Icha Icha: Motherly Instincts | By : NarutosBrat Category: Naruto > Het - Male/Female Views: 79382 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: Since the site policy is lame, stale disclaimers, I don't own Naruto and I make no money from this. |
My Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the making of this story, although one did get lucky.
A/N: I’ve decided to make Hana’s dogs female. I see her and the triplets calling themselves Hardcore Shinobi Bitches. 88888 Sixteen. He was finally sixteen, the age where everything changed; or so Ero-Sennin said. Growing up with a mom like his, though, you knew better. Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze was one of the strictest parents in Konoha, falling behind only Hiashi Hyuuga and Yoshino Nara. She, however, was more feared than the other two, given that she was a former Kage's wife, and could nearly equal him in a fight. While his childhood was still a little rough, few could forgive the Kyuubi attack even if he had nothing to do with it, it was made easier to bear because he had his mother; someone that loved him unconditionally. As he got older, it was only a matter of time before he followed in his parent's footsteps, and became a shinobi. He even made Chuunin his first time taking the exam, and soon after it was training with Ero-Sennin. Kushina was quite proud of her son for not becoming a pervert, especially after spending nearly three years with one. That didn't mean his libido hadn't been awakened; he occasionally spent some time in his room with a copy of Icha Icha. Jiraiya had given him a scroll with every single novel he'd ever written, including the uncut version of Violence, and an unreleased novel that even Ero-Sennin felt was too hot for distribution- he was afraid to even open that one. Still, Naruto's favorite book of Jiraiya's was his first novel, The Gutsy Ninja, one that featured the character he was named after. Still, he considered himself lucky, he almost didn't have her growing up. Sarutobi-jiisan had once told him it was a miracle that she had survived his childbirth. Sometimes, he wondered what life would have been like had he been an orphan. It couldn't have been good, especially with him being a Jinchuuriki. As we catch up with the young Kyuubi vessel, he was currently enjoying the surprise party he'd been thrown by Kushina, Shizune-neechan, Tsunade-baachan, Ero-Sennin, Iruka-sensei, and his friends. He was suitably surprised when his mother actually allowed his godfather to bring sake to the party; though he was sure that now she was regretting that decision. As Naruto closed his eyes to keep from having to witness Kiba embarrass himself hitting on Shizune, he felt a solid weight settle on his lap. Opening his eyes, he had just enough time to catch the scent of alcohol, and see a pair of light blue eyes shut, before a pair of lips crashed hungrily, yet clumsily, onto his. Little did he know, that it would lead to the third most awkward point of the party. 888. As the party began winding down, Naruto couldn't help but wonder what else was going to happen. First, a drunk off her ass Ino had sat on his lap and kissed him. Then she spent half an hour griping about the nonexistent relationship between Shikamaru and Temari; who told him point blank, she'd never date a guy who couldn't stand up to her brothers. Ino had then proceeded to tell him that she should have sex with him, just to show that lazy bum what he was missing, tried to shove her tongue down his throat again, and then promptly passed out. A little later, Akamaru, who'd been drinking out of Kiba's cup, mounting Hanabi- who had arrogantly invited herself as a clan heiress- was a source of great entertainment. It had taken Shikamaru's Shadow Binding, Chouji's Multi-Size jutsu, and summoning a man sized battle toad to restrain him from jumping on the girl again. The giant hound still made a mess of the young Genin's dress, which Konohamaru mercilessly teased her about, and sent her screaming home in a fit of rage. They'd had to call Tsume and Kuromaru to come take him home...where he promptly mounted and knocked up all three of Hana's dogs. Kiba would later be the recipient of a beating via an angry Inuzuka kunoichi. Because of the incident, Hana would be off duty for the duration of the pregnancies. Then she'd have to wait until the pups could be separated from their mother, before she could even start training with her companions again. Then there was Anko; amazing, sexy, wonderful, crazy, did we mention sexy, life of any party, Anko. She had teased him for days about giving him a lap dance for his birthday, and the blond wasn't sure which was more surprising; the fact that she did it, and with an audience, or that his sometimes overly strict mother had let her. He wasn't surprised when she was forced to keep her clothes on, although he doubted she would have really stripped with so many people watching. Anko was kinky, yes, but she wasn't a slut, confining her kink to the bedroom. When she'd told him to find her later for the real thing, he'd been tempted to Shunshin them both to her apartment. Hinata, who was the closest thing to a sister he could have had without her being blood related, got a surprise as well. A tipsy Chouji revealed that he returned the feelings she secretly held for him. Unknown to anyone but him, the two had snuck off to the guest bedroom, and weren't seen for almost an hour. He hoped they remembered protection, or Hiashi was going to be pissed. There was a major scare when Lee grabbed the wrong cup. Everyone had thought it best that Lee have his own set of drinks- which were also for the young Genin at the party- and the plan had worked, until he reached for his cup without looking. The fact that he was sitting right next to Tsunade- who was downing straight shots of Kaminari Special- could have been cause for disaster. Not only was the sake extremely strong, but it also gave you a slight jolt as it went down. Luckily Tenten, who was also a bit of a lightweight, had remained sober enough to snatch the cup away from him before he could take a sip. It was decided then that not only would Lee have his own drinks at parties, but his own color cups as well. His mother eventually called a halt to the festivities when a plastered Tsunade started hitting on him. He was admittedly curious about that Legendary Sucker comment, but knew he'd never really find out. It had taken Jiraiya getting beaten and both her apprentices to get the feisty woman moving along. Just because the party was ending, didn't mean the odd occurrences did. Sakura paused in her helping drag Tsunade home, long enough to plant a lingering kiss on his cheek. Then, after nipping his earlobe, told him she'd bring his real present by later. Now he wasn't going to jump to conclusions, but he and Sakura had shared past relations. After their first meeting with Sasuke after nearly three years went sour, the two had comforted each other. In their moments of weakness, they had become each other's first lover. They had shared another pair of intimate moments, but Naruto stopped after that. Naruto loved Sakura, and would welcome a relationship, but meaningless sex wasn't what he wanted from her. Still though, he had to admit he was curious what she was referring to. And speaking of presents, this was the best year he'd ever had. Not only had Ero-Sennin finally decided that he was ready for Sage Training, but there was something that his mom had been withholding from him till he turned sixteen. 888 Once the last party guest had left- a drunk Kiba who had to be escorted home- the near Kage level redhead called her son back into the kitchen where she was standing at the counter. "Yes mom," Naruto asked her. Kushina ran through a set of handseals, that revealed a storage seal. Cutting her thumb with a knife, she smeared a bit of blood on the seal, sealing with the uninjured hand. The result was a drawer, one that hadn't previously been there, popping open. "I have one more gift for you." She said, while swiftly healing the cut. Reaching into the drawer next to her, she pulled out a scroll with a bright yellow lightening bolt on it. "I told you that I'd give this to you on your sixteenth birthday, so Happy Birthday." Naruto looked at the scroll, and nearly fainted. "Is, is this?" He asked. When she nodded, Naruto jumped in the air, and screamed. "YES, finally." Kushina smiled at her son's antics. Ironically enough, Minato had done the exact same thing when he'd finally perfected the jutsu. That thought brought a sad smile to her face. She missed her husband, and Naruto sometimes made that even harder on her. The older he got, the more like his father he looked and acted. Once when she'd seen him from behind at the table, pouring over a jutsu scroll, she had been half a second from nibbling his ear, and grabbing his crotch, before she caught sight of the whiskers on his cheeks, and snapped out of her daze. Hell, she'd almost kissed him that morning in her sleepy haze, when he woke her up. She was snapped from her thoughts when Naruto scooped her up, and began twirling her around. Kushina sighed; so close to what she wanted, but not close enough. When he'd stopped twirling her around, Naruto held her, and she couldn't help but stare into the eyes that were so much like his father's. Reaching up, she stroked his whiskered cheek. "You're so much like your father, it's scary sometimes." She didn't know how long she looked into his eyes, she didn't even notice when she leaned forward, but she did know the moment her lips touched his. So warm and soft, just like Minato's, she couldn't help herself. When Naruto gasped, and his mouth opened, Kushina snaked her tongue in, and began to explore. When air became necessary, she pulled back to see the shocked face of her son. "K-kaasan?" Naruto asked. He tried to pull away, but she held fast. "I'm sorry Naruto, but I miss him so much." She said. "It's been so long; please, just this once." She asked, her eyes tearing. "But mom, I'm not..." Naruto started, but was interrupted by his mother's lips on his again. Whether it was the alcohol lowering her inhibitions, or her getting hypnotized by the familiar ocean blue eyes, Kushina found herself losing control of her hormones. She'd been celibate, aside from her fingers, since the day her son was born, and it was finally starting to catch up with her. She needed to quell that heat pooling inside her, and there was only one person who could douse that fire. Sadly, Naruto was the only man who could compare to her Minato. "Please Naruto-kun, I need this." Kushina said. "It's been so long, and you look so much like him, it gets harder to keep from doing things to you everyday." Her pleading eyes took away any resistance he had. Above anything, he hated to see his mother so sad. When she placed her head on his shoulder, nipped his neck, pulled his crotch into her grinding pelvis, and gave him a strained, "Please." Naruto caved. There was really no point to fighting anyway, after all his mother did for him growing up, there's no way he could deny her this. Besides, he couldn't really deny an attraction to her. For a woman of thirty-six, she was still as sexy and fit as a woman ten to fifteen years her junior. She was like Tsunade-baachan, but he doubted she'd need a jutsu to look that good at fifty. Naruto was brought back to the situation at hand, when he felt a pair of soft lips press against his own. The supple lips moved gently over his for a few moments, before he felt them part, and something snake out. Just like before, Naruto parted his lips, but knowing what it was this time, he sent his own tongue out to intercept his mother's. The two dueled with tongues, until Kushina's experience won out. Naruto could only moan as his mother explored his mouth like Lara Croft searching for treasure. The former Whirlpool kunoichi broke the heated kiss when breathing became a must. Kushina's heart raced when she saw Naruto's eyes darken with lust, the slightly slit blues calling to something primal deep within her. Tugging her son's shirt free from his pants, she let her hands slide underneath to rub his toned chest and stomach; the muscles clenching when she lightly drug her nails over a ticklish spot. Her mouth arcing into a smile, she recaptured her son's lips; this time in a more sensual kiss. Naruto didn't know what to make of what was happening. Objectively, he knew his mother was extremely sexy, but he'd never imagined being in this position with her. Her kisses were just as fiery as the color of her hair, and he could easily tell why his father had fallen for her. Naruto moaned into the kiss when his mother's hands trailed around behind him, and began gently raking his back; pulling his shirt up as her hands rose. He was admittedly a little disappointed when she broke the kiss again, but understood what she wanted when she tugged at his shirt. Raising his arms, Naruto allowed his mother to remove his shirt, where she quickly tossed it to the floor. Kushina's eyes darkened with want when she saw her son's muscular physique, and nearly glazed over when she began tracing the tight muscles. The boy, no...young man, was so much like his father that Kushina knew that she wouldn't be able to stop herself, even if she wanted to. She moistened her lips, before she began planting soft kisses to Naruto's chest. As she did this, her hand slid down towards the button to Naruto's pants. After making quick work of the button and zipper, she slid her hand through the flaps, and caressed him through his boxers- which she noted were the froggy boxers she'd gotten him when he signed the toad contract. From what she could feel, he was pretty big. Bringing her hands back up to his waist, she slid four fingers beneath the elastic band of his boxers; before doing three things at once. First, she began to slowly slide into a crouch that would leave her level with her prize. At the same time, she began to kiss her way down his torso, using her lips to trace a line down the middle of his abs as she went. While all of this was going on, she was also using her hands to slide his pants down his legs. Naruto's breathing picked up when his mother began her descent. He had an idea what she was about to do, but just couldn't believe she was going to do it. What happened next, caused him to whimper; and his mother's response caused his breath to hitch. Once his pants had cleared his erect member, it sprang free, smacking her beneath her chin. Kushina was shocked at the audible thud that resulted from the impact. The kunoichi leaned back to get a good look at her son's endowment, and froze; her earlier estimation had been a major understatement. 'Looks like the fox is more of a prideful bastard than we guessed.' Kushina thought before giving her son a smirk when his breath hitched, and cock twitched. What she hadn't realized, was that upon seeing the rather large phallus, her breathing became heavy. The feeling of her warm breathe ghosting over him was having a profound effect on the blond. What she said next, thought, would have an even more profound effect. "Well, there's at least one area where we know you've surpassed your father." She said, speaking of Naruto's dream. Naruto blushed, but also felt a small bit of pride at that. Gripping him much like she'd done her ex-husband, she could feel the large piece of flesh jump in her hands. The heat coming off of the surprisingly heavy rod was surprising to the woman. Kushina started out gently stroking her son, her hands moving up and down at a slow pace. She smiled when his breath turned to pants, and he began bucking into her fists. If this was getting to him, then what she was planning would really blow him away. Kushina paused a second, before internally giggling at the unintended pun. Pushing those thoughts away, she tightened her grip some, and sped up her hands, adding a twisting motion. The moan she received was the cue she'd been waiting for. Leaning forward, she gave his head a gentle kiss. She followed this with a long lick from base to tip, where she began flicking her tongue back and forth. After a few seconds of this, she flattened her tongue, circled his sensitive head three times. She finished by taking the entire mushroomed tip in, and pulled back sucking like a vacuum. Kushina smiled as she stroked him while licking her lips. 'Still perfect.' She thought to herself. Tsunade was right about that little trick. It really could make any man whimper; both her husband and son had proven that to her. Naruto gasped when he felt his mother's soft lips connect with the head of his penis. His heart almost stopped, and his lungs shut down, when he felt something wet and spongy run the length of his shaft. For a split second, they did, when she began flicking her tongue over the tip. A groan escaped him when her tongue circularly caressed his prick. The full blown whimper that resulted from his head being engulfed in the wet heat, and the strong suction that followed, was unavoidable. While he was no virgin, Sakura had never done this to him; and his mother's mouth was slowly but surely surpassing all three times he'd been with her. Getting back to the matter at hand, Kushina gave her son another thorough lick, before taking nearly a quarter of it in her mouth. Having gone so long without, Kushina decided to take her time, and enjoy this. Kushina began to slowly and sensually bob her head up and down Naruto's length, her tongue massaging the captured portion of Naruto's manhood in much the same way. While her mouth was more than enough to get the job done, her hands were far from idle. They were wrapped around the remainder of his shaft, stroking just as slowly and sensually as her mouth, with opposite twisting motions. Naruto was in a state of bliss. The wet heat of his mother's mouth with her snake-like tongue caressing him was already driving him crazy. With the added pleasure her hands were generating, he was rapidly moving towards an orgasm. Just the thought of cumming in his mother's mouth brought back that feeling of disbelief. "Oh god, I can't believe you're doing this." Naruto groaned as his mother's lips moved over his swollen erection. "Dal'b'ne." She said around him, before sucking hard. Naruto cried out, and bucked his hips, driving his appendage into the back of his mother's throat. Kushina gagged, and quickly pulled back to catch her breath. While she'd always wanted to try deep-throating, Kushina was unlucky enough to be gifted with a gag reflex. While it was a weak one, it was still present. She'd never been able to suppress it enough to tackle her husband's above average tool, so there was practically no hope that she'd ever be able to do Naruto's. Pushing those dour thoughts away, Kushina brought her concentration back to pleasuring her son. With her steady, continuous motions, it wasn't long before she felt the telltale swelling of Naruto's cock; followed by the rapid twitching that signified impending release. Knowing what was coming, and curious of what he tasted like, the grip of Kushina's hands and lips tightened, and her movements sped up. Naruto could feel it coming. His body was tense, his stomach felt like a coiled spring ready to snap, and his temperature felt like he was being hit with a katon jutsu. He could also feel his balls churning, and his cock jumping. He was about to blow, and there was no stopping it. His experiences with Sakura showing him just how big of a mess he was prone to making, Naruto tried to warn his mother of what was coming, but... Kushina completely ignored it. She knew, and wanted, what was coming, and she wouldn't stop until it arrived. Kushina gave herself a mental pat on the back for still having it, when the first shot of Naruto's seed splashed onto her tongue. She slowed her motions, but tightened her grip a bit more to coax as much out of her son/lover as she could. Kushina was quick to realize what a lapse in concentration could mean when she found her mouth nearly full on the second squirt. Kushina began gulping down the large, thick load rapidly hoping to keep up with the surprisingly large flow. In a display of skill and experience, she continued her tongue's massaging motion as she guzzled the entire load; though the bit that slipped from the corners of her mouth showed the rust from more than a decade of inaction. Once her son had finished, she sat back, and licked her lips clean. She was surprised how sweet his seed was, but then figured that she really shouldn't have been; her son's unpredictability was as legendary as her ex-husband's defeat of Kyuubi, after all. Naruto collapsed to his knees in stunned disbelief; his jellified legs no longer supporting him. First his mother had come onto him, then she had given him the most amazing kiss he'd ever experienced, then she'd given him a blowjob that was even better than his few experiences with sex, she'd let him cum in her mouth, and she finished by actually swallowing the whole load. His head was hanging low, as he struggled to regain control over his breathing. Looking up through his bangs, he saw her lick traces of his semen from her lips, and something primal came over him that had nothing to do with the fox. Eyes darkening with lust, want, need, and a half dozen other synonyms for horny, Naruto tackled his mother to the floor, and captured her lips in a passionately heated kiss. Even though he could easily taste himself in her mouth, he ignored it in favor of plundering his mother's oral cavity. This time, it was Naruto's aggressive tongue that won out. 888 In a dank cage in the recesses of a boy's mind, a large red couch could be found facing the back wall. On this couch sat a man who looked to be in his early twenties. His blood red hair was tied up, and he was decked out in Pre-Meiji Period samurai armor, minus the helmet. The most unique feature about the man was the nine tails fanned out behind him. The man lounging on the couch was staring at what looked to be a film projected on the wall, but was actually what was happening outside his domain. "Hn, and I didn't even have to do anything to him." The being muttered. "I wonder if the old pervert is getting this. It'll be fun to see how the brat reacts to finding himself in that book." 888 By the time Naruto broke the kiss, the two Namikaze were panting; both from loss of breath, and desire. Naruto went back in, but at a different angle. Instead of Kushina's lips, he was aiming for her throat. He latched his lips onto her pulse point, and sucked hard; gently nipping until it formed a light bruise. Since the mouth was occupied, the hands decided they were going to get in on the action. One went to her chest, where it began gently kneading the soft flesh underneath her top. The other maneuvered down until it reached the hem of her dress, and began sliding up her toned thigh. Now there's one thing you need to understand. Kushina was a tomboy, so she held a major preference to pants over skirts and dresses. That being said, she'd decided to doll herself up a bit for the party. Sadly, her nature didn't allow for too much dolling up. While she had a few sexy kimonos in her closet, those were less appropriate for a birthday party, and more for the bedroom celebration afterwards. As a result, Kushina was wearing one of her button down maternity dresses, with a sleeveless blouse underneath. But I digress. Naruto, who was kissing and sucking her throat, began to make his way lower, until he ran into cloth. Leaning back, he glared at the offending garment, and had to squash the urge to tear the fabric away. Swiftly, he unbuttoned the dress, and pulled it open...only to find another barrier in his way. Naruto glared at the sleeveless blouse taunting him; now he was starting to get irritated. "Kaasan, how much do you like this shirt?" Naruto asked, frustration tinting his voice. Giving him a knowing grin, Kushina cupped her son's cheek. "It's okay, Naruto-kun; go ahead." She replied. Naruto wasted no time in tearing the blouse open; the poor buttons becoming a casualty on the road to this incestuous night of passion. Again, Naruto felt a small stab of irritation at the sight of more fabric, but the copious amounts of tanned flesh that accompanied it made things much more bearable. Leaning down to get another taste, Naruto started with a simple kiss, then began trailing kisses down to his mother's cleavage, leaving goose flesh along the trail his lips traveled. Without removing his lips, Naruto brought his hands up, and unclasped the simple orange bra; luckily it was a front clasp. He sat back up, to gaze at his mother's form. His mother possessed a full, round bust, just on the larger side of a C-cup. They were topped with dark pink, almost red, nipples that were just above average in size. While not as jaw dropping as Tsunade's or Hinata's massive mounds, his mother's breasts were still breathtakingly beautiful in Naruto's opinion. They ran into a slim waist, that flared out into hips with rounded curves. Decorating the junction between her toned legs, were a pair of cotton orange panties. Inwardly, Naruto was grinning. If there was one thing that he and his mother had in common, it was their love of the color orange. Why, neither had an answer to that, other than they just did. While they'd both outgrown the color in their shinobi attire, they still wore something orange when they could. Kushina gasped when she felt Naruto's warm hands on her breasts, cupping and kneading like dough. She couldn't contain the moan that escaped when he began tracing her areola; nor the hiss of pleasure when he began pinching the sensitive buds between his thumb and forefinger. Her eyes became saucers, when she felt the moist heat from his mouth surround her left nipple. As he suckled her left nipple, his right hand slid down to massage her shapely hip; his left hand continuing its massage of her breast. Naruto pulled deeply on the erect bud as if he were trying to tempt some milk from the breast. At the same time, he began flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub of hardened flesh; as well as swirling and rolling it around with the spongy appendage. When Naruto got the inspiration to gently bite down on her nipple, and pull at it with his teeth, a jolt of pleasure shot up her spine so fast that she almost came from it's suddenness. Naruto spent a few minutes tongue bathing the nipple with his saliva, before giving it one last strong suck. He then began to kiss a trail across to the other side, and her right nipple. As Naruto switched his lips to the other breast, his hands also switched positions on their respective sides. His right hand was now kneading the soft globe of her left breast, teasing and pinching the nipple, while his left hand caressed her hip. As Naruto gave her right nipple the same treatment as the left had received, Kushina bucked into his leg. While she wished his hand had went a tad lower, and more towards the middle, the pleasure she felt was no less electric. She let out a mewl of disappointment when his mouth left her chest completely, but felt her body heat up with his next statement. "Now to find out what you taste like." Naruto brought his lips back down to hers, before trailing down. To her disappointment, he bypassed her breasts completely, sneaking his lips through the mountain valley. He continued lower, to her toned, defined stomach, tracing each of her abs with his tongue. The muscle deep shiver that ran through her body, caused her breath to hitch. As Naruto tried to slide down and maneuver his head between his mother's legs, his feet got tangled up in the annoying reminder of the garments still pooled around his ankles. Growling in frustration, he snatched the offending material off harshly. When he turned back to his waiting mother, he found her top completely bare; her bra on the floor, and her shirt and dress lay beneath her like a makeshift picnic blanket. In the time it took him to fully rid himself of his pants and boxers, she had removed everything but her panties. Naruto's eyes went immediately to the wet patch at her crotch, the sight making his cock twitch. He laid on his stomach, face a mere few centimeters from his mother's cunt; the heat flowing off the area carrying her scent into his nose. Finally unable to take any more waiting, Naruto captured the wet lips through his mother's panties, and sucked gently. The moans the action elicited raising his own body temperature. Naruto was surprised at how good his mother tasted, but the added taste of cotton wasn't so great. Naruto backed away to pull her panties aside, before he dove right back in. He ran his tongue slowly up and down his mother's vagina, relishing in the bittersweet taste. After a few minutes, Naruto got bored with just licking at his mother's pussy. No offense to Ero-Sennin, but his method of doing this was no fun. In a most amazing display of his unpredictability, Naruto decided to throw out the knowledge that his sensei imparted upon him about orally gratifying a woman. While his other advice was good, Naruto felt he needed his own thing. Instead, he slid his tongue into Kushina's soaked hole, wrapped his lips around it, and then slurped hard, while lashing his tongue out at every part of her insides that he could reach. His tongue was so deep, his nose was bumping and rubbing against her clitoris. Kushina moaned at the feelings her son was producing in her. She was already aroused, and the feel of her son's spongy tongue made her muscles flutter. Her breath became heavy, starting with long, drawn out breaths, ending in short, rapid pants. Kushina moaned loudly as Naruto's tongue bathed her wet slit. When he stopped the slow swipes, and penetrated her with his tongue, she stopped breathing for a moment. 'Mmn, seems like Naruto inherited his father's skillful tongue as well.' She thought to herself, as her son probed her with his tongue. Kushina let out a loud wail of pleasure when Naruto's tongue seemed to suddenly lengthen, and began stroking and writhing even deeper than before. "Mmm, just like that." Kushina cried out. "You're so good baby." Had she not been so overwhelmed by the things her son's tongue was doing, she might have wondered how he'd gotten so good. Breathing for the redhead kunoichi came with some difficulty. The intense sensations slamming into her, and echoing throughout her entire body continuously stole her breath away. All too soon, she felt it; that rapid coiling that signaled a fairly intense orgasm. It came without warning, as Naruto's tongue suddenly hooked upwards, and brushed her G-spot at the same time his nose pressed against her clit. As her body shook with the wracking twitches of ecstasy, her pussy flooded, and overflowed into her son's mouth. Just that knowledge alone prolonged her rapture, and even added to it some. The glistening lower portion of Naruto's face was clearly visible as he pulled away from his mother's gushing fountain. He licked as much of the vicious fluid from his face as he could, relishing in the tangy taste. He climed easily to his knees, and crawled up Kushina's body, before capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. One of his hands again fell to her breast, while the other slipped underneath, and gripped her rear end. His breathing picked up when she wrapped her soft hands around his shaft, and guided him to it's destination. As Naruto sat poised at his mother's entrance, he started feel his confidence wane. This was it, the moment of truth. Could he actually penetrate this woman? Could he thrust his dick into the woman that birthed him? The decision was taken away from him, when the beautiful redhead bucked into him, causing the head of his penis to slip through her labia, and rest against the entrance to the tight, moist cavern. This was followed by strong legs wrapping around his waist, and pulling his hips forward. Naruto felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs at the sudden rush of pleasure. Kushina's back bent at an unnatural angle as Naruto's cock was pushed in. 'Oh Kami, he's so big.' After over a decade and a half of just her fingers, this kind of fullness was almost too much to bear. With the added addition of her son's size, she was currently fuller than she'd ever been in her life, and he was only about two thirds the way in. Her hands shot up, and grabbed Naruto's head, pulling him into a needy kiss. As she did this, she began to slowly buck against her baby boy, hoping to make his first time last as long as possible. She let out a moan when Naruto started moving with her. Naruto started out slow, knowing that the tight, wet slit he was sheathed in could have him cumming in no time if he got too enthusiastic. Once he felt he'd adjusted enough that he wouldn't cum prematurely, the strength and speed of his thrusts picked up. While not anywhere near the pace he'd gone with Sakura before, it was still a fairly moderate tempo, one he noticed his mother picked up easily. The two Namikaze bucked into one another, both emitting their own sounds of enjoyment, and clutching tightly to the one giving it to them. Given his mother's tightness, and the fact that he was still somewhat inexperienced, Naruto didn't know how long he'd last. He decided that he'd do like he did with everything else...give it his all, and hope for the best. Little did he know just how much that simple idea worked. When Naruto jumped into his love making with the same fervor that he did his training, he incidentally began pounding away at his mother with much more gusto than she was used to. She was still extra sensitive from her last orgasm, and the strong, hyperspeed thrusts were far more than she could handle at the moment. After several minutes, when it didn't look like he was going to cum anytime soon, where she'd already cum once, Kushina had to throttle a frown that threatened to mar her beautiful features. As far as she knew, Naruto was a virgin, yet he was pounding her with far more experience than a virgin should have. She knew it wasn't the Kyuubi's doing, because even though he could speed up Naruto's recovery, the bastard couldn't help the 'virgin quickie' issue. She was going to find out who had corrupted her baby boy. Funny thing, when Naruto gave her a particularly deep thrust, that seemed to rub all the right places, the thought was pushed to the back of her mind as a job for much later. Rapidly approaching another orgasm, and needing a moment to recover from the first, Kushina sent some chakra to her pussy. With a technique that most kunoichi learned in a special Chuunin class, she made her velvety walls constrict and flutter in a way that crossed her lover's eyes, and made Naruto pause mid thrust. Using this distraction, she rolled her hips, and flipped Naruto to the bottom. He looked up at her in confusion, earning a soft kiss in reply. Once she'd gotten her body back under control, Kushina began slowly grinding back and forth on her son/lover. "Mmn, sorry, ahn, Naruto-kun," She paused in speech and movement to let out a sound that resembled a purr. "But it was too much to go further in that position." She finished, kissing him again. When she pulled back, she began rocking again. "Let kaasan be on top for a little bit." Naruto just nodded, placed his hands on her hips, and let her guide him. As Kushina leaned back to try and get him to rub her spot inside, she found herself becoming even more full than she had been. Looking down, she found that his entire length, and exceptional girth, was inside of her now. Giving a test roll of her hips, she gave a hiss of pleasure, and slight pain, when the very tip of Naruto's cock slipped past her cervix. The action seemed to spark something deep within Kushina, and just like her son before, the pace and strength of her rocking increased, until she was all out bouncing on him. Naruto's gaze was unsurprisingly drawn to the swinging of his mother's breasts as she rocked atop him. When she began bouncing, seeing her breasts mimic the action brought that primal feeling back to the fore. Naruto's hands slid around behind his mother, firmly gripping her ass; helping her along. He took a few moments to figure out her rhythm, and began bucking back up into her downward thrusts. Kushina cried out when her son started moving with her. His bucking causing his cock to hit so deep that he was piercing her cervix every few thrusts. The feeling of intense pleasure and slight pain almost made her cum right then. She leaned down, her hands on either side of Naruto's head, to try and get a different angle of penetration, and to hopefully cut the cervical penetrations to a minimum. The result, was her breasts falling into Naruto's face. She soon found that the change of position actually made it easier for the slightly painful intrusions to her womb to occur, and sat back up; never once breaking stride. The entire time they'd been going, Naruto's eyes had been mostly following the delectable breasts bouncing in front of him. When Kushina leaned forward, and her breasts fell into his face, Naruto felt like a small piece of heaven had been granted to him. He opened his mouth to begin once again lavishing attention to her taut nipples, but she sat up again before he could. For the first time since they started, Naruto was annoyed at his mother. Removing his hands from her cheeks, and bracing them at his side, he pushed himself into a sitting position. From her, he grabbed each of her breasts with a hand, and squeezed them. "Mine." Naruto growled, before stuffing as much of his mother's left breast into his mouth as he could; his tongue rubbing everything in reach. The hand that got in the way of his mouth was soon repositioned on her rear end; where it groped and squeezed. The sucking soon turned to light nipping, and pulling with teeth. Kushina's body let out a twitch. Nothing they'd done up to this point had felt as good as what was happening then. His cock being driven deeply into her, his mouth sucking her left nipple harshly befiore switching to biting and pulling, and her right being pinched. The triple assault was driving her swiftly to orgasm, and she knew she didn't have long. Deciding she didn't want to cum alone this time, she once again used her special chakra trick. Little did she know that the tightening of her vagina was also driving Naruto closer to that nirvana. When she added her chakra enabled flutter, it was enough to start the downward slope to ecstasy. The coil in both their loins was winding tight, ready to spring...and so it did. It hit them like a super punch from Tsunade; stealing their breath like a Sharingan does Ninjutsu. The orgasmic coils in their bodies released, and crashed into them like a tsunami. As soon as Naruto felt his mother contract and convulse, he erupted. The orgasm was so intense, he felt like all the energy in his body was leaving him with the massive tidal wave of spunk that flowed from his loins. By the time he was finished, he couldn't do anything but hold onto his mother for dear life. His body felt heavy; his balls emptier than Gama-chan used to be after Ero-Sennin came back from a brothel. Kushina's back arched like a bow, and her eyes rolled back as a tidal wave of orgasmic joy crushed her. She groaned as she felt the mammoth flood of his seed spill into her, and fill her in seconds. When they both finally made the descent from their short trip to heaven, Kushina nearly collapsed onto her son's chest in exhaustion. As they lay calmly enjoying the post-coital relaxation, Kushina sighed softly as Naruto continued to cup and fondle her rear end. She let out a gasp when she felt Naruto's flagging cock spring right back into ready mode. "And to think, I used to curse your limitless energy." She said, rolling her hips. "I wouldn't plan on doing much tomorrow." Naruto kissed his mother, before pulling back, and giving her a foxy grin. "Your legs may not be able to cooperate. Now, time for round two." "Oh Kami!" Kushina cried out as Naruto suddenly flipped her to her back, and went from zero to double time. 888 Three hours later, in mid-rut, the lovers heard a gasp from the kitchen doorway. Looking up, they found Sakura, standing there wearing an outfit that she hadn't worn in three years; one that she had obviously grown out of, given that the top was straining against her breasts, and the skirt barely came past her bottom. You could easily see the black panties she had on underneath through the slits up the sides. "N-Naruto-kun, K-Kushina-san, w-what's going on here?" She mimicked an universe version of Hinata. Seeing the two naked was a shock to her system, for sure. "S-Sakura-chan, I can explain, I swear." Naruto called, as she turned to leave. Gathering what concentration he could, he created a familiar seal, and summoned a Kage Bunshin, which chased the young Chuunin down; unsurprisingly it forgot all about it's nudity in its haste to catch the pinkette. As Naruto looked forlornly at the spot where his friend had stood, he felt a soft hand caress his cheek. "Naruto, honey, I hope that things work out with her; but even if they don't, you still have me." Kushina said. "Kaasan?" Naruto asked. "You will always have me." She reiterated, before drawing him into another kiss. "You're my son, and I'll always love you. Giving you my body sexually is just another way for me to show you just how much you mean to me." With that bit of motivation, Naruto began thrusting again. What had started out as a wild rut, ended as slow love making. 888 As the two lovers lay in yet another moment of post coital bliss, they missed the reappearance of their pink haired intruder. "Naruto-kun," An apprehensive voice said from the doorway. "I can't imagine how life must have been growing up with a biju sealed into you, and the things your family had to deal with. If you want to be with your mother, then I understand." "But Sakura-chan," Naruto started. "Let me finish," Sakura said. "That being said, I hope I can trust you not to go seeing anyone else but the two of us." "Huh?" He asked. "You mean?" "Yes Naruto, I love you." Sakura said. "My mother once told me, that to truly love someone is to be able to accept everything about them. So Naruto Uzumaki, I accept your ramen addiction, and your deeper than normal love for your mother." "You don't think me and my mom, you know, is kinda weird." Naruto asked. "Of course I think it's weird, baka." She said, grinning, and tapping him on the nose with her finger. "But given how taboo incest is...it's kinda hot too." She blushed with that admittance, not realizing that in just a few months time, she'd be just as vigorous in her intimacies with Kushina as she was with Naruto. Walking over and kneeling next to the pair, she planted a soft kiss to Naruto's lips. "Promise you won't be with anyone but Kushina-san and I." Sakura said, giving him a stern look. 'Unless I say so.' Was left unsaid, but also included...one never knew with Naruto. Giving her a foxy grin, he replied. "Promise of a lifetime." As a smiling Sakura kissed him deeply, then trailed down, and wrapped her soft lips around his rapidly returning erection, Naruto had only one thought. 'BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!' A certain eavesdropping clone grinned, before leaving. 888888 Omake After slipping away from the new young couple, Kushina headed into the bathroom to shower, and get ready for bed. Just as she was starting to lather, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waste, and a large, stiff something pressed into her rear. "I thought you were with Sakura." She said amused. "Oh the boss is, but I'm still here from earlier." The clone said, licking the shell of her ear. "Why didn't you dispel?" She asked. "Your job was done, right." "Boss cloned me while he was still inside you, so I was laready hard as a rock." It said. "Spending all that time alone with Sakura-chan in that outfit, only made it worse." He replied. It still amazed Kushina that her son's clones were capable of independent thought and action. That they could form their own opinions, and plans, however, did bode rather well for her at the moment. "Besides, I don't think the boss was finished with you just yet." Kushina turned in the grip, and drew her son in for a kiss. She knew that she was wrong for desiring her son as she did, but given their resemblance, she could sometimes at least pretend it was her husband inside her, and not her son. Though after that night, it was highly unlikely that she'd bother pretending. Omake 2 In the Hokage's office, perverted giggling could be heard echoing off the jutsu silenced walls. Sitting at a table to the side of the Hokage's desk was a certain white haired man, scribbling furiously into a notebook. Looking up briefly, he saw a trio of blonde women also furiously scribbling with a look of triumph. Giggling, he turned back to the orb sitting on the table. In said orb was the split view of a blond plowing two different women. He winked at the clone of himself as he went back to scribbling. Being able to literally fuck two women at once, the boy really was a gold mine of research. Not to mention, unrestricted access to his sensei's orb had been worth trading Minato's secret paperwork completion technique. While Kushina had always been a woman he'd wanted to feature, the pink haired brat was not only not the type, but too young as well. Naruto however, as his pseudo grandson was fair game, despite his age. Oh well, he had the orb, so finding a suitable replacement wouldn't be too hard; maybe that sexy former student of Orochimaru's. If only he knew... Omake 3 On the roof of an apartment that had a nice view of a certain kitchen, a completely relaxed purple haired Jounin sneezed. She glared suspiciously around her for a moment, before going back to watching the action with a pair of binoculars in one hand, and a bowl of popcorn in another. Watching the Yondaime's widow screw the Yondaime's son had been the hottest thing she'd ever seen; and she was secretly hoping that Jiraiya-sama was getting all the juicy details. She was also wondering what it would take for the, currently getting reamed, Pinkette to take in one more (reading lips was a fundamental shinobi skill after all). She'd had her eyes on that gaki for nearly three years, and after seeing how hung he was, there was no way this one was getting away. "As Kami as my witness, I shall have your son, Yondaime-sama." She called to the night sky. "SHUT THE HELL UP, PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Came a reply from her far left. Anko's eye twitched for a full minute- she was trying to control her temper like Tsunade had suggested, after all- before she disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Half an hour later, a severely beaten man would be anonymously dropped off at the hospital. He would be suffering from several cuts and bruises, as well as numerous paralytic snake bites. Surprisingly, Tsunade would still consider this a breakthrough, since before Anko wouldn't have even bothered taking him to the hospital. Omake 4 In an opulent office, a blond haired man stood with three others having finally been released from a certain divine creatures gut. He could only look on in shock at what his son was doing with his widow, and the pink haired girl. While subconsciously he knew that Kushina and their son together was wrong, he was glad that his family, his most precious people, had found love and were able to move on. He had to admit, even if only to himself, that his son had chosen well. "So, what do you think?" The young appearing woman asked. Looking at the deity, he couldn't help himself. "First Kushina and Sakura...and now Anko." He said. "I know he had it bad growing up, and I agree he deserves some good in his life, but this is seriously overcompensating; not to mention severely unhealthy. Two insatiable kunoichi (Minato knew his wife after all), and a closet pervert." Minato shuddered. "I'm just glad that he and Hinata only see each other as siblings. I'd be sure you were trying to kill him with kindness then(*).” 888 * You have no idea how tempted I was. 888 Well, there’s Kushina, hope you liked. Now you may or may not have noticed that my Icha Icha stories are oneshots that can easily be continued into actual stories. They are purposefully written that way, in case someone wants to do just that. The omakes at the end aren’t really parts of the story, but can fall in line with them. 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