The Fall of the Dogs of War | By : dolphina23 Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 945 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author’s Note:
Thanks for the reviews. Please do so again. I read every one of them and would
love to see your thoughts on this chapter.
There will
be sexual scenes coming up soon and the relationship growth is continuing, so
be patient and read on! Or, if it’s not your idea of a good read, turn back.
But, you’ll be sorry, I promise.
Also, more music, but, if you like, try it at the end, where
the good stuff is. (Don’t you dare skip forward, or no story for you!)
Chapter 11
The Lone Beacon in a Storm of Despair
Sasuke set
Naruto down carefully. He’d begun to squirm a little and Sasuke had registered
the other boy’s discomfort instantly.
“Sorry, but
I didn’t think there was any other way to get you here safely without making
your injuries worse. You still need to heal a bit before such a long distance
is even a possibility.”
didn’t glare as Sasuke had hoped he would. Instead, he was met with that same
impregnable gaze off to the side, as if he weren’t even there, as if nothing
was there save whatever Naruto saw inside his head. Sasuke hoped that whatever
it was, Naruto was not punishing himself by reliving
the nightmare that had landed him in his current situation. From what he’d read
when he’d had time to glance at the scroll from Kakashi those who suffered from
catatonia when caused by a traumatic incident usually shut down in much the
same way Naruto had.
The lack of
motion, even in small everyday movements, severe speech loss and the frozen
stature that Naruto could hold for hours, only moving in muted ways afterward,
were all symptoms that Sasuke had read about. He had also read that catatonia
itself was a symptom of some other illness, usually depression, Bipolar
Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but it could also be caused by an
infection, an autoimmune disorder, withdrawal from certain drugs or focal
neurologic lesions. Sasuke had been assured by Tsunade, who he’d gone to see
late last night after he’d read about it, that he was not suffering from any of
the more rare disturbances that could cause his illness. He had come to the
same conclusion, then, that she and the other medical staff had when they had
seen to Naruto before releasing him. He was suffering from Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder brought on by the recent abuse of Hiroku’s attack.
huffed out a breath as he watched Naruto drop to the ground and begin to rock
back and forth. He phased in and out of motion but inadvertently returned to
the same gestures whenever he did move, except in the odd occurrence when he
would write something on Sasuke’s palm or shoulder. According to the scroll,
there were medications that could be used to control and, eventually, curb the
behavior until therapy alleviated the rest of the factors causing it. But, that
would mean Naruto would never again be allowed back into the ninja ranks, as
resorting to psychiatric medicine was one of the few regulations precluding
those who have been injured during battle from harming anyone else should they
be allowed to return to full duty afterward. This was done even if the person
in question was no longer on any medication of that type because they were
considered forever at risk for mental, and possibly physical, instability.
Sasuke wondered if this rule had been in effect during Itachi and Hiroku’s time
among them. If they had, had the council bent the rules because of their
families? Why hadn’t they noticed how unstable they both had gotten before it
had gone too far?
The small
villages’ homes and gardens played out in front of them like branches on a
tree. It reminded Sasuke of Konoha, and how lost it seemed to them both now.
Sasuke drew in a deep breath and knelt on the ground next to Naruto. Reaching
out, he was careful to halt the rocking and turn the boy to face him, cupping
his chin with his fingers as he went.
we’re here. This is home now. Do you understand?”
didn’t move. He’d stopped rocking and had lifted his glazed eyes to somewhere
above Sasuke’s left shoulder. Sasuke sighed. Reaching for Naruto’s left hand,
he helped him up and guided him into the village streets careful to keep
everything and everyone at a distance. He should have come earlier, before
bringing him. It would be tough to explain everything to the village leader and
Sasuke feared he might need the man’s guidance, if not approval, in dealing
with any possible fear or misguided judgment from the small community. They had
traversed the main road and taken the second trail down near the river. Sasuke
remembered the town hall and the village leader were located here. It was their
first stop, or maybe their first step, into this new life, one Sasuke hoped
would never involve ninja or their politics and power struggles ever again.
He felt
Naruto pull on his arm and realized he’d stopped moving. Sasuke turned,
expecting to have to coax him again, but closed his mouth when he saw the man
following them. Sasuke recognized him immediately and let out a breath he
hadn’t known he’d taken.
“It is you!
Welcome, Sasuke!” The man peered curiously at Naruto and their clasped hands
but said nothing.
“Koji-ojiisan, hello. I’m glad I caught you before today’s
hearing, or is it after?”
“You have a
good memory, it hasn’t started yet. Are you here with that group? Or, are you
paying us a visit?”
Appuru, the village leader, walked toward them at a pace belying his seventy
year old body. The village was small but prosperous. Their trade was largely in
the winter fruits and wine they sold, it being located far enough from the sea
for fishing and elevated enough, situated halfway up Mt. Kurosaki,
for the winter and fall fruits to grow well, grapes being their chief product.
It made for great wine and, Sasuke suspected, went into the naming of the
village, called Gure-pu Sawa or Grape
Valley, as it was being
founded. Apparently, the first leader had thought it a good omen. Sasuke was
sure that every leader after agreed as its members were comfortable and well
clothed, houses well insulated and heated, and stomachs full all year round.
This place was the only haven Sasuke could think of for them to weather the
storm of Naruto’s pain and the rage that would likely follow. He could do it
here in peace and relative solitude, with no one present that would judge or
vilify him for it. Or, so Sasuke hoped. Now, he just had to convince Koji-san
to allow them to stay.
I know that you did not approve of Orochimaru and his . . . dealings,” Sasuke
almost winced as Koji grimaced and spat on the ground so he hurried on, “but,
you also know that I was not fond of any of it either, only taking what I
needed from him to see justice for my family and without harming anyone he
brought forward for my . . . training.”
nearly winced again. He knew it was important, for his friend, he could do
this. His heart beat a little faster, all of its own accord, without giving
Sasuke a chance to catch up to everything swirling around his head and heart;
as usual.
“I need a
place for us, to train, to sleep, to practice. I may need an apothecary, one
who deals only in natural herbs. They have ways of detecting anything too
strong . . . ,” Sasuke stopped as Koji shook his head. His heart raced and his
mouth had gone dry. Thee were other places, Sasuke was sure, but this one was
familiar, as familiar as any place he had been to that he could nearly call
“Come with
me.” Koji started off toward the long building that housed the village’s only
government, the leader and five advisors, who also served as judges during
trials. Sasuke had been surprised at their impartiality when he’d served as a
witness to an execution they had held for a man convicted of a double murder
two years ago. Orochimaru had thought it would be a great reinforcement of his
hatred for anything related to politics and leadership that professed justice
and goodwill for its people. It had done the opposite as far as Sasuke was
concerned, but Orochimaru assumed Sasuke’s look of disgust was for all involved
instead of for the defendants alone. He knew they would be as fair here as any
human who walked this earth and saw what tragedies one person could visit upon
another could be.
“Bring your
friend,” Koji called over his shoulder, “He looks like he could use a good meal
and someplace warm and dry. It’s damp out here, or so my old bones tell me.
And, anyone who looks like that shouldn’t be left alone, it is too cruel.”
almost breathed a sigh of relief; Koji had understood, at least part of why he
was here, but he held off. They still had to consult with the other five
members of the Kyouryou, as they were called. Koji had told him once that he
had not wanted his council to be seen as an affirmation of order because it
might bring on the feeling of oppression, but he had not wanted the populace to
feel abandoned by their leader and the councilors of law and judgment that he
had appointed either. Whatever his motives, whatever the populace thought must
be good because Sasuke saw no hints of dissention anywhere in al the time he’d
spent with them. That had been perhaps six months time, the longest Orochimaru
and his horde had remained anywhere ever. Sasuke tightened his hold on Naruto’s
hand, glancing over his shoulder to see that there was something ghosting along
his features. Sasuke wondered if it was just another symptom, an
over-exaggeration of expression as was common with catatonic patients, or a
true look of confusion.
following Koji-ojiisan. He’ll help us get settled and then you and I can rest a
bit. Okay?”
wasn’t expecting an answer, but just as he turned away he caught a nod from his
companion, so small, yet it was there. Sasuke smiled, he couldn’t help it.
Maybe he really could do this. Maybe he would still be able to help and not
lose any part of himself or his resolve. Though, the killing field was so far
away and Sasuke’s hands had grown tired of the smell of blood, it seemed. Soon,
they would rest. Then, they would see what the salty air of the sea to the east
and the serene fields of grapes, Satsuma oranges and pomegranates held for
Naruto sat
watching the gulls dip and bank along the crest of the rocky outcropping
searching for food; except, he wasn’t really
watching them. He stared dully out at the dusky rose and orange tints that bled
through the clouds in front of him and breathed in. The sound of the water
crashing to the shore in the distance reached his ears but it meant very little
to him. He knew that it meant that the sea was close. The heavy scent of salt
on the air and the moisture collecting along his skin reminded him of the sea
too. But, he couldn’t see it, he couldn’t really
feel it. A veil clouded everything his senses touched. A haze of fear and
bitterness and pain, mostly fear. Sasuke was meeting with someone. Naruto knew
that, though he hadn’t answered any of Sasuke’s questions or anything he had
said. It was better that way. Sasuke had told him that this place . . . that
this place was home now. Naruto didn’t feel like he was home.
It felt
strange here, different, not home. But, Naruto did not want to go home. It no
longer existed in this strange world, where gulls fed their families and he
would not watch, where Sasuke spoke and he did not answer. Still, it was quiet.
There were no cries for help, he did not have to be cruel and would not need to
keep his blades beneath and behind him. He could breathe. For the first time in
what felt like years, years of trudging through mud and wading though blood, he
could breath. None of that had encased him so strongly before, so much that he
was afraid to take a step forward. He knew he couldn’t go back, no one can, but
here he could breath and, here, there was Sasuke and that was enough for now.
Naruto could hear him coming but he made no move to stand until he could feel Sasuke’s
fingers on his shoulder and hear his voice in his ear. Even then, it was only a
little motion, almost nothing.
No answer.
“Naruto . .
. ,” Sasuke started. Then he gazed off at the birds swooping and diving on
land. To him, it seemed wrong that they had come inland to hunt when they
should be at sea. They probably weren’t finding enough easy catch as when
scouring the trail the two of them had come up on, close to the rocks and so
well used by passing fisherman on their way to sell their stock at the market
in Gure-pu Sawa. But, perhaps they had just wanted a change. Sasuke liked that
idea better. Naruto had stood up and Sasuke guided him slowly off the crag to
the village proper. He’d set up a house fro them while Naruto had been bird
gazing. The meeting had ended over an hour ago, with many of the Kyouryou
agreeing to Sasuke’s proposal. That would work part-time in the apothecary
shop, assisting in sales, while the village left them the unused storage rooms
as a place to stay. Sasuke had learned that they were not necessary for
Hoku-san, the apothecary, to do business.
who’d been called to the questioning, had said that if he was quiet and caused
no trouble, he had no issue with what had gone on before or the fact that
Sasuke wished to care for Naruto as much as possible. He did, however, make
Sasuke pledge that, should Naruto deteriorate further, stop eating altogether,
or become a danger to himself or someone else, Sasuke was to leave. The
Kyouryou gave their approval based on this pact as well. Sasuke had had no
choice; but he was already planning out safeguards to ensure Naruto would
remain protected, form himself and anyone else. Sasuke took Naruto through the
side door of the apothecary shop and, when Naruto was settled into one of the
bunks Hoku has set up, unpacked their belongings. Neither of them had brought
anything valuable beyond their weapons. Sasuke had made sure to go back for
Naruto’s when he’d realized they’d left them.
everything had been put in its place along a shelf attached to the rear wall of
the large closet, Sasuke headed over to Naruto.
“I’ll be
back. I have to help Hoku-san.” Sasuke left quickly, not able to truly focus on
Naruto without thinking about what he’d been assigned to do or how he intended
on reaching that goal. He had trouble focusing on anything beyond the utterly
ruined expression Naruto had paid him with during the festival or Hinata’s
hands at his back and shoulder. Sasuke shook his head as he latched the door
securely behind him, forgetting to lock it as he went.
nodded to him and began explaining what it was that he wanted of Sasuke and
Sasuke nodded in turn, committing everything to memory easily. Sasuke turned
toward the shelves at the front of the shop that housed all Hoku-san’s
inventory and began cataloguing it to see what needed to be brought from
outside the village or from the large herb garden out back. Every now and then
he glanced over at the closed door of the spare storage room before having to
turn and answer the ring of the bell at the door, smiling emptily as he went.
The turning of the door handle, the creak of the oiled, aged wood and the sight
of Naruto, peering around the edge, following him with his eyes silently, never
reached him. When he turned back to retrieve the herbs from the shelves
Hoku-san directed him to, there was nothing, no one; Sasuke was alone.
A few weeks
had passed, finding Naruto healed from any physical injury, and Sasuke, working
comfortably alongside Hoku-san and making regular visits to Koji-ojiisan’s home
and office. Mostly, Sasuke simply appreciated the man’s company and respected
his advice, but, truthfully, he wanted someone he could just sit with. He never
had to pry anything out of Koji, nor did he have to ay anything he did not wish
to or was ready for. It was nice. Naruto was coming more and more out into the
world as time passed. He had begun to move around on his own, even going as far
as to help out some of the villagers when they needed a strong hand here and
there. Of course, he was out of shape so Sasuke had a good deal of amusing
anecdotes to relay to Koji-san, who ironically didn’t always have time to spend
more than a few minutes among his people, about Naruto’s antics and the
villagers comfortable acceptance of him. He never did.
The storage
room had changed now. It had grown. There were decorative pieces of pottery
lining the shelves now. A picture of the ocean from the cliff to the east hung
on the wall. One of the children had made it for Naruto. He was good with them.
He sat outside a lot of the time and watched over them along with the daycare
workers assigned to the area. Sasuke listened as they tried to coax him to talk
or to move. Sometimes, he’d come after them out of nowhere, picking them up and
swinging them around until they squealed or he’d listen to their stories and
their funny, childlike ideas of the world and, occasionally, he’d smile at
them. Sasuke lived for those times. If he had a break and could sit with him,
he would, just to catch it. It wasn’t the same grin he’d seen before or even an
imitation of it. It was darker, Naruto’s eyes lined and narrowed as if the
movement of those muscles caused a pain all their own. Hoku-san called him over
and handed him his mid-day meal, because he invariably forgot to eat, and told
him to go away for an hour. He went looking for the only other thing he knew
could occupy his time with making him uneasy.
sighed as he sat down heavily beside his friend. The day had been long so far
and this was the first time he’d had to himself since dawn. They’d gotten up as
they usually did; stretching for a few minutes and taking a leisurely walk over
to the cliff edge. Naruto seemed to be drawn to it ever since Sasuke had found
him there on the day they had first arrived. Sasuke wondered if there was
something Naruto sensed in the sounds of the sea or if it was just someplace
quiet and out of the way. Sasuke watched as Naruto stared blankly out at the
clouds and gulls swarming the sky. He hadn’t been eating much lately. Sasuke
had taken to feeding him again, having to make sure that Naruto chewed and
swallowed. It felt so wrong, so desperate. A dull ache had wormed its way into
his chest every time he had to care for Naruto as if he wasn’t capable of doing
it himself, even though he knew that was only true physically. Lately, though
he still wouldn’t do anything himself, Naruto had been stretching the limits of
the catatonic state he was in, eating without Sasuke having to prod him so much
and sleeping regularly instead of not at all; until the last few days.
had suggested Naruto might enjoy some exercise so Sasuke had begun the ritual
of the stretching and walking every morning. At first, Sasuke had agreed. He
had seen the color of Naruto’s skin go from pale back to the lightly tinged
gold that has fascinated him as a child. Almost everyone else in Konoha was far
paler, with the exception of the Sandaime’s son, Asuma. He was dead now, too,
or so Sasuke had been informed when he’d returned. There were a few of the younger
ninja who had tried to blame him for it, because he’d been with the Akatsuki
for a short time at the end. Surprisingly, it was not one of the female ninja,
so enamored with him, or Kakashi, or even Tsunade that spoke up, but a child
ninja that reminded him of Naruto. He had said that Sasuke was Naruto’s friend,
would always be, that Naruto had fought and trained and waited a long time to
be near him again and he, the great Konohamaru, was not going to let anyone
come between them. Sasuke had smiled then, keeping his head low; he couldn’t
help it. The boy was so much like Naruto.
over at Naruto, Sasuke saw his hands twitching again, and suddenly, he realized
what he could do to help him sleep. Reaching into his belt pack, he whipped a
kunai up and out to skim over Naruto’s head. Only it never got that far. Sasuke
watched him snake out a hand and catch it, mimicking the speed of a viper or a
cat. Naruto brought his hand down to examine the kunai, a puzzled frown playing
at his mouth. His eyes widened a little, his face cleared and he glanced over
at Sasuke. Sasuke, who’d been silent the whole time, gasped quietly, a belt of
pressure surrounding his ribs. Naruto was smiling, the way he used to, that
naughty, goofy, wide smile pressing at his ears and forcing his eyes to narrow,
just as Sasuke remembered. He was smiling. Naruto offered him the kunai and
Sasuke took it wordlessly. Then, he straightened up and gathered his and
Naruto’s meal scraps. The other boy had drifted back to staring blankly at the
birds already, but his hands were no longer twitching. Sasuke had the feeling
that Naruto would sleep soundly tonight. He picked up speed, skimming brusquely
down the trail with Naruto actually following instead of being lead and told
Hoku-san that he would see him the next morning.
Hoku didn’t
even glance his way as he nodded. Sasuke caught the hint of a smile though, as
he turned to leave. Are they all really
so attached to us and what we do? Sasuke took Naruto’s hand and led him out
to an open courtyard. Two of the buildings on either side were abandoned and
the third was a factory that was closed temporarily for repair. Sasuke didn’t
think anything they were going to do would harm the only building worth
worrying about, but he put up a barrier around it just in case. He positioned
Naruto correctly to begin the sparring, and after a few changes in movement,
Naruto caught on. They moved quickly and silently, matching each other’s steps
and twists and leading one another into throws or takedowns. Sasuke breathed in
heavily and noticed the sweat canting off Naruto’s body. He was heaving, too.
Sasuke also saw that his muscles were no longer as taut and tense as before.
The fight, or practice, as Sasuke realized, had been good for them both.
He put up a
hand to stop Naruto from shifting his feet into another stance, one that would
give him an advantage in speed, and came over to stand close.
“That was
good, don’t you think?”
Sasuke saw
the glint of mirth in Naruto’s eye and the hint of a weak, but real smile. He
nodded calmly.
“We’ll go
again tomorrow. It’s late and we both need some food . . . and, some sleep,”
Sasuke walked away from him and rubbed at his shoulders, stretching out his
arms a little. He slowed for a moment as he heard the shifting of feet behind
him and smiled. I’ve got you! They
went down to the only thing that could be considered a restaurant for dinner
and, as they were eating, Naruto shifted only slightly in his seat. Sasuke
could see it was no longer from restlessness, but anticipation, and perhaps a
bit of soreness to the muscles. He sniffed.
“If you
keep that up, I’ll train alone in the morning,” he said lowly. Naruto stopped
fidgeting and Sasuke’s revelation was again reinforced. Naruto wanted to train.
He wanted to be doing something, anything,
besides sitting all day in front of the shops and in the berm above the sea.
Sasuke felt a tinge of nervousness at the thought, clawing up his stomach, but
he forced it still so his hands hadn’t had the chance to begin shaking.
Anything they decided to do after Naruto was better was up to him, not Sasuke.
They finished eat nig and headed to their storage room. Sasuke supposed he
should call it an apartment or something, instead or, simply, their room. But,
thinking about changing it, even if it was only for himself, in his own head,
made him uncomfortable. They undressed in the quiet and Sasuke could already
feel the pleasant ache beginning. They both
had been out of shape, apparently. He sighed contentedly and slipped beneath
the cold sheets of his narrow bed. Turning, he watched to make sure Naruto had
done the same and not slipped out in some traumatic haze of unreality, before
closing his eyes. It was the first time since they’d arrived that he hadn’t
even thought of locking them in.
The next
morning dawned cold and grey. Sasuke had the day off today and wanted to spend
the morning in bed. His muscles felt sore but in a good way, one that a
successful training session gave them. Rolling to his side he caught Naruto
staring at him. The other boy grimaced and stuck his tongue out at him. Sasuke
blinked. Maybe he was still asleep. Naruto rolled his eyes at him and rolled
out of bed to stretch his arms over his head and twist his back from side to
side. Apparently I’m not. Sasuke
sighed and heaved his body off the bed. Staring at Naruto shirtless was not
something he wanted to start his day with, though it gave him a good indication
of his health. Naruto had lost weight recently, though not too much for anyone
else to have noticed. The scarring on his chest and arms had faded, with only a
few just over the breastbone still visible. They were less noticeable than
yesterday, though, and Sasuke knew that meant they could fade entirely. When
Naruto leaned down to grab the same shirt he’d worn the day before, Sasuke
cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes the moment he looked up. A trace of a
blush and a weak, sheepish smile followed him as he went to take a shower in
the shop’s only bathroom down the hall from the other storeroom, the only one Hoku-san
used for supplies.
On the
return trip, Naruto passed him with a towel and a different shirt in hand, once
again bare-chested. Sasuke narrowed his eyes again, but Naruto just seemed
confused, frowning slightly. Sasuke felt strange. The whole morning had started
off wrong and he blamed the impending rain.
going to train today, so dress loosely,” he said over his shoulder. Naruto
looked back at him and nodded solemnly.
It wasn’t
really necessary, as all they owned were loose fitting clothes and almost
everything of Naruto’s needed repair at some point since they’d moved here, so
he wasn’t worried about ripping anything. Sasuke couldn’t understand that. It
wasn’t like Naruto went rolling around in the leaves or climbed the foothills
skirting the base of the mountain the town rested against. Sasuke knew he
wasn’t going far while he was at work, so how did he manage to tear or soil one
part of his outfit or another everyday? Sasuke was relieved, though. He had to
admit that much. Training meant they were working toward something together,
and Naruto’s improvement with communication seemed to be growing stronger
instead of yawing back and forth like the bow of a ship. When Naruto had
returned, hair wet from the shower and sticking to his cheeks and forehead in a
way Sasuke had never seen, even when a mission took them into contact with
water, Sasuke gaped.
“Your hair. What . . .?”
Naruto’s frown deepened and Sasuke, realizing what it might
look like, closed his mouth.
“You should
dry it better. It’s going to rain today. You’ll get sick,” Sasuke said sternly.
Naruto stuck his tongue out at him again and turned to leave with Sasuke not
far behind.
“Why you
little . . .”
turned sharply and caught Sasuke’s hand in his own. Sasuke had seen it coming
but felt a surge of . . . something, stopping him from intervening. Maybe he
had wanted to know what Naruto was really capable of now that they were going
to begin training again? He felt Naruto’s fingers
brush his palm and made out words. So, he
wants to tell me something? This was the first time since the incident at
the festival and Sasuke held his breath, waiting.
‘I thought we were going to train? I’m not
going to break and I’m not going to get sick.’
away again, he walked on toward the courtyard and Sasuke was forced to follow,
stunned. Do you really not notice,
Naruto? I treat you that way because you are broken. But he pushed all thought from his mind as they stopped in
the middle of the grassy patch, sunlight peeking in every now and then to play
on Naruto’s hair and highlight the blue tints in Sasuke’s. Sasuke squared his
shoulders after a few stretches of his own and blew out a breath. Bowing to
each other, they began to circle and the sky rumbled agreement, as if saying,
best to get the hard work done early and let the rest of the day take care of
itself. Sasuke threw punches, guarding himself well, and yet, he took care to
keep back some of his strength. A few minutes into the spar, Naruto threw out a
combination that had Sasuke’s head spinning. A low leg sweep followed by a high
kick from the ground when Sasuke leapt to dodge. The kick would never have made
it, but Naruto knew that as he used the surprise it generated to spin on the
ground with his hands and shift his other leg up in a much higher kick. Sasuke
dodged well. So did Naruto. They danced and shifted the dirt beneath their feet
until drops of water began to mix with their sweat. Neither one of them noticed
that it had begun to rain.
breathing heavy, finally managed to register the weather when his soaking hair
dripped into his eyes and his feet slipped on the mud that had replaced the
rich earth underneath them. Naruto had, apparently, not noticed. He aimed a
kick too high and without enough balance, sending him sliding into the mud.
Sasuke had barely managed to throw out a hand to catch his elbow before he hit
the ground completely. At first, Sasuke thought the unexpected movement had
driven Naruto back into his mind. But, the dazed look was slowly boring into Sasuke
then sliding along his clothes. Sasuke’s shirt had ridden up near his chest and
his breathing forced his muscles to ripple and flex like the water cascading
down onto their heated skin. Mist curled in from the opening of the courtyard
and obscured small pockets of it. Sasuke could see his breath and Naruto’s
fanning out in front of their faces. He tried to lever Naruto up, but a sudden
hint of something in Naruto’s eyes told him he should let go when he was
suddenly on the ground, his back now covered in mud. Naruto had wriggled
around, still sliding in the muck, to straddle his hips and Sasuke was having
trouble controlling his breathing as his shirt rode up even higher.
“Naruto. . . Naruto, stop! We’re done! You’re going to get
sick and this is no time for any of your games!” He wasn’t sure what was
happening, but he feared too much that he wanted it. Naruto’s eyes widened and
his hands, gripping Sasuke’s fists tightly, relaxed so suddenly that they fell
to the earth splashing mud around them. It had gotten all over their clothes
and arms. Naruto looked at him, his breathing coming in ragged gasps, and
Sasuke knew he had said something wrong. He could see the shaking from where he
lay sprawled on the ground, even in the dim light of the storm. Naruto had
begun to lower his head, lip quivering. Sasuke reached a hand out to cup his
chin and draw it up to meet his eyes. One hand behind him, Sasuke pushed them
both up to sit, their legs entangled in each other, and held firm to Naruto.
The quivering had stopped and Naruto was still looking at him. Sasuke did the
only thing he could think of at the moment. Leaning in, he brushed his lips
softly to Naruto’s and closed his eyes for a moment . . . one glorious moment,
before pulling away. The wide eyes and slack jaw were still there, but Sasuke
knew he had surprised him, not hurt him, as he had half expected.
reached over and touched his fingers to Sasuke’s jaw and they felt warm. Sasuke
leaned into the touch a little before leaning back into Naruto. They kissed
again and it was fierce. It was frenzied, full of things Sasuke couldn’t think
about. He smeared mud all over Naruto’s cheek as he drew a hand across it and
grabbed a fist full of hair with the other. His tongue appeared to live of its
own accord, slipping a bit into Naruto’s mouth touching and circling Naruto’s a
little, before pulling away and dipping in again for another quick touch. Then
it was over. The rational part of Sasuke’s mind kicked in when he finally
opened his eyes again and saw what they were doing, the position he’d gotten
them into. Breathless once more, Sasuke held a hand against Naruto’s chest.
“I can’t .
. .,” he breathed and it hurt; oh god, did it hurt.
leaned in. Sasuke could feel his breath floating across his cheek.
“I can’t!
Listen to me! We can’t do this!”
shifted back to his heels and regarded Sasuke closely.
Sasuke had regained control, softening his voice. Not looking at him, Sasuke
“If I’m
going to help you, if this is going to work, and this is going to work, we can’t do this. This can’t happen. Do you
understand? It’s not that I don’t want to. Although, I really don’t even know
that, but . . .”
stopped talking and the storm raged on above them as if the sky were just as
confused and frustrated. Looking up, Sasuke saw that Naruto had begun to
retreat. The dull, glazed look had already taken over and his arms had gone
slack, absolutely no fight left. Sasuke felt the tingling in his eyes but took
a deep breath to stabilize and quiet his mind.
“Okay,” he
said again, “We’ll start again . . . tomorrow.” Getting up, he helped Naruto to
his feet and they both went in search of another shower.
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