Ours to protect, Ours to love | By : Trollmia Category: Naruto > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 2017 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters
within the anime/manga. And I sure as hell ain't making any profit from writing
this story.
= ~ = ~ Part 7 ~ = ~ =
Hinata awoke by a feather light hand
caressing her face. She opened her eyes and saw Sasuke sit next to her bed with
a soft smile on his lips. She blushed and pulled up the blanket to her chin and
tried to hide as much as she could of her body. She was sleeping in a pair of
tights and a t-shirt. But she felt naked under his dark stare so she hid as much
as she could under the blanket.
He just smiled at her and brushed a few
tresses of hair away from her face. He had been at her side for over and hour,
waiting for her to wake up. But he could have sat here much longer. To sit like
this and look at her was giving him peace. A peace he had not known since he was
child. Her energy was warm and loving, just like his mother’s had been. It
wrapped you up in a caring cocoon and kept the monsters of the mind away.
“It’s time for breakfast if you want
some,” he said softly and rose to his feet.
Hinata blushed even more when she
realized that he was just wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else.
‘Skin.. a lot of skin… A lot of Sasuke’s skin…’ it rambled inside her head
as she forced her eyes to look at his face instead of his well built chest. She
just nodded and wished she could disappear right about now…
As soon as Sasuke was out of her room
Hinata got up and dressed in a hurry. She brushed her hair and then her teeth.
She looked in her mirror. She looked just awful, but a growling from her stomach
said that she had to eat. So she ignored her looks, she was never one to be
She walked to the kitchen but stopped
dead in her tracks when she saw both Gaara and Sasuke moving around, setting the
table and fix their breakfast. And neither of them had a shirt on, just a pair
of sweat pants. She quickly turned around and stuttered out that she was there.
“Hinata-chan, what’s the matter?” asked
Gaara and hurried over to her where she stood with her back towards them. He put
his hand on her shoulder and wanted her to turn around to look at him. He was
“N-not used to… c-could you p-please
p-put on a s-shirt or s-something?” she mumbled and refused to turn around when
Gaara talked to her. She couldn’t look at him. But she could feel the warmth of
his hand on her shoulder and she shivered a bit.
What she had seen this morning was
enough to last her a life time she imagined. She had seen boys in their boxers
before, but that was when she was a young girl and followed Kiba and Akamaru
when they went bathing in a river or a lake. Shino never was the one to take off
his clothes at any time, but Kiba, he could just undress and jump into the water
with his faithful companion. That was then… and this was now and this was
something completely different. These two were not boys any longer, no they were
two grown up men. Hinata swallowed hard when she felt butterflies flutter around
in her belly.
“Don’t be embarrassed Hinata-chan, we
are the ones that should apologize,” said Sasuke and they brushed by Hinata with
smiles on their lips. “But feel free to look if you want.”
As if on a queue they flexed their
muscles just in front of her as they walked towards their rooms to find
themselves a shirt to put on.
“Sasuke-kun!!!” she gasped horrified and
her eyes suddenly was glued to the floor, but all she wanted to do was ogle
them. But her shy nature prohibited it.
The boys chuckled and went inside their
rooms and came back with t-shirts on. They walked back into the kitchen as if
nothing had happened. But Hinata still was a bit shaken by the whole ordeal.
‘Perhaps Kurenai-san could teach me something after all. This was new; this was
never in any of my books.’ thought Hinata and remembered all the books she
had read through out her prison-years. ‘Or perhaps Sakura-san and Ino-san
could tell me something about this?’
She ate her breakfast under silence but
she could see smiles lingering on their lips and she frowned. But then she just
mentally shook her shoulders and finished her breakfast. Sakura was probably
soon at the door and not long after Hinata had thought about the pink-haired
girl, there was a knock on the front door.
“Take care of her and make sure that
she’s safe,” said Gaara with his eerie calm voice. He had still not forgiven the
bubble gum haired girl for going about with Sasuke earlier.
“Of course Gaara-kun, we will only make
the town unsafe,” said Sakura with a smile and dragged Hinata with her out the
door. “You will not recognize her when I bring her back.”
Gaara sighed and closed the door. He was
pretty sure that he would be able to recognize his shy lily no matter what they
dressed her up with.
Hinata was dragged around the clothing
stores around the village and they were stopped in between by people who wanted
to talk to Hinata. Sakura helped her find clothes that fitted the shy shinobi
perfectly. White, cream, black, dark blue, and pearly grey, every colour that
blended in with Hinata’s natural colours. Sakura was indeed a good judge when it
came down to matching colours. Ino came along and helped out too. Soon they were
joined by Tenten who showed Hinata how to hide her weapons in the new clothes.
Tenten also treated them all to a
restaurant and they had delicious cakes and cookies.
“This is a woman’s privilege, almost a
must. We must have cakes and cookies when we are feeling down or if we are
feeling up. And I will say that this is an up-occasion, don’t you think so
Hinata-chan?” rambled Tenten.
“I would say it is,” said Hinata gently
and smiled and put her teeth in a chocolate chip cookie.
“Now, we are all dying to hear what it’s
like to live with two hunks like you do,” said Ino and leaned forward over the
table. Sakura and Tenten did the same.
“Uhmm… well… I t-thing I have t-to get
use to t-them w-walking around in their b-boxers,” mumbled Hinata and she was
sure she was going to die from embarrassment. And it sure didn’t get any better
when the girls squealed in delight.
“Oh My God!!” moaned Sakura. “Ahh, to
see Sasuke-kun in his boxers at this age… ahhhhh!!! He must be gorgeous, right
“And Gaara-kun, does he look good too?”
asked Ino and licked her lips. “He sure has filled out underneath those baggy
clothes… right?
“Does this mean that you have seen them
in their boxers yet?” asked Tenten her eyes wide.
“T-they was in t-the kitchen t-this
morning, w-wearing just a pair of sweat p-pants,” said Hinata and that made them
squeal again.
“You are such a lucky girl. I wish I
could be you Hinata-chan,” said Sakura.
They were interrupted by Naruto and Lee.
They sat down at the table and asked what the girls were talking about.
“Nothing special,” said Sakura and
looked as if she was a cat who swallowed the canary.
“Sakura-chan…” said Naruto with a scowl.
“We were just talking about Hinata and
her living with two gorgeous guys. She’s going to be envied by every woman in
this village,” Said Tenten and gently nudged her elbow into Hinata’s side.
Hinata looked down on the crumbs on her
plate and just giggled. Naruto laughed with her. He kept his eyes on her and he
wondered if she knew how Sasuke and Gaara felt about her. He had seen the looks
in their eyes when he had kissed her yesterday and those looks had spoken
“Yeah, and I bet there are some boys
that will be just as envious too,” he said and winked at the blushing Hyuuga.
“But you deserve to be happy
Hinata-chan. You have missed everything about being a teenager, but now you can
taste the fruits of youthfulness,” said Lee and made a thumb up.
“Lee-san, no lecture about that today,”
said Sakura and put a finger on Lee’s lips and made a glare but you could see
that she really wasn’t angry with the taijutsu user.
“Perhaps we should leave you ladies to
have your girl-talk alone,” said Naruto and winked again towards Hinata. She was
going to have a lot to deal with the coming weeks he assumed and Sakura and the
other girls was there to help her. He was going to be there too of course, he
would help Hinata in any way he could. And if that Hosaki was coming back, well,
he was going to protect Hinata with is very life if it was called for. He made a
silent promise that he would go to any length to make sure that she was safe and
he never backed down from his promises.
After the feasting of cakes and cookies,
Hinata was dragged into a store with just women’s lingerie. And it didn’t matter
how much Hinata protested, the girls said she just had to have sexy underwear’s
if she was going to seduce Sasuke-kun and Gaara-kun. Hinata stuttered that she
had no such intentions. Gods, what were the girls thinking about??
Sakura choose a virgin white set, Ino a
sinful black one and Tenten a youthful dark blue one. But of course they found
some more practical ones if Hinata choose to take up her ninja training. Which
she said that she wanted to do. Perhaps not to the extent as earlier, she wanted
to focus more on being a medic nin.
“Perhaps you should talk to Hokage-sama,
I’m sure she can help you with that. Shizune-san is a good teacher,” said Sakura
and she knew what she was talking about. She had been a student under both
Tsunade and Shizune for several years.
During the late afternoon the girls left
Hinata in the hallway in Sasuke’s house with all her bags. How ever was she
supposed to pay the girls back for what they had done for her this day? Not a
single piece of clothing had she bought with her own money. She sighed and took
a few bags and carried them to her room and then went back to get the rest, but
as she exited her room she bumped into both Gaara and Sasuke who had seen the
bags in the hall and decided to take them to her room. They were just gentlemen
who wanted to help out a lady.
The contents of the bags spilled over
the floor and Hinata’s eyes widened and gave up a small yelp when she saw Gaara
pick up the midnight blue bra and matching panties. She snatched them from his
hand and put them into a bag and then she raked everything together and ran into
her room and slammed the door shut behind her.
Her face was flaming red and she let out
a groan of humiliation as she sunk to the floor with her back against the door.
She still held the bags and clothes in a tight grip and she let herself close
her eyes for a few seconds. ‘Hinata… breathe… breathe.’ she thought and
took a few deep breaths before she opened her eyes again and rose to her feet.
She dropped the things onto her bed and
then she fell onto everything with her face first on the pillow. ‘I should
never have let them talk me into buying those sets of underwear.’ she
thought and groaned again.
Outside the door stood two young men
with wide smiles. Sasuke had seen the sexy bra too and his mind was filled with
images of Hinata running around in that little petite, dark blue set. Midnight
blue colours against pale skin. Those cups filled with female flesh. With a moan
he rose to his feet a bit stiffly. And Gaara was no better off. They smiled at
each other and then they shrugged their shoulders.
“Hinata-chan?” asked Sasuke through the
“Y-yes?” came the hesitant answer.
“The dinner will be ready soon, join us
if you like,” said Sasuke and tried to sound casual. But he was feeling far from
casual at the moment. He wondered if Hinata had chosen that those things or if
the girls had persuaded her to buy them… most likely it was the other girls,
Hinata would probably go through a wild forest fire before she would be caught
buying sexy lingerie for herself.
“Uhmm, a-alright.”
They left and headed towards the
kitchen. They had begun the dinner just minutes earlier when they heard Hinata
come through the front door. They had seen her go to her room with her hands
full of bags and a quick look into the hallway they had seen that there were
several left. But now the food was screaming for their attention and they
entered the kitchen and continued where they had left off.
Hinata put her new clothes into their
rightful places in the cabinet and took a deep breathe and opened the door and
stepped outside. Her nostrils were filled with a spicy aroma and her mouth began
to water. She was hungry. Those cookies she had with the girls had not done much
to keep the hunger away. She saw them dish out the dinner and she sat down.
She swallowed hard a couple of times
before actually looking at them. But there was no taunting or teasing in their
eyes, just warmth and care for her.
“Did you have a good day with Sakura?”
asked Sasuke curtly.
“Yes, she was very nice and so was
Ino-san and Tenten-san too,” answered Hinata softly.
“You must have been the centre of
attention where ever you went, am I right?” asked Gaara and placed a glass of
juice in front of Hinata.
“Mmm, it was a bit embarrassing. I’m not
used to that,” said Hinata and smiled as the tension in her stomach disappeared
more and more.
“My guess is that you will have to get
used to it. This will be the thing that people will talk about for years to
come,” said Sasuke and placed the last bowls of food on the table.
They ate under silence but when they
were finished, Hinata insisted that she would do the dishes. It was not fair
that she was being left out. She wanted to help too.
“Then we will do it together,” smiled
Hinata nodded and put her hands into the
warm water and began to clean the first plate.
“So what did you talk about today?”
asked Sasuke as he grabbed a towel and dried the plate Hinata gave him.
Hinata smiled and looked at him. “That
is girls-only-to-know-basis,” she said and went back to the dishes.
The boys growled and she just laughed
softly at them. But it was the truth. What they had talked about during the days
was only girl-talk and boys had no rights to know about what they were talking
Once they were finished they headed for
the living-room. Hinata looked over the few books Sasuke had bought after he had
bought the house and found one to be interesting. ‘Perhaps I could get some
books from the mansion to be delivered here? I don’t think Neji-niisan will
object to that.’ thought Hinata as she picked out a book and sat down on the
Gaara and Sasuke sat down on the sofa on
the other side of the small table. Soon she was looking over her book and saw
them stare at her and she blushed.
“W-what…?” she asked.
“Hinata-chan… do you like children?”
asked Sasuke quietly and diverted his black gaze to his hands instead.
Hinata’s eyebrows rose a bit and she
frowned. That had been a question that she had not expected to come from him.
“Yes, I suppose so… But I have not been
around many children. Of course did in the past, when I was younger, but not
now.. Why do you ask Sasuke-kun?”
“Uhm… just wondering.” mumbled Sasuke,
he was not comfortable with the situation right now. He wanted to ask her to be
his or rather their wife, but his courage was failing him and it was failing him
fast. He had felt so confident before the dinner, but now… no he was shaking
like a young boy, asking for his first date.
“Well… if you are tired you should go to
bed,” said Sasuke and stood up and was about to leave when Hinata took his hand
and held it tightly. He looked down at her and he saw confusion in her white
eyes. And insecurity. ‘She has the right to know.’ he thought and moved
to sit down next to her.
“Sasuke-kun, why did you ask if I liked
children?” asked Hinata again and didn’t care that she held him in a tight grip.
She just wanted to know why he would ask such a question. It was not like him to
blurt out such a question and then just leave.
“When I came here to Konoha about a
month ago I was not sure of anything. And then the very same night as I came
back I heard you scream Hinata-chan. I saw you there in the forest, glowing in
the moonlight. But I before I could go over to you Gaara stopped me, telling me
to step away from you. He said that he was your protector. He made sure that
nothing would happen to you while you had your time with that tree. But that was
before either of us knew about your demise. Before we knew that you had been
declared dead.” Sasuke took a deep breathe and looked down at their joined hands
before he continued again. “After the revenge on my brother I have only had one
goal, a goal that I have neglected far too long. But as I see it now, I was just
waiting for the right one.”
Hinata looked at him and then to Gaara
who just smiled gently. Something was about to happen, she could feel it in her
soul. She looked back at Sasuke, not sure what to expect from the black eyed
“I want to restore the Uchiha-clan
Hinata-chan, and I have found me a girl that I love very much. But you see,
she’s loved by another man as well. A man that I have found the deepest respect
for and I will be, if she allows it, her husband, just as the other man will
“S-sasuke-kun, I… I don’t understand.”
said Hinata quietly as she tried to process what she was given. “If you want
m-me to move out because of this girl… I will of course.”
Gaara stepped in when he realized that
Sasuke was too emotionally moved to say anything else. “Hinata-chan, the other
man Sasuke-kun is talking about is me, and the girl…. well, the girl is you
You could drop a needle on the floor and
it would echo like the thunder through the house at this moment. Hinata’s eyes
wandered back and forth between the two young ninjas. She didn’t know what to
say or even believe. Then her mind began to work through the haze and she began
to shake. They had asked her to be their wife. She shot up and began to pace
behind the sofa, her eyes fluttered and her head was shaking as she wanted to
deny what she just heard. Then she stopped as if she had frozen on the spot.
“This is a joke right? You want to make
fun of me?” her eyes hardened into white pearls.
“Hinata-chan, why should we make such a
joke? No, what Gaara said was the truth. I love you and I have come to love you
very much and I want to be your husband. But Gaara loves you as well, he has
loved you for a very long time, but he feared that you would find him to be….”
Sasuke sought for the proper word to use when Hinata said it for him.
“That I would find him to be a
monster??? I would never do that!!” she said heatedly and looked at Gaara with
blazing eyes.
“Then believe me when I say that this is
not a cruel joke on your behalf. And you don’t have to answer right away, but we
wanted you to know how we feel about you,” said Sasuke and stood up and walked
around the sofa to stand in front of Hinata.
His eyes flashed darkly with passion as
he looked down on her face. He grabbed her fiddling hands and pulled her close
to him. In the corner of his eyes he saw Gaara come up and stand behind Hinata.
“We want you to be with us – forever
Hinata-chan,” Sasuke continued.
Hinata felt their arms go around her and
she was hugged tightly by the two men who were probably voted the most wanted
men in all of Konoha-region. And they said that they wanted her… ‘They can
have anyone they want and they want me???’
She let them hug her for a moment before
she gently dispersed herself from them. She swallowed and forced herself to look
into their eyes.
“Let me think about it… and then I will
give you my answer,” she said and turned around and walked to her room, her back
straight and her head held high. She had yet to believe what she just heard.
Sasuke and Gaara looked at her
retreating form and knew that it would be a couple of days that was pure hell
for them. But they would not force her to answer until she was ready to give
them one. They sighed and Sasuke wondered if they had been too forceful with her
already. But he was beginning to feel eager in creating a family, the image of
her dressed in that dark blue set of panties and bra was making him shiver in
pure lust.
Gaara was no better off either. He had
felt the warmth that radiated from her body when he hugged her and he could only
fantasise what it would be like to have her hot little body next to him in bed.
Time for a cold shower.
Ohh, things is getting
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