Sunburn Blushing, Sexual Flushing | By : dragonagility Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 989 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Oh wow! I'm amazed by the reaction from the first chapter to this fanfic! It's really made me happy, hehe.
Thanks for all the reviews and the thoughts and advice! I really appreciate it.
So, you wanted more? I've got more! I amended a few things from my notes and
I think it's better now.
Disclaimer: Look at the previous chapter
Without further adeu, the last chapter! And dobe means ‘dead-last’…
Review replies:
Sadistickiss: Yeah ^^ Massage scenes can be
interpreted in sooo many ways ^^
Mindingmybusiness: Thanks!! It is amusing, seeing
how pale he is!
Lychee: Thanks! Haha, if
Sasuke was even more like Hinata that’d be so cute, awww…
Hello: Thanks ^^
Lil_9tails: Thanks ^^ Poor Sasuke = a good ‘treatment’!
Direwolflilith: Thanks ^^ Well, now you know how I
think it would turn out! ^^ Cheeky Naruto! (You’ll see what I mean)
Jewel: Thanks ^^ The pun was great ^^
Cat-san: thanks! ^^
Cobra: Don’t worry, chapter 2 is here! ^^ Thanks!
Adi: ^^ thanks for your review! You’ll love this
Yaoi_is_my_antidrug: Thanks ^^ And yes, Sasuke is
so fun to torture! Kawaii *squee*
Sunburn Blushing, Sexual Flushing
- part 2/2
Sasuke was unable to react as Naruto opened the bottle of lotion again and
squirted some on his fingers. Naruto then sat closer to Sasuke.
“Ne, Sasuke, are your cheeks sunburnt as well?”
Sasuke moved his face back slightly as Naruto leaned in close, brushing his
after-sun lotion covered fingers over his cheek gently.
The distant thoughts of ‘Why is the Dobe being so nice to me?’ and ‘Can this
be anymore embarrassing?’ crossed his mind.
The lotion was cool against his cheeks, soothing too, but he knew that it
did nothing to hide the rising blush on his cheeks that lingered and grew
hotter as Naruto leaned in even closer, his pink tongue sticking out of his
mouth slightly in concentration. Sasuke was aware that his eyes were locked on
that mouth of the blonde shinobi’s, noticing not for the first time, that it
was enticing.
Naruto’s fingertips were just ghosting over his skin, so gentle that Sasuke
could hardly feel it, but it sent quivers and tiny tremors down his neck as
Naruto moved his fingertips over his nose.
He was still; unable to move until Naruto’s mouth moved into a mysterious
smile. He leaned back, brushing blonde spikes out of his face, his eyes
gleaming as if admiring his handiwork. Sasuke’s cheeks were still burning.
“There, all done! I’ve done your back and your cheeks. You’ll feel better as
time goes on.”
Sasuke gulped nervously, trying to work out how to act in this type of
situation. It was foreign: he was not used to getting help (well, this kind of
help anyway) from Naruto.
He’d just been massaged and had enjoyed it much more than he had expected too.
Damn those hormones! As much as it was a distraction from his usual brooding
thoughts of his brother, anymore of it and he felt as if he would possibly
“Thanks…” he managed feebly, wondering how on earth a Dobe like Naruto could
reduce him to mumbling.
He was still unsure how on earth he had ended up at his house, using his
bathroom and having cream applied to him by Naruto. His body’s nerves were in
Naruto just seemed to make things happen.
The blonde shinobi was looking at Sasuke curiously, he noticed. It looked
almost mischievous.
Sasuke had had enough. Anymore torture and he was sure that his groin would
explode. Thank God for Naruto’s baggy combats and his own tight boxers. He
needed to go home and jerk off.
“I’m going home.”
He stood up awkwardly but just as he as about to walk towards the door, his
wrist was grabbed by Naruto’s, stopping his movement. Instant dread choked his
throat for an unknown reason.
“Not so fast, Saaaaaaaaaasuke…”
Sasuke stopped, looking down as Naruto looked up at him, blue locking with
ebony black. There was something about the way that Naruto had said his name.
The way in which its first syllable was drawn out, his voice husky, sent
immediate delightful shivers through his nerves. It sort of frightened him in a
weird way.
He knew that Naruto was up to something but before he could even comprehend
what it was, Naruto had given his wrist a sharp tug using his immense strength
and Sasuke found himself half straddling Naruto’s lap, half on the floor, his
eyes wide as Naruto leaned in, his warm breath fanning out on his cheek, his
hand holding him by the chin.
Blood rushed to his groin through their extreme close contact, images of
erotic dreams he had had surfacing in his brain.
His eyes were a bright blue, though hazy with something that Sasuke couldn’t
grasp. It looked a lot like hesitancy mixed with confidence.
Naruto spoke, his voice low yet tense, “Don’t you know that lips get
sunburnt as well?”
Sasuke’s eyes widened, “What?”
It was the only thing that tumbled past his lips before he felt soft lips
touch his softly, almost chastely, before they began to move against his slowly
and hesitantly. Sasuke immediately froze, feeling Naruto’s lips kissing his. He
found himself frozen, his mind hazy, his hormones bubbling at the surface. He
gazed into Naruto’s open blue eyes, wondering what the hell was going on, still
not responding when the blonde pulled back slowly, their lips separating with a
small smooching noise.
There was silence, expect for their breathing. Sasuke was dumbstruck, though
his hormones were in overdrive. The sight of Naruto’s slightly red lips,
Sasuke’s body still half in his lap told his mind one thing:
Realisation hit Sasuke that Naruto had thought about kissing him since he
had first arrived at his home, perhaps before. Sneaking a look at him in the
shower, giving him a massage, his teasing voice. Sudden lust spread through
Sasuke’s body like wildfire.
Sasuke watched as a flush rose to Naruto’s cheeks, disbelief in his blue
eyes as he spoke hurriedly, “Sasuke, I…um…you should just g-”
“Kiss me again.”
Naruto’s eyes widened, his hands pausing from their action of pushing Sasuke
off of him. Sasuke hadn’t even heard himself say the words until they had past
his lips, but he didn’t care.
He wanted Naruto and nothing was going to stop an Uchiha. Fair enough,
Naruto had taken the first move, but nothing was going to stop Sasuke from
taking it the whole way. Why only give a hormone stimulated boy a tiny lick of
the candy when he could be sucking it dry?
And if Naruto wanted to play, Sasuke sure was going to take up the offer.
He took Naruto by the chin just as he had done with him, and leaned in
close, their noses brushing as Sasuke whispered, “My lips are still sunburnt,
Naruto immediately moved forward, their lips once again connecting and
Sasuke was sure a sound of bliss escaped his mouth as the blonde shinobi moved
his lips intensely against his, their eyes closing. He returned the kiss back
eagerly, unlike before when he’d been stunned, reaching his other hand to grasp
Naruto’s shoulder. He licked his tongue over Naruto’s lower lips, wanting
entrance into his mouth, controlling their kiss. Naruto groaned, opening his
mouth enthusiastically and Sasuke immediately pushed his tongue into the blonde
shinobi’s mouth, pulling him closer. He drowned in his taste, something sweet
yet with a hint of ramen, as he ran his tongue over his teeth and lips,
stroking Naruto’s tongue sensually with his own. He let his instincts take
Sasuke felt Naruto shifting as close as possible, pulling him firmly into
his lap. Sasuke cupped Naruto’s cheek, their chests in complete contact as
Naruto kissed back fiercer than before, nibbling Sasuke’s lip gently before
licking it better, one hand pulling Sasuke’s hair and the other around his
shoulders. He squeezed him slightly and Sasuke immediately broke the kiss with
a little hiss as a sharp burning pain shot across his back.
“Dobe! Watch it!” Sasuke hissed as he stared into blue eyes.
Naruto smirked before smiling through his harsh breaths, “Oops, sorry! I
thought a man could take it rough…”
Sasuke grinned, “You have no idea how rough I like to play, Naruto. Just
think of one of our training sessions and triple it.”
He decided that he liked the flush his teasing words brought to the blonde’s
Panting hard to get his breath back, he smirked once more before leaning in
close again, his thumbs touching Naruto’s whiskered marks, “Was this what you
meant when you said that you’d heal me?”
Naruto looked to the side before rejoining their gaze, shifting so that
Sasuke fell more into his lap, their groins brushing harshly, hisses of
excitement escaping both of their mouths as they clutched each other. He
grinned awkwardly, “Um…kinda. I…couldn’t help myself.”
“You’re hard,” Sasuke stated, brushing their groins again, feeling dizzy at
the look of utter contentment on Naruto’s face.
“Mmm…so are you Sasuke.”
Sasuke pushed Naruto’s shoulders so that he was lying on the futon on his
back with Sasuke on top, their legs tangled together, Sasuke’s arms on either
side of his head and their foreheads touching.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this, Sasuke…” whispered Naruto as the
dark haired shinobi closed the gap between their lips again, their kiss growing
in intensity fast, their bodies arching into each other’s.
“Damn, I want you…” breathed Sasuke, his senses overloaded on everything
that was Naruto, as he kissed his way up his jaw, untying his Konoha headband
with his hands before finally threading his hands into all of the blonde spikes
on his head. Sasuke heard Naruto gasp as he nibbled on his ear lobe, feeling
him untying his own headband before he heard it clang along the floor.
Sasuke gasped as Naruto arched into him, sparks sizzling in his groin, his
hormones buzzing. He needed to get closer to him and fast but it seemed that
Naruto was just as eager, as he felt warm hands glide up his chest under his
t-shirt. His skin quivered at the touch as he sucked and kissed on Naruto’s
collarbone, determined to leave a mark.
He suddenly found himself being shoved and rolled over, his back hitting the
softness of the futon as Naruto straddled him. Naruto smirked, pulling his
t-shirt over his head, exposing his chest and abs, the Kyuubi tattoo faint on
his navel. He then pulled Sasuke’s trademark Uchiha top up, where the dark
shinobi helped Naruto by lifting up his arms and then throwing the top to the
“Sasuke,” said Naruto, “Your nipples are sunburnt too.”
Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows, “No they’re not…argh, Naruto…”
Sasuke’s eyes widened as Naruto lowered his mouth to his pale chest, taking
his nipple between his teeth, nipping at it softly before sucking at it
eagerly. Sasuke buried his hands into blonde spikes, gasping as Naruto
continued his ministrations, his other tanned hand flicking the other nipple.
“You damn tease, Naruto…” he breathed, his voice hitching, as said shinobi
kissed his way up Sasuke’s chest, collarbone and jaw and finally sealing their
lips once more, their lower body movements against each other harsher than
Sasuke took it as his chance to flip Naruto over so that he was straddling
him, their lips still locked. They broke part breathlessly once more and Sasuke
took the chance to let his eyes roam over Naruto’s figure, from his hazy,
lustful eyes to his swollen lips to his heaving tanned chest, hard abs and
swirling seal to the bulge in his pants that Sasuke grinded into, enjoying the
sensation and the sounds it produced from Naruto’s mouth. He was sunlit
“Sasuke…” Naruto groaned as he lifted himself up into a sitting position and
kissed Sasuke fiercely, forcing him to properly grind into him, the flush on
Sasuke’s face and the look in his eyes making him boil over in excitement.
Sasuke suddenly felt hands on the waistband of his combats and then Naruto
was cupping him through his boxers, a moan escaping his lips as he nibbled the
blonde’s ear lobe. He then felt a hand fully enclose him and begin to stroke
him hard and fast. His breathing was harsh and he felt so close to ecstasy.
Incoherent mumblings were tumbling past his mouth and he desperately wanted
to touch Naruto in the same way, who was panting at his ear, grinding himself
into his knee. Sasuke moved his hands southward down Naruto’s chest, enjoying
the softness of his skin, but just as he reached the waistband to the blonde’s
shorts, intense pleasure clouded his eyes as he reached his sudden peak, gasps
of Naruto’s name falling past his lips as the blonde shinobi stroked extra
firmly and squeezed gently, Sasuke’s forehead falling onto Naruto’s shoulder,
his breath coming out in fast pants, his entire body shuddering uncontrollably
from his release.
As he quickly recovered, he felt Naruto still breathing harshly and still
grinding into his knee in their sitting position. Sasuke nipped his ear
playfully, tweaking his nipple and reaching with his other hand to grip
Naruto’s ass firmly, making him grind harder. Naruto moaned, his head falling
back as he neared his peak.
“Dobe…” smirked Sasuke against his neck. He was surprised by how fast the
Dobe had made him peak. The real thing beat his own hand any day. But foremost,
it turned him on even more with the fact that the blonde had extracted such an
intense reaction out of him.
“Calling me ‘Dobe’ doesn’t count…when you…argh…came first…” breathed Naruto
as he clenched his eyes shut.
Sasuke sucked his collarbone, still tweaking his nipple, smirking at
Naruto’s words. He wanted to see him release desperately.
“Baka, you didn’t even give me a chance…” Sasuke breathed as he pulled
Naruto as close as possible, “…Naruto-chan…”
Naruto cried out, his eyes rolling shut, grasping Sasuke and vocalising his
name a few times as he peaked. He then collapsed against Sasuke, breathing
deeply into his shoulder, and Sasuke pulled him close, inhaling his scent. It
was so warm.
A few minutes later, they were just resting against each other on the futon,
Naruto’s head lying on Sasuke’s chest. Sasuke breathed deeply, running his
fingers through Naruto’s blonde spikes, soft to the touch, enjoying the feeling
of peace that had settled over him. He could hardly believe what had just
happened between them. Neither had said a word since, just content to lie down.
He felt Naruto move and then his eyes were locked with bright blue ones as
Naruto leaned over his face with a small smile on his face.
“Damn, I’m so happy,” he said.
The words sent an unfamiliar ache to Sasuke’s chest and he recalled Naruto’s
earlier words of wanting this to happen for so long. His own confusion came
back to him.
He knew that he lusted after his best friend, but now, he wasn’t so sure as
to say that there was nothing else: no other feelings involved. Sasuke
remembered thinking that he wouldn’t care whether or not Naruto had the same
sexual preference as him or if Naruto actually wanted him as well. To be
honest, it had come as a shock to think that Naruto had wanted him as well;
that they shared the same sexual preference. But now, just thinking of Naruto
going on a date with Sakura, of Naruto turning away and saying that this
shouldn’t have happened, sent dread through his mind and body.
They were both so alone in the world, both in their own way: both
misunderstood. Sasuke trusted Naruto with his life: the first person he had
trusted in any way since his own brother years ago. Seeing the blonde shinobi
now, his hair damp and messy, his eyes bright and joyful, and his lips swollen
from his kisses and knowing that Naruto’s touch could evoke such intense
feelings within him, such closeness, and that he could get the same
reactions out of Naruto, made Sasuke forget about all hardships that he had
been through and still had to fulfil. Naruto made him happy. Naruto understood
him. Naruto trusted him, even with the secret of the Kyuubi. Naruto made sense.
Sasuke wanted him again.
Was this…love?
He could not remember the feeling well, as his mind had been consumed by
hate and thoughts of a dark nature since his brother had taken his clan all
those years ago. His love had been forcefully ripped out.
Did Naruto deserve someone like him? Yes, Naruto was not that
innocent in the sense that he knew about the harshness of the world and the
bitter feelings people could have towards other, but he had never known the
horror of bloodshed, that redness that refused to budge from your fingers,
instead staining it. They were still only Chunin.
On missions, Sasuke had found that his thoughts drifted to Naruto numerous
times. Was he okay? Was he injured? If the Dobe acted unusually out of
character, Sasuke would know that something was wrong. He cared for him. He
looked out for him. Sasuke wanted him to be safe. And he knew that Naruto did the
same too. Were those feelings beyond friendship? Mixed with their obvious want
for each other, was that love?
Right now, Naruto’s smile sent a flutter to his heart and it made him feel
wanted. Naruto was just as alone as he was: wasn’t it something that they could
erase their loneliness together? The look in the blonde shinobi’s eyes was
telling Sasuke that he was waiting for an answer; waiting for anything that
could tell him what he was thinking.
Sasuke let a smile curl at the corners of his lips, “I’m happy too…”
He was. He was content being this close to Naruto. There was plenty of time
to sort out his feelings. Sasuke wouldn’t let Naruto go that easily. No way.
This was something not to let go off like so many times before with other
Naruto grinned, laying his head back down on Sasuke’s shoulder, who ran his
knuckles through his blonde spikes lightly, “Dobe, how…how did you know to take
a chance with kissing me?”
The younger teen flushed, mumbling into Sasuke’s neck, “Well, you can only
be sunburnt so much before you blush, Sasuke. Besides, nobody can enjoy a back
rub that much without thinking about other things…”
Sasuke tutted before suddenly flipping over,
startling Naruto who was now underneath him. Sasuke smirked, before leaning
down and brushing their lips together. A brief thought of how Naruto knew how
to treat sunburn flashed through his mind. He’d have to ask another time.
Just as Naruto was about to respond, he pulled back slightly, “Naruto, your
treatment was supposed to cool me down, not make me hotter than before.
Sasuke took pride in the fact that Naruto blushed.
He stood up, pulling Naruto up as well. He realised that it was quite late,
the moon already in the sky. He stretched and began to move away from Naruto.
“Where are you going?” Naruto asked.
Sasuke smiled to himself, his hand on the bathroom handle as he looked over
his shoulder slyly, “I’m going to shower. I’m sticky, hot and besides, my
sunburn still needs treating…”
He entered the bathroom, closing the door, smiling to himself when seconds
later, the door opened and closed again, warm breath fanning into his neck.
Neither were going to get much sleep.
Sasuke smirked to himself as Naruto sneezed for the eighth time in the space
of 5 minutes. It was the next morning and they were on the bridge waiting for
Kakashi. They hadn’t really spoken to each other in depth, except for their
usual banter.
He watched as Sakura looked at Naruto quizzically, saying, “The day that
Sasuke’s sunburn is all healed is the day that you, of all people, get a cold,
Naruto sniffled and Sasuke smirked, “The Dobe probably spent too much time
in a cold shower.”
Sakura looked slightly puzzled, completely unaware of the previous day’s
events, but Naruto immediately flushed. Sasuke laughed to himself silently as
he knew exactly why Naruto had been in a cold shower and for so long. It wasn’t
his fault that he couldn’t resist teasing the Dobe in the shower and then not
properly drying themselves because they had other needs to attend to.
Sasuke knew full well that the Kyuubi would have it healed perfectly within
a few hours, but that didn’t stop Sasuke secretly brushing Naruto’s lower back
with his hand and saying loudly, “Don’t worry, Dobe, I know the perfect way to
treat it…”
Naruto sent him a flushed look that was filled with lust, but something else
too. Sasuke was content with staring into blue eyes for a moment before Kakashi
arrived and Naruto joined in with Sakura in telling Kakashi how much of a liar
he was.
Mission details were quickly given and as Kakashi and Sakura led the way to
the front gates of Konoha, Sasuke following behind them, he suddenly felt his
hand being enclosed by another warm one. Turning his gaze to look at Naruto’s
hopeful face, he saw blue eyes swimming with unspoken words.
It really meant something, right?
Sasuke flushed slightly, looking away somewhat embarrassed, feeling Naruto
squeezing his fingers in their grip.
But he squeezed Naruto’s hand back tightly, knowing that Naruto understood
the meaning behind the contact and all that he felt, before they separated,
walking side by side behind their sensei and their other team-mate, their
fingers brushing occasionally, warm smiles with secret meanings on their faces.
It's finished!!! So, what do you think? This fanfic
went beyond my expectations for it. Thanks, and please tell me what you think
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