Stop teasing us Sensei! | By : LordOfLust Category: Naruto > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 502760 -:- Recommendations : 12 -:- Currently Reading : 30 |
Disclaimer: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimotoand I make no prfit writing this. |
Stop teasing us sensei
Chapter 7 the plot thickens (Not really)
Very short note to start this new chapter off. I once again apologizes for the long waits between my chapters, but I have been a bit preoccupied with another story and hope you all understand :)
“I’m bored, entertain me.” Kushina commanded as she rested her head on one hand while she put a piece of meat in in her mouth with the other, in front of her sat her friend Anko. These two were currently the only two in the stall. Kurenai had important stuff to attend to, but both Kushina and Anko knew that, that was a fucking lie, she was probably busy rocking Asuma’s world right now, while their teams are busy with the exams.
“You need a hobby Kushina.” Anko spoke without looking Kushina in the eyes. Instead she was far more occupied with eating all the meat in front of her as quickly as possible.
“I will let you know, that I do have hobbies. I used to be a full time mom, but now my baby is so busy all the time and I’m also a sensei, but they aren’t around either, thus it’s up to you to entertain me.” Kushina spoke as she closed her eyes a small smile forming on her face.
“Oh well Kushina you know that I would love have fun, but I’m afraid that I got a meeting coming up.” Anko spoke as she finished her last piece of meat and quickly stood up. “Who are you meeting now?” Kushina questioned, but she already had a feeling.
“Just some guy, who I met at a bar last night, he was pulling some other girl home with him last night, but told me to drop by during the day.” Anko spoke causing Kushina to frown. “What are you his dog?” Kushina asked, she didn’t really care about who Anko was with, but she didn’t want to be lonely.
“If you are jealous, then come along. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we made it a threesome, besides he told me he is 12 inches.” Anko spoke causing Kushina to choke on her breath. “12? As in this?” Kushina asked shocked as she made 12 inches space between her two index fingers. And are you sure he was telling the truth?” Kushina asked in a mix of shock, amazement and confusion. Her voice was low due to the other customers in the other stalls.
“No, he probably lied 9/10 guys does that, but if he really did tell the truth, well it’s just a chance that I can’t afford.” Anko spoke while Kushina was beginning to calm down, the image of a cock more than twice the size of her husband was, quite disturbing, but not unpleasant either though.
“So what do you say, are you in?” Anko asked and Kushina found herself biting her lower lip. Minato was working, it was the middle of the day and he was going to work until late tonight, so if she went with Anko and had some fun with this stranger, then Minato would most likely never know anyway.
Would it be so terrible to have sex with someone who wasn’t Minato, she have already been playing around so much with her students and every time now that she felt Minato’s cock she would always compare it to her students and they would beat him, but still she couldn’t accept Anko’s offer, every time she wanted to, Minato would always come to her mind, with his handsome face and spiky hair smiling at her and calling her Kushi-chan.
Meanwhile back in the real world Anko was sitting right next to Kushina, slowly poking her cheeks. “So are you in or out, I’m going soon.” Anko said and instantly stopped poking her when Kushina slowly turned her head and looked her in the eyes.
“You know Anko, trying to make me cheat on the hokage, could be seen as high treason.” Kushina spoke and Anko could feel a cold sweat hitting her. Kushina was a wonderful friend, but she could really be damn scary when she wanted to. “N-now, I was just kidding you know, well bye see ya later.” Anko spoke as she hurried off leaving Kushina all alone.
She barely even noticed it when she was handed the bill, because she was still slightly fantasizing about 12 inches long meat. Wait why did she have to pay for Anko too? That bitch!
Forest of Death
Takako was currently sitting in a little corner by himself, while Komachi and Kiba was warming themselves by the campfire, a small cloud hanging above him as he drew in the ground with one finger. They were going to continue walking towards the middle of the forest tomorrow and try to run into another team that would have the extra scroll they were missing.
However even though Kushina-sensei had helped them greatly by telling them about the tests. It hadn’t been easy, they had been attacked multiple times and had sometimes managed to make the enemy flee again, however there had also been times were they had to be the ones to retreat and don’t even get him started on the giant animals in the forest. They had a few bruises and minor cuts on their bodies, but for now they had taken shelter deep inside a random cave they found.
Having been able to take a small break by the fire the three quickly begin talking and one interesting topic came up, what was their most erotic fantasy about Kushina-sensei about? This was why Takako was currently sitting alone in the corner of the cave slightly depressed, because the two other boys had labeled him a pervert.
Kiba would want to fuck Kushina on Naruto’s bed while Naruto was tied to a chair right next to the bed screaming for help. When Kiba openly told them this Takako, couldn’t help, but feel slightly disturbed, but he still accepted it, when he saw how calmly Komachi listened.
Komachi wasn’t much better, as he wanted to beat the hokage and then take the title along with fucking Kushina in front of Minato in hokage tower. It was clear that both Komachi and Kiba had a mutual understanding for each other’s ideas and respected it, however when Takako told them that his wildest fantasy involved a lot of bondage and Kushina calling him master over and over again, they looked at him with disgust.
Sometimes life was unfair.
4 Days Later
Team 9 had successfully made it to the tower, after many days in the forest and on the run, they had finally managed to catch a random team off guard and took their scroll, the gods were smiling upon them, because it was the exact scroll they needed. They barely made it in time, to be exact five hours before the time limit ended.
All around them were other gennin teams along with their senseis, eagerly looking around for the sight of their sensei. They finally heard a melodic voice reach their ears. “Hey brats, how ya doing?” They quickly recognized it as Kushina, they were just about to run towards her, but then they noticed who she was walking with. The hokage.
“Kushi-chan are you really calling your students for brats?” Minato asked as he walked besides her up to greet the students, he was dressed in his full hokage gear. “Lord hokage.” All three gennin quickly bowed before Minato.
“Ahahaha, please rise, all students of my Kushi-chan are my friend, your names are Kiba, Komachi and Takako, am I right?” Minato asked the three boys who slowly raised their heads. They all looked like sweet young men to Minato.
“Minato stop calling me that in front of others. I’m telling you they only look cute, but they are going to be teasing me about this later.” Kushina spoke as she quickly pinched one of her husband’s cheeks. “Ahahaha sorry, sorry.” Minato grinned, but was caught off when a rather sickly looking man approached and asked to speak with the hokage.
“Sure Hayate just a sec. Boys please take good care of my Kushi-chan she is very precious to me and try not to let her beat you too much around, sometimes she can be scary.” Minato spoke his head turning a little pale until Kushina pinched him again. “Somebody wanted to talk with you.” Kushina reminded him and Minato quickly gave his wife a peck on the mouth before he made his exit.
“Now kids.” Kushina brought all her students into a big hug. “I’m just curious, but you guys didn’t happen to run into some weird snake guys in the woods.” Kushina asked and her questioned managed to catch them off guard, but Kushina had been a little worried when she learned that Orichimaru had infiltrated the forest, his goal had been Sasuke Uchiha, but none the less Kushina was still worried for her own students as she was one of them who voted in favor for that the exams be closed down until they rooted out the snake.
“Nope, no snakes, though there were plenty of huge frogs, beetles and lizards, one frog almost managed to swallow Komachi-“ Kiba spoke until he was hit by Komachi. “We don’t speak about that.” Komachi argued and the two boys almost began fighting if not for Kushina, she was just happy they were all safe. They didn’t manage to catch up for long though until there was an announcement that they all had to move further into the tower where an arena was waiting.
“Do we really have to fight again, already?” Kiba moaned as he stood on the balcony along with his team and sensei. Minato had praised everyone who had made it this far, but then he told them that they had all performed a little bit better than expected and they were forced to divide them in half. Kushina did take pity on her students. They all looked exhausted, a small smile spread across her face as she whispered to her students. “If anyone of you win this, I’m going to reward you with…” The next thing she said made her students turn as red as her hair.
Everyone in the arena noticed from a distance how the three students almost looked like demons, when Kushina was done whispering to them and Minato let out a small nervous chuckle. Kushina sure knew how to give a proper pep talk, poor boys.
But of course as luck would have it the first two names that appeared on the screen was Naruto Vs Kiba and both Kiba and Naruto quickly ran down into the arena yelling insults across the hall towards each other. “You fucking want some mate?” Kiba yelled as he ran down the stairs. “I’m not your mate, buddy!” Naruto yelled in return.
When they both stood in front of each other, their heads suddenly turned and they both threw a cruel look towards Kushina and Kushina instantly knew what they meant, they were waiting to see who she was going to be rooting for. “I um I guess, do your best both of you!” Kushina yelled rooted, but was instantly shut down by both student and son. “You can’t do that!” They both yelled and Kushina found herself with a little dark cloud hanging above her head, now they both hate her and Takako knowing how she felt when he was labeled a pervert quickly joined her as they both began drawing in the ground with a finger.
When the fight started Kiba instantly charged at Naruto, but when he was right in front of him Naruto disappeared from sight and reappeared right behind him. “Psst, what are you looking at?” Naruto asked before he gathered his hands above his head and quickly slammed his fist down into Kiba’s back who was then sent into the ground beneath him.
“You are too slow dog breath.” Naruto spoke confidently. Before he received a fist in the face by Kiba who had quickly stood up. Before Kushina had become a teacher she had given Naruto some light training when they were both bored at home, but what was considered light for her, was very impressive for a gennin.
They both quickly disappeared in a burst of speed only the adults and a select few gennin were able to track their movement. However everyone now and then Kiba would be sent into the ground. When they both had been fighting for a few minutes Kiba stopped up.
“Alright that’s it you are forcing me to go all out!” Kiba yelled as he pulled out a small black pill from his pocket, he was about to put it into his mouth, but instead Naruto charged at him, he swatted the pill out of his hands with one hand and gave Kiba an uppercut with the other.
“OI! You can’t just attack me when I’m about to go serious!” Kiba yelled.
“Why in the world would I give you the time, to power up and get serious?” Naruto asked.
“Because, if you don’t let me, you can’t claim you are able to beat me at my best.” Kiba pointed out after been thinking for an excuse.
“Meh what the hell, take your doping, doesn’t matter I beat your smelly ass anyway.” Naruto spoke confidently as he watched Kiba take down the black pill. However what Naruto wasn’t expecting was just how much that pill was going to help Kiba, reappearing right in front of Naruto Kiba sent him flying away with an elbow right in the stomach.
Naruto quickly regained his bearing, but wasn’t able to find Kiba, instead he his face found the ground when Kiba showed up behind him and grabbed the back of his head and shoved it down into the ground. “Now who is the slow one?” Kiba mocked, but was sent flying away, when Naruto grabbed the hand on the back of his head and threw Kiba away from him.
“Kiba who had just managed to regain some of his arrogance, quickly lost it, instead a cold sweat traveled down his spine, when he saw Naruto’s eyes, gone were the sea blue color, instead they were replaced with crimson red and a dark slit. An evil red chakra slowly spread across his body. “Now, now I’m piss-“ Naruto spoke, but was stopped mid-sentence, the red in his eyes gone replaced by white as the hokage stood behind him. “Naruto are you trying to kill your opponent?” Minato whispered in his unconscious son right ear.
Kiba was shortly after declared the victor because the hokage stepped in and disqualified his own son, but still Kiba was a bit curious as to what that weird red chakra was, but still a win is a win. As soon as the match was over medics came running in and took Naruto with them to see if there was anything that needed treatment. Kushina also left shortly as she wanted to check up on Naruto.
The room was big and filled with typical hospital beds, all the beds were surrounded by white curtains. Currently there were only two people in the room. Naruto who was the unconscious user of one of the beds and Kushina who sat next to her son. Naruto hadn’t taken any real damage, so there was no need to worry, he would wake up in a small hour.
However when Kushina was about to leave Kiba happily came strolling in. “Is stupid going to be okay?” Kiba asked as he leaned in over the bed where Naruto was laying. “Yeah Naruto is going to be fine, the medics says he will awake in a small hour.” Kushina answered, before she noticed that Kiba was ogling at her breasts.
“Well, then I didn’t hit him hard enough, oh well say sensei since I won, can I have my reward, right here and now?” Kiba asked eagerly, he didn’t even wait for an answer as he began zipping his pants, but his eyes almost leaved his skull when Kushina kicked him between the legs, it wasn’t as hard as she could kick, but it still hurt. “Not here you idiot.” Kushina hissed at him before she grabbed his collar. And brought him over on the bed in the next cubicle right next to Naruto, she quickly rolled the curtains around the bed, hiding them.
Neither of them wasted any time as they knew they only had until the next fight was done, until the medics would come back here. Kiba quickly undid his pants and brought them down to his ankles showing off his proud six inch erection.
While Kushina also quickly undid her clothes, however she didn’t actually take any of it off. Instead she undid the zipper on her west and pushed her shirt and bra up revealing to Kiba her wonderful big breasts, but her clothes were so that is she needed to she would be able to quickly redress herself.
Kushina quickly grabbed a hold of Kiba’s cock with one hand and slowly began to stroke it, while her other hand cupped his balls. “Ah, that’s great sensei fuck.” Kiba gently moaned as he with an outstretched hand grabbed a hold on one of Kushina’s big mounds, his hand slowly sinking into the big soft breast. “Ah Kushina you really have the best tits in the entire village.” Kiba continued to moan as he gently played with the tit in his hand bouncing it up and down.
“Thank you Kiba, but you cock is quite impressive too, so far it’s the biggest I know in the village.” Kushina spoke honestly her fingers slowly caressing his ball sack. And Kushina felt the cock in her hand give a slight twitch at her words.
Kiba slowly brought her head closer to hers and when Kushina noticed that he was putting one hand behind her neck. Kushina shot forward connecting their lips, their tongues quickly dancing around each other, before Kushina decided to let Kiba win the battle and let his tongue explore her warm mouth.
When their mouths left each other because they needed air a long saliva string connected their lips, which Kushina brushed away. “We should hurry.” Kushina spoke as she leaned down and brought her face closer to Kiba’s cock. And to her surprise Kushina suddenly began to feel slightly nervous, how long ago was it since she last did this, she watched the different veins run along his erect cock.
“Go on sensei weren’t we in a hurry?” Kiba questioned as he carefully thrust his hips closer to her head. And Kushina was unable to take her eyes of it, Kiba was right they were on limited time, might as well get it done. Kushina thought as she licked her lips and carefully planted a kiss on the base of the cock. “Umm yeah, your lips are soft.” Kiba groaned, when he looked down all he could see was his sensei’s red hair, while he was reaching down under her and was now playing with both her heavy breasts in his hands.
Kushina quickly followed up as she kissed the base a few more times, one time when she pressed her mouth against his hard cock she slowly opened up and her tongue slowly emerged and gently began to lick his shaft. Slowly her tongue explored all of Kiba’s cock including his balls. Her tongue going around his purple tip in a circular pattern, before she quickly licked down the shaft once again and began planting small kisses on his nuts.
Kiba while in total ecstasy just tried his best not to drool down on her and ruin the mood. The sensation of her warm saliva covering his cock was amazing and even better he was allowed to grope her breasts to his hearts contend while all this was going on. “Alright let’s do this.” Kushina finally spoke and Kiba watched how she used both her hands to swipe her pretty red hair behind her ears before she took a hold of his cock once again and brought her mouth closer.
Kiba was holding his breath waiting for the pleasure swipe over him and then he felt it. “chu~” Kushina have the tip of his dick a kiss and then she quickly opened her mouth and pushed down inviting his cock into her wonderfully warm wet orifice. “OHoh sweet god in heaven, m-mercy.” Kiba stammered as he felt Kushina-sensei sucking on his dick.
Kushina noticed just how much pleasure Kiba was in, couldn’t help, but give a small chuckle which to Kiba felt like she was humming with his dick in her mouth just increasing the experience. As for Kushina she didn’t really mind this, it had been a long time since she sucked off Minato, but she knew that this was a bit different, for the first Kiba filled out her mouth a little more than Minato did and secondly she didn’t remember cock being so deliciously salty.
Slowly sucking the cock, she removed her mouth until only the head was back in her mouth closing her lips around it she suckled on the cock head until she let it go with a loud pop and quickly dove back. While Kiba still had one hand on her breasts one had moved so it now was one the back of Kushina sensei’s head encouraging her to go even deeper and Kushina was honestly curious about trying, she wondered if she could deep throat the entire thing.
Both Kiba and Kushina’s hearts just skipped a beat, when they heard the door to the room being opened and Kushina instantly recognized the voice. What the actual fuck was Minato during here? She as carefully as possible removed her mouth from Kiba’s cock making sure not to make a single sound until she sat on her knees.
“Kushina are you in here?” The voice had gotten closer he was probably right in the next cubicle with Naruto. Kiba was scared too, but still he couldn’t ignore what was right in front of him, slowly leaning forwards, making sure not to make any big movements that would make the bed creak, oh so slowly he brought his mouth close to Kushina’s beautiful pink nipple before opening up and sucking the nipple and her areola into his mouth.
Kushina brought her hands up to cover her mouth as Kiba’s mouth began to gently tug on her breast, his mouth slowly beginning to use more force as he kept on sucking. “Geez where have she gone to now.” They could still hear Minato and both remained motionless the only thing moving was Kiba’s mouth with Kushina’s breast in it. When they finally heard the door close again, there was a few seconds of silence before Kiba let go of her nipple with yet another huge pop. “Gah! That was exciting.” Kiba spoke his entire mouth and Kushina’s left breast covered in his droll.
Meanwhile everything was spinning for Kushina, she barely even noticed it when Kiba was now standing on the bed and pointing his cockfight at her mouth. “Please sensei I was so close before, please let me finish.” Kiba spoke as he was brushing his precum covered cock against her lips and it didn’t take long before Kushina quickly opened up and began bobbing back and forth on his cock unlike before when Kiba was on his knees and could on see Kushina’s head go up and down on him, now he could see her mouth go back and forth, how her lips slid against his cock when she pulled away.
“Ah god, sweet ughm I’m I’m I’m cumming!” Kiba hissed as Kushina’s mouth bobbed back and forth on his cock, before she quickly pulled back and put his cock in between her tits and let him release and release he did a new record as Kushina had never seen so much cum in her life. Kiba had hoped to cum in her mouth, but there was no way in a thousand life times that he would be able to mutter a complaint right now.
They both sat quietly on the bed for two minutes before they began to dress themselves again. They had to regain their strength. Kushina slowly peeking out from the curtains made sure there was no one around and she couldn’t hear anyone approaching either she ran over to the sink and washed her face and grabbed a few papers to clean her sticky tits with.
When they were just about to leave the infirmary Kiba turned to her. “Say sensei we are going to do this again sometime right?” Kiba asked hopefully and Kushina offered him a small smile. “Of course, but next time we will make sure my husband won’t disturb us.” Kushina said as she gave Kiba a small wink and they both left a still unconscious Naruto.
Chapter 7
New chapter outta nowhere!
Alright hope you liked it, if you did please leave a review or PM me on the other fanfiction site, I’ll be using the same username as here.
I guess that’s it, see you guys later in chapter 8 :)
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