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Reviews for Some Kind of Wonderful

By : Elli
  • From TrinityFromtheEraofBlood on January 08, 2010
    HOW COULD YOU NOT FINISH!!! I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD LOL poor naruto and whats garra got to do with this !!!??? so many questions never to be answered!!!
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  • From ANON - L.Lawliet91802 on September 21, 2009
    Ah! I love it! That last chapter was a little short and choppy, as you said, but there's still no doubt you're a fantastic writer. Please update soon. Or... whenever, because I know I always hate it when people tell me to update. Maybe I'm just lazy. I wonder, is Itachi making an appearance at all? He's one of my favourites (I spell it like that because I'm an Aussie. Yay for confusion!).

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  • From ANON - n's on December 23, 2008
    Oh Naruto, as in the words of Michael Scott to Kelly, "You can't solve all your problems by saying you were raped."

    Wow, I don't know how you're gonna swing this and make it into a "love/romance", but I will be thoroughly impressed if you do! This is a very unique idea, and your writing style is superb! Publishable-worthy!(Is this enough praise to boost your already super-inflated ego?)

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  • From FireQueen on July 20, 2008
    please tell me you didn't forget about this story!

    I like it and love to read more, so please update soon

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  • From ANON - Rose on June 09, 2008
    It always makes me laugh when I get done reading a chapter that I happened to like, and the author goes on about how crappy it is. I personally liked it. It was a bit choppy, but Sasuke was chasing naruto, hes getting over being drugged stupid, and has to deal with Kakashi early in the morning-I think choppy works for this. Keep up the goodwork and don't get down on yourself.
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  • From ANON - Rach on May 16, 2008
    Are you kidding!? This chapter was awsome! Your way too hard on yourself. and you don't give yourself enough credit. It looks to me like you really did put thought and effort into this chapter. Im amazed by your detailed imagery. It just sucks me into this world and paints such an enticing story. No one can talk to me when I read your chapters, I'm in another world. I definately look forword to your future chapters. :)
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  • From Rockyshores on May 15, 2008
    This is very interesting, I can't wait to
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  • From Sabriel20 on May 14, 2008
    Please update soon. I'm dying to read more.
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  • From LindyStar on May 14, 2008
    I like this story so far; there's a fair few drug/whore stories out there, but this one is rather engaging. I like how you didn't do a full out sex scene right off the bat; that kind of ruins it, I think. What you did is nice, a bit of a tease/preview. Look forward to seeing what you do with this; hope there's some more drugged out Sasuke angst.
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  • From charmpit on May 14, 2008
    Elli and Ella:

    1. Updates are always good.

    2. I enjoy reading a fic where Sasuke is fighting a damn-near irresistible attraction to Naruto. It is a unique pleasure to watch Sasuke squirm.

    3. "Hey, I thought I told you no freebies"...ROFLMAO Sasuke just had to cop that feel didn't he?

    Next chapter please!
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  • From lexjamandme on May 14, 2008
    It didn't suck! Yes, there wasn't an amazing amount of plot development, but there was character interaction and I adore Sasuke and Naruto interaction. Kakashi's cameo was priceless as well.
    And Gaara... what's that about??
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  • From ladywolfTerri on May 14, 2008
    It was a good chapter...^^... Now Naruto and Sasuke are together.. hmm.. wonder what will happen next??.. maybe Sasuke taking out the amount of money he is missing in Naruto's ass??... XD...Naruto wouldn't be walking for a looooong time... lol
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  • From Sabriel20 on May 02, 2008
    I like how you have their personalities so far, and I hope you don't change them. I loved the end of this chapter. Leave it to Naruto to accuse his savior of raping him.
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  • From ANON - lindsey on April 29, 2008
    LMAO! This is great!
    Can't wait for the next chapter! ^__^
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  • From KyuubiKit on April 29, 2008
    oh please please tell me you'll be updating again soon
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