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Reviews for If It Went This Way

By : Kusachu
  • From ANON - The Hermit on June 12, 2006
    I hate you. Seriously. WHY WONT YOU FREAKING UPDATE? I feel like I've been sitting around forever waiting for a fecking update. It's killing me. Please update. I am in love with your story.
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  • From ANON - ~Dead AKA The Authoress on March 11, 2006
    T.Y.F. LOL! Well, yeah! I know the summary sucks! XD I kinda did that on purpose so people would not be tempted to read this and then come to me and be like "WTF?!? Why aren't you updating?" Because well, you know how i feel about this fic as it is...XP *sigh* Anyways thanks for yelling at me about it! It's nice to know you care!! You wanna write a new one for me?? Itook down Lil-chans review/summary and now i don't have it anymore!! well...i have it FFN...but still...XP Anyways blah...time to work on something...XD
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  • From theyaoifairie on December 29, 2005
    Um... I JUST read your "description" for this story... and.. IT SUCKS!!! Jesus Christ! How do you get any readers with a description like that?!! It does not do this fic justice. Is it even TALKING about this fic? WRITE A DECENT DESCRIPTION FOR YOUR AWESOME FIC!!!!
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  • From ANON - Smurf-chan on December 12, 2005
    But... I dont want you to have a life outside of creating smutty angsty fics for me to read! *throws full on fit complete with pounding fists on the floor and whining*

    Heh! I just read your second review to OOHHABD and now I'm getting images of Obito casting Kankuro little sidelong glances from accross the room while his pervy mind is left to wander... O the things he thinks! LOL.

    Luv ya!
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  • From ANON - One_Sick_Mind on July 23, 2005
    You know, I stopped at like 9 after you mentioned there'd be spoilers past even what's come out in anime, and caught up on the anime I had (up to 120 before the files started crapping out) (and I'd been meaning to watch the rest of Naruto over the summer, but your fic is what prompted me to get around to it!! XD), and then I read the next two chapters and realized you meant you'd keep going that long... not necessarily that there'd be spoilers anytime soon...

    Do you realize that you've written 11 chapters and barely reached Episode 3?????

    I hope you keep going all the way through! XD This is really fascinating to read, and very well-written, and especially intriguing the way you're following a plot line we already know but making it vastly different by putting in Obito and making a few assumptions about the characters... YOU ROCK!!! I hope you do the entire series this way. If you're having trouble keeping up the writing, remember that we already know essentially what's going on in the storyliine, you just need to show us what happens differently (hopefully inclulding little boy sex X)) and the chapters really DON'T have to be that long... although that will give us that much more to enjoy!!! Did I mention you rock? YOU ROCK!!!!!


    Oh yeah, and about "dobe"... It seemed to me that there was a different word Sasuke was calling Naruto, and since I don't have precise hearing I couldn't make out what it was, and since I'm lazy I'm not going back now to listen to it again, but he called Naruto that a LOT during the episode they're learing to climb the trees, I think. And other times throughout the series. It definitely wasn't "dobe."

    ...and you do realize, that once the Toonami dub hits the air, we're going to be flooded with readers who don't know ANY Japanese WHATSOEVER, and will be like "what does '-san' mean? What's a ramen? What's a kunai? (cuz you know they'll just call them 'knives' in the dubs) Why does everyone have such weird names? Please change their names to normal-sounding ones like 'Darius.'"
    And I personally will be like STFU bitch and watch the subs and then post a little thing at the beginning of each fic defining the Japanese words.

    I like Inner Sakura as a separate entity-- and with all the insanity going around in this fic, this interpereteation of her fits better-- but of course, it's whatever your judgment thinks is best. *personally thinks Sakura's split persona is the only thing that makes her character somewhat interesting and tolerable (I mean in the series not just your fic)*

    I love Sasuke's reaction to his kage bushin. It seems really realistic, both for a regular person (like me!) to have that reaction to seeing clones, and especially for someone with issues like him to be very creeped out.

    Okay, and umm, whaddaya mean bold doesn't show up on AFF? I think I recall a certain fic a certain someone has come back to a few times... *squees and dances happily* and I did the bold in its heading with the plain old "b" tags. I use the text field to update.

    Sooooo yeah, KEEP GOING KEEP GOING!!!!! This is really fucking awesome, I want to see more, It's like watching my favorite series all over again except with awesomespectacular changes!!!! A suicidal, self-harming Sasuke... a teetotaler teacher... KEEP GOING OR I WILL EAT YOUR TOES WITH A LIGHT ALFREDO SAUCE!!!

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  • From ANON - The_Yaoi_Fairie on June 27, 2005
    Some completely random thoughts picking on completely random sections from around chapter 9-ish...

    ^____^ I love how Naruto's and Sakura's problem's can be replaced with happiness by ramen and a hot guy.

    “Hey! You’re not cutting yourself in there are you?” Obito was trying his best to lighten the mood. He wasn’t really good at that sort of thing.
    --- For some reason that make me snicker a LOT.

    . Sakura’s thigh had been more comfortable than he would have ever believed, had he not experienced it for himself. He suddenly wished he had it with him for a pillow more often.
    --- Okayyy, that was a little... demented. Just a little unexpected scrap of insanity, I love it!!

    But alas, I can't help the feeling of despair that the two guys I most like to see with Sasuke (Kakashi and Iruka) are already dead. *hopeful look* Maybe he can visit their graves and dig them up for a little delusional necrophilia...?


    mmmbyes until I catch up with the series so your ficcie doesn't spoil the 60 episodes I have left to see! This is GREAT and it's my main motivation for finally organizig my CD's and finishing watching it!
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  • From ANON - blisblop on June 25, 2005
    Cool!Sasuke is freaked by his bunshin?Ok?.Poor poor sexy boy.Naruto is just bound and determind to see Sasuke as unworthy isn't he?Its pretty ugly hypocritical behaviour .
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  • From ANON - april on June 23, 2005
    wahhhh more more more you drunken freak! i love you agian happy birth day@!
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  • From ANON - The_Yaoi_Fairie on June 22, 2005
    OK OK I was really trying to be a good girl and read the WHOLE story BEFORE I commented, but Chapter 4 was TOO_FUCKING_GREAT!!!!! They way the perspective changed between Naruto and Sasuke and they saw the same thing in completely different ways! And Naruto screaming at Sasuke for being such a psychopath!! OMFG I LOVE YOU!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! AND THERE ISN"T EVEN ANY SEX YET!!! YOU_ARE_***MAGIC***_!!!!!!

    SO MUCH JOY! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THE JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!! *passes out and twitches madly in happy dream about Chapter 4's joy*
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  • From ANON - Iron Dragon Maiden on June 15, 2005
    Great Story! Finally someone made a Naruto fic where there is much more to Naru-chan than meets the eye in an interelly different way!
    By the way, are you going to make Obito-kun tell Naruto that the Yondaime was his father? I mean, even if he said that he doesn't want to talk about his parents don't you think that he has the right to know that his dad was the man that sealed Kyuubi in him? Oh well, you choose. Since I like your story very much! Also, is Naruto-kun very graceful in his own home because he is in 'familiar territory' and he is clumsy in 'unfamiliar territory'? Or is it because he is normally graceful and just hides it from others? If so is it because Kyuubi is a fox demon (foxes are known to be elegant, graceful and beautiful creatures even if they are thieves)?
    I read about your little problem concerning Yondaime's name. While I have read thousand's of fics where he is called Arashi (I thought it was a girls name since 1) Arashi means 'tempest' in japanese and 2) in X/1999 a FEMALE character's name is Arashi) I do not know if that is his real name. What I do know is that his nickname was the 'yellow flash of Konoha' since he was so fast that when he fought all that you saw was a yellow flash (probably his hair color). Since you might want his name to have something to do with speed I sugest you call him Hiei because 1) it means 'flying shadow' in Japanese 2) the meaning of the name is pretty close to the yellow flash description 'cause it means that the shadow is moving so fast it looks like it is flying and 3) Hiei is a character from Yuu Yuu Hakusho (an absoluto must read manga and must see anime) who moves so fast that all you can see is a black blur.

    Hope that I have been helpful.

    Iron Dragon Maiden at your service.
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  • From ANON - Liliath on June 15, 2005
    my oh my, I've been kinda ridden off of my emotions, since it's kinda late and all, so please, excuse me if, later at night or day, you'll be reading this review and it'll give you a heartattack....*cough* to the fic then..................................................speechless XDDDDD COOL COOL COOL LOVING THIS LOVING YOU IM GONNA DRAW YOU YET ANOTHER PIC WHENEVER YOU ASK FOR IT AND WHATEVER SHALL IT BE EVEN A YAOI SCENE EVEN A SMUT ANYTHING ANYTHING JUST ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! TTvTT I LO~~~~~~~~~~VE YOU SO~~~~~~~~~ MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*cries happily while slamming her head against the table* SO *slam* DAMN *slam* FAN *slam*FUCKING *slam* FANTASTIC *slam* AND *slam* ADDICTIVE~~~~~~!!!!!!*SLAM*......*fainst* x_x
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  • From ANON - fyredevyl on June 15, 2005
    You know, the dobe thing got me too. The very first couple fanfics I read kept using it over and over and I didn't even remember it. I finally went back and watched ep.3 and so far that's been the only place I've ever heard Sasuke use it. He uses usuratonkachi everywhere me anyway. I think that's why I'm writing an AU, so I don't have to deal with that.

    This was a great chapter, as always. For some reason I couldn't help snorting over Naruto's clone laughing and scratching its head and then Naruto giving it a funny look. That part just stuck out to me.

    I'm so happy Sasuke couldn't do the kage bunshin as well as Naruto. HAHAHAHA, Naruto is better than him at something!

    I agree with Naruto that having Sasuke around is creepy. I wouldn't want multiple clones of him around either. But you're right, it is a lot of fun torturing him--well, in the good way at least.

    Update faster! ^_^
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  • From ANON - on June 14, 2005
    In order to use italics, you have to use http. you need to input . text in order to make italics when you paste the text in (remove the periods). This way you can make it italics, bold with B and underlined with U. You can also combine them.

    I really can't wait until the test. I want to know the diferences between canon and here.

    Update as soon as you can. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Ghonchi on May 21, 2005
    *twich* Lee and Ten-Ten in Gai suit? *shudders*
    *chough* where thinkin' about some diffrent pairings? I can only come up with really freky Konohamaru and The third?(that's the dear schizo part of me talkin...not fun to have him inhere all the friggin time! *bangs head on keyboard*)
    Squee! Yondy-chan! What about Yondy and Kimimaru (way to hot to kill!!)? wouldn't be a problem if Yondy wasn't dead >_
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  • From ANON - MultifacetedTune on May 20, 2005
    XP Mind telling me what that was? *points to your Author's babble that ended up being about the same length (if not longer) than the actual chapter* And I though -I- was insane.......... *sigh* Just to let you know, half of those "pairings" *shudders* made me sick just thinking about them!!! Eewwwwww.......... Tell me, are you -trying- to whore your characters??? Just because a character exists doesn't mean that you have to add them into your fic, expecially not be means of some sick, twisted, fucked-up sexual encounter!!! ^___~ Okay, I'm done ranting, lol. Oh, and I loved the "teaser" for the next chapter....... and yes, as sad as it was, that pun -was- inteded to be there. ^^ Speaking of, are you working on the next chapter for that, as well? *hopes so* Okay, well, I have to go -- ja ne!!! *goes back to doing "homework" -- a.k.a. working on answering your last review* ^___~

    And just for the heck of it: d(^-^)b *snickers*
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