A Season of Malcontent | By : katsuyo Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 1412 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author’s note:
I actually took a break
from writing for a while to indulge in my own little voyeuristic tendencies…
yes, my little fiends – I have been reading some fan fiction. I saw more citrus
than a fruit packing plant! Hehehehe.
It’s been fun but sadly, I
hear the harpy tones of Ino calling me back to the
(Blood slowly trickles
from the author’s ears).
The musical inspiration
for this chapter is:
The band Aqualung with a
little Nickelback thrown in. (A little mood music is
good from time to time).
The pictorial inspiration
for this chapter is a fan art image by Fade to Black of Kankuro
reclining seductively in a black silk gown.
Round Six is rated P for
perverts, puppeteers and panties… oh my!
Kankuro is very naughty. Ino is seriously confused – the puppeteer does that to her.
The usual warnings apply -
mild language, mild violence, nudity and suggestions of a sexual nature are
mentioned. Yes, people – I said nudity…
A sentence in Italics
denotes the private thoughts of a character.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto.
Deal with it and leave me to cry over my loss of sleep as I get the next
chapter written. Enjoy, beautiful people, enjoy!
Round Six: Bath-time Hijinx…
Kankuro watched his wife still
stretched out on the bed. Poor Ino was asleep, most
likely as a result of all the stress she’d been under today.
Hell – he couldn’t
blame her! It had been quite the day for the two of them…
He was surprised how well
they managed to deal with each other once the melodramatics had been dispensed
with and a few relationship ground rules had been established.
He turned back to the
cupboard and frowned slightly as he continued to stash their luggage. Kankuro wasn’t thrilled about the new situation but it
couldn’t be helped.
It was a start that he’d
gotten her to at least admit that she had feelings other than extreme
violence to his person. He could bide his time for her to admit to the rest.
She was such a stubborn
little minx! She
won’t give in without a struggle.
Kankuro glanced over at the blonde kuniochi sprawled out on the bed like an offering to the
gods. He sighed wistfully before quietly walking over to the door.
I need to get out of
here before I follow through on my prurient fantasies…
The puppeteer reluctantly
slid open the door and gave his sleeping companion one last longing glance
before he closed the door behind him.
I hope you come to a
decision soon, Ino… for both our sakes!
Ino stirred restlessly at the soft
sound of the door sliding shut and shifted to her side. She sat up on the edge
of the bed and blinked owlishly, frowning slightly as she noticed that Kankuro was nowhere to be seen. The blonde was torn with
conflicting emotions – she was secretly thrilled that the smug bastard had
finally left her in peace and yet, she was a little terrified that he
had continued on the mission without her. Ino scanned
the room and caught sight of the satchel that contained the puppeteer’s
summoning scroll and breathed a sigh of relief. There was no way in hell she
would ever admit to his face that she was glad to have him around her.
It was bad enough that
he got her to admit that she liked him!
Ino stretched languidly and gingerly
plucked at her clothing, wrinkling her nose at the smell of road grit and caked
on sweat assailing her senses.
She couldn’t believe that
she’d fallen asleep, smelling like this!
Ugh! No wonder the big
lug left the room! I can’t even stand the smell! grimaced
the kuniochi.
She scanned the floor but
her duffel bag was nowhere to be seen. Kankuro must
have stashed her bag in one of the drawers in that chest.
Ino pushed herself up and walked over
to the teak chest of drawers standing against the wall. The blonde blushed
hotly when she opened the top drawer to the sight of her delicate fripperies
stacked neatly inside.
Damn it!
She didn’t know exactly
how she felt about the sand pig having his hands all over her lacy panties. Ino quickly snatched up fresh underwear, silently willing
the little tremors in her hand to stop and snapped the drawer shut. She rested
her forehead against the edge of the chest of drawers, drawing in little
cleansing breaths of air into her suddenly constricted airways.
Arghh! Stay calm, Ino…
There is no way that you’re going to let one man get the better of you!
The kuniochi
sighed deeply before mentally strengthening her resolve to resist Kankuro’s unique charm. She opened the small armoire and
was relieved to see her robe hanging there. Ino’s
eyes then widened when she saw the other robe draped seductively on the hanger
next to hers and tried to shut out the images of the robe on the large man. One
traitorous hand reached out and touched the silky black material, her thumb
lightly brushing over the embroidery. This robe against his skin burned an
indelible image into her mind. The scarlet dragon rippled on its ebony sea,
tempting her with forbidden thoughts… things that despite outward appearances,
she had not been inclined to indulge in until the timely arrival of the
It made her think of
her hands sliding over the silken material to remove it from his firm body.
The blonde swallowed the
lump that came to her throat and her skin broke out in a fine sheen of
She was in serious
trouble if the reality turned out better than her actual fantasies…
Ino quickly grabbed her robe and
closed the closet, content in the knowledge that for the moment she was safe
from the sand shinobi’s attentions.
The man featured
prominently in Ino’s musings was on his way back to
the Honeymoon suite. Kankuro had so far managed to
successfully avoid the temptation of stripping the blonde on the bed and
branding every part of her body with scorching kisses. He had seriously thought
all his good intentions were going to fly out the window when he had unpacked
the kuniochi’s duffel bag and his hand pulled out the
naughtiest scraps of lacy confections his perverted eyes had ever seen. He
stopped abruptly and closed his eyes as a wave of pure lust enveloped his
senses at the thought of those sheer black Brazilian panties.
Surely that wasn’t
standard issue for kuniochi these days… if so – I’m a
What the hell was that
fabric? So sheer, so soft… So silky.
A soft husky groan erupted
from the puppeteer.
Oh God… He had been
able to see his hand through them!
The puppeteer felt a familiar
stirring in his loins and cursed quietly under his breath. It was going to be
close but he was going to get himself under control!
Kankuro took a deep cleansing breath and
opened his eyes, trying to keep his attention on the mission rather than
trying to think of creative ways of persuading Ino to
let him do unspeakable things to her.
Like tying her down
starfish fashion on that damn bed naked…
No – the mission was
more important… but not by much!
The sand nin smiled wryly as he reflected
on what he was able to achieve away from the allure of that room…
Kankuro had managed to track down their
hostess and send off messages to “Auntie” Tsunade and
his brother, Gaara to apprise them of their current
status. By his estimation – they had four more days of traveling before they
got to the village of Sound. He sighed deeply.
If he thought today was
eventful, he had a feeling that things were going to get even more
interesting once they were at the Sound Village.
The sand nin redirected his attention to
getting back before room service arrived. The last thing he wanted to deal with
was an enraged Ino throwing inanimate objects at some
poor bastard who’s trying to just do their job! He smiled wolfishly at the
memory of Nozomi’s knowing look when he requested a
meal to be sent to their room when he casually mentioned his wife was too tired
to go out. She was wrong in her assumption this time around but if he had his
way, Ino won’t have any energy to twitch let
alone walk…
He was looking forward
to that day with great anticipation!
Kankuro chuckled evilly to himself as he
got to the door… life certainly was going to be
interesting with Ino around, that’s for sure.
The puppeteer quietly
opened the door and crept stealthily into the room, careful not to make noise
and wake Ino. The poor woman had looked like she
needed to sleep. Kankuro sighed inwardly and knew
that he was largely responsible for the blonde’s sleepless night. The bastard
part of him was cursing him out roundly for not just nailing her to her futon
when he had the opportunity. The puppeteer knew that was his usual mode of
operation but not this time.
Yeah – He was getting
soft in his old age… but he knew one taste wasn’t going to be enough as far as she
was concerned!
He readily admitted to
himself that Ino was different. It wasn’t just
because of her untouched state.
The little vixen would
shred him into fine pieces if he let on that he knew her secret.
The pieces of the puzzle
had slipped into place on the journey to the inn. At first he had been
shockingly surprised but that emotion quickly escalated into one he was not
familiar with – jealous possessiveness.
He pressed his forehead
against the door panel, closing his eyes briefly and sighed.
She certainly was a
prickly little thing but he had an innate feeling that when she finally came to
a decision regarding them, she would do so in a blaze of passion.
Kankuro flicked open his eyes and
cautiously cast his gaze over to the bed. He felt foolish – the puppeteer
really didn’t want Ino to catch him in his moment of
weakness. The sand nin was
mildly surprised to see the bed empty. He lifted his head off its resting spot
and frowning, he walked over to the now vacant bed. Kankuro
slid his large hand over the cool sheets and was relieved to feel Ino’s warmth still radiating from it.
She hadn’t gotten up
too long ago then…
The puppeteer scanned the
room and spied a dirty yukata pooled on the floor
with a pile of skimpy lacy things on top. He shook his head when he saw them
sitting there, taunting him with their hidden promise.
Ahhh, Ino…
you and those panties are killing me…
It was like waving a red
cape in front of a bull. He was contemplating what he should do next when he
heard the soft knock on the door.
“Who is it?” asked the
sand nin.
“Room service,
Sakamoto-san.” replied a cheerful voice.
Kankuro grinned wolfishly. He knew exactly
who that was – it was their helpful hostess. He unbolted the door and
slid open enough to allow the older woman to slip in and place the tray in the
“Would your wife like her
clothes washed?” asked Nozomi, gesturing to the pile
in the corner.
“Thanks, Nozomi… I think Ayame would
appreciate some clean clothes.” replied the sand nin.
Kankuro looked over the tray and was amazed
by the selection of sushi to be had.
– you must have an excellent chef here… these are amazing!”
He was surprised to hear a
small scratchy chuckle from the older woman.
“No chef here,
Sakamoto-san… just me.”
He shook his head slightly
in amazement and replied, “Is there no end to your accomplishments, my dear
The older woman was
clearly delighted by Kankuro’s sincere flattery.
“Oh ho… you young charmer…
Your wife is going to have to watch you closely I see.”
He could hear Ino’s small chuckle coming from the bathroom at their hostess’s
banter with the puppeteer.
Naughty girl! She was
listening into their conversation!
The older woman gave him a
wicked smile as she picked up the clothes to wash. He slipped some yen into Nozomi’s hand as he escorted her back to the door. The
older woman smiled broadly once again and bowed before she disappeared down the
Kankuro closed the door softly and slid
the bolt across.
He smiled wryly… the old
girl certainly had spunk. They had gotten into an energetic chat when he’d been
making arrangements for a dinner tray. He imagined Ino
would still maintain that type of spirit when she got to Nozomi’s
age. It was a heady thought growing old with a woman like that… Kankuro felt his groin stirring and groaned at his body’s
traitorous actions.
It had been doing that
a lot in the last few days… especially since Ino came
into the picture in a big way…
“Kan..Yukio… who was that?” called out a soft
voice from the bathroom.
The puppeteer frowned
briefly at Ino’s slip. They were going to have to be
real careful about that once they got to the Sound Village. He knew their lives were going to
depend on them keeping in character.
“It was Nozomi… our hostess. She just dropped off a dinner tray for
us.” replied Kankuro and then continued. “I figured
you would be too tired from traveling to go out tonight.”
He walked over to the
bathroom door and opened it a crack. His scanned through the steam and his eyes
widened slightly at the vision in the bath.
She looked incredible.
The beauty wasn’t even
looking in his direction, just floating on her back… naked as the day she was
born, her silken blonde strands trailing behind her. The sand nin couldn’t help but notice that Kami had gifted her with one hell of an impressive rack.
Hell – the pervert in him
noticed that straight away!
It wasn’t fair… there
they were bobbing around like two pieces of succulent fruit and he couldn’t
even give into the urge to test their firmness!
Kankuro rested his forehead against the
door frame, closed his eyes and prayed for strength. He drew in a deep breath,
intending to walk away but abruptly stopped his exodus from the bathing room.
The sand nin grinned
wolfishly as an evil thought came bidden into his head.
No – that was a low
thing for even him to do…but he was a desperate man and he was hurting.
Even though he told her
that he wouldn’t touch her unless she took the first step – he wasn’t above
giving her a glimpse of temptation.
He wanted her to have a
taste of the agony he was feeling. Why should he be the only one suffering
around here!
Would you like me to bring some food in there for you?” called out Kankuro evilly from the doorway. Ino
had settled back onto a ledge and her head was resting on the edge. She cracked
open an eye and could barely make out the puppeteer through the steam.
He was going to bring
her food while she bathed? That sounded positively decadent!
“That sounds wonderful,
darling.” purred Ino in a blissful voice.
She frowned slightly as
she heard the bathing room door slide softly closed.
Funny - she thought
she’d also heard the puppeteer laugh.
He was sooo
going to burn in Hell for this one!
Feh – all’s fair in love and war.
Kankuro checked to see if his robe was
tied securely and slowly slid open the bathing room door. He walked slowly but
purposely, careful not to drop the tray he held in his hand.
Ino was still lounging in the water,
blissfully unaware with her eyes closed and didn’t see the evil smile ghost the
puppeteer’s lips as he got closer to her.
“She certainly was a
goddess!” Sighed the sand nin
wistfully to himself.
I could definitely get
used to looking at that particular sight everyday of my life…
The puppeteer grinned evilly
to himself - he needed to time this just right…
Kankuro waited until he was close enough
before he alerted her that the food was here.
“Honey, I brought you
food…” crooned the sand nin
in seductive tones.
Ino looked up at that exact moment and
managed to catch a glimpse of what he was hiding under that silk robe of his…
Ino’s eyes widened and she sat up.
Oh dear lord! He wasn’t
wearing anything under that robe!
She watched him crouch to
put the tray down and the robe bunched around his hips. The silk slid up and
caressed his thighs like the hands of a lover. Ino
swallowed compulsively and tracked his movements with her avaricious eyes as
his leg muscles rippled as he stood back up. She noticed he didn’t walk but
rather prowled around to the other side of the bath. That robe of his was pure
evil! It didn’t reveal too much but rather, enticed the viewer to investigate
the hidden delights the robe managed to further enhance.
Ino’s widened in a combination of shock
and lust as the puppeteer stopped and leisurely undid the belt of his robe. She
gulped, unable to turn away.
She refused to be
intimidated by this man!
Kankuro watched her struggling with her
inner demons in her little corner of the bath from under hooded lids. His deep
emerald eyes glittered with desire and deep admiration for the blonde beauty.
God! She was a stubborn
He slowly opened the robe,
positioning his hands near the scarlet dragon as he shrugged the black gown off
his shoulders, revealing his body to Ino from the
waist up.
Oh my God! He was HUGE!
Her blue eyes went as
round as saucers as she watched him nonchalantly released his hold on the front
of the dragon robe and let it pool around his ankles before he stepped into the
Ino was in her happy place. A bronzed God
had just stepped into her bath.
A part of her knew that he
did it just to get some type of reaction out of her but for some reason, she
wasn’t upset.
She watched mesmerized as
that slice of masculine perfection disappeared into the water, inch by delicious
Hell, she would never have
guessed in a million years that someone like himwould
have a body like that! The surprises just seem to keep coming where he
was concerned.
That could be hers
if she just said the word… whispered that inner voice.
“Ayame? Ayame, sweetheart… Are you
okay?” murmured a voice.
Plink… Plink… Plink…
“Honey? Your nose is bleeding… and you’re
drooling.” continued that sultry voice.
Kankuro bit his lip to prevent the evil
smirk from emerging. It was secretly quite gratifying to know that she found
him attractive. He couldn’t have asked for a better reaction from the little
vixen. As much as he was enjoying the show, he really needed to do something
about her nose… the blood was starting to trickle at a steady pace now.
He picked up a wash cloth
on the side of the bath and waded over to the blonde still reclining like a
tasty morsel on a buffet.
A carnal buffet for
one! thought the puppeteer grinning wickedly.
“Ayame? Ayame, sweetheart… Are you
okay?” murmured a voice.
Plink… Plink… Plink…
“Honey? Your nose is bleeding… and you’re
drooling.” continued that sultry voice.
Kankuro gently held the cloth to her nose
as Ino slowly came out of her daze and looked at the
spots of blood in the water.
The blonde pushed herself
upright, snatched the proffered wash cloth and flushed deeply, looking
everywhere except at the puppeteer’s broad chest.
She’d never suffered a
nosebleed before – much less over a guy!
Ino was feeling acutely embarrassed
because she’d been caught red-handed staring at him. She felt the water
rippling and knew that he had for the moment, retreated to a safe distance from
her in the bath.
“Oh, sweetheart…” murmured
the puppeteer in a seductive tone. “Would you like something to eat?”
Ino turned her dazed eyes towards the
sand nin who was busy
popping bite sized pieces of food into his mouth with gusto.
Hell yes, she was
hungry… but not for food!
The blonde was having a
tough time keeping focused on the topic at hand.
“Something to eat?”
parroted the poor woman, still staring at that sinewy expanse of back rippling
enticingly every time the man moved his arms.
“Yes, honey… I’ve got some
delicious sushi here. If you want, I can feed you…” murmured the large man, trying
very hard not to laugh at Ino’s stunned facial
“Huh… uh
NO! Um, I mean…
sweetie, its fine… I can feed myself.” replied an increasingly flustered Ino.
Shit no! I just got my
nose to finally stop bleeding! You that close to me feeding me
sushi is not a great idea!
“Okay… suit yourself,
sweetheart.” shrugged the puppeteer.
He turned away from the
young woman who was trying hard not to start drooling again.
If he started laughing at
her dilemma, he knew she wouldn’t hesitate in burying a kunai into his chest
while he was sleeping!
Kankuro felt sorry for her though… it was
obvious she was having a tough time dealing with the fact that she was
physically attracted to him.
The sand nin made up a plate of food and
said, “Sweetie, why don’t you turn around and face the wall for a moment while
I come over there with some food for you.”
Ino’s eyebrows raised into her hairline.
He was taking pity on
her! Well – there’s a first time for everything!
She would never have
guessed in a million years that he was capable of compassion!
The young woman was
surprised to feel herself nod and comply with the sand nin’s suggestion, giving the delighted man an
uninterrupted view of her back.
“That cute little
heart-shaped butt of hers looks amazing without the clothing hiding its
perfection! So perky!” thought the man to himself, now mentally drooling at
the sight before him.
The puppeteer felt a
familiar stirring and sighed. He knew if he wasn’t careful, he’d be the one
sporting a nosebleed in a minute!
Kankuro redirected his efforts to putting
an assortment of sushi on a tray that he thought she might like to try, not
sure what she preferred.
The sand nin carefully shuffled over to the
blonde still staring a hole in the screened wall and placed the sushi nearby.
Kankuro glanced at the still young woman,
drawn irresistibly to her and couldn’t resist the urge to step behind her to
place his large hands on her shoulders.
Ino started to tremble with desire as
soon as she felt his hands on her flesh.
He leaned close and
murmured softly in her ear that the food was there and gently ruffled the
little wisps of blonde hair trying to escape from the hasty bun Ino tied her hair up in.
She shivered slightly from
the feel of the whisper of his warm breath against her.
The puppeteer stepped
back, preparing to move away from her, when he suddenly changed his mind and
gently leaned down to softly place his lips at the nape of her neck before
finally turning to wade back to the tray of sushi waiting for him.
Ino felt her eyes flicker open in
surprise at the gentle pressure of his firm lips at the base of her neck, only
to close them in disappointment as she felt the rippling of the water around
her to signify that he had moved away.
A single tear slid down
her cheek as she mourned the situation that was of her own choosing, knowing
that he wouldn’t push for more than that small telling moment of weakness.
She could have it all
if she just said the word…
Kankuro suddenly felt unaccountably
trapped in a carnal private hell after he had given into that small temptation
to kiss her. Her bare flesh had felt like the softest of silks under his palms
and her freshly washed hair had smelt like cherry blossoms in the springtime.
A part of him wanted to
taste her sweetness further but he dared not break his agreement with the
beautiful blonde.
He’d given his word and
he’d been damned if he was going to break his promise!
He had planned to continue
to tease her but now that plan seemed a little mean spirited in light of their
present situation.
There was just no use
playing the game with her if there was no hint of a reward at the end.
Kankuro sighed and finished his meal,
barely tasting the delicious morsels of fish placed delicately on perfect
portions of rice.
The puppeteer heaved a
heavy sigh of remorse, feeling oddly empty inside and grabbed the nearby soap,
determined to finish up as quickly as he could. The sooner he put distance
between them, the better he would feel.
Ino heard the sand nin’s deep and melancholy sigh and wondered at its
source. The blonde peeked over her shoulder at Kankuro
to see that he had his back to her.
“Surely there was no
harm in just looking…” thought the curious woman to herself.
She turned to watch the
bi-play of his muscles as they rippled under the skin, bunching and relaxing as
he directed his attentions to washing his hair.
She sat down on her perch,
fascinated by the sheer beauty of the man in the bath.
It was sad, really… she was this bundle of bravado the majority of
the time but the first hint of a possible threat to her virginity, she running
for the hills! She wasn’t kidding herself in that he posed a serious threat to
that particular state of her life!
Ino watched him slide the washcloth
over his water slicked flesh, licking her suddenly bone-dry lips as she
followed the path of the cloth before it disappeared under the water.
She heard a soft moan echo
in the sultry silence of the bath house and vaguely acknowledged that it came
from her.
She didn’t know it but the
sound had condemned her by telling him frankly of her secret desire for him…
The atmosphere in the
bathing room changed in that moment when he heard that softly uttered moan. Kankuro, his back to the blonde woman in the bath with him,
swiftly realized that he had an interested audience of one studying his
So, she wasn’t as
unaffected as she pretended to be, heh? Well – if she
likes to watch so much, then I will give her what she wants…
His good humor restored,
he silently vowed that he would give a special show that she wouldn’t soon
With his back still to
her, the puppeteer’s eyes smoldered with suppressed passion as he continued to
slide the soft cloth over his suddenly heated flesh. Now he knew she was
following his actions with those brilliant baby blues of hers, he was going to
leave an impression on her that she wouldn’t soon forget in a hurry!
Ino watched with bated breath as the
sand nin’s movements became
more seductive and carnal. She felt her breath hitch in her throat and her
heart beat start to rocket as she continued to follow those large capable hands
of his sliding over his body. The young woman swallowed convulsively and
wondered how his skin would feel with her hands roaming over that rock
hard body of his. She kept following his hands as they disappeared under the
surface of the water, only to return to distribute more soap onto his dark
flesh. Ino now openly stared at the sand nin as he immersed his body under the
surface of the water, only to see him break the surface moments later, flinging
his head back and exposing the corded muscles on his neck.
Oh my god!
Ino bit back another soft moan and
clenched her thighs together, suddenly feeling slightly embarrassed by this
feeling of heat burning through her…
this gnawing craving
that only he could satisfy…
Kankuro heard the telltale sound that she
was trying so hard to hold back and knew as enjoyable as this was – he needed
to stop soon or he was going to go over there and break a promise to a certain
If he did that – he’d
feel like a low bastard afterwards… but he’d die a happy man.
Ino frowned slightly as she saw that
the puppeteer was almost done washing.
“No! Don’t stop!”
begged the blonde silently.
Damnit… she was all frustrated and she
now had this burning need deep inside.
The worst thing was, she
knew what she wanted but she was too proud to ask him to take the ache away.
She was caught in the trap and she knew it.
She watched him wade over
to the side of the bathing pool and place the soap and washcloth down.
Her eyes followed his
figure as he walked towards the steps to make his exit.
“NOOOO! Don’t leave!” whined a little voice inside Ino.
Ino watched Kankuro’s
finely toned butt flex as he ascended the steps and the muscles tightened as he
bent over to retrieve a towel.
He grinned wolfishly as he
heard the indrawn gasp when he picked up the towel.
The poor girl was in
the grips of arousal but she wasn’t sure what to do about it! He sure as hell
wasn’t going to give her clues. She’s a smart girl – she’ll figure it out!
He quickly dried himself
off, smirking every so often when he heard the occasional anguished noise come
from his enraptured voyeur.
He draped his towel around
his neck, giving Ino an undivided view of his
well-honed body while he bent to retrieve his black gown still pooled at the
top of the stairs.
Shrugging it on, he
quickly belted it before she realized that her hungry stares were making quite
an impression on him as well.
Kankuro finally turned in her direction
and watched with a raised eyebrow as she quickly sunk down into the water up to
her neck.
She wasn’t kidding him! He
could see the telltale flush travel from her heated face down under the water’s
The sand nin gathered up his empty dishes
and walked over to Ino’s location, dropping down to
one knee behind the blushing blonde.
“Sweetheart, you really
should eat something. It’s very good!” murmured the puppeteer into the young
woman’s ear.
He watched her swallow
convulsively and nod in response.
Kankuro stood back up and walked over to
the door, feeling Ino track his path with her heated
Ino was puzzled when he paused in the
doorway, then heard him say, “Well, I’m heading off to bed… it’s been a long
day. Don’t stay too long in the bath, will you honey?”
She was relieved to
finally see him walk into the other room.
“If there’s anything you
need, darling… be sure to ask, hmmm?” crooned the puppeteer and then added,
“Oh… sweetie… one more thing you should know that I neglected to mention. I
prefer to sleep naked…”
“Oh Lord!” groaned Ino silently.
That was one image she
could have done without tonight!
Plink… Plink… Plink…
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” muttered
the blonde under her breath as she heard his deep sexy chuckle disappear into
the bedroom.
She really needed to
either do something about these nosebleeds or something about that man in the
other room taunting her!
She had a feeling that it
was going to be a long night.
Ino wasn’t too sure how much longer she could keep
those desires she secretly harbored for him at bay…
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