The Job | By : VRon8899 Category: Naruto AU/AR > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 3557 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
AN: Im back! And so fast I know! I just couldnt help myself this time around! I hope those that are reading are enjoying the story thus far, I love any and all imput! Your thoughts do matter!
NNot beta'd I do my best I promise!
Warnings: this is boy/boy love, if you havent gotten that out of where its located on AFF. If thats not your cup of tea I suggest moving along!
Chapter 7
Boy and the Monster
“What a damn drag…” A voice groaned, the man leaning his head back, staring up at the cloudless sky. Not even a cloud to watch while he fucking waited. He yawned widely tears pricking at the corners of his eyes before he sighed rubbing them away. It was so damn quiet too. All this running…he hadn’t had to work this hard for damn ages! He closed his eyes releasing a breath. When the hell was this bus supposed to show up?!
“This seat taken?” a voice said next him and the brunette looked over to see the tall man gesturing at the seat. Shikamaru sighed and waved his hand. “All yours buddy”
Being on the run was a real pain in the ass. What the hell had Sasuke dragged him into anyway?? Now here he was sitting in some po-dunk little town hopping from one bus to another. He felt the other sit down next to him, the large man releasing an annoyed noise after shuffling through his long jacket.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a light would you?” The man chuckled, the brunette looked over taking in the odd pale blue skin tone. No...Must be a trick of the light. He gave a shrug dismissively.
“Sure…just take it...Ive got a few others” He tossed him a zippo. The man caught it deftly and lit the cigarette. He pulled in a drag and slowly released the smoke it into the sky.
“Awfully nice of you,” The eyes turned on him and the grin spread widely across his lips, revealing jagged teeth. “Shikamaru Nara”
“it hurts. It hurts…”. Why did it hurt so bad? What had they done to him?! His chest was heaving and he was shivering on the bed, the sheets were soaked with fear and pain sweat. “.....burning...hurts so bad..” He couldn’t see, he could just feel and the throbbing on his face seemed to only get worse in his panic. He jumped to the small hands landing on his chest, a warm puff of breath on his cheek. He smelled blood.
“Don’t cry...dont cry it will make it worse.” A voice sniffed against his face, the mere sound had his heart calming. “Ill tell you a story…” Little hands touched his hair and a face pressed close. “ill tell you a story..dont cry...dont make any sounds…they’ll just come back…just listen…” The voice shook. “Ill tell you the about the boy and the monster…” A wrecking sob started to escape but the face nuzzled closer. “Listen...listen…”
Sasuke sucked in a breath, the hazy dream left him with a cold sweat draped over his body. The fear had been real. He reached up and touched his face…the pain hadn’t been. No. Thickly he swallowed and opened his eyes in the darkness. His eyes were fine now. Why was his heart thudding so hard in his chest? He’s never had nightmares, even with everything he had done, not once, but now?!
He sat up suddenly looking through the dark doorway of the room a second before the sound of someone opening the upstairs door could be heard. This wasn’t the creaking of a restless house. He could hear how they padded softly down each step.
Sasuke glared down at the binds around his wrists before he slipped from the bed in a cat like motion and pressed against the inside doorway. He was about to make the stalker aware of the fact he was known before a sudden bump and a string of curse words sounded.
Sasuke rolled his eyes. That idiot. His back slumped against the wall before he stepped out finding the switch to turn on the single naked bulb, catching the blond while he was holding his foot. “Idiot” He snapped in irritation.
Naruto grinned sheepishly, “Sorry, hope I didnt wake you…” He dropped his foot and took him in, Sasuke saw his eyes drop to the binds “Those assholes! Neji told me he undid the binds…” Naruto huffed moving over quickly. Sasuke shifted back a little at his approach, watching as the man pulled out a pocket knife. Rationally he knew there wasn’t any point for him to kill him now though.
“Now dont try anything…”Naruto said, glancing up to Sasukes face before he cut the binds deftly. “There’s no point in trying anything. My brother is already on his way, he’s after you,” Sasuke scowled a moment rubbing at his wrists, he had loosened them quite a bit but he hadn’t wanted to risk any extra damage to his other hand. “I could run” He added carefully, “But Im not a fool.” He finally looked up and frowned at how Naruto blue eyes carefully considered him. ‘Listen…listen…’ He huffed and stepped back into the bedroom, pushing the dream voice away.
“Isn’t your baby sitter going to get angry you’re talking with me?” Sasuke drawled a smirk sliding briefly across his mouth as he glanced back over his shoulder breaking the small silence. Naruto eyes narrowed,” Neji isnt my babysitter. Hes just following Irukas orders thats all!” Naruto glowered following the other inside the space. Sasuke resisted rolling his eyes. Naruto had said the same thing in the car.
“You dont have to be so damn ungrateful. I’m the only one that wants you to be here you could show some damn gratitude!”
“Gratitude” Sasuke barely kept his voice from being a sneer. “Yes. Im thankful Im not dead…yet, but the way your group plans things, Itachi will be here in no time. Stopping was a bad idea” His lip curled a moment before he shook his head. “Now what do you want?”
Naruto growled, “Well for one for you to be less of an ass!” Naruto threw his hands up. “For christs sake it’s not like we had to bring you! I could have let Neji kill you or…or we could have just...just left you there!”
“So why didnt you?!” Sasuke suddenly demanded stepping forward and angrily grabbing the front of Naruto’s night shirt. “Why didnt you just let him kill me or leave me? I was there to take your damn head and you let me live” He snarled. It pissed him off not knowing! Naruto’s half ass answers in the car hadn’t satisfied him in the least. He couldn’t figure him out! Why did he care if he lived or died?! He felt other tense before Naruto took a heavy breath releasing it slowly as he frowned.
“I dunno...͟ “The blond finally admitted his eyes darting over the face. “I...just there’s something about you” His voice was soft. “Like…” He swallowed hard, “Like something is missing...I feel like Im supposed to remember.”
Sasuke blinked at the words. There was that feeling again like he missed a step in the dark. He pushed it down and away, “So you didn’t kill me because you had a feeling?” He looked at him incredulously trying to hide the unease from his voice or eyes. It was as if someone stood just out of eyesight, right at the edges of his peripheral vision and told him not to look, don’t think about it. Don’t look at it.
“Well it’s more than that!” Naruto snarled yanking back out of his grip, breaking Sasuke from his thought, his eyes snapping back to Naruto’s. “it’s just...͟ “Sasuke could see how he searched for words.
“Someone at the corner of your mind telling you to not think about it.” Sasuke finally spoke body still on the spot. Damn it! What was it?! His frown only got deeper at the expression brightened on Naruto’s face.
“Yes! Exactly!” He exclaimed grabbing Sasukes shoulders. “That’s exactly it!” Sasuke tensed at the grip trying to pull back a little, “well don’t get so damn excited...I still don’t understand it…”The raven haired man’s mouth twitched downward even as he tried to step out of the Naruto’s grip.
“You’re such a prick! Something is missing and you don’t even want to figure it out?!” Naruto demanded not letting him pull away too far. “I didn’t say that! I just said I didn’t understand it.” Snapped Sasuke, It didn’t help the more he thought about it the more the ‘don’t look’ feeling expanded. It was infuriating!
“Don’t you think we should fucking figure it out? This can’t be some damn coincidence can it? You being sent after me...Your brother apparently not wanting to kill you!!” Naruto gestured wildly before getting closer. Sasuke tch’d and turned pulling the sheets out of the way on the bed.
“Besides, I don’t even think you wanted to kill me either. I don’t feel like you had it in you to kill me” The words jolted Sasuke and he slowly straightened turning towards the blond. The knowing look had spread across the others features.
“What.” Sasuke clenched out, his muscles tightening. His eyes narrowing on the smirking blond man.
“Oh you heard me” Naruto nodded in the most infuriating kind of way. “Don’t think we didn’t do a little checking, huh? You’re supposed to be the best right? Just in the past 3 years you’ve made 560 kills. How many times have you been caught? Oh? Big fat zero. So you know what you’re doing…” Naruto waved his hand, having moved closer to Sasuke. “Flawlessly executed missions”
“This was different.” Sasuke hissed, he wasn’t surprised about being checked on. Not in the least. “I had been careless…you knew what I was within days of me arriving” That in itself pissed him off, or the fact he had been so slow in seeing he had been caught. The laugh from Naruto surprised him, “That’s the thing though! You really weren’t…hell even though Neji was convinced within the week, I wasn’t…especially when you took my invitation, I mean come on, who willingly walks into enemy territory without being armed to the teeth. I was sure you were going to decli--”
“If I had taken anything else it would have been damn obvious!” Snarled Sasuke, the amusement on the face only enraged him further, and how close Naruto got to him, was he trying to scare him? Make him back down? Admit something?
“But you still showed up, unprepared, under-armed and surrounded by people who were unknowns to you” Naruto leaned closer enough Sasuke could feel the breath against his face. “You were expecting to die there weren’t you?” The teasing tone had left and Sasuke sucked in a breath.
“I had escape routes planned” Naruto shook his head, “When I attacked you, you fought back, but barely. You fucking hesitated. I had been so pissed…then when I heard you had no choice…You knew you weren’t getting out of this alive...fuck…you would have rather died trying to kill me then go back and say you didn’t complete the mission—“
“I didn’t have a fucking choice in the mission. It was the only one they would give me that would get me OUT” Sasuke shoved Naruto hard against the wall his fingers fisting the cotton shirt.
“Then I fucking figured it out. They don’t want you dead. They want you alive because they want to use you. They sent Itachi to sweep you up after you fucking killed me” His grip tightened on the shirt. “The fact Itachi let me live when you didn’t do what you were supposed just means he wants a harder chase” His lips curled, it wasn’t brotherly affection. It couldn’t be. It was just a damned game to him!
Naruto swallowed a moment his eyes having gone wide, “Out…” He licked his lips a moment. It felt like this had happened before. ”Sasuke...why does it feel like Deja-vu?”
Sasuke sensed something was going to happen, hell even when Naruto reached out and grabbed him around the back of his neck he couldn’t move. What was he doing? Deja-vu? Then his mouth was hauled to Naruto’s. The warmth of the mouth crashing against his own gave him a dizzying sensation of double vision. He tasted hot cocoa. Something tickled his memory, laughing lips against his own. Fingers pressed him in closer and a part of him almost gave in, why did it feel familiar?! Why did this heat spread through him?! A hand dropped to his lower back pulling him in closer.
Sasuke snapped out of the state at the touch. He yanked back; “Get off!!” He wheezed, and out of reflex his right hook slammed into the blonds jaw. Naruto’s fingers released his hair and Sasuke stumbled back almost falling backwards onto the bed. He was panting, his skin felt warm and he knew he was flushed.
"Fuck!" Naruto’s head bounced against the wall and he cussed again; “Did you have to punch me bastard?!" Sasuke licked his bottom lip, he could still taste hot cocoa.
"Yes!" He hissed in agitation, glad the dim light of the room didn't show the color on his face. What was WRONG with this guy?! "You have an issue with personal space idiot?" He straightening out his shirt.
"Yes he does, but that doesn't give you the right to lay a finger on him" A cold voice spoke behind them. Sasuke jerked his eyes to the door to see Neji standing in it, his eyes blazing, the veins raised around them. Whatever ability he had he was using it at its full extent.
Naruto’s face went from angry pain to annoyance. "Oh come on Neji...stop acting like my personal bodyguard! I'm fine…you guys left him tied up, after all the work Sakura did you think cutting off blood flow helped his hand?!”
Sasuke eyes slid from Naruto to Neji, was that jealousy in those eyes? "Just go upstairs and get a few hours of sleep. We will be leaving soon” The brunette ordered. Naruto huffed, those cerulean eyes seeking out Sasuke’s, a hand rubbing the chin. Sasuke watched in amazement as the lips suddenly curled up, like the cat got the canary. Naruto then blew him a kiss before heading away.
Sasuke was stuck on the spot and finally jerked his eyes back to the angry Hyuuga who didn’t say a word until the door upstairs opened and closed.
"I dont know why he wants you kept alive so badly but he's been through enough." Neji hissed "he craves attention physically and emotionally. After what was done to him I don't blame him. Why he's so intent on you..." Neji lip curled in disgust. "l can't even say but I swear...I will kill you if you lay another hand on him" He stalked towards Sasuke and grabbed him, Sasuke didn’t bother to resist “I see you. I see everything. I will not let another harm him. Ever. Again.” The eyes bored into his own and something flickered. Sasuke saw it. It was fear. The fingers suddenly shoved him back hard but Sasuke was ready for it so he didn’t stumble.
“I suggest you get what rest you can Sasuke.” Neji sneered and stalked off.
AN: ZOMG they kissed! was still a little one sided..Oh well!
This story is so much fun to write! Lots of things will be happening the next few chapters so hang onto your pantalones!
Also I would love to hear some of everyones thoughts! It's my favorite part of sharing these stories! Thanks!!
smint45: Im so happy you're enjoying it! AND YES! Those are our favorite due! Perhaps he does have the sharingan but all questions will be answered soon. Lol! Great pairing! It just might :D
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