Koiuta | By : dragonslover1 Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 1158 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I own nothing of Naruto. Leave me alone.Warning: Sexual content ahead, for those of you who need warning.
Hint: Sexual content ahead, for those of you who were looking for it. ;)
Koiuta, Love Song
Five Senses
From the moment Shino first kissed her, Tasha honestly felt as though she’d fallen in love. It didn’t feel much like she was living a love story, as Shino wasn’t big on showing his feelings -- let alone setting up romantic settings -- but she was positive of it. This was a new feeling, she admitted, but she believed it wasn’t just lust. She believed it wasn’t conquest which drove her to want this relationship, and knew it wouldn’t end anytime soon.
Which is why she so easily gave into the pent-up need for affection that had been gnawing at her since she hit puberty, and ended up making out for a great long time, sitting on that log in a clearing above the village. In fact, she saw dawn’s light begin to rise before the moment ended.
And she just knew that for the rest of her life, she would look back on that night and shiver. It wasn’t just her first experience of having a real kiss, or the fact that he felt so warm, which would get her. . . It wasn’t just the way his hands had roamed, either; it was when he decided his sunglasses were in the way and dropped them off to the side like they were useless.
At first she didn’t notice, as she kept her eyes shut to further the feeling of bliss igniting within her, but once she looked up and saw he had darkly silver eyes trained on her, it stole her breath more than his mouth had been.
At first, after that initial kiss, their lips had met in more simple touches, coaxing her desire with gentle prods rather than the force of a raging bull, but a little while after the milestone of noticing his missing glasses, the heat of the situation changed. At his lead, she worked with him in deepening the ferocity of their kisses, and then all thought had been lost to her.
Lips and tongue mixed caused her to almost lose herself, so unaccustomed to being passionate was she. But still, she kept herself composed to an extent, returning the enthusiasm he was showing her and trying her best to follow his motions. When his hands began trailing along her back, it was subtle, bringing a tingle to her spine, but not knocking her off her feet -- so to speak.
At least, not at first. With passions growing steadily in the both of them and his hands starting to touch more firmly, she stopped trying to fight for control and let herself fall off the proverbial cliff she was teetering at the edge of. She heard herself sigh when she gave in, and the last thing she was fully aware of was how strong and fast her heartbeat was going.
At one point he pulled her tight against him, released her lips, and trailed hot kisses down her neck. The feeling was so pleasant that she wanted to sigh, but at the same time, so fervent that it lit any and all parts of her on fire that weren’t already. It was incredible, unbelievable, and undeniable.
This was precisely what she’d wanted for so long, and for that reason, she gave herself over to him, choosing to respond to anything he did to her in like and deny him nothing. She knew the moment he received the message, for that was when he leaned into her enough that they both tumbled off the log they were already precariously balanced on.
Though they landed on the grass side by side, it didn’t stay that way for more than how long it took him to maneuver above her. And then his lips stole hers again, but this time, it was much less demanding. When he drew back, she almost moaned, wanting more but not sure why just yet. She looked up at him and met his eyes for only a moment before he looked away.
It hurt her more than a little that he didn’t look at her long, until he said, “We need to stop this before I lose control of myself.”
She wanted to say, “I have no problem with that,” but decided it would be a bad idea to voice at the moment. She could see the sky was lightening, which meant someone at some point was going to come up here for whatever reason -- and she’d rather not give them a show.
“Alright,” she agreed, though the words stung to say.
He left her for as long as it took him to retrieve his sunglasses, and then stood and pulled her up beside him. When she started to move away, he jerked her against him none too gently, and shook his head. “Don’t leave just yet.”
“Why?” she asked, before she could stop herself.
He didn’t seem to have an answer for that, or at least not one he was willing to admit. But his arms remained strongly holding her in place, and she began thinking that he needed some security or something to that affect; something she didn’t know how to give, whatever it was.
Yet she stood there just the same, and eventually leaned against him. She didn’t realize it until now, but she was very tired, as even with her askew sleeping schedule, she wasn’t used to staying up until dawn. Besides which she’d been training early yesterday morning, and apparently making out was also considered as strenuous activity.
She wanted to ask, “What now?” but found herself relaxing too much. She shut her eyes and instantly felt the telltale rushing in her mind as she started to nod off. And there Shino remained, holding her as though he’d been expecting this. It amazed her how the passion of moments before completely dissolved so easily, and how pleasant it felt just to stay like this.
It was almost as good as the first kiss between them, she realized with a smile. Still, if she was falling asleep so easily, she figured it’d be best to be in her bed. She forced energy to return to her and stood up and away from Shino, looking up at him.
Before she managed to voice her lethargy, he nodded like he understood. She found herself seriously thinking about how good he must be at reading expressions to anticipate her every sentence. For propriety’s sake alone, they didn’t touch on the walk back to his home. He kept beside her until they reached her door, when she turned to say goodnight to him.
He didn’t give her a chance, catching her lips at the same time his hands found her hips and pulled her tight against him. Her desire flared up again instantly, fighting off her exhaustion and making her open the door and draw him in.
Last night, when she’d asked to see him again, she didn’t think this would happen -- or at least, not this soon. She’d wanted him from the back of her mind since the first time she’d seen him, probably because he was so well-hidden. She’d thought, What a mysterious man; how perfect for me, but she hadn’t expected this.
His hands trailed up her sides and around her back, her door shut and locked already. Her entire body seemed hot and willing, making it easy for her to welcome his more passionate kisses. At some point they got turned around and she found herself against her door, one of his hands pressing possessively against her stomach. It was just as arousing as the rest of him and she enjoyed it.
And then his other, previously unaccounted for hand found her breast and she gasped.
She had one more second of indecision, as an icicle of lethargy pierced her consciousness, and then she finally figured that she’d probably have to go to sleep after sex anyway, so why not go for it now? Every time he went a little bit further -- the deep kisses, one hand trailing down her thigh, the other teasing her breast -- a little bit more energy returned to her.
His mouth found her neck again, making her head swim in pleasure. He didn’t just kiss this time, but sucked at her pulse. She wondered for a second if he was trained for this sort of thing, or if he read up on how to please women. . .
But those were silly thoughts, easily dashed away when he pulled open her top. It only took one touch of his hand on her bare breasts to solidify the course of the day. She arched her back involuntarily, hearing herself moan at the rush of heat that ran through her. A recurring thought in her mind kept repeating the phrase “too much,” yet it wasn’t enough, either. Shino was driving her crazy, and she wanted more of it.
Then he sank down to his knees and she got more. His mouth was on one breast, his hand on the other, both making her breath come harder. He sucked at the skin underneath the peak of her breast, causing her to give a yell, and then both his hands were undoing the tie at her waist. Most of her wanted him to continue this so badly, but a smaller part thought of how unfair it was that he was still wearing everything when she was nearly naked.
No, totally naked, now that her hakama fell to her ankles. Right now she wished she’d have thought of buying underwear -- something she had gone without for her entire life.
It seemed he didn’t notice at first, his mouth moving slowly down her stomach, pausing to lap at her navel. His hands were going just as slow, trailing from her ankles back up to her knees, the front of her thighs, her hips. . . He stopped.
With his mouth against her stomach, she felt his quick inhale and knew he’d just realized that she was completely bare. His breath was coming shakily now, when before she was certain he was totally controlled. And were his hands always quivering like that. . ?
A large part of her was crying out for more, wishing he would kick into motion again to do more to her, but at the same time, another part of her was giving victory yells. Whether it was because she was nude or not, he was stunned for the moment, and the temptation to take advantage of the situation was too much to ignore. Trying to calm her own shaking hands, she did the first thing that came to mind: pushing his hood back.
His glasses didn’t cover his eyes from above like this, so when he looked up, she noticed. Her next move took those glasses off and dropped them next to her, then she knelt down to kiss him. Technically, she more threw herself at him and attempted to devour his mouth, which he responded very quickly to. She straddled him now that he was sitting, her hands diving into his hair.
His own hands were mapping out her back, smoothing over the skin and tracing the few scars she had there. Needing to get him more clothes-less, her hands slid down his neck and shoulders, brushing the jacket off his shoulders. He seemed to agree with her there, releasing her so they could both get the coat off him. Once it was off, his hands found her hair and began unraveling the twists.
Wanting to help -- and knowing that he wouldn’t do a very good job -- she began pulling on her hair. He released her mouth to kiss and suck at her chest, hands abandoning their attempts at her hair, choosing instead to feel her ribcage. . .then hips. . .thighs. . .
It was getting harder to concentrate on her hair, breathing as hard as she was with her hands starting to shake again. Once all the beads fell onto the floor and her hair was free, if somewhat curly, she gave a startled yell. His lips were practically attacking her breasts, or more specifically, her nipples. He licked, sucked and teased, all the while switching between the two.
He was far too skilled at this, making her lose her mind. The zings of pleasure that rushed through her were like electricity, making her go more and more wild as he kept up this amazing torture. Her arms held his head to her chest, on the edge of begging for more. She arched her back, asking that he continue wordlessly. His hand chose then to grasp her rear, the sudden sensation making her buck against him. She rose to her knees, pressing harder into him, forcing him to lean back.
Her hair fell like a curtain to her right, which she noticed caught his eye. He glanced at her hair, arms around her waist, then looked up at her, releasing her breasts at last. She had no idea what he saw there, on her face or eyes -- probably a woman who was willing to beg at this point -- but whatever it was, he liked it. She knew this because he used their position as an advantage, flipping her onto her back in a way that caused her hair to brush over them both.
He caught her mouth in a kiss again, and she noticed almost instantly that his hands weren’t on her. Then she heard a zipping sound, which clicked in her mind as his vest being undone. The sound of clothes on skin followed, then of being discarded and his hands were back, grasping her hips. Her own hands found his stomach and trailed upward, loving the muscle she felt.
Then one of his hands went between her thighs, finding her flower. She bucked again, glad that his mouth caught her surprised, pleased squeal. She hadn’t realized until then just how wet she’d become, wishing for what was soon to come. Though she was nearly overwhelmed by the way his fingers played, she had to do something; her hands sought out his pants, the waistband, the zipper and button -- but she couldn’t pull it down from her place.
He moaned into her mouth when she decided to play back, diving a hand into his pants for the organ she sought and stroking it. She wasn’t entirely sure how this part worked, but considering his breath was coming more raggedly and he was pulsing in her hand, she’d done something right. He’d even stilled his fingers at her juncture, pausing their kiss.
Had no one else ever touched him there? She wouldn’t have been surprised either way, not quite confident enough in herself to think that he was stunned because it was her doing this. And once again, the situation was one she couldn’t help but try to take control of -- she rolled them over so she was on top. Like this, she could see all of him, could reach his member easier. . .and she was just loving the expression he greeted her with.
His face was total shock, either that she’d had the guts to flip them or that she had flipped them at all. Now that she had full access to his lower area, she couldn’t stop herself from looking. A tingle started at the back of her neck at the first glance, and she realized then that she was going to be blushing hard for a while. She had seen those parts before, but never because she’d wanted to. Many men, she learned, were quite perverted when they found a woman who suited their fancy.
She’d even seen them erect, again not by choice, and never had she felt anything other than disgust. This time was far different. She truly wanted that part of Shino, and knew he was perfectly willing to let her have it. She tore her eyes away from the sight with difficulty, since the sight of it in her hand was such a turn-on, and met his gaze again.
“Tasha,” he started, pushing himself up on his elbows. “That. . .”
Was that fear in his eyes? She couldn’t help her smile then, nor did she try to stop it. Her fingers stroked his member again as she answered, “I like it.”
She was learning a lot from playing with him, too. The way his eyelids fluttered told her which parts felt best to him, which she placed in her long-term memory. After a few minutes of this in which he fought down moans, he finally snatched her hand off him and exhaled harshly. Unsure of what he was going to do, she was surprised when he kissed her palm and mumbled to himself, “Like it; hell. . .”
He got to his feet, pulling her up with him, then was backing her into her bed. She sat down willingly, and he followed, kissing her. She knew he was pulling off his shoes when she laid back, knew he was rushing to get out of his pants when she started crawling backwards, and when he was finally nude, they didn’t waste a second.
His hands sought out her knees, pushed her thighs wide apart, found her entrance, and then slipped a finger inside. That was the first time anything had been inside her like that, making it futile when she tried to suppress a cry. That finger thrust a few times within her, surprising her with exactly how nice it felt.
Then he broke the kiss, moaned into the pillow and said, “Damn, Tasha, you’re tight.”
She only had an inkling of whether that was good or bad, and his tone didn’t help the decision any. She couldn’t tell if he was happy or sad about that fact. But neither did she have much time to think on it. Suddenly that one finger was two, thrusting inside her.
She gasped, totally unprepared for it. The sensations within her were growing in frequency and pleasure both, making it her limit to cling to him and gasp. She admitted to herself that he had her drunk on these feelings, unable to do anything about it, but neither wanting to.
“Shino,” she murmured, hardly believing that she enough control of her throat to speak. That ability was abruptly cut off when he shivered, then added a third finger to his motions.
This was the moment when she wanted to talk, when she wanted to tell him just how amazing this felt, yet now she didn’t have an ounce of control left. Every gasp, every moan, every move she made; it was all involuntary, following the lead of his fingers. Her hips lifted to the strokes he made, which nearly doubled her pleasure and made him shiver again.
“Tasha, I can’t,” he started, only to cut himself off. Whatever he was thinking, apparently it was failing. “I want -- no, I have to. . .”
His fingers left her, leaving her heart racing, legs trembling and stomach burning. “Sh-Shino, you --” she tried to say, but didn’t get far. She didn’t know what she wanted to say, other than “continue.”
She didn’t have to say it. Suddenly there was a pressure at her core, and when she looked, she saw that he was at his limit in waiting. She never knew that part could get so red, almost purple at the tip -- and that was the end of her thoughts. She gasped again when the pressure grew, looking up at him to find he was staring at her eyes.
It hurt, which she hadn’t been expecting, but at the same time, it felt exquisite. He was really inside her now, and it was the oddest thing to her, to find his expression mixed between a wince and pleasure. She wondered if it was hurting him too, or if he knew and regretted the pain she felt. She knew then that she really should have looked into the whole “sex” thing a bit more, if only to have been forewarned about all this.
He kissed her again, as passionately as before, even go so far as to suck on her tongue. If nothing else, it succeeded in distracting her enough that she didn’t quite notice when he started moving. Mentally, she gave him credit for the tactic, since with every pause for breath the pain that she registered just about doubled. He roamed his hands up and down her body as well, massaging her everywhere they went -- especially her breasts. With him giving her so much pleasure like that, she hardly noticed when the pain began to disappear until she realized she was moving her hips to his thrusts.
Like this, she hardly even noticed the pain at all, and after a short time, it was gone entirely. That moment was marked by her giving a moan, then entwining herself around him: legs around his waist, arms around his neck. That seemed to be a cue for him, since he started moving quicker. It felt incredible, more than eclipsing what she thought sex would feel like.
Ecstasy. Hearing the word and what it meant only told her so much, especially since no one would directly speak to her about it. It had been a point of confusion for a long time, about how “good” it felt, if it was true that it made you feel like you were floating; everything that she heard as rumors were questions to her. The short question was: is any of it true?
All of the above, and then some.
She didn’t know exactly what it was he did to her, lost in a proverbial sea of satisfaction, but one moment she was gulping in air, startled at how fast her heart was going, and the next, Shino was trying to dress her in a robe. She wanted to ask about it, except that she was still gasping. Besides which, her eyelids felt incredibly heavy. There was a definite hum going through her, though it was lessening with each second; something she felt as real as her own breathing, yet impossible for her to describe.
Every now and then, when she felt him touch her, that spot would zing in an electric way, no matter if it was strong or weak. After a short while she found that her body was totally relaxed, dozing lightly. Whenever something brushed against her, she woke briefly, only long enough to understand that it was Shino tying off the robe, moving her arm, or giving her jaw a kiss. At one point she felt her hair moved, and looked up to see that he was holding a lock of her hair to his lips.
That was when she was certain he had a thing for girls with long hair. And if it held his interest, she was perfectly willing to keep her hair long for however much time they were going to stay together. A small wave of panic went through her at the thought, but since she couldn’t pin down why, she ignored it. She needed rest anyway. She would think more deeply when she awoke.
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