What Do You See? | By : Snowway32 Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2155 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters there in. No money is made from this |
I have the next chapter for you guys and I hope it is enjoyable I'm still a bit unsure of writting fight scenes but I think it came out pretty well.
-------------------------------- Naruto woke up refreshed and excited. It was the day of the final Chuunin exams and he was ready to take on the name of his father and follow in his footsteps. He felt at ease with himself as he knew Jiraiya-sensei would be watching and Kakashi-sensei too. The presence of his father was also inside him; spurning him on to do better than he had ever before. He shuffled out from under the covers and headed for the shower. The water stung against his skin pleasantly and he was happy to see that the deep wounds on his wrists were almost gone entirely. He sighed; sometimes he wished that just one scar would remain but they never did. He smiled as he heard crooning in his mind; his father really wasn't kidding when he said he would talk to him. It made him happy. "Time to get ready." He smiled to himself as he searched through his outfits; he had been given permission to wear his father's cloak and he was going to wear it no matter the reactions of others. He sighed; his usual orange clashed horribly with the deep red that decorated the hem of the white material. Jiraiya had taken him out yesterday to stock up on his shinobi outfits and he was grateful to the old pervert. He nodded to himself as he picked out dark green cargo pants that had many pockets for his collection of kunai and shuriken. Over that he chose a black turtle neck shirt that went over his meshed shirt. Yes; it was perfect. He slipped on black sandals and reached for his dark blue hitai-ate. He really needed to get a black one but for now he gave a contented sigh as he tied it around his forehead and pulled blonde strands over the symbol that he proudly displayed. It felt familiar as some of the longer strands brushed up against his forehead that wasn't covered by the metal plate. He should have done that a long time ago; maybe now his hair wouldn't get drenched in sweat so easily. "Yosh! Let's get going." He said as he slipped on the red and white cloak. Jiraiya was right; it was still a bit big for him but not so much that it made him look like he was shrinking into the material. The hem brushed against his ankles; with time if he grew to his father's height it would brush against his calves instead. It was a familiar weight that settled on his shoulders. From this day forward let the world know Namikaze Naruto and not Uzumaki Naruto, he thought to himself. ----------------------------------- "I formally declare the final Chuunin exam open. There has been a slight change in the program as I would like to make an important announcement. " The Sandiame's voice carried easily through the stadium; a respectful silence had settled throughout the crowd. Naruto was no exception; he was leaning against railing and looking at the stadium below where his first battle would be held. His ears were perked as he listened to the Sandiame speaking, not noticing the surprised looks his fellow peers gave him. Shikamaru was smirking slightly as if he knew a great secret and Shino was as unreadable as ever. Naruto was peeved that Sasuke was not here with the contestants; he really wanted his friend and rival to be there with him to hear this. A sigh escaped his lips; now he was going to have to repeat what everybody already knew to Sasuke. "This village was saved by the Yondaime exactly fourteen years ago and I feel it important to say that during that night he left behind a legacy. I have been keeping it hidden from the public to ease the pain off of that person but it seems that in doing so I only hurt him more. This is a public apology to his son Naruto. I have given him permission to live up to his father's legacy and as of today he will formally be known as Namikaze Naruto." There was a sudden silence that settled across the entire stadium and Naruto looked uncomfortably around him and was surprised by Shikamaru shuffling next to him, a small smile stretched the usually lazy nin's lips. "Good luck Naruto; I'll be watching. Make your father proud." The words were simple and said with a bored tone but Naruto knew better so he smiled his thanks; happiness shimmering in his eyes. For the first time he felt like he was a part of something bigger than himself. "And now; I won't keep you waiting anymore. Please let us begin the first match; Hyuuga Neji against Namikaze Naruto." ~ "Kakashi-sensei? Why are we here?" Sasuke pouted as his teacher led him through the stands and found two seats that had a great view of the stadium. The silver haired jounin gave a small smile as his visible eye curled upward as he motioned for the last Uchiha to take a seat. It was pure luck that they had the best view of the stadium below. "We could have trained more my match isn't until twelve." Sasuke whined but sat as his sensei instructed; for the first time in his life his sensei was early for something. That was enough to startle him into submission to Kakashi's will. "Mah, mah don't be like that Sasuke. I wanted to see Naruto's match as well." Sasuke gave a glare and only half listened to what the Sandiame was rambling about. He frowned when the words seemed to drift over him and yet he could have sworn he heard 'Naruto' mentioned. "What's he on about?" He murmured and wasn't surprised when Kakashi turned to him with an amused eye. "You should pay attention to what the old man says; you'd be surprised at what you may hear." Kakashi smiled. His heart was filled with warmth as the announcement finally came; Naruto was finally given what he deserved. He looked up at the clouds as a smile curled beneath his mask. 'Your wish is finally coming true Minato-sensei.' He said in a silent prayer. "As of today he will formally be known as Namikaze Naruto." It was finally done. He didn't need to watch to know that Sasuke's eyes were as big a saucers in his surprise and nor did he need to see the faint jealousy that rolled off his student. This would be a good example to test just how far Sasuke's superiority complex stretched. --------------------------------------- Naruto landed on his feet in the middle of the stadium as he observed the examiner staring at him with wide eyes. He gave a satisfied smile as he crossed his arms and waited for his opponent to arrive. It wasn't long until he saw the long brown hair and the distinctive lavender eyes of Neji and allowed his lips to curl downwards in displeasure. He remembered the harsh way in which Hinata was treated by her cousin and his own promise also echoed in his ears. 'I will defeat you for Hinata and Lee.' He needed to keep that promise. He wasn't really listening to the words Neji was saying but he kept repeating the word 'fate' and 'destiny' and Naruto snorted. "Really; if that's all you believe in. I can safely say I feel sorry for you." He said as grabbed a kunai and attacked; he'd wasted enough time as it was. The kunai was steady in his hands even when he felt a small shiver of anticipation streak across his back. "I promised Hinata I would set things right and for Lee who fought so hard to catch up to you. I don't follow destiny; I only do what I believe is right." Naruto urged his feet to carry him faster as he saw a glint of a kunai flash mere inches from his face. He did not know where the sudden influx of speed came from but he felt his father's soul whisper against his own and gave a silent thank you. He needed a distraction; a quick hand seal and several Kage Bunshin stood around him. This would serve the second purpose in gauging the strength of his opponent. Naruto was not comfortable to fight at close range since he knew his taijitsu was not as good as his ninjitsu. Yet; Neji's clan was obviously skilled in close combat. What to do, what to do? "You are born into your fate; you cannot change it. You say you are going to become the next Hokage? Yet, you are not even near strong enough." That insult stung but Naruto smirked; he was not going to give up. Not with the amused snort that travelled through his conscious mind. The Yondaime was finding all this really amusing. "So what? I know the pain of hatred, loneliness and utter helplessness and yet I am I still standing here before you. Many rational shinobi would have long since taken their own life and yet I chose to live. To prove myself and finally take upon my shoulders my father's pride and his legacy even if that mean having to live in hatred for the rest of my life." Naruto wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying his only focus was on his opponent. He had yet to find an opening in Neji's taijitsu and the added problem of having his chakra points closed if he got too close. 'That's it.' If Neji believed so much in fate and destiny then he would also make the logical conclusion that Naruto would be a coward and afraid of having his chakra points closed. He needed to make a clone stand out. That was easy enough. Fifteen clones stood by his side; all at the ready for an attack. "I'm not done yet." He yelled and charged; leaving one clone to stand to the side and attract the older Hyuuga's attention. The distraction was enough for him throw a carefully aimed kunai; eyes widening when Neji simply slapped it aside. He was fast; he watched with wide eyes as Neji charged at him. He felt frozen as the speed that Neji used was much faster than his own... 'Naruto; allow your instincts to work. Don't think; my jutsu are all ingrained into you.' That voice Naruto knew so he took a deep breath and clasped his hands together; if his father told him to do that then he would obey. He paid attention to his memory as it flashed with a series of hand seals he never knew but were familiar to him as the air he breathed everyday. It took an immense amount of chakra from him but he transported himself away from Neji' attacking form. Cursing when he appeared not far from where he was before. Damn it! He was going to have to work on that technique more. He needed to find an opening to use the Rasengan. He sent another wave of Kage Bunshins towards his enemy and watched with wide eyes as a circle of chakra enveloped Neji and not even a single blow was landed, despite being surrounded from all sides. 'Any suggestions dad?' He asked slowly as he observed the new technique Neji had just brought out of his arsenal. The distraction Neji had planned seemed to have worked and Naruto cursed when he couldn't evade the series of blows that connected with his body instantly. He tried to curl in on himself but it didn't help as he felt his energy drain from him. It really hurt and he knew that by the end of the volley that all his chakra points had been closed; he cursed colourfully. Blood bubbled into his mouth and spilled over and he struggled to stand. Damn it! He had lost focus and now he was useless. With pained movements he stood up on his feat; swaying lightly as he observed his surroundings. He couldn't lose here, not yet. Besides he needed to get Neji back for spilling blood on his father's cloak... "I'm not done yet." He said brokenly as he tried to push the immense pain away from his consciousness. What was it Ero-sennin had said again? He had two types of chakra; if only he could call forth Kyuubi's instead of his own which was now sealed away. He could already feel the hum of power by his seal. 'Kyuubi-sama. Lend me some of you chakra please.' He asked; if he was polite maybe he would also get along with the demon that was sealed into him. Naruto didn't flinch when he heard the deep chuckle in his mind and a sudden influx of heated chakra; this chakra hurt him too as it burned red through his pathways. But it was useful and could not be wasted intentionally. If he was going to end this then it would be now whilst his opponent was still startled by his recovery. His hands flashed in a series of seals he had used mere moments before as he moved closer to his opponent; close enough to not give the opportunity time to use his heavenly spin. However; first he had finish forming the Rasengan. The chakra in his palm was extremely potent and he had to tone it down considerably; he really didn't want to kill Neji only teach him that fate wasn't what he thought it was. In his palm nestled a perfectly formed Rasengan; smaller than the one he was used to and filled with less power but powerful enough to attract Neji's attention towards it. The moment was now; he flashed from where he was to standing directly in front of Neji. "I don't believe in fate nor that it cannot be changed!" He yelled and reached for his target that was still frozen in place. Naruto was fast upon Neji as he shoved the Rasengan into the older genin's stomach; not stopping until he was certain that Neji would not get up. "Rasengan!" By the time he pulled away; Neji was on the ground. Blood dripping from his mouth but still breathing steadily. It was a relief for Naruto as he knew his blow had not killed even if it was dangerous. He himself was panting with exertion but he felt accomplished. He was contemplative as he looked up for the first time since the match started. He really wanted to chuckle when he saw the examiner look at him with wide eyes as the senbon in his mouth fell to the ground; but his lungs didn't seem to want to work with him properly. It was so quiet in the stadium that Genma's falling senbon could be heard all around. He frowned but shrugged as he crossed his arms across his chest; at least no one had attacked him yet. The action seemed to allow for the examiner to snap out of his daze and smile at him encouragingly. "Winner; Uzu...Namikaze Naruto!" Luckily Genma had corrected himself as he noticed the scowl on Naruto's face. At his announcement he looked up at the Hokage and even at the distance he could still see the smile on the old man's face. It was as if a wave of acceptance and denial descended upon the crowd all at once; some were cheering and other's were stoically trying to deny what they had just seen. Naruto just let out a sigh as he headed away from the grounds so that he could go find Jiraiya... ~ Up in the stands two people were more stunned than any of the others in the stadium. Kakashi had seen the match at the best possible angle and felt a shudder of nostalgia travel through him. Naruto had just done the impossible in a month and on top of that he had inherited the two most famous techniques Minato was known for. He felt pride swell through him; Naruto had definitely grown a lot. As he watched his student he also felt an old desire creep up on him; one he thought had died with his sensei but he was wrong. As he now looked at Naruto he was more sure than ever that Naruto was Minato... Jiraiya watched quietly and pensively; he didn't know how but Naruto had just executed Minato's Flying Thunder God technique and did it perfectly. He was stunned as Jiraiya knew he never taught it to his student nor had Minato shared his secret with him but Naruto had inexplicably just done it. He was awed at what he saw; Naruto was just like Minato. The white and red cloak; bright eyes and messy blond hair. It was exactly like him... ----------------------------------- "Jiraiya-sensei!" Naruto yelled as he spotted the Sannin's white hair. He was so happy that it felt like he could walk on air even if there was still a lingering pain in his limbs. He saw black eyes train on him and he felt his heart swell at the pride and acceptance he saw there. He could no longer keep his happiness to himself so he rushed forward to where the Sannin was leaning against the back wall of a secluded area of the stadium. His joy spurred him on and he threw himself at his sensei; arms curling around Jiraiya's waist in a tight embrace. The scent that assaulted his nose was comforting; Jiraiya smelled like old scrolls, cold autumn winds and tobacco. He felt an unknown emotion bubble in his stomach; he'd never felt it before but he had this sudden urge to place his lips over Jiraiya-sensei's and kiss him. "Well done Naruto." That voice; Naruto was weak to it. He blushed against Jiraiya's chest as he felt his knees buckle. He was stopped from crashing to the floor by Jiraiya's hands settling on his shoulders to hold him steady. "Easy there, Naruto." The words were gentle and calming but Naruto felt his heartbeat pick up. However, he now felt a faint glimmer of exhaustion. Jiraiya's scent wasn't helping much as a sudden bout of drowsiness assaulted his entire being. The warmth that surrounded him was intoxicating. The silence around them stretched and Naruto did not mind; he needed the calm reassurance of contact to know that he was really been given the affection and love he had been craving his entire life. Jiraiya's hand kept rubbing small circles on his back and it made him melt further into the chest before him. He turned his head and allowed his ear to rest against Jiraiya's chest and was comforted by the steady heartbeat that sounded there. "Are you okay Naruto?" "I'm fine; just tired." Jiraiya nodded as he brushed fingers through blond locks; he was surprised that Naruto had still to let him go but he couldn't deny the little ball of sunshine anything. His mind kept turning in circles as the match kept replaying in his thoughts; he sighed. This was getting him nowhere. So instead he observed the stadium below and saw the next match was about to begin. He nudged Naruto with his thigh and smiled as he saw blue eyes stare at him drowsily. "Why don't you go find Kakashi-sensei? I'm sure he would like to congratulate you." Naruto frowned; he was so comfortable and now he had to move. He pouted; he really didn't want to move. "Naruto." Jiraiya said softly and the command was taken to heart. The blond head bobbed against his chest but what surprised Jiraiya the most was when Naruto leaned upward and placed a kiss on his lips. He was too startled to move as their lips made contact; before he could regain his equilibrium Naruto had pulled away with a blush staining his cheeks and muttered as soft: "Thank you; Jiraiya-sensei. I'll see you later." ~ Naruto felt giddy at the small contact he had given Jiraiya-sensei and it left him feeling a bit dizzy and frightening at the same time. Since when was he so bold as to give affection so easily? Maybe Jiraiya-sensei was slowly changing his outlook on life? He sighed as another dizzy spell hit him but he pushed himself forward and searched for Kakashi- sensei's chakra. His mind was rambling with chastisements but he ignored it; right now he needed a comforting touch. He felt a sudden spike in chakra and smiled; it was as if Kakashi knew he was looking for him and alerted him to his presence. He hurried in the direction even as his mind was spinning and his breath was panting. "Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked as he approached a mop of silver hair that defied gravity. He frowned when he felt his vision slowly fading; black surrounding the edges. He stumbled as he headed down the stairs towards that familiar chakra signature. He saw a grey eye smile in his direction over the black hair of Sasuke. He felt a sudden shiver race through him as he stumbled and fell forward; his stomach twisted as blood rose to his throat. He was fighting to keep it down but it failed horrible and the bitter taste of his own blood was running over his lips and staining the ground in red. He frowned; he didn't know what was going on maybe he had done something wrong. "Naruto!" The yell was distant and sounded distressed but Naruto ignored it; his nails scraped against the cement for purchase and he barely registered as arms lifted him against a warm body. His consciousness was fading fast and for the first time he didn't fight it and only allowed it flow over him. ~~~Moments before Naruto found Kakashi~~~ Kakashi smiled as he felt Naruto's signature flare up in the distance; he allowed his own chakra to flare in response to give his position away for his student. He frowned as he stared at Sasuke; the stoic boy had not spoken since Naruto had began the fight against Neji. He sighed, for the first time he was torn between Sasuke and Naruto and now their rivalry was going to make teaching them very difficult. He turned when he felt Naruto approach and gave an encouraging smile. "Kakashi-sensei?" He nodded and was about to stand up but frowned when Naruto stumbled down the steps as he clutched at his stomach almost protectively; those beautiful blue eyes twisted in pain and Naruto fell on his knees hard. This was not good and he quickly stood up from his seat and rushed towards the blonde; he knelt next to Naruto and noticed the blood staining the ground in a deep red. Blood running down Naruto's mouth. "Naruto!" He yelled to get his student's attention but failed. He cursed as he picked Naruto in his arms and headed for the medic station when a sudden memory assaulted his mind that made him stop in his tracks. ~ "Don't worry Kakashi; this happens sometimes after using the Flying Thunder God technique." Minato's was smiling so gently even when blood was running from his mouth and he looked deathly pale. Kakashi didn't know what to do but Minato's hand gripped his wrist to stop him from alerting the medic-nin. "I'm fine Kakashi. Don't worry so much." Kakashi didn't want to relent to his sensei's request but nodded reluctantly. That had been the beginning of many such times where Minato would cough up blood and often even passed out after executing the technique. It usually happened when something went wrong like not being able to make the hand seals fast enough or cover the right distance... ~ "Yare, yare Naruto. You really had me worried there. Luckily I know it will fade in an hour since Minato-sensei also suffered from this sometimes. " Kakashi said as he chastised the unconscious body in his arms and he headed for his seat again. "Will he be alright Kakashi-sensei?" A dark voice asked and Kakashi gave a closed eye smile towards Sasuke. "He'll be fine." Kakashi reassured as he sat down; luckily there was another seat open next to his own so he settled Naruto therein. Turning swiftly when he saw Sasuke stand up; he did not miss the tightened fists of Sasuke or the scowl on his face. But those dark eyes betrayed his own concern. "I'm going to the stand for the finalists; I'll see you later Kakashi-sensei." Kakashi sighed as he nodded his assent. "Gambatte Sasuke." He said softly. --------------------------------------- 'You did good Naruto. I'm proud of you.' "Wh..Wha?" Naruto asked groggily as he finally felt himself resurface from the darkness of his subconscious. It was quiet; too quiet and blurry eyes opened to stare at a stadium full of sleeping people. He frowned when he felt pain lance through his head; he was distinctly aware of the clang of kunai around him and the movements of jounin as they fended off attackers. His mind screamed at his to get up and he struggled to obey; his movements were sluggish and his speech was slurred. "Naruto! I'll repeat this mission brief only once. It's an A-rank mission; you, Sakura and Shikamaru must follow after Sasuke and help him in his chase of the Sand Shinobi that had begun to attack Konoha." Naruto nodded, still dazed but he managed to climb to his feet. The chaos around him was distracting but he nodded as Kakashi-sensei beckoned him forward. "Hold out your hand." Naruto frowned, clearly confused but did as he was told. Kakashi's hands flashed in a series of seals that he recognized as the summoning jutsu and was surprised when a small pug appeared out of nowhere and stared at him with droopy eyes. "This is Pakkun; he'll be able to track Sasuke." "Yo." Said the ball of fur and Naruto nodded in greeting before turning to Kakashi-sensei for more instructions. "Get going Naruto; I'm counting on you. I'll try to find Jiraiya-sama and send him for help." Naruto frowned and shook his head in denial; he could sense one of Jiraiya's summons deep in the confines of the village. He was too far away. "He's already occupied at the north gate; Kakashi-sensei. We'll have to do this on our own." Kakashi's eyes widened but he saved his questions for later; he gripped his kunai and slashed at another attacker and nodded his assent to Naruto. "Go." That one word was enough and Naruto nodded; turning on his heal as he allowed Pakkun to jump from his hand. It wasn't long until they rushed towards the trees and began their pursuit. ~ Naruto was still a bit dazed and his mind kept spinning but he fought back his nausea and frowned when a powerful and dark chakra exploded not far away from where they were. He shivered as it raced up his spine; it was evil and filled with so much hatred. He also felt Sasuke's own chakra not far away from him so he increased his speed; not even noticing as he left both Pakkun and Sakura way behind. He didn't know where this sudden influx of chakra came from but he knew that it was a danger to Konoha. He bit his lip as the trees rushed him by in a blur. "Sasuke!" He yelled as he saw the form of Sabaku no Gaara; those teal eyes were filled with so much pain. He shivered; he recognized that pain immediately. Loneliness, fear, hatred and helplessness. He knew them too well and they were the cause of many restless nights bathed in his own blood... "Naruto, this is my fight." Naruto frowned when he looked over his raven friend and grimaced at the glimmer of hatred he saw in those dark eyes. "I need to protect those close to me; I can't bear to watch as they are taken away from me again because I was weak." Those words struck a chord in Naruto and he hesitated but he didn't stop; Gaara was attacking and was mere inches from his face so with a well placed kick he sent the other flying towards a branch lower than them. "Don't be stupid Sasuke; you think I'm going to stand by and watch as you get yourself killed over me? You have already released the curse seal and it is not helping you but hindering you. I will not watch as my friends get dragged into this fight because of pride." Naruto said as he got ready for the next attack. His mind already running through the possibilities of how best to take on this opponent. He turned just as Pakkun and Sakura arrived; he turned towards the little pug. "Pakkun! Find Jiraiya-sensei! I don't think we can handle this one by ourselves." The pug nodded and headed for the next branch towards a scent he was familiar with; it was after all plastered all across the blonde's clothes and even lingered in his hair. "I'll try and keep him busy until help arrives." Naruto said softly. --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Thanks for the read I'll see you guys again soon. SnowShadowPassWhile AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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