The Fall of the Dogs of War | By : dolphina23 Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 945 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
AN: The title for
this chapter, as many of you may know, is shamelessly borrowed from
Shakespeare’s play King Henry the Fifth. I believe it to be
apt considering the story line.
Once again, thank you for all the support and for your
reviews. More reviews are always welcome. J
I chose
Wing Tsun Kung Fu as the style for Sasuke, even
though I’ve seen hints of Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian
art form that is more dance than fighting style. It just seemed a bit much to
be hopping around the house in exaggerated flips and dance-like kicks for
Sasuke, especially at this point in time.
On a side note, Coolcloud333 since you failed to sign your
review I’ll answer it here.
You are, as always and along with everyone else here,
entitled to your opinion. I,
personally, see either Sasuke or
Naruto in this fic as being able to play the dominant role,
which is why I felt comfortable
enough to display them that way. As for the rest of your
baseless and utterly crass
critique, I used it to roast smores. If you have anything else
unmitigated and thoroughly
un-researched to post, feel free. I still have marshmallows in my cupboards.
Chapter 21
Once More Unto the Breach
Naruto had
been tearing about the house with ceaseless energy. He and Sasuke had about a
week of waiting until the leaders and examiners called them in to hear their
decision and it was becoming unbearable. He twitched and fidgeted constantly
and Sasuke had refused to train with him in that state so he was left to overcome
the barriers of time on his own. Sasuke, however, filled the days with
training, reading or meditating. He didn’t seem at all anxious, let alone
excited, to hear what would befall his status in the village.
continued reminders from his friends that he was still only a lowly Genin
merely increased Naruto’s frustration, however. Naruto huffed loudly at
Sasuke’s back. Well used to his erratic behavior by now, Sasuke simply ignored
him and continued to track through the beginning of a Wing Tsun
forward stance, the Chum Kiu Mah
or bridge seeking horse. Bringing his arms up, one set in a fist and closer to
his sternum with knuckles facing downward, and the other bent at the elbow but
set in a chop with his palm facing upward and further from his body, Sasuke
twisted to face the back wall. His legs were slightly more than shoulder length
apart, facing forward as well, and one in front of the other. Naruto watched it
all distractedly as Sasuke shifted sideways while keeping his legs separated
and blocked with his elbow bent upwards and to the left while punching the air
in the space below it. He sighed then, loudly, and Sasuke stopped moving to
turn to him with an intense stare.
Naruto kept
himself from shivering because of it. Instead, he lifted himself from his place
on the floor and under the east window of their living room. The light from the
rising sun had made the glass, and the surrounding air, quite warm. He felt it
could have relaxed him, calmed him down. But he was just too anxious. He had to
know, and no amount of calm radiating from Sasuke would help either.
“If you
want to go, then go. But they’ll probably just tell you to come back tomorrow
at noon since that’s the
day they set for us. Really, it’s not that long a wait, so just calm down already,”
Sasuke said calmly.
glared at him petulantly.
“I don’t
see how you can be so calm. This is important, especially to me. It should be
to you, too. We won’t be able to join the higher rank ninja on the tougher
missions without advancing to Chunin level at least.”
“Is that
all that matters now? Whether or not you can go on the tougher missions? As if
we haven’t been on a few already that even a Jounin would have trouble completing,”
Sasuke scoffed at him.
inhaled sharply, feeling the rise in tension and hearing the naked hostility in
Sasuke’s voice.
“What the
hell, Sasuke. Why are you being such a dick about this? I thought that once
you’d been home for enough time, you’d finally start to want something more
than death to take home with you. Maybe I was wrong.”
reared back and almost snarled. His mouth twisted into a fine grimace, teeth
clenched to the point Naruto could almost hear them grinding.
“What the
hell is that supposed to mean?! No, never mind, forget it and forget you and
your incessant need for attention,” he sniped back.
Attention?! What the hell is wrong with you?! How dare you . . . after all
you’ve seen, all we’ve done, all that’s happened . . . ,” Naruto sputtered out
and finally fell silent to mince Sasuke with another heated glare.
avoided his gaze carefully, hiding his eyes in the shadow of his bangs. His
fists trembled slightly as he squeezed them even more tightly closed. Naruto
felt tired all of a sudden and nowhere near as excited or nervously energized
as before. He could feel that this wasn’t all just some posturing or an attempt
at a throw back to the Sasuke of three years ago. There was something else
going on, but he had no idea if he wanted to know about it. Things had gotten
so complicated, dealing with Sasuke’s strange behavior, his cautious desires
and what Naruto could only imagine as some kind of fear or insecurity over it
all. And then there were his own desires and the old dream he was still trying
to realize along with all the questions he himself had about, well, so many
things lately. He figured starting with a simple, yet justifiable, possibility
for Sasuke’s temper was as good a place as any.
“Is it . .
. ,” Naruto started hesitantly, “that last fight? Is that why you’re so mad?
Because you could have tried harder, you know. I wasn’t keeping anything back,
maybe, but I wasn’t trying to pummel you without any way for you to counter it
either, so if you . . . ,” Naruto kept pushing, seeing no real reaction. That
is, until he was interrupted.
“It’s not
that,” Sasuke affirmed sharply. And he meant it too, from the look on his face,
all twisted with disgust as if Naruto had no idea that something so genuinely
trifling really could drive his mood south so very quickly.
“Well, what
is it then?” Naruto countered, irritated. He really didn’t have the desire, or
the energy, for more arguing. He sincerely wished that Sasuke could be more
plain and willing to let up a little on his oh-so-coveted guard. It was
incredibly trying for Naruto, having to peel it back every time he wanted, or
needed, to know something.
Forget it. I didn’t mean anything, all right?” Sasuke said simply, the angry
edge only a tiny shade of its former glory.
shook his head, tenacious as ever.
“You know
very well that isn’t going to work on me, Sasuke. I’m not trying to bully you
and I’m not asking out of some twisted, possessive obsession.”
simply blinked at him before hiding everything behind a blank expression. Then,
very quietly, he began to snicker, just a little. But Naruto heard it. And, at
first, it pissed him off royally. Sasuke’s yawing mood swings were hard enough
to contend with, but now he was being laughed at . . . again. It almost started to hurt, until he saw that Sasuke was
swiping at his eyes and shaking his head, bringing an arm up in a placating
“Okay, okay
but you’re going to be even more pissed off, which is why I didn’t say
anything. I was actually trying to do something worthy for a change so don’t
come railing at me if you’re still mad,” he started to explain.
waited for him to continue, already not liking where it was going but ready to
accept it for the sake of getting something from Sasuke without having to strip
it away after hours of meandering wordplay.
“I don’t
really care about rising in rank, or too much about missions aside from being
able to do them with you. And I figure the old bats that run this place still
hope for a Sharingan revival, which is fine by me as it will probably guarantee
me enough clout to stay near you. Otherwise, I couldn’t care less what happens.
So, yeah, I didn’t go all out with our spar. Besides, it was more for you, to
let them see how far you’ve come and not just with that crazy Nature chakra,
but well . . . I don’t know what I’m saying anymore, okay?” Sasuke stopped
talking to rake a hand through his hair.
“It’s just,
as long as we can still be in the same place, as long as we’re still able to do
this job, though I’m still not entirely sure I trust that hag of yours, I’m
fine with it. Of course, if that woman does anything to lose what small measure
of respect she gained in helping you, I think I might want to go right back to
my original plan.”
listened, frowning, and then his face cleared before he threw a fist at
Sasuke’s shoulder playfully.
“You ass,
you still suck at trying to make jokes. I see I’m going to have to teach you,
huh? Anyway, that doesn’t make any sense, and I don’t get what you’re doing if
you don’t really care about this place, or this job. It seems to me, you just
need to take a few missions, maybe train in a different area like ANBU. I think
you’d like that. Anyway, as long as you’re not going to take any more
misdirected pot-shots at me, I don’t have to repeat the all-too-easy rout I
hailed down on you with my all-too-awesome control of Nature chakra,” Naruto
babbled out, grinning.
His mood
had lightened at how simple, and yet complex, Sasuke was trying to make his
reasons out to be. It felt somehow right, and it definitely was a sight better
than having to fight it out to get it.
you say, Naruto,” Sasuke answered nonchalantly.
He turned
his back to Naruto, who was still fighting to keep the grin in check, and began
stretching out his limbs. He hadn’t trained for long that morning but the
tension had added more strain, so they felt sore and ill-used.
He headed sedately toward the shower, Naruto
ambling along behind him. The energy almost instantly seemed to change,
charging with something very different from the heat of anger born from fear or
anything else Sasuke could name. Except, he could name this; he knew what it
was now, and wasn’t afraid of that knowing, even if he still refused to voice
it. Reaching back behind him he held out his hand and scraped along Naruto’s
hip gently. He felt a hand clutch at his warmly and smiled. After their shower,
maybe they’d go bully the old bat into giving them their decision early. Naruto
had earned that much, and she wouldn’t refuse him, certainly not with what
Sasuke could do to her.
hand pressed itself, still encased in Sasuke’s, to the middle of his back and
Sasuke felt the rest of his body lean into him from behind. The pressure was
slight, and warm, and maddeningly arousing. Sasuke suddenly pulled forward with
more force and all but hauled Naruto up the stairs to their room with the
attached bath, pulling him around so that they faced each other for a
passionate press of the lips just before he slammed the door shut.
The next
day dawned bright and loud as the buzzing of conversation and excited
conjecture burned fast and hot throughout Konoha’s business district. Tsunade
studied the examiners and the visiting dignitaries that were assisting in the
ninja promotions this term. They had finally come to a decision on, in her
mind, the most important applicants that had participated. And although their
decision went along with her requests, she still felt wary. Perhaps they were
viewing this as most of the ninja villages had in the past, simply a purview to
what could fall upon their countries should they not take the exam, and its
judgments, seriously. Tsunade, personally, felt nothing but disgust for the way
things had been done before her time. It only perpetuated war by creating the
desire for it. And the degradation of the villages that inevitably followed
only led to more war, this time out of vengeance, or an intense fear of their
more powerful neighbor.
sighed and grabbed the bridge of her nose with two fingers. She knew they were
scheduled to be informed that day. Truthfully, she had expected them long
before now. A surge of familiar chakra signatures, nearly blended together with
how close they were in proximity to each other, and a knock heralded their
coming. She sighed again, ticking her fingers against the dark wood of her desk
in anticipation, feeling both frustration and pride trying to overwhelm her.
she barked toward the door.
Both Naruto
and Sasuke stood in the doorway, just as she had expected. While the last of
his clan, Uchiha Sasuke still bore the regal bearing of one who lead it. Naruto
looked as though he was fighting not to fidget. It was a good sign. Tsunade
could see from his stature alone that he had indeed immersed himself in a great
deal of power, but was lucky enough to remember, or perhaps finally understand,
all the lessons his various teachers had tried to instill in him.
It was a
fine, clear day that morning. The sun was high and the lack of any cloud cover
drew the eye to the vast, soft blue of the sky above the treetops. All the
foliage surrounding the Hokage
Tower, planted when her
grandfather had led this town to an era of relative dissolution of war and into
a time of long-awaited prosperity although it had been far too short, seemed to
flow with encouragement, drifting inward toward the building. For the first
time that day, for the first time since taking on the position and
responsibility of this job, Tsunade felt that Konohagakure
no Sato would be able to ensure that prosperity and cement together the cracking
relationships with its neighbors and allies, former enemy or not. A soft
clearing of a throat brought her out of her musings and she looked to her left.
Genma, the
examiner in charge of the paired fights towards the end of the exam, looked at
her, a question highlighted in his dark brown eyes. She’d always found them to
be so hard to read past the amusement and slight lazy tilt. He was, however,
one of the most deadly when it came to thrown weaponry, whatever it might be,
and his prowess as a Chunin team leader had left no room for doubt. Every one
of the ninja that went out with him had complete faith that they would survive
it, even if a spare few had not. Shaking her head and smiling slightly, she
turned her attention back to the matter at hand. Beckoning Naruto forward
first, she turned to cut her gaze around the room at all the judges.
Sasuke, please wait outside for your evaluation. You will be called in
shortly,” she told him, her tone brooking no argument.
Sasuke tilted
his head slightly forward and turned to leave, canting his eyes to Naruto so
quickly and with so many things flitting through them at such a rapid pace,
Tsunade almost lost focus trying to read them all. When he had gone, closing
the door with a soft click behind him, she turned her full attention to Naruto.
“Now, I
know why you are here. These,” she gestured to all the people present, “are all
the judges of the Chunin Exams this term.”
“And, of
course, you are familiar with the Kazekage and his entourage,” Gaara and his
brother, sister and a small contingent of Suna ninja, some that Naruto did
indeed know, all bowed their heads to him. Naruto grinned a bit, unable to keep
from becoming embarrassed. He resisted swiping the back of neck with his hand.
Tsunade nodded to him as well, as though she approved.
introduced the other leaders in turn. And then she turned grave eyes back to
face Naruto and he knew it wasn’t anything like he had been hoping.
“We have
come to a decision. Or rather, I have made a recommendation and the others
present, including the Elder Council, have approved of it. You will not be
advancing to Chunin level.”
frowned and fisted his hands but Tsunade held up a hand to keep him silent.
and, here she could not resist letting out some of the joy and pride that
filled her, her mouth quirking upwards, “there is something I do have for you.”
gestured toward the mountain of tombs resting precariously on the edge of her
desk. Honestly, they probably would have been piled on the floor had Shizune
not insisted on trying to straighten her office that morning, and every morning
since the Exams had begun. As if the other village leaders didn’t have piles of
paperwork, forms and books, all demanding their immediate attention, of their
own to hide away whenever someone important visited. Her sharp eyes watched
Naruto try not to squirm and saw his mouth begin to twist with the need to
start shouting.
“You will
take them home and begin to study. I and the Elder Council will hold a private
exam for you at the end of the month, so you’d best work hard. Try using a
study partner, if you like. It seems you haven’t been having any trouble with
your . . . roommate.”
It might
have sounded childish to some, but Tsunade could not resist the urge to rib him
a bit. The fights and teamwork during the Forest of Death
and the single exams weren’t the only things reported to her. Naruto frowned
harder and she decided to let up a little.
“This is a
good thing, Naruto,” she chided quietly. “You’re getting what you have wanted
for more than three years, ever since becoming a ninja. But, like every other
thing you’ve experienced since first putting on that headband, it may not come
easy and it may not be exactly as you imagined. Though, I think . . . no, I am
sure, you will be glorious.” She
unconsciously echoed Gaara’s words to him from the exams. Naruto, finally
beginning to understand that this was not a punishment or a veiled insult,
began to breathe a little harder.
“Are you
saying . . .,” he started but caught the titles on the bindings, all lettered
in gold leaf. He could not help but gasp as the import of Tsunade’s words, what
she wanted of him and what she was giving him, sank in.
not having reached the rank and level of Hokage out of some nepotistic
gratefulness to her grandfather, smiled wider.
you’ve completed the coming test, I shall be able to sign my last bit of
paperwork, Naruto. So, you’d better really study, work hard, and as Kakashi
always railed into you, look underneath the underneath,” she stated evenly.
Naruto had
begun to smile, mostly in disbelief, and his head wagged from side to side as
if he were trying to clear it. He swallowed and then looked up at all the
others in the room. His eyes were wide and the smile looked as though it was
lost on his face, not knowing how it had gotten there. Quietly he began to
laugh and, still snickering, picked up the volumes before him.
“I’ll just
take these, then, and, uh, go. I guess I’ll, uh,” and still unable to form a
decent thought, he drifted back out of the office, the books in his hands
shaking slightly with everything he had been holding back.
continued to smile even through Sasuke’s entrance into the office. He looked
wary, and not the least bit pleased. Of course Naruto had still been incoherent
enough not to explain, so Tsunade was left to calm the embers before that
sensitive pride of his made him do, or say, something stupid.
Sasuke. He’ll be fine, once it all sinks in a bit. You should be happy to know
that it was relatively good news, as any can be for a ninja. And I have good
news for you as well. You are hereby graduated to the rank of Chunin and I will
take into consideration what we spoke of last evening and give you my answer in
two days. That is all.”
She waited
for it to sink, for any questions or reactions like that of some ninja in the
past. But Sasuke simply blinked at her, then nodded and turned to leave. The
tiny smile she was sure that even he did not know was there as his face disappeared
behind his overly long bangs was all that she needed. Tsunade clapped her hands
for the attention of everyone present and began the final post-Chunin Exam
meeting of that season. She resisted the urge to look through her window and
down at the grass below. She was sure that two of her most vested ninja would
have no trouble finding a way to celebrate. But God, did she wish the end of
the month was here so she could do some of her own without Shizune screaming
her ear off. But sake, however tempting it was at the moment, would have to
The droning
of the Elders voices, minus Danzou as he was not technically a part of them and
would never be as long as she could do something about it, both caught and lost
her attention. He’s not the only obstacle
left that could prove damaging, she thought. They would need to move fast
for a better transition for Naruto. And, right now, that was a more important
part of her duties, the only one she would focus the largest amount of her
energy on that she could muster. Trying to focus on the words, Tsunade bore
down in her chair and settled in for the all-too-long discussion.
deposited the books on the dining room table at home and stared at them. He
felt they would disappear if he did it long enough. His mind still had trouble
wrapping around the concept of why they were there. He shook his head again and
turned to Sasuke who leaned against the door jam of the entrance.
“They won’t
bite,” he quipped, a smirk playing at his mouth irresistibly.
“Come on,
I’m sure you’ll want to celebrate.” He missed the grin pushing at Naruto’s
mouth as he caught up to him and pulled at his arm to turn him around.
Naruto queried hopefully.
frowned and then quirked an eyebrow, “And if I said no? That crap is far too
unhealthy. I’m surprised your organs haven’t exploded.”
stuck his lip out and then made face.
“But it’s
what I want. Come on,” he cajoled. He hadn’t been to Icharaku’s
since they’d gotten back from Gure-pu Sawa and he missed it terribly.
reached into his pocket for his wallet. They had been pooling their money
together and had set aside a fair amount for rent and household necessities.
Naruto would have bled the rest dry if he hadn’t had the forethought to allot
him an allowance. The row that had followed had been won by Sasuke only after
he’d promised a weekly dinner at Ichiraku’s and explained, repeatedly, what it
took to keep a house. Naruto, as per usual, had only half listened though he
had become a bit more frugal in his spending lately. He had yet to visit his
favorite shop, though. So it seemed that Sasuke wasn’t going to get out of
allowing the treat.
“Go on,
then,” he said, handing over a few bills. “I’ll meet up with you in two hours.”
lowered and titled his head in question.
“You’re not
They had
reached the main thoroughfare for the business district and they both slowed to
a sedate walk.
“I have
something to do. It’s all part of the celebration,” Sasuke answered, pulling
Naruto in for a quick, warm kiss.
Naruto took
the opportunity to use a little tongue, swiping it inside Sasuke’s mouth to
roll around his a few times. Sasuke supposed it was because they were outdoors
and he had become a bit of an exhibitionist after the Exams. Sasuke had worried
over it, too. But he wasn’t going to complain. It felt good . . . and tasted
even better. They broke free from each other after a spare few moments. Sasuke
turned to head south while Naruto continued east, humming under his breath,
excited that he would be able to celebrate the way he wanted to despite not
having Sasuke there. It would be a good chance to catch up with the old man and
Ayame-neechan anyway. Naruto disappeared under the curtain and Sasuke waited
until he was seated before changing direction to head for The Academy buildings
to the west. If he was going to do what he planned, he would need a bit of
“Yo, old
man!” Naruto barked out as he sat down.
glanced up from the special he was sliding into the delivery container and then
brightened up. It had been a busy morning, but the sight of not only his best
customer but a boy he had grown so fond of over the years was enough to make
his worst day much better.
“Naruto! I
haven’t seen you in a while! How is everything?” he called good-naturedly. Then
he took a closer look and wondered when the hell the boy had grown a bit
taller, why on earth he had shortened his hair and harrumphed loudly before
turning to call over his shoulder.
“Ayame! Get
out here! I want you to make this delivery for me! Naruto’s back!”
smiled brighter, feeling warmer from the stove behind the counter and better
for getting to see some old friends while enjoying God’s greatest gift to food.
Ayame peeked around the door frame to the storage area and broke into the
friendliest smile he’d seen yet.
When did you get back in town? How are you? Are you hungry? Listen to me! Of
course you are! What would you like?”
laughed and ordered miso ramen, four bowls. His
stomach rumbled in protest at having to wait so long for the delicious broth
and noodles, the egg halved on top and the vegetables that they both resolutely
ignored, once more.
“I’m fine.
I got back a while ago but had some things to deal with. And then exams . . .”
he trailed off, thinking about darker things than he wanted to while enjoying
their company. The crease to his brow evened out as Teuchi watched and another
bright smile replaced it.
Sasuke’s back! And we’re shacking up at a little cottage just outside of the
resident area to the north. It’s really pretty! And I’m sorry I haven’t been by
too much. I’ll try harder next time, if Sasuke lets me sneak back. He’s trying
to get me to eat better.” Naruto made a noise that plainly said what he thought
of eating less ramen. Teuchi laughed delightedly.
“Well, any
time you do, he won’t hear it from me!”
He set the
steaming bowls on the counter as Ayame reluctantly hefted the full delivery
container to her shoulder.
you won’t leave until I get back?” she asked, worried she would miss all the
“Of course
not, Ayame-neechan! I haven’t seen you guys in far too long. I’ve got two hours
before Sasuke comes by with my surprise. So I’m all yours until then!”
blushed even though Naruto had obviously meant what he’d said as nothing more
than friendly banter. Teuchi grumbled under his breath and told him to eat.
Naruto obliged with gusto and tore into the ramen as if he’d starved the whole
time he and Sasuke had been in Gure-pu Sawa. Two hours later and many, many
stories of their time in that place and Ayame and Teuchi saw Sasuke appear
under the curtain.
“Yo!” he
called straight-faced. But the relaxed atmosphere only continued as Teuchi and
Ayame caught their first look at the erstwhile defector. He might have grown, more
muscle standing out in his chest and shoulders, but the quiet manner of the
past was still there. And Naruto’s swift, endearing smile and the swipe he took
up Sasuke’s back said more than Teuchi needed to hear.
back, Sasuke!” he called. “You have time for a bowl? We were just chatting with
Naruto about that village you two visited.”
glanced at Naruto, but smiled a bit upon seeing nothing taught or uncomfortable
about the way he was sitting.
“Sorry, no.
Naruto and I have to be going. Unless he doesn’t want his gift?” Sasuke turned to give Naruto an amused
narrowing of his eyes and Naruto leapt off the counter, almost forgetting to
“Sorry old
man, Ayame-neechan. Gotta go!”
watched them go, Naruto taking off at a dead run with Sasuke shouting at him to
slow up before he hit something, with a critical eye. But Ayame sighing in
delight and clasping her hands in front of her relaxed him. They deserved to be
happy, and if they found it in each other he would not complain, despite what
he though of that kind of thing. He liked Naruto and found Sasuke to have
become quite a distinguished and regal young man, much like his father. Finding
love wherever it lay was precious anyway, so it wouldn’t do to try and ruin it.
Especially not for those two.
Naruto slowed
upon coming near to the end of the business district and Sasuke caught his hand
and whirled him around. He kissed him with his eyes open and Naruto leaned into
it. They both were somewhat out of breath, the run and their kissing having
taken all the air. Just as Naruto began to close his eyes, Sasuke pulled back
to breath again.
“Do you
trust me?” Sasuke suddenly said a few moments after they broke apart.
Naruto asked, startled at the strange question. “Yeah, I trust you. What’s this
brought his hands up to Naruto’s face, and in them there lay a strip of cloth.
He tried to cover Naruto’s eyes, but he pulled his head out of reach.
he asked.
“You trust
me,” Sasuke said simply, though his stomach warred with his head, trying to
tell him this was a horrible idea and Naruto had already said it, so why keep
going? But Naruto let him pull it over his eyes, the muddy-red color and soft
material making it impossible to see.
voice came through next to his ear in soft, mellow tones and Naruto inhaled
“Just walk
forward, Naruto,” he said, taking his hand and guiding him in the direction he
The scents
of the trees dotting the road and the sounds of a few birds happily twittering
away, oblivious to it all, reached him. It was all sharper than just moments
ago but he doubted it had anything to do with the enhanced abilities the blind
had. It was all Sasuke, having him so close, so arousing.
Sasuke murmured in his ear and Naruto stopped moving. He felt Sasuke bring his
hand up to touch something rough. It was pitted and felt like wood that had
been shaved and painted over. Long and wide, it must have been a door from the
uniform, rectangular shape. A cold, rounded knob brushed against his knuckles
and he voiced his opinion aloud.
“A door.”
tried to breathe normally; it sounded too loud, even to himself. Sasuke’s voice
came again, from behind him. He could feel the heat off of his body, right at
his back.
“And what’s
this?” The feel of something soft touched his cheek. It smelled sweet as it
traveled over his lips and had a small, almost square shape ending in a point
as Sasuke pressed it flush into his skin. The velvety feel, the sweet scent . .
. Naruto knew what it was suddenly and smiled as he told him.
“A petal, a
flower petal.”
“Right, but
not just any flower,” Sasuke murmured again, right into Naruto’s ear. His lips
brushed against the shell and Naruto felt it all the way down his body,
stopping on the way back up to collect in his groin.
petals, Naruto.”
And Naruto
felt that same velvety softness against his face and shoulders, all over, as
rose petals fell all around him. Well, he had to assume so; the blindfold was
still tied securely around his head. It made his hair itch, or maybe that was
just the sweat on his brow from their run. The air itself was cool and smelled
of all those roses . . . and Sasuke. The air smelled of the tangy sweat of
Sasuke and Naruto wanted to rip the cloth away and taste it. The next thing
Naruto knew there was a click and Sasuke pushed his hand against Naruto’s own
that had been pressed against the wood to open the door. He was led inside and
instantly knew from the smell that they were in their own house. The soft carpeting
of the living room met his sandaled feet, though they didn’t stay that way.
Sasuke ordered softly. Naruto sat down and Sasuke helped free his feet, as he
had on the stairs the other day, very slowly. Then there was another scent
under his nose, very sweet and velvety, like the flowers but darker, if that
was even possible. Could a scent really be dark? Naruto had lost it completely
and he blamed Sasuke.
“Do you
know what this is?” Sasuke asked from in front of Naruto. Naruto shook his head
and then wondered again what he was up to as Sasuke brushed his face against
him, leaving a sweet, tiny kiss on his cheek.
“Open your
mouth,” he whispered and Naruto did it without thinking. That warm, sweet, dark
scent had the same taste as it filled him. He chewed a bit but it melted
against his tongue and he knew what it was.
and running his tongue over his teeth and around the inside of his mouth, he
said, “Chocolate.”
Sasuke confirmed and got off the leather couch. It rustled and groaned as he
moved and Naruto leaned back into it only to feel Sasuke’s hands on his.
Fingers intertwining of their own accord, Naruto allowed Sasuke to guide him to
his feet and toward the windows. There was a large empty space there and Naruto
remembered their dance. Only, his legs hit something hard and he grunted.
Sasuke murmured abashedly and a hand dragged down Naruto’s back to rub at the
hollow above his hips.
“It’s fine.
What is this? Last time we were here, which was this morning, our living room
was only equipped with a couch, chairs, a coffee table and an entertainment
Naruto thought of their dance and wondered what Sasuke had been up to all
afternoon. Instead of answering, Sasuke brought one of Naruto’s hands up and
pulled it forward. Sasuke’s hand shifted to clasp Naruto’s wrist and his
fingers brushed against something solid and yet riddled with even cracks. Then,
Sasuke pushed down and Naruto heard the most beautiful sound, made sharper by
the blindfold. The tones continued as Sasuke brought his fingers sideways and
Naruto knew what he had done. Tearing at the blindfold accompanied to Sasuke’s
low, delighted laughter, Naruto freed himself of the cloth to gaze down at a
Baby Grande Piano. It was just sitting there, placidly, in the corner of their
living room complete with a bench that had been pushed in below it. Naruto felt
his mouth fall open as he stared at it and then shifting up at Sasuke and back
Sasuke was
smiling, full of pride and soft laughter. Naruto gaped at him, tried to close
his mouth, and gaped again. Booming laughter from behind them and a dry chuckle
startled them both. Turning together, they saw Iruka and Kakashi standing at
the entrance.
Kakashi asked, leaning back against the wall next to the door and crossing his
arms. “He did good, right? Tell him he did good. Better yet, kiss him and tell
him he did good.”
elbowed him in the ribs and smiled fondly at Naruto, then turned to grin at
Sasuke. Naruto had never seen him smile so wide before.
really was a beautiful thing, Sasuke. I’m glad you included us.”
tilted his head cutely and stared at them, all his earlier arousal having made
his mind slow and brackish. “Huh?”
shook his head and moved forward to tousle his hair.
“Even with
how well you’ve been with your money lately, kid, Sasuke couldn’t afford
something like this. Though, the blindfold was such a nice touch,” he answered,
chuckling as Sasuke threw him a dark, hard frown and Naruto poked him roughly
with all the fingers on one hand. Even though he could never have eavesdropped
and neither could Iruka, and they had managed to get back from paying the bill
at the bar only just as Sasuke had taken Naruto to the piano, they didn’t have to know that. He saw
the bowl of chocolate and the rose petals all over the front porch and could
have made the proper assumption had he been drunk and slow-witted.
thanks for the help but it’s not like you were integral Kakashi. I could easily
have waited a few more months, as planned. But it’s a special occasion,” Sasuke
said dryly.
turned to him and smiled softly before going to give Iruka a hug.
“This isn’t
just for the piano, and certainly not for eavesdropping. But, thanks.”
tightened the hold, drawing him in more and then he let go. He looked down at
Naruto a moment and over to the piano, seeming as though he wanted to say
something. But he looked back at Naruto and tapped a hand against his cheek.
“I know
you’ll enjoy it, so it was worth more than enough. Come by the school again,
when you have time.” He turned to leave, but looked back at the two younger
“This is a
really beautiful home. I’d take you up on the offer for dinner, but some other
time. Kakashi and I have reports to do.”
Kakashi asked then straightened to crack his back and give them a lazy, bored
look. “Sure, fine, I’ve been meaning to get more of them done anyway.”
But he
headed in Naruto and Sasuke’s direction instead of the door. “Don’t I get a hug?”
Naruto said sharply. “I know you probably just came for the chance to snoop, or
else helped lift a bit and not much else. You can have an invite to come again,
if you behave.” Naruto pointed at Kakashi’s chest accusingly. “NO porn.”
smiled smugly from behind Naruto’s back and waved him off. Kakashi left, trying
to look hurt, but smiling under his mask as he quickened his steps to catch
Iruka before he managed to hit the school ahead of him.
sighed once he was sure that both his teachers had gone a safe distance. Sasuke
came up to wrap his arms around him from behind and folded his fingers together
in front of Naruto’s waist. A nip at his ear and all the arousal from before
came shooting back and just as intensely. Naruto found his hands wandering back
to clasp at Sasuke’s hips and pull them forward. His growing erection hit
Naruto first, and Sasuke groaned light and high. Naruto grunted and did it
“It really
is . . . ,” he panted as they ground against each other, “beautiful . . .
beautiful,” he said again as Sasuke turned him around to face each other. His
breathing came in harsh gasps and Sasuke leaned in to kiss him passionately,
smearing their lips together and apart to push a tongue between them.
“You’re welcome,”
he murmured into Naruto’s mouth. He smiled and moaned a little when Naruto
clenched his ass with his fingers spread wide. Naruto licked his lips, glanced
at the piano hesitantly and leaned his forehead against Sasuke’s. Sasuke
thought it was a beautiful, new idea, too.
“You want
to? Huh?” He whispered as he grabbed for Naruto’s hand and pulled him forward
only to be pushed down atop it once they got close.
grinned and said, “Come one, Sasuke. Let’s break in my brand new, Baby Grande
should have wanted to laugh. But the way Naruto had said it, all sultry and
dark and deep, only aroused him further. And, it really was a wonderful
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