Obsession | By : Infek Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 1920 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Note: ANBU Core is not an existing branch of ANBU but only used to benefit this story. |
every finger in the room is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
figures that my COURAGE would choose to sell out now
I’ve been raising up my hands
drive another nail in
just what GOD needs one more victim
every day I crucify myself
nothing I do is good enough for you
and my HEART is sick of being in chains
you’re just an empty cage kid if you kill the bird
please be save me I CRY
Crucify – Tori Amos [Adapted]
Chapter XI There Is No Life Without Distress
Although he did his best to hide the tremors of exhaustion affecting his body, he couldn’t fool Madara, who only quirked an eyebrow at him. A quick glance confirmed that he wasn’t the only one tired though, Deidara slumped against a wall and Konan excusing herself before walking out of the room, undoubtedly going to her room to get some well-needed rest. Although no one had to use any of their own chakra, they had been forced to focus for six long hours. On a typical mission, they would be required to keep focus for days on end but the variety in activities during those would keep it bearable.
But this… The same minute activity for hours on end and combined with seeing and hearing Neji screaming so loud until his voice cracked and he could only see his unconscious body jerking up had been unsettling to say the least. He had killed many men with his bare hands, yet seeing someone he loved being hurt and pushed to unconsciousness had upset him more than he wished to admit. He took in a deep breath and moved to pick up Neji so he could lay him in a bed but someone was ahead of him. Kisame grinned at him, holding Neji in his arms as if he weighed nothing.
“Follow me, I’ll take you two to your room.” He nodded and walked behind them, trying to memorize the many hallways but his brain seemed to pick up on nothing. The harsh travel and the past few hours had worn him down and the thought of sleeping with Neji next to him sounded extremely tempting. Kisame motioned with his head to a door and Itachi opened it, his eyes quickly taking in the rather spacious room, with a large bed, a small closet and a table. He saw Kisame laying Neji on the bed, the movement seeming unusually tender for a man who was once one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. “The moment gaki here wakes up, your training and stuff will begin but until then, consider this a vacation. Bathroom is that door and if you need anything, my room is across the hall. Can’t miss it.” Kisame walked back to the door but was stopped by a low voice.
“Why are you doing this?”
He only turned his head to look back at Itachi. “Just because I’m an S-Rank missing nin, doesn’t mean I don’t care about anything.” Itachi rubbed his eyes the moment the door closed and looked at Neji’s still body, only the slight rising and falling of his chest indicating that he was alive. He saw their packs sitting in a corner of the room and he knew they had been thoroughly investigated for anything suspicious. He walked over to the bed and quickly stripped Neji of his clothes, drenched with sweat and stepped out of his own before crawling in next to him, pulling him in his arms. His fingers faintly traced Neji’s brow and he smiled lightly as it no longer held a viciously green curse-seal, just a few indentions here and there that were barely visible, even from such a close distance. They had done it, they had actually succeeded in staying together.
One week. One week in which Neji just lay there on the bed, his breathing changing in rhythm every few hours, his pallor going from deathly pale to his cheeks blazing red. Itachi had easily discovered that something wasn’t right, that Neji being unconscious for such a long time wasn’t normal, different from how it went with their chosen guinea-pig. Kisame was the only member of Akatsuki he had seen these past few days and every time he entered their room, he would send a quick but clueless look to Neji, making it painfully clear that he should have woken up already.
The more time progressed, the more Itachi became convinced that Neji had been right after all, that Madara had led him on, making him believe that there was room for Neji in Akatsuki to then kill him and yet, keep Itachi tight in his grasp. He slammed his fist into the stone wall and nearly screamed at his own stupidity. How could he have been so blind? And why was Madara convinced his scheming would prove to be successful? Did he have such little faith in Itachi and Neji’s relationship?
Neji took in a wheezing breath and he stormed towards him, whether to check if he was going to live or going to die, he didn’t know. He did remember the promise he had made Neji nearly two months ago. He wouldn’t hesitate to follow him into the next life, not having an ounce of doubt that the moment Neji died, everything would return to its bland state and he would be lonely once again. He didn’t want to feel like that ever again. Crawling back into the bed, he sidled up to Neji as close as humanly possible and held him in a tight embrace, hard enough to leave bruises.
Kisame stroked Samehada’s blade, the action always succeeding in calming him, similar to what others did during meditation. He thought of the room across from his in which two people had been cooped up for a week now and his calmed state turned into one of anxiety. He didn’t know them at all but it was exhilarating to see them go so far for each other and yet, Neji not waking up was threatening their shared dream. He remembered when they had tested the removal of the curse-seal and how the captured shinobi had woken up not even a day after the ritual. With Neji it was going on for nearly more than a week. If it went on for much longer, he could fall into a coma. Madara had always spoken highly of his fellow Uchiha and how he was looking forward to him joining Akatsuki but in the past week that he had been here, Kisame had easily concluded that if Neji was lost, they would lose Itachi as well.
The thought had occurred to him that Madara had made temporary concessions when it came to Neji’s admittance to their group, making Itachi believe that there was place for the both of them when there really was only place for one and he had racked his brain, searching for any difference in the rituals of removing the Hyūga curse-seal but he had been unable to come up with anything. And would Madara really have taken such a risk? He had been talking about Itachi for years so why jeopardize it so easily? Madara had his insane tendencies but he was more than intelligent enough to know when to play it safe.
Kisame let his head fall back and sighed heavily but he sprung up as he felt a burst of chakra nearby. Someone jerked open the door to his room and he saw Itachi storming in, his mouth a fine line and his Sharingan spinning madly. “Take me to Madara,” he said, his tone so cold that if he had been any less of a man, he would have shivered.
“What’s going on?”
“Neji still hasn’t woken up. He was right, Madara did want to kill him.” So he wasn’t the only one that had thought something along this line. He debated silently whether he should calm Itachi down himself or let him confront Madara. But what if he’s right? At this point, Madara was the only one who could give a decent enough explanation, especially when considering Itachi’s frenzied state and Kisame stood up, motioning Itachi to follow him. He led him through the hallways and with every step they took, he felt Itachi’s anger rising. Quite understandable really. It did make it very obvious exactly how much he cared about Neji.
They arrived at the common room and he nodded his head in Madara’s direction, who was bent over a scroll. Itachi stormed passed him and yanked Madara out of his seat.
“You’re trying to kill Neji, aren’t you? I must have been a fool to ever believe a word you said.”
Madara didn’t look the least bit intimidated and slowly pried Itachi’s hands off of his shirt. “I’m not trying to kill Neji-kun. I believe Kisame’s praising words about him and I have been more than aware that if I ever try to hurt him, you would no longer be interested in joining Akatsuki. Don’t take me for a fool.”
Itachi breathed in through his clenched teeth and his arms were still shaking with rage. “He’s been unconscious for a week and he can end up in a coma soon. A coma is just as bad as killing him.”
“He’ll wake up soon enough. Trust me.” The last two words were said with slight sarcasm and Itachi wanted to scream as he noticed how Madara found this all more amusing than anything else. He gave him a last repulsed glare before turning on his heels and going back to his room, to Neji. Kisame watched him disappear in the dark hallway and looked back at Madara.
“Are you trying to kill the little Hyūga?”
Madara let out a laugh and sat back down comfortably. “And risk losing two of the greatest dōjutsu-users this world has ever seen?” Kisame had heard enough and followed Itachi’s direction, albeit at a more leisurely pace.
Neji took in a deep breath as he tried desperately to open his eyes, the lids feeling so heavy. He hadn’t even felt this tired after the mission against that Sound-nin during which he had almost died. Slowly he forced himself up and peered around the room, his sight needing to adjust some to the lack of lighting. He took in the unfamiliar room, trying to remember how he got here but then it all came back to him in a stream of memories. His and Itachi’s defection from Konoha, their arrival at the Akatsuki-lair. His curse-seal… His hand flew to his forehead and softly rubbed its skin, trying to find any change. He lowered it again as he realized it would be impossible to find any without a mirror at least.
Stretching his legs, he set his feet down on the ground and shivered as the cold of the room hit his naked body but his muscles instantly flexed as he felt someone moving nearby. Itachi! He spun his head around and found his lover sleeping soundly but he grew worried as he saw his eyelids trembling and a deep frown on his face, the dark rings under his eyes so dark they almost appeared black in their dark room. He slid a hand across his stomach and felt how his ribs were decidedly more pronounced, indicating that it had been a long time since he had eaten something. He must have been unconscious for quite some time apparently. And Itachi must have been incredibly worried.
Crawling towards him, he softly shook his shoulder to try and wake him and smiled as he saw Itachi’s eyes fluttering open and once they fell on him, they instantly became focused. The next moment, Neji was held in a crushing embrace and had Itachi’s head covered against his neck. He softly stroked his back and leaned against him, his body already tired from moving so little.
“How long was I out?”
“A week,” Itachi said, the sound muffled. Neji forced his head back so he could look at him and kissed him deeply. It felt so incredibly good to be aware of Itachi’s embraces again and of his presence.
“How does it look?” He didn’t bother to specify his question since both knew he could only refer to one thing.
Itachi placed a kiss on his forehead and smiled slightly. “You can barely see anything anymore, unless you look for it.” A heavy burden disappeared from Neji’s shoulders, a burden he hadn’t been fully aware of all the years of his life and he couldn’t help but smile at the recognition that his family would no longer be able to bend him to their will and that he was free to choose as he saw fit. It was once more confirmed that he had made the right decision to follow Itachi’s plan. Itachi stroked his head and pulled him back on the bed, both nestling against each other comfortably. “You’ll see it in the morning. Now go back to sleep.” Neji half-nodded, his eyes already falling shut. Itachi looked at him, now comforted that next time he woke up, Neji would be opening his eyes as well. He wrapped his arm around Neji’s waist and pulled him minutely closer, needing the contact to keep reminding himself of this, even in his sleep.
This time when he woke up, he felt decidedly more energetic and he could only smile, despite knowing that he was in Akatsuki’s lair, ready to become a full-fledged member. Nothing could deter him at this moment – he was acutely aware that his mood was going to come to an abrupt end the moment he stepped out of this room though - and he placed his lips on Itachi’s, gently coaxing him awake. He grinned in the kiss as he heard Itachi softly moaning in his mouth and deepened it some more, sliding his tongue over Itachi’s lips. Hands briskly grabbed his hips and he was nearly thrown on top of Itachi.
“Ohayo.” Itachi slid a finger over his forehead and quirked an eyebrow. “Have you seen it?” Neji shook his head. “There’s a bathroom through that door.” As juvenile as it was, he was tempted to ask Itachi to come with him. Perhaps it was for support or out of fear that it wouldn’t be as he imagined it after all, Itachi’s description sounding promising but what if it wouldn’t be enough for him after all? But trying to bring back his joyful mood, he reminded himself that no matter how it looked, its effect had been rendered useless and that should be worth more than its appearance. He fluidly got up from the bed but stumbled to the ground the moment he placed his weight on his legs. His week of lying in a bed unconscious had taken its toll on his physical strength. Itachi wordlessly stood up and supported him, forcing him to put at least some weight on his legs. By the time they made it to the bathroom, Neji felt slightly more confident although his breathing was laboured. To make sure he wouldn’t crash to the ground as they were standing still, Itachi went to stand behind him and wrapped both his arms around his chest. “Now look.”
Neji tentatively started lifting his head but at that first glimpse, he stumbled closer to the mirror, believing his eyes had deceived him.
“It-it’s completely gone,” he whispered. He looked at Itachi in their reflection and smiled the same moment he saw one appear on his face, although his own was one of partial disbelief and exhilaration. Itachi was smiling in pride and it was one of the greatest compliments he could give his lover. Neji turned in the tight embrace and wrapped his arms around his neck, urging Itachi closer so he could kiss him.
“Could you take me back to bed?” he asked, shuddering as he felt Itachi’s breath against his lips. It has been too long… Quick to catch on, Itachi reached for a bottle of shampoo and then reassumed his earlier position, providing a support as they slowly walked back to the comfort of their bed, although neither of them were even thinking about falling asleep again in the immediate future. There would be another time for that but not now, not after this week which had been filled with anxiety for Itachi and completely lost for Neji. The moment Neji sat back down on the bed, he pulled Itachi on top of him and hurriedly kissed him, glad to immediately feel familiar hands sliding over every patch of his skin they could reach. He yanked at his own clothes, only a pair of briefs, and then Itachi’s shirt, trying to get them off as fast as possible.
Seldom had he craved for his touch more than now because every time they did this, it would be a moment of bliss for both of them, a moment in which nothing but the other mattered. And this time, it would be a sense of celebration. The heralding of their new life in which they could and would trust no one but each other, in which they had no further ties with anyone else. Yes, they would soon become a member of Akatsuki but if worst came to worst, that bond could be so easily severed. Neither of them were tied to the organization through the means of a curse-seal, they always had the option – and a fair chance of survival – to fight for their freedom, one which didn’t include Akatsuki. As Itachi softly bit the sensitive skin on his neck, he let his head fall back and tried to focus on nothing else but the present, finding it too valuable to miss even a second of it. Itachi lifted his body to get rid of his shirt and trousers completely before dragging Neji further on the bed and rolling him on top of him. For a few seconds they simply looked at each other, neither finding the right words to describe the intensity of their emotions before slamming their lips together harshly, their bodies writhing against each other.
Itachi grabbed Neji’s hips firmly, grinding them down against his to increase the friction. This was the perfect way to get rid of the accumulated stress of these past few weeks and he was going to take full advantage of Neji’s willingness. With his finger, he stroked soft cheeks before slipping it between them, finding Neji’s asshole and shallowly pushing against it. Neji moaned in his mouth and he blindly reached for the bottle of shampoo, lathering three of his fingers. The second he pushed in a single, lubricated finger, Neji slithered upwards, breaking their kiss. He didn’t even wince as his hair was tightly grabbed, nails feebly scratching at his scalp as he could only concentrate on stretching Neji further to be able to accommodate his erection which was desperate for some attention.
“I’m stretched enough,” Neji hurriedly breathed, the last ending in a loud groan as his prostate was firmly stimulated by adept fingers. The bottle of shampoo was taken from him and he felt his erection being smothered with the liquid, the little action already enough for him to have to close his eyes. “Could we switch?” The question made Itachi reopen his eyes and he quickly noticed Neji quivering on his bent knees, the strength to sit on top of him for an extensive amount of time still lacking. He smoothly rolled them over and settled himself comfortably between Neji’s slender legs before lifting them on his shoulders.
He silently asked if Neji was ready and Neji nodded, slightly eager and anxious. He started pushing his erection in, stopping after every few centimetres and the more Neji took in, the more he clenched his thighs with his hands, a sign that it had been too long for both. He heard Neji breathing deeply, the pattern more irregular as Itachi pushed in to the hilt. He was careful never to let Neji show how difficult it was for him to keep still, just like when he had taken his virginity. If Neji saw, he would only tell him to start moving when he wasn’t stretched enough yet to make it as painless as possible.
Itachi was hovering over him and he pushed his upper body up to kiss him briefly before flexing his hips, telling him without words that he wanted and needed him to move. His eyes fluttered shut as that first painful thrust came but he knew how much better it was going to feel if he bit through this. It was worth every little ache. He shuddered as Itachi’s hands slid over his legs, which tensed in response and pulled him closer, wrapping his legs loosely around his waist, his arms around his neck.
“You look even more beautiful without your forehead covered,” Itachi said straight into his ear and Neji chuckled shakily as his prostate was slammed into.
“Perhaps I should wear my hitai-ate around my neck now.” Itachi suddenly lifted to look him straight in the eye.
“Yes, you should. Now you have nothing to be ashamed of anymore.” Due to his determined tone, Neji frowned a bit but could certainly understand his reasoning. Perhaps he really should. Itachi picked up the pace and Neji decided it was something to think about later, not bothering to hold in any of his moans. It was the first time they had been able to be this intimate with each other in a private place that they could now call their own and regardless if anyone heard them, it could only be someone who already knew they were a couple and who wouldn’t try to separate them afterwards.
Itachi looked at Neji as he was harshly thrusting in, knowing he could handle it now and already felt those first tendrils of an approaching orgasm. It didn’t matter that they hadn’t been having sex for so long since they could take out all night for it if they wanted to. Wrapping his hand still slick with shampoo around Neji’s cock, he jerked him off in time with his thrusts and heard Neji’s cries steadily becoming louder, his body twitching under every single one of his touches. It never got old to do this with him, on the contrary. It had only become better since that time, now a year ago. Neji was exactly what he needed, in every area of his life and every passing day only seemed to confirm that.
“A-almost there,” Neji managed to utter, his body already semi-simulating an orgasm. Itachi increased the pace one last time, his erection being squeezed erratically before finding that ledge he loved to jump over. Neji’s cry, one he only used while climaxing, made his orgasm only wash over him harder. As both slowly came back from their high, Itachi carefully lowered himself and settled right next to Neji’s heated body. He fumbled around for his shirt and feebly cleaned them off. For now, both were content to just lie still, not quite sleeping but just reaffirming in silence all of the changes that had happened in so little time.
“Won’t you miss anyone?” Neji suddenly whispered. “Not even Sasuke or your mother?” The question disturbed Itachi, to say the least. It came so unexpected and seemed to question every confirmation in the past few hours. Itachi leaned over to look at him but found him to be close to sleeping, his eyelids lowered and head burrowed deep in his pillow. Perhaps he needed to trust Neji that it wasn’t a question out of spite or regret.
“I doubt it. Sasuke and I have gone separate ways a long time ago, even if he’s too stubborn to acknowledge it yet. Maybe now he will. And my mother… She was too late.” Neji knew about his mother’s attempts to bring them closer and Itachi had easily seen how much he had longed for a woman to call his mother when he was growing up. He had never made mention of it, though. Neji turned, his eyes now fully closed but crawling closer to him, the air around him screaming tranquillity. It was that which calmed Itachi down and made him mentally curse himself for judging too soon. “Now sleep. We have to meet Madara tomorrow.” He kissed him and pulled the covers over them, blowing out the candle next to the bed.
Madara grinned as he saw Itachi and Neji entering the room. Both were leaning into each other a bit, only visible to the keen observer but had he ever been anything less? Nothing escaped his eye. He focused on Neji’s bare forehead and his smirk grew as he saw his hitai-ate dangling around his neck. Neji clearly was ready to show he was no longer a slave to his family. And soon, he would also be displaying his severed ties to Konohagakure. His hand motioned them to come closer and take a seat in front of him.
“So you finally decided to join the consciously living again, Neji-kun.” Neji only nodded slowly, cautious to his surroundings almost to the point of paranoia. Madara had to give him credit for it; Akatsuki had removed his curse-seal and yet, he didn’t let this occlude any other factors, something which many other people would be prone to. After all, weren’t people that ‘saved your life’ trustworthy? Madara mentally chuckled. The only one he trusted was himself, as it should be for any good shinobi. Self-preservation wasn’t a primal survivor instinct for no reason.
“As Deidara said a week ago, you will be joined with him and Itachi, you with Kisame. You’ll need to train with several of our members to increase your potential in several areas.” Both were attentively listening to him, their eyes never leaving his face. They were going to make such a great addition to his little circle. He studied pearlescent eyes, holders of Byakugan, the confrontation not appearing intimidating on Neji’s part. Of course he was used to being closely looked at by a possessor of Sharingan. Kisame had been right, he was a feisty little thing, brave but not to the point of stupidity. And using that Kekkei Genkai which had always sparked his interest every time someone mentioned it. Akatsuki would only benefit of this addition. Someday, he would have to thank Itachi for bringing his lover to him.
“After your so-called training, we’ll send you out on missions to test your loyalty, sort of speak. If you’re successful, you will receive one of this.” He held up two rings before laying them down on the table between them. “But first and foremost, it is time to break the bonds with Konohagakure.” His hand retrieved a kunai and he slid it across the table, Itachi deftly grabbing it. Madara saw him glancing at Neji before tying off his hiati-ate and quickly dragging the kunai across the symbol deeply ingrained in the metal. Neji automatically followed, his hands never hesitating. They got an approving nod from Madara before he waved his hand, silently telling them to go back to their room. Stepping into the hallway, Neji grabbed Itachi’s hands loosely, pulling him closer.
“Now we can’t ever go back,” he commented absently.
“No. But no one can force us back either.” Itachi wrapped a hand around his waist and pulled him closer for a moment. “Let’s go for a walk.” The thought of some fresh air was too good to resist and Neji let himself be pulled towards the entrance, lifting his eye-brows as Itachi easily opened the secured passageway. “Madara explained it to me yesterday. I’ll show you when we get back.” The moment they stood on the grass, they took in a deep breath, glad to be outside for the first time in a week. Neji took Itachi’s hand and squeezed it firmly, gently smiling at him before taking the lead, steering him into the forest.
With his Byakugan, he located a secluded place near a river and they reached it not five minutes later. Itachi sat down and Neji nestled himself between his legs, leaning against him and wrapping his arms around him. This was why he had done it, why he had gone to Akatsuki. For moments like this in which neither had to be cautious of anyone finding out about their relationship. Knowing that Itachi would always be there to support him made this change in life a whole lot more bearable.
“How long until we are declared missing-nin?” How long until they send people out to come and try to force us back to Konoha?
“There will be an investigation first to see if we weren’t killed or captured. Normally in a month or so.” Itachi kissed his neck softly. “We already made it this far.”
Neji reached behind him and stroked Itachi’s cheek with the back of his hand. “We did.”
Preview Chapter XII
“Neji and Itachi have been together for two years now.”
Both clan-heads were visibly lost for words before Neji’s uncle mentally pulled himself together. “What do you mean, together?” he spat out venomously.
“Exactly what I said. They’re a couple,” Shikamaru confirmed.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Review Responses:
Jade Rose: Shikamaru is a great character, both in the show and to incorporate in fanfiction. He’s just so lazy it’s hilarious but gets off his ass and really is there for others when need be. Hard not to appreciate that.
AkatsukiYaoi: Remember that clan-heads can be absolute pains in the ass. Just a hint. =)
DarlingCurse: Here’s the sequel to your “dream”. Hiope this chapter won’t disappoint. It was a drag to write this one… Thank you!
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