Leader | By : mannahpierce Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 2189 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This story has some of Masashi Kishimoto's characters from Naruto in a universe of my own devising. I do not own Naruto. I do not make any money from these writings. |
Thank you to my beta and muse, Small Fox. This story grew from a plot idea he gave me. Also thanks to GreenEyedCat, liby318, disembodiedvoiceofthedying, lonelylulaby (for three chapters), Dawn, unneeded, sadie237, melissen and eunmook (twice) for reviewing after chapter 7 was posted. Readers’ feedback, support and comments mean a great deal to me. It keeps me writing.
Leader Part 1: The pod 8: Anticipation
Haru knew that everyone would be keeping an eye on him. He scowled into the mirror as he checked his hair. What did they expect him to do? Fling himself at Ran and beg him not to take the oath? He pulled his jacket straight and practised his approving smile. Not that it would convince Ran; Ran knew him too well to be fooled, even when he wasn’t close enough to feel Haru’s emotions. Sai’s voice came over his earpiece. “I wish I could be there.” “Sorry, Sai. You know how it is. No microphones or cameras when it’s a ceremony or formal event.” “Will everything be different now?” Sai asked. “Will you and Kazuki no longer go to Ran’s room? Will the four of us no longer hang out? Will it be like when Sumiko did not want her fairyland?” Haru had to stop himself telling Sai to shut up. Sai didn’t mean to upset him. “Ran has promised we can still hang out in his room,” he replied. “Will Five be there?” Sai asked. “I am not allowed to speak if Five is there.” “No, Five won’t be there,” Haru replied. He hoped that was true. “I have to go now, Sai,” he warned. He took out the earpiece, unstuck the tiny microphone from his throat and put both on his desk. The children were gathering in the playroom before walking to the Hall. Hoshi and Ayame were talking about Five and giggling. Secretly Haru was glad. Maybe Five only liked females, like Kamatari. Then Yuki joined them and was just as bad. Haru’s mood darkened again. Maybe Five was bisexual. Maybe he would only like males. Either way, how could he not want Ran? And how could Ran not fancy Five? He was gorgeous with his plushie skin and his confident swagger. He was even nice. Haru had hoped he wouldn’t be nice. Hikaru was talking to Ryuu and Kuuya about the man in the pod. Haru decided to join them. It would be better than listening to the girls and Yuki cooing over Five. “He’d grown a full head of hair three times over,” Kuu-chan was saying. “And his fingernails and toenails were all long and curled over.” “No beard though,” Hikaru pointed out. Haru knew the significance of that. Full-blood Uchihas didn’t grown facial hair; just eyebrows and eyelashes. “Do you think he’s been in the pod for thousands of standards, Ha-chan?” Ryuu asked. “Not thousands,” Haru replied. “Almost one thousand. It looks that way,” he admitted. “Either he has or someone wants us to think he has.” “How can we tell the difference?” Ryuu asked. Haru found himself talking about isotope decay patterns, cosmic ray damage and trace element analysis. Ryuu and Kuuya were interested, they kept asking questions, but Hikaru’s expression was souring more with every minute. Hi-chan hadn’t got over Haru making the route finder work properly. He, like everyone else, had decided that it meant that Haru was a typed-five genius rather than only having typed-five traits. Only Haru knew it didn’t, because he had not done it on his own. Sai had helped him. That hadn’t mattered when it had just been solving a problem for Shi-chan. It did now that it had changed the way people saw him. Ran and Kazuki insisted that it was fine. It had been Haru’s idea to change the way the data was scrubbed and his suggestion that they find mathematical operations that mimicked the way typed-seven geniuses thought. He had thought of using the simulator to determine what data Shi-chan looked at and in which order. But it had been Sai who had come up with the information and processes needed to make those ideas work. He had spread them all out; a wonderful, rich, varied display for Haru to choose from. What would have taken Haru divs, possibly standards, had taken Sai minutes. The only time-consuming part had been creating a version in ordinary code rather than Sai code. By that time Haru had told Shi-chan, Papa and To-chan, so he had to produce something that looked normal and would run on ordinary processors. He was a much better programmer by the time he finished. “So what happens if he’s real?” Kuuya asked. “He’ll be older than Papa.” “It’s not the oldest Uchiha who is Uchiha-sama,” Hikaru replied. “It is the one that is chosen as leader. Papa was chosen as leader.” “Papa was the only Uchiha left,” Haru pointed out. Suddenly all three of them were scowling at him, rather than just Hikaru. “I am sure that Papa would have been chosen anyway,” he added quickly. “Papa is the best Uchiha-sama ever.” “As good as Izuna Uchiha,” Kuuya insisted. “As good as Izuna Uchiha,” Haru agreed. “Who’s as good as Izuna Uchiha?” Kazuki asked as he joined them. “Papa,” Haru answered. Kazuki flicked his tail and twitched his whiskers. “Of course.” Then To-chan appeared with the triplets and it was time to go. Takara and Teruko walked with Hoshi, Ayame and Yuki while To-chan walked beside them holding Tsuneo’s hand. “What must you remember, Tsu-chan?” To-chan asked him. Tsuneo thought about it. “To stay quiet.” “Yes, stay quiet,” To-chan confirmed. “What else?” Tsuneo looked at To-chan with huge, innocent eyes but said nothing. “You must stay in your place, Tsu-chan,” To-chan reminded him. “No wandering about. No going to find Five.” Tsu-chan’s face lit up. “Five’s the best,” he declared. To-chan sighed. “You can stand with me and Ryuu,” Kazuki told him. “If you are good, and are quiet, and stay in your place, Ryuu and I will play toss with you later.” Toss involved two of his hybrid brothers throwing Tsuneo between them; Tsu-chan loved it. “I’ll be good,” he promised. “You have to throw me ten times.” “Ten times it is,” Kazuki agreed. “Thank you, Ka-chan,” To-chan acknowledged. “He’s got this thing about Five’s fur. I have to say, Five-kun is very understanding about it.” Haru echoed To-chan’s sigh. Trust Five to be understanding as well as good-looking, nice and, to cap it all, furry.
Shikamaru stared at the small object on the shelf next to the picture of his parents. “Come on, Shika!” Neji yelled from their sitting room. He appeared in the doorway. “Shika, you haven’t even got your boots on. Will you hurry up? We will be late.” Shika doubted that but he stepped into this boots and pulled on his jacket. Neji grabbed the ring and held it out to him. “Don’t forget this.” “Not mine,” Shikamaru told him and displayed the ring on his duty finger. Neji examined it. “But it’s the same. Is it a replica?” “No, it’s the ring the pod-man was wearing.” Neji frowned but returned it to the shelf. Shikamaru felt a hand in the small of his back propelling him out of the bedroom, through the sitting room and towards the shared area. “I don’t want to be carried,” Sumiko objected as Neji picked her up and closed the door behind them. “Sorry, Su-chan, but we are late,” Neji told her. “We will need to run.” They were there with more than a minute to spare, which was in good time to Shikamaru and appallingly late to Neji. They took their places. The ceremony was a nice mix of formality and family. Both Five and Ran spoke out strongly. Sasuke, as always, sounded amazing. Afterwards there was long table weighed down with Choza’s tasties and cups of fruit punch. People were crowding around Five and about Ran, welcoming them to the crew. Haru wasn’t among them. He was hanging back looking uncertain and more than a little unhappy. Shikamaru made his way over to him. “That’s one of the tricky bits over,” he observed. Haru gave him a puzzled look. “Imagine if Ran had not chosen to swear to Uchiha. Imagine if he had decided to do something else with his life.” A look of horror passed over Haru’s face before he smiled. “I never thought about that.” “I didn’t think you had,” Shikamaru replied. “Now you will be together for the rest of your lives. He lifted his cup. Congratulations.” “Thank you,” Haru replied over his shoulder; he was already on his way to speak to Ran. “Well done,” Neji said from behind him. Shikamaru turned around. “His emotions get twisted up sometimes. I know how that feels. Where’s Su-chan?” “I sent her to get you a plateful of tasties.” He imagined Sumiko coming back with a small mountain of food for him to consume. “The ring,” Neji stated. Possible explanations for the ring had been churning in the back of his mind for days. “Maybe all the rings from those early days were similar,” Neji suggested. Shikamaru wished that he could think that. “Rin has a full genetic profile. He is definitely a full blood Uchiha but his genome has not been sanitised.” “First or second generation then,” Neji suggested. “Or an engineered replica,” Shikamaru suggested. “So we are back to whether we believe he has been in that pod for almost a thousand standards. Are you any closer...?” Neji stopped mid sentence. Sumiko was slowly making her way towards them with a tall pyramid of tasties arranged on a large plate. From what Shikamaru could see, the composition was heavily influenced by Sumiko’s likes and dislikes. At least that increased his chances of him being able to finish it; he probably could tempt her into sharing it with him. He and Neji weren’t alone again until late evening. Sumiko was finally asleep. There had been two muffled screams from Sasuke and Naruto’s room; the howling had just started. Normally they would have followed Naruto and Sasuke’s example. Instead Shikamaru was fighting the urge to go to the office. He sat on the couch in their sitting room, his knees pulled up to his chest. Neji sat beside him but was careful not to touch him. “Talk to me, Shika.” Shikamaru did not want to say it. Saying it made it real. “Maybe I have indigestion,” he suggested. “Shika!” Neji scolded. He sighed. “I cannot find anything to suggest he is not genuine,” he admitted. “There isn’t one tiny scrap of evidence that does not fit. Even the bits that are missing are the right bits to be missing after almost a thousand standards.” “So he is a full blood Uchiha from the first or second generation. Which makes him...?” Shikamaru took a deep breath. “Izuna Uchiha, his son Setsuna or someone we don’t know about.” Neji was studying him. “You think he is Izuna Uchiha. Because of the ring. You think it is the pair to yours.” “The rings,” Shikamaru admitted. “The ring on his heart finger is engraved ‘With love from your other Voice’.” “People reuse rings,” Neji argued, gesturing towards Shikamaru’s left hand. “Izuna Uchiha was lost,” Shikamaru reminded him. “He would have been wearing his rings.” Neji frowned. “His partner wasn’t with him?” Shikamaru was surprised that Neji did not know. “His brother Madara had murdered him. He strangled him and killed one of the crew so that he would have someone to blame for it. Izuna Uchiha didn’t discover the truth for almost two standards.” “I shall have to read up about him.” Neji gently stroked his arm. “Why is it so bad if it is Izuna Uchiha?” Shikamaru struggled to put his conflicting thoughts into words. “He’s one of my heroes. One of Sasuke’s too. You aren’t meant to meet your heroes because they turn out to be ordinary people. Then there’s the way he behaved. What if he’s brain damaged? Worse, what if he isn’t? What will Sasuke do?” Neji’s hand stopped stroking and squeezed his shoulder. “The first step is to present everything you have discovered to Sasuke. Then we will go forward from there.” Shikamaru knew that Neji was right. He also knew a way to avoid the mess of thoughts buzzing around his mind. He leaned into Neji’s touch.
Sasuke felt good. Naruto had visited the station without being pulled apart by a mob. They were on their way to Kaze by a route that meant they would not meet anyone for at least twelve days. Five and Ran had sworn to Uchiha. He had shared wonderful, mind-blowing sex with Naruto last night and again that morning. He had to resist the urge to whistle; he settled for humming. Shikamaru had asked that they have the strategy meeting in the small meeting room. When Sasuke arrived there it looked like Shikamaru and Neji had been there since ship’s dawn. He had never seen so many projectors; as well as the two that were built in he could see five others. He stopped humming; this was it. Kakashi arrived. Keitaro delivered tea and coffee. Then Shikamaru began. Sasuke knew at once that Shikamaru was going to confirm that the man was genuine. Otherwise he would have gone straight for the evidence that showed it was trick. He had been excruciatingly thorough. There was everything from the arrangement of shed hair and the stratification of the discarded skin to isotopic decay patterns and the accumulation of damage to the pod from prolonged exposure to radiation. Kakashi cracked first. “You are sure both the pod and the man inside it are from almost a thousand standards ago?” he asked. Shikamaru frowned slightly. “Complete certainty is impossible,” he pointed out. “But, on balance, there is overwhelming evidence that is the case,” Sasuke suggested. “Yes,” agreed Shikamaru. “So now we need to turn to the identity of the man in the pod.” Sasuke already knew about the genetic profile that Rin had generated. What he had not picked up was the significance of the genome not being sanitised. “Records indicate that Uchiha began engineering their offspring from the third generation,” Shikamaru informed him. “We should not rule out that some third generation Uchiha may not have been engineered,” Kakashi argued. “Some parents are more old fashioned than others.” Shikamaru nodded but Sasuke could see he was not convinced. He put his hand into his pocket and brought out two rings; the rings the man in the pod had been wearing. He placed them in front of Sasuke. Sasuke had not had the opportunity to examine them closely before. The duty ring was a twin to Shika’s. He was suddenly aware of his heart beating. His mouth dried. As he reached out for them he saw that his hand was shaking. He steadied it. Whatever the rings meant, he would face it. He picked up the simple gold band and read the inscription inside. They were Izuna Uchiha’s rings. He handed the rings to Kakashi and took a swallow of coffee, wishing it was tea or water. “Is there any way we can get confirmation?” he asked. “I’ve been thinking about that,” Shikamaru admitted. “The Uchiha tissue bank at Tarrasade is huge. The one we carry on the Oak contains only a subset of duplicated samples.” “Spit it out, Shikamaru,” Kakashi growled. “There are three samples that are meant to be from Izuna Uchiha. I thought that we could test two of them. Not all three because defrosting them may destroy them. They were frozen rather than being placed in stasis, as was the practice then.” “We will test one and if that is consistent with the genome Rin has obtained, we will test a second,” Sasuke decided. “I shall consult with Rin and we shall send a message to Shizune today.” “The samples may have deteriorated beyond use,” Shikamaru warned. Sasuke understood that. “Nevertheless, it is the logical next step. Meanwhile, we shall treat the newcomer as a guest. With appropriate security precautions,” he added before Kakashi could object. “With that in mind, I shall be inviting Rin-san, Iruka-sensei and Haku-san to a meeting this afternoon. You are all welcome to attend.” Nothing else was urgent and no one suggested that they discuss any longer term issues. Sasuke pocketed the rings and called the meeting to a close. He and Kakashi left, leaving Shikamaru and Neji to clear up. “Izuna Uchiha,” Kakashi stated. Sasuke refused to rise. “Perhaps,” he admitted. “Even if he is, he may not be in his right mind. You saw what he was like.” “Yes,” Kakashi agreed. “Odd that. Is there any evidence that mental functions deteriorate in stasis?” “No, but it was a long time. Perhaps the pod malfunctioned slightly. Maybe the damage happened before he was podded.” He hesitated but continued. “Perhaps it is temporary.” “Yes,” Kakashi acknowledged. “Are you ready for that?” Sasuke imagined a resurrected Izuna Uchiha. “No,” he admitted. “Good,” Kakashi replied. Sasuke wondered what he meant by that but had no chance to ask before their paths diverged. He spent the rest of the morning making sure he was in the best place to take good decisions. He watched the big litter do their kata. He exercised. He played his biwa. He and Naruto took the triplets to Shika’s level to splash in the pond and have a picnic midmeal. By the time the meeting began he was certain of what he wished to do. “It is important to treat Uchiha-san as a most honoured guest,” he began. “We don’t know who he is?” Iruka asked. “There are still a number of possibilities,” Sasuke answered. “Until we know, we will refer to him as Uchiha-san.” “His behaviour was not encouraging,” Rin pointed out. “I realise that,” Sasuke replied, trying not to sound too sharp. “Even so, he will be treated as an honoured guest.” “An apartment then,” Haku suggested. “Traditionally decorated and with separate accommodation for whoever is on duty at the time.” Sasuke felt himself relax a little. “Yes, Haku-san. That would be very appropriate.” Iruka smiled. “I think that Haku-san would be best to take the lead on that aspect of Uchiha-san’s care.” Haku bowed slightly. “I shall ask Itachi to help make the decisions,” he suggested. “His taste is impeccable.” He took out his notebook. “He will need a full wardrobe and a selection of belongings. You can leave it in my hands, Sasuke-sama. Perhaps you could give me Uchiha-san’s measurements, Rin-san.” “I shall send you them, Haku-san,” she replied. Sasuke knew that Haku would do a perfect job. He turned to Rin. “Dan-san was amazing when Naruto was disabled. Could you spare him?” “That is an excellent idea,” Kakashi added. Rin looked from him to Kakashi. “Dan would be the best choice,” she admitted. When the meeting was over, Sasuke walked with Rin to the infirmary. On the way they discussed testing the samples from the tissue bank in Tarrasade. Rin promised to record detailed instructions for Shizune to follow. “I want to send the message as soon as possible,” Sasuke warned her. “The Dart will take it to one of our permanent mini-gate strings.” “I shall record my part of it this very afternoon,” Rin assured him. Once they reached the infirmary, Sasuke asked to speak with Dan alone. “We are going to move Uchiha-san to an apartment,” he explained. “Whatever his state of mind, it is important to me that he is comfortable and that he is treated with respect. I believe that you would be the best person to give him any care he needs.” Dan bowed. “I am honoured that you should think of me, Sasuke-sama. If Shika-san has finished collected evidence, there is much we could do now that would make Uchiha-san much more comfortable when he next regains consciousness.” “I shall check with Shika-san. He or I will confirm when you may begin.” He considered whether there was anything else. “My previous order, that he should remain sedated until I say otherwise, still stands. From the infirmary he went to his office and sat at his desk. He took the rings from his pocket and examined them. What if it were Izuna Uchiha? What if he recovered? The door slid open. Sasuke knew it was Naruto because he was the only person who entered without using the door announcer. “Dobe,” he acknowledged. “Teme,” Naruto replied. He gestured towards the rings. “Can I see them?” Sasuke watched as Naruto turned them over. His hands were beautiful. So were his wrists, his arms, his neck and every other part of him. “Teme,” Naruto warned. The growl in his voice just made him more tempting. “Quickie,” Sasuke whispered, trailing his fingertip up Naruto’s inner thigh and across his groin. Naruto batted his hand away. “Do you think I carry my thingy with me?” he asked. Sasuke was not going to be distracted. “Old fashioned quickie,” he suggested. “Last time we were in here and you said that, I ended up building a nest in the corner,” Naruto reminded him. “I’ll do a better job this time,” Sasuke promised and locked both doors from his desk. Experience told them that the desk was either too high or too hard, depending on their position, the table was too low and the chairs were too small. After the nest-building incident, Sasuke had put a thick, dense rug under the table between the low chairs. He moved the table to under the picture. “Nice rug,” Naruto observed, pulling off his shoes and standing on it. He wriggled his toes. “Thick pile, very comfy. Is it silk? You have to be careful what stains you get on silk.” “No,” Sasuke lied as got the lube from the secret compartment in his desk. Perhaps he ought to get a spare ‘thingy’ for Naruto to keep beside it. “You sure?” “Yes,” Sasuke lied again as he stripped. “Naruto, are you going to take your clothes off or do I have to do it for you?” There was a blur of movement and Naruto was naked. He knelt on the rug and leaned forward, rubbing his palms and then his cheek against the silk pile. “That feels good. You sure it isn’t silk?” “Absolutely,” Sasuke replied, stroking lube over his hardening erection with his eyes fixed on Naruto’s butt. Naruto rolled over onto his back and looked up at him. “Nice view. I hope you have some lube for me,” he purred, spreading his legs and then pulling his knees up. Sasuke did not need another invitation. Naruto was snug rather than tight; a result of all the fucking they had indulged in over the last few days. Once his crown was past Naruto’s ring, Sasuke was able to push in with one slow, careful thrust. It felt incredible. He had to shut his eyes; otherwise he might have climaxed then and there. Then Naruto’s purr changed. Sasuke opened his eyes. Naruto’s eyes were hooded and clouded with desire; his mouth slightly open. There was the way he was holding his whiskers. He was on the cusp of switching to fluffy-soft-Naruto. If that happened, Sasuke could say goodbye to fucking in his office; two nest-building incidents in a row would take some getting over. It would be bad enough when he found out about the rug. Sasuke grabbed Naruto’s cock and stroked it, rubbing the ball of his thumb across the top. Naruto jumped and gave a small growl. “Lube,” he complained. At least it had pulled him away from the edge. Sasuke thrust his hand under the spout of the bottle, which obliged by squirting a generous glob of lube into his palm. It had been a present from Shikamaru and, Sasuke had to admit, it was useful. He settled to his task of keeping both fluffy-soft and growling-possessive-Naruto at bay. Sometimes it was easy but this time it took concentration, skill and as much self-control as Sasuke could muster. Finally it happened; Naruto climaxed, releasing Sasuke to do likewise. It didn’t happen. Sasuke was nonplussed. He always came when Naruto climaxed around him. What happened next? Should he keep thrusting? Naruto solved the problem by flipping them and riding him. It didn’t take long; the sight of Naruto above him was almost enough. “You were thinking too much,” Naruto told him, leaning forward and kissing him on the lips. Sasuke wasn’t thinking any more. His mind was saturated with pleasure. He just about managed to kiss back. Naruto was running his hand over the rug. “It is silk, isn’t it?” “Yes,” Sasuke admitted. “Teme.” “Dobe.”
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