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Reviews for I Saw You....Walking In The Rain

By : Mija
  • From ANON - bridmatt on December 21, 2012
    Oh poop. Read the second part. You did it. You totally justified Naruto and made Sasuke into the villain who jumped to conclusions. Not only that, but Naruto got to be *everybody's* victim. First Sai's (the cheater), and then Sasuke's (the cold-hearted bastard). And all the while, Naruto was the one with the saint-like heart of gold trying to be a good friend to Sai and a good little boyfriend to Sasuke.

    Yeah I'm disappointed. I just like it better when one character isn't so totally in the wrong while the other character is so totally in the right. Shades of gray, you know?

    Well, at least I liked 50% of the fic?
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  • From ANON - bridmatt on December 21, 2012
    I was reading the fic the whole time dreading it turning out to have been some massive misunderstanding. I kept thinking Naruto would be justified in the end, that what Sasuke saw was actually innocent, and Sasuke, in fact, was the real jerk of the situation for jumping to conclusions. So I was SO, SO glad in the end when you didn't do it.

    I think Sasuke already gave Naruto a chance by following him to the apartment building, so you can't blame him for not trying to give Naruto the benefit of the doubt. The problem is, the chances of everything he saw being 100% innocent are very, very slim.

    Naruto and Sai sharing an umbrella could be explained away, but holding hands with your ex isn't an innocent thing. Does Naruto have a habit of holding hands with ALL of his friends? Unless he does, he shouldn't have been holding Sai's hand. As for the intimate air surrounding Naruto and Sai, maybe Sasuke was imagining that, maybe not. Usually people can tell by body language when two people are just a little too comfortable around one another.

    As for the stuff at the apartment, why were they both shirtless? They were sharing an umbrella, so they couldn't have gotten so wet that they immediately needed to strip, could they? But let's say they did. Naruto embracing Sai while they were shirtless (and such an intimate, comfortable way of embracing him) was totally crossing a line. People who aren't fucking don't hug each other when they're half-dressed. They just don't.

    I really wish Sasuke had confronted Naruto about what he'd seen at the apartment in addition to seeing them in the rain. It was the stuff at the apartment that really sent Sasuke over the edge, not the stuff in the rain. If he'd mentioned it, would Naruto have still insisted he could explain, and still acted hurt by Sasuke's words?

    I get the feeling with Naruto's hurt and betrayed response at the end that *perhaps* his relationship with Sai may not have turned into an affair just yet when Sasuke saw him, but it seems to me that it was only a matter of time. Naruto was way, WAY too comfortable around Sai, and if Sai really did see Sasuke at the window, him closing the curtains to make Sasuke misunderstand is a pretty clear sign that he was trying to get Naruto back. And then there's the fact that Sasuke and Sai resemble each other so much. Why would Naruto date someone exactly like his ex when his ex was still around, still good friends with him, and probably still wanted him? (It's quite an interesting dynamic: Sasuke as the replacement for Sai instead of vice versa.)

    If you ever do decide to write the sequel, I really hope you don't go the route of completely justifying Naruto since that was my favorite part of this fic. :) I want him to have been at least guilty of *something.* If not a physical affair with Sai, at least an emotional affair. Or perhaps the knowledge that he'd really been close to the edge, even if he hadn't realized it at the time, and there actually was something there for Sasuke to misunderstand. People's instincts usually aren't wrong. If Sasuke had been feeling uneasy about Naruto and Sai for their whole relationship and if he felt uneasy enough about what he saw in the rain that he felt he had to follow them, there HAD to be something there. Those kinds of feelings don't just come from nowhere.

    Anyway, good fic! Obviously I had a lot to say about it. ;)
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  • From moodysavage on December 18, 2012
    *foot tapping impatiently* ok... now write the years later sequel... the one where Sasuke is miserable and alone because no one can compare and Naruto does forgive him because Sasuke would walk on coals before he ever hurt Naruto again and would do anything just to see him again even if it was just to watch him living his life without him. You know... that story... go on... type away...
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  • From ANON - cinnamon on December 18, 2012
    first, excuse me for any typos or mistakes because i'm leaving this review with tears in my eyes still. so that's what happened. moral lesson is never jump to conclusions. but naruto is at fault as well, in the littlest of ways. knowing full well he has an extremely jealous boyfriend who has issues with naruto's friendship with sai, naruto should've taken precautions and sent sasuke a text message saying, 'i'm with sai, his lover was in an accident and died, i'll stay with him 'til he comes down, miss you, love you' or something along those lines. but then again, if naruto is indeed sort of moron-ish as sasuke had claimed, then i can't blame him for not thinking of that.

    poor naruto though. i want to hug him. first sai cheats on him then sasuke assumes he's cheating and throws him out. that will drive anyone insane. i wish i'd know whether sasuke finds out the truth though. sai should tell him. he owes it to naruto at least. someone should knock some senses into the uchiha, please.

    that's sort of my way of saying this needs a sequel. pretty please? you can write a multi-chaptered story following this two-shots. there's so much that can possibly happen, right? you shouldn't stop your imagination from flowing. may the inspiration clings to you and write a sequel :) but if you don't write one, this story is good as it is. not everything has a happy ending. hell, even i had relationships that ended and i never saw a single strand of hair from most of the guys i've been with (that kinda reveals how old i am, never mind that) ever again.

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  • From ANON - Anon on December 17, 2012
    Yes, I recognized the song reference, but damn, I really don't want to think of it a being OLD, just pleasantly reminiscent. It's funny that you mention a sequel because I kept thinking I would like to know the other side of the coin. I don't feel that just by knowing that side that things will be resolved between them. I feel that it would lead to even more angst. Sometimes people get to a point where they've made decisions that there is no turning back from, regardless of whether it is a result of something that truly happened or just a misunderstanding. That's when you just have to move on.

    So, I do hope you reconsider the sequel, if only for us readers to get the full picture.
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  • From ANON - cinnamon on December 16, 2012
    I love this. I mean, I don't like how it made me cry like a baby, but it's a good read, well written and rather realistic. Now I'm curious what it is that Naruto is trying to explain. Sasuke did see things, could it have been anything else? I wish you'll consider writing the sequel. I sure would love to read it as well.

    *Sprinkles you with inspirational dusts to write the sequel*
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