Nature Mage | By : Blackkitten23 Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 7790 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any anime OR anything and I don't make a profit off of my stories |
(I'm thinking)
"I'm speaking"
"Demon / summon / ghost speaking"
(Demon / summon / ghost thinking)
/Author's comments;
Last time:
"... yes I do" Minato gulped at the devilish grin that spread across his childhood friend's face ... he instantly regretted asking ...
It didn't matter how much he glared at that stupid calendar, the date just would't change! Sadly that meant Naruto's birthday was on the day of the finals ... and the invasion ...
Minato pouted and traced the stone in his necklace "it's not fair ..."
Kushina tapped Minato on the shoulder "ready to go? Hey, what's wrong?"
"Naruto's birthday lands on the day of the finals" sighed Minato as he turned away from the calendar.
The red head frowned, but then smirked "just celebrate the day before and stay up late" she said with a suggestive wink making the blonde blush "Oh, here's my present for Naruto, you're supposed to wear it for him and only that ... well, your necklace can be worn too" she handed her friend a small bag.
The hokage takes the bag and looks in "ok, what is-" he snaps the bag shut and his entire body turns red "please tell me you're not serious" he whimpers.
"yes ... yes I am" she said seriously before grinning "ok, time to go visit our jailbird. The others are outside, lets go"
The five Namikazes went to the lower level of Danzo's headquarters. After signing in they were escorted to Mito's cell.
"Daddy!" the teen ran up to the bars of her cell "can I go home now?" she whined.
Minato shook his head "no honey, we only came to wish you a happy birthday, but-"
Mito smiled "yay, what do I get?!"
Kushina shook her head "Mito, we didn't get you any presents since you're in prison ..."
"what? why not? I want presents" she pouted. Her brothers all sighed as they endured her sulking.
"if you behaved then you would get presents" said Minato
The jailbird glared, opened her mouth and out came a tantrum ...
Naruto stepped out of the kitchen when he heard the door slam and saw Minato "hey, I was going to make some lunch, want some?- what happened with Mito?"
The blonde sighed and shook his head "is it that obvious something happened?" Naruto nodded and the hokage sighed "do you think it was reasonable to not get her presents this year?"
"presents even on a birthday should be for good behavior and she's not in prison for good behavior. I take it she flipped out" deduced the mage.
"yes, damn my head hurts from her screaming. She used to be so sweet ... or was it always an act?" groaned the hokage as he sat down at the table not realizing he set Kushina's present down too.
The magic user came up behind the blonde's seat so he could massage Minato's shoulders, an action that earned him a soft moan "I don't think it was always an act ... she used to be the only reason I came back to your compound as a kid"
"really? ahh there" Minato moaned as Naruto started working out a bad knot.
"yeah, she used to play with me and I would make golems to play with her too. Her favorite game was the bubble game, but she hasn't even brought that up since she was five. Then she started acting like you guys and I couldn't take it, so I left" Naruto pinned the blonde to the chair before he start his usual fussing fit whenever this subject came up "don't start Minato, it was a long time ago"
Minato pouted "that doesn't mean I don't feel bad about it"
Naruto smiled "I know" he leaned over to capture the blonde's lips with his own. The kiss was sweet and made the blonde moan. As Naruto pulled back, which earned a whimper from Minato, the mage saw the bag Minato set on the table "hey Minato what's this?" he picked up the bag.
"Nothing! I-It's nothing!" exclaimed a blushing blonde who snatched the package before Naruto could see what was inside and ran off to hide it.
The puzzled mage blinked "what was that about?"
3 weeks later ...
After leaving his clones to do the paperwork Minato went home and started planning the dinner he was making for Naruto.
"lets see ... Naruto's favorite meal is risotto hmm ... good I have everything for that. Now what for dessert ... a coconut cake?" Minato couldn't stop himself from blushing. Anything coconut related reminds him of their first time together ... he still has the maid outfit "yeah that will be good ... Naruto won't be back from training in a few hours so I'll start with the cake"
It didn't take long to get everything together and start baking. Minato grabbed his pink apron and mixed the ingredients together for a chocolate coconut cake. As the cake was baking he started dinner. Now that the dinner was almost ready, the table was set and the cake was decorated with coconut shavings and a drizzle of chocolate ... one last thing to do, get Kushina's present ...
Minato groaned as he unsealed the gift "why do I keep asking her for help when I know she's a pervert?" he pulled out the bag and opened it ...
Naruto entered his home and smiled as he smelled delicious aromas coming from the kitchen "hey Minato I'm home"
"dinner will be done ... i-in a minute" called the blonde from the kitchen.
"alright I'll take a quick shower" he headed upstairs and turned on the water. As he pulled off his pants something fell out "oh right I forgot about this" he said as he picked up the rectangular device ...
Flaskback 2 hours earlier
"hey Naruto"
The mage looked up and saw Kushina coming towards him "Hi Kushina, what's up?"
Kushina smiled "I know it's early, but I got you a birthday present!-oh you're not doing your training right before the exam, are you?" she asked as she handed him the device.
"no, I'm just doing a light warm up and tweaking some spells, what's this ... a remote?" he said as he took a close look at the device "thank you, what does it go to?"
"after dessert turn it on and play with the settings and you'll see" was the red head's cryptic reply.
Flashback Over
"I guess I'll know soon" said Naruto with a shrug as he set the remote next to the sink and took his shower. A few minutes later he came downstairs dressed in some civilian clothes and went into the dinning room "Wow ... everything looks ... great" but Naruto wasn't looking at the lit candles flickering on the table ... or the platters of delicious smelling food ... or the amazing cake ... he was staring at the sexy little blonde who was wearing his necklace and a lacy black see through babydoll. The babydoll was worn like a robe, but instead of ropes holding the front together it was a white bow ... the kind you put on a present. The black panties Minato was wearing could easily be seen because the baby doll flared out in front and was barely long enough to cover his butt.
Minato blushed at the way his lover was staring at him "ready to eat Naruto?"
Naruto was having a hard time focusing "y-yeah ... Minato what's the o-occasion?"
"well your birthday lands on the invasion so I-I figured we could celebrate tonight" the blonde said shyly.
The magic user nodded dumbly "I-I see ... ok" he stepped forward and placed his hands on the blonde's hips and kissed him.
A gasp slipped past Minato's lips as he felt Naruto's hands move up towards the bow and he swatted the mage's hand away "presents are opened after dessert"
"right ..." the mage smiled and kissed Minato again before sitting down at the table. Minato shivered as he set up a plate of food for his lover. He could feel Naruto's gaze on him ... exploring his bare legs ... examining his outfit and trying to strip him where stood. It was all Minato could do to keep himself from straddling the mage and impaling himself on that thick hot cock.
The blonde turned and set a plate of food in front of Naruto and himself "I hope you like it"
A morsel found its way onto the fork and into the mage's mouth "it's delicious" said Naruto making the blonde smile. They ate their meal in peace, but Naruto was really hoping dessert would be done soon.
(Yay! Naruto likes everything so far ... I hope he finishes quickly, I-I can't handle having that thing in me much longer) Minato whimpered as he felt the large egg shaped toy massage his insides (Kushina you're a pervert for putting this thing in that bag) he set a plate with a slice of cake in front of Naruto and took a slice for himself. The cake was amazing, but he couldn't take it an more, he needed Naruto! "Naruto please I want-ahhhhhh" when Minato straddled his lover he hit the remote in Naruto's pocket.
Naruto was stunned when the blonde suddenly started moaning, but then he heard a buzzing sound and remembered the remote in his pocket "no way" he picked up Minato and tossed him on their bed before pulling out the remote.
"N-Naruto ahhh what are- ahhh oh ooh god" Minato back arched off the bed as the vibrations changed. Naruto just watched as his sexy lover was reduced to a flushed moaning mess, Minato was so lost in lust that he didn't even realized that he pulled down his panties to play with himself. The mage licked his lips as he saw Minato cum splashing seed onto himself.
Minato screamed as Naruto grabbed the end of the toy and began thrusting it in and out. The mage pulled off the bow and took a pink nipple into his mouth earning delicious whimpers and moans from the blonde. Minato clawed at the sheets ... his back arched and he screamed as he reached his second release. A whimper escaped the limp blonde as the long vibrator was pulled out of him, but he wasn't empty for long. Minato looked up and saw his lover naked and on top of him ... that's what he wants ...
"ahhh ahhhh yes yes" moaned the cute blonde as Naruto pushed into his tight ass and fucked him so hard he knew he'd feel it tomorrow, but he didn't care. His screams became louder as Naruto pumped his weeping erection in time with the powerful thrusts ... he thrashed wildly ... his toes curled and he came hard. Naruto groaned and poured his hot cum into Minato making the blonde whimper.
As Naruto laid next to him the playful blonde decided he wanted more ... the mage gasped as Minato took his limp cock in his mouth and sucked "fuck Minato ahhh" groaned Naruto as the blonde brought him back to full arousal. The horny blonde straddled his lover and lowered himself onto the hot erection. Minato was practically bouncing on the large cock enjoying the amazing friction. Naruto grabbed Minato's hips with a bruising grip and bucked upwards pounding even deeper into that tight ass drilling into that sweet spot without mercy. The blonde threw his head back in a silent scream as he came again coating himself and Naruto in his seed. Minato mewled as his ass was pumped full of cum again and it poured down his legs as he collapsed on to Naruto.
"Happy ... Birthday ... Naruto, I love you" panted a breathless Minato as he nuzzled the mage's chest.
"I ... love you ... Minato" panted Naruto as he gently wrapped his arms around the blonde.
The next morning ...
"hokage-sama, are you alright?" asked the Kazekage when he saw Minato wince as he took his seat in the kage booth.
"yes I'm fine, time for the finals to start" said the hokage to the man he knew was the snake sage.
An unsuspecting Orochimaru smirked as Genma walked down into the arena and explained the rules before announcing the opponents for the first round "Sasuke vs Neji ... This should be an interesting match up"
Kankuro watched the match between the Uchiha and Hyuga "wow they're pretty good ... hey Gaara are the circles around your eyes darker again? Have you been having trouble sleeping?-ow"
Temari swatted her brother on the back of the head "it would be strange if people saw Gaara's health improving so I applied a little make up, now be quiet" she hissed making the puppet user shrink in fear.
"this is nice" said Shukaku from deep inside Gaara's mind "if I knew the hokage could seal like this I would've made you come here sooner"
The red head nodded (I agree, but things will get even easier when we ask Naruto to apply that rune the hokage mentioned)
"once we're done pretending to be enemies we have to do that ... why is your brother sulking now?"
(cause Temari let me have some make up and not him)
"why would he care?"
(he tried burrowing her make up once to fix his war paint. Guess he preferred it, but she won't let him have any more)
"ah ha I knew he was gay!"
(how could you not know? Kankuro is the only one who doesn't seem to know) mentally countered the red head, but Shukaku was too busy making a note of this to hear him. Apparently he has a running bet with Kurama on Kankuro's sexuality and Shukaku won, but Gaara suspects Kurama won the bet that Kiba will fall for a Sand shinobi ... he noticed the way his brother has been watching the dog nin.
"looks like the Uchiha won, but just barely" said Temari gaining her youngest brother's attention.
Kankuro frowned "I'm next ... under different circumstances I would forfeit" so Kankuro raised his hand and told the proctor he forfeits. He didn't want to, but he had to keep up appearances. Hinata didn't look happy about it either, but what could she do?
Gaara frowned "I'm next"
"remember to be mean and emo like"
Naruto made his way down to the stadium and stood across from Gaara. He couldn't resist shooting a teasing smile at his lover who was glaring protectively again ...
Genma nibbled at his senbon "ok, Naruto are you ready?" the magic user nodded "Gaara are you ready?" the red head said nothing, just glared "very well ... Begin!"
A giant hand made of sand shot out of the gourd ...
Kakashi eye smiled as he saw Naruto summon six lava golems and ten water golems to block the sand (he's already making reinforcements, that's good)
"I haven't seen Naruto's golems before. Truly impressive my youthful rival!" yelled Gai
Asuma nodded "the kid's good ... is it going to rain?" the Sarutobi looked up at the dark gray clouds approaching coming towards them.
"hmmm looks like he mastered that" said Kakashi as he looked at the clouds rolling in.
Kurenai raised an eyebrow "mastered what?"
"a wide range spell that should help cut down any trouble later"
Ino turned painfully in her seat "what do you mean Kakashi-sensei?"
"you'll see" chirped the silvered haired jonin making the Yamanaka pout.
Sai tapped his finger to his chin in thought "if a woman going after a younger guy is a cougar, what do you called a guy dating a younger person"
"a lucky son of a bitch" said Kurenai as her fellow jonin nodded in agreement.
In the stadium Gaara made a sphere of sand around him "it's time" said Kakashi as his student's golem extended its molten arm several feet to pierce the orb of sand ... Gaara screamed ... the invasion began.
The Kazekage jumped onto the roof with the Hokage after him "my ninja are invading your village, they will kill all of you"
"this is a surprise" said the blonde sarcastically.
"ha ha I know and here another surprise" he threw off the robes and started picking his face "damn it's stuck, one sec" Minato sweat dropped as the sage tried to peel off the kazekage's face ... with great difficulty ... 3 minutes and several curses later the face was gone "it is I, Orochimaru"
"yeah ... I'm really really shocked" the hokage remarked, dripping with sarcasm. The blonde looked down in the stadium where Gaara was perfectly fine and all the Sand ninja were fighting side by side with the Leaf ninja. The wind from the storm wrapped around any defenseless civilians and whisked to them safety as the lightening took out multiple Sound ninja. Minato looked out of the corner of his eye at the snake sage who was so shocked that his jaw was resting on his feet.
"how'd you know?!" yelled the snake sage.
(a boyfriend who sees the future) thought Minato "besides the fact that you attacked some genin in the Forest of Death, you also gave a check to a dentist for three temporary crowns which you signed 'Orochimaru Snake Sage, I will invade Konoha!' with a smiling snake doddle"
"fucking laughing gas! ... no matter" he snapped his fingers and eight henchmen appeared and made purple barrier trapping Minato and himself inside ...
A purple box appeared on the roof of the Kage booth and it concerned Naruto "that can't be good ... I better go-" he kicked a sound nin in the gut as the idiot charged him.
"Naruto I'll help Minato, you activate your spell" said Momo as she flew away.
"thanks Mom, now ..." he closed his eyes "Drifting Rainwater"
Rain poured from the sky and one by on each sound nin became dizzy before collapsing ...
"whoa what's going on?" exclaimed a cloaked ninja.
"my spell warps the mind of anyone who touches the water. If some intends to cause harm agaist a Leaf or Sand ninja their minds will temporarily go to sleep. You're looking good for a dead guy Hayate" smirked the mage. Hayate laughed and cut down another dizzy sound nin as Naruto trapped six others in orbs of water.
Minato dodged to strike from the Third hokage's staff "this isn't good" he flashed out of the way of a huge tree as it shot out of the ground. He threw out several of his kunai and prepared to seal the the three undead hokages.
Tobirama charged forward and would hit Minato if an invisible force didn't knock the second hokage away "well that was fun" said Momo as she possessed Tobirama's body easily overriding Orochimaru's control "how are you Minato? Hanging in there?"
"Momo? thanks for the help"
"no problem, screwed up history or not I refuse to let someone my son cares about leave before their time. Now lets send these guys back to the afterlife" she used Tobirama's speed to trap Hiruzen allowing Minato to seal him. Hashirama was more difficult, butwith the help of the spirit it was easy to seal him away, even Tobirama after Momo left his body so she wouldn't be sealed too.
Orochimaru growled "I'm not going to lose! I'll blow up the evacuation site if you try anything else" yelled the desperate snake sage.
"go ahead it won't hurt anyone now" said the blonde. The snake sage screamed as his skin ripped away revealing his true form ... a giant white snake. Minato made a Rasengan and slammed it into the snake's gut leaving it limp and lifeless ...
"that was anti-climaxtic" said Momo, but then she noticed Minato wasn't moving "oh no"
Inside Minato's Mind
"what's going on? I can't move" gasped Minato as he tried to move away from the strange scaly ropes binding him.
"don't bother moving" Minato looked up and saw Orochimaru smirking at him "I have control of your body, you're helplees- what's so funny?"
Minato chuckled "this was your dumbest idea yet. after all, we're inside my mind and my lover is just as protective as I am" the second those words left Minato's mouth his necklace began glowing and expelled the snake from the blonde's mind.
Outside Minato's Mind
The exhausted hokage looked down at the lump of flesh that was once Orochimaru and shook his head in shame before leaving for the flying island to check on the villagers ... and of course, his beloved.
"Yes! Everyone is ok!" yelled Kushina as she watched the water mirror that Naruto set up on the island. She saw both Naruto and Minato vanished so they must be on the island. The red head left to find them as her sons started helping the villagers back to their homes since the invasion was over.
The two lovers were a ways away, but even at that distance she could tell they were both tired. She was about to wave when she saw her friend Teuchi walk towards the couple.
As Teuchi came close Kushina saw Naruto turn to greet him, but instead of saying hello Teuchi pulled out a sword ...
It was like everything was in slow motion, but she couldn't move ... Kushina saw Teuchi slash Naruto across the gut before pulling the blade back and plunging it into the mage's chest ...
The blade went through Naruto's body and into Minato's neck ...
She screamed ... her chains erupted from her back and wrapped around the ramen chef ...
When Teuchi was slammed into the ground he burst into smoke ... it was a henge and when it was gone there was only Jiraiya left ...
Several angry anbu grabbed the toad sage and chained him up ...
Kushina followed the team of medics who took Naruto and Minato away ...
Minato was only bleeding slightly from under his necklace and looked fine, but Naruto ... it was bad, the sword cleaved him open and went right through his heart ...
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