Summer Skies | By : EntityLvr Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male > Naruto/Sasuke Views: 2257 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters. I make absolutely no money from this. |
Naruto was almost fully packed. Which was good since they were moving the next day. He was frustrated and a bit angry with his brother for not being there. This was a big change and Kyuubi couldn’t even bother to show up. He angrily ran the tape over a box before glaring at the window. “Jerk…” He didn’t really mean it though. He just missed him so much and the move was getting to him. He heard a car pull up but didn’t really pay much attention to it. His mom and dad had been having friends coming over to wish them farewell and give them going away presents, as if they had room to pack them. Just as he had taped up the very last box he heard the doorbell ring. All that was left in his room was his mattress and his backpack that had the few necessities he’d need that night and on the trip to Konoha the next day.
“Naruto. Come get the door.” That was his mother speaking.
“Got it,” he called down. He walked out, fully ready to pretend to be happy for whoever was on the other side of the door. He opened it and froze. Standing in front of him was a redheaded tan male that he hadn’t seen in way too long. “Kyuubi?!” He grinned and almost tackled the other male.
Kyuubi laughed and caught him, holding him close. “Hey Naru. Thought I’d surprise you with helping with the move. You can even ride there in my car tomorrow.”
Naruto couldn’t even put together words right then. All he cared about was that his brother was there and that nothing was going to ruin his mood now. “I just finished packing so can we go to our secret spot?” It wasn’t really a secret spot, just a spot on the beach that they liked to talk at.
Kyuubi smiled. “Let me say hi to mom and dad first. Then we can go.” He walked in after detangling himself from the blonde’s hold. “Hey mom, dad. I’m home!”
Kushina ran out from the kitchen and hugged him tightly. “Oh Kyu! We all missed you so much. You have to tell us everything over dinner. I assume you and Naru are going to run off to your little place?” She smiled knowingly.
Minato came into the room and gave his son a quick hug. “Yeah. We have a lot to talk about. But for now you two go have fun.”
After getting their blessing he left with his brother to go down to the beach. He sat down and they were quiet for a while, just staring at the water. “Bet you’re gonna miss this huh?”
Naruto just nodded. “Yeah…I don’t want to move. I mean, I know I’ll be closer to you and all but…I like it here. I don’t want things to change.”
Kyuubi sighed and scratched his head in a manner much like Naruto. “I know you don’t want to but we really will be closer. I can see you much more often and we can hang out. I can even sneak you onto the campus grounds sometimes.”
Naruto grunted but didn’t seem convinced.
“Come on Naru. Konoha isn’t so bad. The woods are actually a pretty cool place to go and really relaxing. I mean, I know it’s not the water but it’s still nice. And there’s ramen shops as well as a bunch of other places. You’ll make a ton of new friends as well.”
“I like my current friends…” The blonde just wasn’t going to come around. So he decided to change the topic. “How’s Itachi doing?”
Kyuubi allowed the change. “Good." Naruto believed that Itachi was merely Kyuubi's roommate. Well. Here it goes. "Um Naru? So Itachi and I...we're actually dating."
Naruto looked at him. "Really?" He frowned more. "So why didn't you tell me sooner?" He was a bit hurt at how far apart they seemed to have grown.
The redhead sighed. "I dunno to tell the truth. Itachi asked that as well." He nervously rubbed the back of his head. "My bad." He tried for a nervous smile.
The blond stared for a bit before he smiled and looked back at the beach. "I'm glad you two are happy."
Kyuubi knew his brother would be happy for him. It just wasn't in Naruto to hate. "He has to tell his father about us which is going to be difficult. I’m hoping he doesn’t get hit or something like that.”
Naruto’s head shot up and he looked at his brother with wide eyes. “Hit?! Seriously? Just for having a boyfriend? Damn, what kind of family does he have?!”
Kyu shrugged. “The Uchiha family is rather strict and stuck in the old ways. Itachi is like the prodigal son or something and Fugaku, his father, won’t like that he won’t have grandchildren.” He threw a rock at the water. “Itachi’s little brother just came out as well, though in an extremely stupid way. He got beat no doubt and didn’t really lay a good foundation for Itachi.”
Naruto raised a brow. “Itachi has a little brother? I didn’t know that.”
He chuckled. “You don’t know a lot of things. Sasuke is nice once you get to know him. You two should make good friends. He likes to argue with others too and is just as stubborn as you are.”
The blond stuck out his tongue. “Oh ha ha ha. We’re all laughing. How did he come out?”
Kyuubi sighed. “Well he apparently got into a make out session with one of his friends and made sure that Fugaku would find them. His friend got in big trouble as well.”
Naruto scowled. “I don’t think he’ll make a good friend if that’s how he decides to do things. He should make his own mistakes and not involve other people, especially his friends.” And that ended that conversation. They continued talking and catching up until the sun got to a position that stated it was time to go back and eat.
It was take-out but no one was complaining. It was nice to have the whole family together and they all talked and laughed. They pulled out a deck of cards and played a few games before finally going to their rooms. Kyuubi roomed with Naruto and they shared the mattress. It was a bit of a tight fit considering neither of them were small anymore but they made it work. Soon everyone was asleep and Naruto was curled up close to his big brother, feeling safe in his arms.
Back in Konoha the next day, Sasuke was waiting for a certain long-haired raven to show up. But in the back of his mind he couldn’t shake Itachi’s disapproval of involving Neji in his scheme to annoy his father. He sighed and picked up his phone to check on the Hyuga. “Neji? Hey…you okay?”
Neji sounded normal as he answered with, “Yes. Uncle is allowing me to leave the house today.”
Sasuke chewed his lip and was glad that no one was around to see him nervous. “Cool. Wanna get together with everyone?” He was nervous because he was planning on doing something he rarely ever did. Apologize.
“Sure. The usual place?”
“Let’s meet at the park.”
“See you there.”
The line went dead and Sasuke texted everyone else to get them together. When that was done he headed outside with a quick, “Going out.” When he got to the park almost everyone was already there. That annoyed him but he ignored it.
Kiba was laughing at something Shikamaru had said and the Nara was rolling his eyes at the response. Gaara was merely watching before he turned jade eyes on the Uchiha. He then glanced over at Neji and said something that Sasuke could guess was him announcing his arrival since everyone turned to look.
Sasuke winced as he saw the bruises on Neji and stopped in front of him. “Neji.”
“Sasuke.” He sounded normal which was good but also a bit worrisome.
The raven sighed. “Look. I’m sorry I got you involved in this. I really shouldn’t have done it like that.”
Kiba’s eyes widened. “Oh shit! Did Sasuke really just apologize to someone?!”
Sasuke sent him a glare before looking back at Neji. “We cool?”
Neji merely shrugged. “We’re cool. It wasn’t that bad. Besides, I agreed to it as well.” Bullshit it wasn’t bad. But Sasuke didn’t call him out on it. If he wanted to play it cool then let him.
He nodded. “Kay.” He looked at the others and noticed that Neji had brought a basketball. He smirked. “Let’s play some ball then.”
Kiba groaned. “Oh come on! I want to play football!”
Gaara raised one eyebrow…well nonexistent eyebrow. “You didn’t bring a football. There is already a basketball.” That was almost like a speech for the redhead.
Kiba grunted and crossed his arms. “Still…” He wasn’t truly upset and it showed at the smirk he gave his boyfriend. They were rather weird.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked at Shikamaru. “You in?”
Before Shika could answer, Kiba did it for him. “Course he is. If I have to play then so does he.”
“Troublesome.” Was the response. But he moved with the others to the court nearby.
As it turns out, Shikamaru was actually really good at it. He was at Sasuke’s level, which annoyed him. But he had to concede into the fact that the team would be even better if the lazy male helped them. “You should join the team.”
Shikamaru grunted. “No. I’m not really into that much work.”
Kiba laughed. “Yeah, we already know that.” He had removed his shirt and was showing off the results of playing football.
Neji winced as he rolled his shoulders, but played it off as if it was because of the game. Sasuke knew better. But once again he didn’t comment on it. “How bout we get some food. My treat.”
Kiba pumped a fist in the air. “Sweet!”
Shika nodded. “I’m down.”
The boys grabbed their stuff before heading to the usual café they hung out at. Sasuke felt rather good about himself and was sure that Itachi would approve. Sure he lost a bit of pride at admitting he did something wrong, but Neji was a friend and deserved to know that he felt…well bad, for getting him hurt.
At the Uchiha residence Itachi had just arrived. He walked in, bag in hand and went to the kitchen where he was sure to find his mother, if the smell wafting through the house was any indicator. “Hello mother.”
Mikoto turned and smiled at her eldest son. “Itachi! I’m so glad you came!” She walked over and gave him a big hug.
Itachi returned the smile and the hug before stepping back. “Where’s Sasuke?”
Mikoto chuckled, glad to see that the brothers were still close despite the distance that college had caused. “I believe he went out a few hours ago. Why don’t you put your stuff away and go get your father for lunch. We can talk about everything then.” She turned and went back to cooking leaving Itachi with no choice but to do as she said.
He sighed and went to put his stuff in his old room. It looked the same as when he left and let out another sigh at the predictability of his mother. He then went to Fugaku’s office and took a deep breath before knocking. “Father?” When permission to enter was given, Itachi walked in.
Fugaku looked up from his work and gave a look that said he was surprised to see him. “Itachi. Glad you found time to come home.” It looked like Sasuke didn’t bother to tell their father about his visit. Figures.
Itachi nodded. “Yes. Well, mother says it’s lunch time. And I need to speak to you both.”
Fugaku stood and walked over. “Of course. I want to hear about your classes. You don’t answer my emails.” Leave it to the elder Uchiha to put in a command and a disapproving comment in the same sentence.
The two went into the dining room where Mikoto had just finished setting the table. Fugaku sat at the head and Mikoto to his right, which left Itachi sitting to his left. The room was silent for a bit as they all began eating. The silence didn’t last very long though when Fugaku began his interrogation.
“How are the classes going? I’m supposing you’re getting good grades.” He wasn’t supposing anything and they all knew it. Of course Itachi was doing good. He was a prodigy after all.
Itachi nodded. “Yes sir. I’m at the top of all my classes and the head of two different clubs.”
The man nodded. “Just as I figured. Which clubs? Are you doing any extracurricular activites?”
He took another bite. “Chess and kendo clubs. I’ve volunteered as an assistant for a lower science class. Figured it would look good on a resume’.”
Fugaku nodded in approval. “Good. You should take charge of more things as well. It’ll look even better.”
Itachi sighed and set his fork down. “Look. I need to talk to you two about-“
He was cut off by his father. “What classes are you planning on taking next semester?”
The long-haired raven was not very pleased about being ignored, but he allowed it for now. He didn’t want to start off this conversation change with arguing.
Eventually the topic changed to Sasuke with Fugaku stating, “Your brother is captain of the basketball team and head in his classes as well.”
Itachi smiled softly. “I know. He calls me almost everyday to tell me.” He was rather surprised that Fugaku was giving him praise. That surprise didn’t last long though.
“Then perhaps he informed you of his little stunt the other day with the Hyuuga boy.” The man had a disgusted look on his face. “I always knew he was a disappointment.”
How the man could praise Sasuke and then call him a disappointment was a mystery. But not one that Itachi cared about. He slowly stood and looked down on him. “Sasuke is not a disappointment for his sexual preference.” When all he got was a grunt he locked eyes with him. “Well then, if Sasuke is a disappointment for that, I guess I should tell my boyfriend that so am I.” Without waiting to see the elder Uchiha’s response Itachi walked from the room.
Unknown to them all, Sasuke had been standing in the hallway during that last bit of conversation. He had come home and headed to the dining room when he heard Itachi’s voice. He had stopped beside the doorway when he heard his father’s comment about him. He hadn’t expected Itachi to stand up for him like that, but then again his brother had always stood up for him. When he saw Itachi walked out he gave a small smile that was returned.
Itachi hugged him before they silently agreed to go to Sasuke’s room.
“Thank you Itachi…that was pretty badass.” Sasuke smirked.
Itachi chuckled at the comment. “Thank you.” They set up a video game and began playing, chatting lightly about everything and nothing.
“So how is Kyuubi? He went home too right?” Sasuke frowned as he focused on shooting the zombie that was attacking them.
Itachi nodded. “Yes. He went to see his own little brother, Naruto.” He smirked as he got a kill shot three times in a row. “He’s about your age as well and will be moving here soon. That’s why Kyuubi went home, to help with the move.”
Sasuke raised a brow and glanced at his brother. “Really? Huh…what’s Naruto like?”
Itachi hummed as he thought. “He’s a lot like Kyuubi actually and I heard he’s really good at sports.” He suddenly chuckled which caused Sasuke to give him a curious look. “It’s nothing. I just thought that it’d be funny if we both were dating a Namikaze.”
Sasuke grunted and gave a little smirk at the idea. “Definitely.” He then grinned when he got the last shot in.
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