Leader | By : mannahpierce Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 2189 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This story has some of Masashi Kishimoto's characters from Naruto in a universe of my own devising. I do not own Naruto. I do not make any money from these writings. |
By the way, I am posting one of my old stories, ‘Jason’, under Originals. This is a story with lots about a spacer crew and not much plot. It will interest those who are interested in my world. There will be weekly updates over about five or six weeks.
http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=1511Thank you to my beta and muse, Small Fox. This story grew from a plot idea he gave me.
Also thanks to Phoenixwolf, satterb, melissen, sadie237, Aflyingmonkey, eunmook and disembodiedvoiceofthedying for reviewing after chapter 31 was posted. Readers’ feedback, support and comments mean a great deal to me. Feedback keeps me writing. Hits are nice. Ratings are welcome. Reviews encourage and inspire.Leader
Part 4: Parry 32: Allies.
Madara had spent a night and a day coming to terms with the message from Sasuke Uchiha. Everything he desired was slipping from his fingers. It was imperative that he reconsider and regroup, or a millennium-long labour would be lost.
This was no longer the decisive move; it had dwindled to a battle in a longer campaign. He concentrated on what he had gained. He was accepted as Izuna. It was known, publically, that Izuna Uchiha was alive and had never been declared dead. The media interest was huge and building; he could still capitalise on the momentum. Shikamaru had handed over a fortune. Sasuke Uchiha’s position was weakened. He had been deprived of the Oak, with the improver it contained. Neji had gone. Many key personnel had been caught in the trap and should never return. The possibility remained that Sasuke would pursue Orochimaru and Orochimaru, forewarned, would kill him. Unfortunately, it was not enough of a chance that Madara could depend on it. Above all, he had learned a crucial lesson. With the possible exception of Sumaru, these people would never follow him. They were personally loyal to Sasuke and they would resent anyone who stood in his place. It was a familiar picture; people had always been attracted to him or Izuna, never both. Then there was Shikamaru. The man who had arrived at their regular morning meeting had been transformed. The unassuming, irritating geek was gone and the man Madara had been able to imagine fucking was back; impertinent, brilliant and compelling. A man who hated him. A man who vomited at his touch. Possibly, Madara reluctantly admitted, a man who could not be controlled. If he could get rid of Shikamaru, Sasuke would be an ordinary opponent. He examined his image in the mirror and practiced a smile. Even to his eyes it was unconvincing. Then he imagined Shikamaru being investigated by Centralite scientists. Yes, that was better..
It had been a good morning. Shikamaru had breakfasted with Sumiko, checked with Sai about the progress he had made, considered likely routes for the Akatsuki mothership and sent fresh orders to Tennyo Four.
Even his regular morning meeting with Izuna had gone well. Izuna had asked questions and Shikamaru had enjoyed concocting answers that contained no useful information. Only four more days until Kakashi arrived and he would no longer be under Izuna’s thumb. More importantly, Neji was safe and Sasuke, Naruto, Haru and the others were alive. Best of all, there were things he could do to help keep them that way. Shikamaru made sure he was early for that afternoon’s briefing. To his delight, Asuma was sitting at the table. Maybe he would be liberated sooner than he had thought. Keitaro was on one side; Tenten on the other. Asuma looked uncomfortable and his skin was almost grey, suggesting that Moegi had stretched Izuna’s ruling that he should be fully recovered before being detanked. “Shikamaru-san,” Asuma rumbled. Tenten vacated her place and indicated that Shikamaru should take it. “Asuma-san. I wish the news of Akemi-kun had been better.” “At least there is news,” Asuma answered, squeezing Keitaro’s hand. “How are you coping?” Shikamaru was glad Asuma did not ask about Neji directly; he did not like lying to his friends. “Better having heard from Sasuke-sama and Naruto,” Shikamaru admitted. He saw Keitaro’s gaze go to the door and Tenten stiffen. “We must talk later,” he added, giving his place back to Tenten. Izuna’s smile on seeing Asuma appeared entirely genuine. “Asuma-san. An unexpected pleasure at this difficult time.” He indicated the seat at the head of the table. “Please.” Shikamaru held his breath. What had Asuma been told by Tenten, Keitaro and the others? Asuma pushed himself to his feet and walked slowly around the table. Shikamaru watched every step, hoping that Asuma did not faint. He made it and sat down. “Thank you, Izuna-sama. And thank you for stepping into the breach while I was incapacitated.” Shikamaru suppressed the urge to cheer. Looking around the table, he guessed that the others felt the same. Izuna took one of the other seats as if the demotion was of no importance to him, which was impressive. Sumaru looked to Asuma, who gestured to him to sit down. “Kono-san, start us off,” Asuma instructed. “We have had time to go through the message we received yesterday evening,” Konohamaru began. “We now know that the Oak was ambushed immediately after it jumped. It has been destroyed and most of its crew is trapped in the system at the end of the string with Akatsuki forces blocking their way home. “The good news is that Sasuke-sama has escaped by piggybacking on an enemy ship jumping back through the hole. He had the younger children with him and their pods have been set adrift in the second to last system for us to retrieve. He and Naruto-san have stayed with the enemy ship because it is thought that there are some of our people on board as prisoners. They plan to take control of the ship and rescue the prisoners.” He stopped and looked to Asuma. “Thank you, Kono-san. Shika-san?” Shikamaru was ready. “Thank you, Asuma-san. There is little we can do to help those who are trapped. The hole is being blocked from inside the system and there are no other known holes. We will have to rely on the ingenuity of those trapped and hope that they defeat the enemy forces and unblock the hole. Given who is there, that seems a definite possibility.” He paused. Choza had raised a hand. Asuma gestured that he should speak. “Who are trapped?” “Itachi, Kisame, Haku, Dan, Hamaki, Terai, Fu, Ran, Kazuki, Kuuya and Haru. We know that Gai, Akemi, Rin, Hoshi, Keizo, Yuki, Yasushi and Yoshimi were captured by the Akatsuki when the Sakura was boarded. The assumption is that at least the captured kits are on the ship that jumped out of the system. We know how much Orochimaru wants them.” There was a low growl from Kiba. Biwako lifted a finger. “Is there anything new from the Dart or the Maple?” she asked. “The Dart should be jumping into the system where the Silver Leaf is today,” Shikamaru reminded them. “The Maple is four days out of Tarrasade.” He looked at Asuma, willing him not to explore the possibilities with Izuna at the table. Asuma nodded. “I am going to end this briefing early. I shall spend the rest of the afternoon getting up to speed and we will share the latest news at tonight’s evemeal. Perhaps you would do us the honour of joining us, Izuna-sama.” Izuna gave another surprisingly convincing smile. “The honour is mine, Asuma-san. I accept.” Shikamaru suffered an involuntary pang of regret as he watched Izuna leave. Izuna was as beautiful as Sasuke and as graceful as Itachi. If only he had the character of either. Moegi, Tenten and Keitaro attempted to linger but Asuma waved them away. “Fifteen minutes,” Moegi warned. “Shika-san, he needs to rest.” Shikamaru nodded. They waited until everyone was gone and the door was closed. “We are sworn to Uchiha,” Shikamaru began. Asuma frowned. “We are sworn to Uchiha,” he agreed. “Izuna Uchiha is a full-blood Uchiha,” Shikamaru continued. “He was never declared dead. The strictest reading of the spacer code could support the notion that he is Uchiha-sama and all those since have been merely acting Uchiha-sama.” “He is a full-blood Uchiha, he was never declared dead and he was once Uchiha-sama. These are facts,” Asuma conceded, “but I would contest that reading of the spacer code.” “Believe me, so would I,” Shikamaru assured him. “Where are we?” Asuma asked. “The Akatsuki knows things about us they should not,” Shikamaru began. “They knew where the Oak would be and when. From Sasuke-sama’s message it is clear that they know we have a method of communicating across ungated holes. I know that Neji was offered to the Hyuga before the attack at the Arts Centre.” Asuma’s eyebrows rose. “You know?” Shikamaru said nothing. “Kakashi told me never to ask you for details,” Asuma admitted. He moved on. “This is not like with Ranmaru. This is current information.” “Which means that the news that Sasuke-sama is alive and has escaped the trap is probably on its way to the Akatsuki,” Shikamaru pointed out. There was silence. Shikamaru knew that neither of them would say it or even hint at it. Accusing a full-blood Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha no less, of treachery was unacceptable. Not that it was treachery if he were Uchiha-sama. If he were Uchiha-sama he could do anything he wished. If he were Uchiha-sama the only proper way of stopping him was for another full-blood Uchiha to challenge him and win. Then Asuma smiled. “Is it possible that the Akatsuki planted bugs we cannot detect during the last raid?” Shikamaru’s spirits lifted. He did not believe it for a moment but the suggestion opened up all manner of possibilities. “They could have utterly new technology that is impossible to detect.” “It would be a reason to move all decision making away from the household.” “From the compound,” Shikamaru suggested. “From Tarrasade,” added Asuma. It was an excellent idea. Luck was with them; the Maple’s route had crossed with a minigate string. There was a twelve minute delay but messages could be exchanged in real time. But before he contacted Kakashi, Shikamaru had a call to make and a message to send. He settled into his desk and activated the communication interface. “Garner-san,” he acknowledged as soon as the familiar face appeared. “Shikamaru-san. Is there any news of Neji-san? What of the Oak? Is there anything behind the rumours?” Shikamaru was touched by Garner Parrad’s concern. He had never been sure what their relationship would be like once Klenn had gone. “Things are not good,” he admitted. “I apologise that I cannot share all the details.” “I understand,” Garner assured him. “What can I do for you, Shikamaru-san?” “I need a ship with an improver and a Mulligan drive,” Shikamaru admitted. Garner frowned slightly. “You have three such ships, Shikamaru-san, as does Uchiha.” “My three are too far away,” Shikamaru admitted. “As are Uchiha’s two.” Garner paled. “Only two?” he queried. “So it is true about the Oak? What of Haru-chan?” Shikamaru abandoned caution. He needed that ship. “Stuck on a planet in a system where the only mapped hole is blocked from the inside with an Orochimaru print hunting him. Garner-san, I need a ship with an improver and a Mulligan drive.” “The Renaissance will be at the Uchiha private dock by station dawn tomorrow.” The Renaissance was the larger of Klenn’s two yachts; the one he had used when he had wanted to travel with staff. It even had guest apartments. “Surely...?” Shikamaru began. “It is mothballed, Shika-san.” Shikamaru understood. Garner was not using it; he probably could not bear to be on it. Luck was again with him; it could have been stored on Elessen rather than in Tarrasade. “Thank you, Garner-san.” “I shall see you tomorrow morning, Shika-san. We will need to sort out the security settings.” Shikamaru’s initial communication to the Maple drew a video reply. Kakashi had Iruka beside him and Shikamaru found himself yearning to be with them. Kakashi began. “I agree with you and Asuma that Sasuke-sama’s message means we must reconsider our priorities. Having a mobile command centre will be an advantage, as will being further out. We understand that not completing the journey to Tarrasade will save eight days, which may prove to be crucial.” “Are you certain you will be safe on an outsider’s ship with an outsider crew?” Iruka added. “I know it is being arranged by Garner Parrad, but even so.” Shikamaru hadn’t exactly said there was crew but he knew that the wording in his message would leave them thinking that. He hoped that Iruka and the others would forgive him when he found out that there wasn’t. Kakashi frowned. “I thought about insisting that someone from Uchiha accompany you but you are correct, no one suitable can be spared. Be careful, Shika-kun. I have sent a message to Asuma.” “We look forward to seeing you and Sumiko-chan face-to-face,” Iruka added. Shikamaru recorded and sent a reply that was full of honest sentiment but short on facts. Then he pinged Sai. “Shika-san,” Sai replied immediately. “Sai-kun. Do you have anything to tell me? Please prioritise.” There was a pause before Sai answered. “I have found the message going to the Akatsuki. It was heavily coded and appeared uninteresting, so the original has gone and I am unable to retrieve it. I shall know what to look for next time.” “Do we know who sent it?” “No. It was an over-the-counter transaction at the Stellar Exchange paid for with gold credits and sent from a secure booth. I know when it was sent and from which booth and the counter and the person on duty. Are there secret cameras, Shika-san?” “No, there are no secret cameras,” Shikamaru replied. He knew because he owned the Stellar Exchange and he had forbidden their introduction. “Give me what you have and I will get a flesh and blood operative onto it.” Sai picked up on his choice of words. “Am I an operative, Shika-san?” “I believe you are, Sai-kun. Excellent work. Is there anything else?” “I have integrated the cosmological data that was included in Sasuke-sama’s message into our model and there are two other holes in the system where Haru and Ran and Kazuki are trapped.” Shikamaru wished that Sai had a flesh and blood body so that he could be hugged and kissed. “You are a genius, Sai-kun. Can we use them? Can we get to them?” “I am not a genius. I think many times more quickly than a flesh and blood brain. It is impossible to tell the quality of the holes so we do not know if one or both can be jumped with or without an improver.” “Does either of them connect to a known hole?” Shikamaru demanded. “One does. The other does not. Shall I show you the topological map for the one that does?” Shikamaru swallowed. “Yes please, Sai-kun.” He shut his eyes. How far would it be? How long would it take? If they got there, would they be able to jump the hole? “I have displayed the three best routes, Shika-san. Are you going to open your eyes?” Shikamaru forced himself to look. It could have been a lot worse; the Maple could make it in thirty days provided the crew could cope with twenty-two jumps..
The evening meal was lively and informal. No one sat in their proper places. People interrupted each other, even more senior crew members. There were inappropriate displays of affection.
Madara recited poetry in his head to stay calm and anticipated a vigorous session with the practice dummy. He told himself that it could be worse. He was given the place of honour. The Scavenger was not there. No one dared interrupt him. The food was utterly delicious; Choza had excelled himself. Then Asuma brought him up to date, as promised, and the food was suddenly tasteless. Shikamaru was leaving at station dawn the next day. Apparently the Maple had changed direction and was already heading outwards. Shikamaru had passage on an ally’s ship to rendezvous with them. He was taking Sumiko with him. “Are you sure that is wise, Asuma-san?” Madara asked. “Allowing Shikamaru-san to travel on a non-Uchiha craft?” “We have consulted with Kakashi-san, and the decision has been made,” Asuma replied with a smile that did not reach his eyes. Madara wondered if Shikamaru remembered more of the aborted seduction than he claimed. If he had told Asuma, it might explain his sudden departure. Or perhaps it was merely, as Asuma had indicated, that Kakashi wished to set up the Maple as a mobile command centre and Shikamaru was required. He listened carefully but there was no detail of the ally or the ship. As soon as the meal was over, he escaped to the sanctuary of his apartment. Once there, he sank into his chair at Izuna’s desk. The setback was Orochimaru’s fault. He had trusted the ambush to one of his prints and the print had failed spectacularly. One day Orochimaru would pay for squandering such an opportunity. Madara allowed himself a short fantasy in which he obliterated the Akatsuki, specifically Orochimaru, in revenge for Sasuke Uchiha’s death. That would update Izuna Uchiha’s image nicely. Meanwhile he had work to do; a new strategy to devise..
Kiba looked at Haru’s simulator and scowled.
“You want to take that?” he queried. Shikamaru tried his best sheepish look. “It has the best processors,” he explained. Choza laid a hand on his arm. “I am sure we can find a transport crate that is large enough.” He checked the height, width and depth. “I’ll go find one.” Kiba waited until Choza left and the door slid shut behind him. ““I want to go with you. I can protect you. I can look after Sumiko.” From Shikamaru’s point of view, it wasn’t such a bad idea. However, Kiba had duties. “You have the new litter to look after.” “The team is doing really well. The babies have bonded to their key carers, as we planned. I am not a key carer, as we planned. Biwako can oversee them. She will enjoy that and it is not difficult physical work so she will be fine. Moegi can help her. Hana would be available as back up. They can go to the experts at the orphanage on Sublevel C if they need more help. Shika-san, what will you do with Su-chan if you are busy? Pod her?” The last argument hit home. “What about Choza?” Kiba’s shoulders slumped. “He cannot come. Asuma needs him.” He paused. Dark eyes studied Shikamaru’s face. “We worry about Izuna-sama.” “We all worry about Izuna-sama,” Shikamaru admitted. He weighed the argument; the advantages far outweighed the drawbacks. “You and Choza go speak with Asuma. I’ll contact Kakashi.” Between the three of them they managed it; everything Shikamaru wanted to take was crated and secured in docking bay two by the time the Renaissance arrived. They watched her approach from the viewing deck; the docking bay would take fifteen minutes to pressurise. “That is some ship,” Konohamaru observed. “Look at how sleek she is, Su-chan.” Sumiko was still sulking. When she had gone to sleep she was off on an adventure with just her Nii-san and Sai. Waking up, she had discovered that Kiba-san was coming too, “She is very pretty,” Su-chan admitted grudgingly. As soon as the bay was pressurised, Kiba and Hana started loading the crates through the larger of the Renaissance’s two airlocks. Shikamaru left Su-chan saying her goodbyes and went to speak with Garner Parrad, who was waiting just inside the smaller airlock. Garner did not look good. Shikamaru suspected that being on the ship was painful. He decided to keep it simple. “Thank you for this.” “Maybe I should thank you,” Garner admitted. “It made me face up to things I had been avoiding. Miriam and I had to clear out all his things.” Shikamaru felt terrible. “We should have done it divs ago. We also removed all the major pieces of Art. She’s a great craft, Shika-san. She may look like some rich man’s toy, but she is far more than that.” Shikamaru knew; he had helped Klenn finalise her specs. Not that he intended to remind Garner of that. “You use her to bring Haru-chan home,” Garner added; his tone suddenly fierce. “Klenn would like that.” Asuma had not made it to the docking bay; Keitaro brought his apologies. Shikamaru was not surprised; Asuma had pushed himself too hard the day before. He was also grateful, because no one else felt it their place to ask to speak to the captain of the Renaissance and the illusion that there was a crew persisted. Finally the airlocks were closed and the docking bay depressurising. Kiba and Sumiko went exploring the accommodation while he and Garner made their way to the control room. Every surface spoke of Klenn. Every fitting announced that it had been chosen by him. Every item sang his song. It hurt. Shikamaru was amazed that Garner could stay on the ship for more than a few minutes. “It gets easier,” Garner assured him. “In some ways, it is a comfort.” Shikamaru imagined living in Klenn’s apartment in Prime, or in the residence on Elessen. He did not think he could do it. It was less painful to go on; to allow the memories rest and become dormant. There again, he had never loved Klenn the way Garner had. The next hundred minutes were manically busy as he was briefed by Garner and battled to integrate his systems with Klenn’s. Garner left by shuttle. Kiba brought Sumiko to the control room to update him. Apparently rooms had been chosen and Sumiko’s clothes, toys and gadgets had been unpacked. Shikamaru noticed that she had an earpiece in. On her top was pinned the miniature microphone and camera he had given her. “I am keeping a journal of the adventure,” she announced. “Kiba-san thinks it is a really good idea.” It was a clever one, because it offered an explanation for why she was wearing the equipment. He wondered if it was hers or Sai’s. He waited until Kiba had taken Sumiko away to ‘help’ in the galley. “You linked in yet, Sai-kun?” “Yes. As you suggested, there is already a network of cameras and microphones throughout the ship. Sumiko is disappointed that she will not be able to have projectors. Projectors are not consistent with keeping my existence secret from Kiba-san.” “I did not say that Sumiko could have projectors,” Shikamaru pointed out. “She knows that but she hoped. It is good that Kiba-san is here. He will look after Sumiko. There is a small craft approaching. Is it expected?” Shikamaru smiled. “Yes, it is expected.” He put the ship on autopilot and hurried to the bay. The shuttle had docked by the time he arrived. Shikamaru shut the bay doors, began the pressurisation process and hopped impatiently from foot to foot. Finally the dials crept into the blue zone. Shikamaru yanked the door open and then hesitated, uncertain of his reception and embarrassed by the presence of a third person, particularly one with the perceptive powers of a Hyuga. Strong arms wrapped around him. “Shika, my Shika,” the longed-for voice whispered in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. “Ne-chan,” he sighed..
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