Sensei | By : anotherfanfictionaddict Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 55848 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I do not make any money from these stories. |
Title: Sensei's secret affair
Pairing: Naruto X Kurenai (AU)
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.
A short shot between one of my favourite pairings. This is an AU one.
“Kurenai-sensei?” sighed Anko half sarcastically, wholly bored.
Instantly, her friend turned her head round.
“What is it Anko?” she asked curious.
Anko just sighed again, clearly irritated.
“Can you PLEASEEEE tell me, why we’re at the Academy when there are no students here?” she deadpanned.
Kurenai just gave a light chuckle. Shinobi hopefuls might not have got as much time off as civilian school kids but they still got some.
“Well...I've got important duties to do.” smiled the Chuunin.
The time off gave a chance for the Chuunin instructors like her to ready lesson plans and what not for the upcoming semester.
There was also the fact Kurenai loved being an Academy teacher.
Sure she'd been offered a chance to become a Jonin sensei, but after teaching Yakumo... That idea had been shelved altogether until the Hokage had persuaded her to take the Academy role a few years back.
The now thirty year old didn't regret it one bit.
“But it's my day off...” whined Anko pouting.
Kurenai just kept her red eyes focused firmly on the cabinet she'd been sifting through.
“No one forced you to come.” murmured the brunette with a wry grin.
That just led to more pouting from Anko.
Only Kurenai didn't fall for her orphan puppy face. It's why her head dropped to the desk.
“Damn it...” she cursed rolling her brown eyes.
A knock at the door soon interrupted the duo.
Instantly Anko perked up... Well slightly.
“Finally some action.” she mused, her head though remained on the desk.
Honest to Kami she just didn't understand why her friend wasn't just working at their apartment.
Naruto just poked his head through the door.
“Hey Kurenai-sensei… Anko-sensei.” greeted the spiky haired blonde as he noticed two occupants.
At that voice Anko immediately perked up for real this time as her head turned towards their guest.
“Still calling me that huh gaki?” chuckled Anko. As much as she adored the blonde, she hated the sensei tag.
It made her feel old and fat somehow...
The teen just grinned sheepishly in that patented fashion of his.
“Sorry. Was I interrupting something?” wondered Naruto as the room had gotten that awkward quiet about it after his introduction.
“No Naruto.” smiled Kurenai sincerely at the teen. "What are you doing here?"
“I just finished a mission.” grinned Naruto giving two thumbs up. “...and I was hoping to use the Academy's training ground.”
There was no way in hell he was using Team Seven's training ground.
Gai-sensei had been waiting for his 'Eternal Rival' Kakashi there and that guy made every minute of training feel like an hour on a treadmill.
Scary thought.
“Plus I wanted to see you both and I knew you'd be here.” grinned Naruto staring solely at Kurenai.
'Good save Naruto.' thanked Kurenai blushing slightly at the look.
“Well aren't we the lucky ones.” Smirked Anko not catching the brief googly eyes the duo shared.
"Yup and I bought you both souvenirs.” chuckled Naruto before he pulled out two scrolls.
He walked to Kurenai and gave hers, straight to her hands whilst the other scroll he tossed to Anko who couldn't help but open it straight away. Call her eager, but it took barely a second for the Special Jonin to place some of her chakra into her scroll, and she didn't regret it as she was greeted by three of Wave's finest sakes.
“You are the best!” cheered Anko as she hugged a bottle close to her mesh covered chest. Dear Kami each one of the bottles cost at least a good B-rank mission. “No wonder you're Kurenai's favourite student.” she added immediately looking at the ingredients.
‘38 percent alcohol.’ Anko mentally grinned. This was great hard hitting sake.
Both Naruto and Kurenai though couldn't help but blush for knowing a more - real reason for the Chuunin's favour towards the teen.
“Yeah... I erm... Better go now.” stuttered Naruto. If there was one thing he couldn't deal with it was Anko's teasing and it just seemed like this was a perfect chance now.
The blonde was stopped though by Kurenai's right hand grabbing his.
“What time are you going to finish Naruto-kun?” she muttered genuinely curious.
“An hour.” Offered Naruto with a shrug. The trip to Wave was just meant to be a little down time for Team Seven and Kakashi had forbidden Naruto from training so he could rest for once.
“Make sure you don't overdo it…” smiled Kurenai seeing as how she knew all too well how serious Naruto was at times.
A light blush coloured her cheeks though as another thought hit her. Briefly she glanced to her right only to see Anko still occupied with her reading.
“When you're done come back here okay?” she mouthed again sneaking a quick glance towards Anko who was thankfully still preoccupied.
Naruto couldn't have nodded fast enough.
Without Naruto Anko immediately decided to voice her now more mischievous thoughts.
“You know...” grinned Anko looking like a cat that caught the canary all of a sudden. “You shouldn't be so close to your students Nai-chan.”
That caught Kurenai off guard.
“W...What. I'm not.” defended the brunette suddenly stoic.
Anko mistook her friend’s embarrassment for outright denial. It didn't stop her from prodding a little bit more though.
“So what did he get you then, hmm?” pried Anko leaning forward.
This wasn't the first present the blonde had given either of them.
Kurenai quickly placed her scroll in her desk's draw before slamming it shut.
“Never you mind.” she scolded. Naruto had a habit of surprising her.
Anko just sighed once more.
She'd instantly recognized the 'end of discussion' face.
“Party pooper.” grumbled Anko as her mood soured. Kurenai was way too uptight to tease. Hell the older woman was Ying to Anko's 'exuberant' Yang, which is why the lavender haired woman didn't drop her case.
“You know...” wondered Anko suddenly out loud. “He's too nice.” she chuckled eyeing her 'precious'. She'd only said it as a joke that she'd wanted a present off the kid the first time she'd found the blonde and her friend together and Naruto had got her one. They hadn't even seen each other before that day, never mind met and he'd got her one anyway.
“Pretty cute too.” added Anko offhandedly only for her eyes to widen as her usually reserved friend began to blush.
“You're blushing Kurenai-Chan.” smirked Anko her interest piqued once more.
Even though she was and she knew it, Kurenai still tried to deny it.
“I... I'm not.” she muttered briefly turning her attention back to her work.
Fact was she'd been seeing Naruto for a year now.
“Just don't cross the line.” warned Anko jokingly. “Tsunade would have your head on a platter.”
The whole village knew how much the Hokage cared for the kid.
“Plus teaching is sacred and all that other crap.” waved Anko at least that's what Kurenai had told her. Not that that would stop Anko.
Kurenai could only gnaw at her lower lip.
It was barely a year ago that a then fifteen year old Naruto had confessed of his feelings to Kurenai.
“Besides he's still a Genin.” added Anko now thinking of snagging the blonde for herself
“If it wasn't for that I'd be all over him.” grinned Anko feeling her own face get a little heated.
“Anko!” scolded Kurenai.
As a teacher she couldn't agree with such a thought.
“Hey! I'm just kidding.” waved Anko suddenly nervous.
'Although he trained with Jiraiya.' mused the woman thinking about it more.
That was half good and half bad. The old man was a pervert to a fault even if he was hella strong.
“I know how you feel though. If I had him, it would be hands, eyes and fantasies off for anyone else.” chuckled Anko as her eyes took a serious look.
Kurenai could only gulp to herself.
She'd known Naruto for years. The Third Hokage had asked her to help Naruto a bit after he'd failed the Academy for a second time when the blonde was twelve. They stayed in touch. Naruto was an orphan after all and didn't have a clan to support him. It's why he lived alone.
As a chance to catch up Kurenai had been invited to the blonde's place shortly after he'd returned from his trip with Jiraiya.
One thing had led to another.
It ended with Naruto showing Kurenai how much he'd matured over the two years he'd been away.
“You know, I'd bet a year’s salary that there's senseis who do it.” pondered Anko as her thoughts began to wander.
Shinobi were lying machines after all.
“I... I guess.” stammered Kurenai as she began to busy herself.
Naruto was the hardworking, heart on his sleeve and honest type. Maybe that was why Kurenai had caved in so easily. But having tasted the forbidden apple, Kurenai knew instantly that she'd wanted more even if she was practically twice the blonde's age. Since then there'd been so much more satisfying sex…
Truthfully Kurenai had surprised herself by her behaviour. She had sex with Naruto without a care in the world.
It had definitely been worth it.
An hour later Naruto returned.
“Sensei?” called the blonde looking for the brunette.
Instantly Kurenai smiled as she saw him.
“You're done?” she asked and Naruto simply nodded before he glanced round.
“Where's Anko-sensei?” he wondered.
Kurenai just gave a roll of her eyes.
‘Screw it I'm going to get some dango or else I'll die of boredom.’ were Anko's exact words barely minutes ago.
When in doubt buy dango. That train of thought had served Anko well her whole life.
“She just left.” chuckled Kurenai and instantly Naruto's mouth made an ‘o’ in acknowledgement.
“So...” began Naruto slightly awkwardly.
Kurenai simply blushed slightly.
“Is there anything you wanted from me sensei?” offered the blonde.
“Well there's some things I wanted to get from a store.” mused Kurenai gnawing at her lower lip. “...and I haven't seen you in a week Naruto-kun.”
“Oh.” blushed Naruto before he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I'm glad you missed us sensei.” Muttered the blonde suddenly looking six instead of sixteen…
Now if she were a fan girl Kurenai would've cried Kawaii at the look Naruto was giving her.
She wasn't but that still didn't stop her thinking it mind. She also couldn't wait to tease the blonde.
Conveniently Kurenai found that her eraser was right on the corner of her desk.
“Oh sorry.” she murmured as she knocked it to the ground. It bounced beneath her chair as well. "Can you get that for me Naruto-kun?"
“Um... Sure.” shrugged Naruto not seeing the blatant ploy.
'Always the trusting type.' sighed Kurenai with a slight smile.
It was another trait that endeared the teen to her.
Now having, got to his knees, it didn't take long for Naruto to find the rubber, but the moment he looked up it instantly dropped from his hands.
The moment he'd looked up, Naruto was greeted by the reddest thong in the history of woman kind as Kurenai had eased her legs apart, causing her bandage like skirt to hike up her lilywhite thighs.
“Naughty boy Naruto-chan.” scolded Kurenai trying to keep a straight face. That snapped Naruto awake. “Peeping on your sensei of all people… I wonder how Tsunade-Sama would feel if I told her.” added the Chuunin kunoichi as Naruto felt his face turn a ghostly white.
The old lady would kill him and Jiraiya.
Slowly Kurenai eased her panties aside with a single digit baring her moist cunt to Naruto.
It left the teen's whiskered cheeks to light up like a fire and he gulped knowing full well what was coming next.
“But there's no one else here is there Naruto-kun.” dared Kurenai. She couldn't help herself. Her secret relationship with Naruto had been going on for a year already.
“O... Okay.” muttered Naruto and instantly he eased his, mouth forward.
Barely a second later an airy gasp escaped Kurenai's mouth as she felt the first touch of Naruto warm breath on her core.
The feeling wasn't allowed to linger as Anko returned.
“You done yet Nai-chan?!” called Anko suddenly, from outside the class.
Both Kurenai and Naruto felt their eyes widen massively.
“Quick. Hide.” muttered Kurenai frantically and there was only one place Naruto could go and that was straight under Kurenai's desk.
The Chuunin herself swivelled on her chair to hide her gaping pussy and made damn well sure her legs were beneath the table.
By the time Anko stepped in Kurenai had one arm covering her face from her best friends view whilst the other pretended to scribble notes down. Her heart rate was going to a Kiri and back every minute.
“Forgot to ask if you want anything?” asked Anko poking her head into the room. Dear Kami she was hungry.
“Er... No thanks Anko-Chan.” muttered Kurenai before another light gasp escaped Kurenai’s mouth.
“You're brutal Naruto-kun.” she thought sucking on her lower lip. She'd just felt Naruto add a third finger into her sensitive honey pot.
“You sure you look like you need it?” prodded Anko her mind already on her soon to be eaten dango.
“Mmm no.” breathed Kurenai on the verge of moaning. She could feel Naruto's fingers practically assault her outer walls.
Her head had already tuned her best friend out. Kurenai honestly couldn't believe how heated she felt. Here she was in a staff room, being eaten out by her toy boy whilst her best friend unsuspectingly watched.
‘Not that Naruto is my plaything.' mused Kurenai sighing in pleasure as her pussy was probed once more.
She'd already forgotten about Anko, who'd just shrugged before leaving her friend to it.
“You're getting better at this Naruto-kun. Ahh...” mused Kurenai airily out loud before she bit her finger just in case Anko was still in the hallway.
Naruto just kept going. His warm fingers, deftly massaged her sensitive sex leaving Kurenai a shuddering mess. Every inch of her lips was rubbed softly causing Kurenai to purr.
Slowly though Kurenai eased her seat back leaving her staring at the blonde who was practically on all fours except for the digits he was licking.
“Do I really taste that good Naruto-kun.” muttered Kurenai unable to stop her voice from being quiet.
“Hai.” nodded Naruto certainly
Kurenai could only blush further.
“Come on. We'll go next door.” she smiled unable to contain her eagerness.
The counselling room had a sofa after all.
There was only one thing in Kurenai's mind once she'd gotten Naruto sat down.
“Hurry and help me take these off.” ordered the Chuunin already undoing the drawstring that kept Naruto's pants held.
"But... I... haven't showered yet sensei.” protested Naruto and it was true. His first stop had been the Academy to see Kurenai before even Ichiraku's.
Kurenai though wasn't going to be denied and after some helpful squirming on Naruto's part, his erect cock was allowed to spring forth right before the Chuunin's face.
Both Nin's blushes went up another notch.
“Did you get hard playing with my pussy Naruto-kun?” wondered Kurenai staring at the blonde’s appendage..
“H-hai.” stammered Naruto and instantly the Chuunin chuckled once more.
Honestly Kurenai could never believe how big the young man was.
“Dear Kami I could never let a younger kunoichi get with this.” she mused briefly staring at her one eyed treat.
Naruto would probably break them in half. Then again it matched the blonde's loud and proud personality. It definitely gave Naruto something to really brag about.
Slowly, but surely Kurenai leaned her molten mouth forward. Truthfully Naruto's cock barely fit in her mouth. It didn't stop her from moaning though as her lips wrapped round the Jinchuuriki's prick head.
Her tastebuds were immediately assaulted by the saltiness of sweat and Kurenai couldn't help but moan throatily.
“Ah sensei.” gasped Naruto as well.
His whole cock was swallowed whole effortlessly. It was literally drowned in slick warmth.
The Chuunin herself couldn't stop her eyes from become half lidded before she focused on the task in hand. She knew better than to expect Naruto to be tired from training. Her tongue swirled at the head drawing a light gasp from Naruto before she sank her head down.
She just loved sucking Naruto off.
“Sensei...” gasped the blonde as Kurenai head began to bounce up and down his length. “You’re being too rough…”
If only Naruto understood how much his young dick entranced the Chuunin.
“Sorry Naruto-kun…” muttered Kurenai as she reared her head back to the tip of Naruto’s prick. Her tongue then slapped the head of Naruto’s dick a few times drawing more pleasurable hisses from the blonde.
“Ah… Ah… Sensei.” Gasped Naruto as his head fell back. “You really like my dick, ne sensei?”
Kurenai just moaned her approval as her mouth stretched to accommodate her young lover’s shaft and she began sucking the blonde off feverishly.
‘I wish I could suck it every day.’ were her thoughts as her long black hair swayed with every eager suck she gave…
“Sensei…” gulped Naruto his voice catching in his throat. “I’m gonna…”
“Mmm…” moaned Kurenai as she sucked even harder.
That translated to give it me.
With a long drawn out groan Naruto came. His cum was pumped straight up his shaft down Kurenai’s eager throat.
“Mmmmm… Mmmmmm!” moaned the Chuunin as her mouth filled with her toyboy's seed.
There was so much of it. Honestly Kurenai felt she was being greedy as she gulped it down.
“Your mouth feels awesome sensei…” huffed Naruto as Kurenai kept on sucking him off.
Eventually his dick stopped it’s release and the blonde was left a little short on breath as Kurenai stood up and made sure nothing had gone to waste.
“Is there anything else you want Naruto-kun?” wondered Kurenai staring at Naruto’s somehow still erect cock.
“I…” began Naruto only shushed by a soft finger to his lips.
“I’m only teasing Naruto-kun.” grinned Kurenai blushing slightly. “Besides it’s been a week and we never get to be together other then on weekends.”
Kurenai had always felt the way Naruto could make her moan would draw too much attention but now, alone for certain was as good a time as any.
“…and I can’t wait any longer…” breathed Kurenai as she eased her moist panties off.
Naruto could only blush at the blatant trail of arousal that ran down Kurenai’s thighs as her panties were wiggled off.
The little black garment landed at Kurenai’s feet with a plop.
With a monumental blush Naruto just sat lifted his saliva soaked dick as Kurenai got a top of him. Her knees planted either side of him as she placed her hands down on his chest. Then with a little help Kurenai squat herself down and straight onto Naruto’s flesh dagger.
“Ahnnn…” she gasped at the filling.
On instinct Kurenai felt her head lull back as she her mouth opened. She felt turned on than usual.
“I can’t get enough of your pussy sensei…” breathed Naruto as his hands clasped onto Kurenai’s ass.
It felt like his sensei’s pussy was squirming round his dick. Even the slightest shift of Kurenai’s hips made the blonde shiver.
“Sensei… Keep going…” urged Naruto wanting more but all he got was a lazy smile.
“Don’t rush.” muttered Kurenai with a shake of her head. With Naruto away all she’d had for the last week was work to distract her. It’s why she knew she was going to cum like crazy.
“Then let me do it then… sensei…” sighed the blonde as be began to turn Kurenai onto her back.
“Kyahh…” moaned Kurenai as she caught sight of the blonde’s dick…
‘Geez Naruto-kun going to such extremes…’ mused the Chuunin as her bandage like dress scrunched up at her waist. Her legs were spread wide baring everything.
Kurenai couldn’t help but blush. She could see the blonde’s dick was half buried in her pussy.
“This is so embarrassing…” murmured the Chuunin her blush going up a notch.
But Naruto straight away just gave a soft chuckle as he leaned forward. The little shift brought another gasp from Kurenai but she didn’t turn away from her young lover.
“But you look so cute sensei.” smiled Naruto sincerely before he began pressing his shaft forward.
With every inch Kurenai writhed a little before she gasped as Naruto bottomed out in her. A little shock hit her and Kurenai felt her body hitch.
‘I just came a little…’ she realised as she tried to cover her mouth.
For Naruto it felt like his dick was in a velvet vice. He couldn’t help but gasp as every inch of was rubbed by Kurenai’s pussy. It didn’t take long for the student teacher twosome to get into it as Naruto began rearing back before he’d grunt and slide his way back in.
Pretty soon Kurenai arm’s had moved behind her head and against the sofa’s arms as she braced herself.
“You’ve gotten good at this…” huffed Kurenai before she half gasped half grinned as Naruto covered her mouth with his own.
“Only for you sensei…” breathed Naruto before his mouth Kurenai’s again and he began thrusting even harder. Immediately Kurenai whimpered as she felt Naruto slam into her again. The blonde wasn’t done though.
“Does it feel good sensei?” he grunted pulling back.
A trail of saliva slipped down Kurenai’s chin.
“H-hai… Incredible. Oooh.” she Kurenai feeling her head spin…
Lately Naruto had been the one on top. He’d asked a few months back at her apartment and Kurenai had come to a conclusion their and then. She couldn’t live without his dick. The Chuunin could only moan again as Naruto did his best to break her in half with his man meat.
Haan! More Naruohhh!” cried Kurenai feeling her mind leave her.
Any trace of her being a respected Nin were nowhere to be seen as Naruto fucked her stupid.
“Naruto I can’t… Ah…” she cried feeling her body fall to the onslaught of the blonde’s dick.
Naruto too was at his limit. It all felt too good. His sensei’s pussy felt too good.
“Sensei I’m gonna…” grunted blonde thrusting his dick again. It would be his last as his ready cock blew its heated load.
When Naruto came, Kurenai felt herself practically melt from the inside out as her body followed suit. Her back arched away from the sofa as she felt her pussy filled.
“OH KAMI YES!” she cried feeling her body scream its own relief.
The two had long since passed the, learn about safe sex stage in their relationship.
With a grunt Naruto leant down and wrapped his arms round the Chuunin as he hugged her close. Her panting breath tickled his neck as she returned the favour.
‘I’ve become addicted to you Naruto…’ mused Kurenai feeling the blonde’s cock stay in her.
… and she didn’t care if people found out? She and Naruto were both Shinobi after all.
Having smiled all the way home as Naruto had walked with her, arm in arm and of course after they’d aired out the staff room, Kurenai just left the blonde with a kiss on his forehead promising to see him later.
When she closed her apartment’s door, she slumped against it and sighed like a lovesick puppy.
What Kurenai hadn’t counted on was Anko waiting for her.
“You!” muttered Anko as she appeared from nowhere and instantly Kurenai jumped having not sensed her friend. “ARE MY HERO NAI-CHAN!”
Kurenai could only stare confused whilst Anko couldn’t stop the blush on her own face.
“I heard everything between you and Naruto…” chuckled Anko her hands going to the back of her head. She hadn’t meant to stay and watch. It had just sort of happened that she saw the blonde walking back to the Academy and she’d sort of followed him.
Kurenai felt her face turn ashen.
‘Oh Kami I didn’t think she’d come back…’ she thought panicking.
Anko though just walked up and grabbed her best friend’s hands with her own as she leaned forward.
“I knew there was a reason to go with you today….” She chuckled. Not that she was the romantic type but what she’d seen in amongst the hot sex was kind of moving.
“WHA?” stammered Kurenai hearing her heart beat thunder.
“Don’t worry. Anko Mitarashi’s lips are sealed.” Swore Anko as she pulled back and held one hand up and one on her heart. “Ninja-scout’s honour, I won’t tell anyone.” She winked before thinking of how she could witness a repeat performance.
Kurenai’s hands just dropped to her sides.
“O-kay…” she muttered before a thought crossed her mind.
W…What now!...?
“Kurenai-sensei?” sighed Anko half sarcastically, wholly bored.
Instantly, her friend turned her head round.
“What is it Anko?” she asked curious.
Anko just sighed again, clearly irritated.
“Can you PLEASEEEE tell me, why we’re at the Academy when there are no students here?” she deadpanned.
Kurenai just gave a light chuckle. Shinobi hopefuls might not have got as much time off as civilian school kids but they still got some.
“Well...I've got important duties to do.” smiled the Chuunin.
The time off gave a chance for the Chuunin instructors like her to ready lesson plans and what not for the upcoming semester.
There was also the fact Kurenai loved being an Academy teacher.
Sure she'd been offered a chance to become a Jonin sensei, but after teaching Yakumo... That idea had been shelved altogether until the Hokage had persuaded her to take the Academy role a few years back.
The now thirty year old didn't regret it one bit.
“But it's my day off...” whined Anko pouting.
Kurenai just kept her red eyes focused firmly on the cabinet she'd been sifting through.
“No one forced you to come.” murmured the brunette with a wry grin.
That just led to more pouting from Anko.
Only Kurenai didn't fall for her orphan puppy face. It's why her head dropped to the desk.
“Damn it...” she cursed rolling her brown eyes.
A knock at the door soon interrupted the duo.
Instantly Anko perked up... Well slightly.
“Finally some action.” she mused, her head though remained on the desk.
Honest to Kami she just didn't understand why her friend wasn't just working at their apartment.
Naruto just poked his head through the door.
“Hey Kurenai-sensei… Anko-sensei.” greeted the spiky haired blonde as he noticed two occupants.
At that voice Anko immediately perked up for real this time as her head turned towards their guest.
“Still calling me that huh gaki?” chuckled Anko. As much as she adored the blonde, she hated the sensei tag.
It made her feel old and fat somehow...
The teen just grinned sheepishly in that patented fashion of his.
“Sorry. Was I interrupting something?” wondered Naruto as the room had gotten that awkward quiet about it after his introduction.
“No Naruto.” smiled Kurenai sincerely at the teen. "What are you doing here?"
“I just finished a mission.” grinned Naruto giving two thumbs up. “...and I was hoping to use the Academy's training ground.”
There was no way in hell he was using Team Seven's training ground.
Gai-sensei had been waiting for his 'Eternal Rival' Kakashi there and that guy made every minute of training feel like an hour on a treadmill.
Scary thought.
“Plus I wanted to see you both and I knew you'd be here.” grinned Naruto staring solely at Kurenai.
'Good save Naruto.' thanked Kurenai blushing slightly at the look.
“Well aren't we the lucky ones.” Smirked Anko not catching the brief googly eyes the duo shared.
"Yup and I bought you both souvenirs.” chuckled Naruto before he pulled out two scrolls.
He walked to Kurenai and gave hers, straight to her hands whilst the other scroll he tossed to Anko who couldn't help but open it straight away. Call her eager, but it took barely a second for the Special Jonin to place some of her chakra into her scroll, and she didn't regret it as she was greeted by three of Wave's finest sakes.
“You are the best!” cheered Anko as she hugged a bottle close to her mesh covered chest. Dear Kami each one of the bottles cost at least a good B-rank mission. “No wonder you're Kurenai's favourite student.” she added immediately looking at the ingredients.
‘38 percent alcohol.’ Anko mentally grinned. This was great hard hitting sake.
Both Naruto and Kurenai though couldn't help but blush for knowing a more - real reason for the Chuunin's favour towards the teen.
“Yeah... I erm... Better go now.” stuttered Naruto. If there was one thing he couldn't deal with it was Anko's teasing and it just seemed like this was a perfect chance now.
The blonde was stopped though by Kurenai's right hand grabbing his.
“What time are you going to finish Naruto-kun?” she muttered genuinely curious.
“An hour.” Offered Naruto with a shrug. The trip to Wave was just meant to be a little down time for Team Seven and Kakashi had forbidden Naruto from training so he could rest for once.
“Make sure you don't overdo it…” smiled Kurenai seeing as how she knew all too well how serious Naruto was at times.
A light blush coloured her cheeks though as another thought hit her. Briefly she glanced to her right only to see Anko still occupied with her reading.
“When you're done come back here okay?” she mouthed again sneaking a quick glance towards Anko who was thankfully still preoccupied.
Naruto couldn't have nodded fast enough.
Without Naruto Anko immediately decided to voice her now more mischievous thoughts.
“You know...” grinned Anko looking like a cat that caught the canary all of a sudden. “You shouldn't be so close to your students Nai-chan.”
That caught Kurenai off guard.
“W...What. I'm not.” defended the brunette suddenly stoic.
Anko mistook her friend’s embarrassment for outright denial. It didn't stop her from prodding a little bit more though.
“So what did he get you then, hmm?” pried Anko leaning forward.
This wasn't the first present the blonde had given either of them.
Kurenai quickly placed her scroll in her desk's draw before slamming it shut.
“Never you mind.” she scolded. Naruto had a habit of surprising her.
Anko just sighed once more.
She'd instantly recognized the 'end of discussion' face.
“Party pooper.” grumbled Anko as her mood soured. Kurenai was way too uptight to tease. Hell the older woman was Ying to Anko's 'exuberant' Yang, which is why the lavender haired woman didn't drop her case.
“You know...” wondered Anko suddenly out loud. “He's too nice.” she chuckled eyeing her 'precious'. She'd only said it as a joke that she'd wanted a present off the kid the first time she'd found the blonde and her friend together and Naruto had got her one. They hadn't even seen each other before that day, never mind met and he'd got her one anyway.
“Pretty cute too.” added Anko offhandedly only for her eyes to widen as her usually reserved friend began to blush.
“You're blushing Kurenai-Chan.” smirked Anko her interest piqued once more.
Even though she was and she knew it, Kurenai still tried to deny it.
“I... I'm not.” she muttered briefly turning her attention back to her work.
Fact was she'd been seeing Naruto for a year now.
“Just don't cross the line.” warned Anko jokingly. “Tsunade would have your head on a platter.”
The whole village knew how much the Hokage cared for the kid.
“Plus teaching is sacred and all that other crap.” waved Anko at least that's what Kurenai had told her. Not that that would stop Anko.
Kurenai could only gnaw at her lower lip.
It was barely a year ago that a then fifteen year old Naruto had confessed of his feelings to Kurenai.
“Besides he's still a Genin.” added Anko now thinking of snagging the blonde for herself
“If it wasn't for that I'd be all over him.” grinned Anko feeling her own face get a little heated.
“Anko!” scolded Kurenai.
As a teacher she couldn't agree with such a thought.
“Hey! I'm just kidding.” waved Anko suddenly nervous.
'Although he trained with Jiraiya.' mused the woman thinking about it more.
That was half good and half bad. The old man was a pervert to a fault even if he was hella strong.
“I know how you feel though. If I had him, it would be hands, eyes and fantasies off for anyone else.” chuckled Anko as her eyes took a serious look.
Kurenai could only gulp to herself.
She'd known Naruto for years. The Third Hokage had asked her to help Naruto a bit after he'd failed the Academy for a second time when the blonde was twelve. They stayed in touch. Naruto was an orphan after all and didn't have a clan to support him. It's why he lived alone.
As a chance to catch up Kurenai had been invited to the blonde's place shortly after he'd returned from his trip with Jiraiya.
One thing had led to another.
It ended with Naruto showing Kurenai how much he'd matured over the two years he'd been away.
“You know, I'd bet a year’s salary that there's senseis who do it.” pondered Anko as her thoughts began to wander.
Shinobi were lying machines after all.
“I... I guess.” stammered Kurenai as she began to busy herself.
Naruto was the hardworking, heart on his sleeve and honest type. Maybe that was why Kurenai had caved in so easily. But having tasted the forbidden apple, Kurenai knew instantly that she'd wanted more even if she was practically twice the blonde's age. Since then there'd been so much more satisfying sex…
Truthfully Kurenai had surprised herself by her behaviour. She had sex with Naruto without a care in the world.
It had definitely been worth it.
An hour later Naruto returned.
“Sensei?” called the blonde looking for the brunette.
Instantly Kurenai smiled as she saw him.
“You're done?” she asked and Naruto simply nodded before he glanced round.
“Where's Anko-sensei?” he wondered.
Kurenai just gave a roll of her eyes.
‘Screw it I'm going to get some dango or else I'll die of boredom.’ were Anko's exact words barely minutes ago.
When in doubt buy dango. That train of thought had served Anko well her whole life.
“She just left.” chuckled Kurenai and instantly Naruto's mouth made an ‘o’ in acknowledgement.
“So...” began Naruto slightly awkwardly.
Kurenai simply blushed slightly.
“Is there anything you wanted from me sensei?” offered the blonde.
“Well there's some things I wanted to get from a store.” mused Kurenai gnawing at her lower lip. “...and I haven't seen you in a week Naruto-kun.”
“Oh.” blushed Naruto before he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I'm glad you missed us sensei.” Muttered the blonde suddenly looking six instead of sixteen…
Now if she were a fan girl Kurenai would've cried Kawaii at the look Naruto was giving her.
She wasn't but that still didn't stop her thinking it mind. She also couldn't wait to tease the blonde.
Conveniently Kurenai found that her eraser was right on the corner of her desk.
“Oh sorry.” she murmured as she knocked it to the ground. It bounced beneath her chair as well. "Can you get that for me Naruto-kun?"
“Um... Sure.” shrugged Naruto not seeing the blatant ploy.
'Always the trusting type.' sighed Kurenai with a slight smile.
It was another trait that endeared the teen to her.
Now having, got to his knees, it didn't take long for Naruto to find the rubber, but the moment he looked up it instantly dropped from his hands.
The moment he'd looked up, Naruto was greeted by the reddest thong in the history of woman kind as Kurenai had eased her legs apart, causing her bandage like skirt to hike up her lilywhite thighs.
“Naughty boy Naruto-chan.” scolded Kurenai trying to keep a straight face. That snapped Naruto awake. “Peeping on your sensei of all people… I wonder how Tsunade-Sama would feel if I told her.” added the Chuunin kunoichi as Naruto felt his face turn a ghostly white.
The old lady would kill him and Jiraiya.
Slowly Kurenai eased her panties aside with a single digit baring her moist cunt to Naruto.
It left the teen's whiskered cheeks to light up like a fire and he gulped knowing full well what was coming next.
“But there's no one else here is there Naruto-kun.” dared Kurenai. She couldn't help herself. Her secret relationship with Naruto had been going on for a year already.
“O... Okay.” muttered Naruto and instantly he eased his, mouth forward.
Barely a second later an airy gasp escaped Kurenai's mouth as she felt the first touch of Naruto warm breath on her core.
The feeling wasn't allowed to linger as Anko returned.
“You done yet Nai-chan?!” called Anko suddenly, from outside the class.
Both Kurenai and Naruto felt their eyes widen massively.
“Quick. Hide.” muttered Kurenai frantically and there was only one place Naruto could go and that was straight under Kurenai's desk.
The Chuunin herself swivelled on her chair to hide her gaping pussy and made damn well sure her legs were beneath the table.
By the time Anko stepped in Kurenai had one arm covering her face from her best friends view whilst the other pretended to scribble notes down. Her heart rate was going to a Kiri and back every minute.
“Forgot to ask if you want anything?” asked Anko poking her head into the room. Dear Kami she was hungry.
“Er... No thanks Anko-Chan.” muttered Kurenai before another light gasp escaped Kurenai’s mouth.
“You're brutal Naruto-kun.” she thought sucking on her lower lip. She'd just felt Naruto add a third finger into her sensitive honey pot.
“You sure you look like you need it?” prodded Anko her mind already on her soon to be eaten dango.
“Mmm no.” breathed Kurenai on the verge of moaning. She could feel Naruto's fingers practically assault her outer walls.
Her head had already tuned her best friend out. Kurenai honestly couldn't believe how heated she felt. Here she was in a staff room, being eaten out by her toy boy whilst her best friend unsuspectingly watched.
‘Not that Naruto is my plaything.' mused Kurenai sighing in pleasure as her pussy was probed once more.
She'd already forgotten about Anko, who'd just shrugged before leaving her friend to it.
“You're getting better at this Naruto-kun. Ahh...” mused Kurenai airily out loud before she bit her finger just in case Anko was still in the hallway.
Naruto just kept going. His warm fingers, deftly massaged her sensitive sex leaving Kurenai a shuddering mess. Every inch of her lips was rubbed softly causing Kurenai to purr.
Slowly though Kurenai eased her seat back leaving her staring at the blonde who was practically on all fours except for the digits he was licking.
“Do I really taste that good Naruto-kun.” muttered Kurenai unable to stop her voice from being quiet.
“Hai.” nodded Naruto certainly
Kurenai could only blush further.
“Come on. We'll go next door.” she smiled unable to contain her eagerness.
The counselling room had a sofa after all.
There was only one thing in Kurenai's mind once she'd gotten Naruto sat down.
“Hurry and help me take these off.” ordered the Chuunin already undoing the drawstring that kept Naruto's pants held.
"But... I... haven't showered yet sensei.” protested Naruto and it was true. His first stop had been the Academy to see Kurenai before even Ichiraku's.
Kurenai though wasn't going to be denied and after some helpful squirming on Naruto's part, his erect cock was allowed to spring forth right before the Chuunin's face.
Both Nin's blushes went up another notch.
“Did you get hard playing with my pussy Naruto-kun?” wondered Kurenai staring at the blonde’s appendage..
“H-hai.” stammered Naruto and instantly the Chuunin chuckled once more.
Honestly Kurenai could never believe how big the young man was.
“Dear Kami I could never let a younger kunoichi get with this.” she mused briefly staring at her one eyed treat.
Naruto would probably break them in half. Then again it matched the blonde's loud and proud personality. It definitely gave Naruto something to really brag about.
Slowly, but surely Kurenai leaned her molten mouth forward. Truthfully Naruto's cock barely fit in her mouth. It didn't stop her from moaning though as her lips wrapped round the Jinchuuriki's prick head.
Her tastebuds were immediately assaulted by the saltiness of sweat and Kurenai couldn't help but moan throatily.
“Ah sensei.” gasped Naruto as well.
His whole cock was swallowed whole effortlessly. It was literally drowned in slick warmth.
The Chuunin herself couldn't stop her eyes from become half lidded before she focused on the task in hand. She knew better than to expect Naruto to be tired from training. Her tongue swirled at the head drawing a light gasp from Naruto before she sank her head down.
She just loved sucking Naruto off.
“Sensei...” gasped the blonde as Kurenai head began to bounce up and down his length. “You’re being too rough…”
If only Naruto understood how much his young dick entranced the Chuunin.
“Sorry Naruto-kun…” muttered Kurenai as she reared her head back to the tip of Naruto’s prick. Her tongue then slapped the head of Naruto’s dick a few times drawing more pleasurable hisses from the blonde.
“Ah… Ah… Sensei.” Gasped Naruto as his head fell back. “You really like my dick, ne sensei?”
Kurenai just moaned her approval as her mouth stretched to accommodate her young lover’s shaft and she began sucking the blonde off feverishly.
‘I wish I could suck it every day.’ were her thoughts as her long black hair swayed with every eager suck she gave…
“Sensei…” gulped Naruto his voice catching in his throat. “I’m gonna…”
“Mmm…” moaned Kurenai as she sucked even harder.
That translated to give it me.
With a long drawn out groan Naruto came. His cum was pumped straight up his shaft down Kurenai’s eager throat.
“Mmmmm… Mmmmmm!” moaned the Chuunin as her mouth filled with her toyboy's seed.
There was so much of it. Honestly Kurenai felt she was being greedy as she gulped it down.
“Your mouth feels awesome sensei…” huffed Naruto as Kurenai kept on sucking him off.
Eventually his dick stopped it’s release and the blonde was left a little short on breath as Kurenai stood up and made sure nothing had gone to waste.
“Is there anything else you want Naruto-kun?” wondered Kurenai staring at Naruto’s somehow still erect cock.
“I…” began Naruto only shushed by a soft finger to his lips.
“I’m only teasing Naruto-kun.” grinned Kurenai blushing slightly. “Besides it’s been a week and we never get to be together other then on weekends.”
Kurenai had always felt the way Naruto could make her moan would draw too much attention but now, alone for certain was as good a time as any.
“…and I can’t wait any longer…” breathed Kurenai as she eased her moist panties off.
Naruto could only blush at the blatant trail of arousal that ran down Kurenai’s thighs as her panties were wiggled off.
The little black garment landed at Kurenai’s feet with a plop.
With a monumental blush Naruto just sat lifted his saliva soaked dick as Kurenai got a top of him. Her knees planted either side of him as she placed her hands down on his chest. Then with a little help Kurenai squat herself down and straight onto Naruto’s flesh dagger.
“Ahnnn…” she gasped at the filling.
On instinct Kurenai felt her head lull back as she her mouth opened. She felt turned on than usual.
“I can’t get enough of your pussy sensei…” breathed Naruto as his hands clasped onto Kurenai’s ass.
It felt like his sensei’s pussy was squirming round his dick. Even the slightest shift of Kurenai’s hips made the blonde shiver.
“Sensei… Keep going…” urged Naruto wanting more but all he got was a lazy smile.
“Don’t rush.” muttered Kurenai with a shake of her head. With Naruto away all she’d had for the last week was work to distract her. It’s why she knew she was going to cum like crazy.
“Then let me do it then… sensei…” sighed the blonde as be began to turn Kurenai onto her back.
“Kyahh…” moaned Kurenai as she caught sight of the blonde’s dick…
‘Geez Naruto-kun going to such extremes…’ mused the Chuunin as her bandage like dress scrunched up at her waist. Her legs were spread wide baring everything.
Kurenai couldn’t help but blush. She could see the blonde’s dick was half buried in her pussy.
“This is so embarrassing…” murmured the Chuunin her blush going up a notch.
But Naruto straight away just gave a soft chuckle as he leaned forward. The little shift brought another gasp from Kurenai but she didn’t turn away from her young lover.
“But you look so cute sensei.” smiled Naruto sincerely before he began pressing his shaft forward.
With every inch Kurenai writhed a little before she gasped as Naruto bottomed out in her. A little shock hit her and Kurenai felt her body hitch.
‘I just came a little…’ she realised as she tried to cover her mouth.
For Naruto it felt like his dick was in a velvet vice. He couldn’t help but gasp as every inch of was rubbed by Kurenai’s pussy. It didn’t take long for the student teacher twosome to get into it as Naruto began rearing back before he’d grunt and slide his way back in.
Pretty soon Kurenai arm’s had moved behind her head and against the sofa’s arms as she braced herself.
“You’ve gotten good at this…” huffed Kurenai before she half gasped half grinned as Naruto covered her mouth with his own.
“Only for you sensei…” breathed Naruto before his mouth Kurenai’s again and he began thrusting even harder. Immediately Kurenai whimpered as she felt Naruto slam into her again. The blonde wasn’t done though.
“Does it feel good sensei?” he grunted pulling back.
A trail of saliva slipped down Kurenai’s chin.
“H-hai… Incredible. Oooh.” she Kurenai feeling her head spin…
Lately Naruto had been the one on top. He’d asked a few months back at her apartment and Kurenai had come to a conclusion their and then. She couldn’t live without his dick. The Chuunin could only moan again as Naruto did his best to break her in half with his man meat.
Haan! More Naruohhh!” cried Kurenai feeling her mind leave her.
Any trace of her being a respected Nin were nowhere to be seen as Naruto fucked her stupid.
“Naruto I can’t… Ah…” she cried feeling her body fall to the onslaught of the blonde’s dick.
Naruto too was at his limit. It all felt too good. His sensei’s pussy felt too good.
“Sensei I’m gonna…” grunted blonde thrusting his dick again. It would be his last as his ready cock blew its heated load.
When Naruto came, Kurenai felt herself practically melt from the inside out as her body followed suit. Her back arched away from the sofa as she felt her pussy filled.
“OH KAMI YES!” she cried feeling her body scream its own relief.
The two had long since passed the, learn about safe sex stage in their relationship.
With a grunt Naruto leant down and wrapped his arms round the Chuunin as he hugged her close. Her panting breath tickled his neck as she returned the favour.
‘I’ve become addicted to you Naruto…’ mused Kurenai feeling the blonde’s cock stay in her.
… and she didn’t care if people found out? She and Naruto were both Shinobi after all.
Having smiled all the way home as Naruto had walked with her, arm in arm and of course after they’d aired out the staff room, Kurenai just left the blonde with a kiss on his forehead promising to see him later.
When she closed her apartment’s door, she slumped against it and sighed like a lovesick puppy.
What Kurenai hadn’t counted on was Anko waiting for her.
“You!” muttered Anko as she appeared from nowhere and instantly Kurenai jumped having not sensed her friend. “ARE MY HERO NAI-CHAN!”
Kurenai could only stare confused whilst Anko couldn’t stop the blush on her own face.
“I heard everything between you and Naruto…” chuckled Anko her hands going to the back of her head. She hadn’t meant to stay and watch. It had just sort of happened that she saw the blonde walking back to the Academy and she’d sort of followed him.
Kurenai felt her face turn ashen.
‘Oh Kami I didn’t think she’d come back…’ she thought panicking.
Anko though just walked up and grabbed her best friend’s hands with her own as she leaned forward.
“I knew there was a reason to go with you today….” She chuckled. Not that she was the romantic type but what she’d seen in amongst the hot sex was kind of moving.
“WHA?” stammered Kurenai hearing her heart beat thunder.
“Don’t worry. Anko Mitarashi’s lips are sealed.” Swore Anko as she pulled back and held one hand up and one on her heart. “Ninja-scout’s honour, I won’t tell anyone.” She winked before thinking of how she could witness a repeat performance.
Kurenai’s hands just dropped to her sides.
“O-kay…” she muttered before a thought crossed her mind.
'W…What now!...?'
And another story uploaded. This is another story based on a doujin but I cannot remember which one unfortunately. But yeah a short shot. Nothing too major. Naruto/ Kurenai is right up their in my favourite pairings so here you go.
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