Koiuta | By : dragonslover1 Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 1158 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Naruto. Leave me alone.
Koiuta, Love Song
Third Strike
She had two outfits that she wore during days and evenings, and of course, sleeping robes. Her fist is her ninja outfit, consisted of a tight, short haori, a kimono, a mesh top and shorts. The second, a long-sleeved version of her haori and a pair of loose hakama, set with wooden shoes on top of that. When wearing her second, well, those were her comfortable clothes.
Oftentimes when she trained late at night, she wore the second one, for easy movement and just in case she took a quick nap before returning to her room. In Konoha, it was a little harder to find a good place to train – this village was filled to the brim with ninja who wanted to become the best, driving them to train at all hours of the night and beyond.
She did find a place at last, with her favorite katana in hand, bordered on two sides by trees. She didn’t feel like returning to the guest house tonight, not after the way her sensei had threatened her. He could easily drive many of the other genin to attack her without mercy, and she’d rather not have to deal with that. Not tonight.
So she practiced her flute, playing soft music, her eyes shut in bliss. The tune forming is a sad one, and she felt it reverberated in her mind, a voice singing the words to the song. “Furi dashita ame ni tomatta jikan. . .”
Ah yes, she knew this song. What she didn’t know is that she knew how to play the music to it. “Zubanure no mama de tachi tsukushita/Anata no ashioto tooku natte iku. . .”
The interesting part has always been the few words in another language placed strategically into the song, and since she herself didn’t know the language used, she still didn’t know what was said in those parts. She could, however, sound it out. “Tsumetai ame oto no shirabe no naka. . . Iro tori dori no kasa no hana tachi wo/Suri nukeru you ni kaeri michi hahiri. . . Nureta kami wo huku furi wo shite/Tomara nai namida wo kakushita. . .
“Missing you/Anata wa anata no basho he/Tada watashi wa ugokezu no. . . Missing you/Furueru ryoute de dakishimeta/Subete wo wasurerareru yuuki. . .”
Something was very wrong.
All at once it hit her that she wasn’t alone and her eyes snapped open, realizing a little too late that the animals and bugs scattered sometime ago from the presence of another coming within her range. The peace of her song was broken, and then she remembered that while she brought her katana, it wasn’t there anymore.
Someone had taken it. Taken her weapon. She was likely surrounded at this point. No sense in dancing around any longer; now that she’d alerted them of her knowledge of their presence, she dropped the flute.
And they appeared, all around her, all Genin save for one: her sensei. Though nursing a wounded neck and bandage, he still looked as dangerous as ever. “Is there a reason for disturbing my peace here, sensei?”
He narrowed his eyes, and apparently that was a signal. From all places, she was attacked. She fell back into her number one defensive, unarmed move, dodging the hits while moving in a spiral, ever towards the middle – and she might have pulled it off, if her sensei hadn’t jumped in as well.
He disrupted her chakra, ruining the pull of wind around her and the rest, and then whatever dodging she was using simply failed. She was now surrounded by genin and a jounin, none of whom were too fond of her, and had zero chance of escaping. Giving up could be the least painful option, but she refused to submit so easily.
She should have given up.
After only a few minutes, her chakra was cut off, her limbs were bruised, and she had several fractures over her body. Her clothes were torn in certain spots, her shoes had been lost some time ago, and she was being held on her knees, her arms braced far away from herself, several genin holding her there both physically and with chakra.
Her jounin sensei, seething directly in front of her, looked ready to kill, and she found herself bracing for the final blow. But he seemed to have something else in mind, for he knelt and slapped her, his entire form putting forth strength to make her face snap and her eyes water from the sting.
“You’re an impossible little bitch,” he growled at her. “Flaunting around like you have all the power in the world, yet you don’t know how fragile you really are! I would kill you now, except for one thing. . .” He stood up, grasping her chin and forcing her to look up. “All these boys here are something like delinquents. . . Ah, you seem to be getting it,” he commented as her eyes widened a little. “Once they’re done doing whatever they have in mind for you, I’ll come back and finish you off. How’s that?” He chuckled to himself. “A fitting end, wouldn’t you say? I’ll simply bring that jewel back to your father and say you died in the Forest of Death by that little boy. . . what’s his name. . ? Konohamaru.”
Having finished his say, he turned and left, waving his hand over his shoulder to commence the torture.
“You bastard, I’ll fucking kill you!” she screamed after him, trying to ignore the grubby hand that tore at her haori, ripping the tie so it fell free.
And then her sensei went flying to the side as though hit, covered in what seemed to be a black cloud, and slammed into a stray tree. He was out judging by the thud and crack she heard, catching the attention of all the boys around her. Then they all started yelling and flailing, releasing her to try and fend off more of those black clouds – buzzing black clouds. . . bugs?
Where her sensei stood a few moments ago now stood a tall figure in a white overcoat, covered in such a way that it’s almost impossible to say if the figure was male, female, or even human for that matter. She recognized that jacket, however: Shino. Teammates with Kiba and Hinata, a jounin with them – and as she watched in surprise, he took off his coat and flipped it around, holding it open towards her wordlessly.
She got the message. She stood, remembering her now bare breasts and covering them as she made a mad dash for the man. As she reached him, he turned the coat around so it settled correctly on her shoulders. From here she could see that his undershirt had short sleeves and accounted for the “mask” covering his lower face. He was still wearing his sunglasses, a little perplexing to her, but she didn’t think it was important at the moment.
He held out his arm towards the boys, and the clouds receded – crawling their way into his arm through small holes in his skin. The insects. . . lived inside his body? She shuddered just thinking about having to live like that, but he seemed perfectly okay with it. Once the mood settled and all the boys were either passed out or on their way there, he said, “I will be reporting this incident. You should all be prepared to face judgment.”
Then he turned towards her and gestured the road back to the village. Though she felt something like she should be thanking him or asking him why he bothered to interfere, she kept her mouth shut and began walking. After a few feet, he lifted his hand in a kind of offering, and she saw that he was holding both her katana and yokobue – her flute.
She looked up in complete surprise this time, wondering why he would think it important to get these items back for her. Maybe he didn’t know, himself, which could explain why he wasn’t looking at her. Still, she lifted her hand and took them back, her fingers brushing against his gloved hand and fingers and making her feel a little warmer inside.
She slipped her yokobue back into its place inside her katana hilt and slipped it into her belt once she had the jacket successfully zipped up the front. She kept her arms crossed on the inside, thinking that maybe putting her arms through the sleeves might be too intruding. Trying to retie her haori under the jacket wasn’t easy, and neither would it be seen as entirely too “clean” – spying a woman moving her arms near her breasts under her jacket could easily be seen as some kind of public perversion.
It turned out to be a futile attempt as the sewn-on tie was ripped almost halfway around, making it unable to hold the haori shut properly in any case. She needed a new one, essentially.
To her surprise, Shino didn’t lead her immediately to the Hokage’s tower. He led her to the Konoha ninja training grounds where they took a seat against a giant log. And the first thing he said was, “Why do you think they attacked you?”
She was more interested in knowing what he was doing there, but as he saved her, she decided he deserved some answers before questions. “My sensei must have offered something for their helping him. . . probably offering me.”
“Why does he hate you so?”
It was strange how he could ask these personal questions without looking in her direction or inciting a tone that suggested he cared. “He’s always hated me. I think because my father praises me so high, and makes such a big deal about the way I train and such. Maybe he envies me; I never asked.”
“Is it true what you said about leaving your country?”
How did he even know about that? He wasn’t there when she said that. “Every word. Ever since I graduated to a Genin, I knew I didn’t want to be part of Earth country anymore.”
“Would you consider being a Leaf ninja?”
And so the truth came forth. Did he seek her out by orders of the Hokage to ask her if she wanted to join them? “It’s my first choice, honestly.”
“Maybe it’s time you choose.”
That hint there, subtle, completely caught her attention. She looked towards him, wondering what he was thinking – did he want her to be a Konoha ninja, or was it just the Hokage? After answering his questions, she felt compelled to ask a few of her own, so she started. “How did you find me earlier?”
He didn’t answer at first. In fact, he waited to answer for so long that she almost gave up hope of receiving one. And then he said, “Your yokobue, does it have. . . any kind of chakra manipulation?”
From the way he put that, it sounded like he was piecing together the sentence little by little. “No, but I’ve noticed that it does attract critters.”
“What kinds?”
“Mainly insects, but also smaller creatures – squirrels, rabbits, frogs, lizards and the like.” And then it hit her – he had bugs living inside of him.
“I heard your music, but my insects responded to it. I resisted until it ended.”
“Why until it ended?”
“It ended far too abruptly to be just the end of the song.” He turned his head to face her, though she couldn’t tell if he was looking at her or not. “It seems I was right to come along.”
“You sure took your time,” she muttered lowly.
“Not exactly,” he argued, sounded slightly irritated. She wondered if she’d hit a nerve just then. “The yokobue notes travel a long distance, and I was a long distance away. I couldn’t make out the song you were playing.”
Her hand reflexively touched the hilt of her katana. “I’ve heard the song many times. This is the first time I’ve played it. . . with somewhat disastrous results.”
She noticed his jaw move like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t, eventually turning away and voicing another question. “If Konohagakure were to accept you as a ninja, how long are you willing to wait before being assigned a team?”
“If I become a Chuunin before I’m accepted, will I really need one?” she countered.
“Every Chuunin needs a team,” he shot back.
“I’ve been referred to as a one-woman team,” she replied.
He turned towards her sharply. “If you’re assigned a team, can you resist the urge to kill them?”
That offended her and she stood up, about ready to tear the jacket off and throw it back at him. “I never once initiated any kind of rivalry or hatred with my team! They all started the fights, and I just returned the favor! If I’m assigned a team, can they restrain from hating me?”
“Perhaps not,” he said darkly. “But we can always make an exception for your case.” He stood up as well. “Now I need to file a report of the incident from before, and find you a new place to stay.”
“By now, my things are probably already torn to pieces or burned,” she realized all at once. “Well if that doesn’t beat all,” she muttered to herself, her possessions now consisting of the clothes on her back – minus the oversized jacket – and the sword on her hip.
Shino led the way to Hokage’s tower, leaving her standing outside a door while he went inside and spoke to either the Hokage or her attendant; Tasha wasn’t sure which one was present. But after a few minutes of hushed talking, he came back out.
“You’re going to be staying with my clan for a while,” he began, starting to walk away. Tasha followed as he went on, “Currently there isn’t enough space anywhere else. Not until the Chuunin Exam is over, at least. If you didn’t know already, my clan is called Aburame.”
He went on to give her other tidbits of information, such as what is and isn’t accepted in his clan, then on to the stores of the village and odd jobs that she could do until she was accepted into the village. At that she perked up, realizing that they really seemed to be willing to take her in. All at once she felt so relieved that she nearly cried, her eyes tearing up as her dream was almost true.
Still, she kept walking, trying not to show how strongly that implication affected her, and followed Shino to his clan’s whereabouts. After a short explanation which left out many details to his father, she was shown where she would be staying – while Shino left to “inquire” about her belongings – and given a set of robes for sleeping while one of the women mended the tie to her haori.
In fact, they were far more hospitable than she assumed they would be, to the point where she was offered a bath before she went to bed. Feeling a little dirty, both from the day’s events as well as the evening’s, she accepted and was then led to the baths. Two women were already there and soaking, and Tasha found that everyone of this clan loved their sunglasses for whatever reason.
Which reminded her that her sunglasses were probably broken into several pieces by now. She sighed wearily as she got into the water, wetting her hair entirely before taking the tedious task of unwinding her hair. She took off the three beads on each of the four twists and set them on her clean robe, then went under the water and swam until she felt her hair loosen well enough to become straight again.
When she surfaced, one of the women spoke up, “What is that sparkle beside your eye?”
“Crystalized chakra,” she replied. “I’d advise you not to try to touch it,” she added.
The woman looked puzzled. “Why is that?”
“It has its own defense,” she explained. “Using my element – wind – it reflects any touch I don’t see or approve of.” Seeing the woman wanted to know a little more, she continued, “It would shred your hand and possibly part of your arm to lay a finger upon it.” Changing the subject, she asked about the Hokage.
“Hokage-sama?” one of the women echoed.
“Yes. I heard Hokage is a woman named Tsunade, and I heard a woman’s voice earlier in the tower -- but I saw a man who claimed to be Hokage at the Chuunin preliminaries.”
“Ah, that was Hatake-san,” one answered.
Another nodded. “He steps in for her sometimes. I guess she had elsewhere to be earlier today.”
Tasha nodded at the information and continued her bath.
An hour later, fully washed and dried, she went to the room she was staying at in her new robes. She carried in her arms Shino’s jacket as well as the beads for her hair, as she could never correctly style her hair without a mirror present.
She ran into Shino along the way, and exchanged his jacket for what was left of her belongings. And she was fairly certain that upon running into him, he’d looked a little surprised. Maybe because her hair very nearly trailed on the floor when fully let down – she twisted them very tightly, after all. As they parted ways, she couldn’t help but glance back and note how he had slyly turned a little back too, in the process of putting his jacket back on.
When she reached her guest room again, she was smiling.
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