Leader | By : mannahpierce Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 2189 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This story has some of Masashi Kishimoto's characters from Naruto in a universe of my own devising. I do not own Naruto. I do not make any money from these writings. |
Thanks to my beta and muse, Small Fox. This story grew from a plot idea he gave me. Also thanks to liby318 richon, eunmook, melissen, liby318, Dawn, sadie237, cynaga, GreenEyedCat, unneeded and disembodiedvoiceofthedying for reviewing after chapter 4 was posted. Feedback keeps me writing!
Leader Part 1: the pod 5: Reception
“Sumiko misses me?” Sai checked. He sounded so hopeful. Haru increased the emotions Sai seemed to express from one to two; loneliness and hope. He also shelved the suggestion he had been going to make; it wasn’t fair to ask Sai to make a ‘character Sai’ for the stories when he liked spending time with Sumiko and missed her. “Yes. She’s picked these three story scenarios.” He pointed them out. “Do you need me to do anymore?” There was the briefest of pauses. “No. I’ll be ready when Sumiko joins the simulation.” Haru had an idea. “Could you make it so that the code you introduce looks like normal code?” he asked. “The kind of code I would write.” “No,” Sai replied. “Your code is slow and inefficient.” Haru tried not to be insulted. “Sai, if Shi-chan even glances at the code he will know it isn’t mine. He’ll get excited and start asking questions.” There was a slightly longer pause. “I can make it so that it looks like yours but it will not be the real code.” “Dummy code?” Haru was delighted; it was a great idea. “Can you do that every time you write code for something?” “Yes,” Sai assured him. Haru checked the time. Today they arrived at Haven and Iruka-sensei was holding a briefing. He must not be late. “I have to go now,” he warned. “I’ll be back when I next get a chance but it may not be until this evening. We’ll do some mathematics together.” “I like mathematics,” Sai acknowledged. “It is more likely to be tomorrow. This evening you will be too tired and fall asleep. You do that when you have many new experiences in a short period.” Haru flushed. “You can always bother Ran.” “I can ask Ran if he will speak with me,” Sai agreed. “Thank you for sorting out the sensors, speakers and projectors in Ran’s room. Thank you for arranging for me to play with Sumiko.” Haru deserved credit for the first but not the second; he wasn’t at all happy about Sumiko renewing her friendship with Sai. “You are meant to say that I am welcome,” Sai pointed out. “It is good manners when someone thanks you.” “Sorry, Sai, I was thinking. You are welcome.” He and Kazuki were the last to take their seats; Iruka-sensei raised a brow but didn’t comment. “Let’s get started,” he began. “Who can tell me something that makes Haven special? Ry-chan?” “It is somewhere where hybrids and purebreds live together as equals.” “Very good. Yo-chan?” “It’s new for a space station. Uchiha helped found it after the exodus of hybrids from the Warren.” “Hi-chan?” “It could be built so quickly because it’s built out of modules. Nova Tech, the company that built it, has a factory ship that jumps into the system and produces the modules on site. Then they’re assembled to make whatever is needed.” “Ho-chan?” “Haven is part owned by Uchiha, part by Nova Tech and part by the citizens. To be a citizen you have to have lived there for three standards and have paid your tithe for that time. A tithe is where you give one tenth of your income into joint pot of credit that is used for the good of all the residents. One of the things that are special about this trip is that Uchiha is going to sell a quarter of its shares to the citizens. This will mean that the citizens will own over half the space station for the first time.” “Iruka-san, who owns Nova Tech?” Hikaru asked. Haru suspected that Shi-chan owned Nova Tech, so he was interested in what Iruka-sensei would say. “Nova Tech is owned by various shareholders, some of whom thought up the technology the company uses and some who run the company or are employed by it. The others are investors, who hope to share in the company’s profits but will lose the credit they have invested if the company fails.” Iruka-sensei smiled. “Now, why does Haven have a special relationship with Uchiha? Ka-chan?” Kazuki was out of his chair. “The AHB had a plan to kill all the hybrids in the Warren but we stopped it. The hybrids asked To-chan because he is patron of the HDL and Papa decided Uchiha would help. Shika-san came up with a plan. We got there in time and we started evacuating the hybrids and then the AHB tried to stop us by invading the spacer quarter and Papa led the battle and To-chan fought better than ever before.” Kazuki was suddenly still. “We saved the hybrids but Inoichi-san sacrificed his life to save thousands of evacuees who were trapped in a spur.” “He’s a hero,” Keizo added. Inoichi-san had been one of Keizo’s Witnesses. “Yes, Inoichi-san is a hero,” Iruka-sensei confirmed. “Thank you, Ka-chan. You can sit down now. How does the story relate to Haven? Ya-chan?” “Haven was founded to be a home for the hybrids from the Warren,” Yasushi answered. “But they didn’t all go to Haven,” Kuuya added. “Some went to Sanctuary and some decided to stay at the Warren.” “And why was staying in the Warren possible?” Iruka-sensei asked. “Who hasn’t spoken so far? Yu-chan?” Haru knew he had not contributed. He thought about what he would say when Iruka-sensei came to him. Yuki considered before he answered. “The purebred residents of the Warren got rid of the leaders who were anti-hybrid. They voted Shibito-san in as mayor and he made it so that hybrids in the Warren were people with rights.” “Good answer, Yu-chan. Ha-chan, what were the outcomes for Uchiha of involving itself with the Warren?” Haru almost froze; the question was so huge. Then he realised that a small answer was better than not answering at all. “It had a massive effect on Uchiha’s reputation,” he began. “Before the Warren Uchiha’s reputation was in two parts. There was the old Uchiha reputation of being ruthless killers and there was the part that was based on Papa being the Last Uchiha and being in love with To-chan. Uchiha had got rid of the slavers from Kaze but Papa had decided to allow Temari-sama to take credit for that so only some people knew how much Uchiha had done. “Then, after the Warren, Uchiha was seen as powerful and as the champion of the underdog.” Haru looked at Iruka-sensei. How much did he want? Haru was always careful not to show off in front of his brothers and sister. “Maybe two more points, Ha-chan,” Iruka-sensei encouraged. He shifted through the others. “It was by being involved in the Warren that we discovered that Orochimaru was still alive. It also caused Kotohime-san to break with Fuma, which led to her offering the technique to construct humanised chromosomes to hybrids, including To-chan and Kisame-san, which led to the triplets and Shou.” “Thank you, Ha-chan. We will now look at some of the media coverage. It will help you understand the decisions Sasuke-sama makes.” Haru had always known that Papa and To-chan were famous but watching the media coverage from Haven really brought it home. He had expected the upcoming share transfer from Uchiha to the citizens of Haven to be news. He wasn’t surprised that the announcers were mentioning their arrival. What he hadn’t anticipated was the blanket coverage, which included everything from pictures of Papa as a child to speculation about what he and the others would do when they were old enough. There were the reports from journalists who had been out interviewing people in the corridors and market places. Haru listened in stunned disbelief as yet another young female declared that he was her favourite. At least he wasn’t the only one; only Hoshi was exempt. Then there were the pictures of Papa and To-chan, which seemed to be everywhere, and images of Inoichi-san, which were mostly in ornate frames with little lights around them. At least lots of the older hybrids interviewed said that To-chan was their role model and that he had changed the way they looked at themselves and other hybrids. Haru could relate to that. Finally, to emphasise the point he was making, Iruka-sensei showed them what had happened on Chanx when the crew had been attacked. It was weird to see Papa and To-chan and Haku-san looking so young. It was terrifying how quickly the crowd had transformed into a panicking, violent mob. Haru no longer thought Papa was being too cautious when he would not let them disembark at a space station or a planet. Next on the day’s tasks was going to the viewing deck where most of the crew were gathered; everyone who wasn’t on duty was present, even Konan and Hana. Haven was a disc with elegantly curved radiating spokes. Around it were many small dots. Haru watched them for a while. They were getting bigger; the ships were heading towards them. It didn’t make sense. Ships should be heading for one of the gates, not towards the ungated hole they had used. He looked towards Papa. Papa knew what he was thinking without asking. “They want to escort us in,” he explained. “It is their way of paying their respects.” Hikaru frowned. “How do we know they aren’t going to attack us?” he asked. “On balance it is unlikely,” Papa answered, “but we need to stay alert. There could be enemies hiding among our friends and allies. That is why Kakashi-san and Shika-san are in the control room analysing the situation as it develops and Hamaki-san, Terai-san and Fu-san are on standby.” Haru imagined being in the control room watching the battle board. Perhaps he could ask Shi-chan to create a real time sim of it. They watched as the ships came closer and changed course to take up their positions as escorts. The Oak continued on its course, decelerating gradually, until it came to a halt relative to the station. Then, as they watched, lights rippled from the station’s core to the ends of its spokes; blue, then red and then white. Haven was declaring itself an ally to Uchiha. Then everyone scattered to prepare for the reception. It had been decided that having outsiders on the ship was less difficult that keeping the crew safe on the station. Shuttles carrying their guests were already heading for the most secure of the Oak’s docking bays. From there the guests would walk along what looked like beautifully decorated corridors, but were actually scanners, to the largest of the reception rooms. Haru wished he could be in the security suite examining the data from the scanners but he, like the rest of the big litter, were helping Choza-san. This time Ran was attending the reception, as were Misora and Keitaro. Haru wasn’t sure why but wondered if was something to do with Five, who was one of the guests. Their guests were a mixture of people Papa and To-chan had worked with during the evacuation and important people from Haven. Some overlapped, like Kotohime-san and Sickler-san. Sickler-san was currently Leading Citizen, which was an elected post like mayor was in the Warren. Haru was set collecting empty cups while Kazuki and Ryuu walked about with trays of full ones. At least he was mingling with the guests; the rest of the litter were helping Choza-san set out tray after tray of tasties, which would be offered around after the speeches. Leading Citizen Sickler looked just like Kamatari-san; they were much more alike than the kits. Haru walked about with his tray. Some people abandoned their empty cups for him to pick up. Others put them on his tray. Most of the guests ignored him, treating him as they would to a crew’s cat. A few nodded their thanks or smiled at him; he gave those a small bow as Kiba-san had instructed. He had practised bowing without tipping his tray. The dark haired woman talking to Rin-san was different. “This must be Haru-chan,” she declared. Haru bowed. “What a cutie,” she added, which both annoyed Haru and made him blush. “You are meant to ignore him, Kotohime-san,” Rin-san pointed out. Haru’s mind exploded with questions he wanted to ask; Kotohime-san was the best hybrid engineer in known space. He clamped his mouth shut; he was under strict instructions not to converse. Kotohime-san smiled. “You and I both know I am not very good at doing what I am meant to do. He isn’t at all like Shikamaru-san,” she observed. “That’s because he isn’t allowed to talk,” Rin-san replied. “You know where half his chromosomes came from as soon as he opens his mouth.” “Is that so?” Kotohime reached out and pushed some strands of hair away from his forehead. Haru did not know what to do. Then To-chan was there. “Kotohime-san.” She had no choice but to turn to him and bow. “Naruto-san.” Haru grabbed the opportunity to hurry away. His tray was almost full, so he headed for the side room. He put the tray down and was handed another by Hoshi. “Have you seen Five yet?” she asked. “What’s he like?” Haru shook his head but when he went back out he scanned the room. Standing next to Haku-san, conversing with Misora, Keitaro and Ran, was a hybrid of about the correct age. He had furry, pointed ears and a long tail with alternative rings of light and dark grey. He was definitely a cat hybrid. The way he stood reminded Haru of Yugito-san. It had to be Five. Haru looked away. He couldn’t be caught staring; Kiba-san would tell him off or, worse, Papa would be disappointed in him. Next there were the speeches. Papa welcomed their guests and said stuff about how wonderful it was that Haven was doing so well. Sickler-san thanked Papa and Iruka-sensei for their hospitality and acknowledged that Haven wouldn’t be doing so well without Uchiha’s help. Then it was back to collecting cups. The kits and Ryuu were bringing out trays of filled cups or tasties. Hikaru and Hoshi were working as a pair. Ho-chan was offering guests small, warmed, damp towels on which to wipe their hands and Hikaru was collecting the used towels in a basket. Haru managed to get a few more looks at Five before he finished collecting cups. His eyes were amazing. They were wide, slanted and outlined in dark grey. His irises were a pale, icy green. The other thing that caught Haru’s attention was the skin on his face and hands. His face, other than his lips and the underside of his nose, was covered with very short fur. Most of it was pale grey but there was a subtle pattern of lines on his forehead and cheeks. His hands were dark grey and fur-free on the palms and the underside of the fingers but the backs were covered with short, silvery-white fur. Then, all at once, it was over. The guests had left and they were helping Choza-san to tidy up. Five was the only topic of conversation. Apparently Papa had offered him the opportunity to try out as a member of the crew for the duration of their visit to Haven and Five had accepted. “He’s very handsome,” Hoshi observed with a very un-Hoshi-like giggle. Was Five good-looking? Haru thought about it and decided that Hoshi was probably right. He was sitting in the galley with Haku-san when they brought the left-over food back to the crew room. “Children, come and meet Five-kun,” Haku-san instructed. They put down the baskets they had been carrying and lined up. Haku-san went through each of their names. Haru was between Kazuki and Kuuya. Both were bristling, although it was more obvious with Ka-chan because of his tail. They bowed but Haru could see that Ka-chan had to force himself. Five greeted them politely and then turned to Haku-san. “Is Ran-kun also a child?” he asked. Haru stiffened. Why was Five asking about Ran? Was it linked to why Ran had attended the reception rather than helping Choza-san? “For now,” Haku-san confirmed. And what did Haku-san mean by ‘for now’? Then Choza-san arrived and Five left with Haku-san. The leftover tasties were put out on the table alongside bread, cheese and fruit. Serving all that food with no chance to have any had made even Haru hungry, so he wasn’t surprised when Ryuu and the kits emptied all the plates within minutes. Choza-san merely smiled and added more bread and cheese. “What was up with you when we were introduced to Five?” Haru asked Kazuki. Ka-chan managed to fit in an answer between swallowing one mouthful and taking another. “Makes me want to growl,” he admitted. There were nods from the other kits and even Ryuu looked like he might be in agreement. Choza-san sighed. “Kiba said that Five-kun being a cat hybrid might take a little getting used to.” Haru wondered if Kiba-san and To-chan felt the same as the kits and Ryuu. After they had eaten they went to the playroom. Their usual duties had been cancelled for the day so had private study for the rest of the afternoon. Haru wondered where Ran was. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Five and Haku-san had said. At least he would see him at the evemeal. He was there but he wasn’t in his usual place next to Haru; he was between Five and Kakashi-san. Before they started eating, Papa did the waiting thing that told everyone he wanted to speak to them. “On behalf of the crew, I would like to welcome Five. Five is staying with us for the duration of our stay at Haven. If everything works out, he will join Uchiha as a trainee before we leave.” There were some polite murmurs of greeting. “I would also like to thank everyone for the time and effort they put into today. The reception was a great success and we had a very useful meeting with some key people afterwards.” He gestured towards the food. “Let’s eat before this wonderful food gets cold.” Haru didn’t eat much. He wanted to talk to Ran but Ran was busy talking with Five. Worse Kakashi-san and Iruka-sensei were encouraging it. “Perhaps Ran could show you some more of the ship after the meal,” Kakashi-san suggested. Haru’s heart fell. “That would be nice but I have another commitment,” Ran replied. “Perhaps Misora-kun would like to show Five-kun around.” Misora pounced on the suggestion. “I would be happy to do that.” She looked at Five hopefully. “Maybe Keitaro-kun could accompany you,” Iruka-sensei proposed. Keitaro looked across at the sound of his name and soon they had sorted out that Misora and Keitaro would show Five one or two of the other levels. Ran was waiting for him in the shared area. Kazuki rushed past, explaining that he was on his way to the zero gravity gym with Yasushi and Yoshimi. Haru and Ran waved; they understood how much exercise the kits needed. Ran slid open the door of his room and gestured Haru in. “You’ve heard,” he suggested. Haru shook his head. He was still hoping that it wasn’t as bad as he feared. “Only bits.” Ran sighed. “I told Ir-chan that you would guess. I wanted to talk to you first.” Haru waited, dreading what he was almost certain was coming. “Ir-chan and Kashi-san want me to swear to Uchiha now if Five decides to stay. They say that having two trainees together will be better.” Haru wanted to scream no. It was a whole standard early. Instead of fifteen divs during which Ran went on without him, it would be two and a half standards. He imagined Ran vanishing into the distance with Five. “Keitaro and Misora are trainees,” he pointed out. “It isn’t like Five would be the only one.” Ran paused before replying. “It isn’t just about Five. It’s about me. I’m not like you. Studying something without doing it doesn’t suit me. I’m marking time. I would do a lot better moving on to the trainee programme. I’m ready now.” Haru swallowed around the lump in his throat. He was holding Ran back. You didn’t do that to your friends. You certainly didn’t do it to someone you loved. Ran wouldn’t come to the playroom unless he had duty there. The sleepovers would have to stop; they would no longer be considered appropriate. “Will I still be able to come to your room?” he asked. Ran was studying him; Haru knew he was using his inside-eyes. “We’ll make sure of it before I commit,” Ran promised. Haru nodded. He wondered if Ran would be allowed to visit him and Kazuki in their room. “You should do it,” Haru told him, which was true. “I want you to,” he added, which was not. Ran closed the distance between them and hugged him. “You will always be my best friend, Haru. That is never going to change.” Haru wished he could believe that.
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