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Reviews for Cry Merciful Angel (preview)

By : 24CaratCoal
  • From pip on February 06, 2016
    I don't know Naruto, but you did a very good job with his isolation here, and that sense of something dangerous seething just under the surface, barely in check.
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  • From REM1985 on September 15, 2008
    I would say that you have a great start to a story. Your story line is good and I followed what happened easily enough. Your grammer and spelling were better than a great number of stories I have read before. Personally, I would like to see this story continued. If you do continue the story then good luck.
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  • From daughterofvirgo on August 22, 2008
    I really like this story. I hope you decide to continue it. I thought the poem at the beginning was great. You're really talented with verse. I also liked the idea of Itachi as Naruto's mentor. Keep up the great work.
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  • From perfect_blue_rogue on August 01, 2008
    oooh! that is quite the preview! i want to see the story! is it an itachi/naru pairing?
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