Rise Of The Namikaze | By : Kage_Okami Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 8702 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's charecters and I make no money from this publication |
Rise Of The Namikaze
Chapter 3 Naruto was the first to arrive at the Hokages office and wasn't surprised to see that his mother had already settled in however he was surprised to see two kunoichi from Suna sitting in her office. "Ah Naruto good while we wait for Jiraiya I would like to introduce you to Temari and her friend Pakura." Said Kushina as Naruto smiled at both girls. "Nice to meet both of you." He said as they both nodded toward him. "He's rather young." Pakura whispered to Temari. "But he is cute I'm almost jealous that you'll be marrying him." Temari replied as Pakura blushed slightly. "Here mom I think this belongs to you." Said Naruto placing Ryujin on the desk as Kushina picked it up. The sword was the size of a wakizashi with a jewel imbedded in the base of the blade above the hand guard which had the Uzumaki symbol spiraling around it, the handle was wrapped in red silk and at the end of the handle was a dragon's head with two ruby eyes. She slowly drew the sword from it's ornate scabbard and looked at the blade which had seals etched into it, she smiled fondly at the sword before placing it back in it's scabbard and handing it to Naruto who looked at her confused. "This sword is passed to each heir of our clan when the current head feels that the current heir has earned it and I think that you have more then earned it along with this." She said as he took it back from her while she pulled out a green flack jacket making his eyes widen. "It's not official yet with everything that's been happening but from what I saw in your file you've earned your promotion to the rank of chunin." She said before the doors burst open and Yugao walked in carrying a beat up looking Jiraiya. "My apologies for our tardiness but I found him peeping on the woman's bath again." She said dropping him on the ground. "I see." Said Kushina crossing her arms as Jiraiya looked up at her smiling nervously. "Lucky for you I have a mission for you right now." She said as Jiraiya sighed with relief. "Wait... what mission why are you giving out the missions?" He asked as Kushina looked at him smiling sweetly. "Because Sarutobi-sama made me Hokage last night." She said as Jiraiya paled. "Now then your mission is to find and bring back Senju Tsunade." She said as Jiraiya took on a serious face. "You do realize that could take some time since I don't know where she currently is." He said as she nodded. "That's why I'm sending Naruto with you after all you still have a lot left to teach him." She said as Jiraiya nodded. "I also have another issue to discuss with Naruto as you will be having a third member added to your team." She said as Naruto looked at her. "Sarutobi-sama before giving me full control approved of a political marriage between you and Pakura here." She said as Pakura stood while Naruto's mouth hit the floor. "This marriage is to help improve relations between us and Suna however I know what political marriages can be like so I'm having Pakura join you on your mission that way the both of you can get to know each other better, after you return you both can tell me if you wish to go through with this marriage or not." She said as Naruto nodded. "You might also want to tell Tayuya about this Naruto." She said as Naruto smiled. "She already knows that I might have to marry multiple woman and she's fine with it." He said as Kushina nodded. "Well then you have your mission get going." She said as Naruto and Jiraiya nodded before walking out the door with Pakura following Naruto. "I best be going the council in Suna won't be happy with I've done here since I don't really hold any political sway, my sensei dose though and he approved of this but it will still be a up hill battle." Said Temari as Kushina nodded. With Naruto and Pakura "So Pakura what's Suna like?" Asked Naruto as they walked toward the Namikaze compound so he could pack. "It's hot with a lot of sand there's not really much to look at there except the few oasis's that can be found." She said as Naruto frowned. "So why exactly did you volunteer for a political marriage?" He asked as she just looked away for a second. "I don't want my answer to influence your decision so I'll tell you after we decided on whether or not to go through this." She said as Naruto nodded. "What I will tell you is that I'm a jonin rank kunoichi and considered one of the best in my village." She said as Naruto smiled. "So who's your sensei?" She asked as Naruto looked at her. "Jiraiya, Cat, and Kakashi." He said as Pakura's eye's nearly bulged out of her head. "You were trained by an ANBU captian a Sannin, and a world renowned jonin?" She asked as Naruto nodded. "Jiraiya's technically my godfather oh and by the way he writes those Icha Icha books and spies on the woman baths so be careful when you go to one while we're on the road." He said while Pakura blushed slightly before nodding then continuing to chat about the missions they had been on training that they had done and what ever else came to there minds. After twenty minutes of walking and talking Naruto and Pakura approached the Namikaze compound if you could really call it that. The lot was large and surrounded by a stone wall but the house that sat within looked only big enough for a family of six but there was a large flower garden inside with a medium sized round house coming off the main house that concealed a hot spring. "This is nice." Said Pakura looking around the property. "It gives that homey feeling." She continued as Naruto smiled. "My dad and mom have a lot of money but with them being the only remaining members of there clans they didn't see the need to have a large property or house, I mean they own enough land that you could expand the house they did think that far ahead but this is enough for right now." Said Naruto as Pakura looked at him. "I like it." She said as the front door opened revealing Tayuya. "Hey Naruto-kun who's that with you?" She asked feeling a little jealous. "Hey Tayuya-chan this is Pakura apparently Sarutobi-jiji decided to put me in a political marriage with her." He said as Tayuya just walked around her looking her up and down. "Really now I like what I see so far but what's her personality like?" She asked as Naruto sighed. "Mom is sending me and Ero-sannin to go get Tsunade and decided to send her with us to get to know each other better then we're suppose to give our decision on whether or not we want to go through with the marriage or not." He said as Tayuya crossed her arms. "Really...then I guess I need to go with you then." She said as Naruto shook his head. "You're on probation which means you can't leave the village." He said as she smirked. "Unless it's with you." She said as Naruto groaned. "The mission is for myself, Ero-sannin, and Pakura." Said Naruto as Tayuya sighed. "Look at it this way you and my mom can get to know one another better." He said as Tayuya nodded but still didn't look happy. "I told you this might happen and you said you were fine with it." He continued as Tayuya fidgeted a little. "Well I didn't think I would have to share you this soon I mean we aren't even married yet and I don't really want to rush it." She said as Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "Unfortunately this is something that can't be helped." He said as Tayuya nodded before wrapping her arms around him then kissing him while Pakura just watched a slight blush on her face as she turned to look at the garden. Hokage Tower "Let's see the meeting is in one hour and the current paperwork is being finished." Thought Kushina as six shadow clones sat in various places filling out paperwork. "Hokage-sama." Said a bear masked ANBU appearing before her. "Yes what is it Bear?" She asked as he looked at her. "While clearing out one of Danzo's NE bases we stumbled upon some sensitive information." He said handing her a folder which she skimmed through. "That is not the only thing we found." He continued as Kushina looked him a displeased look on her face. "We also found Uchiha Mikoto in a similar coma like state that we found you in." He said as Kushina's eyes widened. "I want Danzo arrested immediately for treason he is to be interrogated then put to death." She said as Bear nodded. "Take Mikoto to the security wing of the hospital and tell no one that you found her." She continued as he nodded again before disappearing to carry out his orders. Outside the village "Where should we start looking?" Asked Naruto as Jiraiya pulled out the map. "Tsunade stays within the Land of Fire but never ventures near or comes to Konoha I think it's a safe bet to check some of the border towns and move inward." He said circling a few towns but skipping others. "Why are you skipping the other towns?" Asked Naruto as Jiraiya looked at him. "Tsunade is a heavy gambler and drinker theses towns have the nicest bars and casinos." He said as Naruto and Pakura looked at him. "I didn't think someone as respected as Tsunade-sama would have a drinking and gambling problem." Said Pakura as Jiraiya looked at her. "She didn't always have this problem and all I'm going to tell you is that she lost a lot in the war." He said as Pakura nodded while Naruto just shrugged. "By the way gaki what's the next step in the training program your dad left you?" He asked as Naruto pulled out a scroll and a three pronged kunai. "Hiraishin huh yeah good luck learning that one I don't even know how it works." He said as Naruto smiled. "That's because after creating it he classified it as a family jutsu so only I and mom can learn it right now plus he left me a breakdown of the seal formula and instructions on how to perform it." Replied Naruto grinning as Jiraiya nodded. "Right then lets go." He said as all three of them took to the trees. Hokage Tower an hour later Kushina entered the council chambers and smirked as she found that Danzo wasn't in the room before taking her seat. "Now then besides the fact that we still have my coronation to get ready for I have here the names of the two genin that are to receive the promotion to chunin." She said as everyone mumbled to themselves. "Now then the names are Nara Shikamaru." She started as the shinobi clan heads nodded in agreement. "And Namikaze Naruto." She finished as the civilian side roared in protest but immediately stopped as the entire shinobi council shot killing intent at them nearly making them pass out. "We support your decision in these choices for the promotion to chunin." Said a man wearing white robes and had long black hair with white eyes as Kushina nodded. "Now my next order of business is the graduating requirements and curriculum for our shinobi academy." She said. "The graduating requirements and curriculum are fine." Said a civilian woman. "No they aren't our graduate percentage is lower then what we had during the war." She said. "Our kunoichi are suffering the most from the current curriculum tea ceremonies and flower arranging have taken the place of valuable training that could mean life and death for a kunoichi as well as the omission of anti rape jutsu specifically designed to help them in the field in case of capture." She said. "Older generations have been passing those techniques down to the new generation if they are sought out." Said another civilian woman. "How many of our recently graduated kunoichi know that these techniques exist?" Kushina asked as no one said anything. "As of right now the curriculum for kunoichi's at the academy will include learning these techniques and showing that they are proficient in there use, the training schedule at the academy will be completely revised along with the graduating requirements." She said as the shinobi council nodded there approval. "What about us civilians who have children that want to become shinobi how are they suppose to graduate if you change the requirements?" Asked as portly man wearing silk robes. "They'll graduate through hard work and drive just like any other student." Replied Kushina as the civilians began to mumble again. "Kushina's really cleaning house." Said a woman with wild spiky brown hair and two red fang tattoos on her cheeks as a man with multiple scars on his face and a pineapple like hairstyle nodded in agreement. "We need this though we've started to grow a little soft in our time of peace Orochimaru's attempted invasion has shown us that." He said as the woman nodded. Sevral weeks later "You had no right to offer Pakura for a political marriage!" Yelled an elderly man in white robes as he looked at Temari angrily. "I did what I thought would be best for our village and to ensure that our alliance with Konoha remained strong." Temari replied as the other councilmen mumbled to themselves. "But in the process you've given Konoha one of our few bloodlines and a powerful one at that." Said an elderly woman. "Not to mention we might loose one of our best kunoichi." Said another elderly man. "I am in favor of this." Said another man as the three elders looked at him. "As are we." Said four other's who looked like clan heads. "Temari took it upon herself to be a representative of Suna when no one else would and offered a solution to not only apologize for the betrayal we committed but also a way to strengthen the alliance between our villages." Said another elderly man. "Not to mention Jiraiya of the Sannin and his student fixed Gaara's seal so when the boy sleeps we don't need to worry about Shukaku taking over plus Sarutobi-sama gave us back the money for the missions our daimyo gave them." Said another councilmen. "I say we put this to a vote then." Said the first elder smirking as Temari crossed her fingers. "All those on the council who wish to support Temari's decision raise your hand." he continued as hands began to raise. "Twenty one out of forty agree." Said one of the clan heads as he counted while several of the elders grumbled to themselves. "Since this council is in agreement to go through with your plan Temari I think it's only fitting that you return to Konoha to see this deal through to the end." Said another elder as Temari bowed deeply before leaving. Small Town in the middle of The Land of Fire Naruto sighed in frustration as he and Pakura waited for Jiraiya at there hotel. "How are thing's coming with the Hiraishin?" Pakura asked as Naruto smiled. "I got the seal formula down but it's getting the jutsu to work that's difficult." He replied as she nodded while the door opened revealing a smiling Jiraiya. "I found her one of my contacts said he saw her heading to Tanzaku town if we hurry we might be able to catch her there." He said as Naruto and Pakura nodded getting up. Tanzaku Town A woman with long blond hair tied into two ponytails wearing a green gambling jacket, a white kimono top, and blue pants sat at a slot machine her brown eyes narrowing as the alarm signaling a jackpot went off while a woman wearing a black kimono with matching hair and eyes cheered happily while holding a pig in a red vest. "This is wonderful Tsunade-sama now will be able to start paying back some of your debts." Said the dark haired woman as the blond just scowled at the machine. Several days later "Tsunade-sama time to wake up." Said the dark haired woman as Tsunade groaned before opning her eyes. "What time is it Shizune?" She asked as the woman looked at her. "It's noon." She replied as Tsunade turned over and pulled the blankets over her head. "No you said you'd go see the castle with me today." She continued while pulling the covers off as Tsunade rolled over an irritated look in her eye. "Meany." She pouted as Shizune smiled. Outside Tanzaku Town Naruto yawned as they approached the town which made Pakura giggle a little while he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What?" He asked as she walked closer to him. "I just think the way you yawn is cute." She said as Naruto's face turned red while he rubbed the back of his head nervously. Naruto and Pakura had actually gotten to know one another pretty well over the course of the time they had been traveling around with one another. To Naruto's surprise Pakura would wake up around the same time he would to also do morning exercises before breakfast and then start training which he actually liked because training with someone especially a top jonin like Pakura showed where he was lacking in his training. It was the same for Pakura who thought of Naruto as a great battlefield tactician at least in the middle of a fight and you needed a plan on the fly which in her opinion was always a good quality, she also liked how he treated her he didn't try to peek on her in the bath or try cheesy pickup lines he just acted like himself and showed her that in his own goofy way that he was a gentlemen that showed her the respect she deserved. Tanzaku Castle "Oh my it's so huge." Said Shizune as Tsunade sighed before nodding but a section of the wall nearby collapsed making them look to find a girl with mint green hair and tan skin wearing a white short sleeveless midriff shirt with fishnet underneath it, two matching arm warmers that went to her shoulder, and a pair of fishnet shorts with an apron like skirt over them. " Come now Fu you can't fight us hmmm." Said a man wearing a straw hat with a black overcoat that had red clouds on it. A second hunched over form wearing the same overcoat followed a pointed tail swaying back and forth as he walked. "You'll have to kill me if you want to take me back." Said the girl shaking as she stood before dropping back down to one knee. "That wont due leader needs you back alive." Said the hunched form. "I wont let you extract the Chomei from me." She said. "Tsunade-sama what should we do?" Asked Shizune as Tsunade narrowed her eyes. "Normally I wouldn't interfere but it's apparent that this girl is a Jinchuriki." Said Tsunade as Shizune nodded. "Remember not to blow her up." Said the hunched form as the man just waved him off before two birds emerged from his cloak while the girl jumped away. Tsunade watched as two wings sprouted from Fu's back before she took flight the little birds following her. She quickly made her way toward the castle before dodging around it at the last second the birds colliding with the wall and exploding. In town Naruto, Pakura, and Jiraiya had been searching the local bars without much luck when an explosion caught there attention making them look toward the castle and see what looked like a person flying through the air. "What the hell?" Asked Naruto as Jiraiya squinted before pulling out his binoculars. "That's Fu but what the hell is she doing this far away from Taki?" Thought Jiraiya before looking down at Naruto. "Let's go." He said as Naruto and Pakura nodded. At the castle Fu quickly zipped around dodging the little bird bombs that were coming at her while Tsunade faced the hunched over man. "Sasori." She said as the man laughed. "I never thought I would running into you again Tsunade." He said as the other man just looked at him. "Go get our little runaway Deidara I'll deal with the Sannin." He said as the other man grinned before nodding. "Shizune once you have that girl you are to run do you understand get back to Konoha as quickly as possible." Said Tsunade as Shizune nodded before taking off followed by Deidara. "And then there were two." Said Sasori. "Planning on trying to turn a Jinchuriki into one of your puppets?" Tsunade asked as Sasori chuckled. "No our leader has other plans for her but more importantly for what she holds. Maybe he'll let me have her corpse after we've finished with her." He said as Tsunade gritted her teeth. With Deidara and Shizune "Comeback let me show you my wonderful art I'm sure you'll find it a bang." He said as he stuck his hand into a pouch and then several more birds launched from his hand. Shizune turned before exhaling a black mist at him which made him stop and quickly move around. "Poison mist how very interesting not many can perform that little trick but it will take more then that to stop me." He said as his birds closed in on her making her dodge around them before they exploded sending her flying then tumbling to the ground. "Take this you bomb making freak!" Yelled Fu as a gust of wind hit Deidara sending him flying before he flipped over and landed on his feet while Fu landed infront of Shizune. "My you had a chance to flee but choose to stay how noble of you." He said as Fu helped Shizune up before looking at him. "I won't let innocent people get hurt or killed because of me." She said as Deidara smirked. "Poor choice of words little girl." He said holding up a large clay figure while smirking. "This little beauty here can cause a big enough explosion to wipeout this whole village." He said as Fu and Shizune paled. "Be a good girl and come quietly and maybe I wont use it." He continued. With Sasori and Tsunade Tsunade panted as she wiped a bit of blood from her lips while Sasori just looked at her. "My out of breath already?" He asked in a mocking tone. "Damn it I didn't realize I was this out of shape." Thought Tsunade as the pointed tail dove at her while she jumped into the air making it miss her before coming down with her heal raised as Sasori looked up with a smirk his tail launching upward impaling her before she went poof making him growl. Tsunade quickly rose from the ground under him her fist connecting with his body before a cracking sound was herd as he was sent flying before landing on the ground hard. Tsunade looked back as Sasori collapsed splintered wood and chunks of his body scattered over the field. "You broke my favorite puppet." Said a red haired man emerging from the wreckage as Tsunade narrowed her eyes at him. "So you made yourself into a human puppet." She said as she looked at the man who's body looked like a dolls body but the abdomen was open with what looked like a coiled cord wrapped around inside it. "Yes and soon you will be added to my collection, you will be the most beautiful of my puppets so much so I will only use you on special occasions." He said with a smirk as Tsunade growled Mind if join this little party." Came a voice making Sasori look behind him to find Jiraiya standing there. With Shizune and Deidara "Fine I'll come quietly just don't hurt these people." Said Fu as Deidara laughed. "I won't harm them but my partner might." He said as Fu growled while approaching him. "Don't even think about using that glitter dust of yours either or I might just set this off." He continued as Fu nodded before stopping as the hand that held the explosive suddenly fell to the ground. "AHHHH MY HAND!" He howled before looking around only to find Naruto and Pakura behind him. "Kyuubi's jinchuriki." Chomei buzzed inside Fu's mind as Fu felt a small amount of relief wash over her. "The Kyuubi's jinchuriki...this is bad a Sanin and her apprentice we can handle but not with the addition of another jinchuriki." Deidara thought before picking up his hand then wrapping part of his cloak around his wrist to stop the bleeding. "You've bought yourself sometime girl but don't think your safe you can be sure we'll be back for you and you as well jinchuriki of the Kyuubi." He said dipping his hand into his bag again before a giant bird appeared out of it then he got on before taking flight Sasori jumping up on to it as he passed by him while both Sanin watched them fly away before quickly joining the others. "Not that I'm not grateful that you were in the area Jiraiya but what are you doing here?" Tsunade asked as Jiraiya looked at her. "Orochimau attempted an attack on Konoha which we managed to repel however Sarutobi-sensei has stepped down as Hokage." Jiraiya started. "Let me guess your here to make me Hokage right?" She asked as Jiraiya shook his head. "Thanks to some information we got we found out that Kushina had survived the Kyuubi attack but had been taken by Orochimaru." He said as Tsunade's eyes somewhat widened. "We managed to infiltrate his base and retrieve her and after finally waking up Sarutobi-sensei made her Hokage." He continued. "It's her order that you return to Konoha immediately to take up your responsibilities as the heir to the Senju clan as well as training the medical corp." He said as Tsunade scowled at him. "I refuse." She said as Jiraiya looked at her. "This isn't a request it's an order from your Kage." Jiraiya said firmly as Tsunade crossed her arms. "Fine the hard way it is." He said as his hand shot forward hitting her in the chest before a seal appeared. Tsunade looked at him angrily before punching him but he didn't go flying. "I sealed most of your chakra." He said before punching her in the stomach hard then chopping the back of her neck as she leaned forward knocking her out. "You're not going to give us any trouble are you?" He asked Shizune as she shook her head. "I've actually wanted to return to Konoha but I felt like I couldn't leave Tsunade-sama wondering by herself." She said as Jiraiya nodded. "You better comeback to Konoha with us Fu we'll contact Taki when we get back to let them know you're alright." said Jiraiya as Fu nodded. "Thank you Jiraiya-sama it'll be nice to stop running." She said with a smile as he nodded before she looked at Naruto. "Comei says we're the same." She said as Naruto nodded before noticing Pakura's questioning look. "I'll explain on our way back." He said as she nodded. "Let's go." Said Jiraiya after securing Tsunade before placing her over his shoulder then they all departed for Konoha. Konoha Hospital Kushina stood over the bed of a woman with long black hair and pale skin her eyes full of tears as she looked at her. "Please wake up soon Mikoto." She said bending down and lightly kissing her on the lips before leaving the room. End Of Chapter 3 A/N: Thanks for reading and don't forget to review.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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