Why Orange? | By : NinjaToadsAteMyBaby Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 7934 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Itachi and Sai: (collapsed on the ground in exaustion, glaring at T.W. waving at them in the distance)
T.W.: You guys are just giving up?Sai: 'Tachi how the hell could she out run us for so long and not be exausted it's not like she's a ninja!Itachi: (blinks) Damn it! (uses the Tora handsign) Kai!Illusion dispels to reveal T.W. and Jiraya looking down on Itachi and SaiItachi: As soon as I can move again I'm going to kill you!T.W.: Hey it's not my fault that you, the almighty Sharingan master, was fooled by Ero-sennin's genjutsu.Sai: What is he doing here anyway?T.W.: He's on loan from a reviewer.Jiraya: (clears throat) I believe that you said I'd be well compensated for finding a way to save you from Itachi and Sai.T.W.: Right, here you go (hands Jiraya a small bundle) that ought to give you plenty of 'inspiration' for your books.Jiraya: How did you get these?! I've been trying to get even a single shot of her for years!T.W.: I'm a chick. You'd be surprised what women let each other do. Oh, and if she finds out that you have those I'll castrate you before she kills me, you understand?Jiraya: (grimaces) Perfectly. (leaves to do perverted things)Sai: You know 'Tachi, I think I'm just going to give up on trying to maim T.W. She always find a way to slither out of trouble.Itachi: Much like Orochimaru.T.W.: (turns rare deadly glare on Itachi) You EVER say I'm like that slimy bastard in any way again and I'll hand you over to Alrye giftwrapped for her sadistic pleasure.Itachi: (pales) You wouldn't.T.W.: (raises eyebrow) You wanna bet your virgin ass on that?Itachi: (gulps) Okay, never will I mention any simularity you might have to Orochimaru from now on.Sai: Itachi is anything but a virgin T.W.T.W.: I'm aware that almost every spot on his body has been deflowered but his ass is still untouched. As I like to say Itachi is the Bitch Master of All and the Bitch Master of All is no one's bitch.Sai: Ah! I see. By the way isn't this update late?T.W.: (whines) That's not my fault! The place I upload my fic at was closed all weekend!Itachi: Still without your own computer?T.W.: As a matter of fact, yes you jerk. I even had to wait til today to download chapter 367 of the manga.Itachi: And?T.W.: I'm certain that you are plotting something, we learn the name of the Yondaime, it ain't Arashi BTW, and we learn the name of Naruto's mom. I'm not going into details cause I don't want to spoil anything for a dear reviewer of mine.Sai: What about Naruto's father?T.W.: Plenty implied but nothing said outright. Now about something I got a lot of reviews about, I'm not going to split Kakashi and Iruka up. There will be some tension and stuff but it will be resolved. Obito will be paired with someone else. Now on to the fic!WARNING:Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.'thoughts'Chapter 45 Obito's StoryxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxObito bit the inside of his cheek as Sasuke followed Naruto up the stairs to put the babies to bed then retire for the evening themselves. When Kana had decided to eat in her room, Sasuke's sudden relaxation had been so obvious that Naruto had started a small argument over the reason for it and Sasuke had ended up saying something stupid, a rare occurence for the Uchiha heir, which resulted in the blond fox vessel giving the brunette the silent treatment all evening. The way Sasuke was attempting to soothe Naruto's temper while salvaging his own pride was highly amusing to the scarred Uchiha.As Iruka gathered the dishes up, Kakashi took them from the academy teacher with a slight smile, barely visible beneath his mask, "I'll get the dishes since you cooked Ruka. Go upstairs and relax in the tub.""Are you sure?""Yeah, I have to talk to Obito anyway so take your time. I'll be up as soon as I'm done down here."Iruka had to force himself to smile and nod. As he went upstairs, he tried to talk himself out of his jealousy. 'I shouldn't be so bothered, they're just going to talk. After all they were teammates and Kakashi believed that Obito was dead, it's completely logical that he'd want to find out what happened.' Despite telling himself that there was nothing to be concerned about, somewhere in the back of his mind a dark voice murmered that it was only a matter of time until Kakashi left him for Obito.Obito frowned at Iruka's concealed anxiety and wondered why Kakashi didn't sense it, "He seems a little tense.""Hmm? Well he's probably worrying over Naruto and Sasuke and how all this is going to affect them," Kakashi smiled fondly, "Ruka's something of a mother hen.""By this you mean Kana and myself?""Mmhmm. Sasuke's like a bulldog, won't let go of something til he's chewed it to death, so he'll probably take a while to warm up to Kana."Obito made a non-commital noise and a few moment of silence passed before Kakashi spoke again, "So what happened after you were crushed by that boulder? How did you survive?""I was found by some neutral medic-nins. They were citizens of Iwa no Kuni but had no desire to fight the war so they defected and healed anyone they found injured. I was unconscious when they found me and dug me out of the rockslide. When I woke up I was in a body cast and couldn't remember about where I'd come from or people I'd known, my hitai-ate had been lost in the slide so I had no clues to my identity. I still remembered my ninja skills and other things but anything that would have led me to Konoha was gone."Kakashi gripped a bowl tightly, "How bad were the injuries?""All the bones in my right side had to be replaced with chakra metal, my right lung had to be reinflated, my right kidney and liver had to be replaced, and they replaced my left eye. You did pretty well with it by the way.""...""Sorry, lame attempt at humor. Look Kakashi I'm fully recovered excepting a slight limp so quit burying yourself in guilt."Kakashi finished washing the dishes and turned to drying them, "Who said I felt guilty?""Well that hasn't changed at least. You still deny having the same emotions as the rest of us mere mortals. You're forgetting that I know how your mind worked inside and out when we were twelve."Kakashi turned and met Obito's eyes, "No Obito I never forgot, that's part of the reason I would spend everyday staring at your name on the memorial stone until it was past morning. That as well as an unfinished discussion."Obito smiled as he remembered the discussion that Kakashi was referring to. It had occured the night before he'd been in the rockslide.FLASHBACKObito glared at Kakashi's back as the genius faced the water of the lake they'd camped beside, "You truly are a bastard Kakashi."The young jonin glanced over his shoulder at his fuming teammate, "You know very well why I always insult you when others are nearby. You even decided to perpetuate it so why are you so pissed?""I'm not pissed about our arguement over your birthday present this morning you asshole. I'm pissed because you never told me about your father."Kakashi froze and turned slowly to face the angry brunette, "How did you find out about my father?""Sensei told me so that I'd understand why you're such a rigid, coldhearted bastard. Though he used different, less insulting terms.""It's none of your business Obito.""None of my business?! Who was the one who poked and prodded me to tell him about how I'm treated by my clan? Who's the guy who told me that we shouldn't have secrets? Wasn't that you or did someone pull a henge?""This is different, what my father did has nothing to do with you or us.""That's a lie. It affects almost every move you make. You're always so concerned with being the perfect shinobi that you refuse to let anyone in, to trust anyone.""I trust you.""Obviously not as much as I trust you or you would have told me about your father as I told you about my clan.""My father's actions are in the past damn it while your clan's treatment of you is very much in the present," Kakashi stalked forward and grabbed Obito's hand in a gentle but unbreakable grip and punsed up the Uchiha's sleeve, "Or are you going to tell me that these cuts and bruises are from rescuing a cat," Kakashi yanked open Obito's jacket and pulled the hem of the shirt up, revealing more bruises and scratches, "Or that these came from slipping off a tree," the pale haired genius backed Obito towards a tree and pressed him against it slightly so that the brunette's backside bumped the trunk, and Kakashi's jaw clenched when Obito flinched, "Or that you just winced because the bark is rough?"Obito shook his head, "You know I'm not going to feed you lies like that. You know where the bruises came from and why I flinched. Yes what's being done to me is in the present, but so is the general opinion of your father and you can't tell me that it doesn't hurt you when people insult him or assume that you'll do the same as he did, you can't tell me that it doesn't hurt you that, instead of staying strong and being there for you, he took the easy way out. You can't tell me that because I know that it does hurt, the same way you know how much my clan's action hurt me."Kakashi released Obito's hand pulled a away slightly, trying to deny the brunette's words, "I don't-"Obito interrupted him, "But you know what hurts more than knowing that all I am to my clan is a disposable fucktoy? Knowing that you don't trust me enough, don't love me enough to share your pain with me the way I share mine with you."Obito turned to leave and Kakashi lunged forward to wrap his arms around the brunette from behind and holding the Uchiha against him, "Don't. Don't leave me. I can't...I can't lose you, please."Obito turned in Kakashi's grip, "I can't stay if you keep me out," he met Kakashi's eyes, "Don't you understand that keeping yourself away from me rips me in two?"Kakashi saw the pain in Obito's eyes and felt like the lowest piece of slime on the planet for hurting the one he loved, "I'm sorry koishii I don't mean to shut you out.""Then why do you keep things like this from me?""Because I don't know how to open up to anyone. I don't know how to give someone unconditional trust."Obito sighed and bumped his forehead against Kakashi's chin, "It's pretty much a leap of faith, believing that who you choose to trust won't betray your trust," he chuckled, "You know that you suck at leaps of faith don't you Kakashi-teme?""And you're too good at them. Teach me?""The boy genius asking me to teach him something? Has hell frozen over?"They laughed, easing the tension that the emotional arguement had created. Kakashi sobered when he saw the tracks of tears on Obito's cheeks and he pulled his mask down and kissed them dry. Obito shifted his face to meet those soft lips with his own. Kakashi moved a hand up Obito's back to cupped the brunette's head gently. He slid his lips against Obito's, feeling their texture before licking the seam of the Uchiha's mouth. Obito opened his mouth to let Kakashi's tongue tangle languidly with his in a sensual dance.Kakashi stripped Obito of his jacket and broke the kiss to remove the brunette's shirt. The silver haired genius traced his fingers gently over the marks of the latest assult on Obito then, lowered his mouth to a vicious bite mark on the brunette's collarbone, laving the angry mark with his tongue and sucking softly. Obito moaned quietly and Kakashi smiled against the velvet skin he was licking. The jonin kissed each and every mark that rough hands had left on his partner's body, licking at the scratches, cuts, and bites as if he could heal them away with his tender touch. Once every mark had been tended to in this delicate manner, Kakashi licked one long line up the center of Obito's torso to a nipple, closing his mouth around it, flicking it with his tongue, and sucking on the hard nubbin. Obito gasped, arched his back, and sank his finger's into Kakashi's hair as he felt the jonin scraping his teeth over the nipple lightly.Obito slid his one of his hands down to rub against Kakashi's hardening penis through the genius's pants. The silver haired prodigy cursed, pulled Obito's hand away, lifted his head to give the brunette a searing kiss, and began rubbing their groins together. Obito moaned into Kakashi's mouth as he arched into the movement of the prodigy's hips. Kakashi slid his hands down to grip Obito's ass and bring the brunette closer only to jerk away when Obito groaned in pain.The silver haired jonin twined his arms around Obito in a protective, tender manner, "I'm sorry. I let myself get carried away. I didn't mean to hurt you."Obito relaxed into the embrace, "It's okay Kakashi. I forgot about it too."Kakashi rubbed his chin on Obito's hair, "We'll postpone this until after the mission, you should be healed by then.""Mmm yeah but do we really have to wait til then? There's more than one way to play oil the kunai.""...I can't believe you just said that.""Well it's true. There are a lot of ways to get off.""Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow.""Fine but only if you try that leap of faith tomorrow night."Kakashi's arms tightened but he nodded, "Alright, tomorrow we'll talk and I'll try to open up.""And after that we'll see how creative you are."Obito could practically hear a smart-ass comment coming and he wasn't disappointed when Kakashi said, "Actually we'll see how creative you are. After all you still owe me a birthday present."Obito laughed and snuggled further into Kakashi's embrace looking forward to the next night.END FLASHBACKObito looked at Kakashi and saw the memory in his eyes but he also saw that what had existed back then didn't exist between them anymore. He leaned back in the chair, "Well that ship sailed a long time ago didn't it Kakashi?""Yeah. So what happened after you left the care of the medic-nins?""I wandered around Iwa hoping to find clues to my identity. After nearly seven years I found Kana when I was looking for food in the forest around Iwagakure. I took her back to my camp and tried to figure out how to care for an infant."Kakashi laughed, "I'll bet that was fun.""Oh ton of. Anyway I tried to enter the city with her only to be kicked out for bringing the 'spawn of evil' as she was so affectionately known, into the city. I stole some baby formula from a nearby cottage and decided to become her guardien.""And when did you get your memory back?""About six months after I found Kana. One day I was watching her and took extra notice of her appearance and it was like it unlocked the door. I regained my memories in flashes over several months and by the time I had all of them back I knew that taking Kana to Konoha would be the equivalent to handing her over to a starving tiger."Kakashi hmmed and asked another question. He and Obito spent hours catching up with each other and by the time the basics had been told it was long past midnight.Kakashi went upstairs, entered his and Iruka's bedroom, and saw the teacher sleeping on his side. Kakashi sighed, stripped, and slid in behind Iruka, draping an arm over his lover's waist, "I'm sorry I took so long. I'll make it up to you tomorrow morning Ruka-koi."As Kakashi dropped off into sleep, he never noticed the slight hitch in Iruka's steady breathing. Iruka stared at the wall still wide awake; he'd been unable to sleep without Kakashi in the bed with him and now he couldn't sleep wondering what had taken place between the copy ninja and Obito. Eventually the academy teacher slid into an uneasy slumber.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnext morningKana woke up to the sound of four cranky infants demanding breakfast. She rolled out of the bed and padded to the bathroom to do her morning routine. When she got downstairs, everyone was already in the kitchen. Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Obito were sitting at the table looking a bit cowed, the infants were nearby in a playpen, and Iruka was making breakfast. Kana shrank back a bit when Sasuke spotted her and glared. Iruka snapped at the Uchiha heir, "Leave her be Sasuke! Unless you'd like an unpleasant surprise in your omlet?"Sasuke grimaced and turned to cast a watchful eye over the infants. Kana smiled at Iruka, "Thank you Umino-san. Is there anything I can help with?"Iruka glanced at her and his foul mood eased a bit when he saw her gentle, eager expression, "No I've got it covered Kana-kun, you can go ahead and sit down. Thank you for offering though."She nodded and went to sit between Kakashi and Obito, since she felt most comfortable with her guardien and the other seat next to him was also next to Sasuke.Iruka finished cooking and set the plates down gently in front of Naruto, Sasuke, Kana, and Obito. Kakashi's plate, however, hit the table with a loud clang and enough force that the copy ninja jumped. Iruka then made the jonin scoot over so he could sit between him and Kana.Kakashi cleared his throat and asked Naruto what the arrangement with Kana would be. Naruto scooped up his rice, relaxed now that he was certain of who Iruka's ire was directed at; the normally gentle man had been bad-tempered enough to give Gaara a run for his money all morning."I'll discuss that with Kana-kun after breakfast but for today I'd like her to accompany me to my training. Will that be okay Kana-kun?"She blinked, "Yes it's fine.""You seem a bit surprised.""I expected you to say I was to stay here at all times under a guard."Sasuke shot Naruto a look, "Which would be a prudent idea."Naruto narrowed his eyes at the avenger, "It would be counter productive to the entire purpose of her staying here.""And letting her roam freely could put the children in danger."Naruto's eyes flashed red for a moment then returned to blue albiet an icy blue and when he spoke his tone was artic, "You think I would put our family in danger?""I think that your empathy for the girl is clouding your perception of the possible danger she could be.""And perhaps your hatred for Orochimaru is clouding your ability to make an unbiased judgement towards Kana.""She looks just like him!""And when Mikomi gets older and looks exactly like Itachi does that mean she'll kill us and the triplets?""Of course not! She won't be raised the way Itachi was. She'll be taught that family and those you love are more important than power.""And Kana was raised by Obito, a man who disobeyed orders to save a teammate, knocked another out of the way of a falling boulder, then gave up his eye to that same teammate. Do you think she was taught to value power over human life?""...I have a mission to get to," Sasuke got up, kissed the babies goodbye, and left.Naruto sighed and closed his eyes."I'm sorry."The blond looked at Kana, "For what?""I'm causing problems between you and your husband."Naruto smiled, "It's not your fault Kana-kun. Anyway, Sasuke and I argue all the time, eventually we work it out.""But-""No buts. My arguements with Sasuke aren't your fault in any way, shape, or form. Okay?"Kana nodded and turned to picking at her food.After breakfast Naruto took Kana aside for a discussion and Obito left to try out job filing things at the Hokage tower. Iruka gathered the dishes and slapped Kakashi's hand away when the masked man tried to help. Leaving the jonin to stare at Iruka's stiff back in confusion.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNaruto smiled at Kana as the girl fidgited, "What I was thinking is that you'll accompany me to my training. During that time I'll be asking you questions in between sparring with my spar partner and I'll also spar with you.""Why?""I'd like to know what techniques you prefer as well as your fighting style and your skill level."Kana rubbed her arms, "What about your training partner? What will they think of my prescence?""She'll base her opinion on you and not your sire. She knows very well that who you are born to has nothing to do with your personality."Kana looked out the window and thought about it. She could take hatred and assignation attempts, she had for years. She figured that the Konoha shinobi couldn't be much worse than those in Iwa and, if Naruto was any guide, some may even come to accept her. She nodded, "Okay."Naruto smiled, "Let's get going then. I'm already late and I don't like to keep Hinata-chan waiting."xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWhew, there. I don't know how well this chapter turned out but if I don't like it in a week I'll revise it.Sai: Question.T.W.: Answer.Sai: Funny. How long are you going to string the Kakashi and Iruka situation out?T.W.: Next chapter will be follow up to this one then the one after that Iruka'll blow up at Kakashi. It'll be resolved then.Itachi: And Kana?T.W.: Guess.Itachi: I don't want to guess I want to know.T.W.: Patience is a virtue.Itachi: Not when I'm pulling your intestines out of you body.T.W.: (blanches) You'll find out if Kana gets to stay in Konoha when everyone else does and even a psychotic plot dust bunny won't make me change my mind.Sai: You know he's going to hunt down a psychotic plot dust bunny now just so he can see if you mean it.T.W.: I know. I've got someone on hold in case of that emergency. Now I have a question for all you lovely readers, considering Obito's condition in the flashback, what do you think made Itachi go bonkers and kill all the clan except for his innocent little brother? And yes I'm implying what you think I'm implying. Please review and feel free to ask questions. 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