Negima: Kage Mage | By : Pokemaster12 Category: Naruto Crossovers > General Views: 7574 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Negima, nor any characters aside from possible OC's. I also do not make any profit from this story. |
Chapter 6: New Term Troubles
It was the start of a new school year at Mahora Academy; Naruto, Negi, Asuna and Konoka were on the bus, heading towards school.
"The new term is finally starting," Asuna said as she held onto the trailing, excitement in her voice. "We'll be 3rd year students from now on right?" she asked as she turned to Naruto.
"Yep," Naruto replied as one of his arms held onto a rail, with Konoka holding onto the other arm, "you sound excited?"
"I know I'm excited!" Konoka said as she gave Naruto and Negi a brilliant smile, "please take care of us again Negi-kun, Naruto-kun!"
Naruto gave her a grin, "you don't even have to ask something like that Kono-chan, you know I'll take care of you," Naruto pulled the girl a little closer.
"Hey!" Asuna shouted as she saw what her blond sensei was doing, "don't even think of doing something perverted to Konoka idiot!"
Naruto looked away from the blushing brunette and towards Asuna, "why Asuna-chan I don't know what you mean, I would never do something perverted to Kono-chan… unless of course she wants me too."
"Grrr!" Asuna growled, she really wanted to pound the blond's smug looking face in, unfortunately for her they were on a train so she could not give Naruto his dose of female righteous fury.
I should be able to handle this teaching job easily for one more year, Negi thought to himself as he ignored the typical byplay between the other three, I'll get to become a great Mage! "Alright I'm gonna do my be-"
He was interrupted when the bus hit a bump, jarring the passengers. Negi ended up falling right into Asuna's breasts, thankfully, for Naruto, the blond was holding onto Konoka so she did not fall into his little brother as well.
"You ok Kono-chan?" Naruto asked as Konoka released her tightened hold on him.
"Y-yes, sorry about that," Konoka replied with a slightly flushed face.
Naruto gave the cute brunette a grin, "no worries, besides I rather like it when you grab onto me like that."
Konoka felt her face heating to epic proportions, thankfully Asuna was too busy berating Negi about how he's gonna get fired if he keeps falling into girls breasts as was his curse, or blessing, depending on how you looked at it, to notice.
"By the way," Konoka said a little louder to get Negi and Asuna's attention, "is it really ok for Negi-kun and Naruto-kun not to look for a partner?"
"Eh… a partner?" Negi asked with a nervous expression. "No way Konoka-san, it's still too early for me to get a partner!" Negi said as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "For now I'll just do my best as a tea… ah… ah…"
Oh no… Naruto thought as he recognized the Negi effect coming into play, the blond shinobi/mage had two options, the first was too let Negi do his thing, allowing him to see Konoka and Asuna's panties, not a bad sight at all for him. Or he could be a gentleman and take the blow for them, in the end Naruto decided which one it would be, gentlemen it is…
Naruto appeared right in front of Asuna and Konoka as Negi sneezed, Naruto now stood in the train in nothing but a pair of Ramen themed boxers. Naruto sighed as he looked around and noticed several girls had already passed out from nose bleeds, he looked over at Konoka and Asuna, one had a large blush and a small trickle of blood coming out of her nose, and the other was also blushing, her hands covering her face, but Naruto could see her peaking out of it. Naruto turned a stern look on an embarrassed Negi.
"Negi, you owe me a new suit."
"Third year! Class 3-A!"
Negi and Naruto watched in amusement as the class cheered for them, well Negi was embarrassed and Naruto was amused.
"Um… I'm the formal teacher for the third year class A. my name is Negi Springfield, I'll be your teacher from here until March next year, and it will be a pleasure teaching you all."
Naruto chuckled from his chair as everyone in class started shouting, pulling out his book the blond waited until Sayo calmed down enough to latch back onto him before opening it. As class started Naruto kept an ear open, listening to Negi teach, he was quite proud of the fact that his little brother seemed to be much more comfortable as his position of teacher. It seems that all of the trials the young mage had been through paid off.
A knock at the door interrupted the class, Naruto and Negi looked towards the door to see Shizuna standing there smiling at them.
"Negi-sensei, Naruto-sensei, today is the health check up, please tell everyone in 3-A to prepare accordingly," she said.
Naruto felt a grin coming on as he saw Negi look at Shizuna in surprise, he knew what was coming.
"Ah! That's right, is it here?" Negi questioned as he closed the book, "understood Shizuna-sensei!" he looked towards the class and began to wave his arms, "w… well then everyone, we're having a health check-up so… uh… er… everyone please prepare to take off your clothes!"
Naruto began to chuckle as the girls stared at Negi with large blushes on their face.
Naruto watched as Negi ran out of the room screaming, "Uwaah! That's not what I meant!"
Chuckling Naruto closed his book, sending Sayo an apologetic smile as he walked out of the room. He looked over to see Negi standing outside of the door with an embarrassed look on his face.
"You know Negi, you really need to learn to think before you speak," Naruto said as he placed on hand on his little brothers head. "Seriously, your worse than me when it comes to these things."
"I know that Nii-san, I'm trying really hard but-"
Naruto and Negi both turned to see Ako running towards them with a frantic expression on her face.
"We've got a problem! Makie-san is… Makie is…!"
The two were just about to ask the frantic girl to calm down when the door and windows to class 3-A opened up.
"What happened to Makie!"
Both Naruto's and Negi's eyes widened as the sight of the practically nude females of class 3-A filled their view. Negi found himself blushing, his ten year old mind and body trying to comprehend what he was looking at. Naruto on the other hand had much more immediate and problematic reaction, he had not had his mental defenses up and was thus, unable to cope with the sight of all the hot teenage girls in nothing more than their panties. The blond shinobi/mage was sent sailing back with blood flying out of his nose, he landed in a heap several feet away.
"Ahhh! Nii-san!" Negi as well as the rest of the class ran up to Naruto.
When they got their they saw blood trickling down his nose, his eyes had swirls in them and there was a large perverted smile on his face.
"What happened to her Shizuna-chan?" asked Naruto, his mind working at speeds that would probably short circuit most minds.
"It seems she was found sleeping in Sakura Lane," Shizuna answered him.
Sakura? Naruto mentally questioned as he remembered a girl with that name in his original world, who was always screaming and yelling about her 'Sasuke-kun'. Now why in the world would anyone want to name a street after that banshee?
"Sakura lane…" Negi mumbled as he held his chin in thought.
Naruto and Negi moved to the edge of the bed, reaching out with their magical sense, both were able to feel the slight magical energy that surrounded the gymnast club member. While Negi was trying to figure out what it meant, Naruto was trying to figure out who it could be.
This magic is weak, but I definitely recognize it as the kind of dark magic that comes from a vampire, the blond thought to himself.
The two of them were knocked out of their thoughts when Asuna decided to speak up.
"You two are being awfully quiet," she said as they turned to look at her, "what's the problem."
"There's no problem," Naruto responded before Negi could say something that may endanger their positions as mages, "Makie is just a bit anemic." Naruto looked over at Negi, "I trust you can handle things from here? I have to go see the headmaster and then get ready to sub for P.E. today."
"Of course Nii-san," Negi said, nodding in agreement.
Naruto gave his kid brother and the rest of the class a smile as he left, walking out the door he left just as Negi told Asuna he was not gonna be with them for dinner tonight.
"Hohoho I see, a vampire you say?" Konoeman asked, absentmindedly stroking his beard.
Naruto frowned at the old man, "I know you know something about this old man, stop being so cryptic."
"Hmmm…" Konoeman mumbled, "I may know something about this, however you do not need to worry, all will reveal itself in time."
Naruto's hand twitched as his desire to summon Masamune grew, instead he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, mumbling about 'stupid old people and their cryptic way of speaking'.
"What about my other request?" Naruto finally asked.
"You mean your marriage proposal to my granddaughter yes?" Konoeman asked, receiving a nod. "I of course approve, you are a fine young man, besides I have an odd feeling that you and her already have something a relationship starting."
Naruto knew that the old headmaster knew far more then he let on, but decided to let it go for now. "Since you approve, I would like to eventually be allowed to teach Konoka about magic."
Konoeman adopted a serious look, "that is quite the thing to ask Naruto-kun, her father brought her here specifically to keep her away from all things magical…"
"In the hopes that she never has to deal with its problems right?" Naruto interrupted with a scowl, "no disrespect to her father, but if he thinks that will keep her out of the magical world then he's a fool." Konoeman raised an eyebrow but stayed silent as Naruto spoke, "anyone with even a small amount of magical awareness can sense that girl's power. It's even stronger then what I remember of Nagi's when I met him, and almost on par with my own." Naruto looked at Konoeman, it was one of the few times the old headmaster had ever seen the boy so serious, "do you seriously think that leaving Konoka in the dark will protect her? If anything that makes her a bigger target, because she won't be able to protect herself when people start coming after her."
Konoeman sighed, "I do agree with you… However her father will not like this," Naruto opened his mouth to protest but the headmaster raised a hand, "however I will allow it, but I want you to wait until you feel you must reveal the magical world to her. Do I have your word?"
Naruto nodded.
"Good then it is all settled," Konoeman said, his peaceful aura returning as the conversation became less serious.
Naruto grinned, "I guess so, however just remember that this is Konoka's decision ultimately. If she does not want to marry me, I will not force her to."
"Hohoho I don't think you'll need to worry about that," Konoeman said, "however, I do know that you are a polygamist as well. And while I will not stop a relationship with you two, I would ask that you do not hurt my granddaughter in any way because of this."
"Don't worry old man," Naruto reassured the headmaster, "I'll make sure she knows that before anything happens between us. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to my P.E. class," Naruto tossed a two fingered salute as he left.
Naruto looked at the girls from class 3-A, who were all in their P.E. uniforms. This was his last class of the day, and something he had been looking forward to for the entire day.
"Alright ladies I would like all of you to follow me outside, I have something special that I set up for you girls today."
The group of girls looked at each other in idle curiosity, wondering what their sensei had planned for them today. Following him outside they found themselves stopping in a clearing that was normally empty, only right now the clearing had a rather large obstacle course in it. From a giant wall to climb, tires that they would have to jump through, a pulley, a robe over a pit of mud and many other contraptions that made them wonder what they would be doing.
"I have decided that each day for P.E. we will be doing something different," Naruto said as he looked at the girls. "Each time we will have a specific task I will set for you, whether it is an obstacle course," here he gesture at the obstacle course set before them. "Or some other tasks like laps and what not." Naruto paused for a moment as he looked at the girls, "now then these tasks are also going to be a competition between you girls. Like this course for example, the one who finishes it the fastest will get a 'reward'."
The girls looked at him before speaking in excited voices.
"What is the reward sensei?" Ayaka asked.
"I'm glad you asked Ayaka-chan," Naruto said with a dazzling smile that turned at least half of the girls into a blushing mess. "There are two prizes to choose from, the first is this," Naruto held out his hand.
The girls all went in to get a closer look, when they did several, like Ayaka squealed as they saw a picture of Negi Springfield at the age of eight. The voices got even louder as several felt determined to get that picture.
"What's the other prize Naruto-sensei?" Akira asked, wondering what else their blond teacher had.
Naruto gave them another smile, "the other prize…" he paused here, watching in amusement as the girls leaned in. "The other prize will be to get a date from me."
The girls shouted as they began running the obstacle course, leaving Naruto coughing as dust filled his lungs. The only one who was not charging was Asuna, who was too busy glaring at Naruto.
"*cough* wait *cough*…" Naruto wheezed as he tried to clear his lungs of dirt, "I didn't even say go!"
"I can't believe you would use your teaching position to get a date with your students you pervert!" Asuna growled, "That's low even for you!"
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "ok first off I don't need to do this to get a date with any of those girls. Except for Ayaka, I'm pretty sure that if I asked any of them I would be able to get a date. I'm merely using this for extra motivation," Naruto gave Asuna a slight grin, "now if your done being jealous, I really need to get those girls back so I can actually start this test."
Naruto chuckled as he left a sputtering and red faced Asuna.
It took quite a while to get the over excited class to calm down long enough to get them back to the starting line, so that he could officially start the test.
"Are you girls ready?" Naruto asked, all of the girls shouted about how ready they were, causing Naruto to chuckle, "alright then… start!"
This time when the girls made dust tracks, Naruto used his affinity with wind to keep himself from choking. The blond had a hard time keeping a lecherous grin off of his face as he watched the girls run around the obstacle course, watching as several key parts of their anatomy moved up and down. Kami there is no way that middle school girls should have those!
When all of the girls had finished the obstacle course, Naruto favored the with a grin, "well it looks like the winner of this competition is Zazie!" That had actually been a large surprise, especially since both Kaede and Mana had participated in this. Though he figured Kaede didn't care as much since she lived with him, and spent time with him almost every day… and it's not like she couldn't get a date with me if she asked.
He shook the thoughts off, "so what would you like Zazie-chan, a picture of an eight year old Negi, or a date this weekend with yours truly?"
"…" Zazie pointed to him.
Naruto nodded, "alright then does this Saturday sound good?"
"Cool so what time would you like me to pick you up?"
"6:00 in the morning?" Naruto questioned, "Wow you get up early Za-chan, but I can do that for you."
Some of the girls just watched the two… converse, wondering how Naruto could understand what she was saying, when she didn't even speak.
"Alright that's all for today, the rest of you girls will have to try again next time," Naruto said, causing many of the girls to 'awww' in disappointment.
Naruto chuckled as he dismissed them, this was definitely a great way to start the school year.
Now I just have to make sure Negi doesn't do something stupid tonight and my day will be perfect…
Nodoka, Yua, Haruna, Asuna and Konoka were all walking back to their dorms after school, making their way past Sakura lane.
"I wonder if a vampire really will appear?" Haruna wondered out loud.
"A rumor like that has to be fake," Asuna said, not believing that such a thing as a vampire would appear at Mahora despite already knowing two mages.
"You're right," Nodoka said as she tried to convince herself that there was no vampire, especially since she had to take this route since she had a late meeting for the library expeditionary club that as head of, she had to prepare for.
"Well, I'm going home first, Nodoka," Haruna said as she waved to the girl.
"All right!" Nodoka said as she waved back, turning her attention to the empty street, "Sakura lane…" The timid book worm shook her head as she began walking down the street, watching as paper blew by her from the breeze. "T… the wind sure is strong today," she said out loud, mostly to keep herself from feeling frightened. "I'd better hurry along…"
She continued walking, humming the mantra 'I'm not scared ' to herself in a soft sing song voice. As she continued walking she stopped and gasped; standing on a light post a little ways away was a cloaked figure.
"Seat number 27, Miyazaki Nodoka isn't it?" the figure asked in a slight British accent, "sorry, but I'll be taking some of that blood of yours."
The figure leapt off the light post, lunging towards Nodoka.
Nodoka screamed and fainted from fright.
Had she stayed awake awhile longer she would have hear Negi's shout.
"Hold it right there!" Negi shot towards the cloaked figure on his broom, "what are you doing to my student!" Negi brought a hand off the broom and began to channel his magic.
"Resu-Teru Ma-Sukiru…" a faint glow surrounded Negi's hand as he hopped off his broom, "eleven spirits of the wind, become a seal and bind my enemy! Arrows of wind!"
Several arrows shot out of Negi's hand and towards the cloaked figure.
"He's figured it out already?" the figure mumbled in surprise as it reached into its cloak and pulled out a vial, throwing it at the incoming spell, "frozen barrier."
The two attacks collided and entered a stale mate.
"She blocked my spell!" Negi said in surprise. There's no mistaking it, the culprit is a mage!
Negi ran over to Nodoka, checking to see if she was alright before turning his attention to the mage. Said mage had her hat blow off, revealing a face he recognized.
"Eh... You… you're from my class…" Negi said in shock, "Evangeline-san!"
"He he," Evangeline laughed, "it's the beginning of the term after all, so let's exchange formal greetings, sensei. Or should I say… Negi Springfield." Evangeline brought her finger to her lips licking off the blood that was on it, "to have such power, despite only being ten… it's just what I would expect from that man's son."
"What are you blabbing about?"
Evangeline's eyes widened as a voice spoke up behind her; turning around she came face to face with none other than Naruto Uzumaki-Springfield. I didn't even feel him sneak up on me! Evangeline thought in shock.
Naruto took in the entire scene with a grin, "the only reason Negi has even half the power he does is just cuz he studies too damn much."
"Naruto-nii-san!" Negi shouted in surprise and relief.
"I leave you alone for one day and look at what happens," Naruto said, shaking his head with a bit of a pout on his face. "Seriously Negi you need to learn to stay out of trouble," both Negi and Evangeline watched as Naruto disappeared, only to reappear next to Negi. "Though I suppose I should be proud, after all it's not every day that my little otouto spends his time with two lovely ladies," the blond looked over at Evangeline, "even if one of them is a bit of Lolita."
"W-What did you call me!" Evangeline growled out, she had only watched this boy from afar, having spent most of her focus on Negi, but he was already starting to get on her nerves.
Naruto gave her a grin, "I'm sorry I suppose that was rather rude of me… forgive me for insulting you Chibi-chan…"
"T-that does it! No one insults me and gets away with it!" Evangeline took out two vials and threw them at the two brothers, "freeze lance!"
Negi's eyes widened as he held out his hand and yelled out a counter spell, "DISARM!"
Naruto looked at Negi, about to congratulate him on his quick thinking, only to find himself blushing as he saw a practically nude Nodoka in the younger mages arms. He quickly got over it and smirked at his little brother, "Why Negi, here I thought you were trying to counter Eva-chan's spell, but I guess I was wrong and you were really just waiting for an excuse to strip Nodoka-chan here of her clothes."
Negi looked at his Nii-san in confusion before looking at Nodoka, his eyes promptly widened, "M-Myazaki-san are you alright!"
"What was that sound just now!"
"Ah! Negi! Naruto!"
The two mages turned to see Asuna and Konoka running towards them, both however, stopped when they saw Negi's… situation.
"Ah! Negi-kun is the vampire!" Konoka shouted.
"AH! No! this is a misunderstanding!" Negi shouted. He turned his attention back to where Evangeline was, only to find her leaving, "AH! Wait!"
"E… eh, wasn't that…?" Asuna shook her head, she could have sworn that was a girl in her class.
Naruto sighed, "Asuna, Konoka, we're leaving Nodoka in your care." The blond grabbed onto Negi's staff and Negi himself, "take care of her for us!"
Naruto put on a burst of speed, using his magic to increase it to inhuman levels.
"Uhwah! There so fast!" Konoka said.
"Negi! Naruto! Wait!" Asuna shouted out.
Neither of the two paid attention to the girls shout, Naruto set Negi down and had him use his wind power to keep up.
"Negi," Naruto said, getting the younger mages attention. The blond gave his little brother one of his rare serious looks, "I'm going to be following your lead on this, since I was sent here as your support. I expect you to do your best with this."
Negi looked at his brother in shock, before setting his face in a determined expression, "don't worry Nii-san I won't fail you."
"I know," Naruto replied with a smile, the smile left him as he felt an attack coming, "MOVE IT!"
Naruto pushed Negi away before jumping away himself just as a large explosion took place where they were.
"Negi! You go on ahead while I deal with this!" Naruto said.
Negi looked at Naruto before nodding and taking off.
Naruto put a pleasant smile on his face as he spoke, "you can come out now Cha-chan."
Naruto looked over to his left when he heard a rustling of leaves, out stepped Chachamaru Karakuri, a girl with green hair and weird looking antennae like things where her ears would be.
"Naruto-sensei," Chachamaru said in a plain voice.
"Cha-chan," Naruto said with a smile, "you're looking as beautiful as ever, unfortunately I don't really have time to play with you. I regret it, but I have to go after my little brother." Naruto clapped his hands together, "so how about I make it up to you later, say a date sometime next Tuesday?"
If Chachamaru was confused or flustered in any way she did not show it, "I am sorry Naruto-sensei but I do not understand. However, I cannot let you help Negi-sensei, please forgive me," Chachamaru bowed at the end.
Naruto sighed, "Well I suppose I can forgive, just this once at least." He gave her a grin, "after all what kind of man would I be if I didn't forgive such a beautiful girl like you."
Chachamaru tilted her head to the side, giving him a slightly confused look.
"Well shall we begin?" Naruto asked, getting into his taijutsu stance, "after all I need to help my little brother and you're in the way."
"Very well," Chachamaru said, aiming the cannon on her arm at him.
She fired.
Negi continued chasing Evangeline, finally catching up to her, "THERE SHE IS!"
"He's fast," Evangeline muttered to herself, catching sight of Negi closing in, "speaking of that. It seems his specialty is wind."
Evangeline continued running until she got to the bridge, she jumped off and let her cloak spread out as she flew through the air.
She can fly without a broom or staff like Naruto-nii! Negi thought in shock, she's no ordinary mage. The ten year old teacher jumped onto his staff and began flying after her. He couldn't let her get away, his Nii-san was counting on him.
Naruto dodged another blast from the girl's canon, "your aim seems to be getting better," he complimented. He dodged another blast, "though I hope you don't think this will be enough to stop me."
"I do not believe something like this would stop you at all sensei," Chachamaru replied, "that is why I brought you here."
"So your shots were meant to lour me to this place?" Naruto asked before grinning, "you're not gonna try and have your way with me are you? I have to admit you're a lot bolder then most girls I've met."
Chachamaru ignored the blond's talk, "I apologize for doing this sensei," as she bowed to him Naruto realized what she was talking about. A seal lit up under his feet, paralyzing him and leaving him unable to move.
Naruto frowned, "I see, so you set me up in the hopes of trapping me here." He looked over at her, "you do realize this won't hold me?"
"It is not meant to hold you for long," Chachamaru replied, "it's just meant to give Master enough time." She bowed to him again, "I apologize Naruto-sensei," several rockets came out of her back and Chachamaru was launched into the air.
Naruto looked at the seal and sighed, "I guess she didn't know sealing was one of my specialties." Naruto began to call upon his power, watching as the seal became completely overwhelmed and broke. "Now to get to Negi before something bad happens to him," Naruto used his magic and blasted into the air, homing in on his brother's location.
Naruto managed to find his brother, the only problem was Evangeline looked like she was trying to suck him dry. Naruto was just about to intervene and send the blond packing when Asuna came into the picture.
"Hey you freaks!"
Evangeline turned only to see a foot flying into her face, both her and Chachamaru were sent flying.
Naruto blinked in surprise as he felt Evangeline's barrier break, did Asuna just negate Eva-chan's magic… If she could negate magic it would explain why Negi's memory erase spell didn't work on her, he would have to keep an eye on Asuna to prove his hypotheses.
"What do you think you're doing to my house guest!"
Evangeline got up with a few tears leaking out of her eyes, rubbing the cheek that Asuna kicked.
When Asuna got a good look at the two her eyes widened, "You guys are from my class! What's the matter with you? Don't tell me you guys are behind these attacks! And you'd even go so far as to torment a child, I won't let this go without an explanation!"
"How dare you kick me, Asuna Kagurazaka," Evangeline said as she held her cheek, "I… I won't forget this!"
"Wow she popped you a good one huh?"
Evangeline jumped back in surprise as Naruto appeared right next to her, "You… how did you escape that seal! I spent all last year working on that seal!"
Naruto gave her a grin, "now now Chibi-chan, you should know a good mage never reveals his secrets."
"Grr! Damn you!" Evangeline growled, "Just wait, I'll make sure to get you! Both of you!"
Evangeline and Chachamaru jumped off the building.
"Hey wait!" Asuna shouted, "This is the 8th floor!"
"Don't bother," Naruto said behind her, "their already gone."
Asuna whirled on him and Negi, "what's with you two! Trying to catch the bad guys without even waiting for me!" she pointed a finger at Naruto, "and you! Leaving your brother to face someone like her! What would have happened if I wasn't able to get to Negi in time to help him!"
A rain cloud suddenly appeared over Naruto's head as he crouched on the ground, "I would have thought of something…"
Asuna ignored Naruto's posturing as she whirled on Negi, "seriously you need to be more… h… huh? Your neck is bleeding, isn't it? A… are you ok Negi?"
Negi looked at her with tears leaking out of his eyes.
He latched onto Asuna, smothering his face in her bosom as he cried. They both missed Naruto's grumble of 'lucky brat' due to Negi's crying.
"J… just a minute!" Asuna flayed around, "what's wrong? Ah! That's dangerous were on a roof!"
Naruto watched the scene of Asuna trying to comfort Negi with a small smile, the kid would be fine. He used his magic to float off the ground and began flying back to his dorm.
"There has been some unforeseen interference," Evangeline mumbled, "that boy is stronger than I thought, to be able to break my barrier. I guess rumors about him being strong are true… still it changes nothing, as long we can distract him and the brat doesn't get a partner we still have a chance."
"I doubt that barrier will work on Naruto-sensei again, master," Chachamaru said.
Evangeline looked at her loyal servant, "do not worry, I'll come up with another plan to take care of that blond idiot." Her eyes narrowed as she thought of the teen who reminded her so much of him. Oh yes, she would was going to make him pay.
The next morning on the way to school Naruto and Akane found an interesting sight.
"Please put me down! What will I do if Evangeline-san and her friend is there!" Negi shouted as he flailed about while being carried fireman style by Asuna.
"Is he still frightened from yesterday?" Naruto asked as he came up beside Asuna and Konoka.
"Good morning Naruto-kun!" Konoka greeted the blond teacher with a smile.
"Good morning Kono-chan," Naruto said as he gave the girl a smile, "you're looking quite beautiful today!"
Konoka blushed a bit while Asuna gave a growl, "don't go acting perverted so early in the morning idiot!"
Naruto just gave the girl a grin, "I think your just jealous that I complimented Kono-chan on her beauty and not you." Naruto's grin widened a bit as Asuna turned red and began sputtering about how it wasn't true. Naruto turned his attention to Negi and sighed, "You know Negi, you can't let something like this scare you."
"B-but Nii-san…"
"No buts Negi," Naruto interrupted the boy as Asuna set Negi down and opened the door into the classroom.
"Good morning everyone!" Asuna said as she walked in, pulling a reluctant Negi.
"Ah good morning Negi-kun! Naruto-kun!" Maki greeted as Akira had a hand on her head.
"Good morning!" Yuna greeted before noticing the look on Negi's face, "huh! What wrong Negi-kun?"
Naruto smiled as he went up to the basketball player, "nothing, he just had a little accident with someone yesterday and is a tad scared. So how are you this morning?"
"Oh! Naruto-kun I… um… good," Yuna fumbled to find something to say to her blond teacher.
Naruto smiled at the girl, "you know you don't have to be so flustered with me, I won't bite…" He closed until their faces were close to touching, "unless you want me to that is."
"Uhhhh… I… well…" Naruto grinned as the poor girl fumbled over her words.
Naruto turned around as he heard Negi scream, Chachamaru was right next to the boy talking about something. Naruto walked over to them, "is there a problem Cha-chan?"
Chachamaru turned to Naruto and bowed, "there is no problem Naruto-sensei, I was merely telling Negi-sensei that Master will not be attending class today."
"I see," Naruto said, he gave the girl a smile, "thank you for informing us."
Chachamaru bowed and left for her seat.
Naruto went over to his spot and sat down, opening his book as Sayo came over to him. Naruto watched the class with Akane as Sayo continued to read. He shook his head at how pathetic Negi looked, seriously you would think that it was the end of the world or something with the face he's making.
'Well it's not every day that a vampire tries to suck your blood,' Akane commented.
'I know that Akane-chan,' Naruto said as he turned a page, 'but still I mean he had to deal with demons trying to kill him when he was a lot younger than this. A vampire despite being more powerful than those demons should not be able to scare him so easily.'
Akane merely hummed in response instead of speaking.
"S… sensei I have finished reading!" Ako said as she held her book in front of her.
"Eh!" Negi snapped out of his depression and looked at Ako, "Y… yes good work Izumi-san." He paused for a second, "um… I know it's abrupt but I've got a question for you. If Izumi-san were to choose a p… partner, you would turn down a 10 year old boy right?"
Had Naruto not expected something like this he would have fallen out of his chair, as it was he decided to watch the show.
"T-that… sensei, this is so sudden!" Ako said as she waved her free hand back and forth. "That'd be somehow… hard, 'cause I've only reached the 3rd year so far…B… but I mean, I don't have any specific boy at the moment so…"
"Ha…" Negi sighed before turning his attention on Nodoka, "how about you Myazaki-san?"
"Eh… Ehh…! Hyah?" Nodoka blushed and stuttered as she tried to get her bearings, "um… that's…" Nodoka put a hand to her face and Naruto was once again reminded of a certain blunette in Konoha. "I… ah… um… I…"
"Negi-sensei!" Ayaka shot up from her seat with stars in her eyes and sparkles around her, "it would be super ok with me!"
Ayaka was suddenly pushed away as Kazumi Asakura came up to him with a grin, "Negi-sensei, I have some welcome news for you. Because our class is so spaced out, I'd say 4/5ths of them don't have boyfriends. So… if you're looking for a girlfriend you have 20 onee-chans to choose from."
Negi's eyes widened, "No! I'm not! That's not what I mean!"
Naruto watched in amusement until Negi walked out in embarrassment, Asuna followed behind him a little bit later. Naruto sighed and stood up as Akane hopped onto his shoulder, he was just about to leave when the girls bombarded him with questions.
"What's going on with Negi-sensei?" Akira asked.
"Is Negi-kun ok!" asked Sakurako.
"I've never seen Negi so depressed," Makie commented.
"Girls!" Naruto said, getting their attention, "Negi is fine, he's just going through a rough point in his life."
"Does it have to do with him looking for partners?" asked Haruna, hoping to get some inspiration for her manga.
"No… Negi is having different issues," Naruto said with a frown, he did not want to give the girls a reason to try and throw themselves at Negi again.
"But he was asking about partners so…" Yuna blushed a bit as Naruto turned to her, "what about you um… Naruto-sensei?"
"You mean am I looking for partners?" Naruto questioned, getting a blush from several of the girls in class. He smiled, "I don't go out of my way to look for a partner, I think that if someone is truly meant to be my partner it will happen." He looked at all of the girls and gave them a wink, "but that doesn't mean that I don't know when a potential partner comes my way."
Several of the girls blushed, Kasumi being the reporter she was came up to him and tried to get more information. "The way you said that Naruto-sensei, could you have found a potential partner in one of these girls."
Naruto just smiled as he made eye contact with several girls around the room, getting a small blush from each. "Perhaps… now if you'll excuse me, I need to see how my otouto is holding up."
Naruto left the room missing the whispers as the class made a plan to cheer up Negi.
Naruto walked up just in time to catch some of Asuna's conversation with Negi.
"… That girl wouldn't pop out and eat you," she was telling the young mage.
"Even if you say that," Negi began.
"You never know," Naruto said as he made his way towards them, "for all you know she could."
Asuna growled as Negi began to tear up again, "you're not helping!"
Naruto ignored Asuna as he walked up to Negi and put a hand on his shoulder, "you shouldn't worry so much otouto. The next time Evangeline comes I'll be there to help you," Negi looked up at Naruto to see the ever famous smirk on his brothers face. "Don't forget who I am squirt, there's no way someone like her vampire or not could beat me, let alone the two of us."
Negi smiled a bit feeling relieved from his brothers words, he was about to say something when-
The three turned to say Kaede walking towards them an ever present grin on her face, "I was wondering if you could help me with something, de-gozaru."
Naruto looked at his fellow ninja and grinned, "Sure," he turned to Negi and Asuna, "I'll see you two later ok?"
"Ok nii-san," Negi said.
Asuna however glared at him, "if you do anything perverted…" she let her threat hang in the air.
"Why Asuna-chan I'm hurt," Naruto mock pouted, "you know I wouldn't dream of doing anything perverted unless my dear Asuna-chan was with me!"
Asuna's face became a deep red as she spluttered for several seconds in both rage and embarrassment, "I'LL KILL YOU!"
"Ah! Protect me Kae-chan!" Naruto screamed as he jumped into Kaede's arms.
Kaede looked amused as she started running, "you know you owe me for this de-gozaru…"
Naruto grinned as he looked at her, "what would you like me to do?"
"I'll tell you when I think of something," Kaede replied as she took to the roof, leaving Asuna behind to not even notice Negi being taken away.
Naruto sighed as he tried to lift the blindfold from his eyes, "you know when you said I owed you, I thought you would want something a little more… enjoyable."
"It will be once we get there," Kaede replied in a slight singsong voice, "don't be so impatient de-gozaru."
Naruto just sighed again, already knowing where they were heading as he could smell the chemicals for the bath house; it didn't hurt that she had him change into his swim trunks. He was about to speak again when Kaede suddenly shoved him into the water.
Naruto sputtered and coughed as his head surfaced when he heard another splash. He took off his blindfold and turned his head to find Negi also rising from the water.
"So they got you too?" Naruto asked as Negi turned to see him.
"Nii-san what are you doing here?" Negi said sounding surprised.
Naruto was about to speak but didn't get the chance when several other voices spoke up.
"Welcome Naruto-sensei, Negi-sensei!"
The two boys turned around and blinked at the sight before them, one gained an embarrassed look while the other had to hold in a massive nose bleed. In front of them were the girls of class 3-A, all of them wearing skimpy bathing suits. Above them was a banner that said 'Party to cheer up Negi-sensei.'
Kami I really love this school, Naruto thought, though he wondered why he was here if this was to cheer up Negi.
"Erm… I wonder what's going on here?" Naruto wondered out loud.
Negi's thoughts were even more jumbled, "wh… wh…"
"Ehehehe it's because Negi-kun looked so depressed. Everyone decided to hold a party to cheer you up!" Sakurako shouted in her cheerful voice.
Before either of them knew what was happening the girls crowded around them, the only two who did not were Chisame and Setsuna. Naruto tried to listen to the girls as they shouted different things, talking about candy and amasake.
Negi sniffed a bit as a smile came on his face, "ah, everyone, to go all this way just for me… thank you very much!"
Naruto did not bother paying attention as Ayaka came up to Negi and began trying to gain his affection. Instead he turned to the other girls.
"So if this is a party to cheer up Negi, why exactly am I here?" he asked.
"We didn't want to make you feel left out Naruto-sensei!" Sakurako said, "Besides your also a prince so we thought it was only fair to…" she trailed off as she heard Ayaka speaking to Negi.
"… An intelligent, beautiful and wealthy person like me would be perfectly qualified to…"
The two boys were soon swarmed by the over reactive girls who did not want to be beaten by Ayaka, many offering to wash their hair or their back. Naruto stiffened when both Mana and Kaede came up on either side of him.
"Why don't you let me give you one of those back rubs you love so much de-gozaru?" Kaede asked as she tried to lead Naruto away from the throng of girls.
"I think he would like it more if he allowed me to wash his hair," Mana suggested with a glare as she tried to lead Naruto in the opposite direction.
The two girls began giving each other challenging looks as they tried to pull Naruto with them, said blonde crying anime tears as they yanked him back and forth. I just know this is somehow karma, Naruto thought to himself.
Thankfully help arrived in the form of Konoka.
"Hey, hey Naruto-kun," Konoka said as she came up to him.
Naruto looked at the brunette walking up to him, Konoka was in a two piece bikini this time rather then that one piece he had seen her in at Ayaka's house. While her body was not as voluptuous as Kaede's or mana's, Naruto would never deny that she was easily one of the most beautiful girls he had ever met. Kami I'm gonna need a cold shower after this…
While Kaede and Mana were arguing over who would get Naruto-sensei, Konoka latched onto his arm. Naruto gulped as he felt his arm being pressed into her supple yet firm breasts, "C'mon Naruto-kun! Why don't you let me give you a back rub!"
Kaede and Mana watched in surprise as someone else got Naruto away from them, "I think she just snatched him from us, de-gozaru…"
"So it would seem," Mana replied as she looked at Kaede, after a moment she stuck out her hand, "truce?"
"Hmmm…" Kaede looked at the hand before agreeing, "Very well, de-gozaru."
The two went over to where Naruto was sitting with Konoka, they had already been joined by Yuna, Akira, Ako, Ku Fei, Zazie, Asakura and surprisingly enough Setsuna, though she was really only glaring at Naruto as she watched Konoka rubbing his back.
As for the young blond himself he was unsure whether he should melt as several of the girls there actually gave him a message, or if he should remain ramrod straight as he kept switching between the two. To make matters worse Naruto's male anatomy was reacting to all of the female attention, it became even worse once Kaede and Mana came up to him.
Mana began to pour some water on his head and gently messaged his scalp, secretly admiring how soft his hair was.
Kaede message his chest while Konoka got his back.
Naruto felt his body tingling from all of the sensations, screw the cold shower, I think I'm gonna have to lay in a tub of ice!
Naruto was unsure whether to be grateful or hateful as the girls leapt up and began running as they heard that.
Looking into the water Naruto caught a glimpse of white fur before it took off, that fur, and that presence are very familiar… The blond did not have much time to ponder it as he saw what he now recognized as a very familiar ermine took off several of the girls bathing suits, including Konoka's. For a good long couple of seconds Naruto marveled at the brunette's beauty, however the sight of a very nude Konoka was far too much for the young blond and he was sent flying back with a large nose bleed.
Girls of class 3-A-4, Naruto-0
Naruto awoke to the feeling of his head in someone's lap with said person running their hands through his hair.
"Ugh," Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes to find an amused Kaede staring at him, "Kae-chan." Naruto felt a weight on his chest and looked down to see an exasperated looking Akane, though it was hard to tell seeing as how she was still in her fox form, "Akane-chan." Naruto raised a hand and scratched behind her ear, smiling as Akane purred. After a while he looked up at Kaede, "what happened?" Naruto questioned.
"You don't remember?" Kaede asked.
Naruto shivered, "no I do… Do you know how that happened?" he asked, referring to how Konoka and several others lost their clothes.
"It was an ermine apparently, de-gozaru," Kaede said, never stopping her hand as it continued to run through his hair. "Mana was right," she mused to herself, "it is soft de-gozaru."
'Do you think…'
'Yes,' Akane answered his question, 'there can be no doubt it was him.'
Naruto nodded and decided he was too tired to deal with that perverted ermine, he would deal with him tomorrow. Naruto closed his eyes and made himself more comfortable on Kaede's lap, "whatever, I'll deal with this crap tomorrow…"
"Are you gonna sleep like that?" Kaede asked as she opened one eye in amusement.
Naruto smiled, "unless you want to join me and Akane-chan down here, then yes."
Kaede blushed at the thought of sleeping with her sensei, she would continue this debate well into the night until the choice was taken from her when she too fell asleep.
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