Leader | By : mannahpierce Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 2189 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This story has some of Masashi Kishimoto's characters from Naruto in a universe of my own devising. I do not own Naruto. I do not make any money from these writings. |
Thank you to my beta and muse, Small Fox. This story grew from a plot idea he gave me.
Also thanks to Procrastination_is_key, Phoenixwolf, Fluister, Aflyingmonkey, satterb, v, melissen, disembodiedvoiceofthedying, sadie237 and Ash for reviewing after chapter 39 was posted. Readers’ feedback, support and comments mean a great deal to me. Feedback keeps me writing. Hits are nice. Ratings are welcome. Reviews encourage and inspire.Leader
Part 5: Regroup 40: UndercurrentsHaru stood quietly. He watched the Orochimaru print warily while appearing not to do so. He continually reminded himself of the role he was playing: young, naïve, and inexperienced.
It was the first time he had been alone with Orochimaru since the day he had been unpodded. Haru remembered him threatening to vivisect Ka-chan and felt sick. Last time Orochimaru had wanted him to take the test. What would it be this time? What threats would Orochimaru use to make him comply? Until yesterday, the days had followed a pattern. There was a strict routine of mundane tasks that that they had to follow. The high points were two intense exercise sessions, supervised by nekos. Haru had never imagined looking forward to going to the gym but the rest of the day was mind-numbingly boring. They cleaned and tidied in silence. They learned chunks of turgid poetry that Haru suspected Orochimaru or one of his prints had written. During breakfast and the midday meal Haku-san read to them. Evemeal was formal with the Orochimaru print controlling all conversation. Each day they had a review. He, Ran and Kazuki would stand in a row in front of Orochimaru’s desk and recite the poetry they had been set. Learning poetry was trivial for Haru, doable for Ka-chan and incredibly difficult for Ran. No matter how much Haru willed Ran to succeed, he always made mistakes. After that the print would go through a list of the errors each of them had made since the last review meeting. As well as the poetry, Orochimaru had lists of every word spoken out of turn or task not satisfactorily completed. It was obvious that Orochimaru had them closely monitored throughout the day. Then came the punishment. Haru was punished for Kazuki’s errors, Ran for Haru’s and Kazuki for Ran’s. Since that first day, when Haru had been punished with the prod, Kazuki had been remarkably well-behaved. After them went Kichi and Tatsu, followed by Yoshimi. Kichi and Tatsu always came out crying. Haru did not know what happened to Yoshimi. From the look in his eyes when he emerged, Haru guessed it was a mixture of praise and drugs. Yesterday the pattern had been broken. They only saw the Orochimaru print at the evemeal and he had been short-tempered. Today there had been no sign of Haku-san, which was worrying. The Orochimaru print shifted slightly. Haru recognised the signs and began paying attention rather than appearing to do so. “There are things I wish to know and that I believe you can tell me, Haru-chan.” Haru mind filled with Itachi-san’s advice about dealing with interrogation; everyone talked in the end, so talk from the beginning but manage the delivery of information. The Orochimaru print could not communicate with the Akatsuki without unblocking the hole and if he did that Papa would kill him. What mattered was not telling him anything that he could use against Itachi-san and the others. Anything else could be used as a distraction. “How many holes are there in this system, Haru-chan?” “One that I know of, Orochimaru-sama,” Haru answered promptly. “I am going to show you detailed data about this system. You are going to show me where other holes might be. Do you understand, Haru-chan?” “Yes, Orochimaru-sama. You want me to use my mathematical skills to analyse the data for anomalies and assess whether the anomalies might be holes.” Haru’s mind was racing. Why was Orochimaru suddenly interested in holes? Had someone jumped into the system? Had Shi-chan found a jumpable hole in the data Papa had taken through the hole with him? If so, telling Orochimaru about the hole would prevent an Uchiha counterattack. Orochimaru was gesturing that he should sit at the console and examine the data. Haru complied. What should he do? If he refused to do the task, Ran and maybe Kazuki would be punished. He would have to at least pretend to do it. “You have until the evening meal, Haru-chan,” Orochimaru informed him. “I expect a map showing all the holes by then and if I believe you have not done the task to the best of your abilities there will be consequences.” The Orochimaru print paused for effect and Haru waited. “If I am dissatisfied with your work, Ran-chan will take Haku-san’s place in my bed tonight.” Haru imagined Ran making an empathic link to Orochimaru and felt sick. He made himself ask. “And if I do the task to your satisfaction, Orochimaru-sama?” The Orochimaru print smiled at him. “Then I shall make do with you, Haru-chan. Would you like that, Haru-chan?” Better him than Ran, who would be forced to share his abuser’s emotions. He forced the words from his throat. “Yes, Orochimaru-sama.” “Good. I shall return before the evening meal.” Then the Orochimaru print left and Haru realised that he was alone with a computer on an Uchiha ship. This was his chance. He had to put aside Orochimaru’s threats and make the most of it. First he had to decide what to do about the holes. Developing the route finder had given him the expertise to do the task within minutes. Even without processing the data he could see that there were many anomalies, six of which might be holes. He thought that two might be jumpable with an improver while the other four were not. He could create an analysis that would generate a false report but that was risky. Orochimaru might have more mathematical ability than was usual. Worse, he may already know the location of one or more of the holes. What were the consequences of being caught lying? Probably even worse than failing to complete the task. Haru imagined Orochimaru vivisecting Ka-chan and swallowed. What if he told Orochimaru about all six potential holes? If he already knew about one of them, the analysis would be validated. If he didn’t, then he would still have the problem of having to stake out six locations. His resources would be spread widely and thinly, which would make Itachi-san’s job easier. That decided, he set to work. The trick was to appear to be doing as he had been asked while actually doing something else. He quickly constructed a nineteen-step analysis that would yield six holes but not show the crucial differences between them. Then he wrote a simple simulation that made it look like he was inputting commands and pausing after each step. He decided that it would take one hundred and seventy-eight minutes. He hoped that was a believable amount of time. Once it was running he began hacking. He wasn’t as good as Sai at hiding his actions but he was probably better at it than Shi-chan. Orochimaru had not physically isolated the system, probably because he was monitoring what was happening. Haru checked; there were monitoring programmes but they were only reporting the nineteen-step analysis. Then he was out of the local computer and into the ship’s systems; their security was utterly inadequate against someone who had cut his teeth breaking the best Shi-chan could devise. What were the priorities? He thought of all the missions Itachi-san had designed for them and all the debriefs that had followed. He needed backdoors everywhere. Then, if an opportunity presented itself he would be able to use any interface, unlock any door and override any security. To his delight this Akatsuki system was based on one of In-san’s. They had added layers and changed the settings but the core of it was familiar, which was a massive advantage. Below that was the Uchiha hardware, which he knew backwards. Backdoors established, the next priority was providing cover for clandestine activities. The best option was during ship’s night. He found the monitoring system; as he had thought, the Orochimaru print had infrared cameras and microphones throughout their level of the ship, including the bunkroom. He copied the recordings from the last three nights, merged them and then hid the result so that he could call on it to replace the live feed. He was about to move on to communications when the door opened. Standards of experience hiding Sai meant that he could move seamlessly into the surface operations without the slightest hint that he had been doing anything else. “Have you made progress, Haru-chan?” the Orochimaru print asked. Haru described what he was doing and what he intended to do next. “I think it is working, Orochimaru-sama. I have mapped all the anomalies. Now I have to cross reference them to the characteristics of holes.” “Show me the mapped anomalies,” Orochimaru ordered. He watched the Orochimaru print studying the map, probably looking for a hole he knew was there. “Good work, Haru-chan. How much longer do you think you will need?” He decided to stick to the schedule he had devised. “Another thirty minutes, Orochimaru-sama.” “Very well,” Orochimaru acknowledged but he did not leave. Instead he sat down at the other side of the room. Haru guessed that the Orochimaru print had a hunch that something was amiss but hadn’t worked out what; perhaps what his monitoring programmes had told him was slightly at odds with what he had seen via a camera. Or maybe he was just suspicious, or trying to intimidate Haru with his presence. If that was his intent, it was working. Haru decided to take over and speed up the analysis. At twenty-two minutes he reached the end of the ninetieth step and announced that he was finished. Orochimaru was not happy to be presented with six potential holes. He insisted on being walked through each of the nineteen steps. When Haru finished Orochimaru leaned back. “You have worked well, Haru-chan. You have won your place in my bed.” Haru’s mouth dried and his gut twisted. “Thank you, Orochimaru-sama.” “You will return to the others. You will tell them nothing about our assignation tonight.” “I understand, Orochimaru-sama.” The others were cleaning the bunkroom. Orochimaru insisted it was scrubbed from top to bottom every day. As always, speaking was banned. The only noises were Tatsu weeping and the sound of brushes against metal. Haru’s eyes were drawn to Yoshimi. Lady knew what the Orochimaru print was giving him. Physically he was only a little under par but mentally he was worse each day. Haru could see that he had started to cling to the routine that the rest of them so hated. With no one actually in the room supervising them, Haru risked a comforting touch to Yo-chan’s arm as he passed. Yo-chan turned on him; for a moment Haru thought he might growl or even snap. He didn’t; recognition replaced confusion and he smiled. It wasn’t a very convincing smile but it was good to see. Haru smiled in return. Haru found his brush and filled a small pail with the cleaning solution. He folded up his bedding and started scrubbing his bunk. He was careful to place himself so that he had a clear view of Kazuki. Ka-chan’s tail twitched. “Where were you?” he asked in long-short. “On a computer,” Haru answered using long and short scrubs. Kazuki’s response was an interrogative bristle rather than words. “Backdoors in,” Haru replied. “Usual codes.” It was a huge relief to have told Ka-chan. Now someone else could take advantage of what he had done, even if he was not available. Given what was going to happen tonight, he might not be. When Ran went to clean the shower, Haru broke off what he was doing and went to help him. Some days it was the only contact they got; shoulder to shoulder on the floor, scrubbing. Ran’s eyes asked him how he was. His smile replied fine. It was true. Haru had no hesitation in going to Orochimaru’s bed if it saved Ran from having to do it. The rest of the day followed the standard pattern except for Haku-san not being there. Then, after the meal, as they returned to the bunkroom, a neko appeared. She had a control pad strapped to her forearm. Haru knew what that meant; she could activate their controllers. He fell back so she would have a better opportunity of separating him from the others without Kazuki overreacting. It almost worked but not quite. She moved to detain him before Ka-chan was all the way into the bunkroom and he had turned to attack within a blink of an eye. Haru watched him convulse in agony as the controller felled him. Then, without warning, Yo-chan was on the neko. He had flipped; it was all the neko could do to stop him killing her. She either couldn’t reach or had forgotten the control pad. Beyond the fight, Haru could see Ran pushing Kichi and Tatsu into the bunkroom. The neko screamed and blood spurted to paint an arc across the wall and ceiling; Yo-chan had managed to claw his way to an artery. Two more nekos arrived but hung back. Ran reappeared in the doorway and pulled Ka-chan’s unconscious body inside. Haru watched. It felt like a dream, or perhaps a simulation. Then the Orochimaru print was there. Yo-chan convulsed and collapsed; unconscious. Orochimaru turned to the nekos. “Get her to the infirmary before I decide she isn’t worth saving.” The three nekos left. Orochimaru picked up Yoshimi and carried him through into the bunkroom. By craning his neck, Haru could see him laying Yo-chan on his bunk and making sure that he was safe and comfortable. Seeing the Orochimaru print being so gentle was disconcerting. Orochimaru joined him in the corridor, closing and locking the door of the bunkroom. “Follow me, Haru-chan.” Haru obeyed. They went through the captain's office and into the cabin beyond. Haru looked at the bed. He tried to imagine what would happen there. In his mind it was like a medical procedure only more violent and without anaesthetic. Orochimaru pointed to a door. “Get yourself thoroughly clean, inside as well as out. Discard your clothes; you will have no need of them.” Haru escaped into the shower room and closed the door. The e-machine was the standard model used on all Uchiha ships and he had used one before; Ka-chan had dared him. He read the options and selected the most sensible; lots of lube and as much analgesic as possible without a medico’s authorisation. That done he showered and dried himself in the blowers. Then he took a deep breath and opened the door. Rin-san was there. They stared at each other; he was surprised but she looked horrified. “No,” she whispered. She turned to Orochimaru. “Please, Orochimaru-sama. Not Haru. He is only a child.” The Orochimaru print studied him. “He does look rather underdeveloped. On the other hand, he volunteered.” Rin-san gaped before pulling herself together. “Only to protect the others, Orochimaru-sama. He is too young.” Orochimaru turned to her. “Do you have another suggestion, Chief Medico Rin? If you have, I suggest you are quick. Otherwise you can wait in my study until Haru-chan has need of you.” To Haru’s surprise, Rin-san started to strip. It didn’t feel right to watch so he looked at Orochimaru instead. It was worse; Haru didn’t have words to describe Orochimaru’s expression but he knew he did not like it. He looked at a wall and blinked back tears. “What do you have to say to me Rin-chan? I recommend you make it good.” He could not stop himself glancing. Rin-san was naked and kneeling on the ground; her forehead pressed to the ground. “Please use me instead, Orochimaru-sama,” she whispered. “Not good enough, Rin-chan,” he warned. “Try harder.” “Please fuck me, Orochimaru-sama,” Rin-san replied in a slightly louder voice. Orochimaru made a show of considering and then shook his head. “Not enough enthusiasm, Rin-chan.” Rin-san tried again and Haru told himself not to listen. He knew it wasn’t about sex. It was about making Rin-san feel bad. The more embarrassed she became, the more amused the Orochimaru print became. “You make a very unconvincing slut, Rin-chan. Luckily for you, I do not want a slut. You know what I want, Rin. I suggest you offer it or leave.” There was silence. Haru risked looking at Rin-san, whose forehead was still touching the floor. From the side he could see that her face was completely white. Her eyes and mouth were squeezed shut. He could see her forcing her lips apart in order to speak. “Please impregnate me, Orochimaru-sama. Please be the father of my child.” The thought of Orochimaru as a father made Haru want to throw up. “How kind of you to ask, Rin-chan,” Orochimaru replied. “I would like that very much.” He smiled. “Haru-chan can watch. It will be educational for him.” Haru froze. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t looked at pictures of people fucking; his hybrid brothers were obsessed with stuff like that. It was the thought of Rin-san fucking. Worse, she would be doing it for him. Worst, she had agreed to conceive Orochimaru’s child because of him. “Please, Orochimaru-sama,” Rin-san begged. “Let him leave.” The Orochimaru print made a show of considering. “Very well. Haru-chan, you will wait in my office until a neko comes to escort you to the bunkroom.” Haru knew he should argue. He should beg that Orochimaru make do with him; he couldn’t get pregnant. Instead he scuttled out of the room. “Leave the door open, Haru-chan,” Orochimaru instructed, “so I can keep an eye on you until the neko arrives.” It was horrid. He kept his back to the doorway and put his fingers in his ears but he could not get what the Orochimaru print was doing to Rin-san out of his head. Finally, thankfully, the other door opened and a neko beckoned him forward. Someone had cleaned up the blood. When the neko opened the door, the light from the corridor illuminated the bunkroom for a moment before he was pushed inside and the door shut behind him. Kichi and Tatsu were curled up together in a bunk. Kazuki and Yoshimi were still unconscious or asleep. Ran was lying in his bunk with his eyes open, looking towards the doorway. Haru crept across the pitch dark room in that direction. When he hit something he identified it by touch and worked his way sideways to Ran’s bunk. He knew he should be going to his own bunk; Ran would be able to feel his emotions and Haru did not know what he was feeling but it wasn’t nice. A hand closed on his arm and pulled him under the covers. He hadn’t realised how cold he was. Ran held him close, which made him feel a bit better. “Are you injured?” he whispered. Haru didn’t want to speak but Ran wouldn’t be able to see him shake his head in the dark. “No,” he managed. Once started he made himself keep going. “Rin-san asked him to fuck her so he wouldn’t fuck me.” The arms around him tightened. “He’d have done it anyway,” Ran insisted. “But...” Haru objected. “It’s not your fault, Haru. It’s his. He wants you to blame yourself. Don’t. Blame him.” Part of Haru knew Ran was right. The rest felt that he was letting people down. Then he thought of what he had done earlier in the day. He didn’t dare tell Ran because there might be microphones but just thinking about it made him feel a little better. He snuggled closer. Now they would have a chance when Itachi-san or Papa came.
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