ran kept adding to his plate; he still ate slowly so now meals took even longer. The first batch of people, all adults trying to avoid the rush, had been and gone. The table was filling up with youngsters, mixed in with the adults who did not mind the noise. “Do you know what the meeting his afternoon is about, Ran-kun?” Hoshi asked. “Ir-chan asked me not to discuss it,” Ran replied. Haru stopped chewing. Ran hadn’t told him that. Ran nudged him. “Eat.” Hoshi was studying him. “Maybe Choza-san would make you some high energy drinks.” “That’s a good idea,” Ran agreed. Haru wasn’t sure; he liked his food to start out solid. All the youngsters were at the meeting. Haku-san was at the top of the table next to Iruka-sensei, so it was queen-stuff rather than education-stuff. Yuki was giving out boxes. There was one for each of them. “Please do not open the boxes yet,” Iruka-sensei told them. It turned out to be about fucking or rather not fucking. It was about what to do if you wanted to fuck and you either did not have a partner or you were separated from your partner. Haru didn’t see what was wrong with using your hand in the shower but it would appear that he was the only one who thought that way. Even Ran was examining the stuff in his box. The girls were over on one side of the room talking in low voices and then laughing loudly. The kits were larking about with what Iruka-sensei had described as their groin interfaces. “Iruka-sensei, can we go and try them out?” Keizo asked. “Feel free,” Iruka-sensei replied. “The meeting is over.” Ran was folding up his whole body sensor net and replacing it in his box. “They are just simulator interfaces,” he reminded Haru gently. “I know,” Haru admitted. “I even understand that using them is better than going with someone just for the sake of a fuck.” He looked at Ran. “I prefer what we have,” he whispered. Ran smiled at him and touched the back of his hand. “So do I.”Shikamaru knew he had something before he could pin it down; some part of his mind must have seen the significance of one of the connections Haru had found. After a day or two he managed to form the first of five questions. By the time he and Sai had answered all five, he was satisfied that he knew what Orochimaru had been offering and that there was probably a way of making it work.
Orochimaru had researched the differences between the ways that canine and human genes were expressed in canine-human hybrid cells. He had hypothesised that if you could switch off the canine genes responsible for cell ageing and switch on the human ones, the cells should age more slowly. Only his methods for switching on and off genes were too crude. There was no guarantee that only the targeted genes would be affected. The most likely outcome was that the cells would start malfunctioning. Centre was expert at switching on and switching off genes. They might not believe in genetic engineering but gene switching was considered therapy and therefore permitted. However, all their research was human-specific. Centre did not care about dogs or wolves or foxes. Shikamaru hoped that Kotohime could adapt their techniques to work for canine genes. Finally there was issue of controlling which cells received the treatment. Centre struggled with that and Orochimaru hadn’t had a clue. The answer was to use nanobots; Shikamaru was sure of it. Nanobots were Fringe technology and Shikamaru knew that Rin kept abreast of the latest developments. He put together everything he had and added some ancient information he had dug out on canine genomes. Once he had sent that off to Kotohime, he went to find Rin. He leaned on a wall in the infirmary and waited for her to acknowledge him. “Shikamaru-san.” “Rin-san. May I speak with you in private?” “Certainly, please come into my office.” They went in and sat down. “Orochimaru tried to buy his life by promising to increase Na-chan’s lifespan,” Shikamaru began. Rin stiffened and then relaxed. “Sasuke-sama still slit his throat.” “Sasuke-sama still did what was right,” Shikamaru agreed. He paused for a moment to allow that thought to sink in. “It made me wonder and I have dug out this.” He activated an interface, linked it to her projector and started showing her what he had found. He could tell that she was taking it all in. “The human genes already have a significant influence on the cellular ageing process,” she reminded him. “Canine-human hybrids live much longer than canines.” “I know,” Shikamaru acknowledged. “I was hoping that we might be able to push it a bit more. Even Orochimaru was only offering another three to five standards for an adult; maybe a decade for an adolescent.” “It is worth looking at,” she conceded. “Have you sent this to Kotohime-san?” “Yes, it won’t work without a better understanding of the canine genes and their switching mechanisms.” Rin took the interface from him and went back to the section on Orochimaru’s work. “There is a lot of very sound research on canine genomes here,” she admitted. “He had been working specifically on fox genes.” Shikamaru was not surprised. If he had acquired Keizo, Orochimaru would have wanted to keep him for as long as possible. He decided to take a risk. “Even two or three standards would mean so much to many of us.” She did not look at him but she nodded. “I know that. Leave it with me, Shikamaru-san.” It had gone as well as could be expected; Shikamaru stood up and moved towards the door. “It must have been very hard for Sasuke-sama to do the right thing,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. Shikamaru breathed a small, silence sigh of relief. Rin would not push herself to her limits for Naruto or even for him but she would do it for Sasuke. Mission accomplished, Shikamaru checked his chronometer and discovered he was meant to be working with Haru on standardising procedures. When he arrived at Haru’s workroom, Haru had knocked another sixty-three procedures off the rapidly dwindling list. Seven had been sidelined because they required Haru and Sai to write code. There was one that Haru did not understand. “I am sorry that I am late,” Shikamaru admitted. Haru flashed him a quick smile of forgiveness. “Sai said you were busy.” They worked on the procedure that Haru had struggled with and decided it could be replaced with something else that was longer and more tedious but a lot simpler. “I’ll write some software to speed it up,” Haru promised. He looked at Shikamaru with a wistful expression. “Sai mentioned that you sent something to Kotohime-san and were speaking with Rin-san.” Shikamaru wished he had explained to Sai why telling Haru was a bad idea. “They are checking something out for me. It may not come to anything.” “Are you working on the problem anymore?” Haru asked. “No,” Shikamaru admitted, even though he knew that told Haru that he thought he may have found something. “Haru, it is still a long shot. I am almost certain I have worked out what Orochimaru was offering and there is no way your To-chan should have risked doing it. It was more likely to kill him now than extend his life. However, in the middle of it was the kernel of a good idea and it is that idea, made more feasible with some Centralite techniques and nanobot technology, that Kotohime-san and Rin-san are looking at.” “Will you tell Papa that Orochimaru’s offer wasn’t worth having?” Shikamaru had not thought of that. Haru was right, Sasuke needed to know. “I will, I promise.” Haru brought up the sixty-seventh procedure. “Good.” They managed to work though another ten before boredom dulled Haru’s thought processes. As they tidied up some loose ends, Shikamaru formed the vague impression that Haru wanted to talk to him about something. He wished he had Sasuke’s or Iruka’s repertoire for making someone comfortable. Should he offer Haru tea? Instead they sat awkwardly until Haru said something. “You know the idea of introducing us to virtual sex-stuff?” Haru asked. Shikamaru nodded. He had been asked to meet with Haku and Iruka about it. Iruka had turned down most of his suggestions but they had made some progress. It had been decided that every youngster would be issued with suitable hardware and they had agreed on some simple scenarios. “I don’t see why Iruka-sensei gave the stuff to everyone. Even Ka-chan and Ryuka, which is crazy because they fuck all the time.” “It was so no one had to ask for it,” Shikamaru pointed out. Haru shrugged and looked a bit defeated. “You and Ran can just stick the boxes in a locker and forget them.” “I know,” Haru replied. “That isn’t the problem.” “So what is?” “Hi-chan asked if he could use my simulator because it’s so much better than the standard model.” Shikamaru understood. It was Haru’s simulator, his birthday present. “Is it mean of me not to want him to do yucky sex-stuff in it?” Haru asked. “Let’s give them the other one, the one we cobbled together,” Shikamaru suggested. “But then you won’t have one to use,” Haru objected. Shikamaru did not say that he would not need it because Bettencourt was on his way and it would soon be time for him to leave. “I’ll share it with them. Yucky sex-stuff doesn’t bother me.” He managed to stop himself before he promised that they would work together to replace it; he did not want to lie to Haru. “You and Kotetsu-san could build another one. Maybe Kei-chan would help.” Haru sniggered. “Maybe Kei-chan would like to make his own customised model.”Sasuke had been listening to Inari’s plan for Skyburrow; Inari had asked to run it past him before presenting it to the extended strategy team.
It looked good. Inari was suggesting that they begin exploring the other planet, most of which was as dry as the toad-hybrid planet was wet. Kotetsu had plans for developing Haru’s ideas about robotic probes. Inari had thought carefully about rotating personnel so that the two bases, Skyburrow and Tarrasade, remained closely linked. “Which of the other planets are priorities for development?” Inari asked. “Which system would you select?” Sasuke countered. Inari tensed a little; he knew he was being tested. “The second system of the first of the three-system strings because there are three planets, none of which can be made habitable but all of which have resources for mining.” “Good choice. That’s the first route we will gate and Shikamaru has his favourite space station builders ready to go, the ones who built Haven. We haven’t thought much about the conditions we will place on the other companies bidding for contracts and mining options, but I’m expecting Naruto to insist that we include the usual workers’ rights.” “Maybe Han-san would be interested in running the inspectorate,” Inari suggested. “Apparently owners and employers take workers’ rights much more seriously after he visits them.” Sasuke recalled the giant hybrid and his reputation. Even if he was not interested, Han may know other suitably scary individuals. As Inari was leaving, he turned back. “Shika-san is out here, Sasuke-sama.” Sasuke looked through the open doorway; Shikamaru was leaning on the opposite wall. Sasuke beckoned him in, wondering why he was waiting in the corridor rather than in the adjacent office. “Shall I send for some coffee?” he asked. Shikamaru shook his head and brought a chair up to the desk. Sasuke knew what that meant; Shikamaru thought he would need to use the projector. Sasuke closed the door, settled back into his chair and waited. “I have found what Orochimaru was offering,” Shikamaru began. Sasuke stiffened. “Haru was right. It would have been far too crude and dangerous to try.” “That is good to know,” Sasuke admitted. “So is that it?” “No. There may be a way of making it work. I have Kotohime and Rin working on it. Do you want me to explain or do you want to wait until they have given their opinions?” “Explain.” It was unexpectedly easy to understand. In theory it would work but there were various practical problems to iron out. The Centralite technology Shikamaru had found would be useful, as would Rin’s understanding of nanobot technology. “What do you think?” Sasuke asked. Shikamaru only hesitated for a few moments. “They will get it to work but we won’t be able to predict by how much it will extend any individual’s lifespan until he or she has been treated and Rin checks the outcome.” “But it will be safe,” Sasuke checked. “Rin will not permit it to be used unless it is safe.” “Best guess, Shika. Please.” “What Orochimaru said. Three to five standards for Naruto, less for Kiba, even less for Hana. It will be more effective the younger the individual. A decade extra, maybe a bit more, for the kits and Ryuu and Ryuka.” Sasuke had not thought of Ryuka. “What about Kamatari? And Five? And Kisame?” “Their non-human genes aren’t canine, so the science will have to be worked through from scratch. Kotohime is probably already working on the cat version; you know how fond she is of Denka and Hina.” “Precious standards,” Sasuke murmured. “Do you think you will be able to persuade Na-chan?” The desperate hope in Shikamaru’s voice cut Sasuke to the core. He looked across and was transfixed; looking into Shikamaru’s eyes was like staring into an abyss. “I will do my absolute best,” he promised. Then, without thought, he said it. “I know how much you love him.” “Him. Haru. The children. You,” Shikamaru whispered. Sasuke swallowed. “We are family,” he suggested. “Family,” Shikamaru echoed. Then he blinked and the abyss was gone; buried within. That evening, when they were all eating together, Sasuke looked around the table. Even if he could not make Naruto see sense, an extra decade for the kits and Ryuu would be a gift beyond measure. Leaving the nursery, having put the triplets to bed, Naruto slid down the pole first and then waited at the bottom for Sasuke. “What happened today?” he asked. Sasuke knew Naruto was not asking how his day had gone. “Shika has found something. Kotohime and Rin are looking at it. If it works out, it might give the kits and Ryuu an extra decade.” “So Orochimaru was telling the truth?” “Not exactly. What he had to offer was so crude that it would have been too dangerous to try. However, the idea was Orochimaru’s. Shika and Haru have managed to identify and find the necessary technology. Now Kotohime and Rin are trying to make it feasible.” Naruto turned away, walked through to their bedroom and sat crossed-legged on their bed. Sasuke followed him and shut the door; at least they did not have to worry about any of the triplets having superhuman hearing. Sasuke took up his usual position opposite. “It doesn’t include any of the bad stuff?” Naruto checked. “No mind prints or growing clones for parts or spending two-thirds of each day in a tank,” Sasuke assured him. “Just some gene therapy delivered by a new set of nanobots.” There was silence. Sasuke waited. He was determined to be calm. It had to be Naruto’s decision. There was another twitch of the whiskers. “As soon as Rin says it is safe,” Naruto began, “Kiba will insist she tries it on him first. Not because he wants to live longer...” “...but in case there is some unforeseen side-effect,” Sasuke concluded. “To protect the kits and Ryuu and Ryuka.” His heart was pounding. Naruto would not do it for himself, but he might do it for the kits and Ryuu. He waited; hoping. Naruto looked away from him. His whiskers twitched. “I understand better now,” he admitted. “I want the kits and Ryuu to live as long as they can; to get the most as possible out of what life has to offer them. I want that for them because I love them.” Sasuke said nothing. He could not speak. He could only hope. “So I guess that I understand why Shi-chan could not leave it alone.” Naruto looked back at him. “And how hard it is for you not to ask me to do it.” “I love you so much,” Sasuke managed. “I know,” Naruto admitted. “It won’t take away my foxy bits?” “It won’t take away your foxy bits. It will switch off a few of your fox genes but only those that are less good at maintaining your cells than the human equivalents.” “My whiskers won’t fall out?” Sasuke could not help smiling. “I do hope not. I am very fond of your whiskers.” Naruto’s gaze was steady. “I’ll do it. Not because it might make it safer for the kits. Not for Shi-chan. For you.” The relief was so great that Sasuke tipped forward. He was stopped by Naruto’s hand on his shoulder. Naruto leaned towards him until their foreheads were touching. “You are the centre of my world,” he whispered. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You light my life.” It was hard but he was determined to say it. “That will always be true, until the day I die.” Naruto pushed them apart enough that he could make eye contact. “You promise?” Sasuke could do that because it was true. Naruto had illuminated him to his core, permanently changing every part of him. “I promise.”
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