Captured Heart | By : MisatosPenPen Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Kakashi/Sasuke Views: 6061 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I hope you really like SasukeXKakashi sex, because I went fucking overboard on this chapter. Enjoy! Beted by PheonixInnocence.
Kakashi woke up to a vibrating pillow and the sound of a growl. Sasuke was growling at having to wake up. Kakashi smiled against his lover’s chest.
Sasuke sat up, slipping out of Kakashi’s arms. He turned and let his legs hang from the bed. He turned on the lamp, but kept his eyes closed.
When Sasuke resumed sleeping in his own room with Kakashi, his clock had returned as well.
“You aren’t expected this early,” Kakashi mumbled. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke’s torso. “Are you going to the cemetery this morning?”
Sasuke became very still.
“Some people go to cemeteries every morning and get lost in thought. They think of the past, mistakes made, what could have been. Too consumed with the dead that they’re late to everything. I don’t want that for you. Don’t go today.”
“I won’t go today,” Sasuke promised.
Kakashi winced. “Good.” Kakashi kissed Sasuke’s smooth, bare back. “If you were going to be late anyway, why not be late for a good reason?”
“I love you.”
Kakashi hummed and licked at his back. “The lame excuse that you stayed in bed with your lover can be true this morning.”
Sasuke hummed. “You want me to exchange one bad habit for another.”
“It’s a good habit,” Kakashi said as he raised his lips to Sasuke’s neck.
Sasuke turned and used Kakashi’s hair to pull his head back. His eyes were squinting and angry with waking, but Kakashi knew he wasn’t angry with him. He examined Kakashi’s face.
“You are fucking pretty,” Sasuke said, throwing Kakashi off guard. Sasuke then kissed him with enough passion to push Kakashi down into the sheets.
Sasuke sat up and poured oil into his hand then returned to kneel over him. He used his oiled hand to stroke Kakashi’s erection and returned to kissing him.
With a last nip at his lips, Sasuke raised his head. “Your idea, you do all the work.”
“Is that your way of asking me to make love to you?”
“Fuck me, sensei.”
Kakashi growled. That word still struck him hard. Kakashi flipped them. He pushed Sasuke’s knees to his chest and pressed into Sasuke’s body. Kakashi had never topped a man before Sasuke, so he forgot about needing to prepare his lover, but Kakashi was lubed. Kakashi did press with slow, steady pressure which lessened the pain.
Sasuke moaned when the head of his cock spread him open. Sasuke was experienced, but did not let anyone fuck him very often and it had been two days since he rode Kakashi.
“Okay?” Kakashi asked at the strained look on Sasuke’s face.
“Yeah, you’re just big.”
“Thank you.”
Sasuke scoffed.
Kakashi pressed in until he was fully seated within him. With Kakashi’s hips pressed to his, Sasuke lowered his legs, trapping Kakashi’s waist between his knees. He raised a foot to nudge Kakashi’s back, prompting him to lean forward. Kakashi almost fell forward, his hands landing near Sasuke’s shoulders.
A little surprised, Kakashi looked down at Sasuke’s face. His eyes were at half mast, still sleepy and his long bangs were flung back. He was beautiful.
“Are you just going to stare at me?”
“You’re worth staring at.”
That made Sasuke smile. It was beautiful and contagious. Kakashi wondered how many people had ever seen Sasuke smile. Not many.
Sasuke let his knees fall to the side, giving Kakashi room to move. He also rolled his hips up to give him a better angle.
Kakashi used his hands at Sasuke’s shoulders for leverage. Sasuke’s tightness was new to him, so much tighter than any woman he’d had sex with. So heavenly. His eyes shut on their own. He could feel his own heartbeat against Sasuke’s entrance and twitching of Sasuke’s anus around him. He didn’t want to move. The heat and pressure was just so good.
When he opened his eyes again, he was startled by Sasuke. He was looking up at him with affection. His face was unguarded. Their eyes locked. He was shocked that they were doing this, that Sasuke was letting him do this. Shocked that Sasuke could look so open and trusting and actually desire him.
Yes, he was handsome—Kakashi was fully aware of that—but only two women had wanted more than sexual relationship. He was shinobi who could die any day; not exactly stability. The two who wanted a relationship were fellow ninja who just wanted some illusion of stability and there was no real love there. This paragon though, desired him and loved him. And he loved him back.
He finally dragged his cock most of the way out, Sasuke’s body scraping the lube from him. He pressed back in, craving that sheath around him. Sasuke’s entire body twitched.
“Pull all the way out, slowly,” Sasuke instructed.
Kakashi obeyed. Sasuke tightened up as he pulled out. The tight grip of Sasuke’s body was incredible as the flare of the head pulled free.
“Fuck,” Kakashi breathed and hung his head. “How can you feel so good?”
He looked up at Sasuke’s face which wore that superior smirk, but it was softened. “You coming back in?”
Kakashi huffed and pressed in. Sasuke was varying the tightness of his body; he wanted Kakashi to reenter him, but he also wanted to be as tight as possible for Kakashi’s pleasure. Kakashi growled as the head of his cock popped back into Sasuke’s wondrous body.
Sasuke smiled. “Fuck me, sensei.”
Kakashi let instinct take over and he fucked Sasuke with quick thrusts, accidently pulling all the way out a few times. Sasuke gripped him tightly, trying to milk him.
As Kakashi fucked him harder, Sasuke started grunting with every thrust, the air just being forced up out his throat.
Kakashi cursed the loss of the arm muscle that had allowed him to do push-ups with one finger right now because he wanted to pound Sasuke so hard. He built up a brutal pace and Sasuke started grunting for real. Kakashi looked down between their bodies to see Sasuke’s erection bobbing between them. He eyes drifted up to the hard red nubs of his nipples, pleading to be sucked.
Kakashi pulled free of Sasuke’s body to suck at his chest. He grabbed Sasuke’s cock and stroked it while he suckled. Sasuke moaned at the combination of sensations.
“Kakashi,” he sighed. “Fuck me or stroke me, but just finish me quickly.”
Kakashi chose to fuck him to completion. He rose up and entered him again. He stopped thinking, shut his eyes, and hammered into Sasuke’s yielding body. Sasuke whined. Kakashi wrapped a hand around Sasuke’s cock to jerk him off while he fucked him. Sasuke cried out as he came. Kakashi growled as he came inside of him. His cock deflated and slipped from Sasuke’s body.
Kakashi looked at Sasuke’s face again. It was completely relaxed. He wanted to stare, but his body was sapped, he needed to lay down beside him. He lay on his side and absently put a hand on Sasuke’s stomach, forgetting the cum sprayed there. He didn’t pull his hand back, but played his fingers in the tacky liquid on Sasuke’s abs.
“I love you,” Kakashi said. He didn’t intend to, it just slipped out. Not that he wanted to stop it or take it back; it was just natural to say. He wished it was said with more sincerity behind it because he meant it and he didn’t want to say something like that arbitrarily.
Sasuke put his hand over the one Kakashi had on his stomach. “I love you too.” He rubbed his fingers down the hard tendons and bones in the back of Kakashi’s hand. He sighed. “I got to go.” But he didn’t make a move to sit up. He picked up Kakashi’s hand and guided two cum covered fingers unto his mouth, tasting his own cum. He rubbed his tongue on the pads of Kakashi’s fingers.
He pulled Kakashi’s hand away and finally sat up. “You are a bad habit.”
Kakashi moaned in agreement. He licked his hand to taste Sasuke’s cum. Sasuke saw the movement and looked down at him. He smirked and moved over him just to give him a kiss before rolling out of bed.
Sasuke cleaned up and dressed. “It’s getting colder outside; take my coat when you go out.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be in that damn office most of the day. You’re smart to have delayed becoming Hokage.”
“Not a job I really want.”
“If you did want it, even a little bit, I’m sorry that because of me, you’ll never get it.”
“I don’t mind.”
Sasuke’s smile was sad. “Although, if you did become Hokage, we could be true allies and not just agreeing not to kill each other.”
“Naruto’s going to be the next Hokage; he won’t turn against you.”
Sasuke smile was more sincere this time. “You’re right.” He took up his sword and kissed Kakashi on the lips before going up to his office.
After breakfast, a visit from the physical therapist, and an hour of rest, Kakashi took Sasuke’s advice and pulled Sasuke’s black wool coat from his closet. As he did, he noticed a hatch in the floor. Storage? Secret stash of something? Escape tunnel? He wasn’t curious enough to open it. Even he couldn’t fathom what seals Sasuke might have on it.
Shou was waiting in the corridor. Kakashi decided that Shou probably didn’t hate him, he just hated babysitting duty.
Today, Kakashi decided to begin his wandering by going somewhere he couldn’t go during his spying mission: the top of Sasuke’s tower.
The building was not so different from the Hokage Tower and was just a bit taller. It was tall enough Kakashi could see the gray strip of the sea to the north over the treetops about a dozen miles away. A thick marine layer was forming and pressing in toward the village, but the sky right above him was clear.
Kazaguruma was truly a beautiful village. Even Shou’s brooding presence didn’t darken it. Konoha had recently been rebuilt, so Kazaguruma wasn’t much newer, but this village felt newer and had a fresher feeling with a mixture of classic and modern architecture.
The names of the country and the village were apt since long coastline and mountains created and funneled wind through almost constantly, so it was colder all year without being downright arctic. Shou looked comfortable in his long sleeve uniform; Kakashi was thankful for the wool coat.
Konoha was further south—in a country called ‘The Fire Country’—in a drier, warmer forest. The Land of Windmills had its share of forests, but it was mostly mountains and plains. And windy and cold.
But fresh air was still like gold to him after so long underground and he would stand in a snowstorm for a lungful of fresh air. How he longed to be sent out on missions again.
A hawk screamed in the crisp air. Kakashi knew that wasn’t just a normal bird or a normal call. He turned to Shou who was looking up at the bird.
“What’s happening?” Kakashi asked.
“We’re going below.”
“What is it?”
“You will stay in your room.”
Something caught his eye below them. Sasuke’s white shirt was easy to spot as was Sayeko’s pale yellow hair. Kakashi’s first instinct was to go after them, but he remembered how weak he was. It wasn’t that this wasn’t his own village, but the fact he couldn’t be of help.
“Go help your osa,” he said to Shou. “I can find my way down.”
Shou hesitated, but then leapt away to follow Sasuke.
Kakashi went straight down to Sasuke’s rooms. He couldn’t sit and wait, so he did as many exercises as he could to bleed off anxiety.
Abs sore, arms unable to hold him anymore, and thighs swollen to the point he could barely walk, Kakashi soaked in the bath waiting for news. Not long after he dried and dressed, a servant came in with dinner. For one.
He ate slowly, but Sasuke didn’t return before he finished. He went to bed, but he left the light on.
It was after ten that Sasuke finally came in. Kakashi sat up and watched him take off his sword and belt.
“Border skirmish,” Sasuke said.
“Which border?”
Konoha, Kakashi thought grimly.
“Patrols on both sides have been harassing the other. It turned violent. One of the Konoha shinobi used the fight to get over the border, but he was stopped. He’s in the cells for now; the others were separated and told to go on their way. The interloper . . . I’ll send him back tomorrow.”
“Who is it?”
“That one who was always chewing on a senbon. Genma.”
Kakashi’s blood ran cold. He looked up and noticed how weary Sasuke looked. Sasuke hadn’t personally known Genma, but he was around when he was a Konoha genin. This was someone he knew.
“Don’t worry about him; he wasn’t harmed. He won’t be tortured. I’ll have him escorted back to the border in the morning.”
“Was anyone injured?”
“Two on each side, but they’ll be fine. Tensions have been high for the last two weeks. I just came back here to tell you and take a nap; I didn’t get much done today.”
He stripped down to his boxers and folded his clothes to put back on when he finished his nap.
“You’re uninjured, right?”
“I wasn’t injured.” He laid down and was fast asleep within moments.
Kakashi sat next to him and looked down at Sasuke’s sleeping face and marveled at the trust. He could assassinate Sasuke easily right now.
Instead, Kakashi turned out the light and laid down, giving Sasuke space so any of Kakashi’s movements wouldn’t disturb him too much.
Sasuke woke up and grasped vainly for the light. It took him much blind probing and rolling closer to the edge to find the light. He groaned and squinted at the clock.
“Fuck,” he cursed sharply. “I slept all night.”
Kakashi groaned. “I fell asleep too.”
“No one came to wake me?”
“Maybe they all want you to get your sleep. You are a demon in the morning as it is.”
Sasuke got up and dressed, his body stiff. “I’m going to murder all my assistants,” he muttered.
“Don’t do that. Who will bring me my meals?”
Sasuke growled.
It was like it was seven years ago. Sasuke would growl and grumble in the morning and Kakashi would tease him. All that was missing was Naruto talking too loudly and being hit by Sasuke and Sakura scolding Naruto for being too loud, just adding to Sasuke’s annoyance. There was a hallow feeling in his heart thinking about them. But seeing Sasuke there after so many years, growling, his hair sticking up as it always did, made his heart swell with happiness. He chose Sasuke over Konoha and everyone in it.
Kakashi stood and wrapped his arms around Sasuke. “Thank you. Thank you for not killing or torturing any of them.”
“Genma is a friend of yours.”
“He was.”
Sasuke’s body went stiff for a moment. “I have to get back to work. Genma will be going home within the hour. I’m so tired.”
“Sleep longer.”
“It’s not the type of fatigue that can be alleviated by sleep.”
Kakashi tightened his arms and leaned his head against Sasuke’s. “All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and a good ninja.”
“Failed at one, excelled at the other.” He pulled away and headed for the door. He stopped and turned to Kakashi again. “I’m not always unhappy.” He offered a small smile. “A year maybe and our position will be secure and I might be able to rest easy. I don’t mean to bring you down.”
Kakashi sat on the bed. “I wish you would employ me. I will do almost anything to help you. I can’t move against Konoha for you, but anything else, I will do.”
“You’ve already done me a lot of good. Just telling me what you found out about our defenses; you have no idea just how valuable that was.”
“I would like to do something for you willingly and something outside this room.”
“I’m sorry I can’t let you advise me or train. I can’t even let you see the inside of my office or let you know more about my inner circle than I already have.”
“Juugo’s very close to you, Shou is your lover and ANBU, and Sayeko is your student. I think I know plenty.”
Sasuke pouted when Kakashi called Shou his lover. “Do you know what the inside of a shrine is made of?”
“Huh?” The question threw him. What did that have to do with anything? “Wood, paper, and plaster?”
“But it’s not wood, paper, and plaster that make a shrine.”
“Point taken.”
“And it’s good that we shinobi still know what the inside of a shrine is made of. My family had their own shrine, remember?”
“Yeah, the Naka Shrine. Devoted to the Naka River.”
“It was reduced to rubble when Pain destroyed the village. No one made any attempt to rebuild it. Even though it was meant to honor the creation of Konoha, I rebuilt it here. It honored my clan’s role in the creation of the village. I moved the stone here too.”
“I saw the shrine. The original was cleared and the land left empty after you established this village.”
Sasuke hesitated. “I thought it might be. Never forget, Kakashi, what the inside of a shrine is made of. I have to go cut your friend loose.” He came back to the bed and Kakashi. He put a hand on his cheek and smoothed his left eyebrow with his thumb. “I am honestly glad you don’t have your Sharingan anymore.” He kissed his forehead on the top part of the scar that ran through his eye. “I love you.”
He left hurriedly.
“I love you too,” Kakashi said to an empty room.
Kakashi paused to wonder why Sasuke was glad he didn’t have his Sharingan anymore. Maybe it would have been painful for Sasuke to look at another Sharingan, a reminder of his devastated clan.
Not an hour later, there was knock on the door. Kakashi was fully dressed by that time and opened the door. Shou was standing there with a stack of books. “Complements of the osa. He said you were bored. He insisted I include all the works of Jiraiya-sama. I added some books of a more tasteful nature. Sasuke-sama can have a wicked sense of humor. And not a terribly good one.”
Kakashi laughed and took the books from Shou’s arms. “Sasuke does have a wicked sense of humor,” Kakashi agreed.
Prompted by their conversation that morning, Kakashi’s walk today took him to the new Naka Shrine. There were other people here and a few realized who he was and couldn’t help staring or stealing glances.
Shou surprised him by not just standing as a guard, but performing the rites right alongside him. They cleansed their hands at the purification fountain. They both cupped some water into their mouths, swished, and spit it out. Then they both approached the central shrine. Sasuke had given Kakashi back his wallet when he started his walks through the village and Kakashi took a coin out and put it in the collection box and gave a short prayer that Konoha and Kazaguruma would remain peaceful allies. Shou also tossed in a coin and offered a prayer.
They went back out and Kakashi looked at the shrine. “He really did recreate the original. I remember visiting it once. I’ve never been religious, but I visit shrines to honor my fallen comrades and on holidays.
“Despite everything, this shrine should serve to keep Kazaguruma and Konoha allied: the original celebrated the creation of Konoha and Sasuke recreated it here. It honors his clan and Konoha. I wouldn’t fear Konoha unless they attack this shrine.”
“I don’t fear Konoha,” Shou said. “If they attack, I will meet them. If they attack this shrine or kick some tiny little stone shrine on the side of a road, I will retaliate.”
“As well you should. But this shrine should be a symbol of the bond between villages.”
“Sasuke-sama said something about that once. He’s been here often in the last few months.”
That made Kakashi’s stomach sink. Why would Sasuke be visiting this shrine more often? Was he praying for the same thing Kakashi just did? Did Sasuke come here to strengthen the bond between their villages symbolically even if he was the only one who understood it? Were things that desperate to him? Tsunade was indeed considering turning on him, but that was not common knowledge. Kakashi regretted not taking the post of Hokage sooner; if he’d been Hokage, Sasuke would not need to fear Konoha.
And yet . . . Kakashi had feared him. Maybe things wouldn’t be different. He understood Sasuke so well because he’d been living with him. He wanted to go back to Konoha just so he could relieve Sasuke’s stress. But he would never be Hokage now.
“What’s the relic?”
“The Uchiha stone.”
That surprised him. “What exactly do the people of Kazaguruma honor here?”
“Their osa’s clan.”
Kakashi was uncomfortable with the idea of the Uchiha clan being elevated to deities. It was the sort of thing that could lead to another Madara and another war.
“Sasuke didn’t order or even suggest such a thing,” Shou said. “He wanted this shrine for personal reasons. He pays for its upkeep, but I don’t think he intended it to be a working shrine. But he was our savior. I guess it’s not so much his clan as Sasuke-sama and his beloved brother.”
They started walking toward the tower.
“You probably won’t answer, but I’d like to know: where did you come from?”
Shou hesitated. “Orochimaru captured me when I was a chunin. I was in one of the cells Suigetsu-san opened. We had seen Sasuke-sama walk by and we then believed the rumor that he’d killed Orochimaru. Suigetsu told us that Sasuke was our savior and we believed him. Sasuke-sama was focused on finding his brother so we were left to our own devises when we were let out. We sought him out after the war.”
“What village were you from?”
That, Shou would not answer.
Their meals together were growing increasingly silent. They knew each other well, Sasuke couldn’t talk about his life, and Kakashi’s life was dull right now.
“Tell me a story,” Sasuke said.
“I know about the most important parts of your past, but tell me a story. What do I not know about you? I don’t care about info on Konoha. Just divert me for a while. Good dinnertime conversation.”
“Short notice.” Kakashi tried to think of a tale worth telling. “I never told you how Gai and I met, did I?”
“You never did.”
“The entrance exam to the academy. I didn’t meet or speak to him, but I saw him there. I knew he would fail.
“Then, I saw him and his father outside the academy. I remember my father was so proud. I believed it was expected to enter the academy, so I didn’t feel any pride or excitement. I knew I was going to be bored.
“My father greeted Gai’s father and he said he hoped we would get along, but Gai’s father said that wouldn’t be possible. My father could be silly at times and he looked like he’d been stabbed, thinking this man wanted us kids to cannibalize each other to be the best or something. But I explained that Gai hadn’t passed the exam. I scoffed at both Gai and his father. My father was shocked, told me I was being rude. I was dismissive of Gai’s lack of ninjutsu. I even scolded my father that we were going to be late.” They both chuckled at the irony.
“Gai asked my name as I walked into the gates of the academy. He misinterpreted what I had said as encouragement and thanked me for cheering him on. Though, I’m not sure he really misunderstood. I think he’s always turned things positive to cheer himself up and drive him.
“My father said a very weird thing to me as we walked away. ‘Kakashi, just because the academy has admitted you, don’t start slacking off and getting careless. At this rate, this kid could become even stronger than you. The waiting list hasn’t been announced yet, right? The academy isn’t blind either. You’d be best to remember his name. He’d make a great rival.’ [AN: ch. 672]
“I forgot about that. After my father died, Gai challenged me. I was reading a book on a bench. He stood in my light and asked me if I was the son of the White Fang. I wasn’t at peace with what my father did at that point and was ashamed of him, so I didn’t like him being mentioned. I was annoyed and declined his challenge. Then he wouldn’t stop challenging me. He stalked me. He was in my house, my kitchen, even my bath.” [AN: Shippuuden ep. 241]
Kakashi laughed. “He was hanging from a tree outside my outhouse. He was so shocked by the size of my manhood, even at nine, that he fell out of the tree with such a look on his face. I had to peek when he looked at his own. It looked like an acorn.”
Sasuke smiled and let out a small chuckle. “With a physique like that?”
“Oh, he’s grown. He’s a full man now. Once we finished growing, we had the requisite dick measuring contest which I only won by half an inch.
“Anyway, our first contest was kunai. Then bow and arrow. Sickle and chain. Swordsmanship. Shuriken. He lost every single one. Then he asked to fight me with taijutsu. I still beat him, but he did pose a bit of a challenge that time.
“As I was leaving him defeated on the ground, he grabbed my ankle and begged for another contest. He was so desperate, crying. I took pity on him. I relented and asked what the next challenge was. Ro Sham Bo. Again and again and again. It was that evening playing a kid’s game that we became friends.
“He was actually a good rival. He tended to only win contests of brute strength, speed, and stamina; though I have won a few races. He earned my respect from his resolve never to quit or give in.”
“It’s one of the reasons I began to respect Naruto,” Sasuke agreed. “You and Gai, me and Naruto, our rivals are opposites, but I guess that’s why we clash and hone each other.”
“How is he? I know Gai was severally injured.”
“Wheelchair bound. Tenzou built him a house to accommodate him. He still has his good cheer. He as good as died out there and he ‘died’ well. Lee continues to make him proud, so he’s happy.”
“And Naruto? We correspond; that’s how I know about Hinata. But I think he’s been warned to be careful what he says to me. I feel he’s held back.”
“I thought you heard about Hinata through spies.”
“But you have your spies as well, no?”
Sasuke smirked. “Naruto tells me he’s happy and respected.”
“He is. I really don’t see him and Sakura much; I have my missions. Like this one.”
“Being sent to spy on your allies?”
“Sakura still single?” Sasuke was lifting a cup of tea as he asked so he was even harder to read.
“As far as I know, but my intelligence is outdated. I haven’t seen her in months; however she’s matured and not so focused on boys like before. She was embarrassing when we were a team. I hope you weren’t oblivious to her affections; that would be more embarrassing.”
“Oh, I knew. She was embarrassing. Though I may not love her, I feel a little protective of her. I would disapprove of her dating someone.”
“Don’t let her know; she’ll take that as jealousy and a sign of love.”
“Your turn.”
“It’s only fair. Tell me a story. You’re the interrogator and I’m the spy; I gave you a story, give me a story.”
Sasuke took a few bites and thought. He smirked. “I came up here and took over Oto, but I didn’t want to stay in that hole in the ground Orochimaru founded. So, after negotiations, I chose this as the site of my new village.
“It only took days for people to come looking for a home. Missing-nin, Orochimaru’s former captives, rouges, civilians without a place or looking for a new life. Even civilians who could use chakra, but were untrained.
“One of the latter was Sayeko. She wanted to be a ninja. Just a little girl, all alone. But I could see her potential. I gave her certain tasks. She didn’t know it—probably still doesn’t—but I shadowed her. She was fearless, going up to rogues to ask to learn a jutsu that would help her. If they looked at her the wrong way, I let them see me and they gave her all the instruction she wanted and never laid a hand on her. She’d probably kill me if she knew that.
“She passed my tests and I took her on as my student. She doesn’t interest me as a woman because she’s almost like a little sister. She’s sweet and acts humble, but she’s really a shinobi at heart. She would slit your throat without a thought if I ordered it. I depend on her now. I trust her and Juugo above all.”
“What tasks did you give her?” Kakashi asked.
Sasuke actually blushed. “One was to retrieve a kunai I threw into the top of a tree. I told her to climb that tree without using her hands and bring down that kunai.”
“That sounds familiar,” Kakashi mused remembering giving Sasuke and the others kunai to mark their progress up trees to lean chakra control. “And?”
Sasuke looked away and that dusting of color returned to his cheeks. “I challenged her to take a bell I attached to my belt. She could take her time and either attack me for it or use stealth. She used stealth. It took her two weeks, but she finally slipped under my defenses and stole it. I agreed to teach her and made her a genin.”
Kakashi smiled. He was happy that Sasuke used a similar test to the one he used, that his sensei used, that Sandaime used. It was something he was able to pass on.
“She has yet to disappoint me. She has lightning and fire natures so she’s just like me. I will teach her Chidori when I think she’s ready. I am not asking permission.”
“It makes me proud to hear that you’re passing down the things I taught to you. But without the Sharingan, she won’t be able to use the Chidori properly.”
Sasuke’s eyes were amused and he would say nothing. Either she had some latent talent like the Sharingan or Sasuke had a way to remedy that. Kakashi knew better than to ask.
“Did you like the books I sent you?” Sasuke changed the subject.
“I did, thank you.”
“Shou had a look of disgust when I told him which books to give you. I think he’s read them.”
Kakashi chuckled. “Closet pervert.”
Sasuke smiled. “Never trust a man without a vice.”
“Wise words. So, should I trust you? I know your vice.”
“And I know yours. I trust you.” And as if to prove it, he laid back, full and sleepy.
“I trust you.” Kakashi finished his meal while his host dozed on the floor.
When he was finished with his meal, Kakashi poured another cup of tea and lingered over it, thinking Sasuke was asleep.
Sasuke sat up and then crawled over to Kakashi. He put his head on Kakashi’s shoulder, his arm over his other shoulder and pushed them both down to the floor. Sasuke snuggled up next to Kakashi and fell into a doze again. Kakashi didn’t mind. He didn’t have anywhere to go and nothing to do, so he was happy to let Sasuke sleep.
He’d learned to relax in the time he spent here, but he still longed to work. He’d always loved the work, even as much heartache and pain as it brought him. He loved being free in the wilderness and using his talents. He missed the days before the war when there were more missions, more danger, more challenge. As much as this mission tore at his heart, it had been the most challenging in a year. Sneaking around, trying to remain under Sasuke’s radar had been fun. To be a shinobi for a young nation and village with threats all around, he would be useful and challenged. He couldn’t wait to recover and be of use to Sasuke.
He had hopes for the future for the first time since Minato died. When his sensei and Hokage died, everything he thought would be in his future had shattered. Even that baby who he thought would be like a little brother to him was taken from him; he was ordered to stay away to protect Naruto. Kakashi had been outraged at how much had been hidden from him while Naruto grew up. If he had known just how badly he was treated, Kakashi would have violated orders and taken the kid in. Kakashi had been in ANBU all those years, often out on difficult missions; he’d only heard about Naruto’s penchant for pranks. He was also outraged to find out that Itachi’s orphaned little brother was living on his own since he was eight. But what did he expect when he was left to live alone since he was six; a capable genin who was entrusted with missions and didn’t need supervision.
It was all so fucked up how Konoha treated its orphans. He promised he would ask Sasuke to be sure to treat orphans better in Kazaguruma. He didn’t want to mention it now as Sasuke woke up enough to sleepily stagger to bed, trusting Kakashi to follow him. He just dropped his shirt and pants before crawling into bed. Kakashi changed and crawled in behind him and snuggled into Sasuke’s back.
They were a pair of orphans seeking each other’s comfort. This was a village of orphans. Maybe that’s why Kakashi felt so at home here.
Kakashi woke in the dark to the sound of sniffing. Being underground, when the lights were off, the room was utterly black. He didn’t move until he heard a sob. He sat up and followed that sound to Sasuke’s side of the bed. He moved slowly to find him. He was sitting on the edge. Kakashi put his arms around him making Sasuke freeze, but he relaxed a moment later. Sasuke was so distracted that he hadn’t felt the bed move.
“Itachi?” Kakashi asked.
Sasuke nodded; Kakashi could feel the movement.
“The pain is still that fresh?” He didn’t expect an answer. “Does visiting his grave help?”
Kakashi left one arm wrapped around the Uchiha’s waist and put his other hand on Sasuke’s forehead, pulling Sasuke back against him. “I wish you could have stayed with us. We’re your family.”
Sasuke sniffed. Kakashi tilting his head back like this made it easier to breathe and his tears stopped. “The thought of marrying Sakura and remaining in that village in Naruto’s shadow was suffocating. In a time of relative peace, I didn’t have a place there. We’re fighters, mercenaries. We don’t have a place in peace.” His voice wavered and he sniffed again. “The month I was there, it felt a lot like when I was a kid. Back then, everyone avoided me like I was cursed because I had survived. Coming back, everyone avoided me because they didn’t trust me. I earned that at least.”
Sasuke relaxed more into Kakashi’s body. “Sometimes I wish I never learned the truth about my brother. That hatred was something I could hold onto. Now I just grieve for him more. Not just his death, but the way he was forced to live his life. I wonder if he ever forgot who he really was while he was with Akatsuki.”
Sasuke sat up straight again. “Anyway, I hadn’t lived in a village in years. I got used to being free and living in one hole then another. When I came here, it was hard to get used to.”
“That’s why you live underground.”
“Yeah. It feels more like home and I feel safe. Orochimaru quickly learned to give me space back then. As creepy as he was, I did feel safe. He wanted to protect my body. He just leered at me and licked his lips.”
“He never tried to touch you?”
“I know he wanted to. He made the invitation more than once, but he was wise enough not to press his luck. He had no control over me; I could renege at any time. With those arms, he was no threat to me.”
The conversation had completely calmed Sasuke’s grief. Kakashi ran his hand down Sasuke’s back. “I’m glad.”
Sasuke created a ball of fire to see the clock. “It’s too early.” The fire went out.
Kakashi was on his knees behind him and his thighs were beside Sasuke’s. Sasuke put a hand on the inside of Kakashi’s knee and slid that hand half way up.
Kakashi kissed his hair. “Whatever you need,” he said to the silent invitation.
“Make me forget for a while.”
“I will.”
Kakashi moved back to lay Sasuke down on his back. Sasuke raised his hips to let Kakashi remove his boxers.
Kakashi decided he wanted to try sucking Sasuke off. It was his first time, but he had a great teacher.
Sasuke wasn’t hard—he’d been grieving minutes ago—so first Kakashi rubbed Sasuke’s cock to life. Once he was half hard, Kakashi licked the head. Sasuke’s breath hitched in the darkness.
Kakashi realized that Sasuke hadn’t stepped out once to his other lovers. They had sex often enough Kakashi was sure Sasuke couldn’t be having sex with anyone else. Without a doubt, this was the first blowjob Sasuke had since Kakashi first woke up in Sasuke’s bed. He felt a little guilty about that.
Kakashi licked his lips and slid them over Sasuke’s glans. The shaft in Kakashi’s fist swelled and hardened. Kakashi licked the head to moisten it then slid his lips over the ridge and back, rubbing that sensitive rim.
Sasuke let out a heavy breath. Kakashi hadn’t heard Sasuke make that sound before. He knew he must be doing something right. Emboldened, Kakashi wet his lips again and took Sasuke deeper into his mouth. He pressed his tongue to the frenulum. When Kakashi rubbed at that spot, Sasuke gasped and lifted his hips.
Kakashi kept his tongue pressed against that spot even as he took Sasuke even deeper. He tightened his lips to simulate the feeling of his anal ring reluctantly accepting him.
When the head of his cock reached the entrance of his throat, he had to stop. His tongue instinctively rose to stop any further intrusion and his throat tightened. Kakashi pulled back to try to relax his throat, but kept moving his lips and tongue to keep the pleasure going for Sasuke. He tried to deep throat him again, making a little extra progress, but had to pull back again, afraid he was going to gag.
It took nearly two minutes, but Kakashi finally had his lips around the base of Sasuke’s large cock. He couldn’t stay there, so close to violently gagging. He went back to using his lips and tongue at a more comfortable depth.
Sasuke slipped his fingers into Kakashi’s hair and moaned. Kakashi could tell Sasuke was trying to restrain himself from pushing Kakashi down to take him all the way again. Kakashi obliged him and took him deep. Sasuke did press his hand against the back of Kakashi’s head, but eased up when Kakashi started to pull back.
“Gently rub your teeth on me,” Sasuke gasped.
Kakashi lightly scraped his teeth on the skin of Sasuke’s shaft. When he came to the swell of the head, he let his teeth catch on the ridge and Sasuke gasped with pleasure.
“Fuck, yes!” Sasuke started to move his legs and lift his hips, so close, feeling so good, but needing a push over the edge.
Kakashi sucked and licked at just the head and used his fist to jack him off.
Sasuke panted and groaned. Sasuke held his breath as he plunged over the precipice. Several shots of semen spurted into Kakashi’s mouth. He kept sucking and gripping Sasuke until his hips fell back to the bed. Kakashi had tasted Sasuke’s semen before and didn’t hesitate to swallow the load.
Kakashi was hard, but hadn’t touched himself at all. When he crawled up, Sasuke turned and grabbed his erection. Sasuke jacked him off until he regained his breath and then he moved down to suck Kakashi off quickly. He swallowed Kakashi’s load and then lay down next to Kakashi, both trying to regain their breath.
Neither of them wanted to move, but they were both aware of the morning wearing on. They should get up, or at least Sasuke should get up. But they laid there together a little while longer.
Sasuke chuckled. “Someone is loitering at the door. They’re uncomfortable coming for me now that I have a lover.”
Kakashi smiled. “How late are you?”
“Probably half an hour. I told you you were a bad habit.”
“I would feel like a hypocrite if I told you to go to work since I’ve been delaying taking up a similar job.”
“Ironic. I become the leader of a village and you don’t. No one could have predicted this.” He turned to half lay on Kakashi and caress his cheek, his thigh crossing over Kakashi’s. Kakashi wondered if Sasuke was speaking of their political positions or their physical one.
Sasuke sat up and Kakashi caressed his back as Sasuke straightened. “When I said I wanted to be Hokage, I wasn’t really thinking about the bureaucracy.”
“Neither was Naruto. What a shock he’ll get. The bureaucracy was all I saw and that’s why I didn’t want the job.”
“Naruto just wants respect; I wanted to stop more people ending up like Itachi and I. I wanted to change the world so children wouldn’t be forced to . . . I wanted to unite the world against me; keep peace by focusing their animosity. This was a better choice.”
Sasuke got out of bed, turned on the light, and got ready for the day. Kakashi stayed in bed and out of his way.
“Come with me tonight?” Sasuke asked as he slipped his sword into his belt. “To Itachi’s grave?”
“I will.”
“Thank you.”
Sasuke carried the bamboo bucket of water with the ladle and flowers sitting in the water. Kakashi carried the incense.
Someone else had taken the dead flowers away from the last time Sasuke visited. Sasuke cleaned the gravestone and placed the two bunches of flowers; Kakashi lit the incense. They knelt there and prayed.
Kakashi thought about how he had made peace with his past, his father and Obito and Rin. But he could tell Sasuke’s grief for Itachi ran even deeper. He’d gotten past his parents’ deaths, but Itachi’s death was just too painful. His death and the hatred he fostered in Sasuke’s heart in spite of himself. He doubted Sasuke would ever stop grieving. Kakashi did wish with his soul that Itachi had lived and could be here with his brother in this new village without having to worry about his past. But then again, maybe Itachi would never have been able to get past the pain of murdering his parents. Maybe it was best that he was at peace. But Sasuke never would be.
“I just wish he were alive,” Sasuke whispered.
“He’s proud of you. I’m proud of you too. You’ve accomplished great things and matured into a man to be proud of.”
Kakashi turned his head to look at Sasuke’s face. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, but he didn’t openly cry. The fact Sasuke would live with this pain the rest of his life ate at Kakashi’s heart. He knew all too well what that was like. All he could do was try to distract him from thinking about Itachi. He would do his best.
Sasuke finished his own prayers and they gathered their things and left. They went to dinner at a restaurant. It was a silent meal.
Yet, seeing the people around them seemed to lift Sasuke’s spirits. He had created a peaceful village where people could live happy, normal lives. And he could prevent anyone from suffering like he and his brother did. Though he wasn’t the Hokage of Konoha, he did become a village leader who could change the shinobi world in some way. He didn’t speak, but Sasuke was brighter by the time they headed home.
Late the next morning, someone knocked on the door to Sasuke’s suite while Sasuke was in his office. Kakashi answered it cautiously and was surprised to see Sayeko.
“Sasuke-sama will not be able to have lunch with you today, so he sent me to keep you company.”
“That wasn’t necessary.”
“He’s missed a few lunches with you and he didn’t want you to think he was blowing you off. It’s a nice day; I’ve arranged to have lunch on the terrace.”
It was the same place his physical therapist brought him to work outside. A table was prepared for them and their meal waiting.
She really did seem more mature than fourteen; Kakashi had pegged her at sixteen when he first saw her. From what Sasuke said, this girl had arrived here alone and had no ninja training.
“Sasuke told me about the tests he gave you.”
Sayeko smiled. “Yeah. He’s always hard to read, but he was surprised to have a young girl approach him and ask to be a shinobi. He stared at me for like a minute, trying to intimidate me I think. I didn’t back down. He said if I could earn two bells, he would train me.”
“Two bells?”
“Yeah. He tied a bell to a kunai and threw into the top of a tree. A really tall one. He told me to climb up there without my hands and bring it down. I had no idea how to do that, so I asked a bunch of the shinobi who were gathering around Sasuke-sama at the time. They told what to do and it took me about five days. I had to learn how to mold chakra. I was a civilian, so that alone took three days. I brought that kunai to him and he looked proud.
“Then the bell on his belt. If his guards hadn’t been aware of what I was doing, I would have been killed a hundred times over. But I finally created enough of a distraction and snuck in behind him and snatched the bell. He felt the tug when I took it. He gave me a kunai to tie the bell to and told me to keep them and that he would train me himself.
“Those two bells are my most treasured possessions.”
Sayeko was smiling broadly. Kakashi was taken aback to hear that there were two bells. Sasuke really had thought about him and his bell test when he made up this test for Sayeko. His test was all about teamwork, but as Sasuke’s right hand and student, she was learning teamwork by working so close to him.
“How did you end up here?”
“My parents were killed in the war. They weren’t ninja, but they were in that town that was destroyed. I was with my grandmother at the time. The shock and grief killed her. I heard all about the war and then about how Sasuke-sama was creating a new village. I decided I wanted to learn from him, one of the heroes of the war.”
“You didn’t blame him or shinobi in general for what happened?”
“No. All shinobi, even enemies, came together to fight the men who did it. I blame Madara. He may be Sasuke-sama’s clansman, but Sasuke fought against him. I wanted to be like the shinobi who could survive a war like that. You were at his side.” Her eyes were bright with admiration.
“Not the entire time.”
She smiled. “As cruel to you as he was, Sasuke-sama told me about what happened in the war before you came here and he talked a lot about you.”
“Yeah. You, Uzumaki Naruto, and his brother are the only people he ever talks about with affection. He never speaks of his parents.”
“His mother was a kind woman, but his father was stern and as I understand it, didn’t show much affection to Sasuke. I think he’s conflicted about his parents. It was his father’s pride, ambition, and indignation that led to their deaths. I met them both a few times, but I didn’t know them. I knew Itachi though.”
Sayeko’s eyes lit up. “What was he like?”
“Unassuming, quiet. I think he was kind, but he could be ruthless. I was in ANBU with him. I liked him.”
“ANBU. I kind of wish I could be in ANBU, but I like being at Sasuke’s side.”
“I don’t get the feeling Sasuke has a lot of people he trusts. He trusts you, said you were like an annoying little sister.”
Sayeko blushed. “No, he didn’t!”
“Well, maybe he didn’t say ‘annoying,’ but he did say you were like a little sister. Stay close to him.”
“I will.”
Kakashi saw a flash of the steely resolve Sasuke had described when he said Sayeko was a shinobi at heart.
“He’s my osa and my sensei; I will do anything to protect him and be of use to him. Though, he doesn’t really need protecting.”
“Not all threats are physical.”
She nodded.
Surprise of all surprises, Sasuke gave Kakashi permission to train with a jounin. Shou watched as Kakashi and the jounin practiced. Sasuke wasn’t present on the field, but Kakashi suspected he was somewhere watching at least part of the fight.
Kakashi’s innate talent and muscle memory kept him from embarrassing himself, but he didn’t have the strength or speed he used to. He wasn’t put to the floor, but he did lose.
Kakashi could tell Shou wanted a turn. If Kakashi was nearer his peak, he would love to spar with the masked ANBU. As it was, he returned to Sasuke’s suite with bruises.
And Sasuke didn’t like that.
Later that evening, his eyes burned with jealousy when he saw the marks. He was more passionate than ever. He kissed Kakashi deeply and ran his hands all over his chest and back. His hands ran over scars which made him growl and back off.
Sasuke took Kakashi’s arm in both hands and kissed his left wrist. He licked up a few inches along the inside of Kakashi’s arm. “Not a mark remains from what I did to you. I don’t like that others have marked you, but I haven’t.” He drew out a kunai. He looked into Kakashi’s eyes, asking if he would allow him to cut him. His heartbeat sped up, but Kakashi gave a small nod.
Sasuke pressed the sharpened blade two inches from Kakashi’s wrist and made a slit in his skin about three inches long. Kakashi didn’t even hiss. Sasuke hurriedly licked up the blood that ran from the mark he carved into Kakashi’s arm. He licked the free blood then sucked at wound to draw more into his mouth. He forced his tongue in making Kakashi gasp. Sasuke’s mouth made love to that slit in his arm and drank the nectar of his body.
The blood stemmed and Sasuke coated the wound with his saliva before he pulled away and looked Kakashi in the eyes. “I want it to scar. I want a lasting mark on you. One you can see. One you can choose to let others see.” Sasuke leaned in to lick it dry. “What excuses will you make for it? The idea that you would deny it turns me on. I’ll be your dirty little secret.” He kissed the wound.
Kakashi wondered who he would lie to; everyone here knew where he was sleeping.
Sasuke kept kissing down the wound to Kakashi’s wrist. He stopped there to kiss and lick at the throbbing veins.
“I want you tonight. I want to fuck you.” He grabbed Kakashi by the back of the head and slammed their lips together.
They were already nude, so it was merely a matter of crowding Kakashi down onto his back and grabbing for the oil.
Sasuke used his lubed fingers to wet Kakashi’s entrance, but did little to stretch him. He was in a hurry to enter Kakashi. Kakashi was ready and willing; he was relaxed and was getting use to Sasuke’s cock entering him. Sasuke met little resistance and fucked his former sensei hard and fast to begin with. After the initial burst of energy, Sasuke slowed down.
Sasuke pressed his temple to Kakashi’s temple as he thrust his hips deeply into him. He slid two fingers into Kakashi’s mouth to suck as Sasuke licked at his ear.
Kakashi was the first to lose it. Seeing Kakashi cum and feeling his body orgasm around him, almost undid Sasuke, but he held back. He captured Kakashi’s lips and he came while they kissed.
Sasuke eased his body down on Kakashi’s; just lay on him while they recovered. Sasuke rested his forehead against Kakashi’s throat and played the fingers of a hand in Kakashi’s wild hair. Kakashi trailed his finger along Sasuke’s side.
After a few minutes, Sasuke got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. He gathered a few things and came back. He sat on the bed and dropped a warm, wet washcloth on Kakashi’s stomach. Kakashi cleaned himself up while Sasuke prepared the bandages for Kakashi’s arm. It had bled with his higher blood pressure during sex. He rinsed it with alcohol; no other treatment. He wrapped it to keep it clean; he wanted it to scar, not get infected.
Kakashi watched Sasuke work. He liked the attention.
His eyes drifted to Sasuke’s left hand and arm. They were paler than the rest of Sasuke’s already pale skin. They were a sickly color, unnaturally smooth, hairless, and lacking any scars and his hand was less calloused. Naruto kept his replacement arm wrapped up. Sasuke did not.
When Sasuke finished wrapping Kakashi’s wound, Kakashi ran his hand up Sasuke’s left arm. “I’m glad Tsunade could give you a new arm.”
“I didn’t want it at first—I don’t really need it with the Rinnegan—but if I’m to protect this village and country, I wanted to have all the power and skills I could.”
Kakashi had never really examined Sasuke’s arm before—or Naruto’s for that matter. He realized it didn’t have the same musculature as his real one. It looked strong, but it was based on the cells of Senju Hashirama not Sasuke’s. It was wiry by nature, more like Kakashi’s arms. Sasuke did train it, but it probably wasn’t as strong as his right arm and was probably not as easy to use.
“Naruto keeps his covered.”
“He’s more tan than me. Stands out more on him. It is a bit sensitive.”
“Oh really?” Kakashi made his touch feather light and caressed down his arm.
Sasuke shuddered, “Yeah.” He swallowed as Kakashi trailed his fingers back up the artificial limb. “The connection of my nerves, I think something happened. More sensitive.” Sasuke couldn’t speak normally with the sensations running through his body. He gasped.
“Something happened?” Kakashi mused. “Might it be that they’re more connected to your pleasure centers?” The return of Sasuke’s erection led to that deduction.
“I don’t know if Naruto has the same problem,” Sasuke struggled to say as Kakashi used his other hand to trace Sasuke’s hand. “Wrapping it probably protects him from it. I can normally control it.”
“When someone’s not actively caressing it.”
Kakashi bent down to lick at it, but Sasuke tore his arm from Kakashi’s grasp.
“Why not?”
“It’s . . . dirty. Unnatural.”
Kakashi scoffed. “Some might say fucking a man in the ass is dirty and unnatural. If it will bring you pleasure . . . Can’t be worse than sucking cock, right?”
“I think the reason Naruto keeps it covered is because it’s not part of him. He probably rejects it like I do.”
Kakashi took Sasuke’s arm into his hands again, gently. “It repulses you?”
“It’s not me. I’ve thought of cutting it off. I really didn’t want it. I went longer before getting it than Naruto. The very idea repulses me. But I forget about it and use it as if it was my real arm.”
“It’s your blood flowing through it?”
“Your mind that controls it?”
“Your brain that feels through it?”
“Then it’s part of you.” Kakashi leaned in to kiss it again. He kissed the bicep. He felt Sasuke shudder. He licked it and Sasuke tensed.
“I don’t like you touching, kissing, or licking something that’s not mine.”
“It’s yours.” Kakashi ran his lips over the white flesh and gave it small kisses.
“It’s foreign.”
“And here I thought you had fully accepted it. All this time, I didn’t even give it a thought.”
He lifted Sasuke’s arm to trail licks and kisses down its length. Sasuke tensed when Kakashi reached the top of his hand. Kakashi was about to take two fingers in his mouth like Sasuke often had him do. But Sasuke tore his hand from his grasp again and this time grabbed Kakashi’s chin and glared into his eyes.
“That you will not do,” Sasuke said sternly. But he offered his natural fingers to him to suck. Kakashi obeyed, but returned to caressing Sasuke’s replacement arm.
Sasuke tore his arm from Kakashi’s hands to grab his wrist and guide his hand to Sasuke’s groin. Kakashi obediently stroked him.
“How do you want to make me cum?” Sasuke asked.
Kakashi backed his head off Sasuke’s fingers. “I think you want to fuck me again. I want to feel you fill me with your semen, Sasuke.”
Sasuke pushed Kakashi down. Kakashi’s body was still wet with lube and cum so Sasuke didn’t hesitate to set a brutal pace. Kakashi renewed his caresses to Sasuke’s false arm and sought out one of Sasuke’s nipples with his other hand.
Sasuke shut his eyes and fucked him, his body being surrounded by pleasure; his cock, his sensitive arm, and his nipple all worked against him. His orgasm was slow in coming and he had little semen left to release, but it rocked his body painfully when it came.
Sasuke finally opened his eyes and looked to see if his lover had been satisfied, but when he looked down, Kakashi wasn’t erect, nor had he cum.
“No?” was all he asked.
“I’m fucked out. I just wanted you to be satisfied.”
Sasuke hung his head so that it hovered next to Kakashi’s. “Thank you.” Then he flopped down onto the bed next to Kakashi.
“Your arm, is it just sensitive to pleasure, or does it have a heightened sense of pain too?” Kakashi asked once Sasuke’s breathing returned to normal.
“It feels pain more than my right arm, but it’s not as intense as the pleasure. I think that maybe because it’s newer and the nerves are less used to dealing with sensation.”
“Maybe you should keep it covered like Naruto does. Protect it.”
“No one but you knows it’s a weak spot. Anyway, it doesn’t tend to bother me.”
On the western edge of the village, there were several windmills. One was an average windmill for grinding grain, the others generated power for the village. Shou was hesitant to let Kakashi too near them, still not fully trusting him—they were ripe for sabotage and well guarded.
It was peaceful to watch the sails move in the wind, rotating hypnotically. The land around the village was mostly open, the streets were wider than Konoha, the air cooler and fresher, and there were no walls encircling it. This place was far more calming and serene than Konoha.
Yet, Kakashi felt exposed without the trees and tighter streets. It wasn’t as easy to hide. It was part of the challenge when he was here as a spy. That was certainly part of the plan when constructing this place.
Kakashi laid on the grass of a gentle hill near the windmills to watch them. One was still in the wind, locked down for repairs.
Sasuke arrived to see what happened. Kakashi was wearing his coat, so Sasuke wore a black cloak to fend off the cold. With a known spy in the village, they were investigating it closely. Sasuke spared a glance in Kakashi’s direction, but his eyes weren’t angry or accusing. There was no way Kakashi could have done it anyway.
After he had finished checking on the repairs, Sasuke walked over to him with his two guards who flanked him here. Sasuke lay down beside him and his guards took up positions with their backs to them. No one spoke for a long time.
Kakashi’s extremities were nearly like ice laying here, but he didn’t have anywhere to go or anything to do and the silence was companionable.
Another shinobi landed near them. “Sasuke-sama, Karin has arrived.”
Sasuke hadn’t flinched when the man arrived. “Urgent?”
“Thank you.”
The man vanished.
Sasuke tried to relax, but the peace was destroyed. Sasuke sat up. He looked over at Kakashi. “You’re getting used to the cold.”
“I’m nearly frozen.”
Sasuke stood up and held out a hand to him and pulled him up. “You are cold.”
With three guards around them, the pair walked back to the tower. Sasuke wasn’t in a hurry to get back to the office.
“Karin was your red headed follower.”
“Fishing for information? Ever the spy.”
Kakashi didn’t deny it.
“Because how Orochimaru helped me and helped us in the war, I let him go to ground here. He did appalling things to many of the people who gathered here, so I keep him on a very short lead. Karin keeps me informed. He is only to work on things for the betterment of my country. And no human testing. Karin makes sure he abides by my rules.”
“I couldn’t find him when I was spying.”
“Or did you not want to?” Sasuke asked with a knowing smirk.
“I tried, but I didn’t really want to face him. I think I prefer being captured by you than him.”
“He doesn’t have that authority; Karin would have turned you over to me.”
“Comforting. I think.”
“I’m not the only person who’s changed. Orochimaru is less maniacal. He’s still backing this horse. I did kill him. Or subjugated him. That shocked him. I never felt greater pride and pleasure before that.”
“When I heard you killed him, I was proud of you.”
Sasuke’s back became a bit straighter. He also moved a bit closer to Kakashi so his cloak brushed against Kakashi’s coat.
“Orochimaru is no longer a threat; he’s basically under house arrest.”
“Good. I’m glad you were able to tame the snake.”
“Hn. Karin is my flute.”
When they entered the tower, Sasuke used his cloak to hide his hand grazing Kakashi’s, then he headed up stairs. Kakashi headed down to his own house arrest. But he did so with a wistful smile under his mask.
Sasuke was fucking insatiable. Of course, Kakashi wasn’t going to complain; it was the most physical activity he was allowed to engage in. Kakashi was herded onto his back as soon as he stripped for bed.
Sasuke rubbed his bare body against Kakashi’s as he kissed him. Kakashi bent his leg to rub it against Sasuke’s. He kept his hand on Sasuke’s ribs and the other threaded in Sasuke’s hair.
Sasuke pulled away. “You know, I haven’t been with any of my subs since you got here. May I play with you?”
Kakashi knew what Sasuke meant. The prospect excited him. “Yes.”
Sasuke smirked. “I won’t do too much. I think I know what will work with you.”
Sasuke moved down to suck at Kakashi’s nipple and his hand slid down his erection. He rubbed his palm over him. His fingers slowly closed around Kakashi’s cock. He slowly stroked him. Meanwhile, he sucked at Kakashi’s right nipple. He licked it, flicked it with his tongue. He grazed his teeth against the tender nub. He gently bit down on it and he stroked him with a strong grip.
Kakashi grunted. Pleasure and pain at the same time, but the pleasure exceeded the pain.
Sasuke licked at the abused flesh and continued to stroke him.
“Erotize the pain,” Sasuke said as his mouth moved to the other nipple and his hand moved to Kakashi’s balls. He gently gripped and massaged them.
Kakashi sighed in pleasure. He expected Sasuke to bite his nipple again, but instead he pinched the skin of the ball sack. Kakashi gasped. It was just the skin, but it still hurt.
Sasuke went back to gently massaging him, rubbing his testes inside his scrotum. As the pleasure built up, Sasuke bit down his nipple causing Kakashi to suck in a breath.
Sasuke soothed the nipple and then sat up. “You doing alright?”
“Tell me if it becomes too much.”
Sasuke moved down and took Kakashi’s cock into his mouth. His mouth was so wet. Kakashi could feel Sasuke’s saliva drip down his length.
“Fuck,” Kakashi sighed.
Sasuke took him deep. He grabbed Kakashi’s balls again. He sucked him, tongued him, slid his wet, tight lips up and down his shaft even as he squeezed Kakashi’s balls painfully. Again, pain and pleasure competed for his attention.
Sasuke gave him the best blow job he’d ever had. He took him fast and deep, varying the amount of pressure from his lips and moving his tongue against his cock. At the same time, he squeezed, pinched, massaged, rolled, and rubbed his balls, varying between pleasure and pain. The signals started to get confused and meld together. The pain sent a pleasurable shock to his nipples and the pleasure kept his cock erect. Kakashi pinched and rolled one of his nipples to take advantage of the sensations.
Sasuke closed his teeth enough to gently scrape against Kakashi’s tender flesh, but it was gentle enough that it felt good. Of course, Kakashi knew what was coming. Sasuke didn’t outright bite him, but Kakashi could feel the sharp ends of his teeth poking and scratching him. His teeth scraping over the head of his cock tightly felt as good as it hurt. His teeth caught on the flare of the head and he forced the head through his teeth causing Kakashi to grunt. Sasuke came back to actually bite the flare. That caused Kakashi to curl forward, the pain tightening his gut.
He didn’t soften though.
Sasuke stepped it up, flicking his balls, giving them gentle slaps, and pinching the testes within. Kakashi’s stomach clenched with the pain, but Sasuke’s mouth wouldn’t let his erection flag.
Sasuke finally stopped causing pain and just concentrated on sucking him. He grabbed the base of Kakashi’s cock to jack him as he pleasured him. Kakashi came hard in Sasuke’s mouth.
Sasuke came up and kissed him. He was jacking off and Kakashi realized Sasuke was probably jerking off with his other hand while he worked on him.
Kakashi flipped them and went down on Sasuke rather than let him jack off. Sasuke didn’t take long, proof that this shit really turned the younger man on.
Kakashi lay next to him.
“Enjoy it?” Sasuke asked.
“Yeah. That was strange.”
“Let me take you to my personal dungeon next.”
Kakashi took a few seconds to answer. “Okay.”
Kakashi was afraid as he followed Sasuke to his private dungeon, especially as he opened the door. He feared it would be the same cell he spent two or more weeks or look just like it.
He let out a relieved sigh when he saw a totally unfamiliar room. The ceiling was a little higher than normal to accommodate the pulleys to suspend someone in the center. There was enough room to use whips and floggers easily all around the person who would be in the center. On the walls were arrayed all manner of torture implements: whips, chains, clamps, floggers, riding crops, thin bamboo canes, ropes, and many others. There were also saw horses, an X-cross, and a few other platforms. The walls themselves were rust colored.
“This is my dungeon. Fear not, the room and implements are cleaned after every session.”
“Do you ever use this place for real torture?”
That was slightly comforting.
“Few of these implements cause serious injuries. The whips and clamps . . . I don’t use senbon, but I do use kunai. Of course, I could turn any of this stuff into a lethal weapon.”
“Any shinobi could turn a string into a lethal weapon.”
Kakashi looked at the floor and it was covered in sparring mats. The mats were spotless dark grey. In one corner there was a sink, probably for the blood. Next to that were shelves with towels and blankets. The bottle of bleach was unnerving. He wondered if the mats used to be black.
Sasuke watched Kakashi’s eyes float over all the implements in the room. “Anything strike your fancy? Curiosity?”
Kakashi shook his head. “I’m in your hands.”
Sasuke smiled. “Strip.”
Kakashi did so while Sasuke made preparations. He lowered one of the thick ropes looped on the pulley attached the ceiling. There was metal hook tied securely to the end. He fetched a spreader bar and hung it from the hook. He turned to Kakashi, attached the cuffs to his wrists.
Sasuke raised Kakashi so most of his weight was off his feet. He was now bound and naked. Kakashi was nervous and even a bit self-conscious being nude while Sasuke was fully clothed. He slowed his breathing. This was not a position any shinobi really wanted to be in. Especially in an enemy village.
Sasuke brought over a small table like the one Kakashi remembered from the cell. He gathered a few instruments and put them on that table.
Sasuke put his hands on Kakashi’s shoulders and ran them down his chest and abs. His touch was firm and affectionate. He ducked under Kakashi’s arm and slid his hands down his back as well.
“You trust me?”
“I trust you.”
“If the pain becomes too much, say ‘scarlet’; it’s our normal safe word.”
Sasuke stepped away and picked up a flogger from the table. He didn’t swing it hard, rather letting the tails thump harmless on his back. The thud vibrated his lungs. It felt really good. He felt like one of his hounds when he patted their sides. This was what it had to feel like. Sasuke let the flogger fall onto his back a few more times.
Sasuke let the tails slide down his lower back and over his ass. That felt as good as the thump.
It felt good, but not sexual.
Sasuke remedied that by caressing his back again and then putting his arms around him, leaning his head against Kakashi’s.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“It’s going to start to hurt now. Try to erotize the pain.”
Sasuke pulled away and hit Kakashi harder. That stung. He hit him harder and harder until he turned Kakashi’s back red. He stopped to rub the redden flesh gently.
“Doing alright?” His fingers traced meaningless designs on his hot skin.
“Yeah. Compared to what you did before, it’s nothing.”
“This isn’t meant as a punishment or torture. You know I could whip a confession out of you. I could make you confess to killing the first Hokage.”
Kakashi silently agreed.
Sasuke struck his back again and again. His skin was giving off so much heat. Sasuke stopped and asked him if he was doing alright.
“I’m alright.” Kakashi was surprised how little it hurt.
Sasuke ventured down to his ass. He started gently like he did with his back, but quickly ramped it up. He stopped once to check on Kakashi, but he flogged him until his ass was a deep red. His fingers trailed over his sensitized ass felt amazing.
Satisfied by his handiwork, Sasuke put the flogger away, hanging it back on the wall. He came back to run his hands down Kakashi’s hot, red back and ass. The gentle touch felt wonderful after the abuse. Sasuke caressed him for over a minute, tantalizing the burning nerves.
Sasuke came around and looked Kakashi in the eye. Then his eyes followed his hands as he ran his hands down Kakashi’s chest and stomach. He took note of Kakashi’s un-aroused nipples and limp cock. He caressed his body a few more times, then leaned in to take a nipple into his mouth. He sucked and flicked it with his tongue. Sasuke used his fingers on the other nipple. Damn, it felt good. Sasuke switched nipples and gave the other the same attention. By the time he was finished, Kakashi’s cock had begun to stir.
Then Sasuke picked up the cane. The thin rod of bamboo sent a thrill of fear through Kakashi’s body. That had been one of the most painful parts of his torture.
Sasuke went behind him. Kakashi steeled himself, expecting the painful swat. But instead, Sasuke trailed the thin tip over his abused skin. It felt so good, even better than the caress. Sasuke slid the tip down his back several times and then down his ass cheeks. The flogger had made his skin extra sensitive. Then he dragged the tip down between his cheeks. That caused erotic pleasure to shoot through him. Sasuke noticed.
Then the pleasurable strokes were replaced by the stinging snap of the cane across his ass. Sasuke only hit him three times, then used the length of the cane to caress the lines he’d made.
Sasuke struck him several times on the back, ass, and thighs. He followed that with the caresses. Sasuke set the cane down and used his hands to ease Kakashi’s burning flesh. The pain had sensitized his skin and Sasuke’s hands felt like fire and just . . . good. Avoiding the red marks he’d made, Sasuke massaged Kakashi’s upper back, easing the tension there.
“How did you know I wanted you to do that?” Kakashi asked.
“I’m watching you. I’m watching every move of your muscles.”
Sasuke’s hands moved down gently over the mild welts. His hands moved over Kakashi’s ass and held it as he leaned in to kiss Kakashi’s shoulder blade. He licked the hot skin, cooling it. Sasuke’s hands moved over Kakashi’s hips, resting on either side of his groin. Sasuke took his time moving his lips over his skin. His body was still clothed, but Kakashi could feel the heat of his body and the hardness against his ass.
Sasuke came out to face him.
“Do you trust me?” Sasuke asked.
“I trust you.”
“Will you trust me with your body and your mind?”
It was an odd question. His mind? He did remember the hallucinations from the torture, but he was foggy on what was going through his own mind during the rape. He remembered pain and sensations, he remembered fear, but he couldn’t remember any thoughts. There was definitely manipulation going on, but Sasuke hadn’t tried to brainwash him or used any illusion, just pure coercion.
Kakashi decided that there was no harm Sasuke could or would do and he intended to stay here with Sasuke already, so yes, he did trust Sasuke with his mind. He trusted that Sasuke would do no harm.
“I do trust you.”
Sasuke took Kakashi’s cheek in his hand and guided their lips together. The kiss was deep and loving.
Sasuke pulled back. “This part is really going to hurt.”
He picked up the cane again. This time he teased the front of Kakashi’s body, down his chest, over his abs, slowly down his cock, and then each of his thighs. He traveled back up all the way up his bare throat and his cheek. He played the cane over the beauty mark on his jaw.
Kakashi took a deep breath, readying himself for the pain he remembered from before. He was calm because Sasuke said that was torture and this was meant for pleasure; it wouldn’t be as bad.
Kakashi had to rethink that when the cane snapped against his nipple.
Sasuke struck his abs and his thighs until they were covered in red stripes. He ended it with a swipe at his other nipple.
“Fuck,” Kakashi breathed. He looked up in time to see Sasuke’s satisfied smirk.
Sasuke leaned into Kakashi’s body and rubbed his stinging thigh and his unharmed inner thigh. Damn, it felt good. Sasuke sucked at the abused nipple, sucking it and tonguing it. Sasuke’s hand moved to Kakashi’s cock and began to stroke it. His right hand was strong and calloused. Sasuke’s left hand was soft and smooth when it caressed his side and back.
Kakashi knew what was coming when Sasuke stepped back. They weren’t hard strikes, but Sasuke snapped the cane against his nipples and chest.
“Feel it, feel the pain. Let it flow through your body. Savor it. Feel the adrenaline and endorphins coursing through your blood.”
Kakashi wasn’t one for meditation, but he tried to focus inward, on the pain and the chemicals being released into his blood. Having his eyes closed while trying to focus allowed Sasuke to make his hits random, even going around to strike his back, ass, and thighs.
Then Sasuke added Kakashi’s cock to the mix. But by that point Kakashi discovered the intoxicating nature of pain. He could follow the flow of chemicals, feel it raise his heart rate, swell his lips and other erogenous zones with blood, his skin redden, and his brain fill with pleasure. He was starting to understand.
Sasuke stopped again and caressed the stripes and suck his nipples. He stroked his cock, but Kakashi couldn’t keep an erection through the pain.
Sasuke hummed. “That’s a problem.”
“Huh?” Kakashi was broken from his meditation.
Sasuke wore his evilest smirk. “You’re not going to like this.”
Kakashi swallowed.
Sasuke set the cane down and picked up a pair of clamps.
Sasuke had to kill his smile to suck on Kakashi’s nipple, bringing it to full hardness. He used the first clamp. Kakashi gasped. Oddly, Sasuke didn’t have to do anything to make the other one hard. He clamped it. Kakashi took a sharp breath and let it out slowly.
Kakashi just breathed, processing the pain. He didn’t notice Sasuke moving. He attached a small, but strong chain to both clamps, pulling on them, causing them more pain.
“Now the part you won’t like.”
Sasuke knelt and applied the third clamp to Kakashi’s flaccid foreskin. The pain that shot through his body was intense. It was thrilling. Then Sasuke attached another small chain to it and pulled it up to hook onto the first chain. The result was his cock was pulled upward, exposing his balls.
He had to breathe deep and slow. The pain was incredible, but not quite like the torture.
At first, he didn’t feel Sasuke’s hand on his throat, but his touch was warm and comforting though the pain. He could feel Sasuke’s breath against his lips. Gentle touches made them even more sensitive. He opened his eyes to see Sasuke was inches from him.
“What do you want?” Sasuke asked.
Kakashi was certain Sasuke already knew what he wanted. “Kiss.”
Sasuke obliged. He touched his lips to his and it took Kakashi’s breath away. The kiss didn’t deepen, just rubbed their lips together. Kakashi was in ecstasy.
He loved him. In that moment Kakashi would do anything for this man. He would agree to betray Konoha if asked right now.
But he didn’t ask anything of him.
“So close,” Sasuke sighed, looking into Kakashi’s eyes. Kakashi didn’t understand what Sasuke was talking about. Sasuke caressed his chest and sides and it felt wonderful.
“You’re close enough and I don’t think impact will work so well with you.”
Kakashi didn’t understand. But Sasuke took off the chains and the nipple clamps. The blood flowing back into his nipple was a pain he didn’t like. Sasuke rubbed them to sooth the pain.
Sasuke sank to his knees again and put the clamps from his nipples on Kakashi’s scrotum.
After the rush of pain, Kakashi could feel his pulse slow and his breaths get deeper. He was oddly calm for someone experiencing pain. That fight or flight response that was so a part of every shinobi, in fact, most living things, was gone. He was lightheaded. It was the kind of feeling from gasping for too much air, taking too many deep breaths, it was too much oxygen in his blood and brain.
Kakashi’s mouth hung open, his eyes hooded and blurred, his irises dilated. The last thing he comprehended was Sasuke’s face, his eyes focused, looking deep into his eyes.
He was cut off from senses. He could hear nothing, feel nothing, smell nothing. His vision was blurry, but he wasn’t registering anything his eyes were trying to show him. It was as if the connection between his eyes and brain had been severed. There was nothing, just being. Release. Freedom. Nothing.
He once again became aware that his eyes existed. His vision was doubled and blurry, but slowly a face came into focus. Sasuke. He couldn’t feel the restraints, but he felt Sasuke’s hand cupping his face to keep his head raised. His hearing returned to the deep whisper of his name. The first scent he smelled was Sasuke’s body, his sweaty skin and musk. The first taste, Sasuke’s fingers that slipped inside his mouth. As he became more aware, Kakashi raised his tongue against Sasuke’s two fingers and let his lips close around them.
Sasuke had taken away all his senses and when they returned, they were all of him.
Kakashi was still too out of it to register how, but his restraints were removed and he collapsed into Sasuke’s arms. The clamps had been removed without him noticing. They lowered to the ground and Sasuke kissed his cheek and the side of his eye. He was saying something, but the words meant nothing to Kakashi, yet his voice was deep and comforting.
Whether Sasuke used his Rinnegan powers to summon a blanket to his hand or had a clone bring it to him, Kakashi didn’t know, but a blanket was draped around their shoulders, closing in Sasuke’s body heat which Kakashi’s body drank in. His lips were cold and felt like paper. His heart rate was still low and his blood pressure was barely there.
Sasuke tilted Kakashi’s head and pressed the lip of a cup to his lips. Unsweetened tea. Kakashi drank greedily, only then realizing how parched he was. It was tepid, for which Kakashi was grateful; a cold drink would have shocked his system and lowered his body temperature too much; hot tea would have been impossible to gulp down.
Sasuke was saying something else to him; it sounded like a question. Kakashi couldn’t comprehend or even care what Sasuke was saying. When the cup left his lips, he rested his forehead against Sasuke’s neck. Oblivion enveloped him completely.
Kakashi awoke to pure darkness. Warm air puffed against his face causing him to pull back a little. He became aware of heat. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this hot. Though he couldn’t see, he knew where he was. He knew this bed and that presence, that heat, that chakra. Sasuke. Kakashi could wake up next to any other person in the world and know it wasn’t Sasuke.
That puff of air had been Sasuke’s breath. They were curled up together, face to face, under the blanket. As hot as it was, as irritating that puffing air was, Kakashi didn’t want to move. But his head hurt from too much sleep and not enough water, a feeling he was becoming too familiar with. He needed to move and drink, but he also felt like if he moved from this cocoon, he would shatter emotionally.
Sasuke shifted and drew in a deep breath. He moved closer and put his arm over Kakashi’s damp skin, cupping his hand around the curve of Kakashi’s head, palming his soft hair. He pressed his forehead to Kakashi’s.
“You’re awake,” Sasuke stated. “You are the very definition of sublime, sensei.”
Kakashi heard and understood his words, but they didn’t make sense to him.
“You were perfect. Are. I love you so much.”
Kakashi still felt like he was in emotional limbo, but Sasuke’s words were a strange comfort.
“You’re not going to break,” Sasuke whispered as if he could read Kakashi’s mind.
Sasuke pulled his hand back and leaned away from him. Kakashi felt a sudden rush of panic, like he was going to left alone. Abandoned. Fear seized him. He grabbed at Sasuke’s arm and held it in a bruising grip, using more strength than he or Sasuke believed he was capable of at the moment.
“Don’t” was the only word Kakashi could comprehend or say.
“I’m not leaving,” Sasuke said. He was just adjusting their position. He pulled Kakashi closer so that his forehead touched Sasuke’s chin. The new position was more suffocating since his head was now completely under the blanket and his breath was bouncing off Sasuke’s chest, but it relieved the fear. He didn’t get more claustrophobic because he was used to his mask.
“I’m here,” Sasuke breathed. “I love you.”
Kakashi felt his body relax and for no reason he could comprehend in his state, he cried. It felt like a release and Sasuke just held him.
As his tears eased, he fell into a doze. Sasuke didn’t move. Kakashi’s waking this time felt more real; he was fully waking to his normal self. He was able to pull away from Sasuke without thinking it would destroy him. He moved onto his back and pulled the blanket down from his face. He really needed to breathe freely now and let some of the hot air escape from around his body.
He felt refreshed.
“Welcome back,” Sasuke said. His voice was gentler than normal, but there was a small smirk in it.
“What . . . the fuck . . . was that?” Kakashi asked slowly.
“That was true subspace. What you felt the first time in the cell, that was purely chemical escape. What you just experienced requires trust and submission. You completely gave into me and trusted me not to hurt you or let you get too lost. Although, I did let you get pretty deep. Something like that is a mix of chemicals and emotion. What we just did, that is what I do. I get off on control and causing pain, but what truly gives me pleasure, is giving that pleasure to others.”
“It now terrifies me that I can ever be put in such a state.”
“I know. But know that I am probably the only one who can take you there and that you have to allow me to do it. It would take a lot more for me to force you into that state; like the torture I put you through. The only people who can take you there has to truly know you and have your trust. So, don’t fear it.”
Sasuke finally turned onto his own back and stretched. “What just happened is part of it, your body was trying to find an equilibrium of chemicals.” Sasuke huffed. “I normally hate that part, but with you . . . being with you and being your anchor felt better than anything before it. I really do love you.”
“That was more intense than a genjutsu.”
“That’s because it was all real.”
Kakashi silently agreed. “How long has it been?”
“Since you passed out in the dungeon? About three hours.”
“That’s all?”
Kakashi sat up and cool air assaulted his damp back. It invigorated him.
“I feel really good except for a slight headache.”
“Dehydration.” Sasuke created a ball of flame in his hand to give a little light so Kakashi could see the ewer of water on the nightstand.
“I was afraid I went blind for a moment,” Kakashi admitted.
Sasuke let the fire die out when Kakashi set his glass down again. He hummed contentedly. “Do you need anything?”
“To walk.”
“Need company?”
“I thought I was required to have company.”
“True. I would say fuck it and let you go alone, but my people would react badly. However, I meant, do you want me to go with you?”
“If you want to come.”
“Not really. I want to sleep. Let me summon someone to escort you.”
Kakashi felt a bit guilty to make Sasuke get up and that someone would have to go out of their way for him, but he really needed to move and get some air.
Sasuke turned on the light and slipped on a robe. He went to the door and told his guard to find someone awake who was free to escort Kakashi. Kakashi got dressed while Sasuke slipped back into bed and was soon asleep. Kakashi stepped out into the corridor with the guard to await his escort.
He didn’t really think about anything as he waited, but once a masked member of Sasuke’s ANBU arrived and they started walking, his mind wandered. He thought about that collapse and how Sasuke had explained the experience; it made sense. He thought about how their relationship was shaping up and how he couldn’t believe he’d never considered being more sexually adventurous before.
He also considered how remarkable he felt afterward. Right now he felt wonderful. He felt he understood Sasuke and Shou and Sasuke’s other lovers. If this refreshed feeling was what they got out of it, he completely understood it. The oblivion and drop were beneficial too. For someone like Sasuke who had so many bad memories, oblivion would be a wonderful release, a few minutes when one just didn’t think. Didn’t remember. And it was cathartic in the extreme. But he wondered if Sasuke experienced something like that as a Dominant sadist. Probably not, but he must experience something.
Physically, his body felt loose. It was like the best orgasm in his life that just relaxed every muscle and joint, even his bones felt loose. He felt limber and light. Though, he didn’t remember having an orgasm.
It was still dark. No one was on the streets except the occasional shinobi. The wind was cold and invigorating, the sound of it kept it from being oppressively quite. He took in a lungful of air. The sweet scents of cold weather flowers were becoming familiar. He knew the streets now and even after wandering without paying attention to his surroundings, he immediately recognized where he was when he came back to himself. He was feeling more at home here now than he did in the rebuilt streets of Konoha.
Once he finished recovering and Sasuke gave him a job as either a shinobi or maybe as an advisor, he would be happy here.
He headed back to the Tower. At Sasuke’s door, he thanked the ANBU who nodded and disappeared. Sasuke was still asleep and Kakashi slipped into bed.
Shou seemed to recognize something in Kakashi the next morning. At least Kakashi thought so. He felt a kinship with Shou now. They were both Sasuke’s lovers. They both experienced sublime release by Sasuke’s hands. They had both had their souls whipped and caressed by Sasuke. Something of that must have showed on the visible part of Kakashi’s face or in his posture.
It wasn’t just in Kakashi’s head; Shou was more natural with him today. Shou’s body was less stiff and the silence was easier.
Kakashi stopped to sit on a park bench. Shou stood next to the bench, ever the guard.
The weather shifted and people hurried to get out of the coming weather. Kakashi and Shou just looked up at the dark clouds coming in from over the sea.
As people fled, Shou relaxed even more. Soon, the two of them were alone. Shou didn’t sit, but he felt more accessible now.
“There’s no one around, why don’t you sit for minute?”
“I’ll stand. We should go in before the storm arrives.”
“We have a few minutes.”
Shou stood silent for a minute watching the dark clouds roll in thicker and thicker. “Sasuke-sama has been more . . . human since you came here. I’m not sure that is all a good thing.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s vulnerable. His guard is up, but he never had to raise it before. He was just made of stone. Now . . . I think he’s scared. You’re the chink in his armor and now he has to protect it. I wish you hadn’t come here.”
“I understand that. I wish I hadn’t either. You said something about understanding my place in Sasuke’s life. I don’t know what my place is supposed to be in the world anymore. I used to know. The war and finding out about his brother shook my faith, but I still knew where I belonged. Now . . . I don’t know.”
“At least Sasuke-sama’s not the only one. You should have hated him; you’d both suffer less if you hated him.”
“We both are suffering from love, aren’t we, Sasuke and I? I do love him. I realize he’s not been with anyone else; I feel guilty.”
“Don’t. We all know our places. We all know what you are to him. Sasuke is very practical; he only chose partners who would not cause him trouble. Don’t worry about us.”
“Thank you.”
“Thanks aren’t needed. Let’s return.”
Kakashi finally felt healthy, like a civilian at peak physical condition, yet still weak for a shinobi. He was still cold and stir-crazy being trapped in this room for most of the hours of the day. The books Sasuke had sent him were at least somewhat diverting and some he had never read before. He didn’t touch Jiraiya’s books since he knew them so well, they couldn’t divert his mind like they once did. His sex life was more interesting now anyway.
He realized he was turning into a pet dog, one that needed feeding and being taken for a walk once a day and one who looked forward to his master’s return in the evening.
But tonight, Sasuke was different. He was quiet and couldn’t even be prompted into talking. He didn’t even ‘hn’ all during dinner. Kakashi tried to draw Sasuke out, but he didn’t respond.
“Shower with me?” Sasuke finally said after their meal.
Kakashi followed him into the bathroom and after they were clean, Sasuke pulled him to the ufou for a soak. Several times, Sasuke drew in a breath to speak, but then he’d just let the breath out silently. He finally just relaxed, resigned to not speak at all.
Kakashi figured Sasuke was just stressed from work. Perhaps he wanted to vent to Kakashi, but couldn’t speak about those matters. They just sat together in the water touching each other affectionately, but not sexually.
Once the cold air sapped the warmth from the water, they got out and dried and put on robes to stave off the cold. Sasuke sat on the bed, his eyes unfocused, pointing at the floor. Kakashi was concerned and for the third time tonight, asked what was wrong.
Again, Sasuke took several breaths to speak, but didn’t. At last, he looked at Kakashi and confessed, “I’m going to have to send you back.”
“Konoha’s been in contact. We’re playing games at this point, but they want you back. They are sure you’re here. Any pretense of an alliance might fail if you stay any longer. My people and I have been so careful not kill their scouts, but . . . I fear what they might do. You’re going to escape.”
“I’ve kept you prisoner here, but you regained enough strength to escape and found the entrance to the escape tunnel in my closet. Arrogantly, I’ll leave papers on a table and you’ll take them and run. Hopefully, they won’t look into your mind if you’re detailed enough. Tell them about the torture and the rape and tell them I used you as a sex slave. Paint me as the monster I really am.”
Kakashi’s heart broke. He opened his mouth to argue with Sasuke’s description of himself, but Sasuke put out a hand to stop him.
“Don’t deny it. I did terrible things to you. I raped you. I’m a sadist. Make sure you let them know how depraved I am.” Sasuke let his pain show. “I don’t want to send you away, but I can’t risk war with Konoha. Even mild conflict might spur on Kumo. The collapse of our alliance will inspire Kumo to attack. They really want me dead. If they knew—Tell Konoha that I don’t have the strength to attack, but more than enough to defend. Tell them I live on the fourth floor. I trust you not to fuck me over and tell them everything you know. If they do look in your mind, flee, come back to me and we’ll weather the storm together. Otherwise, stay away.”
Sasuke’s eyes grew sadder. “There are so few things I desire. I’m denied every single one of them. I love you, but I can’t keep you. I’m sorry I indulged myself. I’m so sorry you love me back. I won’t be the only one to suffer from my actions. My own selfishness surprises me. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for my own selfishness.”
“I don’t think you’re that selfish. Most of what you’ve done was for your clan.”
“Was it revenge for my clan? My father? My mother? Then after my brother’s death, was it revenge for my brother? No. It was all for me. I’m a selfish brat. I always have been, haven’t I, sensei? I wanted you, I wanted to love you, I wanted you to love me, even though I knew I couldn’t keep you. Why did I make it harder for both of us? I knew I was going to send you back. Everything I desire, it always ends in pain.”
Nothing moved Kakashi more than the heavy tear that ran down Sasuke’s cheek then. It tore his heart into pieces. Sasuke was no longer the grown up leader of a country, but back to the twelve year old child Kakashi took under his wing who he more than once caught crying over his family.
No, he wasn’t. This was the man he wanted to love. The man he wanted fuck into oblivion. His own oblivion and Sasuke’s.
He knelt in front of Sasuke and caressed his bare knee. “When?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Why so soon?”
“I’ve delayed already. Today, I got a letter from Tsunade asking that any captive Konoha shinobi be released. She didn’t mention you by name, but you’re the only one.” Sasuke drew a deep breath and sighed. The feeble attempt at a smirk was heartbreaking. “I wish I had another Konoha shinobi up my sleeve so I could hold her off a little longer. Or I had the courage to say you were dead or tell the truth. She’d send an assassin faster than I would.”
He looked at Kakashi’s hand on his thigh. Sasuke absently traced the fading tan line left by his fingerless gloves. He picked it up and guided two of Kakashi’s fingers into his mouth to suck. Kakashi stood up without removing his fingers from Sasuke’s mouth and straddled Sasuke’s thighs. He only pulled his fingers from Sasuke’s mouth to kiss him.
Kakashi pulled at the sash of Sasuke’s robe and put his hands on Sasuke’s chest and slid them over Sasuke’s shoulders to push the robe away. He shrugged off his own robe.
Sasuke slid back until he was lying properly in the bed. Kakashi followed as if they were attached by their lips.
Kakashi’s hands and mouth couldn’t get enough of the young osa. He groped and stroked every inch of skin within reach and ran his mouth, his lips, his tongue, his teeth over his neck, shoulder, back, ear, jaw, and throat. He wanted to memorize and devour this paragon.
They weren’t even having sex, just touching and rubbing and kissing anything they could. They kissed, plundering each other’s mouths. Whose tears seasoned that kiss, Kakashi wasn’t sure. It was their tears that made them part. Kakashi stared at Sasuke’s face, but Sasuke wouldn’t look at him, his head tilted down and his eyes closed, ashamed to be seen weeping.
Kakashi mused Sasuke’s hair, their passion guttered. Kakashi still couldn’t get enough of the texture of Sasuke’s skin and hair, alternating between stroking his hair and the skin of his shoulder.
“I’ll miss you ten times more than I did the last time,” Kakashi said.
Sasuke sniffed. “A hundred.”
“I think I missed you more than you did me.”
“You did. But I’ll miss you more this time. Why did you come here? Why couldn’t Tsunade leave me safely separated from my past. That’s all I wanted.”
“Maybe we can just look back happily at this time together.”
Sasuke laughed. “You, an optimist?”
“No. I will suffer. I just want to comfort you. Even if it’s lies. I’m good at lying.”
“You lie with a comforting smile. I remember.”
“I can’t smile now. I have to remember, you’re not a kid that will believe comforting lies anymore.”
“Just promise me three things: don’t tell them everything about me or the village; undo the damage I did and train back up to your former state; and don’t die. Maybe some—” Sasuke cut himself off. He hugged Kakashi tightly. It was clear Sasuke believed there would not be a ‘someday’.
Sasuke’s hands moved over Kakashi’s body. Chakra flowed through his touch. It wasn’t the kind of chakra used in medical jutsu, but a far more raw form that felt warm and cold at the same time. His face, his chest, his back, his thighs . . . everywhere Sasuke could touch. Kakashi just touched and kissed him.
Neither of them wanted to sleep. They fell into dozes, waking to caress and kiss and then slip away again. What sleep they got was fitful.
Nevertheless, Sasuke rose early and dressed. He sat on the bed and stared at Kakashi as he got a last few minutes of sleep. Kakashi woke up and Sasuke scooted nearer to finger comb Kakashi’s hair while he stared at his face.
“I want to delay it a day,” Sasuke said. “But then I would keep delaying until it was too late.” He swallowed. “I love you.”
“I love you too. I don’t want to leave, but I will for your sake.”
Sasuke got up and tossed his wool coat on the foot of the bed. “Take it.”
Kakashi got up and pulled Sasuke into another kiss. It became the most passionate kiss they ever had. It started as several small kisses then panicked, desperate open mouth kisses. Sasuke’s mouth started tasting saltier; it took Kakashi a few seconds to realize it was because there were tears running down both their faces.
Sasuke’s hand stroked Kakashi’s cheek as the kiss died away. They kept their faces close.
“I love you,” Sasuke repeated.
“I love you.”
Sasuke wiped his face with his hands and went to the door. He stood facing it and took several deep breathes, trying to recover control of his emotions.
His eyes red and swollen, Sasuke turned to Kakashi before he left the room. “Don’t be here when I come back.” He didn’t wait for Kakashi to agree. Sasuke shut the door without looking back again.
Kakashi got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. He was shocked when he looked into the mirror. When Sasuke had touched him with his chakra activated, he was bruising the skin. It hadn’t hurt, but his skin was blotchy with dark spots. Even his face. He turned to see what his back looked like and it was striped as if Sasuke had used the bamboo cane. His body was still slightly bruised from their night in Sasuke’s personal dungeon and his sparring with the jounin before that. He looked like he was being beaten over a long period of time. Exactly what Sasuke wanted Konoha to think.
Kakashi’s face grew hot and his lip trembled. He was actually close to sobbing. He felt like he would never see Sasuke again. And Konoha would think the worst of Sasuke now. How would that help their alliance?
He reluctantly dressed. He didn’t have his uniform anymore, just the clothes Sasuke gave him. He put on Sasuke’s thick coat and folded the papers Sasuke left into the pockets. He opened the closet door. That trap door he’d noticed before was the escape hatch. He pulled it open and looked into the darkness. He stared for a minute then jumped down into the abyss.
Lights automatically came on leading in two directions. Kakashi took a moment to get his bearings and took the southern path.
He made it to the tunnel hatch. He took a deep, heavy breath and opened the door. He ran. If he didn’t run, he would stop completely and return. He had to keep running. He had to make it over the border. Oddly, it wasn’t hard to run when his heart was being destroyed. He didn’t stop to sense patrols, he just kept running. He didn’t even pay attention to the border. He just ran. Maybe he’d come to his senses when he made it home. Maybe he’d forget his love for Sasuke. Maybe he could escape whatever influence Sasuke had on him. Once he was home, the sight of things familiar would cleanse his palate and he could return to a time when he didn’t love Sasuke so much. He ran until he collapsed, stumbling to a stop and falling on his face.
He didn’t care enough to try to stand.
Four shinobi landed around him.
“It’s Kakashi-san,” a man’s voice said.
“Hurry, let’s get him to safety,” said another man.
A male presence knelt next to him, grabbed him, and pulled him onto his shoulders. He was home, on the back of an ANBU patrol. Why wasn’t he happy or relieved?
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