Another Time | By : KiraIsJudgement Category: Naruto Crossovers > General Views: 1602 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the animes Naruto or Deathnote and do not own any of the characters from the show including Gaara, hinata, naruto, kiba, ino, shikamaru, Light, L, Misa, Kagome or Bonkosku. I make no money from th |
Partners “W-what are you doing?” Hinata squeaked and nearly dropped her keys as Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around her back, supporting her tightly. He took the keys and unlocked the door, offering no explanation for his uncharacteristly tentative behavior. She stared at his cool expression, confused, as he guided her across the threshold. Once inside the automatic lights of the foyer lit the room and adjoining hall, causing Hinata to squint at the evading light. Her eyes had adjusted well to the dark, having her truck’s failing dome light as her only source of light for the last several hours. She instinctively sought refuge for her eyes, still sore from the earlier breakdown, by burying her face into the side of the hard chest of the tall man holding her. Sesshomaru tensed as she snuggled into him, sending her into a panic. Oh, Shit. What the hell am I doing? She slowly pulled away and forced her eyes open. The hunting look he gave left her breathless. He was staring at her deeply, conveying so much, little of which she understood. It was the first time she had ever seen him drop the ice cold mask and show some warmth. Heat blushed over her and she tied to step out of his grip, but he held on tight. Before she could voice her objections to their intimidate pose he nudged her, coaxing her to start walking. She silently obliged, following him blindly to the staircase. “Can you make it up the stairs?” He wrapped his arm tighter, offering even more support as he prepared to help keep balance. “Stairs?” Why would he take me upstairs? “I think it would be better if I just went to bed.” He quirked an eye brow and gave her the strangest of confused looks. “Aren’t most master bedrooms on the second story?” Master bedroom? Oh, Light’s room. He thought she was sharing a room with Light. Of course he would and should think that. Most couples living together would share the master. Her face turned bright red once again, only after barely cooling from the last time. This time not because of silly girly feelings, but of complete embarrassment to announce her strange living situation with the man she loved so. “Well, yeah, the master is upstairs. But I don’t… we don’t… I have my own room,” she whispered the confession so quietly she wasn’t even sure he caught all of it. “Okay. But it is still upstairs right?” The tone of his voice was one a father gave a child when disguising a command as a question. Letting her know that if the answer was anything other then a ‘yes’ he wouldn’t be pleased. The stairs again. That also made sense. All of the other bedrooms were also upstairs. All, but one, and she had a feeling that he knew. She closed her eyes tightly and blanched out, “Downstairs!” Why she practically yelled the embarrassing fact, she wasn’t sure. Now she waited for the look of disgust or pity that she would have for anyone in her position. The downstairs bedroom. The homes of this caliber built during the time this one was constructed had only one bedroom downstairs. It was for the help. Normally located close to the kitchen, a small room and wash room was made for a butler, maid, or live-in nanny to easily go about their duties without interrupting to masters of the home. All of the family members and guests would stay in the larger rooms upstairs. Even though Sesshomaru had a newer flat was built after this practiced died out, due to live-in help becoming outdated, he seemed high class enough to know what this room was for. And by the way he had asked her if her room was upstairs, she was sure he had already guessed what she was getting at. Hinata stared at the floor, waiting for the rejection to come, but it never did. Still, she refused to look up. After a few moments of tense anticipation, he started moving her again, this time away from the stairwell and towards the kitchen. They rounded the corner into the large open kitchen, and she pointed to the plain, closed door, just past the kitchen island. If someone hadn’t known that bedrooms were built in kitchen areas, they probably would have guessed it to be a broom closet. He walked her to the door, and let them in. Once inside she pulled away from his grasp and hobbled over to her twin sized bed, flopping down. She waited there, fiddling her hands in her lap, waiting for him to leave, but he didn’t. Instead he crossed he room and entered her bathroom. She glared at him. What is he doing waltzing around like he owns the place? He had done more than enough. Right now all she wanted was go to bed. She was cold, dirty, and in pain. She leaned over and carefully pulled off her shoes. “Here.” He held a hand out for her. God, he was sneaky. She thought he was still in the bathroom. “Come on. You’re filthy.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. Hinata was about to throw a fit about the insult when she realized he was right. She had a strange collection of dirt, leaves, and nasty black car stuff smeared in camouflage like patches all over her. It wasn’t until she allowed herself to be lifted up that she heard the running water from her shower. A hot shower sound really good. Sesshomaru escorted her into the bathroom and shut the down behind her. At least he didn’t want to help her with that as well. Having him wash her body would just be awful… right? Hinata stripped and careful moved under the relaxing stream of hot water. Much better… **************************** Sesshomaru stepped out of the young girl’s bedroom and surveyed the home. It was very much how he would expect Light’s home to look like. Clean, organized, tastefully decorated. Boring. Well, when in Rome… Wouldn’t it be a shame to give up such an opportunity to take a peek around when Light wasn’t at home? Now if I where Light, where would my office be? Sesshomaru gracefully climbed the stairs to the second story and began checking each room down the hall. He found several guest rooms, all of which were larger then the maids quarters that Light made his girlfriend live in. He also located the exercise room full of strange looking machines that took a manual just to figure out where your body parts went. Not like Sesshomaru’s gym equipment. He stuck with the traditional bench press and dumbbells. These machines just looked painful. He stopped and gave a quick, thorough search when he found the master bedroom. Finding nothing but too many expensive suits and a few other personal items, he left. The office was one of the last rooms down the hall. It was one of the smallest he had come across so far. Very functional. No decorating wasted on this space. There was a large oak desk, file cabinet, and large reading chair in the corner next to small bookcase. Other then that, and a bunch of little office like stuff, the room was pretty bare. It was obvious that Light didn’t invite people into here, this room was just for him. It hadn’t been dressed to impress like the rest of the house. Sesshomaru put to work all of his training and began searching for important objects. He occasionally had jobs where he had to bring back objects or info, and his father had trained him how to quickly scan through large amount of items and pick out the ones of interest. It didn’t take long to realize that even though Light intended to keep everything in his office private, he was still smart enough not to leave out incriminated evidence. Sesshomaru found nothing useful. He put everything back how he found it, and was about to leave when a scrap paper sitting on top on the waste basket caught his eye. He snatched it out of the trash and uncrumpled it. There were many random looking numbers, followed by phone numbers, and then names. Numbers were crossed out, names scribbled over, and random little notes jotted down everywhere. It was a worksheet. And Sesshomaru knew exactly what Light was trying to work through. The random numbers on the paper was the basic code he used to disguise the names of people in his contact list. The phone numbers belonged to those people. They were the names of all the cops that had been killed in the last week. His stomach turned and fury raced through him. That prick used his phone’s microchip, hacked into his contact list, then killed all of his moles. Sesshomaru had been worried about this every since he left his shirt in Hinata’s truck. He didn’t want to believe that this happened because he messed up. That it wasn’t true, but the fucker actually did it. Light was a dead man. Sesshomaru took several pictures of the list using his phone and replaced the paper back in the trash. He would go over his new info with his father in the morning, and they would decide where to go from there. He went back down to Hinata’s door and paused, listening the unmistakable sounds of a clumsy girl getting dressed. She must be done with her shower. I wonder if she think’s I’ve left? The best thing for him to now would be to leave. After the proof he now had that Light was as untrustworthy as they had thought, the last thing he should do is become close his girlfriend. The possibility was high that he might end up having her as a target. So becoming friendly with a future target was not a good idea, but he should at least say good-bye, right? Sesshomaru raised his hand to knock, but the door opened. The dipping wet, thin girl, in a oversized kitty shirt that was vaguely familiar, flinched and braced herself at one look at the fist posed to knock. She acted like a dog that got kicked a lot, and the reflex wasn’t missed by Sesshomaru’s trained eyes. He slowly lowered his hand. For the first time he could remember, Sesshomaru felt pity for someone. He didn’t like that at all. “Why do you stay with him?” He couldn’t help asking. Normally he did a very good job of not getting into other people personal business. In fact he made a point to avoid it at all costs. But the situation this nice girl had gotten herself in didn’t make sense. He just had to know. Hinata quickly gave him a death glare and opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out. Turning timid, she leaned against door frame for support and began to avoid eye contact. If she thought she was going to get away without answering him, she was dearly mistaken. He would not pretend like his question didn’t deserve an answer. So he asked again, “Why?” She looked at him again, this time her eyes were full of sadness. Sighing deeply, she spoke, “Because he’s all I have.” “That can’t be true.” Sesshomaru stated that as matter of factly as he could, trying to keep emotion out of his statement. The last thing he needed was to be thought of as a softy by the enemy’s woman. “Well, I used to have a family, but it changed. There’s no room for me anymore. And Light takes care of me. He really does. He took me in. He provides for me. And he loves me. It’s just that his dad’s death has been really hard, and his under a lot of stress at work… but he loves me. One day, when everything is settled, he’ll marry me and… well…” What started off as a energized preaching of how great her boyfriend is, was beginning to slow and turn very thoughtful. Who is she trying to convince? Me? Or herself? “Tell me, who exactly are you lying to? There is a reason you are with him, and it’s not because you are stupid. Or is it?” She gave him a pouty face before turning her back to him facing into her room. Why did he care about this? About her? Why did it bother him so much? Was it because of her unbiased kindness? Was it because she never asked for anything in return? Because she cared? He stepped in closer until her back was against his chest. She tensed a little, but didn’t step anyway. He wrapped an arm around her collar bone and pulled her into him, careful to not touch her ungentlemanly like. This was not about copping a feel. He just needed to have her so close he could feel her ragged sharp breaths and heart thumping wildly. “Hinata,” he whispered into her ear causing her to shiver in response, “Do you want to be with him?” ******************** Light slowly sat up and hit the off button on the hotel alarm clock that was annoyingly beeping at him. As much as he would love to lay here all day, he had a big day in front of him. He’d got the call last night from Bankotsu saying that the hit had been completed without complications. Now it was time for him to put on the act of an angered detective and close friend to the deceased. It was time to play with Ryuuzaki. He dragged his feet to the ground and went to stand up when slender fingers grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down. “Come back to bed,” the fair completion girl, with long glossy black hair said. “If you go in too early it will raise suspicion. Wait for them to call you.” It was true that Light rarely went in early. Even though he couldn’t wait to start playing the next phase of his game with Ryuuzaki, it probably would set of some bells and whistles if he showed up too early. His lover was right. She normally was. That was why he had chosen her to be his true confidant. She was beautiful, young, strong-willed, intelligent, cunning, and driven. He could tell her anything and she would help him with his plans. Not because she cared, though he liked to believe she did somewhat. She helped him because his goals co-insided with hers. She was openly using him. He knew that and excepted it, because in many ways he was using her. They had formed a strong trust in this strange pact. One that border-lined love. One day, when they reached their goals of power, he would have to kill her. Because if he didn’t, he was sure she would kill him. The idea that they might decide to stay partnered together was nice, but just not realistic for them, and they both knew it. Until then, he would continue to enjoy her warm perfect body. This must be how a male Black Widow feels. Blissfully mating with a high chance of death. “Well, I am already up. What shall I do to occupy myself for the next couple of hours?” He smiled devilishly towards the woman. “I’m sure I can think of something.” She pulled the blanket over her head as she placed warm lips to his chest, slowing kissing her way to his groin. He couldn’t help but hiss as she wrapped her hot tongue around his stiffing cock, “Kikyo…” **************************** Gaara had at least gotten a couple hours of sleep last night. He was able to compose himself and didn’t look like a hobo today. That was a definite improvement over yesterday. Good, cause after the phone call he just received, he needed his wits about him today. He had been woken up by Nikki, the woman in charge of the prostitution side of the business. She sounded scared and pissed, rambling something about a murder. Murder wasn’t uncommon in their world, and Nicki was normally very composed, but this had her frightened. She was sure the death of one of her girls wasn’t the normal customer-going-crazy-murder, like she normally had to deal with, but a message. Johns, as men looking of a lady of the night are commonly called, don’t snipe hookers. Nor leave them completely dressed with money still on them. Nikki was right. This was a message. One that Gaara knew only had two responses he could send in return. Taxes, with a proper late fee. Or a, fuck you and prepare for blood. He already knew what he was going to do, but he had to talk with someone first. Someone that had not too long ago retired from their gang. Gaara normally didn’t let people abandoned his family, but Shikamaru was different. Shikamaru had lived in the house with Gaara before Sasuke moved in. He was a brilliant man who’s ideas made Gaara’s inspirations possible. But he wasn’t driven and didn’t desire the same things in that the rest of the gang did. He just wanted to have a simple life and the chance to raise a family. So when he came to Gaara saying he’d found a woman crazy enough to marry him and that was going to be a dad, the Bakuto leader granted his leave. He couldn’t find it in himself to make a true comrade give up a real family for the one they had created. But that wasn’t going to stop Gaara from asking the most ingenious man he knew for some strategy help. He dressed quickly and quietly. He didn’t want to wake anyone up on his way out. That shouldn’t be a problem. Everyone else lived upstairs and no one started stirring until eight, and it was still six. He pulled up his boots and slid on his army jacket, taking a quick second to make sure his hair spiked in the right way before leaving his room. He still couldn’t believe he let himself leave the house looking as fucked up as he did yesterday. Why did the whole Naruto thing bug him? Didn’t really matter. Now was not the time to think through pointless confusing shit like that. Gaara quickly pulled his door shut and walked down the dark hall towards the front door. As soon as he stepped into the living room, the light flicked on. Naruto was standing at the light switch right in front of him, half asleep. He wore nothing but a pair neon orange boxers that were just too bright to be looking at first thing in the morning. “Hey,” the blond mumbled, looking not surprised to almost run into his friend. “What are you doing up?” Gaara asked, still shocked to see Naruto up so early. Up this late after partying all night, maybe, but he’d never seen his friend wake up before nine. “You kept running off yesterday. We need to talk.” The blond rubbed his eyes, still trying to wake up. “You woke up this early to talk?” Gaara narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Yeah. Uh, can we? You know… talk?” Naruto shrugged and pointed towards the couch. “No. I have somewhere to go.” Gaara tried to shove past the blond, but the larger man stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. Gaara was about to knocked his sleepy friend on his ass, but the look Naruto was giving him made his heart melt. He looked so damn sad, like he was going to cry. Gaara sighed and rubbed his temples. He really didn’t have the time or desire to deal with this right now, but he couldn’t leave Naruto alone to feel abandoned. “You got five minutes. Go get dressed and meet me outside if you’re coming.” Naruto brightened up quickly, smiling ear to ear, then run up the stairs and to his room. Gaara shook his head at the ruckus the blond was making. He was going to wake up the whole house. Idiot. He went outside and started warming up the car. It was getting colder with every morning, and in a month and it would be freezing out this early. It didn’t take more then three minutes for a slapped together Naruto to join Gaara in his car. They pulled out and headed to the quieter suburbs where Shikamaru had bought a small house to raise his family. “So, where’re we going?” Naruto asked as his stared out his window. “Shikamaru’s.” Gaara tried to kept answers short. He didn’t want to get suckered into talking about things right now. “Oh, wow. Haven’t seen him in, like forever.” The blond smiled at the mention of their long lost brother, then his smile faded when he realized their were few reasons that they bothered Shikamaru for, and none of them were good. “What happened?” “I’ll explain when we get there. Right now I need to think.” Gaara hoped that would put a end to the conversation. “Okay, sure.” Naruto rolled down his window, blasting the inside of the car with a strong chill, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “Can I?” Gaara rolled his eyes, but shocked his head yes, and Naruto lit up. Blowing big puffs out the window, he point to the east. “Look. Pretty ain’t it?” Naruto smile whimsically at the sky. The sun was just peaking out over the top of houses and power line poles. Rays of light captured in the lazy clouds floating in the sky, turning the sky into a fiery blaze of reds and pinks. “Yeah. It is.” Gaara smiled. He was so used to sun rises, that he’d forgotten to look at them. Leave it to Naruto to point of something so beautiful that he’d been stupidly overlooking.
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