A sad life deserves more | By : Zendura Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 7067 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Well hear it is! THE PRELIMS!!! It took a little creative
thinking for some of the fight scenes but I trudged through it. I hope you all
enjoy the prelims as I have written them and next chapter should be fun!
Updates have been kind of on rapid fire lately, but I want to say it may slow
down at one point or another. Now on to answering my reviews!
Cre A. Tor00x: I take it your referring to the Anko/Miko
scene. I'll have to tell you that sort of thing was hard to write but it seemed
like the perfect way for the two to do things. That's not to say they'll be
doing it that way every time it just fit and I wanted to try and write it. I'm
just glad people liked it.
Kage Husha: Thanks. As I told Cre the bondage scene was hard
to write but it was something I wanted to try. Some people liked it while
others didn't. I can't wait till I explore some other sexual things that aren't
acceptable to the norm. There is one in particular that I'm expecting to get
buried in 'OMFG' and "WTF'!
Death's Leprechaun: Thanks!
randoom reader: Hummm Shika is kind of on the fence on that
one. I added him because he's my third favorite character. While he will be
getting some loving it's just a matter of who.
youko-love: Thanks I try! Now it blanked out the site you
mentioned. Did you mean A F F? or M M? If so then yes I am their. I'm not on T
O N F A because they have rules about stuff along the lines of Anko/Naruto. You
know the age thing. My next fic will be on all four, F F, A F F, M M, and T O N
F A. As for Neji we'll see. I can tell you now Shika wont be paired with Neji.
I'm not against Yaoi in any way, but if I do a Yaoi pairing in this it will be
a certain two.
Anttolas: Thanks!
Dragon Man 180: I might do an extended scene one shot on the
side for that like my alternate ritual one shot on A F F. I always see Anko
being the dominate one so whated to do something differant. As for Hina vs Neji
it's in this chapter so read and find out.
Sigtrygg: Well this chapter is my longest yet so there goes
your new 'compliant'! You'll see some Hokage Vs Council in later chapters so
don't worry! I'm glad you brought it up though, I had just been putting off the
confrontation till later.
Brian Darksoul: Glad to see you this time! As for Sakura
well you'll see. Hope you like the new chap!
jbj195: Thanks! I gots lots more to write!
Gavin McBaine: Thank you, I also really don't read the
pointless sex stories. I mean if you read one of them it's like you read them
all. The plot is very important to me so I try and focus on that but I won't
shy away from a well placed lemon. It's a part of life and surprisingly fun to
write when the plot makes it work. As for Beta's um I'm kind of hesitant on it
but I might give in and start using one soon.
Spiritwolf30: Well I'm sorry you didn't like it that much
but am glad you told me politely : ) As for Shika joining them, Miko wanted him
for improving the actual clan, not her fun time. In this aspect she's showing
that she is serious about reconstructing a strong clan and not just a family of
debauchery, Although the debauchery is still fun!
darkness realm: Thanks I'm glad you like my story. And so
you know I am on F F and I do have over 100 reviews there. I enjoy a well
writen yao every now and then but am mostly looking for anything that's well
written with Haku or Anko as main characters. I have yet to see a Haku/Anko fic
and am tempted sorely to do it in my next fic after this!
Chaoswizkid: My goal is to match Training for the Job. It
has to be one of the best Naruto epics I have ever read. I was truly saddened
when the author stopped. I'm glad your on the band wagon know! We're in for one
long trip!
Soul of the Phoenix: I know that sort of thing isn't
everyones cup of tea. As for Temari you're really pushing for her to join
aren't you! While Naru/Tam is one of my Fav pairings I'm not sure it'll fit.
We'll see.
Anko stood their playing with her new accessory. Miko had
gotten her a leather collar for during their fun time but Anko saw no real
reason to remove it. The Hokage was going on and on about the will of fire or
some such crap. She had heard this speech like a thousand times as the examiner
of the second part. When her fingers passed a tattoo on her neck, she felt
herself fill with a warm glow. When she had woken up the morning after their
talk with the Hokage, Miko showed her the mark of their union and had explained
that they had in essence just got married. After she got over her shock she
decided they needed a honeymoon. They did not leave the apartment for the day.
Some of the their time was spent talking or eating but eventually it lead back
to other activities. The mark was a brilliant white snowflake surrounded in a
purple and green flame. She couldn't believe the detail in it for something
that appeared over night, and didn't think she could have chosen a better
image. It signified them so well.
She then thought of what she had been doing the other two
days. Miko had taught her the illusion to hide the fox features that Anko had
developed even though she was tempted to just say fuck it. She was proud of her
new heritage, she finally felt like she belonged. It has been so long since she
has felt that way she had forgotten how good it felt. That and she loved the
new appendages. The tail was just as flexible as her snakes had been if not
more, and she had learned to use it to throw kunai! That thought reminded her
about losing the snake contract, but surprisingly she didn't miss it. It was
one less thing to tie her to Orochimaru. Her new ears also picked up way more
sounds then her human ones ever did. It took a while to get use to since they
were in the village and loud noises were abundant. Naruto and Haku were at
Miko's sanctuary when they had to get use to it. Finally, she loved the color.
Hers where purple with green tips.
Miko thought it curious that her aura had changed. Before
Anko was aligned with the earth element but she really never used earth jutsu
or earth manipulation, using snakes instead. Now Anko seemed to be aligned with
something else Miko hadn't encountered before. Using a piece of elemental
paper, it turned a sickly green before deteriorating. Miko had a clue but told
Anko to feed her chakra into a nearby sapling. She was completely shocked when
it wilted and died. She had killed something with just her chakra element. They
concluded her new element was poison. Miko theorized that the poison in her
system affected her during the ritual. Anko was ecstatic. She had a brand new
element that no one else had to her knowledge and it happened to be one of her
favorite ways to kill.
When Hayate started to talk she turned to Miko. "So how
do you think they'll do?"
Miko grinned. "I think they'll do just fine."
Naruto was just itching for his turn. After listening to the
old man go on about the purpose of the exams the near dead looking junin named
Gekko Hayate explained the rules and asked if anyone wanted to bail out on the
prelims. Naruto had found it exceedingly suspicious that Kabuto had chosen to
quit since he was barely injured. Something didn't sit well with him when it
came to Kabuto but for now he watched as Sasuke and one of Kabuto's teammates
got ready to fight.
As Naruto watched the fight, he happened to be standing next
to team Gai, and noticed Lee tense up when Sasuke used something called the Shishi
Renden. In the middle of the move Naruto noticed black marks start to
cover his body just like Anko said the curse seal did, but somehow he fought it
back and finished the fight.
Looking at Lee again he could see Lee was agitated.
"Hey Lee what's wrong? Did Sasuke fuck up the move because it seemed to go
off well?"
Lee bowed his head. "No Naruto-san, Sasuke-san did the Kage
Buyo just like it is suppose to be done. I'm just saddened that
Sasuke-san would copy my move."
Naruto frowned. "When did he copy your move?"
Lee sighed. "I challenged him before the first exam.
During the spar I used the Kage Buyo to try and finish him before
Gai sensei stopped me."
Naruto looked down at Sasuke as Kakashi carried him off.
"Too stoop so low as to copy an allies jutsu. He really is full of
Gai nodded. "Yes, I agree with you Naruto-kun. Sasuke
has dampened his Springtime of Youth by such an unyouthful action."
Everyone's attention was on the board as the names spun.
Naruto sighed when it came up Shino vs. Zaku. "Who's this Zaku guy?"
Lee looked at him. "He is a most unyouthful sound ninja
"You've seen him fight." Naruto was curious just
for conversation sake.
"Yes Naruto-san, he uses air pressure to attack from a
distance, but during a fight with Sasuke his arms were both dislocated and
broken." Lee grimaced at the memory of Sasuke smiling while enjoying the
pain he caused.
"It won't help him against Shino." Hinata had been
standing next to Naruto and Haku. She said it with total confidence in her
"I'm glad you're confident he will win
Hinata-chan." Naruto looked at the bowl cut boy. "And Lee, you don't
have to call me Naruto-san."
Lee just gave him a nice guy pose with signature tooth ping.
"Yosh! Thank you Naruto-kun! I feel we'll make great friends!"
Naruto smiled back at him. 'He may be crazy as Gai but
he's a good guy at heart.' "I'd be glad to be your friend Lee."
Just then, a loud bang brought them out of their
conversation. Looking down they saw Zaku kneeling on the ground staring at his
two bloody stumps for arms in shock before passing out while Shino calmly waked
back to his place onto the balcony.
Hayate coughed. "Winner Shino."
Once again, everyone's attention was on the electronic
board. "Will Misumi Tsurugi and Kankuro of the Desert please come
Naruto picked up his conversation with Lee while watching
the fight. "So Lee, what's the deal with being Gai's mini-me?"
Lee looked at Naruto with a sad expression before burying it
with his over exuberant nice guy pose. "Gai-sensei believed in me when
no-one else did. He took me in and trained me in his personal taijutsu style.
You see Naruto-kun my body barely produces enough chakra for me to live so I
cannot use nin or gen jutsu like other ninja. Nevertheless, Gai-sensei saw my
potential for taijutsu and gave me a chance. I owe him everything."
Naruto placed his hand on Lee's shoulder. "Then that
must mean your taijutsu must be very impressive! I would love to have a spar
after the exams are done!"
Lee gave Naruto one of his true smiles, not the silly nice
guy pose but a true heartfelt smile. "Thank you Naruto-kun, I would love
to spar with you as well. I have heard that you have mastered a junin class
ninjutsu. I would love to see it!"
Naruto smiled. "You must be talking about Kage Bunshin.
I'll show you it when we spar."
The fight down in the arena came to an end as Tsurugi found
himself wrapped around a puppet that wrapped him up in return before spewing
poison gas in his face. "Winner Kankuro of the Desert." After Kankuro
made his way up to his team and Tsurugi was hauled off, the board once again
spun the names. "Would Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura please come to the
Naruto perked up at the names for this fight. Turning to
Haku he smiled. "How bad do you think Ino will win?" If Naruto knew
Sakura, she had probably barely trained while staring at Sasuke.
Haku smiled. "Ino has gotten pretty good since I helped
her with her training. I swear her sensei Azuma did nothing for her."
Gai being the upstanding Gai he is had to defend his fellow
junin. "I don't think you should be saying such things about
Haku just glared down the balcony at the lazy junin.
"All he does is play shoji with Shika and give them D missions. I had to
teach Ino tree climbing, water walking, and help her better her taijutsu.
Before I helped her, she didn't even have a proper training schedule! She even
had to threaten him to take them on a C rank mission just so they qualified for
the exams!"
Now if there was anything Gai did not stand for it was
slacking off in training the youth of Konoha. "While I can not condone
your speaking of a junin so poorly I'd like to thank you for helping Ino-chan
brighten her youthfulness! Your youth shines even brighter for helping your
fellow ninja!"
The battle waged on for quite some time compared to the
other fights so far but Ino had been dominating the match. When it finally came
down to Ino connecting with her Shintenshin Naruto shouted.
"You got her now Ino! Show her how it's done!"
Sakura heard Naruto cheering on Ino and that hurt her a
little. 'Why is he cheering for Ino? We had been teammates for crying out
load! He should be cheering me on!'
As Ino could hear her thoughts she decided to open the pink
haired girls eyes. 'What have you done for him? All you ever did was hit him
and call him an idiot or say he was useless!'
Sakura mentally gasped when she realized Ino could hear her
thoughts, but quickly defended herself. 'I've been nice to him before!'
Ino just shook Sakura's head slightly. 'Prove it. From
what he has told me you've been nothing but a bitch. So was I until I really
got to know the real him! I bet you can't show me one memory where you were
nice to him without having an ulterior motive.'
Inner Sakura defended her other self. 'Oh yeah! I'll show
you!' Therefore, Sakura dug through her memories of her time with Naruto.
As she dug and dug she couldn't find even one. She finally gave up. Ino was
right. She had been a total bitch to Naruto just because she wanted to be with
Sasuke alone most of the time. 'You're right Ino. I have been nothing but
mean to him.' It was that moment of despair that Ino used Sakura's body to
forfeit the match.
Returning to her body Ino stood up and walked over to
Sakura. "You know it's not too late. You could make it up to him by trying
to be his friend." Noticing Sakura was still lost in her thoughts, she
dragged her once best friend back up onto the balcony. When they passed Naruto
Sakura couldn't even look at him as he congratulated Ino, she just kept walking
until she was by her remaining teammate and sat down.
Naruto barely registered that the names Tenten and Temari
where called as Ino told him about the fight inside Sakura's mind. "I
really think I might have gotten through to her Naruto, so if she comes to try
and apologize please be nice to her. If not for her for me as a friend."
Naruto just gave her a small hug. "Don't worry
Ino-chan, you know I'm not a mean person. If she really means it then I'll
accept her apology."
Ino pecked him on the cheek quickly before stepping back.
"Thanks Naruto, your a really nice guy. Haku is lucky she got to know you
first you know." With a grin she walked over to her team as Shikamaru and
Kin were called down to fight since Tenten and Temari's fight had ended while
she talked with Naruto. As Ino walked by Shika she noticed he was about to quit
so she bumped him just hard enough to send him over the railing.
Haku walked up behind Naruto and hugged him while she
whispered in his ear. "You know she has a crush on you right?"
Naruto was shocked. "I thought she was still hung up on
Haku smiled. "He has never been the kind caring type,
and mystery and intrigue only go so far. I think she would let you have her if
I said it was ok."
Naruto frowned slightly. "But I don't feel the way I do
for you and Hinata with her, and I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship over
something like that. She needs to find someone that loves her the way she ought
to be loved."
Haku couldn't help but grin. "You really are one of a
kind Naruto, but I don't think it would ruin your friendship and she's been
asking me what it's like. If it's not with you it will be with someone else
that may only be using her."
Naruto smiled when he felt Haku against his back. "I
think you should do it. She would be with someone who would treat her right and
I know you want to." Naruto sensed what Haku was going to say before she
said it. "Do you really think she would think less of you if she
"I, I don't know. She probably wouldn't, but there is
the chance she would freak out." Haku's worst fear was her friends
wouldn't accept what she was. Hinata took it well but that didn't mean Ino
"I don't think you give her enough credit. I think she
will be your friend even after you tell her." Naruto knew he was right.
Deep down he was always a good judge of character. It came from being able to
tell when people meant to do him harm in his younger years.
Haku just hugged him tighter before letting go. "I'll
think about it ok."
Nodding Naruto turned his attentions to the fight between
Shika and Kin.
It looked like Shika was in a dire situation. Haku and
Hinata were actually worried when Kin said the senbon were for an illusion not
for damage. "Naruto, I don't think Shika's going to win."
Naruto smiled. "No Haku, he's already won. Shika
castled." Seeing Haku's confusion he explained. "I've taught Shika
one jutsu that I though he could use just as well as I do. You see, what Kin
has in her trap is a Kage Bunshin."
Just as Naruto said that, the bunshin dissipated and Kin
found herself unable to move. From behind her came the voice of Shikamaru as
Shika's jutsu made her turn to face him. "This is checkmate,
Kin was pissed but also scared. "What are you doing to
me? You can't hurt me without hurting yourself!"
"That is were you're wrong." As Shikamaru said
this, a shadowy hand crept up her leg. She tried to break the hold but it was
no use as the hand made its way up and surrounded her throat. "I'll ask
you one more time, surrender."
Kin just spat at Shika. With a slight frown, he tightened
the grip of his shadow and watched as she slowly lost consciousness.
As her body hit the floor Hayate called the match.
"Winner Shikamaru."
As Shikamaru made his way back to his team, Naruto saw that
he was almost out of chakra. "Nice job Shika! Using Kage Bunshin
and Kage Kubi Shibari really took it out of you though."
Shika smiled at Naruto. "We all can't be chakra freaks
like you Naruto."
Naruto just grinned. 'No, but if Miko-sensei gets her way
you'll have more then enough power. I just hope you can handle her training.'
Anko looked at the smiling Miko. "And you said he would
only get stronger?"
Miko could not be happier. Shikamaru showed much skill for
his age. His affinity with the darkness was great enough that he was able to
use Kage Bunshin using much less chakra then others would need.
"His darkness will be all consuming once I'm done training him. Too bad my
brother is gone. He would have been a great help since his elements were fire
and darkness."
Anko shivered. She had seen what his father was capable of
and Miko said Shika's power would be ten times greater if he joined. "You
know they say he's a genius, that and great at making strategies on the
Miko smile broadened. "I know, he acts lazy be he is
constantly thinking. If I can get his body to be half as good as his mind I'll
be happy."
Naruto was brought out of his thoughts as the names Haku and
Kiba were called to the arena. Before Haku could jump down, he pulled her back
to whisper to her. "Lead him on for a while. I want to see what his
taijutsu style can do."
Haku nodded. Anko hadn't been able to get Hana to teach him
their style because her mom forbid it but that didn't mean he couldn't watch it
and compare it to the style he was developing. She smiled remembering the
afternoon they spent watching nature documentaries on how pack animals hunt.
While they had gotten some valuable info they kind of lost track halfway when
one came one about mating habits.
Kiba took this time to yell up at Naruto and Haku.
"Don't worry Naruto, I won't bust up your girlfriend too much!"
Naruto grinned at Haku. "When you take him down do it
hard though!"
Haku matched his grin and jumped down. "Come little
puppy it's time to play."
Kiba snarled and Akamaru growled. "I was going to be
easy on you but now I think I'll beat the crap out of you."
Hayate just coughed. "Haku Vs. Inuzuka Kiba
Kiba immediately sprang in to tackle Haku but she caught him
mid leap with a brutal punch to the gut. "Get serious Kiba, I'll not wait
for you to smarten up."
Kiba growled as he leapt back. "Akamaru come! Shikyaku"
As Kiba's appearance took on a feral look Akamaru leapt onto Kiba's back and
was tossed a soldier pill. "JUJIN BUNSHIN!" Suddenly
standing were Akamaru used to be was another feral Kiba. Without waiting, they
attacked in a pincer style approach.
"Good you're taking me seriously." Haku took out
two glass bottles of water and smashed them in front of her. Using the water to
make an ice wall, she blocked one of the Kiba's paths as she concentrated on
the other. As Kiba took a swipe at Haku, she dodged and hit him hard on the
Jumping back to regroup with the other Kiba they both
growled. Suddenly the one she hit grinned. With a cry of Gatsuga
both of them became whirling tornados of death. Narrowly dodging the first
assault while taking a nasty cut on her left arm she winced.
Naruto was very intrigued by the concept of the Gatsuga.
'I will have to get either Hana or Kiba to teach me that! Their style seems
to be mostly based on the movement of the animal while mine is based on the way
they hunt. If I could combine the two it would be brutally affective.'
"That's enough Haku! Take him down!"
Haku smiled. Naruto had seen enough and judging by his voice,
he liked what he saw. With a sad smile, she took out a scroll from her utility
pouch. As both Kiba's took their next pass, she released a torrent of water
from within the scroll and turned both Kiba's into ice sculptures that crashed
to the ground.
Seeing there was no way Kiba was getting out of that Hayate
called the fight. "Winner Haku."
After the fight was called, she immediately melted the ice
surrounding the boy and his dog. Walking over she offered him a hand up.
"That was a great fight Kiba, no hard feelings."
Kiba reluctantly took her hand but smiled at her. "Yeah
but I want a rematch later!" Akamaru barked his agreement.
Haku smiled. "You got it Kiba. And your pretty good too
Akamaru." Akamaru yipped happily at the praise as he jumped up into Kiba's
arms as they made their way up to the balcony.
When they got to Naruto, he hugged Haku. "Good fight
Haku, you too Kiba!"
Haku winced as she moved her arm to hug Naruto back. Hinata
saw the cut and gasped before taking out some of her medical salve. "Haku
your hurt please let me help you."
They were interrupted by Hayate's call for Hinata and Neji
to enter the arena. She smiled at Hinata. "You know I'll be fine in a bit.
Just get down there and do your best!"
Neji just calmly walked to Hinata. "Forfeit. You know
you can't beat me. You were fated to lose from the beginning."
Hinata just looked at him and smiled. "I know but I'm
at least going to try."
This just got on Neji's nerves. "Pathetic." With a
grunt he walked down to the arena.
Naruto gave Hinata a quick hug. "Just do your best
Hina-chan, that's all I ask."
Hinata smiled and nodded before following her cousin. When
they stood in front of each other Neji gave her one last chance to back down.
"I will not go easy on you Hinata. Forfeit now before you get hurt. You
are too weak to stand a chance against me. It is your fate to lose this
Hinata just assumed her Juken stance. "Thank you for
your concern Neji-nii-san but I must try."
Neji assumed his stance. "Then so be it."
Hayate looked to the two competitors and sighed. He felt
sorry for Hinata but he had to start the match. "Hyuga Hinata Vs. Hyuga
Neji START!"
Neither of them wasted any time and rushed into the deadly
dance that is Juken. To anyone that didn't know about the power behind their
blows they would think they were poking each other at high speed.
After the first couple of minutes they broke apart. Neji had
his impartial face plastered on while Hinata was breathing heavy. She knew he
had been closing the tenketsu in her arms, but needed him to strike her with a
palm thrust.
Neji just looked at Hinata. "Your unable to continue,
forfeit now. This will be your final warning." As an answer, Hinata
assumed the Juken stance once again. "Very well you leave me no
choice." He dashed at her with a blinding speed to strike her chest and
rupture one of her lungs but at the last second Hinata rose up taking the hit
to the stomach while she decked him across the face. He was so shocked at her
movement he didn't realize that his attack had been blocked by her expelling
just enough chakra to save her organs and activating a seal that was placed
there by Miko.
Leaping away, she struggled to stay standing. Neji inwardly
grinned. She had resorted to brute force, as a Hyuga that was most unbecoming,
but then Hinata was not like the rest of them.
Naruto's voice interrupted them from the balcony.
"That's enough Hinata! You hit him good!"
Hinata just smiled before dropping to her knees. The strike
to her stomach had hurt a great deal and it had knocked the wind out of her.
After gasping for breath, she turned to Hayate. "I, I forfeit
Neji looked down on his cousin. He was wondering why she
hadn't tried to use the seal against him when he noticed what his early attack
had 'hit'. Bowing his head slightly he looked her in the eyes. "I'm sorry
Hinata-san." What he saw was the chakra pathway around her ovaries had
been destroyed. Damage like that couldn't be repaired. It would not threaten
her life but she had lost her ability to conceive just to hit him.
Hinata knew he was talking about the 'damage' she had taken.
She looked at him with a sad smile. "It's ok Neji-nii-san. You didn't do
it on purpose. I took a gamble and lost." Bowing her head, she continued.
"I just wonder what father will say."
Neji the stoic figure of impassiveness actually winced at
this. He had most likely just doomed the one Hyuga that cared for the branch
family to banishment. He was not fool enough to think Hiashi would let her rise
to heir in her current state, and as first-born of the main family unless she
died she was still the heir. No, she would be cast out and stripped of her
name, never to be spoken of again.
Hinata smiled at him as she got to her feet slowly. He had
actually showed he cared in that small facial expression. "I thank you for
your concern Neji-nii-san but I will be alright."
Neji smiled sadly. He realized he had given her his ultimate
dream but at the ultimate price. She was free from this family of bondage and
hate, but would never have one of her own. The medic-nins where on her now,
checking her for damage from the massive Juken blow. She actually let out a
tear when they told her the extent of the 'damage'. What none of then knew was
it was a tear of joy. Their plan had worked. By the end of the night she would
be cast to the streets and never spoken of in the Hyuga compound ever again,
and left to her own devices. Seeing as she was pretty much fine, she insisted
on staying to see Naruto fight.
When she arrived on the balcony where Naruto and Haku waited
for her Naruto looked her over once before hugging her lightly. "Are you
sure your ok?"
Smiling she nodded. "Yes, I'm fine Naruto-kun."
A loud cheer interrupted them suddenly. "NARUTO-KUN! IT
Naruto let go of Hinata with an earsplitting grin. If he was
right, this match was going to be really fun. Hoping over the railing he
shouted back to Lee. "OK LEE! LETS SHOW THEM HOW IT'S DONE!"
Let followed Naruto right over the rail. Before they took
their places Naruto stepped up to Lee with his hand outstretched. "Lets
promise to do our best."
Taking Naruto's hand with a firm shake Lee grinned.
"Yes! We will let our youth shine brightly as an example to others!"
Hayate just looked at the two of them. This promised to be a
good match. They were both considered to be huge stamina freaks and both had
demanding sensei. "Uzumaki Naruto Vs. Rock Lee START!"
Naruto and Lee dashed at each other and commenced trading
powerful blows. Naruto caught Lee in a brutal three hit combo by fainting high
while nailing Lee in the stomach causing him to bend over slightly but the fist
that went high grabbed him by back of his head and forced him into Naruto's
rising knee. As Lee's head snapped back from the powerful blow Naruto quickly
brought his raised leg back to the ground as his other leg came up and gave Lee
a nasty straight kick sending him across the arena.
Getting up Lee wiped some blood from his face but he smiled.
"Good hit Naruto-kun." Lee dashed right back into the fight. After
trading a couple more blows he saw Naruto slip slightly on some broken glass
that was left there after Haku and Kiba's fight and with cry of "KONOHA SENPU!"
hit Naruto with his double aerial roundhouse kick sending the blonde flying.
After he got up Naruto shook his head quickly before
grinning. "Your really good Lee! We should spar more often."
Lee grinned back. "I would enjoy that greatly
Naruto's grin widened. "You wanted to see Kage
Bunshin. Well here it is!" Making the hand seals as to not give
away one of his ace's Naruto made five clones to surround Lee. Each of them
then started their own hands seals and with six cries of "Heki Dageki" they closed in on him. Lee saw the first one
aim high so he was surprised when he ducked and was hit hard in the side by a
kick before the clone pooffed away to make room for the next one. This one
looked to be making a downward kick to Lee's chest so he jumped but found he
jumped right into a high kick hitting him in the head sending flying. The
confusion continued as he tried to block a rising kick from a crouched clone
only to be elbowed down from above. Seeing two clones make axe kicks down at
him he rolled to the only side that was open but after one rotation he was
stopped by a fist planted solidly in the chest as the two clones that tried to
stomp him pooffed out of existence. The Naruto that hit him last jumped back
and called out " Uzumaki Pakku Atakku" (Uzumaki Pack Attack)
Anko grinned.
"His personal taijutsu style is truly ruthless! He even caught me in that
once. You loose all sense of what's happening."
Miko nodded.
"Yes the Hitorishibai Pakku Taijutsu (One
Man Pack Taijutsu) is a masterpiece waiting to be finished. Once he's done it
may be able to match my kenjutsu."
Rising slowly Lee
looked at Naruto eyes full of respect and joy. "Naruto, it seems your not
holding back." Looking up at Gai he asked, "Gai-sensei?"
Gai smiled.
Naruto smiled.
"What cha doing Lee?"
Bending down Lee
started to remove his weights. "I have gotten permission to show you my
best Naruto-kun."
When Miko saw the
boy removing his weights she remembered what the Hokage had told her. With a
smile she released the weights on Naruto. "Naruto! I have removed your
weight as well! You and Lee show the others what real training does!"
Naruto's smile
widened nearly splitting his face. He suddenly felt like a leaf in the wind.
When Lee stood back up they both disappeared. None of the genin except Haku,
Neji, and Hinata could see them move. They just saw when the two stopped after
exchanging rather devastating attacks.
Naruto's heart was pumping like mad. He had never had a
fight this good. But what worried him was Lee was slightly faster. Without even
thinking he made four clones appear and used Heki Dageki to
restrain Lee as he put all his power into one single punch crying out "Pakku
Eidan" (Pack Judgment). The force of the blow destroyed the clones
just by the kinetic energy transferred through Lee but their job was already
Lee slowly rose to his feet but Naruto felt something was
wrong. That is when he felt Lee open the first Gate. Miko had taught him and
Haku about the Celestial Gates and how to tell when one was released. All of a
sudden he found himself flying into the air from a vicious kick from below as
Lee followed him up. He tried to move but he knew he was caught in the Kage
Buyo. Gritting his teeth he waited for the attack to finish. Lee
wrapped him in his bandages and spun as they plummeted back to the earth.
Shouting "Omote Renge" Lee jumped
away. It wasn't till he landed that he realized what he had done. Falling to
his knees he started to openly weep. "I'M SORRY NARUTO-KUN! I DIDN'T WANT
All the junin and genin were stunned as they stared at the
dust cloud. Gai bowed his head. He didn't think Lee would do it so when it
happened he was frozen in shock and unable to stop him.
Anko was livid. She shouted at Gai from the balcony she was
Miko let out a sigh. "Well that is a devastating move
but Naruto's alive."
Everyone fell silent as the dust settled to show Naruto
standing in a massive crater. He had twisted just enough to take most the blow
to his shoulder instead of his head at the last second. As he walked over to
where Lee was weeping into his hands he snapped his neck and left shoulder
making it let out a sickening crack. Lee looked up at the noise to see Naruto
standing in front of him rubbing his arm. Kneeling down Naruto whispered to
Lee. "Lee, if I was anyone else that move would have killed. I know you
didn't mean to do it. Just promise me you'll never use it on an ally
again." Lee just nodded dumbly before embracing Naruto.
"I promise Naruto-kun. I will never use it on a friend
again!" Lee couldn't stop crying. He didn't care how, he was just glad
Naruto was alive.
After Lee had calmed down Naruto helped him up. The Initial
Gate had taken a lot out of him. Before they headed to the balcony Lee turned
to the examiner. "I forfeit the match for my most unyouthful actions
against Naruto-kun."
Hayate nodded and called the match. "Winner
When Naruto saw Gai heading to them most likely to berate
Lee he motioned the junin to stop. "I have already talked to Lee and he
has promised me he will never use it on a friend again. I forgave him for it so
it's done."
Gai smiled down at Naruto. "Naruto-kun, your a shining
example of what it is to be a Leaf Shinobi. Lee could learn allot from you.
Feel free to join us in training at any time!"
Naruto smiled back. "Thanks, I just might take you up
on that. I've heard your Konoha's leading taijutsu expert and I'm trying to
create my own style. Maybe you and Lee could help me?"
Gai clapped Naruto on the back as the continued to walk to
the rest of their group. "I'd be glad to help! We'll talk about it later,
right now it looks like you both need to sit down."
When Naruto made it over to where his team was he suddenly found
himself between both Haku and Hinata in a bone-crushing hug. "Haku,
Hinata, I need to breath!" Letting go they both started to look him over.
"Don't worry I'll be fine I just need to rest." Sitting down against
the wall next to Lee he heard Choji's name called along with someone named
Dosu. He cheered Choji on as he passed him on the way to the stairs.
The fight seemed to be in Choji's favor until the sound-nin
used his gauntlet to send his deadly sound waves through Choji's body knocking
him out. With a sigh he decided to try and help Choji with his training, but
his thoughts were cut off as two names were called. "Would Gakusetsu Akaishatsu and Gaara of the Desert please
come to the arena?"
Naruto grabbed
Akai's hand. "Be careful Akai. Something's not right about him."
Akai just grinned.
"Don't worry. I'll end the fight in a second."
Thus, Akai and
Gaara faced off. As soon as Hayate said start Akai stunned Gaara with his Blood
Limit and tried to stab Gaara in the heart. The kunai he used was stopped by
Gaara's Suna no Yoroi but not before piercing Gaara's skin just a little, just enough for
Gaara to feel the pain and to bleed a little.
Gaara had been sent into shock. No one had ever hurt him.
While Gaara was lost in that thought the sand acted to defend its master on its
own, encasing and crushing Akai before he could pull away or even blink.
Baki instantly jumped down and secretly placed a piece of
paper with a seal written on it on Gaara while he was calming him down. The
seal instantly suppressed Shikaku and Gaara regained control.
Hayate was stunned like the rest of the Konoha nin. Looking
over Akai was clearly dead. "Winner Gaara."
Anko bowed her head. "The kid was an ass but I don't
think he deserved that."
Miko looked at Gaara. "There's something wrong with
Gaara. He seems to have two auras. That could only mean there is something
sealed in him."
Anko frowned. "We'll have to tell the Hokage. If Gaara
is a Jinchuriki it could be bad for Konoha."
Baki stepped away and they both went back up to the balcony
without a word. Of course, Temari and Kankuro were still worried. Those seals
were only a temporary help. They just hoped it worked long enough for Gaara to
become mentally stable again.
Hayate coughed. "Now since we still have one more competitor
Sai will be fighting one random person then another match will be chosen at
random to bring us to ten competitors." Everyone gasped as the board came
to a stop. "Would Sai and Gaara of the Desert please come down?"
Sai sighed. "I forfeit. There's no way in hell I'm
fighting that." Nobody faulted Sai for his decision.
As the board flickered the names, everyone hoped they were
not picked. "Would Yamanaka Ino and Aburame Shino please come down?"
Naruto cheered Ino on. "Come on Ino! Give it your best!"
As the two stared at each other, Ino got worried. Shino's
first fight had been quick while Ino's had run for almost ten minutes. She was
still tired from her fight but she could probably squeeze out another Shintenshin
but she had to hit. "Yamanaka Ino Vs. Aburame Shino START!"
Ino took a gamble and tried a point blank Shintenshin
but it wasn't to be. When she looked around she found she was in a bug that was
part of a mass crawling on her body. Shino had used Mushi Bunshin.
When her mind hit the bug clone it broke into a swarm.
Ino returned to her body and was barely able to move.
"I can't fight. I forfeit."
Shino recalled his bugs and made his way to the balcony.
Hayate coughed. "Winner Shino."
Naruto jumped down and helped Ino up to her feet. "You
tried Ino, that's all that matters."
Ino smiled. "Thanks Naruto, your a good friend."
Hayate coughed loudly. "Would all competitors that won
their matches please come down to the arena."
Naruto scooped Ino up and jumped up on the balcony to set
her down. "I got to go down there." Ino just nodded as she fought to
keep down a blush.
As all ten competitors lined up they were told to take a
tile from a box to determine the order. After they had all called out there
number Hayate revealed the order. "First match will be Naruto Vs. Neji.
Second match will be Sasuke Vs. Gaara. Third match will be Temari Vs.
Shikamaru. Fourth match will be Shino Vs. Kankuro. And the fifth match will be
Haku Vs. Dosu."
The Hokage went on about how the tournament will be different
from the prelims because some have shown all there moves while some have shown
little. Anko just ignored it while thinking of the best way to tease Naruto for
carrying Ino from the arena. Teasing Naruto and Haku had quickly become one of
her favorite past times. It was almost as good as nearly missing villagers with
randomly thrown kunai. When the Hokage finished his speech Naruto and Haku came
over to her and Miko.
Naruto smiled. "I can't wait to start training! Old man
Hokage said he would try and get this Jiraiya person to help me."
Anko winced. If Jiraiya was in town she wouldn't be going to
the bath house any time soon. "You sure it's training you want to start?
It looked to me your trying to swoon little Ino into your group."
Naruto crossed his arms while he glared at her. "She
was almost completely drained so I just wanted to help her out."
Anko snickered. "More like help her into your
Miko smiled, the two of them tended to fight like siblings.
It actually reminded her of how her and Kyuubi acted when they were young.
"Now, now, calm down. Why don't we get out of here. I think we may have a
celebration tonight seeing as you both made it to the tournament."
Before they left Naruto and Haku wished Hinata good luck.
She would hopefully be at their house before nightfall if all went well. They
had postponed their little get together since it wouldn't look good if they all
spent the night in the room at the tower. As it was Naruto had sent a Bunshin
to another room to 'sleep' every night to make it seem like Haku and Hinata
were sharing a room. Since they were best friends this wasn't looked down upon.
Then every morning Naruto's bunshin would come back and be dispelled as to
continue the deception.
Before leaving Gai stopped Naruto. "Naruto-kun, I
wanted to tell you we start our training at four a.m. at training ground nine.
I hope you will join us sometime soon!"
Naruto smiled. "Depending on my training schedule with
Jiraiya I'll see if I can join you. Oh and Lee, I'll be looking forward to own
next spar!"
Lee hugged Naruto. "I too can not wait
Anko quickly interrupted them before they went on one of
their hugging fits. "Gai, if I see even a speck of green or spandex on
Naruto you'll lose your claim to being a man got me?"
Gai gulped loudly at this. One time during one of their
outings someone proceeded to continue to hit on Anko after on of such threats
to find she actually would do it. "I wouldn't dream of it Anko-san."
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