Insomniac's Dream | By : ilikeyoursocks Category: Naruto > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 1320 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Insomniac’s Dream
I wrote this a long time ago, actually, under a different
penname, and I just re-found it and was like, “Wow…this is pretty good!” At
first, there was zero plot, but now I actually have a
direction! (More than I can usually say, haha.)
Pairings: So far, there’s Naruto/Sasuke,
Itachi/Kisame, Haku/Zabuza,
Kiba/Hinata, Neji/Shikamaru,
and possibly some others, but the latter three really aren’t all that important
to the story line.
Warnings: Sasuke starts out a
little out of character, but it won’t last too long. And sex will ensue in
later chapters.
Chapter One: New
The blue-eyed blonde slammed his fist onto the desk.
“Uzumaki-san!” Iruka-sensei
shouted. “Calm yourself down!”
Naruto whined before falling back into his seat. “It’s just
not fair, Iruka-sensei! Why do we have to have homework
during summer vacation?!”
Iruka-sensei chuckled. “Next year is your senior year! It's a big step! You
need to keep your minds active, and if that means giving you homework, I will
give you homework!!”
The class groaned.
Kiba raised his hand. “But—sensei!
You’ll have no way of grading our homework next year, will you?”
Iruka-sensei grinned evilly. “If that’s what you want to
think, go ahead. Now, your homework for summer vacation will be—!”
Before Iruka-sensei could finish his sentence, the bell
rang, signaling for the end of the school year. Papers flew everywhere, and a deafening
roar welled up inside each and every student. Even star student Haruno Sakura
looked excited for school to be out.
Naruto yelled, waving to her. “Ne, ne! Do you want to go
to the movies with me?”
Sakura blushed. “As if, Naruto-kun! I’m getting my nails
done today! But…you can come with me…if you really want to.”
Naruto laughed. “Ha, ha, sure,
Sakura-chan! Are you going right now? Man, I’ve always wanted to get a
Kiba snorted. “Baka! You’re
ditching me to get your nails done?
Naruto looked sheepish and rubbed the back of his head. “Gomen, Kiba-kun. I forgot that
we’re going to the movies… Who else is going with us, anyway?”
Naruto followed Kiba out to the student parking lot. So they
didn’t have to ride the bus, they bummed a ride off of Kiba’s sister, Hana.
Today, Hana was even willing to bring them to the movie theater before she went
off to work.
“Thanks a ton for driving us, Hana-nee-chan!” Naruto said as
he climbed into the car.
“Anything for you, Naruto-kun!” she answered before cranking
up the radio. “Ah! I love this song! Hope you guys don’t mind my Imogen Heap fetish.” She winked at Naruto in the rearview
Kiba snorted. “Whatever, nee-chan.”
“Who else is going to the theaters?” Naruto prompted.
“Oh yeah… Let’s see… There’s Hinata, Lee, Shikamaru, Chouji…
Umm, since Hinata’s coming, Neji’s coming. Did you ask Gaara?”
Naruto nodded. “He said he’d try to make it, but he didn’t
know if he could get a ride from Temari or not.”
“Why doesn’t Kankuro drive him?”
“Umm, have you seen Kankuro’s driving record? Twenty accidents in the past year!!!”
Hana laughed and said, “It can’t be that bad!”
Naruto rolled his eyes. “Okay, so, maybe I was stretching it
a bit…but it’s pretty close! Anyway, his dad took away his car after he backed
into a pole…or something like that. I don’t know, Temari was laughing too hard
for me to understand her properly.”
“Ah, we’re here…”
“Thanks for the ride, Hana-chan!!!”
“Arigato, nee-chan!”
Hana shook her head slowly before driving off.
“Gaara!!!” Naruto shouted. “You
made it!!!”
“Of course I did,” said Gaara, purposely looking in the
other direction.
“Ano,” Hinata
began timidly. “What are we going to see?”
“Hmm…” Naruto looked at the movie posters. “All of the
really good movies are rated R… Eto…” He turned
toward the group. “Should we see a comedy or a drama?”
Neji shook his head. “Naruto, we’re already way ahead of
you.” He pointed to a poster with the title Insomniac’s
Dream. It had a picture of a figure concealed by shadows, but you could see
his glowing red eyes clearly.
Gaara snorted. “Should I feel offended?”
Naruto slung his arm casually around Gaara’s shoulder. “No,
you shouldn’t feel offended at all…Gaara-chan! Oh, and thanks for buying my
ticket!!!” Naruto ran off before Gaara could protest.
Gaara sighed, resigning himself to his fate. “Two please.”
Haku smiled brightly when the group came up to him with
their tickets.
“Haku-kun!” Naruto shouted. “Ano-sa, ano-sa!
Haku, I know the high school gets out a couple minutes earlier than the middle
school, but…how did you get here so fast, datte bayo?!”
Haku’s smile didn’t waver. He held
up one finger dramatically and said, “It’s…a secret.”
“It’s called ‘work exit,’ baka,”
said Shikamaru tersely.
“Oh. … … … …What’s that?”
Shikamaru sighed. “Didn’t you sign up to take that next
Naruto thought for a moment. “Oh yeah…”
“The movie’s on your left,” said
Haku, still smiling. “Please enjoy…”
“Oh boy!” shouted Naruto. “Popcorn!
Soda! Candy! Bubble gum! More popcorn! …Do you guys want anything?”
Two and a half hours later, the movie was over. It was a
really well thought out production with a deep plot…or it would have been had
Naruto actually been paying attention. He couldn’t remember any dialogue, any
of the story line. His eyes had been glued from start
to finish on the main character of the movie…a pale, lithe boy around his age
with dark black hair and obsidian eyes…
Naruto entered his apartment complex still in a daze.
Tsunade, the landlady, glanced up from her desk as he walked past. “What’s the
matter with him?” she thought before calling his name aloud.
“Hmm?” Naruto shook himself out of
his stupor when he heard his name being called. “What is it, Tsunade-obaa-chan?”
Tsunade tensed at the nickname but
decided to let it slide for the day. “Listen, Naruto, I just wanted to tell
“EHH??? I thought rent was due next week!!! What day is it? Oh, I’m so
sorry! I’ll get it to you by the end of the week!!! I’m really, really—”
“NARUTO!” She waited a few more
seconds for him to calm down. “I’m not talking to you about the rent. Listen, I
just wanted to tell you that a new family is moving in next door to you. I just
wanted to tell you about it, seeing as how there are only two rooms per
floor…so maybe you’ll keep the noise down for once. Please.”
Naruto nodded slowly before the situation fully dawned on
him. “NEW NEIGHBORS?!?! Ohhh, it’s like a dream come
“No it’s not,” Tsunade grumbled. “What with your exuberant
personality, you get a new neighbor at least once a year…”
“What was that, Tsunade-obaa-chan?”
Tsunade felt her fist tighten.
“Uzumaki Naruto!” she shouted suddenly. “I charge you with the mission of
helping your neighbors unpack!”
“…Ooookaaaay, Tsunade-obaa-chan…
Yeesh, you don’t have to yell so loudly and let the
whole world know you’re old and senile…”
Tsunade felt the vein in her temple throb. She picked up a
ream of paper and threw it at him, barely missing his head.
Shizune yelped, apparently coming into the room at
the wrong time and almost getting her head taken off by a stapler. “…Have you
taken your anger pills today?”
“Yes,” seethed Tsunade, “but they make me angrier…”
Naruto paled and hurried from the room. “Damn angry old
hag…” He ducked, just in case she heard him. Nothing came hurtling after him,
so he dashed up to his room, just to be safe.
Naruto paused at the top of the stairwell and stared. There,
merely five feet away, was someone who looked very, very familiar…and anyone
that good looking would be impossible to
He looked up and stared coldly, right back at Naruto, and he
“AH!” shouted Naruto. “I just saw you!”
The boy was confused. “What?”
“I—I just saw your movie! You’re Uchiha Sasuke!”
The boy snorted and went back to pushing the heavy box into
his apartment room. “Yeah, so? What’s it to you?”
Naruto ran over to help the boy with the box. “Nothing, I
guess. I just knew that I had seen you before, and it was going to bug me until
I figured it out.” He stopped pushing the box, stood up, and held out his hand.
“I’m Uzumaki Naruto, by the way. I’m your new neighbor!”
“Uzumaki Naruto?” asked a voice from right behind the two.
Naruto jumped, and a taller version of Sasuke held out a hand in Sasuke’s
stead. “I’m Uchiha Itachi,” the taller man said. “It’s a pleasure to meet
Naruto grinned and shook Itachi’s hand. “Listen,” Naruto
began, “I know it must be hectic moving in and all, so I would like to treat
you to dinner—”
Itachi held up his hand, and Naruto stopped, confused. “Yes,
thank you, Naruto-kun. Sasuke and I greatly appreciate it.” With that, Itachi
disappeared down the stairs, presumably to get more boxes.
“Wow,” said Naruto softly. “Is he always that—?”
“Oppressive?” Sasuke finished.
“Uhh… Not the word I would have
“Well, what word would
you have chosen?”
Naruto felt like Sasuke was provoking him, but he chose to
ignore it. “I was going to say ‘scary as hell.’”
Sasuke snorted. “You get used to it. Now, help me move this,
dobe, before he comes back.”
Naruto shrugged, and, together, the two were able to manage
to get the heavy box over the lip of the doorway. Itachi came back just as they
had finally dragged it over the corner of the living room.
“What’s taking so long?” Itachi asked, bemused. “Perhaps my
little brother isn’t strong enough to carry a little box?”
Sasuke glared. “You know full well that your exercise equipment is in this box!” he snarled.
Itachi smirked. “Why don’t you and your little friend stay
up here and unpack for a bit. Just…don’t touch my things.” He smiled
mysteriously before practically floating out of the room. Naruto noticed that
because Itachi wore a robe that stopped a mere millimeter above the ground,
thus making it impossible to see his feet, he very well could be floating…
Sasuke glared at the retreating form of his brother, and Naruto
felt a chill run down his spine. Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed Naruto by the hand
and dragged him toward one of the back rooms. “Come on, you heard him. Help me
Naruto wrenched his hand from Sasuke’s. “Look, I’m not going
to keep helping you if you keep calling me nasty names!”
“All right, fine. Whatever. I’m out
of he—aahh!!”
Naruto had turned around quickly
to illustrate his point…but it had been a bit too quickly for the amount of boxes in the room. He tripped over
one of the boxes and threw out his hands to avoid falling. Unfortunately,
instead of regaining his balance, he stumbled a bit more, and his outstretched
arms knocked against Sasuke. The two both fell to the ground, Naruto directly
on top of Sasuke.
Confused, Naruto looked down. “EEHHH???”
His face was directly in Uchiha Sasuke’s crotch.
Naruto hastily picked himself up off the ground. “Ano-sa, ano-sa!
I’m really, really, really, really sorry! I didn’t mean it! I’m really—”
“Look, would you just shut up and help me up?”
Blushing furiously, Naruto held out his hand to help Sasuke
up. “Look, I really am—”
“Just drop it.” Sasuke tried to act cool about the whole
situation, but even he couldn’t stop the faint blush from reaching his cheeks.
“Just…don’t ever mention it again, okay?”
“Fine, fine. Let’s get you
Three boxes later and they were still unpacking Sasuke’s
“Damn, man! I thought only girls had this many outfits! You have,
like, a different shirt for every day of the year!”
Sasuke shrugged. “You should see Itachi’s closet. You would
get lost! And if that’s not screaming
‘gay,’ he puts his clothes in rainbow order.”
Naruto’s laughter died off. “…That’s considered gay?”
Sasuke let out what sounded like a laugh. Even if he could
round off this gesture of happiness, he couldn’t hide the grin spreading across
his face. He turned around so Naruto wouldn’t see.
“No, seriously… I’m being dead serious. I mean, it just
makes finding things so much easier… What the hell is this?”
Sasuke grabbed the glittery shirt from Naruto. “This,” he said sharply, “is my shirt
from my first commercial I was in.”
Naruto’s nose wrinkled as he eyed the silver sequins. “What
were you? Peter Pan?”
Sasuke glared. “The only reason I keep this hideous thing is
because Itachi would gut me if I didn’t.”
“So…Itachi… He’s, what, your
“What about your parents? Where are they?” Naruto shuddered
as Sasuke’s cold stare was turned his way. “Umm… Look, I’m really sorry—”
Sasuke turned away and said softly, “You really should stop
apologizing for everything, you know.”
Naruto blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, it’s
a habit. I guess it’s just because I mess up so often… I,
Sasuke looked at Naruto, but his cold gaze was replaced by a
sarcastic smirk. “You’re apologizing for saying ‘sorry’ too often? Baka.”
“Whatever, Peter Pan.”
Sasuke looked like he was just about to punch Naruto when Itachi
interrupted what could have been an all-out brawl. “Are you two ready for
dinner? It’s almost seven o’clock.”
“Why didn’t you come get us sooner, Itachi?” Sasuke snapped.
“Because, little brother, you two sounded like you were
having so much fun.”
Sasuke waited until Itachi had left the room before
muttering under his breath, “Bastard.”
Naruto stared up at Kyuubi, the fanciest restaurant in the
whole city. Naruto had been planning on treating them to Ichiraku Ramen, but
instead he was watching his credit go down the drain. Maybe he could beg Tsunade-obaa-chan for a week’s extension on his rent…
Naruto stared at the menu, searching for something less than
$20. Giving up, he flipped it over to the kid’s menu. He might go home hungry,
but at least he would be able to afford to grab lunchbox from the grocery
store. Maybe that’s what he would do instead, and skip
dinner all together…
“Naruto-kun.” Itachi’s
voice. Naruto looked up at him over his menu. “Don’t worry about
prices.” Yeah, easy for you to say, freeloader! “I’ve got the check covered
Naruto shook his head before he could give in to this
tempting offer. “No, no, Uchiha-san! I promised to treat you—”
Itachi held up his hand, and Naruto stopped talking. “It’s
all right, Naruto-kun. You helped so much with unpacking today, and keeping my
little brother out of my hair… It’s the least I could do. Here, we’ll
compromise. I’ll pick up the tab, and you take care of the tip.”
“O—Okay, Uchiha-san, if you insist—”
Itachi held up his hand once more. “I do insist, and
please…call me Itachi.”
“Oh, and please don’t worry about the prices. Naruto-kun,
tonight you can go all out. You, too, little brother.”
While Naruto thanked him, Sasuke remained silent.
When the food arrived, Naruto was the first to shout, “Itadakimasu!” Sasuke looked
embarrassed while Itachi smiled.
“You have such a splendid personality, Naru-kun.
Wouldn’t you agree, Sasuke?”
Itachi paused with the squid on his chopsticks halfway to
his mouth. His eyes narrowed as he glanced across the restaurant. “If you’ll
excuse me,” he said before angrily standing up and storming across the dining
area. Naruto watched him go curiously, but he lost sight of him.
Sasuke shrugged. “It’s just Kisame,” he explained. “He
follows us around sometimes.”
Naruto stared wide-eyed at Sasuke. “Your brother has a
Sasuke looked bored as he ate his fish. “No, baka, Kisame is a bodyguard.” He
smirked as he looked up at Naruto. He spoke slowly. “The bodyguard’s name is Ki--sa--me.”
Naruto looked confused. “Why are
you speaking so slowly…?”
“You’re being insulted, and you don’t even realize it.”
Sasuke sighed. “You really are an idiot.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. So…why does your brother need a
Sasuke raised an eyebrow curiously. “Why would Itachi have a bodyguard?”
Naruto was even more confused. “What? But, Kisame—”
“Don’t jump to conclusions, dobe. Itachi doesn’t need a
bodyguard. I need a bodyguard. I’m a famous
movie star now, remember?” Much to Naruto’s surprise, Sasuke didn’t sound cocky
as he said this. Instead he sounded…upset…
“Uh, yeah, whatever. Movie star. Bodyguard. Gotcha. So, why is Itachi so pissed off?”
“Itachi’s not pissed off.”
“But then, why did—?”
“Would you let me finish?” Sasuke waited until he had taken
another bite of fish, chewed, and swallowed before continuing—just to piss off
Naruto. “Itachi’s not pissed off at Kisame. Kisame makes him horny as hell. The
second he sees that shark, he pulls him off to the nearest bathroom, and, well,
if you can’t follow that, you really are an idiot.”
Naruto glared. “Well, then, I guess Kisame’s not that great
of a bodyguard, then, is he?”
“Shut up and eat your dinner.”
For once, Naruto did as he was told…but not for too much
longer. “So, uh, what does Itachi do? You know, for a living?”
Sasuke sighed and put down his chopsticks. “He’s a writer.
He writes plays.”
“Well, that’s cool! So, he’s a writer, and you’re an actor! Ano-sa, do you act in his plays?” Naruto’s excitement died
down when he noticed Sasuke’s expression. “Or not?”
“Look, I don’t want to talk about it—”
“Talk about what, little brother?” Naruto froze. He hadn’t
even heard Itachi coming!
“Sorry, Naru-kun,” said Itachi,
ignoring Sasuke completely. His voice was all smiles, but his face remained the
same, almost like a statue. “I thought I saw an…an old
Sasuke snorted. “It’s okay, Itachi.
I told him about Kisame.”
Silence hovered over the table before Itachi broke it with
strained laughter. “Well, this is an unexpected turn of events.” He looked
around. “Waiter? Check, please.” He turned toward
Sasuke. “You do know that the whole point of a bodyguard is to go unnoticed, right? How can he go unnoticed if you tell everyone you meet about him!”
“He’s not much of a bodyguard,” Sasuke retaliated, “when
he’s guarding someone else’s body.”
Naruto suddenly felt very out of place. He breathed a sigh
of relief when the waiter brought the check, breaking up the uncomfortable
discussion. Slowly, slowly, Naruto looked over at the check to calculate the
tip. He paled. How could they owe a $30 tip when there were only three of
them?!?! The tip alone was more than dinner for four at Ichiraku Ramen! He
pulled a twenty and a ten out of his wallet and slowly handed it over to
Mystical Knight Dragon: Gee, I really hope you liked this!!
I started writing around two o’clock
in the morning after eating a whole bunch of ice cream…and I don’t really know
what happened. All I know is that I’ve always wanted to write a Naruto fanfic, and I finally did! Yosh! Anywho, I live and breathe reviews, so if you want to keep
me alive, send some on by. Honestly, half of my ideas for stories and such come
from reviews, so if you have a good idea, type it up
and send it to me!
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